@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ function metatag_requirements($phase) {
elseif ($phase == 'runtime') {
elseif ($phase == 'runtime') {
+ // Complete data dump of all installed modules, used later.
+ $module_data = system_rebuild_module_data();
// Work out the release of D7 that is currently running.
// Work out the release of D7 that is currently running.
list($major, $minor) = explode('.', VERSION);
list($major, $minor) = explode('.', VERSION);
// Strip off any suffixes on the version string, e.g. "17-dev".
// Strip off any suffixes on the version string, e.g. "17-dev".
@@ -71,15 +74,6 @@ function metatag_requirements($phase) {
'description' => $t("This older version of Drupal core is missing functionality necessary for the module's multilingual support and contains a broken [node:summary] token, it must be upgraded to version 7.28 or newer."),
'description' => $t("This older version of Drupal core is missing functionality necessary for the module's multilingual support and contains a broken [node:summary] token, it must be upgraded to version 7.28 or newer."),
- // Everything's OK.
- else {
- $requirements['metatag'] = array(
- 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
- 'title' => 'Metatag',
- 'value' => $t('Drupal core is compatible'),
- 'description' => $t('Older versions of Drupal core contained bugs that made them incompatible with Metatag, but this version will work correctly.'),
- );
- }
// Add a note if Page Title is also installed.
// Add a note if Page Title is also installed.
if (module_exists('page_title')) {
if (module_exists('page_title')) {
@@ -104,16 +98,16 @@ function metatag_requirements($phase) {
// Check that Entity_Translation is current.
// Check that Entity_Translation is current.
- if (module_exists('entity_translation')) {
- $rev = db_query("SELECT schema_version FROM {system} WHERE name = :module", array(':module' => 'entity_translation'))->fetchColumn();
- if ($rev < 7004) {
- $requirements['metatag_et_old'] = array(
- 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
- 'title' => 'Metatag',
- 'value' => $t('<a href="@url">Entity_Translation</a> is out of date and requires updating', array('@url' => 'http://drupal.org/project/entity_translation')),
- 'description' => $t('The Entity_Translation module is out of date and needs to be updated in order to be compatible with Metatag.'),
- );
- }
+ if (module_exists('entity_translation')
+ && !empty($module_data['entity_translation'])
+ && !empty($module_data['entity_translation']->schema_version)
+ && $module_data['entity_translation']->schema_version < 7004) {
+ $requirements['metatag_et_version'] = array(
+ 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
+ 'title' => 'Metatag',
+ 'value' => $t('<a href="@url">Entity_Translation</a> is out of date and requires updating', array('@url' => 'https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_translation')),
+ 'description' => $t('The Entity_Translation module is out of date and needs to be updated in order to be compatible with Metatag.'),
+ );
// It's recommended to install the Transliteration module to clean up file
// It's recommended to install the Transliteration module to clean up file
@@ -134,12 +128,12 @@ function metatag_requirements($phase) {
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_INFO,
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_INFO,
'title' => 'Metatag',
'title' => 'Metatag',
'value' => $t('The Imagecache Token module is recommended.'),
'value' => $t('The Imagecache Token module is recommended.'),
- 'description' => $t("It is recommended to install the <a href=\"@url\">Imagecache Token module</a> to make it easier to control image meta tags, e.g. og:image.", array('@url' => 'https://drupal.org/project/imagecache_token')),
+ 'description' => $t("It is recommended to install the <a href=\"@url\">Imagecache Token module</a> to make it easier to control image meta tags, e.g. og:image. See the Metatag module's README.txt for details.", array('@url' => 'https://drupal.org/project/imagecache_token')),
// The Admin Language module can cause problems.
// The Admin Language module can cause problems.
- if (!module_exists('admin_language') && variable_get('admin_language_force_neutral', 0)) {
+ if (module_exists('admin_language') && variable_get('admin_language_force_neutral', 0)) {
$requirements['metatag_admin_language'] = array(
$requirements['metatag_admin_language'] = array(
'title' => 'Metatag',
'title' => 'Metatag',
@@ -147,6 +141,46 @@ function metatag_requirements($phase) {
'description' => $t("Using the \"@option\" with Metatag can lead to data loss, so it is recommended to <a href=\"@url\">disable that option</a>.", array('@option' => t('Force language neutral aliases'), '@url' => url('admin/config/regional/language/admin_language'))),
'description' => $t("Using the \"@option\" with Metatag can lead to data loss, so it is recommended to <a href=\"@url\">disable that option</a>.", array('@option' => t('Force language neutral aliases'), '@url' => url('admin/config/regional/language/admin_language'))),
+ // Token v7.x-1.6 is *highly* recommended.
+ $token_module = $module_data['token'];
+ // If the version string is not present then it means the module is running
+ // from git, which means it can't be compared against. Alternatively, look
+ // for the test file, which was the last commit of the 1.6 release.
+ if (!empty($token_module->info['version'])
+ || empty($token_module->info['files'])) {
+ // If there's no test file then this is older than v1.6.
+ if (empty($token_module->info['files'])) {
+ $minor = 5;
+ }
+ // Otherwise check the version string.
+ else {
+ // Versions are in the format 7.x-1.y, so split the string up to find
+ // the 'y' portion.
