grav = $grav; $this->config = $grav['config']; $languages = $this->config->get('system.languages.supported', []); foreach ($languages as &$language) { $language = (string)$language; } unset($language); $this->languages = $languages; $this->init(); } /** * Initialize the default and enabled languages * * @return void */ public function init() { $default = $this->config->get('system.languages.default_lang'); if (null !== $default) { $default = (string)$default; } // Note that reset returns false on empty languages. $this->default = $default ?? reset($this->languages); $this->resetFallbackPageExtensions(); if (empty($this->languages)) { // If no languages are set, turn of multi-language support. $this->enabled = false; } elseif ($default && !in_array($default, $this->languages, true)) { // If default language isn't in the language list, we need to add it. array_unshift($this->languages, $default); } } /** * Ensure that languages are enabled * * @return bool */ public function enabled() { return $this->enabled; } /** * Returns true if language debugging is turned on. * * @return bool */ public function isDebug(): bool { return !$this->config->get('system.languages.translations', true); } /** * Gets the array of supported languages * * @return array */ public function getLanguages() { return $this->languages; } /** * Sets the current supported languages manually * * @param array $langs * @return void */ public function setLanguages($langs) { $this->languages = $langs; $this->init(); } /** * Gets a pipe-separated string of available languages * * @param string|null $delimiter Delimiter to be quoted. * @return string */ public function getAvailable($delimiter = null) { $languagesArray = $this->languages; //Make local copy $languagesArray = array_map(static function ($value) use ($delimiter) { return preg_quote($value, $delimiter); }, $languagesArray); sort($languagesArray); return implode('|', array_reverse($languagesArray)); } /** * Gets language, active if set, else default * * @return string|false */ public function getLanguage() { return $this->active ?: $this->default; } /** * Gets current default language * * @return string|false */ public function getDefault() { return $this->default; } /** * Sets default language manually * * @param string $lang * @return string|bool */ public function setDefault($lang) { $lang = (string)$lang; if ($this->validate($lang)) { $this->default = $lang; return $lang; } return false; } /** * Gets current active language * * @return string|false */ public function getActive() { return $this->active; } /** * Sets active language manually * * @param string|false $lang * @return string|false */ public function setActive($lang) { $lang = (string)$lang; if ($this->validate($lang)) { /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = $this->grav['debugger']; $debugger->addMessage('Active language set to ' . $lang, 'debug'); $this->active = $lang; return $lang; } return false; } /** * Sets the active language based on the first part of the URL * * @param string $uri * @return string */ public function setActiveFromUri($uri) { $regex = '/(^\/(' . $this->getAvailable() . '))(?:\/|\?|$)/i'; // if languages set if ($this->enabled()) { // Try setting language from prefix of URL (/en/blah/blah). if (preg_match($regex, $uri, $matches)) { $this->lang_in_url = true; $this->setActive($matches[2]); $uri = preg_replace("/\\" . $matches[1] . '/', '', $uri, 1); // Store in session if language is different. if (isset($this->grav['session']) && $this->grav['session']->isStarted() && $this->config->get('system.languages.session_store_active', true) && $this->grav['session']->active_language != $this->active ) { $this->grav['session']->active_language = $this->active; } } else { // Try getting language from the session, else no active. if (isset($this->grav['session']) && $this->grav['session']->isStarted() && $this->config->get('system.languages.session_store_active', true)) { $this->setActive($this->grav['session']->active_language ?: null); } // if still null, try from http_accept_language header if ($this->active === null && $this->config->get('system.languages.http_accept_language') && $accept = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] ?? false) { $negotiator = new LanguageNegotiator(); $best_language = $negotiator->getBest($accept, $this->languages); if ($best_language instanceof AcceptLanguage) { $this->setActive($best_language->getType()); } else { $this->setActive($this->getDefault()); } } } } return $uri; } /** * Get a URL prefix based on configuration * * @param string|null $lang * @return string */ public function getLanguageURLPrefix($lang = null) { if (!