grav = $grav; $this->twig_paths = []; } /** * Twig initialization that sets the twig loader chain, then the environment, then extensions * and also the base set of twig vars * * @return $this */ public function init() { if (null === $this->twig) { /** @var Config $config */ $config = $this->grav['config']; /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */ $locator = $this->grav['locator']; /** @var Language $language */ $language = $this->grav['language']; $active_language = $language->getActive(); // handle language templates if available if ($language->enabled()) { $lang_templates = $locator->findResource('theme://templates/' . ($active_language ?: $language->getDefault())); if ($lang_templates) { $this->twig_paths[] = $lang_templates; } } $this->twig_paths = array_merge($this->twig_paths, $locator->findResources('theme://templates')); $this->grav->fireEvent('onTwigTemplatePaths'); // Add Grav core templates location $core_templates = array_merge($locator->findResources('system://templates'), $locator->findResources('system://templates/testing')); $this->twig_paths = array_merge($this->twig_paths, $core_templates); $this->loader = new FilesystemLoader($this->twig_paths); // Register all other prefixes as namespaces in twig foreach ($locator->getPaths('theme') as $prefix => $_) { if ($prefix === '') { continue; } $twig_paths = []; // handle language templates if available if ($language->enabled()) { $lang_templates = $locator->findResource('theme://'.$prefix.'templates/' . ($active_language ?: $language->getDefault())); if ($lang_templates) { $twig_paths[] = $lang_templates; } } $twig_paths = array_merge($twig_paths, $locator->findResources('theme://'.$prefix.'templates')); $namespace = trim($prefix, '/'); $this->loader->setPaths($twig_paths, $namespace); } $this->grav->fireEvent('onTwigLoader'); $this->loaderArray = new ArrayLoader([]); $loader_chain = new ChainLoader([$this->loaderArray, $this->loader]); $params = $config->get('system.twig'); if (!empty($params['cache'])) { $cachePath = $locator->findResource('cache://twig', true, true); $params['cache'] = new FilesystemCache($cachePath, FilesystemCache::FORCE_BYTECODE_INVALIDATION); } if (!$config->get('system.strict_mode.twig_compat', false)) { // Force autoescape on for all files if in strict mode. $params['autoescape'] = 'html'; } elseif (!empty($this->autoescape)) { $params['autoescape'] = $this->autoescape ? 'html' : false; } if (empty($params['autoescape'])) { user_error('Grav 2.0 will have Twig auto-escaping forced on (can be emulated by turning off \'system.strict_mode.twig_compat\' setting in your configuration)', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } $this->twig = new TwigEnvironment($loader_chain, $params); $this->twig->registerUndefinedFunctionCallback(function (string $name) use ($config) { $allowed = $config->get('system.twig.safe_functions'); if (is_array($allowed) && in_array($name, $allowed, true) && function_exists($name)) { return new TwigFunction($name, $name); } if ($config->get('system.twig.undefined_functions')) { if (function_exists($name)) { if (!Utils::isDangerousFunction($name)) { user_error("PHP function {$name}() was used as Twig function. This is deprecated in Grav 1.7. Please add it to system configuration: `system.twig.safe_functions`", E_USER_DEPRECATED); return new TwigFunction($name, $name); } /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = $this->grav['debugger']; $debugger->addException(new RuntimeException("Blocked potentially dangerous PHP function {$name}() being used as Twig function. If you really want to use it, please add it to system configuration: `system.twig.safe_functions`")); } return new TwigFunction($name, static function () {}); } return false; }); $this->twig->registerUndefinedFilterCallback(function (string $name) use ($config) { $allowed = $config->get('system.twig.safe_filters'); if (is_array($allowed) && in_array($name, $allowed, true) && function_exists($name)) { return new TwigFilter($name, $name); } if ($config->get('system.twig.undefined_filters')) { if (function_exists($name)) { if (!Utils::isDangerousFunction($name)) { user_error("PHP function {$name}() used as Twig filter. This is deprecated in Grav 1.7. Please add it to system configuration: `system.twig.safe_filters`", E_USER_DEPRECATED); return new TwigFilter($name, $name); } /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = $this->grav['debugger']; $debugger->addException(new RuntimeException("Blocked potentially dangerous PHP function {$name}() being used as Twig filter. If you really want to use it, please add it to system configuration: `system.twig.safe_filters`")); } return new TwigFilter($name, static function () {}); } return false; }); $this->grav->fireEvent('onTwigInitialized'); // set default date format if set in config if ($config->get('system.pages.dateformat.long')) { /** @var CoreExtension $extension */ $extension = $this->twig->getExtension(CoreExtension::class); $extension->setDateFormat($config->get('system.pages.dateformat.long')); } // enable the debug extension if required if ($config->get('system.twig.debug')) { $this->twig->addExtension(new DebugExtension()); } $this->twig->addExtension(new GravExtension()); $this->twig->addExtension(new FilesystemExtension()); $this->twig->addExtension(new DeferredExtension()); $this->twig->addExtension(new StringLoaderExtension()); /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = $this->grav['debugger']; $debugger->addTwigProfiler($this->twig); $this->grav->fireEvent('onTwigExtensions'); /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->grav['pages']; // Set some standard variables for twig $this->twig_vars += [ 'config' => $config, 'system' => $config->get('system'), 'theme' => $config->get('theme'), 'site' => $config->get('site'), 'uri' => $this->grav['uri'], 'assets' => $this->grav['assets'], 'taxonomy' => $this->grav['taxonomy'], 'browser' => $this->grav['browser'], 'base_dir' => GRAV_ROOT, 'home_url' => $pages->homeUrl($active_language), 'base_url' => $pages->baseUrl($active_language), 'base_url_absolute' => $pages->baseUrl($active_language, true), 'base_url_relative' => $pages->baseUrl($active_language, false), 'base_url_simple' => $this->grav['base_url'], 'theme_dir' => $locator->findResource('theme://'), 'theme_url' => $this->grav['base_url'] . '/' . $locator->findResource('theme://', false), 'html_lang' => $this->grav['language']->getActive() ?: $config->get('site.default_lang', 'en'), 'language_codes' => new LanguageCodes, ]; } return $this; } /** * @return Environment */ public function twig() { return $this->twig; } /** * @return FilesystemLoader */ public function loader() { return $this->loader; } /** * @return Profile */ public function profile() { return $this->profile; } /** * Adds or overrides a template. * * @param string $name The template name * @param string $template The template source */ public function setTemplate($name, $template) { $this->loaderArray->setTemplate($name, $template); } /** * Twig process that renders a page item. It supports two variations: * 1) Handles modular pages by rendering a specific page based on its modular twig template * 2) Renders individual page items for twig processing before the site rendering * * @param PageInterface $item The page item to render * @param string|null $content Optional content override * * @return string The rendered output */ public function processPage(PageInterface $item, $content = null) { $content = $content ?? $item->content(); // override the twig header vars for local resolution $this->grav->fireEvent('onTwigPageVariables', new Event(['page' => $item])); $twig_vars = $this->twig_vars; $twig_vars['page'] = $item; $twig_vars['media'] = $item->media(); $twig_vars['header'] = $item->header(); $local_twig = clone $this->twig; $output = ''; try { if ($item->isModule()) { $twig_vars['content'] = $content; $template = $this->getPageTwigTemplate($item); $output = $content = $local_twig->render($template, $twig_vars); } // Process in-page Twig if ($item->shouldProcess('twig')) { $name = '@Page:' . $item->path(); $this->setTemplate($name, $content); $output = $local_twig->render($name, $twig_vars); } } catch (LoaderError $e) { throw new RuntimeException($e->getRawMessage(), 400, $e); } return $output; } /** * Process a Twig template directly by using a template name * and optional array of variables * * @param string $template template to render with * @param array $vars Optional variables * * @return string */ public function processTemplate($template, $vars = []) { // override the twig header vars for local resolution $this->grav->fireEvent('onTwigTemplateVariables'); $vars += $this->twig_vars; try { $output = $this->twig->render($template, $vars); } catch (LoaderError $e) { throw new RuntimeException($e->getRawMessage(), 404, $e); } return $output; } /** * Process a Twig template directly by using a Twig string * and optional array of variables * * @param string $string string to render. * @param array $vars Optional variables * * @return string */ public function processString($string, array $vars = []) { // override the twig header vars for local resolution $this->grav->fireEvent('onTwigStringVariables'); $vars += $this->twig_vars; $name = '@Var:' . $string; $this->setTemplate($name, $string); try { $output = $this->twig->render($name, $vars); } catch (LoaderError $e) { throw new RuntimeException($e->getRawMessage(), 404, $e); } return $output; } /** * Twig process that renders the site layout. This is the main twig process that renders the overall * page and handles all the layout for the site display. * * @param string|null $format Output format (defaults to HTML). * @param array $vars * @return string the rendered output * @throws RuntimeException */ public function processSite($format = null, array $vars = []) { try { $grav = $this->grav; // set the page now its been processed $grav->fireEvent('onTwigSiteVariables'); /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $grav['pages']; /** @var PageInterface $page */ $page = $grav['page']; $twig_vars = $this->twig_vars; $twig_vars['theme'] = $grav['config']->get('theme'); $twig_vars['pages'] = $pages->root(); $twig_vars['page'] = $page; $twig_vars['header'] = $page->header(); $twig_vars['media'] = $page->media(); $twig_vars['content'] = $page->content(); // determine if params are set, if so disable twig cache $params = $grav['uri']->params(null, true); if (!empty($params)) { $this->twig->setCache(false); } // Get Twig template layout $template = $this->getPageTwigTemplate($page, $format); $page->templateFormat($format); $output = $this->twig->render($template, $vars + $twig_vars); } catch (LoaderError $e) { throw new RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), 400, $e); } catch (RuntimeError $e) { $prev = $e->getPrevious(); if ($prev instanceof TwigException) { $code = $prev->getCode() ?: 500; // Fire onPageNotFound event. $event = new Event([ 'page' => $page, 'code' => $code, 'message' => $prev->getMessage(), 'exception' => $prev, 'route' => $grav['route'], 'request' => $grav['request'] ]); $event = $grav->fireEvent("onDisplayErrorPage.{$code}", $event); $newPage = $event['page']; if ($newPage && $newPage !== $page) { unset($grav['page']); $grav['page'] = $newPage; return $this->processSite($newPage->templateFormat(), $vars); } } throw $e; } return $output; } /** * Wraps the FilesystemLoader addPath method (should be used only in `onTwigLoader()` event * @param string $template_path * @param string $namespace * @throws LoaderError */ public function addPath($template_path, $namespace = '__main__') { $this->loader->addPath($template_path, $namespace); } /** * Wraps the FilesystemLoader prependPath method (should be used only in `onTwigLoader()` event * @param string $template_path * @param string $namespace * @throws LoaderError */ public function prependPath($template_path, $namespace = '__main__') { $this->loader->prependPath($template_path, $namespace); } /** * Simple helper method to get the twig template if it has already been set, else return * the one being passed in * NOTE: Modular pages that are injected should not use this pre-set template as it's usually set at the page level * * @param string $template the template name * @return string the template name */ public function template(string $template): string { if (isset($this->template)) { $template = $this->template; unset($this->template); } return $template; } /** * @param PageInterface $page * @param string|null $format * @return string */ public function getPageTwigTemplate($page, &$format = null) { $template = $page->template(); $default = $page->isModule() ? 'modular/default' : 'default'; $extension = $format ?: $page->templateFormat(); $twig_extension = $extension ? '.'. $extension .TWIG_EXT : TEMPLATE_EXT; $template_file = $this->template($template . $twig_extension); // TODO: no longer needed in Twig 3. /** @var ExistsLoaderInterface $loader */ $loader = $this->twig->getLoader(); if ($loader->exists($template_file)) { // $page_template = $template_file; } elseif ($twig_extension !== TEMPLATE_EXT && $loader->exists($template . TEMPLATE_EXT)) { // template.html.twig $page_template = $template . TEMPLATE_EXT; $format = 'html'; } elseif ($loader->exists($default . $twig_extension)) { // $page_template = $default . $twig_extension; } else { // default.html.twig $page_template = $default . TEMPLATE_EXT; $format = 'html'; } return $page_template; } /** * Overrides the autoescape setting * * @param bool $state * @return void * @deprecated 1.5 Auto-escape should always be turned on to protect against XSS issues (can be disabled per template file). */ public function setAutoescape($state) { if (!$state) { user_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '(false) is deprecated since Grav 1.5', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } $this->autoescape = (bool) $state; } }