+ $version = explode('-', $token_module->info['version']);
+ if (isset($version[1])) {
+ list($major, $minor) = explode('.', $version[1]);
+ // Strip off any suffixes on the version string, e.g. "17-dev".
+ if (strpos('-', $minor)) {
+ list($minor, $suffix) = explode('-', $minor);
+ }
+ }
+ // If the version string couldn't be extracted correctly, assume that
+ // an incorrect version is installed.
+ else {
+ $minor = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // If v1.6 is not installed, give a warning.
+ if ($minor < 6) {
+ $requirements['metatag_token_version'] = array(
+ 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_WARNING,
+ 'title' => 'Metatag',
+ 'value' => $t('Token module is out of date.'),
+ 'description' => $t('It is highly recommended to install <a href="https://www.drupal.org/project/token">Token module</a> v7.x-1.6 or newer, otherwise there may be problems using certain meta tags.'),
+ );
+ }
+ }
return $requirements;
return $requirements;
@@ -241,13 +275,21 @@ function metatag_schema() {
'indexes' => array(
'indexes' => array(
- 'type_revision' => array('entity_type','revision_id'),
+ 'type_revision' => array(
+ 'entity_type',
+ 'revision_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'primary key' => array(
+ 'entity_type',
+ 'entity_id',
+ 'revision_id',
+ 'language',
- 'primary key' => array('entity_type', 'entity_id', 'revision_id', 'language'),
$schema['cache_metatag'] = drupal_get_schema_unprocessed('system', 'cache');
$schema['cache_metatag'] = drupal_get_schema_unprocessed('system', 'cache');
- $schema['cache_metatag']['description'] = t('Cache table for the generated meta tag output.');
+ $schema['cache_metatag']['description'] = 'Cache table for the generated meta tag output.';
return $schema;
return $schema;
@@ -257,6 +299,86 @@ function metatag_schema() {
function metatag_install() {
function metatag_install() {
drupal_set_message(t("Thank you for installing the Metatag module. It is recommended to read the module's <a href=\"!url\" title=\"Read the Metatag module's documentation\">README.txt</a> file as there are some known issues that may affect this site.", array('!url' => url(drupal_get_path('module', 'metatag') . '/README.txt'))));
drupal_set_message(t("Thank you for installing the Metatag module. It is recommended to read the module's <a href=\"!url\" title=\"Read the Metatag module's documentation\">README.txt</a> file as there are some known issues that may affect this site.", array('!url' => url(drupal_get_path('module', 'metatag') . '/README.txt'))));
+ // Always enable the node, taxonomy term and user entities.
+ foreach (array('node', 'taxonomy_term', 'user') as $entity_type) {
+ // Enable the main entity type.
+ $variable_name = 'metatag_enable_' . $entity_type;
+ variable_set($variable_name, TRUE);
+ // Update each entity bundle too.
+ $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
+ if (!empty($entity_info['bundles'])) {
+ foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
+ $variable_name = 'metatag_enable_' . $entity_type . '__' . $bundle_name;
+ variable_set($variable_name, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Possibly enable other entities, if they're specifically requested.
+ foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_info) {
+ // Skip the three entity types that were already enabled.
+ if (in_array($entity_type, array('node', 'taxonomy_term', 'user'))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $variable_name = 'metatag_enable_' . $entity_type;
+ // Configuration entities are skipped.
+ if (isset($entity_info['configuration']) && $entity_info['configuration'] == TRUE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Entities must have bundles.
+ if (empty($entity_info['bundles'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Entities must be fieldable.
+ elseif (empty($entity_info['fieldable'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Ignore some view modes that are automatically added by certain modules.
+ unset($entity_info['view modes']['ical']);
+ unset($entity_info['view modes']['diff_standard']);
+ unset($entity_info['view modes']['token']);
+ // Entities without view modes are skipped.
+ if (empty($entity_info['view modes'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // At this point, disable the entity by default.
+ $entity_enabled = FALSE;
+ // Anything that was specifically enabled via hook_entity_info() from older
+ // versions will be enabled if not configured already.
+ if (!empty($entity_info['metatag']) || !empty($entity_info['metatags'])) {
+ $entity_enabled = variable_get($variable_name, 'monkey');
+ if ($entity_enabled === 'monkey') {
+ $entity_enabled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ variable_set($variable_name, $entity_enabled);
+ // Loop through the bundles, but only if the entity is enabled.
+ if ($entity_enabled) {
+ foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
+ $variable_name = 'metatag_enable_' . $entity_type . '__' . $bundle_name;
+ // If it wasn't specifically disabled before, enable it.
+ $bundle_enabled = variable_get($variable_name, 'monkey');
+ if ($bundle_name != FALSE) {
+ variable_set($variable_name, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ drupal_set_message(t('It may be worth verifying on the <a href="@url">Settings page</a> which types of content on the site should allow meta tags.', array('@url' => url('admin/config/search/metatags/settings'))));
@@ -280,6 +402,49 @@ function metatag_uninstall() {
// Used to force an entity's default language values to be used if nothing
// Used to force an entity's default language values to be used if nothing
// else matched.
// else matched.
+ // Controls which page region is used to trigger output of the meta tags.
+ variable_del('metatag_page_region');
+ // Optionally disable the default configurations.
