urbackup.sh 2.6 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. echo -e '
  3. _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _
  4. | | | |_ _| |__ __ _ __| |___ _ _ __ / __| | (_)___ _ _| |_
  5. | |_| | _| _ \/ _` / _| / / || | _ \ | (__| |__| / -_) \ _|
  6. \___/|_| |_.__/\__,_\__|_\_\\_,_| .__/ \___|____|_\___|_||_\__|
  7. |_|
  8. '
  9. if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
  10. echo "Please run as root"
  11. exit
  12. fi
  13. # get the current position
  14. _cwd="$(pwd)"
  15. # check for assets forlder
  16. _assets="$_cwd/assets"
  17. if [ ! -d "$_assets" ]; then
  18. _assets="$_cwd/../assets"
  19. if [ ! -d "$_assets" ]; then
  20. echo "!! can't find assets directory !!"
  21. exit
  22. fi
  23. fi
  24. # install urbackup client
  25. # https://www.urbackup.org/client_debian_ubuntu_install.html
  26. # https://blog.stephane-huc.net/systeme/debian/urbackup_client_gui
  27. # https://urbackup.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/US/pages/9142274/Headless+Linux+client+setup
  28. # Install the dependencies UrBackup needs
  29. # apt install build-essential "g++" "libcrypto++-dev" libz-dev -y
  30. apk add linux-headers "g++" zlib zlib-dev "crypto++@testing" "crypto++-dev@testing" make
  31. ln -s /usr/lib/libcryptopp.so /usr/lib/libcryptopp.so.5.6
  32. # Download the UrBackup client source files and extract them
  33. # wget -P /tmp/ https://hndl.urbackup.org/Client/latest/urbackup-client-
  34. wget -P /tmp/ https://hndl.urbackup.org/Client/2.4.8/urbackup-client-
  35. cd /tmp
  36. # tar xzf /tmp/urbackup-client-
  37. tar xzf /tmp/urbackup-client-
  38. # Build the UrBackup client and install it
  39. # cd /tmp/urbackup-client-
  40. cd /tmp/urbackup-client-
  41. ./configure --enable-headless
  42. make -j4
  43. make install
  44. # Make sure that the UrBackup client backend runs correctly
  45. # urbackupclientbackend -v info
  46. # configure
  47. echo -n "Please provide the urbackup-server's ip : "
  48. read _ip
  49. # echo -n "Please provide the internet_authkey of server : "
  50. # read _authkey
  51. # echo -n "Please provide the computer name of this client : "
  52. # read _computername
  53. _computername=$HOSTNAME
  54. # internet_authkey=$_authkey
  55. echo "internet_server=$_ip
  56. internet_server_port=55415
  57. internet_mode_enabled=true
  58. internet_image_backups_def=false
  59. default_dirs_def=/etc;/var/www;/var/backups/mysql
  60. startup_backup_delay_def=3
  61. computername=$_computername" > /etc/conf.d/urbackupclient
  62. # /usr/local/var/urbackup/data/settings.cfg
  63. # firewall
  64. ufw allow from "$_ip" to any port 35621
  65. ufw allow from "$_ip" to any port 35622
  66. ufw allow from "$_ip" to any port 35623
  67. # install and enable openrc service
  68. cp "$_assets"/urbackup.service /etc/init.d/urbackup
  69. chmod a+x /etc/init.d/urbackup
  70. rc-update add urbackup
  71. service urbackup start
  72. cd "$_cwd"