en.yaml 3.0 KB

  2. PLUGIN_NAME: "Flex Objects"
  3. PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION: "Flex Objects plugin allows you to manage Flex Objects in Grav Admin."
  4. TITLE: Flex Objects
  5. TYPES_TITLE: Directories
  6. AFTER_SAVE: After Save…
  7. LIST_INFO: 'Displaying {from} to {to} out of {total} records'
  8. EMPTY_RESULT: The requested query returns no result
  9. USE_BUILT_IN_CSS: "Use built in CSS"
  10. EXTRA_ADMIN_TWIG_PATH: "Extra Admin Twig Path"
  11. DIRECTORIES: "Directories"
  12. CSV: "CSV"
  13. PARENTS: "Parents"
  15. TASK_DELETE_SUCCESS: 'Entry deleted successfully'
  16. TASK_DELETE_FAILURE: 'Failed to delete entry: %s'
  17. TASK_NEW_FOLDER_SUCCESS: 'Folder created successfully'
  18. TASK_COPY_SUCCESS: 'Copy created successfully'
  19. TASK_COPY_FAILURE: 'Failed to create copy: %s'
  20. TASK_SAVE_SUCCESS: 'Entry saved successfully'
  21. TASK_SAVE_FAILURE: 'Failed to save entry: %s'
  22. TASK_CONFIGURE_SUCCESS: 'Configuration saved successfully'
  23. TASK_CONFIGURE_FAILURE: 'Failed to save configuration: %s'
  24. ACTION:
  25. CREATE_NEW: Create New Item
  26. EDIT_ITEM: Edit Item
  27. LIST_ITEM: List Items
  28. DELETE_N: "Delete" # In some languages 'delete OBJECT' may need a special declination
  29. REALLY_DELETE: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the %s?"
  31. ADVANCED_OPTIONS: "Advanced Options"
  32. APPLY_FILTERS: "Apply Filters"
  33. RESET_FILTERS: "Reset to Defaults"
  34. LIST_ITEMS: "List Items"
  35. FILTER:
  36. PAGE_ATTRIBUTES: "Page Attributes"
  37. PAGE_TYPES: "Page Types"
  38. MODULAR_TYPES: "Module Types"
  40. USING_DEFAULT: "Using <b>Default</b> language file."
  41. UNUSED_DEFAULT: "Unused <b>Default</b> language file also exists."
  42. USING_OVERRIDE: "Using <b>%s</b> language override."
  43. NOT_TRANSLATED_YET: "This page has not been translated to <i class=\"fa fa-flag-o\"></i> <b>%s</b> language yet!"
  44. NO_FALLBACK_FOUND: "No fallback translations found."
  45. FALLING_BACK: "Falling back to <b>%s</b> language."
  46. STATE:
  47. LOADING: "Loading…"
  48. CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY: "Successfully created"
  49. UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY: "Successfully updated"
  50. DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY: "Successfully deleted"
  51. EDITING_DRAFT: "You are editing a saved draft."
  52. NOT_CREATED_YET: "This page will not exist until it is saved."
  53. ERROR:
  54. BAD_DIRECTORY: "Bad Directory"
  55. PAGE_NOT_FOUND: "Page Not Found"
  56. PAGE_NOT_EXIST: "Woops! Looks like this page doesn't exist."
  57. PAGE_FORBIDDEN: "Woops! Looks like you do not have permissions to access this page."
  58. LAYOUT_NOT_FOUND: "Object layout '%s' not found."
  59. BLUEPRINT_NO_LIST: "Blueprint for <i>%s</i> does not define displayed fields or list page override."
  60. BLUEPRINT_NO_LIST_ADVISE: "Please add list of fields to blueprints file."
  61. BLUEPRINT_NO_LIST_TEMPLATE: "Please create template file for the type in <b>flex-objects/types/%s/list.html.twig</b>"
  62. LIST_EMPTY: "There are currently no entries."
  63. LIST_EMPTY_ADD: "There are currently no entries, click the <a href=\"%s\">Add</a> button to create a new one…"
  64. NO_FLEX_DIRECTORIES: "No Flex Directories detected"