// The font filenames and folders are normalized. // Using TTF, WOFF and WOFF2 @mixin font-face($font, $weight, $style) { $src: null; @if $weight == bold and $style == normal { $src: '../fonts/' + $font + '/' + $font + '-bold/' + $font + '-bold'; } @else if $weight == normal and $style == italic { $src: '../fonts/' + $font + '/' + $font + '-italic/' + $font + '-italic'; } @else if $weight == bold and $style == italic { $src: '../fonts/' + $font + '/' + $font + '-bold-italic/' + $font + '-bold-italic'; } @else if $weight == normal and $style == normal { $src: '../fonts/' + $font + '/' + $font + '-regular/' + $font + '-regular'; } @font-face { font-family: $font; // font name, first letter capitalized font-weight: unquote($weight); // bold or normal font-style: unquote($style); // italic or normal src: url($src + '.ttf') format('truetype'), url($src + '.woff') format('woff'), url($src + '.woff2') format('woff2'); } } // Import fonts @include font-face('Lato', 'bold', 'normal'); @include font-face('Lato', 'normal', 'italic'); @include font-face('Lato', 'bold', 'italic'); @include font-face('Lato', 'normal', 'normal'); @include font-face('Syne', 'bold', 'normal'); @include font-face('Syne', 'normal', 'normal'); @include font-face('Avara', 'bold', 'italic'); @include font-face('ManifontGrotesk', 'bold', 'italic'); @include font-face('ManifontGrotesk', 'normal', 'italic'); @include font-face('PlayfairDisplay', 'normal', 'italic'); @include font-face('Rumeur', 'bold', 'normal'); @include font-face('Moche', 'bold', 'normal'); @include font-face('Redaction50', 'bold', 'normal');