+ variable_del('metatag_load_defaults');
+ // Optionally disables the output cache.
+ variable_del('metatag_cache_output');
+ // Customizable pager string.
+ variable_del('metatag_pager_string');
+ // Optionally enable translations of final output.
+ variable_del('metatag_i18n_translate_output');
+ // Optionally enable the automatic watchdog logging of i18n strings.
+ variable_del('metatag_i18n_enable_watchdog');
+ // Optionally disable the i18n integration.
+ variable_del('metatag_i18n_disabled');
+ // Optionally output core's meta tags.
+ variable_del('metatag_leave_core_tags');
+ // Optionally enable individual permissions for each meta tag.
+ variable_del('metatag_extended_permissions');
+ // Optionally load meta tags on admin pages.
+ variable_del('metatag_load_all_pages');
+ // Sanitize token replacement output.
+ variable_del('metatag_token_sanitize');
+ // Remove all possible 'enable' variables.
+ foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_info) {
+ variable_del('metatag_enable_' . $entity_type);
+ if (!empty($entity_info['bundles'])) {
+ foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
+ variable_del('metatag_enable_' . $entity_type . '__' . $bundle_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -290,13 +455,119 @@ function metatag_enable() {
- * Implements hook_disable().
+ * Replace one meta tag with another in the entity records.
+ *
+ * @param array $sandbox
+ * A Batch API sandbox, passed by reference.
+ * @param string $old_tag
+ * The meta tag that is to be replaced.
+ * @param string $new_tag
+ * The meta tag that replaces the old one.
-// function metatag_disable() {
-// }
+function metatag_update_replace_meta_tag(&$sandbox, $old_tag, $new_tag) {
+ if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
+ // Count of all {metatag} records that contained an entry for the old meta
+ // tag.
+ $records_count = db_select('metatag', 'm')
+ ->condition('m.data', '%' . db_like('"" . $old_tag . ""') . '%', 'LIKE')
+ ->countQuery()
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchField();
+ if (empty($records_count)) {
+ return t('No Metatag entity records needed to have the "' . $old_tag . '" meta tag renamed.');
+ }
+ $sandbox['max'] = $records_count;
+ $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
+ }
+ // Count of rows that will be processed per iteration.
+ $limit = 100;
+ // Fetches a part of records.
+ $records = db_select('metatag', 'm')
+ ->fields('m', array())
+ ->condition('m.data', '%' . db_like('"' . $old_tag . '"') . '%', 'LIKE')
+ ->range(0, $limit)
+ ->execute();
+ $count = 0;
+ $keys = array('entity_type', 'entity_id', 'revision_id', 'language');
+ // Loop over the values and correct them.
+ foreach ($records as $record) {
+ $record->data = unserialize($record->data);
+ if (isset($record->data[$old_tag])) {
+ $record->data[$new_tag] = $record->data[$old_tag];
+ unset($record->data[$old_tag]);
+ drupal_write_record('metatag', $record, $keys);
+ // Clear the cache for the entity this belongs to.
+ entity_get_controller($record->entity_type)->resetCache(array($record->entity_id));
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ if (!empty($count)) {
+ $sandbox['progress'] += $count;
+ $sandbox['#finished'] = min(0.99, $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max']);
+ }
+ else {
+ $sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
+ return t('Converted the "' . $old_tag . '" meta tag for @count entity records to "' . $new_tag . '" meta tag.', array('@count' => $sandbox['progress']));
+ }
- * Disable the deprecated metatag_ui module which has been merged into metatag.
+ * Replace one meta tag with another in the configs.
+ *
+ * @param string $old_tag
+ * The meta tag that is to be replaced.
+ * @param string $new_tag
+ * The meta tag that replaces the old one.
+ */
+function metatag_update_replace_config($old_tag, $new_tag) {
+ // Find all {metatag_config} records that contained an entry for the old meta
+ // tag.
+ $records = db_select('metatag_config', 'm')
+ ->fields('m', array('cid', 'config'))
+ ->condition('m.config', '%' . db_like('"' . $old_tag . '"') . '%', 'LIKE')
+ ->execute();
+ // This message will be returned if nothing needed to be updated.
+ $none_message = t('No Metatag configuration records needed to have the "og:video" meta tag fixed. That said, there may be other configurations elsewhere that do need updating.');
+ // Loop over the values and correct them.
+ if ($records->rowCount() == 0) {
+ drupal_set_message($none_message);
+ }
+ else {
+ $keys = array('cid');
+ // Loop over the values and correct them.
+ $counter = 0;
+ foreach ($records as $record) {
+ $record->config = unserialize($record->config);
+ if (isset($record->config[$old_tag])) {
+ $record->config[$new_tag] = $record->config[$old_tag];
+ unset($record->config['og:video']);
+ drupal_write_record('metatag_config', $record, $keys);
+ $counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($counter == 0) {
+ drupal_set_message($none_message);
+ }
+ else {
+ drupal_set_message(t('Converted the "' . $old_tag . '" meta tag for @count configurations to the new "' . $new_tag . '" meta tag.', array('@count' => $counter)));
+ }
+ }
+ * Disable the deprecated metatag_ui module, which has been merged into metatag.
function metatag_update_7000() {
function metatag_update_7000() {
if (module_exists('metatag_ui')) {
if (module_exists('metatag_ui')) {
@@ -658,7 +929,7 @@ function metatag_update_7011(&$sandbox) {
// hook_update_N() may optionally return a string which will be displayed
// hook_update_N() may optionally return a string which will be displayed
// to the user.
