'unknown', '' => 'localhost', '::1' => 'localhost' ]; /** * @var string|null Current environment normalized to lower case. */ public static $environment; /** @var string */ public static $securityFile = 'config://security.yaml'; /** @var array */ protected $streams = [ 'user' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'force' => true, 'prefixes' => [ '' => [] // Set in constructor ] ], 'cache' => [ 'type' => 'Stream', 'force' => true, 'prefixes' => [ '' => [], // Set in constructor 'images' => ['images'] ] ], 'log' => [ 'type' => 'Stream', 'force' => true, 'prefixes' => [ '' => [] // Set in constructor ] ], 'tmp' => [ 'type' => 'Stream', 'force' => true, 'prefixes' => [ '' => [] // Set in constructor ] ], 'backup' => [ 'type' => 'Stream', 'force' => true, 'prefixes' => [ '' => [] // Set in constructor ] ], 'environment' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream' // If not defined, environment will be set up in the constructor. ], 'system' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['system'], ] ], 'asset' => [ 'type' => 'Stream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['assets'], ] ], 'blueprints' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['environment://blueprints', 'user://blueprints', 'system://blueprints'], ] ], 'config' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['environment://config', 'user://config', 'system://config'], ] ], 'plugins' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['user://plugins'], ] ], 'plugin' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['user://plugins'], ] ], 'themes' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['user://themes'], ] ], 'languages' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['environment://languages', 'user://languages', 'system://languages'], ] ], 'image' => [ 'type' => 'Stream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['user://images', 'system://images'] ] ], 'page' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['user://pages'] ] ], 'user-data' => [ 'type' => 'Stream', 'force' => true, 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['user://data'] ] ], 'account' => [ 'type' => 'ReadOnlyStream', 'prefixes' => [ '' => ['user://accounts'] ] ], ]; /** * @param Container|array $container */ public function __construct($container) { // Configure main streams. $abs = str_starts_with(GRAV_SYSTEM_PATH, '/'); $this->streams['system']['prefixes'][''] = $abs ? ['system', GRAV_SYSTEM_PATH] : ['system']; $this->streams['user']['prefixes'][''] = [GRAV_USER_PATH]; $this->streams['cache']['prefixes'][''] = [GRAV_CACHE_PATH]; $this->streams['log']['prefixes'][''] = [GRAV_LOG_PATH]; $this->streams['tmp']['prefixes'][''] = [GRAV_TMP_PATH]; $this->streams['backup']['prefixes'][''] = [GRAV_BACKUP_PATH]; // If environment is not set, look for the environment variable and then the constant. $environment = static::$environment ?? (defined('GRAV_ENVIRONMENT') ? GRAV_ENVIRONMENT : (getenv('GRAV_ENVIRONMENT') ?: null)); // If no environment is set, make sure we get one (CLI or hostname). if (null === $environment) { if (defined('GRAV_CLI')) { $request = null; $uri = null; $environment = 'cli'; } else { /** @var ServerRequestInterface $request */ $request = $container['request']; $uri = $request->getUri(); $environment = $uri->getHost(); } } // Resolve server aliases to the proper environment. static::$environment = static::$environments[$environment] ?? $environment; // Pre-load setup.php which contains our initial configuration. // Configuration may contain dynamic parts, which is why we need to always load it. // If GRAV_SETUP_PATH has been defined, use it, otherwise use defaults. $setupFile = defined('GRAV_SETUP_PATH') ? GRAV_SETUP_PATH : (getenv('GRAV_SETUP_PATH') ?: null); if (null !== $setupFile) { // Make sure that the custom setup file exists. Terminates the script if not. if (!str_starts_with($setupFile, '/')) { $setupFile = GRAV_WEBROOT . '/' . $setupFile; } if (!is_file($setupFile)) { echo 'GRAV_SETUP_PATH is defined but does not point to existing setup file.'; exit(1); } } else { $setupFile = GRAV_WEBROOT . '/setup.php'; if (!is_file($setupFile)) { $setupFile = GRAV_WEBROOT . '/' . GRAV_USER_PATH . '/setup.php'; } if (!is_file($setupFile)) { $setupFile = null; } } $setup = $setupFile ? (array) include $setupFile : []; // Add default streams defined in beginning of the class. if (!isset($setup['streams']['schemes'])) { $setup['streams']['schemes'] = []; } $setup['streams']['schemes'] += $this->streams; // Initialize class. parent::__construct($setup); $this->def('environment', static::$environment); // Figure out path for the current environment. $envPath = defined('GRAV_ENVIRONMENT_PATH') ? GRAV_ENVIRONMENT_PATH : (getenv('GRAV_ENVIRONMENT_PATH') ?: null); if (null === $envPath) { // Find common path for all environments and append current environment into it. $envPath = defined('GRAV_ENVIRONMENTS_PATH') ? GRAV_ENVIRONMENTS_PATH : (getenv('GRAV_ENVIRONMENTS_PATH') ?: null); if (null !