true, 'full_order' => true, 'filterBy' => true, 'translated' => false, ] + parent::getCachedMethods(); } /** * @return void */ public function initialize(): void { if (!$this->_initialized) { Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onPageProcessed', new Event(['page' => $this])); $this->_initialized = true; } } /** * @param string|array $query * @return Route|null */ public function getRoute($query = []): ?Route { $path = $this->route(); if (null === $path) { return null; } $route = RouteFactory::createFromString($path); if ($lang = $route->getLanguage()) { $grav = Grav::instance(); if (!$grav['config']->get('system.languages.include_default_lang')) { /** @var Language $language */ $language = $grav['language']; if ($lang === $language->getDefault()) { $route = $route->withLanguage(''); } } } if (is_array($query)) { foreach ($query as $key => $value) { $route = $route->withQueryParam($key, $value); } } else { $route = $route->withAddedPath($query); } return $route; } /** * @inheritdoc PageInterface */ public function getFormValue(string $name, $default = null, string $separator = null) { $test = new stdClass(); $value = $this->pageContentValue($name, $test); if ($value !== $test) { return $value; } switch ($name) { case 'name': // TODO: this should not be template! return $this->getProperty('template'); case 'route': $filesystem = Filesystem::getInstance(false); $key = $filesystem->dirname($this->hasKey() ? '/' . $this->getKey() : '/'); return $key !== '/' ? $key : null; case 'full_route': return $this->hasKey() ? '/' . $this->getKey() : ''; case 'full_order': return $this->full_order(); case 'lang': return $this->getLanguage() ?? ''; case 'translations': return $this->getLanguages(); } return parent::getFormValue($name, $default, $separator); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexObjectInterface::getCacheKey() */ public function getCacheKey(): string { $cacheKey = parent::getCacheKey(); if ($cacheKey) { /** @var Language $language */ $language = Grav::instance()['language']; $cacheKey .= '_' . $language->getActive(); } return $cacheKey; } /** * @param array $variables * @return array */ protected function onBeforeSave(array $variables) { $reorder = $variables[0] ?? true; $meta = $this->getMetaData(); if (($meta['copy'] ?? false) === true) { $this->folder = $this->getKey(); } // Figure out storage path to the new route. $parentKey = $this->getProperty('parent_key'); if ($parentKey !== '') { $parentRoute = $this->getProperty('route'); // Root page cannot be moved. if ($this->root()) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Root page cannot be moved to %s', $parentRoute)); } // Make sure page isn't being moved under itself. $key = $this->getStorageKey(); /** @var PageObject|null $parent */ $parent = $parentKey !== false ? $this->getFlexDirectory()->getObject($parentKey, 'storage_key') : null; if (!$parent) { // Page cannot be moved to non-existing location. throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Page /%s cannot be moved to non-existing path %s', $key, $parentRoute)); } // TODO: make sure that the page doesn't exist yet if moved/copied. } if ($reorder === true && !$this->root()) { $reorder = $this->_reorder; } // Force automatic reorder if item is supposed to be added to the last. if (!is_array($reorder) && (int)$this->order() >= 999999) { $reorder = []; } // Reorder siblings. $siblings = is_array($reorder) ? ($this->reorderSiblings($reorder) ?? []) : []; $data = $this->prepareStorage(); unset($data['header']); foreach ($siblings as $sibling) { $data = $sibling->prepareStorage(); unset($data['header']); } return ['reorder' => $reorder, 'siblings' => $siblings]; } /** * @param array $variables * @return array */ protected function onSave(array $variables): array { /** @var PageCollection $siblings */ $siblings = $variables['siblings']; /** @var PageObject $sibling */ foreach ($siblings as $sibling) { $sibling->save(false); } return $variables; } /** * @param array $variables */ protected function onAfterSave(array $variables): void { $this->getFlexDirectory()->reloadIndex(); } /** * @param UserInterface|null $user */ public function check(UserInterface $user = null): void { parent::check($user); if ($user && $this->isMoved()) { $parentKey = $this->getProperty('parent_key'); /** @var PageObject|null $parent */ $parent = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getObject($parentKey, 'storage_key'); if (!