$(document).ready( () => { lazyLoading() displayPictograms() getDeviceSize() hideMobileNavOnResize() hoverDesktopNavItems() if (currentPage.text().trim() == 'Accueil') { hideFooter() toggleIndexContent() } else if (currentPage.text().trim() == 'Projets' && $('main').children(":first").attr('id') != 'reader') { hideFooter() loadProjetIndex() } else if ($('main').children(":first").attr('id') == 'reader') { hideFooter() displayReader() } initBarba() }) // GLOBAL VARIABLES let isMobileNavOpen = false, isDesktopDevice = false, currentPage, filterObj = { publiqueCardsDisplayed : true, socialeCardsDisplayed : true, culturelleCardsDisplayed : true }, projectTitleIsScrolling = false, titleScrollTimer // MAIN FUNCTIONS function initBarba() { barba.init({ prefetchIgnore: true, transitions: [{ name: 'opacity-transition', leave(data) { return gsap.to(data.current.container, { opacity: 0 }) }, enter(data) { return gsap.from(data.next.container, { opacity: 0 }) } }] }) barba.hooks.beforeLeave((data) => { if (isMobileNavOpen) { toggleMobileNav() } if ($(data.current.container).attr('id') == 'projets-index') { resetFilters() } if ($(data.current.container).attr('id') == 'text-content' ) { hideFooter() } }) barba.hooks.afterLeave((data) => { if ($(data.current.container).attr('id') == 'reader') { if ($(data.next.container).attr('id') != 'reader') { leaveReader() $('#nav-container h1').empty().append(currentPage.text()) } } }) barba.hooks.beforeEnter((data) => { lazyLoading() displayPictograms() $('html, body').scrollTop(0) if ($(data.next.container).attr('id') == 'index-content') { toggleIndexContent() } else if ($(data.next.container).attr('id') == 'projets-index') { loadProjetIndex() filterWhenEntering() } else if ($(data.next.container).attr('id') == 'text-content') { if (isDesktopDevice) { displayFooter() } } }) barba.hooks.after((data) => { let pageTitleComparator, navIndex switch ($('main').children(":first").attr('id')) { case 'index-content': pageTitleComparator = 'Accueil' navIndex = 0 break case 'text-content': // dirty hack to get what content it is if ($('main').children(":first").children(":first").text().substring(3).replace(/ .*/,'') == "équipe") { pageTitleComparator = 'Le collectif' navIndex = 1; } else { pageTitleComparator = 'Logiciels Libres' navIndex = 3; } break case 'projets-index': case 'reader': pageTitleComparator = 'Projets' navIndex = 2 break } if (pageTitleComparator != currentPage.text().trim()) { changeMenuSelected($('header nav ul li').eq(navIndex)) } if ($(data.next.container).attr('id') == 'reader') { displayReader() } }) } function lazyLoading() { $('.lazy').Lazy({ scrollDirection: 'vertical', effect: 'fadeIn', effectTime: 400, threshold: 100, afterLoad: function(element) { $(element).removeClass('loader') if ($(element).parent().is('figure')) { $(element).parent().addClass('loaded') } else { $(element).parentsUntil('figure').parent().addClass('loaded') } } }) } // UI FUNCTIONS // general content function displayPictograms() { // To be able to change the pictograms color through scss variables addLinkPictogram() $('.picto').each((i, el) => { let source = $(el).data('src') $(el).css({ '-webkit-mask': 'url(' + source + ') 0% 0% / contain no-repeat', 'mask': 'url(' + source + ') 0% 0% / contain no-repeat', }) }) } function addLinkPictogram() { $('main a[target="_blank"]').each( (i, e) => { $(e).append('
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$(event.target).attr('id') if (target == 'publique' || target == 'sociale' || target == 'culturelle') { toggleExtrait(target) return false } else if (target == 'commanditaires') { toggleCommanditaires() return false } else { switch (target) { case 'figureslibres': changeMenuSelected($('nav li a[href$=collectif]').parent()) break case 'logicielslibres': changeMenuSelected($('nav li a[href$=logiciels-libres]').parent()) break case 'projets': changeMenuSelected($('nav li a[href$=projets]').parent()) break } } }) $('#extrait-projets .projets-link-filter').click(() => { changeMenuSelected($('nav li a[href$=projets]').parent()) }) function toggleExtrait(category) { if(!isExtraitOpen) { if (isTextOpen) { hideContent($('#second-p-index')) isTextOpen = false } if (isCommanditairesOpen) { hideContent($('#commanditaires-grid')) $('#commanditaires').css('text-decoration', 'none') isCommanditairesOpen = false } displayContent($('#extrait-' + category), '80vh') turnArrow('down') $('#' + 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true : false if (filterObj.publiqueCardsDisplayed) { filterObj.publiqueCardsDisplayed = false } else { filterObj.publiqueCardsDisplayed = true } break case 'sociale': filterIsOn = filterObj.socialeCardsDisplayed ? true : false if (filterObj.socialeCardsDisplayed) { filterObj.socialeCardsDisplayed = false } else { filterObj.socialeCardsDisplayed = true } break case 'culturelle': filterIsOn = filterObj.culturelleCardsDisplayed ? true : false if (filterObj.culturelleCardsDisplayed) { filterObj.culturelleCardsDisplayed = false } else { filterObj.culturelleCardsDisplayed = true } break } } if (Object.values(filterObj).every(Boolean) || Object.values(filterObj).every(e => e == false)) { // si tous les filtres sont actifs (état de base) $('.projets-grid div').each(function () { // hide all cards if($(this).hasClass(utilite + '-card')) { // except those from the filtered category $(this).removeClass('card-hidden').addClass('card-displayed') } else { 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$(this).removeClass('card-displayed').addClass('card-hidden') }) } else { $('.filter-button').each(function() { $(this).css('opacity', 0.4) }) $('.projets-grid div').each(function () { // hide all cards $(this).removeClass('card-hidden').addClass('card-displayed') }) } } triggerLazyLoading() checkIfCategoryEmpty() // to hide empty category function checkIfCategoryEmpty() { $('.projets-grid').each(function() { let hiddenCount = 0 $(this).children().each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass('card-hidden')) { hiddenCount++ } }) if (hiddenCount == $(this).children().length) { $(this).prev().fadeOut() } else { $(this).prev().fadeIn() } }) } } function loadProjetIndex() { animateProjectGrid() isProjetsIndexLoaded = true } function animateProjectGrid() { const grid = document.querySelector(".projets-grid") animateCSSGrid.wrapGrid(grid, {duration : 600}) } function resetFilters() { Object.keys(filterObj).forEach(v => filterObj[v] = false) } function filterWhenEntering() { let searchParam = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search) if (searchParam.has('filter')) { switch (searchParam.get('filter')) { case 'publique': filterCards('publique') break case 'sociale': filterCards('sociale') break case 'culturelle': filterCards('culturelle') break } } } // display reader function displayReader() { const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { // Optional parameters loop: true, // Navigation arrows navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, }); $('#cover-image img, .project-image').click( function(event) { const totalImg = $('img') let indexImg = 0 for (let img of totalImg) { if (event.target === img) { break } indexImg++ } swiper.slideToLoop(indexImg - 1) $('body').css('overflow-y', 'hidden'); swiper.el.style.display = "block"; setTimeout(() => { swiper.el.style.opacity = "1"; }, 10); }) $('#close-carousel').click( () => { $('body').css('overflow-y', 'auto'); swiper.el.style.opacity = "0"; setTimeout(() => { swiper.el.style.display = "none"; }, 300); 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