20 KB



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed regression Call to a member function getRoute() on null when using CLI #151



  1. [](#new)
    • Added method ObjectController::checkAuthorizations() to check if one of the actions is true
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed regression when calling flex router with a path



  1. [](#new)
    • Require Grav 1.7.25
  2. [](#improved)
    • Changed flex router not to trigger onPageNotFound event
    • Changed flex router to be called also with empty path
    • If ACL check for the object fails, display unauthorized page instead of 404
  3. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed unescaped messages in JSON responses
    • Fixed Call to a member function getName() on null when using file field #149



  1. [](#improved)
    • Updated JS dependencies to latest
    • Optimized import of certain JS dependencies
    • Dev: Moved away from deprecated UglifyJsPlugin in favor of TerserPlugin
    • Use active form from the Form plugin to get page metadata
    • Added page header flex.access.override: true, which allows flex to replace page access when user is allowed to perform action in flex
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed flex object page access for super users when permission was denied



  1. [](#new)
    • Require Grav 1.7.21, optionally Error 1.8.0, Login 3.5.2 and Form 5.1.1
    • Added file upload/delete support to frontend forms
    • Support proper error, login and unauthorized pages if all requirements are met
    • Added page header flex.router: [ROUTER] which triggers flex.router.[ROUTER] event for child routes of the page
    • Added flex.[type].task.create.after, flex.[type].task.update.after and flex.[type].task.delete.after events for frontend



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed XSS in page admin
    • Fixed check for bad folder name, prevent bad characters



  1. [](#new)
    • Require Grav 1.7.19 and Form 5.1.0
    • Added basic frontend editing support
    • Added onBeforeFlexFormInitialize event to help to initialize the frontend form
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed error in admin when field validation fails



  1. [](#new)
    • Added basic new modal support for all flex types
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed authorization check for user configuration



  1. [](#improved)
    • Better checks against missing Flex Type inside tasks
    • Better authorization checks, falls back to directory level authorization checks if objects do not support authorization
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed missing handling of child_type in Flex Pages getgrav/grav-plugin-admin#2087
    • Added support for multiple Exports in a dropdown
    • Admin is no longer a dependency of Flex Objects #130
    • Fixed authorization checks during page creation for users who have limited access to some pages getgrav/grav#3382
    • Fixed permission check when moving a page getgrav/grav#3382



  1. [](#improved)



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed expert mode for Flex Pages



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed logic to get form blueprints and object, prevents events from being fired twice
    • Fixed breadcrumb item in Pages list not translating HTML entities #127



  1. [](#improved)
    • Allow file uploads to send data such as data[media_order]



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed Add Folder not updating the page list until cache is cleared
    • Fixed broken error message translations



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed fatal error when copying a page in admin if no modal is being shown getgrav/grav#3335



  1. [](#new)
    • Require Admin 1.10.13
    • Require Form Plugin 5.0.2
  2. [](#improved)
    • Added a few missing translations
    • Utilize new Admin detector to prevent Save actions that triggers unsaved notice on unload getgrav/grav-plugin-admin#2125
    • Improved copying page by adding a modal for new page title and folder name



  1. [](#new)
    • Require Grav 1.7.10
    • Added deny option support to filepicker field #119
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Prevent expert editing mode from anyone else than super users grav-plugin-admin#2094
    • Fixed not being able to add new folder grav#3293
    • Fixed Flex directories defined only in theme not showing up grav#3292



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed automatic git-sync in admin save and delete #120
    • Prevent Add Page / Add Module modals from closing if clicking on the outside overlay grav-plugin-admin#2089



  1. [](#new)
    • Require Grav 1.7.9
    • Require Form Plugin 5.0.1
  2. [](#improved)
    • Catch JSON decoding issues in controllers
  3. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed broken media upload/picker fields with @self/path notations grav#3275
    • Fixed filepicker field not including newly uploaded and excluding newly deleted files before saving the object
    • Fixed Flex Page CRUD ACL when creating a new page #115
    • Bumped dependencies versions #116
    • Fixed clicking move button on some pages resulting in endless loading spinner grav-plugin-admin#2095



  1. [](#improved)
    • Added id attributes for buttons to help on acceptance testing
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed fatal error in /admin/flex-objects #114
    • Fixed onAdminSave original page having empty header grav#3259
    • Fixed flash issues on uploading files into a new page