$parent || !$parent->isAuthorized('create', null, $user)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Forbidden', 403); } } } /** * @param array|bool $reorder * @return static */ public function save($reorder = true) { $variables = $this->onBeforeSave(func_get_args()); // Backwards compatibility with older plugins. $fireEvents = $reorder && $this->isAdminSite() && $this->getFlexDirectory()->getConfig('', true); $grav = $this->getContainer(); if ($fireEvents) { $self = $this; $grav->fireEvent('onAdminSave', new Event(['type' => 'flex', 'directory' => $this->getFlexDirectory(), 'object' => &$self])); if ($self !== $this) { throw new RuntimeException('Switching Flex Page object during onAdminSave event is not supported! Please update plugin.'); } } /** @var static $instance */ $instance = parent::save(); $variables = $this->onSave($variables); $this->onAfterSave($variables); // Backwards compatibility with older plugins. if ($fireEvents) { $grav->fireEvent('onAdminAfterSave', new Event(['type' => 'flex', 'directory' => $this->getFlexDirectory(), 'object' => $this])); } // Reset original after save events have all been called. $this->_originalObject = null; return $instance; } /** * @return static */ public function delete() { $result = parent::delete(); // Backwards compatibility with older plugins. $fireEvents = $this->isAdminSite() && $this->getFlexDirectory()->getConfig('', true); if ($fireEvents) { $this->getContainer()->fireEvent('onAdminAfterDelete', new Event(['object' => $this])); } return $result; } /** * Prepare move page to new location. Moves also everything that's under the current page. * * You need to call $this->save() in order to perform the move. * * @param PageInterface $parent New parent page. * @return $this */ public function move(PageInterface $parent) { if (!$parent instanceof FlexObjectInterface) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed: Parent is not Flex Object'); } $this->_reorder = []; $this->setProperty('parent_key', $parent->getStorageKey()); $this->storeOriginal(); return $this; } /** * @param UserInterface $user * @param string $action * @param string $scope * @param bool $isMe * @return bool|null */ protected function isAuthorizedOverride(UserInterface $user, string $action, string $scope, bool $isMe): ?bool { // Special case: creating a new page means checking parent for its permissions. if ($action === 'create' && !$this->exists()) { $parent = $this->parent(); if ($parent && method_exists($parent, 'isAuthorized')) { return $parent->isAuthorized($action, $scope, $user); } return false; } return parent::isAuthorizedOverride($user, $action, $scope, $isMe); } /** * @return bool */ protected function isMoved(): bool { $storageKey = $this->getMasterKey(); $filesystem = Filesystem::getInstance(false); $oldParentKey = ltrim($filesystem->dirname("/{$storageKey}"), '/'); $newParentKey = $this->getProperty('parent_key'); return $this->exists() && $oldParentKey !== $newParentKey; } /** * @param array $ordering * @return PageCollection|null * @phpstan-return ObjectCollection|null */ protected function reorderSiblings(array $ordering) { $storageKey = $this->getMasterKey(); $isMoved = $this->isMoved(); $order = !$isMoved ? $this->order() : false; if ($order !== false) { $order = (int)$order; } $parent = $this->parent(); if (!$parent) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot reorder a page which has no parent'); } /** @var PageCollection $siblings */ $siblings = $parent->children(); $siblings = $siblings->getCollection()->withOrdered(); // Handle special case where ordering isn't given. if ($ordering === []) { if ($order >= 999999) { // Set ordering to point to be the last item, ignoring the object itself. $order = 0; foreach ($siblings as $sibling) { if ($sibling->getKey() !