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<div id="content" class="class">
	<h1>Class Mandrill_Urls</h1>

	<div class="info">

		<b>Located at</b> <a href="source-class-Mandrill_Urls.html#3-106" title="Go to source code">Mandrill/Urls.php</a><br />

	<table class="summary" id="methods">
	<caption>Methods summary</caption>
	<tr data-order="__construct" id="___construct">

		<td class="attributes"><code>

		<td class="name"><div>
		<a class="anchor" href="#___construct">#</a>
		<code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Urls.html#4-6" title="Go to source code">__construct</a>( <span><code><a href="class-Mandrill.html">Mandrill</a></code> <var>$master</var></span> )</code>

		<div class="description short">

		<div class="description detailed hidden">

	<tr data-order="getList" id="_getList">

		<td class="attributes"><code>

		<td class="name"><div>
		<a class="anchor" href="#_getList">#</a>
		<code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Urls.html#8-20" title="Go to source code">getList</a>( )</code>

		<div class="description short">
<p>Get the 100 most clicked URLs</p>


		<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Get the 100 most clicked URLs</p>

				<div class="list">
					<code>array</code><br>the 100 most clicked URLs and their stats - return[] struct the individual URL
stats - url string the URL to be tracked - sent integer the number of emails
that contained the URL - clicks integer the number of times the URL has been
clicked from a tracked email - unique_clicks integer the number of unique emails
that have generated clicks for this URL<br />

	<tr data-order="search" id="_search">

		<td class="attributes"><code>

		<td class="name"><div>
		<a class="anchor" href="#_search">#</a>
		<code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Urls.html#22-35" title="Go to source code">search</a>( <span>string <var>$q</var></span> )</code>

		<div class="description short">
<p>Return the 100 most clicked URLs that match the search query given</p>


		<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return the 100 most clicked URLs that match the search query given</p>

				<div class="list"><dl>
					<dd><code>string</code><br>$q a search query</dd>

				<div class="list">
					<code>array</code><br>the 100 most clicked URLs matching the search query - return[] struct the URL
matching the query - url string the URL to be tracked - sent integer the number
of emails that contained the URL - clicks integer the number of times the URL
has been clicked from a tracked email - unique_clicks integer the number of
unique emails that have generated clicks for this URL<br />

	<tr data-order="timeSeries" id="_timeSeries">

		<td class="attributes"><code>

		<td class="name"><div>
		<a class="anchor" href="#_timeSeries">#</a>
		<code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Urls.html#37-50" title="Go to source code">timeSeries</a>( <span>string <var>$url</var></span> )</code>

		<div class="description short">
<p>Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for a url</p>


		<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for a url</p>

				<div class="list"><dl>
					<dd><code>string</code><br>$url an existing URL</dd>

				<div class="list">
					<code>array</code><br>the array of history information - return[] struct the information for a single
hour - time string the hour as a UTC date string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format -
sent integer the number of emails that were sent with the URL during the hour -
clicks integer the number of times the URL was clicked during the hour -
unique_clicks integer the number of unique clicks generated for emails sent with
this URL during the hour<br />

	<tr data-order="trackingDomains" id="_trackingDomains">

		<td class="attributes"><code>

		<td class="name"><div>
		<a class="anchor" href="#_trackingDomains">#</a>
		<code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Urls.html#52-68" title="Go to source code">trackingDomains</a>( )</code>

		<div class="description short">
<p>Get the list of tracking domains set up for this account</p>


		<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Get the list of tracking domains set up for this account</p>

				<div class="list">
					<code>array</code><br>the tracking domains and their status - return[] struct the individual tracking
domain - domain string the tracking domain name - created_at string the date and
time that the tracking domain was added as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
format - last_tested_at string when the domain's DNS settings were last tested
as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - cname struct details about the
domain's CNAME record - valid boolean whether the domain's CNAME record is valid
for use with Mandrill - valid_after string when the domain's CNAME record will
be considered valid for use with Mandrill as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
format. If set, this indicates that the record is valid now, but was previously
invalid, and Mandrill will wait until the record's TTL elapses to start using
it. - error string an error describing the CNAME record, or null if the record
is correct - valid_tracking boolean whether this domain can be used as a
tracking domain for email.<br />

	<tr data-order="addTrackingDomain" id="_addTrackingDomain">

		<td class="attributes"><code>

		<td class="name"><div>
		<a class="anchor" href="#_addTrackingDomain">#</a>
		<code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Urls.html#70-86" title="Go to source code">addTrackingDomain</a>( <span>string <var>$domain</var></span> )</code>

		<div class="description short">
<p>Add a tracking domain to your account</p>


		<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Add a tracking domain to your account</p>

				<div class="list"><dl>
					<dd><code>string</code><br>$domain a domain name</dd>

				<div class="list">
					<code>struct</code><br>information about the domain - domain string the tracking domain name -
created_at string the date and time that the tracking domain was added as a UTC
string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - last_tested_at string when the domain's
DNS settings were last tested as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format -
cname struct details about the domain's CNAME record - valid boolean whether the
domain's CNAME record is valid for use with Mandrill - valid_after string when
the domain's CNAME record will be considered valid for use with Mandrill as a
UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. If set, this indicates that the record
is valid now, but was previously invalid, and Mandrill will wait until the
record's TTL elapses to start using it. - error string an error describing the
CNAME record, or null if the record is correct - valid_tracking boolean whether
this domain can be used as a tracking domain for email.<br />

	<tr data-order="checkTrackingDomain" id="_checkTrackingDomain">

		<td class="attributes"><code>

		<td class="name"><div>
		<a class="anchor" href="#_checkTrackingDomain">#</a>
		<code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Urls.html#88-104" title="Go to source code">checkTrackingDomain</a>( <span>string <var>$domain</var></span> )</code>

		<div class="description short">
<p>Checks the CNAME settings for a tracking domain. The domain must have been
added already with the add-tracking-domain call</p>


		<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Checks the CNAME settings for a tracking domain. The domain must have been
added already with the add-tracking-domain call</p>

				<div class="list"><dl>
					<dd><code>string</code><br>$domain an existing tracking domain name</dd>

				<div class="list">
					<code>struct</code><br>information about the tracking domain - domain string the tracking domain name -
created_at string the date and time that the tracking domain was added as a UTC
string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - last_tested_at string when the domain's
DNS settings were last tested as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format -
cname struct details about the domain's CNAME record - valid boolean whether the
domain's CNAME record is valid for use with Mandrill - valid_after string when
the domain's CNAME record will be considered valid for use with Mandrill as a
UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. If set, this indicates that the record
is valid now, but was previously invalid, and Mandrill will wait until the
record's TTL elapses to start using it. - error string an error describing the
CNAME record, or null if the record is correct - valid_tracking boolean whether
this domain can be used as a tracking domain for email.<br />



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