  1. [](#improved)
    • List field: added new placement property to decide whether to add new items at the top, bottom or based on the position of the clicked button #105
    • Added default styling for Flex-Objects Admin list view
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed fatal error if configuration is missing directories #107
    • Fixed case-sensitive accept in filepicker field
    • Fixed pages admin being accessible without read/write permissions grav-plugin-admin#2053
    • Fixed missing event onAdminCreatePageFrontmatter when creating a new page grav-plugin-auto-date#8
    • Fixed missing event onAdminAfterDelMedia when deleting a file from a page
    • Fixed filepicker support for old theme@:/ and page@:/ notations #109
    • Fixed adding the same new page twice remembering content from the last try
    • Fixed saving a new page with invalid data makes blueprint fields disappear grav-plugin-admin#2068



  1. [](#new)
    • Require Grav 1.7.4
  2. [](#bugfix)



  1. [](#bugfix)



  1. [](#new)
    • Added $grav['flex_objects']->getAdminController() method
  2. [](#improved)
    • Added support for relative paths in getLevelListing action
  3. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed admin not working with types that do not implement FlexAuthorizeInterface
    • Fixed bad redirect when creating new flex object and choosing to create another return to the list
    • Fixed bad redirect when changing parent of new page and saving grav-plugin-admin#2014
    • Fixed page forms being empty if multi-language is enabled, but there's just one language grav#3147
    • Fixed copying a page within a parent with no create permission grav-plugin-admin#2002



  1. [](#improved)



  1. [](#improved)
    • Just keeping sync with Grav rc.19



  1. [](#new)
    • Require PHP 7.3.6
  2. [](#improved)
    • Improved frontend templates
    • Improve blueprint structure
    • Hooked up Duplicate and Move from within Pages list #81
    • Respect CRUD ACL actions for items shortcuts in pages list #82
    • Refresh object on controllers to make sure it is up to date
  3. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed fatal error in admin if list view hasn't been defined
    • Fixed fatal error in admin if directory throws exception
    • Fixed attempts to add an existing page
    • Fixed form loosing its form state if saving fails when using ObjectController
    • Fixed missing context when rendering collection in frontend
    • Fixed Flex Admin activating on too old Admin plugin versions



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed media uploads for objects which do not implement FlexAuthorizeInterface
    • Fixed file picker field not recognizing folder: @self variants



  1. [](#improved)
    • Simplified Flex Pages admin not to differentiate between default language file extensions #47
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed extra space in Flex admin pages
    • Fixed folder creation with parent other than root #66
    • Fixed task redirects in sub-folder multi-site environments
    • Fixed typo in default permissions (should have been admin.flex-objects) grav#2915



  1. [](#new)
    • Released with no changes to keep sync with Grav + Admin



  1. [](#new)
    • Released with no changes to keep sync with Grav + Admin



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed bad link in directory listing template
    • Fixed admin save task displaying error message about non-existing data type
    • Fixed pagemedia field not uploading/deleting files right away
    • Fixed Flex Pages add, copy and move buttons appearing in edit view when no permissions
    • Fixed Flex Pages permission issues
    • Fixed some admin redirect issues



  1. [](#new)
    • Code updates to match Grav 1.7.0-rc.12
  2. [](#improved)
    • Changed class admin-pages to admin-{{ target }} #59



  1. [](#new)
    • Added integration with Admin's new preset events to style the CSS
  2. [](#improved)
    • JS Maitenance
  3. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed Accounts Configuration tab



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed custom actions not working
    • Fixed custom folder in mediapicker field not working
    • Fixed export title when not using CVS #51
    • Fixed preview in Page list view admin#1845
    • Fixed 404 Not Found error after saving a new object



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed issue with touch devices and scrollbars hidden, preventing native scrolling to work admin#1857 #1858



  1. [](#new)
    • Added a basic Convert Data CLI Command. Works with Yaml <-> Json
  2. [](#bugfix)



  1. [](#new)
    • Added option to change perPage amount of items in Flex List. 'All' also available by only at runtime.
  2. [](#improved)
    • Page filters now obey admin hide type settings
  3. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed fatal error if there is missing blueprint grav#2834
    • Fixed redirect when moving a page grav#2829
    • Fixed no default access set when creating new user from admin #31
    • Flex Pages: Fixed page visibility issues when creating a new page grav#2823
    • Flex Pages: Fixed translated page having non-translated status with system.languages.include_default_lang_file_extension: false
    • Flex Pages: Fixed preview on home page