$this->enabled()) { return ''; } // if active lang is not passed in, use current active if (!$lang) { $lang = $this->getLanguage(); } return $this->isIncludeDefaultLanguage($lang) ? '/' . $lang : ''; } /** * Test to see if language is default and language should be included in the URL * * @param string|null $lang * @return bool */ public function isIncludeDefaultLanguage($lang = null) { if (!$this->enabled()) { return false; } // if active lang is not passed in, use current active if (!$lang) { $lang = $this->getLanguage(); } return !($this->default === $lang && $this->config->get('system.languages.include_default_lang') === false); } /** * Simple getter to tell if a language was found in the URL * * @return bool */ public function isLanguageInUrl() { return (bool) $this->lang_in_url; } /** * Get full list of used language page extensions: [''=>'.md', 'en'=>'', ...] * * @param string|null $fileExtension * @return array */ public function getPageExtensions($fileExtension = null) { $fileExtension = $fileExtension ?: CONTENT_EXT; if (!isset($this->fallback_extensions[$fileExtension])) { $extensions[''] = $fileExtension; foreach ($this->languages as $code) { $extensions[$code] = ".{$code}{$fileExtension}"; } $this->fallback_extensions[$fileExtension] = $extensions; } return $this->fallback_extensions[$fileExtension]; } /** * Gets an array of valid extensions with active first, then fallback extensions * * @param string|null $fileExtension * @param string|null $languageCode * @param bool $assoc Return values in ['en' => '', ...] format. * @return array Key is the language code, value is the file extension to be used. */ public function getFallbackPageExtensions(string $fileExtension = null, string $languageCode = null, bool $assoc = false) { $fileExtension = $fileExtension ?: CONTENT_EXT; $key = $fileExtension . '-' . ($languageCode ?? 'default') . '-' . (int)$assoc; if (!isset($this->fallback_extensions[$key])) { $all = $this->getPageExtensions($fileExtension); $list = []; $fallback = $this->getFallbackLanguages($languageCode, true); foreach ($fallback as $code) { $ext = $all[$code] ?? null; if (null !== $ext) { $list[$code] = $ext; } } if (!$assoc) { $list = array_values($list); } $this->fallback_extensions[$key] = $list; } return $this->fallback_extensions[$key]; } /** * Resets the fallback_languages value. * * Useful to re-initialize the pages and change site language at runtime, example: * * ``` * $this->grav['language']->setActive('it'); * $this->grav['language']->resetFallbackPageExtensions(); * $this->grav['pages']->init(); * ``` * * @return void */ public function resetFallbackPageExtensions() { $this->fallback_languages = []; $this->fallback_extensions = []; $this->page_extensions = []; } /** * Gets an array of languages with active first, then fallback languages. * * * @param string|null $languageCode * @param bool $includeDefault If true, list contains '', which can be used for default * @return array */ public function getFallbackLanguages(string $languageCode = null, bool $includeDefault = false) { // Handle default. if ($languageCode === '' || !$this->enabled()) { return ['']; } $default = $this->getDefault() ?? 'en'; $active = $languageCode ?? $this->getActive() ?? $default; $key = $active . '-' . (int)$includeDefault; if (!isset($this->fallback_languages[$key])) { $fallback = $this->config->get('system.languages.content_fallback.' . $active); $fallback_languages = []; if (null === $fallback && $this->config->get('system.languages.pages_fallback_only', false)) { user_error('Configuration option `system.languages.pages_fallback_only` is deprecated since Grav 1.7, use `system.languages.content_fallback` instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED); // Special fallback list returns itself and all the previous items in reverse order: // active: 'v2', languages: ['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4'] => ['v2', 'v1', ''] if ($includeDefault) { $fallback_languages[''] = ''; } foreach ($this->languages as $code) { $fallback_languages[$code] = $code; if ($code === $active) { break; } } $fallback_languages = array_reverse($fallback_languages); } else { if (null === $fallback) { $fallback = [$default]; } elseif (!is_array($fallback)) { $fallback = is_string($fallback) && $fallback !