== $envPath) { $envPath .= '/'; } else { // Use default location. Start with Grav 1.7 default. $envPath = GRAV_WEBROOT. '/' . GRAV_USER_PATH . '/env'; if (is_dir($envPath)) { $envPath = 'user://env/'; } else { // Fallback to Grav 1.6 default. $envPath = 'user://'; } } $envPath .= $this->get('environment'); } // Set up environment. $this->def('environment', static::$environment); $this->def('streams.schemes.environment.prefixes', ['' => [$envPath]]); } /** * @return $this * @throws RuntimeException * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function init() { $locator = new UniformResourceLocator(GRAV_WEBROOT); $files = []; $guard = 5; do { $check = $files; $this->initializeLocator($locator); $files = $locator->findResources('config://streams.yaml'); if ($check === $files) { break; } // Update streams. foreach (array_reverse($files) as $path) { $file = CompiledYamlFile::instance($path); $content = (array)$file->content(); if (!empty($content['schemes'])) { $this->items['streams']['schemes'] = $content['schemes'] + $this->items['streams']['schemes']; } } } while (--$guard); if (!$guard) { throw new RuntimeException('Setup: Configuration reload loop detected!'); } // Make sure we have valid setup. $this->check($locator); return $this; } /** * Initialize resource locator by using the configuration. * * @param UniformResourceLocator $locator * @return void * @throws BadMethodCallException */ public function initializeLocator(UniformResourceLocator $locator) { $locator->reset(); $schemes = (array) $this->get('streams.schemes', []); foreach ($schemes as $scheme => $config) { if (isset($config['paths'])) { $locator->addPath($scheme, '', $config['paths']); } $override = $config['override'] ?? false; $force = $config['force'] ?? false; if (isset($config['prefixes'])) { foreach ((array)$config['prefixes'] as $prefix => $paths) { $locator->addPath($scheme, $prefix, $paths, $override, $force); } } } } /** * Get available streams and their types from the configuration. * * @return array */ public function getStreams() { $schemes = []; foreach ((array) $this->get('streams.schemes') as $scheme => $config) { $type = $config['type'] ?? 'ReadOnlyStream'; if ($type[0] !== '\\') { $type = '\\RocketTheme\\Toolbox\\StreamWrapper\\' . $type; } $schemes[$scheme] = $type; } return $schemes; } /** * @param UniformResourceLocator $locator * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws BadMethodCallException * @throws RuntimeException */ protected function check(UniformResourceLocator $locator) { $streams = $this->items['streams']['schemes'] ?? null; if (!is_array($streams)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Configuration is missing streams.schemes!'); } $diff = array_keys(array_diff_key($this->streams, $streams)); if ($diff) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Configuration is missing keys %s from streams.schemes!', implode(', ', $diff)) ); } try { // If environment is found, remove all missing override locations (B/C compatibility). if ($locator->findResource('environment://', true)) { $force = $this->get('streams.schemes.environment.force', false); if (!$force) { $prefixes = $this->get('streams.schemes.environment.prefixes.'); $update = false; foreach ($prefixes as $i => $prefix) { if ($locator->isStream($prefix)) { if ($locator->findResource($prefix, true)) { break; } } elseif (file_exists($prefix)) { break; } unset($prefixes[$i]); $update = true; } if ($update) { $this->set('streams.schemes.environment.prefixes', ['' => array_values($prefixes)]); $this->initializeLocator($locator); } } } if (!$locator->findResource('environment://config', true)) { // If environment does not have its own directory, remove it from the lookup. $prefixes = $this->get('streams.schemes.environment.prefixes'); $prefixes['config'] = []; $this->set('streams.schemes.environment.prefixes', $prefixes); $this->initializeLocator($locator); } // Create security.yaml salt if it doesn't exist into existing configuration environment if possible. $securityFile = Utils::basename(static::$securityFile); $securityFolder = substr(static::$securityFile, 0, -\strlen($securityFile)); $securityFolder = $locator->findResource($securityFolder, true) ?: $locator->findResource($securityFolder, true, true); $filename = "{$securityFolder}/{$securityFile}"; $security_file = CompiledYamlFile::instance($filename); $security_content = (array)$security_file->content(); if (!isset($security_content['salt'])) { $security_content = array_merge($security_content, ['salt' => Utils::generateRandomString(14)]); $security_file->content($security_content); $security_file->save(); $security_file->free(); } } catch (RuntimeException $e) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Grav failed to initialize: %s', $e->getMessage()), 500, $e); } } }