isStream($path)) { $directory = $locator->getRecursiveIterator($path, $flags); } else { $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, $flags); } $filter = new RecursiveFolderFilterIterator($directory); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($filter, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $dir) { $dir_modified = $dir->getMTime(); if ($dir_modified > $last_modified) { $last_modified = $dir_modified; } } } return $last_modified; } /** * Recursively find the last modified time under given path by file. * * @param array $paths * @param string $extensions which files to search for specifically * @return int */ public static function lastModifiedFile(array $paths, $extensions = 'md|yaml'): int { $last_modified = 0; /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */ $locator = Grav::instance()['locator']; $flags = RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS; foreach($paths as $path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return 0; } if ($locator->isStream($path)) { $directory = $locator->getRecursiveIterator($path, $flags); } else { $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, $flags); } $recursive = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $iterator = new RegexIterator($recursive, '/^.+\.'.$extensions.'$/i'); /** @var RecursiveDirectoryIterator $file */ foreach ($iterator as $file) { try { $file_modified = $file->getMTime(); if ($file_modified > $last_modified) { $last_modified = $file_modified; } } catch (Exception $e) { Grav::instance()['log']->error('Could not process file: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } return $last_modified; } /** * Recursively md5 hash all files in a path * * @param array $paths * @return string */ public static function hashAllFiles(array $paths): string { $files = []; foreach ($paths as $path) { if (file_exists($path)) { $flags = RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS; /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */ $locator = Grav::instance()['locator']; if ($locator->isStream($path)) { $directory = $locator->getRecursiveIterator($path, $flags); } else { $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, $flags); } $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $file) { $files[] = $file->getPathname() . '?'. $file->getMTime(); } } } return md5(serialize($files)); } /** * Get relative path between target and base path. If path isn't relative, return full path. * * @param string $path * @param string $base * @return string */ public static function getRelativePath($path, $base = GRAV_ROOT) { if ($base) { $base = preg_replace('![\\\/]+!', '/', $base); $path = preg_replace('![\\\/]+!', '/', $path); if (strpos($path, $base) === 0) { $path = ltrim(substr($path, strlen($base)), '/'); } } return $path; } /** * Get relative path between target and base path. If path isn't relative, return full path. * * @param string $path * @param string $base * @return string */ public static function getRelativePathDotDot($path, $base) { // Normalize paths. $base = preg_replace('![\\\/]+!', '/', $base); $path = preg_replace('![\\\/]+!', '/', $path); if ($path === $base) { return ''; } $baseParts = explode('/', ltrim($base, '/')); $pathParts = explode('/', ltrim($path, '/')); array_pop($baseParts); $lastPart = array_pop($pathParts); foreach ($baseParts as $i => $directory) { if (isset($pathParts[$i]) && $pathParts[$i] === $directory) { unset($baseParts[$i], $pathParts[$i]); } else { break; } } $pathParts[] = $lastPart; $path = str_repeat('../', count($baseParts)) . implode('/', $pathParts); return '' === $path || strpos($path, '/') === 0 || false !== ($colonPos = strpos($path, ':')) && ($colonPos < ($slashPos = strpos($path, '/')) || false === $slashPos) ? "./$path" : $path; } /** * Shift first directory out of the path. * * @param string $path * @return string|null */ public static function shift(&$path) { $parts = explode('/', trim($path, '/'), 2); $result = array_shift($parts); $path = array_shift($parts); return $result ?: null; } /** * Return recursive list of all files and directories under given path. * * @param string $path * @param array $params * @return array * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function all($path, array $params = []) { if (!$path) { throw new RuntimeException("Path doesn't exist."); } if (!file_exists($path)) { return []; } $compare = isset($params['compare']) ? 'get' . $params['compare'] : null; $pattern = $params['pattern'] ?? null; $filters = $params['filters'] ?? null; $recursive = $params['recursive'] ?? true; $levels = $params['levels'] ?? -1; $key = isset($params['key']) ? 'get' . $params['key'] : null; $value = 'get' . ($params['value'] ?? ($recursive ? 'SubPathname' : 'Filename')); $folders = $params['folders'] ?? true; $files = $params['files'] ?? true; /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */ $locator = Grav::instance()['locator']; if ($recursive) { $flags = RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS + FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS + FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_SELF + FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS; if ($locator->isStream($path)) { $directory = $locator->getRecursiveIterator($path, $flags); } else { $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, $flags); } $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $iterator->setMaxDepth(max($levels, -1)); } else { if ($locator->isStream($path)) { $iterator = $locator->getIterator($path); } else { $iterator = new FilesystemIterator($path); } } $results = []; /** @var RecursiveDirectoryIterator $file */ foreach ($iterator as $file) { // Ignore hidden files. if (strpos($file->getFilename(), '.') === 0 && $file->isFile()) { continue; } if (!$folders && $file->isDir()) { continue; } if (!