== $this->getKey()) { $order = max($order, (int)$sibling->order()); } } $this->order($order + 1); } // Do not change sibling ordering. return null; } $siblings = $siblings->orderBy(['order' => 'ASC']); if ($storageKey !== null) { if ($order !== false) { // Add current page back to the list if it's ordered. $siblings->set($storageKey, $this); } else { // Remove old copy of the current page from the siblings list. $siblings->remove($storageKey); } } // Add missing siblings into the end of the list, keeping the previous ordering between them. foreach ($siblings as $sibling) { $folder = (string)$sibling->getProperty('folder'); $basename = preg_replace('|^\d+\.|', '', $folder); if (!in_array($basename, $ordering, true)) { $ordering[] = $basename; } } // Reorder. $ordering = array_flip(array_values($ordering)); $count = count($ordering); foreach ($siblings as $sibling) { $folder = (string)$sibling->getProperty('folder'); $basename = preg_replace('|^\d+\.|', '', $folder); $newOrder = $ordering[$basename] ?? null; $newOrder = null !== $newOrder ? $newOrder + 1 : (int)$sibling->order() + $count; $sibling->order($newOrder); } $siblings = $siblings->orderBy(['order' => 'ASC']); $siblings->removeElement($this); // If menu item was moved, just make it to be the last in order. if ($isMoved && $this->order() !== false) { $parentKey = $this->getProperty('parent_key'); if ($parentKey === '') { /** @var PageIndex $index */ $index = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getIndex(); $newParent = $index->getRoot(); } else { $newParent = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getObject($parentKey, 'storage_key'); if (!$newParent instanceof PageInterface) { throw new RuntimeException("New parent page '{$parentKey}' not found."); } } /** @var PageCollection $newSiblings */ $newSiblings = $newParent->children(); $newSiblings = $newSiblings->getCollection()->withOrdered(); $order = 0; foreach ($newSiblings as $sibling) { $order = max($order, (int)$sibling->order()); } $this->order($order + 1); } return $siblings; } /** * @return string */ public function full_order(): string { $route = $this->path() . '/' . $this->folder(); return preg_replace(PageIndex::ORDER_LIST_REGEX, '\\1', $route) ?? $route; } /** * @param string $name * @return Blueprint */ protected function doGetBlueprint(string $name = ''): Blueprint { try { // Make sure that pages has been initialized. Pages::getTypes(); // TODO: We need to move raw blueprint logic to Grav itself to remove admin dependency here. if ($name === 'raw') { // Admin RAW mode. if ($this->isAdminSite()) { /** @var Admin $admin */ $admin = Grav::instance()['admin']; $template = $this->isModule() ? 'modular_raw' : ($this->root() ? 'root_raw' : 'raw'); return $admin->blueprints("admin/pages/{$template}"); } } $template = $this->getProperty('template') . ($name ? '.' . $name : ''); $blueprint = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getBlueprint($template, 'blueprints://pages'); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $template = 'default' . ($name ? '.' . $name : ''); $blueprint = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getBlueprint($template, 'blueprints://pages'); } $isNew = $blueprint->get('initialized', false) === false; if ($isNew === true && $name === '') { // Support onBlueprintCreated event just like in Pages::blueprints($template) $blueprint->set('initialized', true); $blueprint->setFilename($template); Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onBlueprintCreated', new Event(['blueprint' => $blueprint, 'type' => $template])); } return $blueprint; } /** * @param array $options * @return array */ public function getLevelListing(array $options): array { $index = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getIndex(); if (!is_callable([$index, 'getLevelListing'])) { return []; } // Deal with relative paths. $initial = $options['initial'] ?? null; $var = $initial ? 'leaf_route' : 'route'; $route = $options[$var] ?? ''; if ($route !