// to the user.
- return t('Fixed the Metatag language values for @count nodes.', array('!count' => $sandbox['progress']));
+ return t('Fixed the Metatag language values for @count nodes.', array('@count' => $sandbox['progress']));
@@ -1166,6 +1437,13 @@ function metatag_update_7018(&$sandbox) {
$records = entity_load($entity_type, array($entity_id), $conditions);
$records = entity_load($entity_type, array($entity_id), $conditions);
+ // Try to fallback to default language if no record was found. This may
+ // happen when using entity_translation as the parent entity table only
+ // contains one record.
+ if (!empty($conditions) && empty($records)) {
+ $records = entity_load($entity_type, array($entity_id));
+ }
// Fix this record.
// Fix this record.
if (!empty($records)) {
if (!empty($records)) {
$entity = reset($records);
$entity = reset($records);
@@ -1348,40 +1626,10 @@ function metatag_update_7023() {
- * Rename the 'twitter:image' meta tag to 'twitter:image:src', part 1.
+ * No-op update. Renaming twitter:image to twitter:image:src no longer needed.
function metatag_update_7024() {
function metatag_update_7024() {
- // Find all {metatag} records that contained an entry for the old meta tag.
- $records = db_query("SELECT entity_type, entity_id, revision_id, language, data
- FROM {metatag}
- WHERE data LIKE '%twitter:image%'");
- // This message will be returned if nothing needed to be updated.
- $none_message = t('No Metatag entity records needed to have the "twitter:image" meta tag fixed.');
- if ($records->rowCount() == 0) {
- drupal_set_message($none_message);
- }
- else {
- $keys = array('entity_type', 'entity_id', 'revision_id', 'language');
- // Loop over the values and correct them.
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($records as $record) {
- $record->data = unserialize($record->data);
- if (isset($record->data['twitter:image'])) {
- $record->data['twitter:image:src'] = $record->data['twitter:image'];
- unset($record->data['twitter:image']);
- drupal_write_record('metatag', $record, $keys);
- $counter++;
- }
- }
- if ($counter == 0) {
- drupal_set_message($none_message);
- }
- else {
- drupal_set_message(t('Converted the "twitter:image" meta tag for @count entity records to the correct "twitter:image:src" meta tag.', array('@count' => $counter)));
- }
- }
+ // Do nothing.
@@ -1394,38 +1642,10 @@ function metatag_update_7025() {
* Rename the 'copyright' meta tag to 'rights', part 1.
* Rename the 'copyright' meta tag to 'rights', part 1.
-function metatag_update_7026() {
- // Find all {metatag} records that contained an entry for the old meta tag.
- $records = db_query("SELECT entity_type, entity_id, revision_id, language, data
- FROM {metatag}
- WHERE data LIKE '%copyright%'");
- // This message will be returned if nothing needed to be updated.
- $none_message = t('No Metatag entity records needed to have the "copyright" meta tag fixed.');
- if ($records->rowCount() == 0) {
- drupal_set_message($none_message);
- }
- else {
- $keys = array('entity_type', 'entity_id', 'revision_id', 'language');
- // Loop over the values and correct them.
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($records as $record) {
- $record->data = unserialize($record->data);
- if (isset($record->data['copyright'])) {
- $record->data['rights'] = $record->data['copyright'];
- unset($record->data['copyright']);
- drupal_write_record('metatag', $record, $keys);
- $counter++;
- }
- }
- if ($counter == 0) {
- drupal_set_message($none_message);
- }
- else {
- drupal_set_message(t('Converted the "copyright" meta tag for @count entity records to the correct "rights" meta tag.', array('@count' => $counter)));
- }
- }
+function metatag_update_7026(&$sandbox) {
+ $old_tag = 'copyright';
+ $new_tag = 'rights';
+ return metatag_update_replace_meta_tag($sandbox, $old_tag, $new_tag);
@@ -1436,7 +1656,7 @@ function metatag_update_7027() {
- * Clear the menu cache so the new Advanced Settings page will be picked up.
+ * Clear the menu cache so the new Settings page will be picked up.
function metatag_update_7028() {
function metatag_update_7028() {
variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE);
variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE);
@@ -1446,106 +1666,561 @@ function metatag_update_7028() {
* Add an index to the {metatag} table to speed up some queries.
* Add an index to the {metatag} table to speed up some queries.
function metatag_update_7029() {
function metatag_update_7029() {
- db_add_index('metatag', 'type_revision', array('entity_type', 'revision_id'));
- drupal_set_message(t('Added an index to the main Metatag table that will hopefully improve performance a little.'));
+ if (!db_index_exists('metatag', 'type_revision')) {
+ db_add_index('metatag', 'type_revision', array('entity_type', 'revision_id'));
+ return t('Added an index to the main Metatag table that will hopefully improve performance a little.');
+ }
+ else {
+ return t('Did not add the index, it already existed.');
+ }
- * Rename the 'twitter:image' meta tag to 'twitter:image:src', part 2.
