@@ -1,455 +1,18 @@
-// fonction s'éxecute après le rendu de pagedJS
-// cf https://pagedjs.org/documentation/10-handlers-hooks-and-custom-javascript/
-class setMarginTexts extends Paged.Handler {
- constructor(chunker, polisher, caller) {
- super(chunker, polisher, caller);
- }
- afterParsed(parsed) {
- // indication du chargement
- let chargement = document.createElement('div');
- chargement.setAttribute('id', 'chargement');
- chargement.innerHTML = 'chargement';
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- }
- afterPreview(pages) {
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- lastElement.addClass('last-page');
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- && !labeurs[i].firstElementChild?.hasAttribute("data-split-from")) {
- if (labeurs[i].firstElementChild) {
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- // pareil pour les titres temps
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- if (moments[i].previousElementSibling?.tagName === "P"
- && moments[i].previousElementSibling == moments[i].parentNode.firstElementChild) {
- moments[i].parentNode.removeChild(moments[i].parentNode.firstElementChild);
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- if (paragraphes[i].innerHTML == "") {
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- .classList.contains('pagedjs_left_page')) {
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- encart.style.marginBottom = '10mm';
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- switch (i) {
- case 1: romanCount = 'I'; break;
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- case 3: romanCount = 'III'; break;
- case 4: romanCount = 'IV'; break;
- case 5: romanCount = 'V'; break;
- case 6: romanCount = 'VI'; break;
- case 7: romanCount = 'VII'; break;
- case 8: romanCount = 'VIII'; break;
- case 9: romanCount = 'IX'; break;
- case 10: romanCount = 'X'; break;
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- while (previousPage) {
- if (previousPage.firstElementChild.classList.contains('atelier_cover_page')) {
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- let words = textToPut.innerText.split(' ');
- let num = parseInt(words[0], 10);
- if (!isNaN(num)) {
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- atelierGras.style.fontWeight = "bold";
- atelierGras.innerText = `Atelier ${num} `;
- textToPut.innerText = textToPut.innerText.substring(1);
- }
- break;
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- previousPage = previousPage.previousElementSibling;
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- let contentDiv = bottomLeftBox.firstElementChild;
- let textToPut = document.createElement('p');
- let partieGras;
- let currentPage = contentDiv.closest('.pagedjs_page');
- if (currentPage.id != "page-1") {
- let previousPage = currentPage.previousElementSibling;
- while (previousPage) {
- if (previousPage.firstElementChild.classList.contains('partie_cover_page')) {
- textToPut.innerText = previousPage.querySelector('h2').innerText;
- partieGras = document.createElement('span');
- partieGras.style.fontWeight = "bold";
- partieGras.innerText = previousPage.querySelector('.partie_count').innerHTML.replace("<br>", " ") + " ";
- break;
- }
- previousPage = previousPage.previousElementSibling;
- }
- }
- if (!textToPut.innerText) {
- textToPut.innerText = "Introduction";
- }
- if (partieGras) {
- textToPut.prepend(partieGras);
- }
- contentDiv.append(textToPut);
- contentDiv.style.marginBottom = contentDiv.offsetWidth / 2 - contentDiv.offsetHeight / 2 + "px";
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- if (atelierColor == undefined) {
- atelierColor = colors[colors.length];
- }
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- }
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- atelierIndex = 0;
- }
- let pageCounter = page.querySelector('.pagedjs_margin-left-middle')
- if (pageCounter) {
- pageCounter.style.color = atelierColor;
- }
- let citations = page.querySelectorAll('.citation');
- for (let citation of citations) {
- // dessiner et colorer les guillemets
- if (citation.innerText.charAt(0) === '“') {
- citation.innerText = citation.innerText.substring(1);
- }
- if (citation.innerText.charAt(citation.innerText.length - 1) === '”') {
- citation.innerText = citation.innerText.substring(0, citation.innerText.length - 1);
- }
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- guillemetOuvrant.innerText = '“';
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- guillemetFermant.innerText = '”';
- guillemetFermant.style.color = atelierColor;
- guillemetFermant.classList.add('guillement_fermant');
- citation.append(guillemetFermant);
- }
- let atelierTitle = page.querySelector('h3');
- if (atelierTitle) {
- atelierTitle.style.color = atelierColor;
- }
- let bibliographie = page.querySelector('.bibliographie');
- if (bibliographie) {
- bibliographie.style.color = atelierColor;
- // set bg et sprays
- let bibliographiePage = bibliographie.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
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- let nextPage = bibliographiePage.parentElement?.nextElementSibling?.firstElementChild;
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- if (nextPage) {
- nextPage.style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
- }
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- }
- }
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- if (h4 && h4?.nextElementSibling?.classList.contains('bibliographie')) {
- h4.style.color = atelierColor;
- }
- let serpentins = document.querySelectorAll('img[alt="serpentin"]');
- for (let serpentin of serpentins) {
- let page = serpentin.closest('.pagedjs_page');
- let nextPage = page.nextElementSibling;
- page.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(245, 245, 245)";
- nextPage.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(245, 245, 245)";
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- for (let encart of encarts) {
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- }
- }
- }
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- let links = document.querySelectorAll('a');
- for (let link of links) {
- link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
- }
- // loading fini
- document.querySelector('#chargement').remove();
- }
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