1. ##########################################################################################
  2. _ _ _ _
  3. __| | _____ _____| | ___ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ ___| | _____
  4. / _` |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| / _` |/ _ \/ _ \ |/ / __|
  5. | (_| | __/\ V / __/ | (_) | |_) | | | | | | __/ | | | |_ | (_| | __/ __/ <\__ \
  6. \__,_|\___| \_/ \___|_|\___/| .__/|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__| \__, |\___|\___|_|\_\___/
  7. |_| |___/
  8. ##########################################################################################
  9. ##########################################################################################
  10. ##### Omega Theme
  11. ##########################################################################################
  12. Informational:
  13. Project Page:
  14. Issue Queue:
  15. Usage Stats:
  16. Twitter:
  17. Maintainer(s):
  18. Jake Strawn
  24. Sebastian Siemssen
  27. ##########################################################################################
  28. ##### CHANGELOG.txt
  29. ##########################################################################################
  30. CHANGELOG.txt to track changes to the Omega theme.
  31. ##########################################################################################
  32. ##### Current Release: 7.x-3.0-rc2
  33. ##### Pending changes for Next Release
  34. ##########################################################################################
  35. 7/31/11
  36. =========
  37. #1233462 - Debug access was accidently being cached.
  38. 7/29/11
  39. =========
  40. #983758 - Panels Integration #1. This might not yet cover mini panels.
  41. #1233550 - Fixed a bug that caused zones to be incorrectly described as "empty" in the
  42. theme settings.
  43. ##########################################################################################
  44. ##### Changes in: 7.x-3.0-rc1
  45. ##########################################################################################
  46. 7/27/11
  47. =========
  48. #1230786 - Fixed the region & zone configuration tab to properly remove the "There are
  49. no unassigned regions" message when there are unassigned regions.
  50. #1231160 - Fixed template_preprocess_node to produce the proper content_attributes_array.
  51. 7/26/11
  52. =========
  53. #1229798 - Fixed alpha_cache_clear().
  54. ##########################################################################################
  55. ##### Changes in: 7.x-3.0-beta2
  56. ##########################################################################################
  57. 7/25/11
  58. =========
  59. #1228106 - Major code review and performance enhancements. This needs to be tested!
  60. 7/24/11
  61. =========
  62. #1220198 - Sadly I had to also revert the latest changes on the equal height feature
  63. since due to a WebKit bug the height of an element does not inherit the min-height value
  64. properly and therefore the whole concept behind the last patch is wonky. (@see the issue
  65. on d.o for further explanation).
  66. 7/18/11
  67. =========
  68. #1220198 - Reverting the equal height feature changes from yesterday. This feature is
  69. now based on jQuery again but the code was rewritten. It is now based on a jQuery
  70. library from Ben Alman. This should even work with expandable textareas / fieldsets
  71. and basically everything else that might have an impact on the height of a single
  72. now and basically everything else that might have an impact on the height of a single
  73. element in a group.
  74. 7/17/11
  75. =========
  76. #1220198 - The equal height feature is now solely based on CSS. This might still not
  77. be the perfect solution but the jQuery approach that we were using before proved to be
  78. a dead end.
  79. #1220950 - Fixed and minified RTL grid CSS files.
  80. 7/09/11
  81. =========
  82. #1214048 - Omega no longer abuses the variables table for the caching. Instead we are
  83. now using cache_set and cache_get.
  84. #1213176 - Fixed the theme settings in the starterkits. The global.css file is now active
  85. by default.
  86. ##########################################################################################
  87. ##### Changes in: 7.x-3.0-beta2
  88. ##########################################################################################
  89. 6/29/11
  90. =========
  91. #1204254 - Removed mobile.css and style.css in favor of one single global.css.
  92. 6/28/11
  93. =========
  94. #1202708 - Fix inline display of field labels.
  95. ##########################################################################################
  96. ##### Changes in: 7.x-3.0-beta1
  97. ##########################################################################################
  98. 6/27/11
  99. =========
  100. #1200272 - Fixed a bug that was incorrectly assuming that all regions are part of a zone.
  101. #1191762 - Reworked the JavaScript libraries to use Drupal.behaviors.
  102. #1198476 - If the media query library is enabled the equal heights feature will be
  103. deactivated on the mobile version.
  104. 6/19/11
  105. =========
  106. #1192918 - The RTL grid CSS files were upside-down for the pull, push, prefix and suffix
  107. CSS classes. This is now fixed.
  108. 6/17/11
  109. =========
  110. #1191764 - We are no longer use unset() on regions if they are not enabled. Instead move
  111. them to #excluded so that subthemes can use them later (in hook_page_alter).
  112. #1191762 - Added a JavaScript "Library" to check if a media query / grid layout applies.
  113. This libray can be used in your custom subtheme JavaScript code to find out wether or
  114. not a layout is currently active. You can also check for media query strings directly.
  115. #1191754 - Optimizing alpha-debug.js and alpha-debug.css.
  116. #1186924 - Set min-height to 1px for .region in alpha-debug.css so that emtpy regions
  117. don't collapse weirdly when toggling off the debugging blocks with the JavaScript button.
  118. #1191772 - Separated the effects of primary region option into two separate features:
  119. The "Primary region" dropdown now only has an effect on the width of a region by covering
  120. the empty space in a zone. The "Position" dropdown controls the visual positioning of
  121. a region while the "Weight" dropdown controls the weight of the region in the DOM.
  122. 6/14/11
  123. =========
  124. #1186924 - Added button to toggle debugging blocks on and off via JavaScript.
  125. #1188422 - Delta templates can now use the debugging settings too.
  126. #1188480 - The user-defined CSS classes for zones did not find their way into the HTML
  127. output due to a typo in the zone preproccesor. This is now fixed.
  128. 6/12/11
  129. =========
  130. #1184122 - The main page content block did not get placed properly by drupal_render_page.
  131. We now anticipate that behavior in special cases where the user disabled the main page
  132. content block in the blocks configuration and set it before drupal_render_page can break
  133. it.
  134. #1184144 - The default settings of the starterkits now activate the CSS files that each
  135. starterkit ships with by default.
  136. #1184546 - Merged the zone and region configuration tabs into one single tab and made
  137. the zones and regions collapsible fieldsets.
  138. 6/09/11
  139. =========
  140. #1183482 - Increase the weight of the starterkits default stylesheets so they are able
  141. to override the built-in Omega and Alpha stylesheets. Also setting the Alpha stylesheets
  142. to a weight of -20.
  143. #1184006 - Replaced the debugging blocks with simple markup elements. They have the same
  144. functionality but come with less problems.