taxonomy = []; $this->process = $config->get('system.pages.process'); $this->published = true; } /** * Initializes the page instance variables based on a file * * @param SplFileInfo $file The file information for the .md file that the page represents * @param string|null $extension * @return $this */ public function init(SplFileInfo $file, $extension = null) { $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $this->initialized = true; // some extension logic if (empty($extension)) { $this->extension('.' . $file->getExtension()); } else { $this->extension($extension); } // extract page language from page extension $language = trim(Utils::basename($this->extension(), 'md'), '.') ?: null; $this->language($language); $this->hide_home_route = $config->get('system.home.hide_in_urls', false); $this->home_route = $this->adjustRouteCase($config->get('system.home.alias')); $this->filePath($file->getPathname()); $this->modified($file->getMTime()); $this->id($this->modified() . md5($this->filePath())); $this->routable(true); $this->header(); $this->date(); $this->metadata(); $this->url(); $this->visible(); $this->modularTwig(strpos($this->slug(), '_') === 0); $this->setPublishState(); $this->published(); $this->urlExtension(); return $this; } #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function __clone() { $this->initialized = false; $this->header = $this->header ? clone $this->header : null; } /** * @return void */ public function initialize(): void { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initialized = true; $this->route = null; $this->raw_route = null; $this->_forms = null; } } /** * @return void */ protected function processFrontmatter() { // Quick check for twig output tags in frontmatter if enabled $process_fields = (array)$this->header(); if (Utils::contains(json_encode(array_values($process_fields)), '{{')) { $ignored_fields = []; foreach ((array)Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.frontmatter.ignore_fields') as $field) { if (isset($process_fields[$field])) { $ignored_fields[$field] = $process_fields[$field]; unset($process_fields[$field]); } } $text_header = Grav::instance()['twig']->processString(json_encode($process_fields, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), ['page' => $this]); $this->header((object)(json_decode($text_header, true) + $ignored_fields)); } } /** * Return an array with the routes of other translated languages * * @param bool $onlyPublished only return published translations * @return array the page translated languages */ public function translatedLanguages($onlyPublished = false) { $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Language $language */ $language = $grav['language']; $languages = $language->getLanguages(); $defaultCode = $language->getDefault(); $name = substr($this->name, 0, -strlen($this->extension())); $translatedLanguages = []; foreach ($languages as $languageCode) { $languageExtension = ".{$languageCode}.md"; $path = $this->path . DS . $this->folder . DS . $name . $languageExtension; $exists = file_exists($path); // Default language may be saved without language file location. if (!$exists && $languageCode === $defaultCode) { $languageExtension = '.md'; $path = $this->path . DS . $this->folder . DS . $name . $languageExtension; $exists = file_exists($path); } if ($exists) { $aPage = new Page(); $aPage->init(new SplFileInfo($path), $languageExtension); $aPage->route($this->route()); $aPage->rawRoute($this->rawRoute()); $route = $aPage->header()->routes['default'] ?? $aPage->rawRoute(); if (!$route) { $route = $aPage->route(); } if ($onlyPublished && !$aPage->published()) { continue; } $translatedLanguages[$languageCode] = $route; } } return $translatedLanguages; } /** * Return an array listing untranslated languages available * * @param bool $includeUnpublished also list unpublished translations * @return array the page untranslated languages */ public function untranslatedLanguages($includeUnpublished = false) { $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Language $language */ $language = $grav['language']; $languages = $language->getLanguages(); $translated = array_keys($this->translatedLanguages(!$includeUnpublished)); return array_values(array_diff($languages, $translated)); } /** * Gets and Sets the raw data * * @param string|null $var Raw content string * @return string Raw content string */ public function raw($var = null) { $file = $this->file(); if ($var) { // First update file object. if ($file) { $file->raw($var); } // Reset header and content. $this->modified = time(); $this->id($this->modified() . md5($this->filePath())); $this->header = null; $this->content = null; $this->summary = null; } return $file ? $file->raw() : ''; } /** * Gets and Sets the page frontmatter * * @param string|null $var * * @return string */ public function frontmatter($var = null) { if ($var) { $this->frontmatter = (string)$var; // Update also file object. $file = $this->file(); if ($file) { $file->frontmatter((string)$var); } // Force content re-processing. $this->id(time() . md5($this->filePath())); } if (!$this->frontmatter) { $this->header(); } return $this->frontmatter; } /** * Gets and Sets the header based on the YAML configuration at the top of the .md file * * @param object|array|null $var a YAML object representing the configuration for the file * @return \stdClass the current YAML configuration */ public function header($var = null) { if ($var) { $this->header = (object)$var; // Update also file object. $file = $this->file(); if ($file) { $file->header((array)$var); } // Force content re-processing. $this->id(time() . md5($this->filePath())); } if (!$this->header) { $file = $this->file(); if ($file) { try { $this->raw_content = $file->markdown(); $this->frontmatter = $file->frontmatter(); $this->header = (object)$file->header(); if (!Utils::isAdminPlugin()) { // If there's a `frontmatter.yaml` file merge that in with the page header // note page's own frontmatter has precedence and will overwrite any defaults $frontmatterFile = CompiledYamlFile::instance($this->path . '/' . $this->folder . '/frontmatter.yaml'); if ($frontmatterFile->exists()) { $frontmatter_data = (array)$frontmatterFile->content(); $this->header = (object)array_replace_recursive( $frontmatter_data, (array)$this->header ); $frontmatterFile->free(); } // Process frontmatter with Twig if enabled if (Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.frontmatter.process_twig') === true) { $this->processFrontmatter(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $file->raw(Grav::instance()['language']->translate([ 'GRAV.FRONTMATTER_ERROR_PAGE', $this->slug(), $file->filename(), $e->getMessage(), $file->raw() ])); $this->raw_content = $file->markdown(); $this->frontmatter = $file->frontmatter(); $this->header = (object)$file->header(); } $var = true; } } if ($var) { if (isset($this->header->slug)) { $this->slug($this->header->slug); } if (isset($this->header->routes)) { $this->routes = (array)$this->header->routes; } if (isset($this->header->title)) { $this->title = trim($this->header->title); } if (isset($this->header->language)) { $this->language = trim($this->header->language); } if (isset($this->header->template)) { $this->template = trim($this->header->template); } if (isset($this->header->menu)) { $this->menu = trim($this->header->menu); } if (isset($this->header->routable)) { $this->routable = (bool)$this->header->routable; } if (isset($this->header->visible)) { $this->visible = (bool)$this->header->visible; } if (isset($this->header->redirect)) { $this->redirect = trim($this->header->redirect); } if (isset($this->header->external_url)) { $this->external_url = trim($this->header->external_url); } if (isset($this->header->order_dir)) { $this->order_dir = trim($this->header->order_dir); } if (isset($this->header->order_by)) { $this->order_by = trim($this->header->order_by); } if (isset($this->header->order_manual)) { $this->order_manual = (array)$this->header->order_manual; } if (isset($this->header->dateformat)) { $this->dateformat($this->header->dateformat); } if (isset($this->header->date)) { $this->date($this->header->date); } if (isset($this->header->markdown_extra)) { $this->markdown_extra = (bool)$this->header->markdown_extra; } if (isset($this->header->taxonomy)) { $this->taxonomy($this->header->taxonomy); } if (isset($this->header->max_count)) { $this->max_count = (int)$this->header->max_count; } if (isset($this->header->process)) { foreach ((array)$this->header->process as $process => $status) { $this->process[$process] = (bool)$status; } } if (isset($this->header->published)) { $this->published = (bool)$this->header->published; } if (isset($this->header->publish_date)) { $this->publishDate($this->header->publish_date); } if (isset($this->header->unpublish_date)) { $this->unpublishDate($this->header->unpublish_date); } if (isset($this->header->expires)) { $this->expires = (int)$this->header->expires; } if (isset($this->header->cache_control)) { $this->cache_control = $this->header->cache_control; } if (isset($this->header->etag)) { $this->etag = (bool)$this->header->etag; } if (isset($this->header->last_modified)) { $this->last_modified = (bool)$this->header->last_modified; } if (isset($this->header->ssl)) { $this->ssl = (bool)$this->header->ssl; } if (isset($this->header->template_format)) { $this->template_format = $this->header->template_format; } if (isset($this->header->debugger)) { $this->debugger = (bool)$this->header->debugger; } if (isset($this->header->append_url_extension)) { $this->url_extension = $this->header->append_url_extension; } } return $this->header; } /** * Get page language * * @param string|null $var * @return mixed */ public function language($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->language = $var; } return $this->language; } /** * Modify a header value directly * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value */ public function modifyHeader($key, $value) { $this->header->{$key} = $value; } /** * @return int */ public function httpResponseCode() { return (int)($this->header()->http_response_code ?? 200); } /** * @return array */ public function httpHeaders() { $headers = []; $grav = Grav::instance(); $format = $this->templateFormat(); $cache_control = $this->cacheControl(); $expires = $this->expires(); // Set Content-Type header $headers['Content-Type'] = Utils::getMimeByExtension($format, 'text/html'); // Calculate Expires Headers if set to > 0 if ($expires > 0) { $expires_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $expires) . ' GMT'; if (!$cache_control) { $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=' . $expires; } $headers['Expires'] = $expires_date; } // Set Cache-Control header if ($cache_control) { $headers['Cache-Control'] = strtolower($cache_control); } // Set Last-Modified header if ($this->lastModified()) { $last_modified_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $this->modified()) . ' GMT'; $headers['Last-Modified'] = $last_modified_date; } // Ask Grav to calculate ETag from the final content. if ($this->eTag()) { $headers['ETag'] = '1'; } // Set Vary: Accept-Encoding header if ($grav['config']->get('system.pages.vary_accept_encoding', false)) { $headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding'; } // Added new Headers event $headers_obj = (object) $headers; Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onPageHeaders', new Event(['headers' => $headers_obj])); return (array)$headers_obj; } /** * Get the summary. * * @param int|null $size Max summary size. * @param bool $textOnly Only count text size. * @return string */ public function summary($size = null, $textOnly = false) { $config = (array)Grav::instance()['config']->get('site.summary'); if (isset($this->header->summary)) { $config = array_merge($config, $this->header->summary); } // Return summary based on settings in site config file if (!$config['enabled']) { return $this->content(); } // Set up variables to process summary from page or from custom summary if ($this->summary === null) { $content = $textOnly ? strip_tags($this->content()) : $this->content(); $summary_size = $this->summary_size; } else { $content = $textOnly ? strip_tags($this->summary) : $this->summary; $summary_size = mb_strwidth($content, 'utf-8'); } // Return calculated summary based on summary divider's position $format = $config['format']; // Return entire page content on wrong/ unknown format if (!in_array($format, ['short', 'long'])) { return $content; } if (($format === 'short') && isset($summary_size)) { // Slice the string if (mb_strwidth($content, 'utf8') > $summary_size) { return mb_substr($content, 0, $summary_size); } return $content; } // Get summary size from site config's file if ($size === null) { $size = $config['size']; } // If the size is zero, return the entire page content if ($size === 0) { return $content; // Return calculated summary based on defaults } if (!is_numeric($size) || ($size < 0)) { $size = 300; } // Only return string but not html, wrap whatever html tag you want when using if ($textOnly) { if (mb_strwidth($content, 'utf-8') <= $size) { return $content; } return mb_strimwidth($content, 0, $size, '…', 'UTF-8'); } $summary = Utils::truncateHtml($content, $size); return html_entity_decode($summary, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8'); } /** * Sets the summary of the page * * @param string $summary Summary */ public function setSummary($summary) { $this->summary = $summary; } /** * Gets and Sets the content based on content portion of the .md file * * @param string|null $var Content * @return string Content */ public function content($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->raw_content = $var; // Update file object. $file = $this->file(); if ($file) { $file->markdown($var); } // Force re-processing. $this->id(time() . md5($this->filePath())); $this->content = null; } // If no content, process it if ($this->content === null) { // Get media $this->media(); /** @var Config $config */ $config = Grav::instance()['config']; // Load cached content /** @var Cache $cache */ $cache = Grav::instance()['cache']; $cache_id = md5('page' . $this->getCacheKey()); $content_obj = $cache->fetch($cache_id); if (is_array($content_obj)) { $this->content = $content_obj['content']; $this->content_meta = $content_obj['content_meta']; } else { $this->content = $content_obj; } $process_markdown = $this->shouldProcess('markdown'); $process_twig = $this->shouldProcess('twig') || $this->modularTwig(); $cache_enable = $this->header->cache_enable ?? $config->get( 'system.cache.enabled', true ); $twig_first = $this->header->twig_first ?? $config->get( 'system.pages.twig_first', false ); // never cache twig means it's always run after content $never_cache_twig = $this->header->never_cache_twig ?? $config->get( 'system.pages.never_cache_twig', true ); // if no cached-content run everything if ($never_cache_twig) { if ($this->content === false || $cache_enable === false) { $this->content = $this->raw_content; Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onPageContentRaw', new Event(['page' => $this])); if ($process_markdown) { $this->processMarkdown(); } // Content Processed but not cached yet Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onPageContentProcessed', new Event(['page' => $this])); if ($cache_enable) { $this->cachePageContent(); } } if ($process_twig) { $this->processTwig(); } } else { if ($this->content === false || $cache_enable === false) { $this->content = $this->raw_content; Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onPageContentRaw', new Event(['page' => $this])); if ($twig_first) { if ($process_twig) { $this->processTwig(); } if ($process_markdown) { $this->processMarkdown(); } // Content Processed but not cached yet Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onPageContentProcessed', new Event(['page' => $this])); } else { if ($process_markdown) { $this->processMarkdown($process_twig); } // Content Processed but not cached yet Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onPageContentProcessed', new Event(['page' => $this])); if ($process_twig) { $this->processTwig(); } } if ($cache_enable) { $this->cachePageContent(); } } } // Handle summary divider $delimiter = $config->get('site.summary.delimiter', '==='); $divider_pos = mb_strpos($this->content, "


