get('system.session.enabled', false); $cookie_secure = (bool)$config->get('', false); $cookie_httponly = (bool)$config->get('system.session.httponly', true); $cookie_lifetime = (int)$config->get('system.session.timeout', 1800); $cookie_path = $config->get('system.session.path'); if (null === $cookie_path) { $cookie_path = '/' . trim(Uri::filterPath($uri->rootUrl(false)), '/'); } // Session cookie path requires trailing slash. $cookie_path = rtrim($cookie_path, '/') . '/'; $cookie_domain = $uri->host(); if ($cookie_domain === 'localhost') { $cookie_domain = ''; } // Activate admin if we're inside the admin path. $is_admin = false; if ($config->get('plugins.admin.enabled')) { $admin_base = '/' . trim($config->get('plugins.admin.route'), '/'); // Uri::route() is not processed yet, let's quickly get what we need. $current_route = str_replace(Uri::filterPath($uri->rootUrl(false)), '', parse_url($uri->url(true), PHP_URL_PATH)); // Test to see if path starts with a supported language + admin base $lang = Utils::pathPrefixedByLangCode($current_route); $lang_admin_base = '/' . $lang . $admin_base; // Check no language, simple language prefix (en) and region specific language prefix (en-US). if (Utils::startsWith($current_route, $admin_base) || Utils::startsWith($current_route, $lang_admin_base)) { $cookie_lifetime = $config->get('plugins.admin.session.timeout', 1800); $enabled = $is_admin = true; } } // Fix for HUGE session timeouts. if ($cookie_lifetime > 99999999999) { $cookie_lifetime = 9999999999; } $session_prefix = $c['inflector']->hyphenize($config->get('', 'grav-site')); $session_uniqueness = $config->get('system.session.uniqueness', 'path') === 'path' ? substr(md5(GRAV_ROOT), 0, 7) : md5($config->get('security.salt')); $session_name = $session_prefix . '-' . $session_uniqueness; if ($is_admin && $config->get('system.session.split', true)) { $session_name .= '-admin'; } // Define session service. $options = [ 'name' => $session_name, 'cookie_lifetime' => $cookie_lifetime, 'cookie_path' => $cookie_path, 'cookie_domain' => $cookie_domain, 'cookie_secure' => $cookie_secure, 'cookie_httponly' => $cookie_httponly ] + (array) $config->get('system.session.options'); $session = new Session($options); $session->setAutoStart($enabled); return $session; }; // Define session message service. $container['messages'] = function ($c) { if (!isset($c['session']) || !$c['session']->isStarted()) { /** @var Debugger $debugger */ $debugger = $c['debugger']; $debugger->addMessage('Inactive session: session messages may disappear', 'warming'); return new Message; } /** @var Session $session */ $session = $c['session']; if (!isset($session->messages)) { $session->messages = new Message; } return $session->messages; }; } }