title: Pages description: Manage your Grav Pages in Flex. type: flex-objects # Extends a page (blueprint gets overridden inside the object) extends@: type: default context: blueprints://pages # # HIGHLY SPECIALIZED FLEX TYPE, AVOID USING PAGES AS BASE FOR YOUR OWN TYPE. # # Flex configuration config: # Administration Configuration (needs Flex Objects plugin) admin: # Admin router router: path: '/pages' # Permissions permissions: # Primary permissions admin.pages: type: crudl label: Pages admin.configuration.pages: type: default label: Pages Configuration # Admin menu menu: list: route: '/pages' title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.PAGES icon: fa-file-text authorize: ['admin.pages.list', 'admin.super'] priority: 5 # Admin template type (folder) template: pages # Allowed admin actions actions: list: true create: true read: true update: true delete: true # List view list: # Fields shown in the list view fields: published: width: 8 alias: header.published visible: width: 8 field: label: Visible type: toggle menu: link: edit alias: header.menu full_route: field: label: Route type: text link: edit sort: field: key name: width: 8 field: label: Type type: text translations: width: 8 field: label: Translations type: text # updated_date: # alias: header.update_date # Extra options options: # Default number of records for pagination per_page: 20 # Default ordering order: by: key dir: asc # TODO: not used yet buttons: back: icon: reply title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACK add: icon: plus label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ADD edit: title: template: "{% if object.root %}Root ( <root> ){% else %}{{ (form.value('header.title') ?? form.value('folder'))|e }} ( {{ (object.getRoute().toString(false) ?: '/')|e }} ){% endif %}" # TODO: not used yet buttons: back: icon: reply title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACK preview: icon: eye title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.PREVIEW add: icon: plus label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ADD copy: icon: copy label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.COPY move: icon: arrows label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.MOVE delete: icon: close label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DELETE save: icon: check label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.SAVE # Preview View preview: enabled: true # Configure view configure: authorize: 'admin.configuration.pages' # Site Configuration site: # Hide from flex types hidden: true templates: collection: # Lookup for the template layout files for collections of objects paths: - 'flex/{TYPE}/collection/{LAYOUT}{EXT}' object: # Lookup for the template layout files for objects paths: - 'flex/{TYPE}/object/{LAYOUT}{EXT}' defaults: # Default template {TYPE}; overridden by filename of this blueprint if template folder exists type: pages # Default template {LAYOUT}; can be overridden in render calls (usually Twig in templates) layout: default # Default filters for frontend. filter: - withPublished # Data Configuration data: object: 'Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageObject' collection: 'Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageCollection' index: 'Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\PageIndex' storage: class: 'Grav\Common\Flex\Types\Pages\Storage\PageStorage' options: formatter: class: 'Grav\Framework\File\Formatter\MarkdownFormatter' folder: 'page://' # Keep index file in filesystem to speed up lookups indexed: true # Set default ordering of the pages ordering: key: ASC search: # Search options options: contains: 1 # Fields to be searched fields: - key - menu - title - name blueprints: configure: fields: import@: type: configure/compat context: blueprints://flex # Regular form definition form: fields: lang: type: hidden value: '' tabs: fields: security: type: tab title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.SECURITY import@: type: partials/security context: blueprints://pages