"); if ($divider_pos !== false) { $this->summary_size = $divider_pos; $this->content = str_replace("


", '', $this->content); } // Fire event when Page::content() is called Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onPageContent', new Event(['page' => $this])); } return $this->content; } /** * Get the contentMeta array and initialize content first if it's not already * * @return mixed */ public function contentMeta() { if ($this->content === null) { $this->content(); } return $this->getContentMeta(); } /** * Add an entry to the page's contentMeta array * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value */ public function addContentMeta($name, $value) { $this->content_meta[$name] = $value; } /** * Return the whole contentMeta array as it currently stands * * @param string|null $name * * @return mixed|null */ public function getContentMeta($name = null) { if ($name) { return $this->content_meta[$name] ?? null; } return $this->content_meta; } /** * Sets the whole content meta array in one shot * * @param array $content_meta * * @return array */ public function setContentMeta($content_meta) { return $this->content_meta = $content_meta; } /** * Process the Markdown content. Uses Parsedown or Parsedown Extra depending on configuration * * @param bool $keepTwig If true, content between twig tags will not be processed. * @return void */ protected function processMarkdown(bool $keepTwig = false) { /** @var Config $config */ $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $markdownDefaults = (array)$config->get('system.pages.markdown'); if (isset($this->header()->markdown)) { $markdownDefaults = array_merge($markdownDefaults, $this->header()->markdown); } // pages.markdown_extra is deprecated, but still check it... if (!isset($markdownDefaults['extra']) && (isset($this->markdown_extra) || $config->get('system.pages.markdown_extra') !== null)) { user_error('Configuration option \'system.pages.markdown_extra\' is deprecated since Grav 1.5, use \'system.pages.markdown.extra\' instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $markdownDefaults['extra'] = $this->markdown_extra ?: $config->get('system.pages.markdown_extra'); } $extra = $markdownDefaults['extra'] ?? false; $defaults = [ 'markdown' => $markdownDefaults, 'images' => $config->get('system.images', []) ]; $excerpts = new Excerpts($this, $defaults); // Initialize the preferred variant of Parsedown if ($extra) { $parsedown = new ParsedownExtra($excerpts); } else { $parsedown = new Parsedown($excerpts); } $content = $this->content; if ($keepTwig) { $token = [ '/' . Utils::generateRandomString(3), Utils::generateRandomString(3) . '/' ]; // Base64 encode any twig. $content = preg_replace_callback( ['/({#.*?#})/mu', '/({{.*?}})/mu', '/({%.*?%})/mu'], static function ($matches) use ($token) { return $token[0] . base64_encode($matches[1]) . $token[1]; }, $content ); } $content = $parsedown->text($content); if ($keepTwig) { // Base64 decode the encoded twig. $content = preg_replace_callback( ['`' . $token[0] . '([A-Za-z0-9+/]+={0,2})' . $token[1] . '`mu'], static function ($matches) { return base64_decode($matches[1]); }, $content ); } $this->content = $content; } /** * Process the Twig page content. * * @return void */ private function processTwig() { /** @var Twig $twig */ $twig = Grav::instance()['twig']; $this->content = $twig->processPage($this, $this->content); } /** * Fires the onPageContentProcessed event, and caches the page content using a unique ID for the page * * @return void */ public function cachePageContent() { /** @var Cache $cache */ $cache = Grav::instance()['cache']; $cache_id = md5('page' . $this->getCacheKey()); $cache->save($cache_id, ['content' => $this->content, 'content_meta' => $this->content_meta]); } /** * Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to get the raw page content * * @return string the current page content */ public function getRawContent() { return $this->content; } /** * Needed by the onPageContentProcessed event to set the raw page content * * @param string|null $content * @return void */ public function setRawContent($content) { $this->content = $content ?? ''; } /** * Get value from a page variable (used mostly for creating edit forms). * * @param string $name Variable name. * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function value($name, $default = null) { if ($name === 'content') { return $this->raw_content; } if ($name === 'route') { $parent = $this->parent(); return $parent ? $parent->rawRoute() : ''; } if ($name === 'order') { $order = $this->order(); return $order ? (int)$this->order() : ''; } if ($name === 'ordering') { return (bool)$this->order(); } if ($name === 'folder') { return preg_replace(PAGE_ORDER_PREFIX_REGEX, '', $this->folder); } if ($name === 'slug') { return $this->slug(); } if ($name === 'name') { $name = $this->name(); $language = $this->language() ? '.' . $this->language() : ''; $pattern = '%(' . preg_quote($language, '%') . ')?\.md$%'; $name = preg_replace($pattern, '', $name); if ($this->isModule()) { return 'modular/' . $name; } return $name; } if ($name === 'media') { return $this->media()->all(); } if ($name === 'media.file') { return $this->media()->files(); } if ($name === '') { return $this->media()->videos(); } if ($name === 'media.image') { return $this->media()->images(); } if ($name === '') { return $this->media()->audios(); } $path = explode('.', $name); $scope = array_shift($path); if ($name === 'frontmatter') { return $this->frontmatter; } if ($scope === 'header') { $current = $this->header(); foreach ($path as $field) { if (is_object($current) && isset($current->{$field})) { $current = $current->{$field}; } elseif (is_array($current) && isset($current[$field])) { $current = $current[$field]; } else { return $default; } } return $current; } return $default; } /** * Gets and Sets the Page raw content * * @param string|null $var * @return string */ public function rawMarkdown($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->raw_content = $var; } return $this->raw_content; } /** * @return bool * @internal */ public function translated(): bool { return $this->initialized; } /** * Get file object to the page. * * @return MarkdownFile|null */ public function file() { if ($this->name) { return MarkdownFile::instance($this->filePath()); } return null; } /** * Save page if there's a file assigned to it. * * @param bool|array $reorder Internal use. */ public function save($reorder = true) { // Perform move, copy [or reordering] if needed. $this->doRelocation(); $file = $this->file(); if ($file) { $file->filename($this->filePath()); $file->header((array)$this->header()); $file->markdown($this->raw_content); $file->save(); } // Perform reorder if required if ($reorder && is_array($reorder)) { $this->doReorder($reorder); } // We need to signal Flex Pages about the change. /** @var Flex|null $flex */ $flex = Grav::instance()['flex'] ?? null; $directory = $flex ? $flex->getDirectory('pages') : null; if (null !