== '' && !str_starts_with($route, '/')) { $filesystem = Filesystem::getInstance(); $route = "/{$this->getKey()}/{$route}"; $route = $filesystem->normalize($route); $options[$var] = $route; } [$status, $message, $response,] = $index->getLevelListing($options); return [$status, $message, $response, $options[$var] ?? null]; } /** * Filter page (true/false) by given filters. * * - search: string * - extension: string * - module: bool * - visible: bool * - routable: bool * - published: bool * - page: bool * - translated: bool * * @param array $filters * @param bool $recursive * @return bool */ public function filterBy(array $filters, bool $recursive = false): bool { $language = $filters['language'] ?? null; if (null !== $language) { /** @var PageObject $test */ $test = $this->getTranslation($language) ?? $this; } else { $test = $this; } foreach ($filters as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'search': $matches = $test->search((string)$value) > 0.0; break; case 'page_type': $types = $value ? explode(',', $value) : []; $matches = in_array($test->template(), $types, true); break; case 'extension': $matches = Utils::contains((string)$value, $test->extension()); break; case 'routable': $matches = $test->isRoutable() === (bool)$value; break; case 'published': $matches = $test->isPublished() === (bool)$value; break; case 'visible': $matches = $test->isVisible() === (bool)$value; break; case 'module': $matches = $test->isModule() === (bool)$value; break; case 'page': $matches = $test->isPage() === (bool)$value; break; case 'folder': $matches = $test->isPage() === !$value; break; case 'translated': $matches = $test->hasTranslation() === (bool)$value; break; default: $matches = true; break; } // If current filter does not match, we still may have match as a parent. if ($matches === false) { if (!$recursive) { return false; } /** @var PageIndex $index */ $index = $this->children()->getIndex(); return $index->filterBy($filters, true)->count() > 0; } } return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see FlexObjectInterface::exists() */ public function exists(): bool { return $this->root ?: parent::exists(); } /** * @return array */ public function __debugInfo(): array { $list = parent::__debugInfo(); return $list + [ '_content_meta:private' => $this->getContentMeta(), '_content:private' => $this->getRawContent() ]; } /** * @param array $elements * @param bool $extended */ protected function filterElements(array &$elements, bool $extended = false): void { // Change parent page if needed. if (array_key_exists('route', $elements) && isset($elements['folder'], $elements['name'])) { $elements['template'] = $elements['name']; // Figure out storage path to the new route. $parentKey = trim($elements['route'] ?? '', '/'); if ($parentKey !== '') { /** @var PageObject|null $parent */ $parent = $this->getFlexDirectory()->getObject($parentKey); $parentKey = $parent ? $parent->getStorageKey() : $parentKey; } $elements['parent_key'] = $parentKey; } // Deal with ordering=bool and order=page1,page2,page3. if ($this->root()) { // Root page doesn't have ordering. unset($elements['ordering'], $elements['order']); } elseif (array_key_exists('ordering', $elements) && array_key_exists('order', $elements)) { // Store ordering. $ordering = $elements['order'] ?? null; $this->_reorder = !empty($ordering) ? explode(',', $ordering) : []; $order = false; if ((bool)($elements['ordering'] ?? false)) { $order = $this->order(); if ($order === false) { $order = 999999; } } $elements['order'] = $order; } parent::filterElements($elements, true); } /** * @return array */ public function prepareStorage(): array { $meta = $this->getMetaData(); $oldLang = $meta['lang'] ?? ''; $newLang = $this->getProperty('lang') ?? ''; // Always clone the page to the new language. if ($oldLang !== $newLang) { $meta['clone'] = true; } // Make sure that certain elements are always sent to the storage layer. $elements = [ '__META' => $meta, 'storage_key' => $this->getStorageKey(), 'parent_key' => $this->getProperty('parent_key'), 'order' => $this->getProperty('order'), 'folder' => preg_replace('|^\d+\.|', '', $this->getProperty('folder') ?? ''), 'template' => preg_replace('|modular/|', '', $this->getProperty('template') ?? ''), 'lang' => $newLang ] + parent::prepareStorage(); return $elements; } }