CHANGELOG ========= 1.1.9 ----- * fixed compat with PHP 8 1.1.0 ----- * added `HttpClient` namespace with contracts for implementing flexible HTTP clients * added `EventDispatcherInterface` and `Event` in namespace `EventDispatcher` * added `ServiceProviderInterface` in namespace `Service` 1.0.0 ----- * added `Service\ResetInterface` to provide a way to reset an object to its initial state * added `Translation\TranslatorInterface` and `Translation\TranslatorTrait` * added `Cache` contract to extend PSR-6 with tag invalidation, callback-based computation and stampede protection * added `Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface` to declare the dependencies of a class that consumes a service locator * added `Service\ServiceSubscriberTrait` to implement `Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface` using methods' return types * added `Service\ServiceLocatorTrait` to help implement PSR-11 service locators