== $directory) { $directory->clearCache(); } $this->_original = null; } /** * Prepare move page to new location. Moves also everything that's under the current page. * * You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. * * @param PageInterface $parent New parent page. * @return $this */ public function move(PageInterface $parent) { if (!$this->_original) { $clone = clone $this; $this->_original = $clone; } $this->_action = 'move'; if ($this->route() === $parent->route()) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed: Cannot set page parent to self'); } if (Utils::startsWith($parent->rawRoute(), $this->rawRoute())) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed: Cannot set page parent to a child of current page'); } $this->parent($parent); $this->id(time() . md5($this->filePath())); if ($parent->path()) { $this->path($parent->path() . '/' . $this->folder()); } if ($parent->route()) { $this->route($parent->route() . '/' . $this->slug()); } else { $this->route(Grav::instance()['pages']->root()->route() . '/' . $this->slug()); } $this->raw_route = null; return $this; } /** * Prepare a copy from the page. Copies also everything that's under the current page. * * Returns a new Page object for the copy. * You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. * * @param PageInterface $parent New parent page. * @return $this */ public function copy(PageInterface $parent) { $this->move($parent); $this->_action = 'copy'; return $this; } /** * Get blueprints for the page. * * @return Blueprint */ public function blueprints() { $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $grav['pages']; $blueprint = $pages->blueprints($this->blueprintName()); $fields = $blueprint->fields(); $edit_mode = isset($grav['admin']) ? $grav['config']->get('plugins.admin.edit_mode') : null; // override if you only want 'normal' mode if (empty($fields) && ($edit_mode === 'auto' || $edit_mode === 'normal')) { $blueprint = $pages->blueprints('default'); } // override if you only want 'expert' mode if (!empty($fields) && $edit_mode === 'expert') { $blueprint = $pages->blueprints(''); } return $blueprint; } /** * Returns the blueprint from the page. * * @param string $name Not used. * @return Blueprint Returns a Blueprint. */ public function getBlueprint(string $name = '') { return $this->blueprints(); } /** * Get the blueprint name for this page. Use the blueprint form field if set * * @return string */ public function blueprintName() { if (!isset($_POST['blueprint'])) { return $this->template(); } $post_value = $_POST['blueprint']; $sanitized_value = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($post_value), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); return $sanitized_value ?: $this->template(); } /** * Validate page header. * * @return void * @throws Exception */ public function validate() { $blueprints = $this->blueprints(); $blueprints->validate($this->toArray()); } /** * Filter page header from illegal contents. * * @return void */ public function filter() { $blueprints = $this->blueprints(); $values = $blueprints->filter($this->toArray()); if ($values && isset($values['header'])) { $this->header($values['header']); } } /** * Get unknown header variables. * * @return array */ public function extra() { $blueprints = $this->blueprints(); return $blueprints->extra($this->toArray()['header'], 'header.'); } /** * Convert page to an array. * * @return array */ public function toArray() { return [ 'header' => (array)$this->header(), 'content' => (string)$this->value('content') ]; } /** * Convert page to YAML encoded string. * * @return string */ public function toYaml() { return Yaml::dump($this->toArray(), 20); } /** * Convert page to JSON encoded string. * * @return string */ public function toJson() { return json_encode($this->toArray()); } /** * @return string */ public function getCacheKey(): string { return $this->id(); } /** * Gets and sets the associated media as found in the page folder. * * @param Media|null $var Representation of associated media. * @return Media Representation of associated media. */ public function media($var = null) { if ($var) { $this->setMedia($var); } /** @var Media $media */ $media = $this->getMedia(); return $media; } /** * Get filesystem path to the associated media. * * @return string|null */ public function getMediaFolder() { return $this->path(); } /** * Get display order for the associated media. * * @return array Empty array means default ordering. */ public function getMediaOrder() { $header = $this->header(); return isset($header->media_order) ? array_map('trim', explode(',', (string)$header->media_order)) : []; } /** * Gets and sets the name field. If no name field is set, it will return ''. * * @param string|null $var The name of this page. * @return string The name of this page. */ public function name($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->name = $var; } return $this->name ?: ''; } /** * Returns child page type. * * @return string */ public function childType() { return isset($this->header->child_type) ? (string)$this->header->child_type : ''; } /** * Gets and sets the template field. This is used to find the correct Twig template file to render. * If no field is set, it will return the name without the .md extension * * @param string|null $var the template name * @return string the template name */ public function template($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->template = $var; } if (empty($this->template)) { $this->template = ($this->isModule() ? 'modular/' : '') . str_replace($this->extension(), '', $this->name()); } return $this->template; } /** * Allows a page to override the output render format, usually the extension provided in the URL. * (e.g. `html`, `json`, `xml`, etc). * * @param string|null $var * @return string */ public function templateFormat($var = null) { if (null !== $var) { $this->template_format = is_string($var) ? $var : null; } if (!isset($this->template_format)) { $this->template_format = ltrim($this->header->append_url_extension ?? Utils::getPageFormat(), '.'); } return $this->template_format; } /** * Gets and sets the extension field. * * @param string|null $var * @return string */ public function extension($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->extension = $var; } if (empty($this->extension)) { $this->extension = '.' . Utils::pathinfo($this->name(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } return $this->extension; } /** * Returns the page extension, got from the page `url_extension` config and falls back to the * system config `system.pages.append_url_extension`. * * @return string The extension of this page. For example `.html` */ public function urlExtension() { if ($this->home()) { return ''; } // if not set in the page get the value from system config if (null === $this->url_extension) { $this->url_extension = Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.append_url_extension', ''); } return $this->url_extension; } /** * Gets and sets the expires field. If not set will return the default * * @param int|null $var The new expires value. * @return int The expires value */ public function expires($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->expires = $var; } return $this->expires ?? Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.expires'); } /** * Gets and sets the cache-control property. If not set it will return the default value (null) * for more details on valid options * * @param string|null $var * @return string|null */ public function cacheControl($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->cache_control = $var; } return $this->cache_control ?? Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.cache_control'); } /** * Gets and sets the title for this Page. If no title is set, it will use the slug() to get a name * * @param string|null $var the title of the Page * @return string the title of the Page */ public function title($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->title = $var; } if (empty($this->title)) { $this->title = ucfirst($this->slug()); } return $this->title; } /** * Gets and sets the menu name for this Page. This is the text that can be used specifically for navigation. * If no menu field is set, it will use the title() * * @param string|null $var the menu field for the page * @return string the menu field for the page */ public function menu($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->menu = $var; } if (empty($this->menu)) { $this->menu = $this->title(); } return $this->menu; } /** * Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is visible for navigation * * @param bool|null $var true if the page is visible * @return bool true if the page is visible */ public function visible($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->visible = (bool)$var; } if ($this->visible === null) { // Set item visibility in menu if folder is different from slug // eg folder = 01.Home and slug = Home if (preg_match(PAGE_ORDER_PREFIX_REGEX, $this->folder)) { $this->visible = true; } else { $this->visible = false; } } return $this->visible; } /** * Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is considered published * * @param bool|null $var true if the page is published * @return bool true if the page is published */ public function published($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->published = (bool)$var; } // If not published, should not be visible in menus either if ($this->published === false) { $this->visible = false; } return $this->published; } /** * Gets and Sets the Page publish date * * @param string|null $var string representation of a date * @return int unix timestamp representation of the date */ public function publishDate($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->publish_date = Utils::date2timestamp($var, $this->dateformat); } return $this->publish_date; } /** * Gets and Sets the Page unpublish date * * @param string|null $var string representation of a date * @return int|null unix timestamp representation of the date */ public function unpublishDate($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->unpublish_date = Utils::date2timestamp($var, $this->dateformat); } return $this->unpublish_date; } /** * Gets and Sets whether or not this Page is routable, ie you can reach it * via a URL. * The page must be *routable* and *published* * * @param bool|null $var true if the page is routable * @return bool true if the page is routable */ public function routable($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->routable = (bool)$var; } return $this->routable && $this->published(); } /** * @param bool|null $var * @return bool */ public function ssl($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->ssl = (bool)$var; } return $this->ssl; } /** * Gets and Sets the process setup for this Page. This is multi-dimensional array that consists of * a simple array of arrays with the form array("markdown"=>true) for example * * @param array|null $var an Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false * @return array an Array of name value pairs where the name is the process and value is true or false */ public function process($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->process = (array)$var; } return $this->process; } /** * Returns the state of the debugger override setting for this page * * @return bool */ public function debugger() { return !(isset($this->debugger) && $this->debugger === false); } /** * Function to merge page metadata tags and build an array of Metadata objects * that can then be rendered in the page. * * @param array|null $var an Array of metadata values to set * @return array an Array of metadata values for the page */ public function metadata($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->metadata = (array)$var; } // if not metadata yet, process it. if (null === $this->metadata) { $header_tag_http_equivs = ['content-type', 'default-style', 'refresh', 'x-ua-compatible', 'content-security-policy']; $this->metadata = []; // Set the Generator tag $metadata = [ 'generator' => 'GravCMS' ]; $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $escape = !$config->get('system.strict_mode.twig_compat', false) || $config->get('system.twig.autoescape', true); // Get initial metadata for the page $metadata = array_merge($metadata, $config->get('site.metadata', [])); if (isset($this->header->metadata) && is_array($this->header->metadata)) { // Merge any site.metadata settings in with page metadata $metadata = array_merge($metadata, $this->header->metadata); } // Build an array of meta objects.. foreach ((array)$metadata as $key => $value) { // Lowercase the key $key = strtolower($key); // If this is a property type metadata: "og", "twitter", "facebook" etc // Backward compatibility for nested arrays in metas if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $property => $prop_value) { $prop_key = $key . ':' . $property; $this->metadata[$prop_key] = [ 'name' => $prop_key, 'property' => $prop_key, 'content' => $escape ? htmlspecialchars($prop_value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8') : $prop_value ]; } } else { // If it this is a standard meta data type if ($value) { if (in_array($key, $header_tag_http_equivs, true)) { $this->metadata[$key] = [ 'http_equiv' => $key, 'content' => $escape ? htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : $value ]; } elseif ($key === 'charset') { $this->metadata[$key] = ['charset' => $escape ? htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8') : $value]; } else { // if it's a social metadata with separator, render as property $separator = strpos($key, ':'); $hasSeparator = $separator && $separator < strlen($key) - 1; $entry = [ 'content' => $escape ? htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8') : $value ]; if ($hasSeparator && !Utils::startsWith($key, ['twitter', 'flattr'])) { $entry['property'] = $key; } else { $entry['name'] = $key; } $this->metadata[$key] = $entry; } } } } } return $this->metadata; } /** * Reset the metadata and pull from header again */ public function resetMetadata() { $this->metadata = null; } /** * Gets and Sets the slug for the Page. The slug is used in the URL routing. If not set it uses * the parent folder from the path * * @param string|null $var the slug, e.g. 'my-blog' * @return string the slug */ public function slug($var = null) { if ($var !== null && $var !== '') { $this->slug = $var; } if (empty($this->slug)) { $this->slug = $this->adjustRouteCase(preg_replace(PAGE_ORDER_PREFIX_REGEX, '', (string) $this->folder)) ?: null; } return $this->slug; } /** * Get/set order number of this page. * * @param int|null $var * @return string|bool */ public function order($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $order = $var ? sprintf('%02d.', (int)$var) : ''; $this->folder($order . preg_replace(PAGE_ORDER_PREFIX_REGEX, '', $this->folder)); return $order; } preg_match(PAGE_ORDER_PREFIX_REGEX, $this->folder, $order); return $order[0] ?? false; } /** * Gets the URL for a page - alias of url(). * * @param bool $include_host * @return string the permalink */ public function link($include_host = false) { return $this->url($include_host); } /** * Gets the URL with host information, aka Permalink. * @return string The permalink. */ public function permalink() { return $this->url(true, false, true, true); } /** * Returns the canonical URL for a page * * @param bool $include_lang * @return string */ public function canonical($include_lang = true) { return $this->url(true, true, $include_lang); } /** * Gets the url for the Page. * * @param bool $include_host Defaults false, but true would include * @param bool $canonical True to return the canonical URL * @param bool $include_base Include base url on multisite as well as language code * @param bool $raw_route * @return string The url. */ public function url($include_host = false, $canonical = false, $include_base = true, $raw_route = false) { // Override any URL when external_url is set if (isset($this->external_url)) { return $this->external_url; } $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $grav['pages']; /** @var Config $config */ $config = $grav['config']; // get base route (multi-site base and language) $route = $include_base ? $pages->baseRoute() : ''; // add full route if configured to do so if (!