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Usage of devDependencies

Hyphenopoly has no dependencies for deployment but relies on other packages for development (devDependencies).

Clone and install devDependencies

You need git and node.js with npm.js installed on your system.

Clone repository from GitHub


git clone

to clone the current development status (HEAD) of Hyphenopoly.js (this has the newest features, but is not fully tested).

This will create a directory called Hyphenopoly in your current working directory containing all the files on the Hyphenopoly-GitHub-Repository. Those files are 'connected' to the repository: git pull will fetch and merge changes from the repository to the files in your directory.

Use this to create pull-requests or to fork the repository.

Donwload tagged release

While cloning gives you the most recent status, downloading a tagged release gives you a more thoughtfully tested (but never error free) version of Hyphenopoly.

  1. Go to and download the package.
  2. Unpack the package.

This will create a directory called Hyphenopoly in your current working directory containing all the files on the Hyphenopoly-GitHub-Repository. Those files are NOT 'connected' to the repository (you can't do git pull and a like).

Use this if you don't plan to make changes to Hyphenopoly that need to go upstream.

Install devDependencies

In your Hyphenopoly-directory run npm install. This will install the devDependencies listed in the package.json-file to a directory called node_modules.

This will install:

and their dependencies.

Install 3rd-party software

Some dependencies are not available on npm. Run npm run-script install3rdparty. This will install more tools in a directory called third-party.

This will install and compile binaryen.

Use the tools

With the tools mentioned above installed you can run the following scripts:

  • npm prepare – recreates a minified subset of the files in the min-directory.
  • npm test – runs the tap tests for Hyphenopoly.module.js
  • npm run testsuite – opens a browser and runs the test suite
  • npm run lint – runs the linter on all .js files
  • npm run compilewasm - compiles hyphenEngine.asm.js to hyphenEngine.wasm
  • npm run doc – build and open documentation page locally