$files && $file->isFile()) { continue; } if ($compare && $pattern && !preg_match($pattern, $file->{$compare}())) { continue; } $fileKey = $key ? $file->{$key}() : null; $filePath = $file->{$value}(); if ($filters) { if (isset($filters['key'])) { $pre = !empty($filters['pre-key']) ? $filters['pre-key'] : ''; $fileKey = $pre . preg_replace($filters['key'], '', $fileKey); } if (isset($filters['value'])) { $filter = $filters['value']; if (is_callable($filter)) { $filePath = $filter($file); } else { $filePath = preg_replace($filter, '', $filePath); } } } if ($fileKey !== null) { $results[$fileKey] = $filePath; } else { $results[] = $filePath; } } return $results; } /** * Recursively copy directory in filesystem. * * @param string $source * @param string $target * @param string|null $ignore Ignore files matching pattern (regular expression). * @return void * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function copy($source, $target, $ignore = null) { $source = rtrim($source, '\\/'); $target = rtrim($target, '\\/'); if (!is_dir($source)) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot copy non-existing folder.'); } // Make sure that path to the target exists before copying. self::create($target); $success = true; // Go through all sub-directories and copy everything. $files = self::all($source); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($ignore && preg_match($ignore, $file)) { continue; } $src = $source .'/'. $file; $dst = $target .'/'. $file; if (is_dir($src)) { // Create current directory (if it doesn't exist). if (!is_dir($dst)) { $success &= @mkdir($dst, 0777, true); } } else { // Or copy current file. $success &= @copy($src, $dst); } } if (!$success) { $error = error_get_last(); throw new RuntimeException($error['message'] ?? 'Unknown error'); } // Make sure that the change will be detected when caching. @touch(dirname($target)); } /** * Move directory in filesystem. * * @param string $source * @param string $target * @return void * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function move($source, $target) { if (!file_exists($source) || !is_dir($source)) { // Rename fails if source folder does not exist. throw new RuntimeException('Cannot move non-existing folder.'); } // Don't do anything if the source is the same as the new target if ($source === $target) { return; } if (strpos($target, $source . '/') === 0) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot move folder to itself'); } if (file_exists($target)) { // Rename fails if target folder exists. throw new RuntimeException('Cannot move files to existing folder/file.'); } // Make sure that path to the target exists before moving. self::create(dirname($target)); // Silence warnings (chmod failed etc). @rename($source, $target); // Rename function can fail while still succeeding, so let's check if the folder exists. if (is_dir($source)) { // Rename doesn't support moving folders across filesystems. Use copy instead. self::copy($source, $target); self::delete($source); } // Make sure that the change will be detected when caching. @touch(dirname($source)); @touch(dirname($target)); @touch($target); } /** * Recursively delete directory from filesystem. * * @param string $target * @param bool $include_target * @return bool * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function delete($target, $include_target = true) { if (!is_dir($target)) { return false; } $success = self::doDelete($target, $include_target); if (!$success) { $error = error_get_last(); throw new RuntimeException($error['message'] ?? 'Unknown error'); } // Make sure that the change will be detected when caching. if ($include_target) { @touch(dirname($target)); } else { @touch($target); } return $success; } /** * @param string $folder * @return void * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function mkdir($folder) { self::create($folder); } /** * @param string $folder * @return void * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function create($folder) { // Silence error for open_basedir; should fail in mkdir instead. if (@is_dir($folder)) { return; } $success = @mkdir($folder, 0777, true); if (!$success) { // Take yet another look, make sure that the folder doesn't exist. clearstatcache(true, $folder); if (!@is_dir($folder)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to create directory: %s', $folder)); } } } /** * Recursive copy of one directory to another * * @param string $src * @param string $dest * @return bool * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function rcopy($src, $dest) { // If the src is not a directory do a simple file copy if (!is_dir($src)) { copy($src, $dest); return true; } // If the destination directory does not exist create it if (!is_dir($dest)) { static::create($dest); } // Open the source directory to read in files $i = new DirectoryIterator($src); foreach ($i as $f) { if ($f->isFile()) { copy($f->getRealPath(), "{$dest}/" . $f->getFilename()); } else { if (!$f->isDot() && $f->isDir()) { static::rcopy($f->getRealPath(), "{$dest}/{$f}"); } } } return true; } /** * Does a directory contain children * * @param string $directory * @return int|false */ public static function countChildren($directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { return false; } $directories = glob($directory . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); return $directories ? count($directories) : false; } /** * @param string $folder * @param bool $include_target * @return bool * @internal */ protected static function doDelete($folder, $include_target = true) { // Special case for symbolic links. if ($include_target && is_link($folder)) { return @unlink($folder); } // Go through all items in filesystem and recursively remove everything. $files = scandir($folder, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); $files = $files ? array_diff($files, ['.', '..']) : []; foreach ($files as $file) { $path = "{$folder}/{$file}"; is_dir($path) ? self::doDelete($path) : @unlink($path); } return $include_target ? @rmdir($folder) : true; } }