########################################################################################## _ _ _ _ __| | _____ _____| | ___ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ ___| | _____ / _` |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| / _` |/ _ \/ _ \ |/ / __| | (_| | __/\ V / __/ | (_) | |_) | | | | | | __/ | | | |_ | (_| | __/ __/ <\__ \ \__,_|\___| \_/ \___|_|\___/| .__/|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__| \__, |\___|\___|_|\_\___/ |_| |___/ ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## ##### Omega Theme ########################################################################################## Informational: http://himer.us/omega960 Project Page: http://drupal.org/project/omega Issue Queue: http://drupal.org/project/issues/omega Usage Stats: http://drupal.org/project/usage/omega Twitter: http://twitter.com/Omeglicon Maintainer(s): Jake Strawn http://himerus.com http://developmentgeeks.com http://facebook.com/developmentgeeks http://drupal.org/user/159141 http://twitter.com/himerus Sebastian Siemssen http://twitter.com/thefubhy http://drupal.org/user/761344 ########################################################################################## ##### CHANGELOG.txt ########################################################################################## CHANGELOG.txt to track changes to the Omega theme. ########################################################################################## ##### Current Release: 7.x-3.0-rc2 ##### Pending changes for Next Release ########################################################################################## 7/31/11 ========= #1233462 - Debug access was accidently being cached. 7/29/11 ========= #983758 - Panels Integration #1. This might not yet cover mini panels. #1233550 - Fixed a bug that caused zones to be incorrectly described as "empty" in the theme settings. ########################################################################################## ##### Changes in: 7.x-3.0-rc1 ########################################################################################## 7/27/11 ========= #1230786 - Fixed the region & zone configuration tab to properly remove the "There are no unassigned regions" message when there are unassigned regions. #1231160 - Fixed template_preprocess_node to produce the proper content_attributes_array. 7/26/11 ========= #1229798 - Fixed alpha_cache_clear(). ########################################################################################## ##### Changes in: 7.x-3.0-beta2 ########################################################################################## 7/25/11 ========= #1228106 - Major code review and performance enhancements. This needs to be tested! 7/24/11 ========= #1220198 - Sadly I had to also revert the latest changes on the equal height feature since due to a WebKit bug the height of an element does not inherit the min-height value properly and therefore the whole concept behind the last patch is wonky. (@see the issue on d.o for further explanation). 7/18/11 ========= #1220198 - Reverting the equal height feature changes from yesterday. This feature is now based on jQuery again but the code was rewritten. It is now based on a jQuery library from Ben Alman. This should even work with expandable textareas / fieldsets and basically everything else that might have an impact on the height of a single now and basically everything else that might have an impact on the height of a single element in a group. 7/17/11 ========= #1220198 - The equal height feature is now solely based on CSS. This might still not be the perfect solution but the jQuery approach that we were using before proved to be a dead end. #1220950 - Fixed and minified RTL grid CSS files. 7/09/11 ========= #1214048 - Omega no longer abuses the variables table for the caching. Instead we are now using cache_set and cache_get. #1213176 - Fixed the theme settings in the starterkits. The global.css file is now active by default. ########################################################################################## ##### Changes in: 7.x-3.0-beta2 ########################################################################################## 6/29/11 ========= #1204254 - Removed mobile.css and style.css in favor of one single global.css. 6/28/11 ========= #1202708 - Fix inline display of field labels. ########################################################################################## ##### Changes in: 7.x-3.0-beta1 ########################################################################################## 6/27/11 ========= #1200272 - Fixed a bug that was incorrectly assuming that all regions are part of a zone. #1191762 - Reworked the JavaScript libraries to use Drupal.behaviors. #1198476 - If the media query library is enabled the equal heights feature will be deactivated on the mobile version. 6/19/11 ========= #1192918 - The RTL grid CSS files were upside-down for the pull, push, prefix and suffix CSS classes. This is now fixed. 6/17/11 ========= #1191764 - We are no longer use unset() on regions if they are not enabled. Instead move them to #excluded so that subthemes can use them later (in hook_page_alter). #1191762 - Added a JavaScript "Library" to check if a media query / grid layout applies. This libray can be used in your custom subtheme JavaScript code to find out wether or not a layout is currently active. You can also check for media query strings directly. #1191754 - Optimizing alpha-debug.js and alpha-debug.css. #1186924 - Set min-height to 1px for .region in alpha-debug.css so that emtpy regions don't collapse weirdly when toggling off the debugging blocks with the JavaScript button. #1191772 - Separated the effects of primary region option into two separate features: The "Primary region" dropdown now only has an effect on the width of a region by covering the empty space in a zone. The "Position" dropdown controls the visual positioning of a region while the "Weight" dropdown controls the weight of the region in the DOM. 6/14/11 ========= #1186924 - Added button to toggle debugging blocks on and off via JavaScript. #1188422 - Delta templates can now use the debugging settings too. #1188480 - The user-defined CSS classes for zones did not find their way into the HTML output due to a typo in the zone preproccesor. This is now fixed. 6/12/11 ========= #1184122 - The main page content block did not get placed properly by drupal_render_page. We now anticipate that behavior in special cases where the user disabled the main page content block in the blocks configuration and set it before drupal_render_page can break it. #1184144 - The default settings of the starterkits now activate the CSS files that each starterkit ships with by default. #1184546 - Merged the zone and region configuration tabs into one single tab and made the zones and regions collapsible fieldsets. 6/09/11 ========= #1183482 - Increase the weight of the starterkits default stylesheets so they are able to override the built-in Omega and Alpha stylesheets. Also setting the Alpha stylesheets to a weight of -20. #1184006 - Replaced the debugging blocks with simple markup elements. They have the same functionality but come with less problems.