setName('server') ->addOption('port', 'p', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Preferred HTTP port rather than auto-find (default is 8000-9000') ->addOption('symfony', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force using Symfony server') ->addOption('php', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force using built-in PHP server') ->setDescription("Runs built-in web-server, Symfony first, then tries PHP's") ->setHelp("Runs built-in web-server, Symfony first, then tries PHP's"); } /** * @return int */ protected function serve(): int { $input = $this->getInput(); $io = $this->getIO(); $io->title('Grav Web Server'); // Ensure CLI colors are on ini_set('cli_server.color', 'on'); // Options $force_symfony = $input->getOption('symfony'); $force_php = $input->getOption('php'); // Find PHP $executableFinder = new PhpExecutableFinder(); $php = $executableFinder->find(false); $this->ip = ''; $this->port = (int)($input->getOption('port') ?? 8000); // Get an open port while (!$this->portAvailable($this->ip, $this->port)) { $this->port++; } // Setup the commands $symfony_cmd = ['symfony', 'server:start', '--ansi', '--port=' . $this->port]; $php_cmd = [$php, '-S', $this->ip.':'.$this->port, 'system/router.php']; $commands = [ self::SYMFONY_SERVER => $symfony_cmd, self::PHP_SERVER => $php_cmd ]; if ($force_symfony) { unset($commands[self::PHP_SERVER]); } elseif ($force_php) { unset($commands[self::SYMFONY_SERVER]); } $error = 0; foreach ($commands as $name => $command) { $process = $this->runProcess($name, $command); if (!$process) { $io->note('Starting ' . $name . '...'); } // Should only get here if there's an error running if (!$process->isRunning() && (($name === self::SYMFONY_SERVER && $force_symfony) || ($name === self::PHP_SERVER))) { $error = 1; $io->error('Could not start ' . $name); } } return $error; } /** * @param string $name * @param array $cmd * @return Process */ protected function runProcess(string $name, array $cmd): Process { $io = $this->getIO(); $process = new Process($cmd); $process->setTimeout(0); $process->start(); if ($name === self::SYMFONY_SERVER && Utils::contains($process->getErrorOutput(), 'symfony: not found')) { $io->error('The symfony binary could not be found, please install the CLI tools:'); $io->warning('Falling back to PHP web server...'); } if ($name === self::PHP_SERVER) { $io->success('Built-in PHP web server listening on http://' . $this->ip . ':' . $this->port . ' (PHP v' . PHP_VERSION . ')'); } $process->wait(function ($type, $buffer) { $this->getIO()->write($buffer); }); return $process; } /** * Simple function test the port * * @param string $ip * @param int $port * @return bool */ protected function portAvailable(string $ip, int $port): bool { $fp = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 0.1); if (!$fp) { return true; } fclose($fp); return false; } }