$include_host && $config->get('system.absolute_urls', false)) { $include_host = true; } if ($canonical) { $route .= $this->routeCanonical(); } elseif ($raw_route) { $route .= $this->rawRoute(); } else { $route .= $this->route(); } /** @var Uri $uri */ $uri = $grav['uri']; $url = $uri->rootUrl($include_host) . '/' . trim($route, '/') . $this->urlExtension(); return Uri::filterPath($url); } /** * Gets the route for the page based on the route headers if available, else from * the parents route and the current Page's slug. * * @param string|null $var Set new default route. * @return string|null The route for the Page. */ public function route($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->route = $var; } if (empty($this->route)) { $baseRoute = null; // calculate route based on parent slugs $parent = $this->parent(); if (isset($parent)) { if ($this->hide_home_route && $parent->route() === $this->home_route) { $baseRoute = ''; } else { $baseRoute = (string)$parent->route(); } } $this->route = isset($baseRoute) ? $baseRoute . '/' . $this->slug() : null; if (!empty($this->routes) && isset($this->routes['default'])) { $this->routes['aliases'][] = $this->route; $this->route = $this->routes['default']; return $this->route; } } return $this->route; } /** * Helper method to clear the route out so it regenerates next time you use it */ public function unsetRouteSlug() { unset($this->route, $this->slug); } /** * Gets and Sets the page raw route * * @param string|null $var * @return null|string */ public function rawRoute($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->raw_route = $var; } if (empty($this->raw_route)) { $parent = $this->parent(); $baseRoute = $parent ? (string)$parent->rawRoute() : null; $slug = $this->adjustRouteCase(preg_replace(PAGE_ORDER_PREFIX_REGEX, '', $this->folder)); $this->raw_route = isset($baseRoute) ? $baseRoute . '/' . $slug : null; } return $this->raw_route; } /** * Gets the route aliases for the page based on page headers. * * @param array|null $var list of route aliases * @return array The route aliases for the Page. */ public function routeAliases($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->routes['aliases'] = (array)$var; } if (!empty($this->routes) && isset($this->routes['aliases'])) { return $this->routes['aliases']; } return []; } /** * Gets the canonical route for this page if its set. If provided it will use * that value, else if it's `true` it will use the default route. * * @param string|null $var * @return bool|string */ public function routeCanonical($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->routes['canonical'] = $var; } if (!empty($this->routes) && isset($this->routes['canonical'])) { return $this->routes['canonical']; } return $this->route(); } /** * Gets and sets the identifier for this Page object. * * @param string|null $var the identifier * @return string the identifier */ public function id($var = null) { if (null === $this->id) { // We need to set unique id to avoid potential cache conflicts between pages. $var = time() . md5($this->filePath()); } if ($var !== null) { // store unique per language $active_lang = Grav::instance()['language']->getLanguage() ?: ''; $id = $active_lang . $var; $this->id = $id; } return $this->id; } /** * Gets and sets the modified timestamp. * * @param int|null $var modified unix timestamp * @return int modified unix timestamp */ public function modified($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->modified = $var; } return $this->modified; } /** * Gets the redirect set in the header. * * @param string|null $var redirect url * @return string|null */ public function redirect($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->redirect = $var; } return $this->redirect ?: null; } /** * Gets and sets the option to show the etag header for the page. * * @param bool|null $var show etag header * @return bool show etag header */ public function eTag($var = null): bool { if ($var !== null) { $this->etag = $var; } if (!isset($this->etag)) { $this->etag = (bool)Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.etag'); } return $this->etag ?? false; } /** * Gets and sets the option to show the last_modified header for the page. * * @param bool|null $var show last_modified header * @return bool show last_modified header */ public function lastModified($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->last_modified = $var; } if (!isset($this->last_modified)) { $this->last_modified = (bool)Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.last_modified'); } return $this->last_modified; } /** * Gets and sets the path to the .md file for this Page object. * * @param string|null $var the file path * @return string|null the file path */ public function filePath($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { // Filename of the page. $this->name = Utils::basename($var); // Folder of the page. $this->folder = Utils::basename(dirname($var)); // Path to the page. $this->path = dirname($var, 2); } return rtrim($this->path . '/' . $this->folder . '/' . ($this->name() ?: ''), '/'); } /** * Gets the relative path to the .md file * * @return string The relative file path */ public function filePathClean() { return str_replace(GRAV_ROOT . DS, '', $this->filePath()); } /** * Returns the clean path to the page file * * @return string */ public function relativePagePath() { return str_replace('/' . $this->name(), '', $this->filePathClean()); } /** * Gets and sets the path to the folder where the .md for this Page object resides. * This is equivalent to the filePath but without the filename. * * @param string|null $var the path * @return string|null the path */ public function path($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { // Folder of the page. $this->folder = Utils::basename($var); // Path to the page. $this->path = dirname($var); } return $this->path ? $this->path . '/' . $this->folder : null; } /** * Get/set the folder. * * @param string|null $var Optional path * @return string|null */ public function folder($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->folder = $var; } return $this->folder; } /** * Gets and sets the date for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers * * @param string|null $var string representation of a date * @return int unix timestamp representation of the date */ public function date($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->date = Utils::date2timestamp($var, $this->dateformat); } if (!$this->date) { $this->date = $this->modified; } return $this->date; } /** * Gets and sets the date format for this Page object. This is typically passed in via the page headers * using typical PHP date string structure - * * @param string|null $var string representation of a date format * @return string string representation of a date format */ public function dateformat($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->dateformat = $var; } return $this->dateformat; } /** * Gets and sets the order by which any sub-pages should be sorted. * * @param string|null $var the order, either "asc" or "desc" * @return string the order, either "asc" or "desc" * @deprecated 1.6 */ public function orderDir($var = null) { //user_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated since Grav 1.6', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if ($var !