+ * No-op update. Renaming twitter:image to twitter:image:src no longer needed.
function metatag_update_7030() {
function metatag_update_7030() {
- // Find all {metatag_config} records that contained an entry for the old meta
- // tag.
- $records = db_query("SELECT cid, config
- FROM {metatag_config}
- WHERE config LIKE '%twitter:image%'");
- // This message will be returned if nothing needed to be updated.
- $none_message = t('No Metatag configuration records needed to have the "twitter:image" meta tag fixed. That said, there may be other configurations elsewhere that do need updating.');
+ // Do nothing.
- // Loop over the values and correct them.
- if ($records->rowCount() == 0) {
- drupal_set_message($none_message);
- }
- else {
- $keys = array('cid');
+ * Rename the 'copyright' meta tag to 'rights', part 2.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7031() {
+ $old_tag = 'copyright';
+ $new_tag = 'rights';
+ return metatag_update_replace_config($old_tag, $new_tag);
- // Loop over the values and correct them.
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($records as $record) {
- $record->config = unserialize($record->config);
- if (isset($record->config['twitter:image'])) {
- $record->config['twitter:image:src'] = $record->config['twitter:image'];
- unset($record->config['twitter:image']);
- drupal_write_record('metatag_config', $record, $keys);
- $counter++;
- }
+ * Clear the Metatag cache.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7032() {
+ cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_metatag', TRUE);
+ return t('All Metatag caches cleared.');
+ * These originally removed the 'author' meta tag, but it was subsequently
+ * decided that this was not the correct approach, that the meta tag should not
+ * be removed after all.
+ *
+ * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2330823
+ */
+function metatag_update_7033() {
+function metatag_update_7034() {
+function metatag_update_7035() {
+ * Update variables to indicate which entities should be supported.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7036() {
+ foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_info) {
+ $variable_name = 'metatag_enable_' . $entity_type;
+ // Configuration entities are skipped.
+ if (isset($entity_info['configuration']) && $entity_info['configuration'] == TRUE) {
+ continue;
- if ($counter == 0) {
- drupal_set_message($none_message);
+ // Entities without view modes are skipped.
+ elseif (empty($entity_info['view modes'])) {
+ continue;
+ // Basic core entities or "normal" entities that have been enabled via the
+ // API.
+ elseif (in_array($entity_type, array('node', 'taxonomy_term', 'user')) ||
+ !empty($entity_info['metatag']) || !empty($entity_info['metatags'])) {
+ // Check if the entity type has been enabled or disabled previously; if
+ // the variable equals a junk value then it was not previously set,
+ // therefore we'll set a default.
+ if (variable_get($variable_name, 'monkey') == 'monkey') {
+ // By default these entity types are enabled.
+ variable_set($variable_name, TRUE);
+ // Check each entity bundle.
+ if (!empty($entity_info['bundles'])) {
+ foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
+ $variable_name = 'metatag_enable_' . $entity_type . '__' . $bundle_name;
+ // Check if the bundle has been enabled or disabled previously; if
+ // the variable equals a junk value then it was not previously set,
+ // therefore we'll set a default.
+ if (variable_get($variable_name, 'monkey') == 'monkey') {
+ if (!empty($bundle_info['metatag']) || !empty($bundle_info['metatags'])) {
+ variable_set($variable_name, TRUE);
+ }
+ else {
+ variable_set($variable_name, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ // This variable was set before.
+ else {
+ // Do nothing.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This variable was set before.
+ else {
+ // Do nothing.
+ }
+ }
+ // Disable this entity type.
else {
else {
- drupal_set_message(t('Converted the "twitter:image" meta tag for @count configurations to the correct "twitter:image:src" meta tag.', array('@count' => $counter)));
+ variable_set($variable_name, FALSE);
+ // Clear the caches.
+ cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_metatag', TRUE);
+ drupal_static_reset('metatag_config_load_with_defaults');
+ drupal_static_reset('metatag_entity_supports_metatags');
+ ctools_include('export');
+ ctools_export_load_object_reset('metatag_config');
+ drupal_set_message(t('The way that Metatag tracks which entity types are compatible has changed. Please review the <a href="@url">Settings page</a> to ensure that all of the entity types are enabled correctly.', array('@url' => 'admin/config/search/metatags/settings')));
- * Rename the 'copyright' meta tag to 'rights', part 2.
+ * Clear the menu cache so the renamed Settings page will be picked up.
-function metatag_update_7031() {
- // Find all {metatag_config} records that contained an entry for the old meta
- // tag.
- $records = db_query("SELECT cid, config
- FROM {metatag_config}
- WHERE config LIKE '%copyright%'");
- // This message will be returned if nothing needed to be updated.
- $none_message = t('No Metatag configuration records needed to have the "copyright" meta tag fixed. That said, there may be other configurations elsewhere that do need updating.');
+function metatag_update_7037() {
+ variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE);
- // Loop over the values and correct them.
- if ($records->rowCount() == 0) {
- drupal_set_message($none_message);
+ * Manually enable all content types, vocabularies and the user entity to help
+ * resolve issues from 1.5's architecture change.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7038() {
+ foreach (array('node', 'taxonomy_term', 'user') as $entity_type) {
+ // Enable the main entity type.
