{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %} {% set blog_image = page.media.images[page.header.hero_image] ?: page.media.images|first %} {% set collection = page.collection() %} {% set blog = page.find(header_var('blog_url')|defined(theme_var('blog-page'))) %} {% set show_breadcrumbs = header_var('show_breadcrumbs', [page, blog])|defined(true) %} {% set show_sidebar = header_var('show_sidebar', [page, blog])|defined(true) %} {% set show_pagination = header_var('show_pagination', [page, blog])|defined(true) %} {% block hero %} {% include 'partials/hero.html.twig' with {id: 'blog-hero', content: page.content, hero_image: blog_image} %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}


{% include 'partials/taxonomylist.html.twig' with {base_url: my_url, taxonomy: 'tag'} %}
{% if show_breadcrumbs and config.plugins.breadcrumbs.enabled %} {% include 'partials/breadcrumbs.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% embed 'partials/layout.html.twig' with {blog: page} %} {% block item %} {% for child in page.find('/agenda').children %} {% if child.header.date_end|date("d/m/y") <= "now"|date("d/m/y") %} {% include 'partials/cal-list-event.html.twig' with {blog: page, page: child} %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %}
{% endblock %}