== null) { $this->order_dir = $var; } if (empty($this->order_dir)) { $this->order_dir = 'asc'; } return $this->order_dir; } /** * Gets and sets the order by which the sub-pages should be sorted. * * default - is the order based on the file system, ie 01.Home before 02.Advark * title - is the order based on the title set in the pages * date - is the order based on the date set in the pages * folder - is the order based on the name of the folder with any numerics omitted * * @param string|null $var supported options include "default", "title", "date", and "folder" * @return string supported options include "default", "title", "date", and "folder" * @deprecated 1.6 */ public function orderBy($var = null) { //user_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated since Grav 1.6', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if ($var !== null) { $this->order_by = $var; } return $this->order_by; } /** * Gets the manual order set in the header. * * @param string|null $var supported options include "default", "title", "date", and "folder" * @return array * @deprecated 1.6 */ public function orderManual($var = null) { //user_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated since Grav 1.6', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if ($var !== null) { $this->order_manual = $var; } return (array)$this->order_manual; } /** * Gets and sets the maxCount field which describes how many sub-pages should be displayed if the * sub_pages header property is set for this page object. * * @param int|null $var the maximum number of sub-pages * @return int the maximum number of sub-pages * @deprecated 1.6 */ public function maxCount($var = null) { //user_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated since Grav 1.6', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if ($var !== null) { $this->max_count = (int)$var; } if (empty($this->max_count)) { /** @var Config $config */ $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $this->max_count = (int)$config->get('system.pages.list.count'); } return $this->max_count; } /** * Gets and sets the taxonomy array which defines which taxonomies this page identifies itself with. * * @param array|null $var an array of taxonomies * @return array an array of taxonomies */ public function taxonomy($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { // make sure first level are arrays array_walk($var, static function (&$value) { $value = (array) $value; }); // make sure all values are strings array_walk_recursive($var, static function (&$value) { $value = (string) $value; }); $this->taxonomy = $var; } return $this->taxonomy; } /** * Gets and sets the modular var that helps identify this page is a modular child * * @param bool|null $var true if modular_twig * @return bool true if modular_twig * @deprecated 1.7 Use ->isModule() or ->modularTwig() method instead. */ public function modular($var = null) { user_error(__METHOD__ . '() is deprecated since Grav 1.7, use ->isModule() or ->modularTwig() method instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->modularTwig($var); } /** * Gets and sets the modular_twig var that helps identify this page as a modular child page that will need * twig processing handled differently from a regular page. * * @param bool|null $var true if modular_twig * @return bool true if modular_twig */ public function modularTwig($var = null) { if ($var !== null) { $this->modular_twig = (bool)$var; if ($var) { $this->visible(false); // some routable logic if (empty($this->header->routable)) { $this->routable = false; } } } return $this->modular_twig ?? false; } /** * Gets the configured state of the processing method. * * @param string $process the process, eg "twig" or "markdown" * @return bool whether or not the processing method is enabled for this Page */ public function shouldProcess($process) { return (bool)($this->process[$process] ?? false); } /** * Gets and Sets the parent object for this page * * @param PageInterface|null $var the parent page object * @return PageInterface|null the parent page object if it exists. */ public function parent(PageInterface $var = null) { if ($var) { $this->parent = $var->path(); return $var; } /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = Grav::instance()['pages']; return $pages->get($this->parent); } /** * Gets the top parent object for this page. Can return page itself. * * @return PageInterface The top parent page object. */ public function topParent() { $topParent = $this; while (true) { $theParent = $topParent->parent(); if ($theParent !== null && $theParent->parent() !== null) { $topParent = $theParent; } else { break; } } return $topParent; } /** * Returns children of this page. * * @return PageCollectionInterface|Collection */ public function children() { /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = Grav::instance()['pages']; return $pages->children($this->path()); } /** * Check to see if this item is the first in an array of sub-pages. * * @return bool True if item is first. */ public function isFirst() { $parent = $this->parent(); $collection = $parent ? $parent->collection('content', false) : null; if ($collection instanceof Collection) { return $collection->isFirst($this->path()); } return true; } /** * Check to see if this item is the last in an array of sub-pages. * * @return bool True if item is last */ public function isLast() { $parent = $this->parent(); $collection = $parent ? $parent->collection('content', false) : null; if ($collection instanceof Collection) { return $collection->isLast($this->path()); } return true; } /** * Gets the previous sibling based on current position. * * @return PageInterface the previous Page item */ public function prevSibling() { return $this->adjacentSibling(-1); } /** * Gets the next sibling based on current position. * * @return PageInterface the next Page item */ public function nextSibling() { return $this->adjacentSibling(1); } /** * Returns the adjacent sibling based on a direction. * * @param int $direction either -1 or +1 * @return PageInterface|false the sibling page */ public function adjacentSibling($direction = 1) { $parent = $this->parent(); $collection = $parent ? $parent->collection('content', false) : null; if ($collection instanceof Collection) { return $collection->adjacentSibling($this->path(), $direction); } return false; } /** * Returns the item in the current position. * * @return int|null The index of the current page. */ public function currentPosition() { $parent = $this->parent(); $collection = $parent ? $parent->collection('content', false) : null; if ($collection instanceof Collection) { return $collection->currentPosition($this->path()); } return 1; } /** * Returns whether or not this page is the currently active page requested via the URL. * * @return bool True if it is active */ public function active() { $uri_path = rtrim(urldecode(Grav::instance()['uri']->path()), '/') ?: '/'; $routes = Grav::instance()['pages']->routes(); return isset($routes[$uri_path]) && $routes[$uri_path] === $this->path(); } /** * Returns whether or not this URI's URL contains the URL of the active page. * Or in other words, is this page's URL in the current URL * * @return bool True if active child exists */ public function activeChild() { $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Uri $uri */ $uri = $grav['uri']; /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $grav['pages']; $uri_path = rtrim(urldecode($uri->path()), '/'); $routes = $pages->routes(); if (isset($routes[$uri_path])) { $page = $pages->find($uri->route()); /** @var PageInterface|null $child_page */ $child_page = $page ? $page->parent() : null; while ($child_page && !