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First and foremost, if you've made it this far: you are awesome. Thanks for even considering contributing to open source.

Here's how you can contribute to this repo:


1. Make your edits.

2. Views the demos in your browser, and test your changes thoroughly.

Create new demos as needed.

grunt serve --port=8000

3. Hint, test, and compile.


4. Commit your changes, closing issues as appropriate.

git commit -am "fixes #30 - my awesome fix"

5. If you're changing Pep's source code (not readmes/demos/etc), tag the commit so Bower can get the latest and greatest.

Be sure to increment the version appropriately.

Also change the version in package.json

vi package.json git tag -a v0.5.12 -m 'my awesome version v0.5.12'

6. Create pull request with changes.


6. If you have privileges, push changes and tags:

git push origin master git push origin --tags ````

Need help?

As always, find me on Twitter for help.

Brian Gonzalez