path = $path ? rtrim($path, '\\/') . '/' : ''; $this->cacheFolder = $cacheFolder; $this->files = $files; } /** * Get filename for the compiled PHP file. * * @param string|null $name * @return $this */ public function name($name = null) { if (!$this->name) { $this->name = $name ?: md5(json_encode(array_keys($this->files))); } return $this; } /** * Function gets called when cached configuration is saved. * * @return void */ public function modified() { } /** * Get timestamp of compiled configuration * * @return int Timestamp of compiled configuration */ public function timestamp() { return $this->timestamp ?: time(); } /** * Load the configuration. * * @return mixed */ public function load() { if ($this->object) { return $this->object; } $filename = $this->createFilename(); if (!$this->loadCompiledFile($filename) && $this->loadFiles()) { $this->saveCompiledFile($filename); } return $this->object; } /** * Returns checksum from the configuration files. * * You can set $this->checksum = false to disable this check. * * @return bool|string */ public function checksum() { if (null === $this->checksum) { $this->checksum = md5(json_encode($this->files) . $this->version); } return $this->checksum; } /** * @return string */ protected function createFilename() { return "{$this->cacheFolder}/{$this->name()->name}.php"; } /** * Create configuration object. * * @param array $data * @return void */ abstract protected function createObject(array $data = []); /** * Finalize configuration object. * * @return void */ abstract protected function finalizeObject(); /** * Load single configuration file and append it to the correct position. * * @param string $name Name of the position. * @param string|string[] $filename File(s) to be loaded. * @return void */ abstract protected function loadFile($name, $filename); /** * Load and join all configuration files. * * @return bool * @internal */ protected function loadFiles() { $this->createObject(); $list = array_reverse($this->files); foreach ($list as $files) { foreach ($files as $name => $item) { $this->loadFile($name, $this->path . $item['file']); } } $this->finalizeObject(); return true; } /** * Load compiled file. * * @param string $filename * @return bool * @internal */ protected function loadCompiledFile($filename) { if (!file_exists($filename)) { return false; } $cache = include $filename; if (!is_array($cache) || !isset($cache['checksum'], $cache['data'], $cache['@class']) || $cache['@class'] !== get_class($this) ) { return false; } // Load real file if cache isn't up to date (or is invalid). if ($cache['checksum'] !== $this->checksum()) { return false; } $this->createObject($cache['data']); $this->timestamp = $cache['timestamp'] ?? 0; $this->finalizeObject(); return true; } /** * Save compiled file. * * @param string $filename * @return void * @throws RuntimeException * @internal */ protected function saveCompiledFile($filename) { $file = PhpFile::instance($filename); // Attempt to lock the file for writing. try { $file->lock(false); } catch (Exception $e) { // Another process has locked the file; we will check this in a bit. } if ($file->locked() === false) { // File was already locked by another process. return; } $cache = [ '@class' => get_class($this), 'timestamp' => time(), 'checksum' => $this->checksum(), 'files' => $this->files, 'data' => $this->getState() ]; $file->save($cache); $file->unlock(); $file->free(); $this->modified(); } /** * @return array */ protected function getState() { return $this->object->toArray(); } }