+ $variable_name = 'metatag_enable_' . $entity_type;
+ variable_set($variable_name, TRUE);
+ // Update each entity bundle too.
+ $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
+ if (!empty($entity_info['bundles'])) {
+ foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
+ $variable_name = 'metatag_enable_' . $entity_type . '__' . $bundle_name;
+ variable_set($variable_name, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
- else {
- $keys = array('cid');
- // Loop over the values and correct them.
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($records as $record) {
- $record->config = unserialize($record->config);
- if (isset($record->config['copyright'])) {
- $record->config['rights'] = $record->config['copyright'];
- unset($record->config['copyright']);
- drupal_write_record('metatag_config', $record, $keys);
- $counter++;
+ * Reload some meta tag caches.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7039() {
+ foreach (language_list() as $langcode => $language) {
+ cache_clear_all('info:' . $langcode, 'cache_metatag');
+ }
+ * Fix robots meta tags that might have been broken when they were imported
+ * from Nodewords.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7040(&$sandbox) {
+ // Process records by groups of 10 (arbitrary value).
+ // When a group is processed, the batch update engine determines whether it
+ // should continue processing in the same request or provide progress
+ // feedback to the user and wait for the next request.
+ $limit = 10;
+ // When ran through Drush it's Ok to process a larger number of objects at a
+ // time.
+ if (drupal_is_cli()) {
+ $limit = 100;
+ }
+ // Use the sandbox at your convenience to store the information needed
+ // to track progression between successive calls to the function.
+ if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
+ // The count of records visited so far.
+ $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
+ // Get a count of {metatag} records that have a robots meta tag definition
+ // that is not in the correct format.
+ $records = db_select('metatag', 'm')
+ ->fields('m')
+ ->condition('m.data', '%:6:"robots";%', 'LIKE')
+ ->condition('m.data', '%:6:"robots";a:1:{s:5:"value";%', 'NOT LIKE')
+ ->countQuery()
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchField();
+ // If there's no data, don't bother with the extra work.
+ if (empty($records)) {
+ watchdog('metatag', 'Update 7040: No robots meta tags need to be fixed.', array(), WATCHDOG_INFO);
+ if (drupal_is_cli()) {
+ drupal_set_message(t('Update 7040: No robots meta tags need to be fixed.'));
+ return t('No robots meta tags need to be fixed.');
- if ($counter == 0) {
- drupal_set_message($none_message);
+ // Total records that must be visited.
+ $sandbox['max'] = $records;
+ // A place to store messages during the run.
+ $sandbox['messages'] = array();
+ // An initial record of the number of records to be updated.
+ watchdog('metatag', 'Update 7040: !count records to examine.', array('!count' => $sandbox['max']), WATCHDOG_INFO);
+ if (drupal_is_cli()) {
+ drupal_set_message(t('Update 7040: !count records to examine.', array('!count' => $sandbox['max'])));
- else {
- drupal_set_message(t('Converted the "copyright" meta tag for @count configurations to the correct "rights" meta tag.', array('@count' => $counter)));
+ // Log how many records are fixed.
+ $sandbox['fixed'] = 0;
+ // Because a lot of other processing happens on the first iteration, just do
+ // ten.
+ $limit = 10;
+ }
+ // Get a list of records that need to be fixed.
+ $records = db_select('metatag', 'm')
+ ->fields('m')
+ ->condition('m.data', '%:6:"robots";%', 'LIKE')
+ ->condition('m.data', '%:6:"robots";a:1:{s:5:"value";%', 'NOT LIKE')
+ ->range(0, $limit)
+ ->execute();
+ // Set default values.
+ foreach ($records as $record) {
+ // Extract the record.
+ $record->data = unserialize($record->data);
+ // See if the record needs to be fixed.
+ if (!empty($record->data['robots']) && empty($record->data['robots']['value'])) {
+ // Fix the record.
+ $robots = $record->data['robots'];
+ $record->data['robots'] = array(
+ 'value' => $robots,
+ );
+ // Update the database.
+ db_update('metatag')
+ ->fields(array('data' => serialize($record->data)))
+ ->condition('entity_type', $record->entity_type)
+ ->condition('entity_id', $record->entity_id)
+ ->condition('revision_id', $record->revision_id)
+ ->condition('language', $record->language)
+ ->execute();
+ // Clear the cache for this entity.
+ entity_get_controller($record->entity_type)->resetCache(array($record->entity_id));
+ // Update our progress information.
+ $sandbox['fixed']++;
+ }
+ // Update our progress information.
+ $sandbox['progress']++;
+ }
+ // Set the "finished" status, to tell batch engine whether this function
+ // needs to run again. If you set a float, this will indicate the progress of
+ // the batch so the progress bar will update.
+ $sandbox['#finished'] = ($sandbox['progress'] >= $sandbox['max']) ? TRUE : ($sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max']);
+ // Only display a status message if process finished.
+ if ($sandbox['#finished'] === TRUE) {
+ // Clear all caches so the fixed data will be reloaded.
+ cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_metatag', TRUE);
+ // A final log of the number of records that were converted.
+ watchdog('metatag', 'Update 7040: !count records were fixed.', array('!count' => $sandbox['fixed']), WATCHDOG_INFO);
+ if (drupal_is_cli()) {
+ drupal_set_message(t('Update 7040: !count records were fixed.', array('!count' => $sandbox['fixed'])));
+ // hook_update_N() may optionally return a string which will be displayed
+ // to the user.
