NodeFull.gql 1.1 KB

  1. # This fragment queries data needed for an object to be displayed as a `Node`
  2. fragment NodeFull on MapItemInterface {
  3. id
  4. ... on Textref {
  5. preTitle: field_titre_regular
  6. italTitle: field_titre_italique
  7. link: lien_reference {
  8. title
  9. url
  10. }
  11. edition {
  12. name
  13. }
  14. notes {
  15. content: note
  16. number: numero
  17. links: liens {
  18. # FIXME probably need to query titles and stuff on `Textref` or `Creation`
  19. id
  20. type: __typename
  21. variant: familles {
  22. id
  23. }
  24. ... on Textprod {
  25. parents: text_de_depart {
  26. id
  27. variant: familles {
  28. id
  29. }
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }
  34. }
  35. ... on Textprod {
  36. notes {
  37. content: note
  38. number: numero
  39. links: liens {
  40. # FIXME probably need to query titles and stuff on `Textref` or `Creation`
  41. id
  42. type: __typename
  43. variant: familles {
  44. id
  45. }
  46. ... on Textprod {
  47. parents: text_de_depart {
  48. id
  49. variant: familles {
  50. id
  51. }
  52. }
  53. }
  54. }
  55. }
  56. }
  57. }