Special-use-cases.md 5.6 KB

Special use cases and how-to's

  1. Browserify hyphenopoly.module.js
  2. Webpack
  3. Hyphenate depending on media queries

Note: It's not recommended to use hyphenopoly.module.js in a browser environment. See e.g. this guide on how to use Hyphenopoly in react.

Browserify hyphenopoly.module.js

Note: A browserifyed hyphenopoly.module.js is by far larger then the Hyphenopoly_Loader.js and Hyphenopoly.js scripts which are optimized for usage in browsers.

Basic setup

Create a npm project:

npm init

Install browserify as devDependency

npm install --save-dev browserify

Install hyphenopoly

npm install hyphenopoly

Setup hyphenopoly in main.js. Make sure to set the loader to "http" since browserify will not shim the "fs" module:

"use strict";

const hyphenopoly = require("hyphenopoly");

const hyphenator = hyphenopoly.config({
    "require": ["de", "en-us"],
    "paths": {
        "maindir": "./node_modules/hyphenopoly/",
        "patterndir": "./node_modules/hyphenopoly/patterns/"
    "hyphen": "•",
    "loader": "http"

async function hyphenate_en(text) {
    const hyphenateText = await hyphenator.get("en-us");

async function hyphenate_de(text) {
    const hyphenateText = await hyphenator.get("de");

hyphenate_en("hyphenation enhances justification.");
hyphenate_de("Silbentrennung verbessert den Blocksatz.");

Transform the module

browserify main.js -o bundle.js

This will generate the script-file bundle.js. Usage of a minifying tool (e.g. tinyify) is recommended.

Note: Make sure the directories referenced in paths are available.


Note: A webpacked hyphenopoly.module.js is by far larger then the Hyphenopoly_Loader.js and Hyphenopoly.js scripts which are optimized for usage in browsers.

Like browserify webpack will not shim "fs". Thus we have to tell webpack to shim the "fs" module with an empty object and configure hyphenopoly to use the "http"-loader.


module.exports = {
  node: {
    fs: "empty" //<- prevent "fs not found"


const hyphenopoly = require("hyphenopoly");

const hyphenator = hyphenopoly.config({
    "require": ["de", "en-us"],
    "paths": {
        "maindir": "../node_modules/hyphenopoly/",
        "patterndir": "../node_modules/hyphenopoly/patterns/"
    "hyphen": "•",
    "loader": "http"

Hyphenate depending on media queries

In CSS hyphenation can be restricted to special media-queries. If hyphenation on a website must be dependent of e.g. the width of the window and only active on small screens, you'd do somethink like this:

@media (max-width: 600px) {
    .hyphenate {
        hyphens: auto;
        -ms-hyphens: auto;
        -moz-hyphens: auto;
        -webkit-hyphens: auto;
@media (min-width: 601px) {
    .hyphenate {
        hyphens: none;
        -ms-hyphens: none;
        -moz-hyphens: none;
        -webkit-hyphens: none;

To polyfill hyphenation for browsers that don't support hyphenation (or don't support the required language) we'll have to tell Hyphenopoly to behave the same.

The standard way to enable Hyphenopoly would just hyphenate, regardless of the screen-width. Well have to tell the browser to run Hyphenopoly_Loader.js only for small screens and react to changes of the screen width (e.g. when rotating a mobile device). Therefor, instead of including Hyphenopoly the standard way

var startTime;
var Hyphenopoly = {
    require: {
        "en-us": "FORCEHYPHENOPOLY"
    paths: {
        maindir: "../",
        patterndir: "../patterns/"
<script src="../Hyphenopoly_Loader.js"></script>

we'll define a selectiveLoad IIFE:

(function selectiveLoad() {
    let H9YLisLoaded = false;
    function handleSize(mql) {
        if (mql.matches) { //i.e. if width <= 600px
            if (H9YLisLoaded) {
                    {"msg": ["contentLoaded"]}
            } else {
                // Hyphenopoly isn't loaded yet, so load the Loader
                // with the following settings:
                window.Hyphenopoly = {
                    require: {
                        "en-us": "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
                    paths: {
                        maindir: "../",
                        patterndir: "../patterns/"
                    setup: {
                        selectors: {
                            ".hyphenate": {}
                const loaderScript = document.createElement("script");
                loaderScript.src = "../Hyphenopoly_Loader.js";
                H9YLisLoaded = true;
        } else { //i.e. if width > 600px
            if (H9YLisLoaded) {
                //remove hyphenation previously applied by Hyphenopoly
    // Create a Media-Query-List
    const mql = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 600px)");
    // Listen to changes
    // call handleSize on init