date: '08-08-2019 15:16' lieux: '12th floor' title: Translucent media_order: 'Translucent at VO Curations. Photo by Zbigniew Tomasz Kotkiewicz.jpg' show_sidebar: false aura:
pagetype: website
We are delighted to announce our collaboration with Translucent for an artist-led immersive evening of performances at 12th Floor on 8 August, 6:30 - 10 pm.
Translucent is a platform for trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming artists which has as starting point the experience of a non-normative gender identity. It expands to themes of love, desire, anxiety, social structures, planetary issues, boundaries (physical and mental), ways of living, survival, the now and the future, and so on. Works shown seek to communicate with audiences at an emotional, conceptual, political or spiritual level.
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Video Art by: Andreia Afonso Leigh Hedd Ishita Orlando Myxx Kate Shields Niko Wearden