* @implements FlexIndexInterface * @mixin C */ class FlexIndex extends ObjectIndex implements FlexIndexInterface { const VERSION = 1; /** @var FlexDirectory|null */ private $_flexDirectory; /** @var string */ private $_keyField = 'storage_key'; /** @var array */ private $_indexKeys; /** * @param FlexDirectory $directory * @return static * @phpstan-return static */ public static function createFromStorage(FlexDirectory $directory) { return static::createFromArray(static::loadEntriesFromStorage($directory->getStorage()), $directory); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::createFromArray() */ public static function createFromArray(array $entries, FlexDirectory $directory, string $keyField = null) { $instance = new static($entries, $directory); $instance->setKeyField($keyField); return $instance; } /** * @param FlexStorageInterface $storage * @return array */ public static function loadEntriesFromStorage(FlexStorageInterface $storage): array { return $storage->getExistingKeys(); } /** * You can define indexes for fast lookup. * * Primary key: $meta['key'] * Secondary keys: $meta['my_field'] * * @param array $meta * @param array $data * @param FlexStorageInterface $storage * @return void */ public static function updateObjectMeta(array &$meta, array $data, FlexStorageInterface $storage) { // For backwards compatibility, no need to call this method when you override this method. static::updateIndexData($meta, $data); } /** * Initializes a new FlexIndex. * * @param array $entries * @param FlexDirectory|null $directory */ public function __construct(array $entries = [], FlexDirectory $directory = null) { // @phpstan-ignore-next-line if (get_class($this) === __CLASS__) { user_error('Using ' . __CLASS__ . ' directly is deprecated since Grav 1.7, use \Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Generic\GenericIndex or your own class instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } parent::__construct($entries); $this->_flexDirectory = $directory; $this->setKeyField(null); } /** * @return string */ public function getKey() { return $this->_key ?: $this->getFlexType() . '@@' . spl_object_hash($this); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCommonInterface::hasFlexFeature() */ public function hasFlexFeature(string $name): bool { return in_array($name, $this->getFlexFeatures(), true); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCommonInterface::hasFlexFeature() */ public function getFlexFeatures(): array { /** @var array $implements */ $implements = class_implements($this->getFlexDirectory()->getCollectionClass()); $list = []; foreach ($implements as $interface) { if ($pos = strrpos($interface, '\\')) { $interface = substr($interface, $pos+1); } $list[] = Inflector::hyphenize(str_replace('Interface', '', $interface)); } return $list; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::search() */ public function search(string $search, $properties = null, array $options = null) { return $this->__call('search', [$search, $properties, $options]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::sort() */ public function sort(array $orderings) { return $this->orderBy($orderings); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::filterBy() */ public function filterBy(array $filters) { return $this->__call('filterBy', [$filters]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getFlexType() */ public function getFlexType(): string { return $this->getFlexDirectory()->getFlexType(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getFlexDirectory() */ public function getFlexDirectory(): FlexDirectory { if (null === $this->_flexDirectory) { throw new RuntimeException('Flex Directory not defined, object is not fully defined'); } return $this->_flexDirectory; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getTimestamp() */ public function getTimestamp(): int { $timestamps = $this->getTimestamps(); return $timestamps ? max($timestamps) : time(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getCacheKey() */ public function getCacheKey(): string { return $this->getTypePrefix() . $this->getFlexType() . '.' . sha1(json_encode($this->getKeys()) . $this->_keyField); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getCacheChecksum() */ public function getCacheChecksum(): string { $list = []; foreach ($this->getEntries() as $key => $value) { $list[$key] = $value['checksum'] ?? $value['storage_timestamp']; } return sha1((string)json_encode($list)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getTimestamps() */ public function getTimestamps(): array { return $this->getIndexMap('storage_timestamp'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getStorageKeys() */ public function getStorageKeys(): array { return $this->getIndexMap('storage_key'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getFlexKeys() */ public function getFlexKeys(): array { // Get storage keys for the objects. $keys = []; $type = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getFlexType() . '.obj:'; foreach ($this->getEntries() as $key => $value) { $keys[$key] = $value['flex_key'] ?? $type . $value['storage_key']; } return $keys; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexIndexInterface::withKeyField() */ public function withKeyField(string $keyField = null) { $keyField = $keyField ?: 'key'; if ($keyField === $this->getKeyField()) { return $this; } $type = $keyField === 'flex_key' ? $this->getFlexDirectory()->getFlexType() . '.obj:' : ''; $entries = []; foreach ($this->getEntries() as $key => $value) { if (!isset($value['key'])) { $value['key'] = $key; } if (isset($value[$keyField])) { $entries[$value[$keyField]] = $value; } elseif ($keyField === 'flex_key') { $entries[$type . $value['storage_key']] = $value; } } return $this->createFrom($entries, $keyField); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::getIndex() */ public function getIndex() { return $this; } /** * @return FlexCollectionInterface * @phpstan-return C */ public function getCollection() { return $this->loadCollection(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexCollectionInterface::render() */ public function render(string $layout = null, array $context = []) { return $this->__call('render', [$layout, $context]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexIndexInterface::getFlexKeys() */ public function getIndexMap(string $indexKey = null) { if (null === $indexKey) { return $this->getEntries(); } // Get storage keys for the objects. $index = []; foreach ($this->getEntries() as $key => $value) { $index[$key] = $value[$indexKey] ?? null; } return $index; } /** * @param string $key * @return array */ public function getMetaData($key): array { return $this->getEntries()[$key] ?? []; } /** * @return string */ public function getKeyField(): string { return $this->_keyField; } /** * @param string|null $namespace * @return CacheInterface */ public function getCache(string $namespace = null) { return $this->getFlexDirectory()->getCache($namespace); } /** * @param array $orderings * @return static * @phpstan-return static */ public function orderBy(array $orderings) { if (!$orderings || !$this->count()) { return $this; } // Handle primary key alias. $keyField = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getStorage()->getKeyField(); if ($keyField !== 'key' && $keyField !== 'storage_key' && isset($orderings[$keyField])) { $orderings['key'] = $orderings[$keyField]; unset($orderings[$keyField]); } // Check if ordering needs to load the objects. if (array_diff_key($orderings, $this->getIndexKeys())) { return $this->__call('orderBy', [$orderings]); } // Ordering can be done by using index only. $previous = null; foreach (array_reverse($orderings) as $field => $ordering) { $field = (string)$field; if ($this->getKeyField() === $field) { $keys = $this->getKeys(); $search = array_combine($keys, $keys) ?: []; } elseif ($field === 'flex_key') { $search = $this->getFlexKeys(); } else { $search = $this->getIndexMap($field); } // Update current search to match the previous ordering. if (null !== $previous) { $search = array_replace($previous, $search); } // Order by current field. if (strtoupper($ordering) === 'DESC') { arsort($search, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); } else { asort($search, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); } $previous = $search; } return $this->createFrom(array_replace($previous ?? [], $this->getEntries())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function call($method, array $arguments = []) { return $this->__call('call', [$method, $arguments]); } /** * @param string $name * @param array $arguments * @return mixed */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function __call($name, $arguments) { /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = Grav::instance()['debugger']; /** @phpstan-var class-string $className */ $className = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getCollectionClass(); $cachedMethods = $className::getCachedMethods(); $flexType = $this->getFlexType(); if (!empty($cachedMethods[$name])) { $type = $cachedMethods[$name]; if ($type === 'session') { /** @var Session $session */ $session = Grav::instance()['session']; $cacheKey = $session->getId() . ($session->user->username ?? ''); } else { $cacheKey = ''; } $key = "{$flexType}.idx." . sha1($name . '.' . $cacheKey . json_encode($arguments) . $this->getCacheKey()); $checksum = $this->getCacheChecksum(); $cache = $this->getCache('object'); try { $cached = $cache->get($key); $test = $cached[0] ?? null; $result = $test === $checksum ? ($cached[1] ?? null) : null; // Make sure the keys aren't changed if the returned type is the same index type. if ($result instanceof self && $flexType === $result->getFlexType()) { $result = $result->withKeyField($this->getKeyField()); } } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $debugger->addException($e); } if (!isset($result)) { $collection = $this->loadCollection(); $result = $collection->{$name}(...