  1. [](#new)
    • Pass phpstan level 1 tests
    • Removed legacy classes for pages, cleanup deprecated Flex types
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed call to grav.flex_objects.getObject() causing fatal error
    • Minor bug fixes



  1. [](#new)
    • No changes, just keeping things in sync with Grav RC version



  1. [](#new)
    • Added support for arbitrary admin menu route for editing a flex type
    • Added support for new improved ACL
    • Added support for custom layouts by adding /:layout_name in url
    • Added support for Flex Directory specific Configuration
    • Added support for action aliases (/accounts/configure instead of /accounts/users/:configre)
    • Added Flex type Configuration
    • Enabled Pages, Accounts and User Groups by default
    • Stop using deprecated onAdminRegisterPermissions event
    • Renamed directory grav-pages to pages
    • Renamed directory grav-accounts to user-accounts
    • Renamed directory grav-user-groups to user-groups
  2. [](#improved)
    • Flex caching settings were moved into Grav core
    • Flex Objects plugin now better integrates to Grav core
  3. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed empty directory entries in plugin configuration
    • Fixed plugin configuration displaying directories outside of the plugin
    • Fixed broken blueprints if there's folder with the name of the blueprint file
    • Fixed visible save button when in 404 page
    • Fixed missing save location when file does not exist
    • Fixed multiple ACL related issues (no access, bad links, information leaks)
    • Fixed Admin Panel Page list buttons not appearing in Flex Pages



  1. [](#new)
    • Added root page support for Flex Pages
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Fixed after save: Edit
    • Fixed JS failing on initial filters setup due to no fallback implemented #2724



  1. [](#new)
    • Admin: Added support for editing User Groups
    • Admin: Flex Pages now support searching and filtering
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • Hide hidden/system types (pages, accounts, user groups) from Flex Objects page type #38



  1. [](#new)
    • Added directory configuration option for custom admin templates
    • Added Flex Accounts (Admin) type to administer user accounts in Flex independently from Grav system setting
    • Added Flex Pages (Admin) type to administer pages in Flex independently from Grav system setting
    • Added blueprint option to hide directory from Flex Objects types page in frontend
    • Deprecated all Flex Page classes and traits in favor of the new classes in Grav core
    • Moved flex object/collection templates to templates/flex/{TYPE} which is easier to remember
    • Admin: Added support customizable preview and export
  2. [](#improved)
    • Admin: Allow custom title template when editing object
    • Translations: rename MODULAR to MODULE everywhere
  3. [](#bugfix)
    • Flex Pages: Fixed default language not being translated in both translatedLanguages() and untranslatedLanguages() results
    • Flex Pages: Language interface compatibility fixes
    • Flex Pages: Fixed frontend issues with plugin events #5
    • Flex Pages: Fixed filePathClean() and filePathClean() not returning file for folder
    • Flex Pages: Fixed multiple multi-language related issues in admin #10
    • Flex Pages: Fixed raw edit mode
    • File upload is broken for nested fields #34



  1. [](#bugfix)
    • Flex Pages: Fixed moving visible page in admin causing ordering issues #6
    • Flex Pages List: Fixed issue where auto-hiding scrollbars in macOS would throw off the dropdown position #20
    • Flex Pages: Fixed prev/next page missing pages if pagination was turned on in page header



  1. [](#improved)
    • Show/hide dropdown menu as needed when scrolling the page columns container left and right
  2. [](#bugfix)
    • PHP 7.1: Fixed error when activating Flex Pages in Plugin parameters #13
    • Flex Pages: Fixed page template cannot be changed #4
    • Flex Pages: Fixed new pages being created with wrong template #22
    • Flex Pages: Fixed Preview not working #17
    • Fixed error caused by automatic path selection from cookie when destination not available #23
    • Fixed breadcrumb issue in Flex Pages List #19
    • Flex Pages: Fixed unable to change page template #4
    • Fixed Error 404 when adding new contact #14
    • Flex Pages: Non-visible items appear in Nav menu #24
    • Disabling plugin breaks saving plugin configuration #11



  1. [](#new)
    • Initial public release (all previous versions were in a private repo)