523 B

  1. name = Metatag: hreflang
  2. description = Provides support for the hreflang meta tag with some extra logic to simplify it.
  3. package = SEO
  4. core = 7.x
  5. dependencies[] = metatag
  6. ; The locale module is required in order to have multiple languages/locales.
  7. dependencies[] = locale
  8. ; Tests.
  9. files[] = tests/metatag_hreflang.test
  10. files[] = metatag_hreflang.with_entity_translation.test
  11. ; Information added by packaging script on 2016-06-30
  12. version = "7.x-1.17"
  13. core = "7.x"
  14. project = "metatag"
  15. datestamp = "1467306248"