$arguments); $debugger->addMessage("Cache miss: '{$flexType}::{$name}()'", 'debug'); try { // If flex collection is returned, convert it back to flex index. if ($result instanceof FlexCollection) { $cached = $result->getFlexDirectory()->getIndex($result->getKeys(), $this->getKeyField()); } else { $cached = $result; } $cache->set($key, [$checksum, $cached]); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $debugger->addException($e); // TODO: log error. } } } else { $collection = $this->loadCollection(); if (\is_callable([$collection, $name])) { $result = $collection->{$name}(...$arguments); if (!isset($cachedMethods[$name])) { $debugger->addMessage("Call '{$flexType}:{$name}()' isn't cached", 'debug'); } } else { $result = null; } } return $result; } /** * @return array */ public function __serialize(): array { return ['type' => $this->getFlexType(), 'entries' => $this->getEntries()]; } /** * @param array $data * @return void */ public function __unserialize(array $data): void { $this->_flexDirectory = Grav::instance()['flex']->getDirectory($data['type']); $this->setEntries($data['entries']); } /** * @return array */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function __debugInfo() { return [ 'type:private' => $this->getFlexType(), 'key:private' => $this->getKey(), 'entries_key:private' => $this->getKeyField(), 'entries:private' => $this->getEntries() ]; } /** * @param array $entries * @param string|null $keyField * @return static * @phpstan-return static */ protected function createFrom(array $entries, string $keyField = null) { /** @phpstan-var static $index */ $index = new static($entries, $this->getFlexDirectory()); $index->setKeyField($keyField ?? $this->_keyField); return $index; } /** * @param string|null $keyField * @return void */ protected function setKeyField(string $keyField = null) { $this->_keyField = $keyField ?? 'storage_key'; } /** * @return array */ protected function getIndexKeys() { if (null === $this->_indexKeys) { $entries = $this->getEntries(); $first = reset($entries); if ($first) { $keys = array_keys($first); $keys = array_combine($keys, $keys) ?: []; } else { $keys = []; } $this->setIndexKeys($keys); } return $this->_indexKeys; } /** * @param array $indexKeys * @return void */ protected function setIndexKeys(array $indexKeys) { // Add defaults. $indexKeys += [ 'key' => 'key', 'storage_key' => 'storage_key', 'storage_timestamp' => 'storage_timestamp', 'flex_key' => 'flex_key' ]; $this->_indexKeys = $indexKeys; } /** * @return string */ protected function getTypePrefix() { return 'i.'; } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return ObjectInterface|null * @phpstan-return T|null */ protected function loadElement($key, $value): ?ObjectInterface { /** @phpstan-var T[] $objects */ $objects = $this->getFlexDirectory()->loadObjects([$key => $value]); return $objects ? reset($objects): null; } /** * @param array|null $entries * @return ObjectInterface[] * @phpstan-return T[] */ protected function loadElements(array $entries = null): array { /** @phpstan-var T[] $objects */ $objects = $this->getFlexDirectory()->loadObjects($entries ?? $this->getEntries()); return $objects; } /** * @param array|null $entries * @return CollectionInterface * @phpstan-return C */ protected function loadCollection(array $entries = null): CollectionInterface { /** @var C $collection */ $collection = $this->getFlexDirectory()->loadCollection($entries ?? $this->getEntries(), $this->_keyField); return $collection; } /** * @param mixed $value * @return bool */ protected function isAllowedElement($value): bool { return $value instanceof FlexObject; } /** * @param FlexObjectInterface $object * @return mixed */ protected function getElementMeta($object) { return $object->getMetaData(); } /** * @param FlexObjectInterface $element * @return string */ protected function getCurrentKey($element) { $keyField = $this->getKeyField(); if ($keyField === 'storage_key') { return $element->getStorageKey(); } if ($keyField === 'flex_key') { return $element->getFlexKey(); } if ($keyField === 'key') { return $element->getKey(); } return $element->getKey(); } /** * @param FlexStorageInterface $storage * @param array $index Saved index * @param array $entries Updated index * @param array $options * @return array Compiled list of entries */ protected static function updateIndexFile(FlexStorageInterface $storage, array $index, array $entries, array $options = []): array { $indexFile = static::getIndexFile($storage); if (null === $indexFile) { return $entries; } // Calculate removed objects. $removed = array_diff_key($index, $entries); // First get rid of all removed objects. if ($removed) { $index = array_diff_key($index, $removed); } if ($entries && empty($options['force_update'])) { // Calculate difference between saved index and current data. foreach ($index as $key => $entry) { $storage_key = $entry['storage_key'] ?? null; if (isset($entries[$storage_key]) && $entries[$storage_key]['storage_timestamp'] === $entry['storage_timestamp']) { // Entry is up to date, no update needed. unset($entries[$storage_key]); } } if (empty($entries) && empty($removed)) { // No objects were added, updated or removed. return $index; } } elseif (!