+ return t('Fixed the Metatag robots values for @count nodes.', array('@count' => $sandbox['fixed']));
- * Clear the Metatag cache.
+ * Rerun update 7018 that was fixed to run correctly when using Entity
+ * Translation. This may take some time.
-function metatag_update_7032() {
+function metatag_update_7041(&$sandbox) {
+ metatag_update_7018($sandbox);
+ * Delete a deprecated variable and clear all Metatag caches.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7100() {
+ variable_del('metatag_translate_final_values');
+ // Clear all caches so that i18n support can be activated, if necessary.
cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_metatag', TRUE);
cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_metatag', TRUE);
- return t('All Metatag caches cleared.');
- * These originally removed the 'author' meta tag, but it was subsequently
- * decided that this was not the correct approach, that the meta tag should not
- * be removed after all.
- *
- * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2330823
+ * Update i18n strings for all meta tags to use the new format.
-function metatag_update_7033() {
+function metatag_update_7101() {
+ if (!module_exists('locale') || !db_table_exists('locales_source')) {
+ return t('No translations to fix as the locale system is not enabled.');
+ }
+ // Loop through each entity type. Not going to bother filtering this list,
+ // it'll only be a difference of a few entities anyway and the queries
+ // should be fairly quick.
+ foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_info) {
+ // Entities must have bundles.
+ if (empty($entity_info['bundles'])) {
+ $entity_info['bundles'] = array(
+ $entity_type => $entity_type,
+ );
+ }
+ foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_type => $bundle_info) {
+ // Update {locales_source}, replace 'metatag:ENTITYTYPE:BUNDLE:tag' with
+ // 'metatag:metatag_config:ENTITYTYPE:BUNDLE:tag'.
+ db_query("UPDATE {locales_source}
+ SET location = REPLACE(location, 'metatag:{$entity_type}:{$bundle_type}:', 'metatag:metatag_config:{$entity_type}:{$bundle_type}:'),
+ context = REPLACE(context, '{$entity_type}:{$bundle_type}:', 'metatag_config:{$entity_type}:{$bundle_type}:')
+ WHERE textgroup = 'metatag'
+ AND location LIKE 'metatag:{$entity_type}:{$bundle_type}:%'");
+ // Update {locales_source}, replace 'metatag:ENTITYTYPE:tag' with
+ // 'metatag:metatag_config:ENTITYTYPE:tag'.
+ db_query("UPDATE {locales_source}
+ SET location = REPLACE(location, 'metatag:{$entity_type}:', 'metatag:metatag_config:{$entity_type}:'),
+ context = REPLACE(context, '{$entity_type}:', 'metatag_config:{$entity_type}:')
+ WHERE textgroup = 'metatag'
+ AND location LIKE 'metatag:{$entity_type}:%'");
+ }
+ }
+ // Update {locales_source}, replace 'metatag:metatag:' with
+ // 'metatag:output:'.
+ db_query("UPDATE {locales_source}
+ SET location = REPLACE(location, 'metatag:metatag:', 'metatag:output:'),
+ context = REPLACE(context, 'metatag:', 'output:')
+ WHERE textgroup = 'metatag'
+ AND location LIKE 'metatag:metatag:%'");
-function metatag_update_7034() {
+ * Re-run update 7101.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7102() {
+ metatag_update_7101();
-function metatag_update_7035() {
+ * Clear all metatag caches so the new entity caching structure takes over.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7103() {
+ cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_metatag', TRUE);
+ * Remove the entity revision ID from the translation strings.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7104(&$sandbox) {
+ // Verify that locales are being used in the first place.
+ if (!module_exists('locale') || !db_table_exists('locales_source')) {
+ return t('Metatag: No translations to fix as the locale system is not enabled.');
+ }
+ // No need to do anything if output translation is disabled.
+ if (!variable_get('metatag_i18n_translate_output', FALSE)) {
+ return t('Metatag: Output translation is disabled, so no need to update anything.');
+ }
+ // Process records by groups of 10 (arbitrary value).
+ // When a group is processed, the batch update engine determines whether it
+ // should continue processing in the same request or provide progress
+ // feedback to the user and wait for the next request.
+ $limit = 10;
+ // When ran through Drush it's Ok to process a larger number of objects at a
+ // time.
+ if (drupal_is_cli()) {
+ $limit = 100;
+ }
+ // Use the sandbox at your convenience to store the information needed
+ // to track progression between successive calls to the function.
+ if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
+ // The count of records visited so far.
+ $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
+ // Total records that must be visited.
+ $sandbox['max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(lid)
+ FROM {locales_source}
+ WHERE textgroup = 'metatag'
+ AND context LIKE 'output:%:%:%:%'")->fetchField();
+ // If there's no data, don't bother with the extra work.
+ if (empty($sandbox['max'])) {
+ watchdog('metatag', 'Update 7104: No nodes need the translation entity string fixed.', array(), WATCHDOG_INFO);
+ if (drupal_is_cli()) {
+ drupal_set_message(t('Update 7104: No nodes need the translation entity string fixed.'));
+ }
+ return t('No nodes need the Metatag language values fixed.');
+ }
+ // A place to store messages during the run.
