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date: '03-07-2018 16:39' date_end: '13-07-2018 16:40' lieux: '93 Baker Street ' artistes: ' Andrei Costache, Richie Culver an­d Morgan Ward' title: '‘URBAN WAVES'', ' media_order: 'Andrei Costache, Tarantula, 2018.jpg' show_sidebar: false aura:

pagetype: website

The exhibition featured the work of sculptor Andrei Costache and painters Morgan Ward and Richie Culver. Andrei Costache's sculptures proliferate a sentient quality, mirroring a vast spectrum of experiences from one's first visit to London to the infantile joy of watching a new cartoon series. His MDF creations stress their ephemerality through the very nature of their material, far more mobile than traditional mediums such as metal or stone. Morgan Ward is concerned with extending the interaction of colour and form beyond two-dimensionality, both materially and by employing abstracted optical illusions. Richie Culver's works present narratives mirroring those of London housing estates or marginalised residential areas, narratives of domestic heroes or local underdogs.