$removed) { // There are no objects and nothing was removed. return []; } // Index should be updated, lock the index file for saving. $indexFile->lock(); // Read all the data rows into an array using chunks of 100. $keys = array_fill_keys(array_keys($entries), null); $chunks = array_chunk($keys, 100, true); $updated = $added = []; foreach ($chunks as $keys) { $rows = $storage->readRows($keys); $keyField = $storage->getKeyField(); // Go through all the updated objects and refresh their index data. foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { if (null !== $row || !empty($options['include_missing'])) { $entry = $entries[$key] + ['key' => $key]; if ($keyField !== 'storage_key' && isset($row[$keyField])) { $entry['key'] = $row[$keyField]; } static::updateObjectMeta($entry, $row ?? [], $storage); if (isset($row['__ERROR'])) { $entry['__ERROR'] = true; static::onException(new RuntimeException(sprintf('Object failed to load: %s (%s)', $key, $row['__ERROR']))); } if (isset($index[$key])) { // Update object in the index. $updated[$key] = $entry; } else { // Add object into the index. $added[$key] = $entry; } // Either way, update the entry. $index[$key] = $entry; } elseif (isset($index[$key])) { // Remove object from the index. $removed[$key] = $index[$key]; unset($index[$key]); } } unset($rows); } // Sort the index before saving it. ksort($index, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); static::onChanges($index, $added, $updated, $removed); $indexFile->save(['version' => static::VERSION, 'timestamp' => time(), 'count' => count($index), 'index' => $index]); $indexFile->unlock(); return $index; } /** * @param array $entry * @param array $data * @return void * @deprecated 1.7 Use static ::updateObjectMeta() method instead. */ protected static function updateIndexData(array &$entry, array $data) { } /** * @param FlexStorageInterface $storage * @return array */ protected static function loadIndex(FlexStorageInterface $storage) { $indexFile = static::getIndexFile($storage); if ($indexFile) { $data = []; try { $data = (array)$indexFile->content(); $version = $data['version'] ?? null; if ($version !== static::VERSION) { $data = []; } } catch (Exception $e) { $e = new RuntimeException(sprintf('Index failed to load: %s', $e->getMessage()), $e->getCode(), $e); static::onException($e); } if ($data) { return $data; } } return ['version' => static::VERSION, 'timestamp' => 0, 'count' => 0, 'index' => []]; } /** * @param FlexStorageInterface $storage * @return array */ protected static function loadEntriesFromIndex(FlexStorageInterface $storage) { $data = static::loadIndex($storage); return $data['index'] ?? []; } /** * @param FlexStorageInterface $storage * @return CompiledYamlFile|CompiledJsonFile|null */ protected static function getIndexFile(FlexStorageInterface $storage) { if (!method_exists($storage, 'isIndexed') || !$storage->isIndexed()) { return null; } $path = $storage->getStoragePath(); if (!$path) { return null; } // Load saved index file. $grav = Grav::instance(); $locator = $grav['locator']; $filename = $locator->findResource("{$path}/index.yaml", true, true); return CompiledYamlFile::instance($filename); } /** * @param Exception $e * @return void */ protected static function onException(Exception $e) { $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Logger $logger */ $logger = $grav['log']; $logger->addAlert($e->getMessage()); /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = $grav['debugger']; $debugger->addException($e); $debugger->addMessage($e, 'error'); } /** * @param array $entries * @param array $added * @param array $updated * @param array $removed * @return void */ protected static function onChanges(array $entries, array $added, array $updated, array $removed) { $addedCount = count($added); $updatedCount = count($updated); $removedCount = count($removed); if ($addedCount + $updatedCount + $removedCount) { $message = sprintf('Index updated, %d objects (%d added, %d updated, %d removed).', count($entries), $addedCount, $updatedCount, $removedCount); $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = $grav['debugger']; $debugger->addMessage($message, 'debug'); } } // DEPRECATED METHODS /** * @param bool $prefix * @return string * @deprecated 1.6 Use `->getFlexType()` instead. */ public function getType($prefix = false) { user_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated since Grav 1.6, use ->getFlexType() method instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $type = $prefix ? $this->getTypePrefix() : ''; return $type . $this->getFlexType(); } }