name: AdvancedPageCache slug: advanced-pagecache type: plugin version: 3.1.0 description: "AdvancedPageCache turbo charges your site by statically caching pages." icon: dashboard author: name: Team Grav email: url: homepage: keywords: "static, cache, plugin, performance" bugs: license: MIT dependencies: - { name: grav, version: '>=1.7.0' } form: validation: strict fields: enabled: type: toggle label: Plugin Status highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool disabled_with_params: type: toggle label: Disabled with Params highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool help: Disable caching if there are params set on the URI (eg. /color:blue) disabled_with_query: type: toggle label: Disabled with Query highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool help: Disable caching if there are query options set on the URI (eg. ?color=blue) disabled_on_login: type: toggle label: Disabled for logged in users highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool help: Disable caching if the user is logged in per_user_caching: type: toggle label: Per-user caching highlight: 0 default: 0 options: 1: Enabled 0: Disabled validate: type: bool help: Enable per-user caching for logged in users (if caching is not disabled for logged in users) disabled_extensions: type: selectize size: large placeholder: "e.g. rss, xml, json" label: Disabled Extensions help: URL extensions that should not be cached (e.g. for news feeds) classes: fancy validate: type: commalist whitelist: type: array value_only: true label: Whitelist help: "Enable the plugin on these page paths regardless of other configuration options (don't include prefix, but do include extension)" placeholder_key: placeholder_value: /cache-this-route blacklist: type: array value_only: true label: Blacklist help: "Disable the plugin when calling these page paths (don't include language prefix, but do include extension)" placeholder_key: placeholder_value: /dont-cache-this-route