rootUrl(true); // Sanity check for local URLs with absolute URL's enabled if (Utils::startsWith($link, $base)) { return false; } return (0 === strpos($link, 'http://') || 0 === strpos($link, 'https://') || 0 === strpos($link, '//')); } /** * Download and concatenate the content of several links. * * @param array $assets * @param int $type * @return string */ protected function gatherLinks(array $assets, int $type = self::CSS_ASSET): string { $buffer = ''; foreach ($assets as $asset) { $local = true; $link = $asset->getAsset(); $relative_path = $link; if (static::isRemoteLink($link)) { $local = false; if (0 === strpos($link, '//')) { $link = 'http:' . $link; } $relative_dir = dirname($relative_path); } else { // Fix to remove relative dir if grav is in one if (($this->base_url !== '/') && Utils::startsWith($relative_path, $this->base_url)) { $base_url = '#' . preg_quote($this->base_url, '#') . '#'; $relative_path = ltrim(preg_replace($base_url, '/', $link, 1), '/'); } $relative_dir = dirname($relative_path); $link = GRAV_ROOT . '/' . $relative_path; } // TODO: looks like this is not being used. $file = $this->fetch_command instanceof Closure ? @$this->fetch_command->__invoke($link) : @file_get_contents($link); // No file found, skip it... if ($file === false) { continue; } // Double check last character being if ($type === self::JS_ASSET || $type === self::JS_MODULE_ASSET) { $file = rtrim($file, ' ;') . ';'; } // If this is CSS + the file is local + rewrite enabled if ($type === self::CSS_ASSET && $this->css_rewrite) { $file = $this->cssRewrite($file, $relative_dir, $local); } if ($type === self::JS_MODULE_ASSET) { $file = $this->jsRewrite($file, $relative_dir, $local); } $file = rtrim($file) . PHP_EOL; $buffer .= $file; } // Pull out @imports and move to top if ($type === self::CSS_ASSET) { $buffer = $this->moveImports($buffer); } return $buffer; } /** * Moves @import statements to the top of the file per the CSS specification * * @param string $file the file containing the combined CSS files * @return string the modified file with any @imports at the top of the file */ protected function moveImports($file) { $regex = '{@import.*?["\']([^"\']+)["\'].*?;}'; $imports = []; $file = (string)preg_replace_callback($regex, static function ($matches) use (&$imports) { $imports[] = $matches[0]; return ''; }, $file); return implode("\n", $imports) . "\n\n" . $file; } /** * * Build an HTML attribute string from an array. * * @return string */ protected function renderAttributes() { $html = ''; $no_key = ['loading']; foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $value) { if ($value === null) { continue; } if (is_numeric($key)) { $key = $value; } if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode(' ', $value); } if (in_array($key, $no_key, true)) { $element = htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); } else { $element = $key . '="' . htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false) . '"'; } $html .= ' ' . $element; } return $html; } /** * Render Querystring * * @param string|null $asset * @return string */ protected function renderQueryString($asset = null) { $querystring = ''; $asset = $asset ?? $this->asset; if (!empty($this->query)) { if (Utils::contains($asset, '?')) { $querystring .= '&' . $this->query; } else { $querystring .= '?' . $this->query; } } if ($this->timestamp) { if ($querystring || Utils::contains($asset, '?')) { $querystring .= '&' . $this->timestamp; } else { $querystring .= '?' . $this->timestamp; } } return $querystring; } }