== '' ? explode(',', $fallback) : []; } array_unshift($fallback, $active); $fallback = array_unique($fallback); foreach ($fallback as $code) { // Default fallback list has active language followed by default language and extensionless file: // active: 'fi', default: 'en', languages: ['sv', 'en', 'de', 'fi'] => ['fi', 'en', ''] $fallback_languages[$code] = $code; if ($includeDefault && $code === $default) { $fallback_languages[''] = ''; } } } $fallback_languages = array_values($fallback_languages); $this->fallback_languages[$key] = $fallback_languages; } return $this->fallback_languages[$key]; } /** * Ensures the language is valid and supported * * @param string $lang * @return bool */ public function validate($lang) { return in_array($lang, $this->languages, true); } /** * Translate a key and possibly arguments into a string using current lang and fallbacks * * @param string|array $args The first argument is the lookup key value * Other arguments can be passed and replaced in the translation with sprintf syntax * @param array|null $languages * @param bool $array_support * @param bool $html_out * @return string|string[] */ public function translate($args, array $languages = null, $array_support = false, $html_out = false) { if (is_array($args)) { $lookup = array_shift($args); } else { $lookup = $args; $args = []; } if (!$this->isDebug()) { if ($lookup && $this->enabled() && empty($languages)) { $languages = $this->getTranslatedLanguages(); } $languages = $languages ?: ['en']; foreach ((array)$languages as $lang) { $translation = $this->getTranslation($lang, $lookup, $array_support); if ($translation) { if (is_string($translation) && count($args) >= 1) { return vsprintf($translation, $args); } return $translation; } } } elseif ($array_support) { return [$lookup]; } if ($html_out) { return '' . $lookup . ''; } return $lookup; } /** * Translate Array * * @param string $key * @param string $index * @param array|null $languages * @param bool $html_out * @return string */ public function translateArray($key, $index, $languages = null, $html_out = false) { if ($this->isDebug()) { return $key . '[' . $index . ']'; } if ($key && empty($languages) && $this->enabled()) { $languages = $this->getTranslatedLanguages(); } $languages = $languages ?: ['en']; foreach ((array)$languages as $lang) { $translation_array = (array)Grav::instance()['languages']->get($lang . '.' . $key, null); if ($translation_array && array_key_exists($index, $translation_array)) { return $translation_array[$index]; } } if ($html_out) { return '' . $key . '[' . $index . ']'; } return $key . '[' . $index . ']'; } /** * Lookup the translation text for a given lang and key * * @param string $lang lang code * @param string $key key to lookup with * @param bool $array_support * @return string|string[] */ public function getTranslation($lang, $key, $array_support = false) { if ($this->isDebug()) { return $key; } $translation = Grav::instance()['languages']->get($lang . '.' . $key, null); if (!$array_support && is_array($translation)) { return (string)array_shift($translation); } return $translation; } /** * Get the browser accepted languages * * @param array $accept_langs * @return array * @deprecated 1.6 No longer used - using content negotiation. */ public function getBrowserLanguages($accept_langs = []) { user_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated since Grav 1.6, no longer used', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if (empty($this->http_accept_language)) { if (empty($accept_langs) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $accept_langs = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; } else { return $accept_langs; } $langs = []; foreach (explode(',', $accept_langs) as $k => $pref) { // split $pref again by ';q=' // and decorate the language entries by inverted position if (false !== ($i = strpos($pref, ';q='))) { $langs[substr($pref, 0, $i)] = [(float)substr($pref, $i + 3), -$k]; } else { $langs[$pref] = [1, -$k]; } } arsort($langs); // no need to undecorate, because we're only interested in the keys $this->http_accept_language = array_keys($langs); } return $this->http_accept_language; } /** * Accessible wrapper to LanguageCodes * * @param string $code * @param string $type * @return string|false */ public function getLanguageCode($code, $type = 'name') { return LanguageCodes::get($code, $type); } /** * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() { $vars = get_object_vars($this); unset($vars['grav'], $vars['config']); return $vars; } /** * @return array */ protected function getTranslatedLanguages(): array { if ($this->config->get('system.languages.translations_fallback', true)) { $languages = $this->getFallbackLanguages(); } else { $languages = [$this->getLanguage()]; } $languages[] = 'en'; return array_values(array_unique($languages)); } }