+ $sandbox['messages'] = array();
+ // An initial record of the number of records to be updated.
+ watchdog('metatag', 'Update 7104: !count records to update.', array('!count' => $sandbox['max']), WATCHDOG_INFO);
+ if (drupal_is_cli()) {
+ drupal_set_message(t('Update 7104: !count records to update.', array('!count' => $sandbox['max'])));
+ }
+ }
+ // Get a batch of records that need to be fixed.
+ $records = db_query_range("SELECT lid, location, context
+ FROM {locales_source}
+ WHERE textgroup = 'metatag'
+ AND context LIKE 'output:%:%:%:%'", 0, $limit);
+ // Update each of the records.
+ foreach ($records as $record) {
+ $old_location = '/metatag:output:([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*)/';
+ $new_location = 'metatag:output:$1:$2:$4';
+ $location = preg_replace($old_location, $new_location, $record->location);
+ $old_context = '/output:([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*)/';
+ $new_context = 'output:$1:$2:$4';
+ $context = preg_replace($old_context, $new_context, $record->context);
+ drupal_set_message($location);
+ drupal_set_message($context);
+ db_update('locales_source')
+ ->fields(array(
+ 'location' => $location,
+ 'context' => $context,
+ ))
+ ->condition('lid', $record->lid)
+ ->execute();
+ // Update our progress information.
+ $sandbox['progress']++;
+ }
+ // Set the "finished" status, to tell batch engine whether this function
+ // needs to run again. If you set a float, this will indicate the progress of
+ // the batch so the progress bar will update.
+ $sandbox['#finished'] = ($sandbox['progress'] >= $sandbox['max']) ? TRUE : ($sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max']);
+ if ($sandbox['#finished']) {
+ // Clear all caches so the fixed data will be reloaded.
+ cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_metatag', TRUE);
+ // hook_update_N() may optionally return a string which will be displayed
+ // to the user.
+ return t('Fixed the Metatag language values for @count nodes.', array('@count' => $sandbox['progress']));
+ }
+ * Fix the output translation strings.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7105() {
+ if (!module_exists('locale') || !db_table_exists('locales_source')) {
+ return t('No translations to fix as the locale system is not enabled.');
+ }
+ db_query("UPDATE {locales_source}
+ SET location = REPLACE(location, 'metatag:metatag:', 'metatag:output:'),
+ context = REPLACE(context, 'metatag:', 'output:')
+ WHERE textgroup = 'metatag'
+ AND location LIKE 'metatag:metatag:%'");
+ return t('Fixed the Metatag output strings.');
+ * The output translation strings were renamed to something shorter, so rerun
+ * update 7105.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7106() {
+ return metatag_update_7105();
+ * Fix the global config translation strings.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7107() {
+ if (!module_exists('locale') || !db_table_exists('locales_source')) {
+ return t('No translations to fix as the locale system is not enabled.');
+ }
+ db_query("UPDATE {locales_source}
+ SET location = REPLACE(location, 'metatag:global:', 'metatag:metatag_config:global:'),
+ context = REPLACE(context, 'global:', 'metatag_config:global:')
+ WHERE textgroup = 'metatag'
+ AND location LIKE 'metatag:global:%'");
+ return t('Fixed the Metatag global config string translations.');
+ * Delete output translations if it's disabled.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7108() {
+ if (!module_exists('locale') || !db_table_exists('locales_source')) {
+ return t('No translations to fix as the locale system is not enabled.');
+ }
+ // If the output-translation option is enabled then don't delete anything.
+ if (variable_get('metatag_i18n_translate_output', FALSE)) {
+ return t("Metatag: Not deleting output translations because that option is enabled.");
+ }
+ $lids = db_select('locales_source', 'ls')
+ ->fields('ls', array('lid'))
+ ->condition('ls.textgroup', 'metatag')
+ ->condition('ls.context', 'output:%', 'LIKE')
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchCol();
+ if (!empty($lids)) {
+ // Delete records in the tables in reverse order, so that if the query fails
+ // and has to be reran it'll still find records. But it should be ok.
+ if (db_table_exists('i18n_string')) {
+ db_delete('i18n_string')
+ ->condition('lid', $lids)
+ ->execute();
+ }
+ db_delete('locales_target')
+ ->condition('lid', $lids)
+ ->execute();
+ db_delete('locales_source')
+ ->condition('lid', $lids)
+ ->execute();
+ return t('Metatag: Removed @count output translation records that were not needed.', array('@count' => count($lids)));
+ }
+ else {
+ return t('Metatag; No output translation records needed to be removed.');
+ }
+ * Rename the 'icon_any' meta tag to 'mask-icon' in the entity records.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7109(&$sandbox) {
+ module_load_include('install', 'metatag');
+ $old_tag = 'icon_any';
+ $new_tag = 'mask-icon';
+ return metatag_update_replace_meta_tag($sandbox, $old_tag, $new_tag);
+ * Rename the 'icon_any' meta tag to 'mask-icon' in the configs.
+ */
+function metatag_update_7110() {
+ module_load_include('install', 'metatag');
+ $old_tag = 'icon_any';
+ $new_tag = 'mask-icon';
+ return metatag_update_replace_config($old_tag, $new_tag);