$child_page->root()) { if ($this->path() === $child_page->path()) { return true; } $child_page = $child_page->parent(); } } return false; } /** * Returns whether or not this page is the currently configured home page. * * @return bool True if it is the homepage */ public function home() { $home = Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.home.alias'); return $this->route() === $home || $this->rawRoute() === $home; } /** * Returns whether or not this page is the root node of the pages tree. * * @return bool True if it is the root */ public function root() { return !$this->parent && !$this->name && !$this->visible; } /** * Helper method to return an ancestor page. * * @param bool|null $lookup Name of the parent folder * @return PageInterface page you were looking for if it exists */ public function ancestor($lookup = null) { /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = Grav::instance()['pages']; return $pages->ancestor($this->route, $lookup); } /** * Helper method to return an ancestor page to inherit from. The current * page object is returned. * * @param string $field Name of the parent folder * @return PageInterface */ public function inherited($field) { [$inherited, $currentParams] = $this->getInheritedParams($field); $this->modifyHeader($field, $currentParams); return $inherited; } /** * Helper method to return an ancestor field only to inherit from. The * first occurrence of an ancestor field will be returned if at all. * * @param string $field Name of the parent folder * * @return array */ public function inheritedField($field) { [$inherited, $currentParams] = $this->getInheritedParams($field); return $currentParams; } /** * Method that contains shared logic for inherited() and inheritedField() * * @param string $field Name of the parent folder * @return array */ protected function getInheritedParams($field) { $pages = Grav::instance()['pages']; /** @var Pages $pages */ $inherited = $pages->inherited($this->route, $field); $inheritedParams = $inherited ? (array)$inherited->value('header.' . $field) : []; $currentParams = (array)$this->value('header.' . $field); if ($inheritedParams && is_array($inheritedParams)) { $currentParams = array_replace_recursive($inheritedParams, $currentParams); } return [$inherited, $currentParams]; } /** * Helper method to return a page. * * @param string $url the url of the page * @param bool $all * * @return PageInterface page you were looking for if it exists */ public function find($url, $all = false) { /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = Grav::instance()['pages']; return $pages->find($url, $all); } /** * Get a collection of pages in the current context. * * @param string|array $params * @param bool $pagination * * @return PageCollectionInterface|Collection * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function collection($params = 'content', $pagination = true) { if (is_string($params)) { // Look into a page header field. $params = (array)$this->value('header.' . $params); } elseif (!is_array($params)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument should be either header variable name or array of parameters'); } $params['filter'] = ($params['filter'] ?? []) + ['translated' => true]; $context = [ 'pagination' => $pagination, 'self' => $this ]; /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = Grav::instance()['pages']; return $pages->getCollection($params, $context); } /** * @param string|array $value * @param bool $only_published * @return PageCollectionInterface|Collection */ public function evaluate($value, $only_published = true) { $params = [ 'items' => $value, 'published' => $only_published ]; $context = [ 'event' => false, 'pagination' => false, 'url_taxonomy_filters' => false, 'self' => $this ]; /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = Grav::instance()['pages']; return $pages->getCollection($params, $context); } /** * Returns whether or not this Page object has a .md file associated with it or if its just a directory. * * @return bool True if its a page with a .md file associated */ public function isPage() { if ($this->name) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns whether or not this Page object is a directory or a page. * * @return bool True if its a directory */ public function isDir() { return !$this->isPage(); } /** * @return bool */ public function isModule(): bool { return $this->modularTwig(); } /** * Returns whether the page exists in the filesystem. * * @return bool */ public function exists() { $file = $this->file(); return $file && $file->exists(); } /** * Returns whether or not the current folder exists * * @return bool */ public function folderExists() { return file_exists($this->path()); } /** * Cleans the path. * * @param string $path the path * @return string the path */ protected function cleanPath($path) { $lastchunk = strrchr($path, DS); if (strpos($lastchunk, ':') !== false) { $path = str_replace($lastchunk, '', $path); } return $path; } /** * Reorders all siblings according to a defined order * * @param array|null $new_order */ protected function doReorder($new_order) { if (!$this->_original) { return; } $pages = Grav::instance()['pages']; $pages->init(); $this->_original->path($this->path()); $parent = $this->parent(); $siblings = $parent ? $parent->children() : null; if ($siblings) { $siblings->order('slug', 'asc', $new_order); $counter = 0; // Reorder all moved pages. foreach ($siblings as $slug => $page) { $order = (int)trim($page->order(), '.'); $counter++; if ($order) { if ($page->path() === $this->path() && $this->folderExists()) { // Handle current page; we do want to change ordering number, but nothing else. $this->order($counter); $this->save(false); } else { // Handle all the other pages. $page = $pages->get($page->path()); if ($page && $page->folderExists() && !$page->_action) { $page = $page->move($this->parent()); $page->order($counter); $page->save(false); } } } } } } /** * Moves or copies the page in filesystem. * * @internal * @return void * @throws Exception */ protected function doRelocation() { if (!$this->_original) { return; } if (is_dir($this->_original->path())) { if ($this->_action === 'move') { Folder::move($this->_original->path(), $this->path()); } elseif ($this->_action === 'copy') { Folder::copy($this->_original->path(), $this->path()); } } if ($this->name() !== $this->_original->name()) { $path = $this->path(); if (is_file($path . '/' . $this->_original->name())) { rename($path . '/' . $this->_original->name(), $path . '/' . $this->name()); } } } /** * @return void */ protected function setPublishState() { // Handle publishing dates if no explicit published option set if (Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.pages.publish_dates') && !isset($this->header->published)) { // unpublish if required, if not clear cache right before page should be unpublished if ($this->unpublishDate()) { if ($this->unpublishDate() < time()) { $this->published(false); } else { $this->published(); Grav::instance()['cache']->setLifeTime($this->unpublishDate()); } } // publish if required, if not clear cache right before page is published if ($this->publishDate() && $this->publishDate() > time()) { $this->published(false); Grav::instance()['cache']->setLifeTime($this->publishDate()); } } } /** * @param string $route * @return string */ protected function adjustRouteCase($route) { $case_insensitive = Grav::instance()['config']->get('system.force_lowercase_urls'); return $case_insensitive ? mb_strtolower($route) : $route; } /** * Gets the Page Unmodified (original) version of the page. * * @return PageInterface The original version of the page. */ public function getOriginal() { return $this->_original; } /** * Gets the action. * * @return string|null The Action string. */ public function getAction() { return $this->_action; } }