# This fragment queries data needed for an object to be displayed as a `Node` fragment NodeFull on MapItemInterface { id ... on Textref { preTitle: field_titre_regular italTitle: field_titre_italique link: lien_reference { title url } edition { name } notes { content: note number: numero links: liens { # FIXME probably need to query titles and stuff on `Textref` or `Creation` id type: __typename variant: familles { id } ... on Textprod { parents: text_de_depart { id variant: familles { id } } } } } } ... on Textprod { notes { content: note number: numero links: liens { # FIXME probably need to query titles and stuff on `Textref` or `Creation` id type: __typename variant: familles { id } ... on Textprod { parents: text_de_depart { id variant: familles { id } } } } } } }