@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+{% extends "forms/field.html.twig" %}
+{% macro bytesToSize(bytes) -%}
+ {% spaceless %}
+ {% set kilobyte = 1024 %}
+ {% set megabyte = kilobyte * 1024 %}
+ {% set gigabyte = megabyte * 1024 %}
+ {% set terabyte = gigabyte * 1024 %}
+ {% if bytes < kilobyte %}
+ {{ bytes ~ ' B' }}
+ {% elseif bytes < megabyte %}
+ {{ (bytes / kilobyte)|number_format(2, '.') ~ ' KB' }}
+ {% elseif bytes < gigabyte %}
+ {{ (bytes / megabyte)|number_format(2, '.') ~ ' MB' }}
+ {% elseif bytes < terabyte %}
+ {{ (bytes / gigabyte)|number_format(2, '.') ~ ' GB' }}
+ {% else %}
+ {{ (bytes / terabyte)|number_format(2, '.') ~ ' TB' }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endspaceless %}
+{%- endmacro %}
+{% macro preview(path, value, global) %}
+ {% if value %}
+ {% set uri = global.grav.uri %}
+ {% set files = global.files %}
+ {% set config = global.grav.config %}
+ {% set route = global.context.route() %}
+ {% set type = global.context.content() is not null ? 'pages' : global.plugin ? 'plugins' : global.theme ? 'themes' : 'config' %}
+ {% set blueprint_name = global.blueprints.getFilename %}
+ {% if type == 'pages' %}
+ {% set blueprint_name = type ~ '/' ~ blueprint_name %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% set blueprint = base64_encode(blueprint_name) %}
+ {% set real_path = value.thumb ?? global.context.media[path].relativePath ?? global.form.getPagePathFromToken(path) %}
+ {% set remove = global.form.getFileDeleteAjaxRoute(files.name, path)|string ?: uri.addNonce(
+ global.base_url_relative ~
+ '/media.json' ~
+ '/task' ~ config.system.param_sep ~ 'removeFileFromBlueprint' ~
+ '/proute' ~ config.system.param_sep ~ base64_encode(route) ~
+ '/blueprint' ~ config.system.param_sep ~ blueprint ~
+ '/type' ~ config.system.param_sep ~ type ~
+ '/field' ~ config.system.param_sep ~ files.name ~
+ '/path' ~ config.system.param_sep ~ base64_encode(value.path), 'admin-form', 'admin-nonce') %}
+ {% set file = value|merge({remove: remove, path: value.thumb_url ?? (uri.rootUrl == '/' ? '/' : uri.rootUrl ~ '/' ~ real_path) }) %}
+ <div class="hidden" data-file="{{ file|json_encode|e('html_attr') }}"></div>
+ {% endif %}
+{% endmacro %}
+{% import _self as macro %}
+{% set defaults = config.plugins.form %}
+{% set files = defaults.files|merge(field|default([])) %}
+{% set limit = not field.multiple ? 1 : files.limit %}
+{% do config.set('forms.dropzone.enabled', true) %}
+{% block input %}
+ {% set page_can_upload = exists or (type == 'page' and not exists and not (field.destination starts with '@self' or field.destination starts with 'self@')) %}
+ {% set max_filesize = (field.filesize > form_max_filesize or field.filesize == 0) ? form_max_filesize : field.filesize %}
+ {% block prepend %}{% endblock %}
+ {% set settings = {name: field.name, paramName: (scope ~ field.name)|fieldName ~ (files.multiple ? '[]' : ''), limit: limit, filesize: max_filesize, accept: files.accept, resolution: files.resolution, resizeWidth: files.resizeWidth, resizeHeight: files.resizeHeight, resizeQuality: files.resizeQuality } %}
+ {% set dropzoneSettings = field.dropzone %}
+ <div class="{{ form_field_wrapper_classes ?: 'form-input-wrapper' }} {{ field.classes }} dropzone files-upload form-input-file {{ field.size }}" data-grav-file-settings="{{ settings|json_encode|e('html_attr') }}" data-dropzone-options="{{ dropzoneSettings|json_encode|e('html_attr') }}" {% if form.getFileUploadAjaxRoute %}data-file-url-add="{{ form.getFileUploadAjaxRoute() }}"{% endif %}>
+ {% block file_extras %}{% endblock %}
+ <input
+ {# required attribute structures #}
+ {% block input_attributes %}
+ type="file"
+ {% if files.multiple %}multiple="multiple"{% endif %}
+ {% if files.accept %}accept="{{ files.accept|join(',') }}"{% endif %}
+ {% if field.disabled %}disabled="disabled"{% endif %}
+ {% if field.random_name %}random="true"{% endif %}
+ {% if required %}required="required"{% endif %}
+ {{ parent() }}
+ {% endblock %}
+ />
+ {% for path, file in value %}
+ {{ macro.preview(path, file, _context) }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% include 'forms/fields/hidden/hidden.html.twig' with {field: {name: '_json.' ~ field.name}, value: (value ?? [])|json_encode } %}
+ </div>
+ {% if grav.browser.browser == 'msie' and grav.browser.version < 12 %}
+ {% do assets.addJs('plugin://form/assets/object.assign.polyfill.js') %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% do assets.addJs('jquery', 101) %}
+ {% do assets.addJs('plugin://form/assets/form.vendor.js', { 'group': 'bottom', 'loading': 'defer' }) %}
+ {% do assets.addJs('plugin://form/assets/form.min.js', { 'group': 'bottom', 'loading': 'defer' }) %}
+ {% do assets.addCss('plugin://form/assets/dropzone.min.css', { 'group': 'form'}) %}
+ {{ assets.css('form')|raw }}
+ {% do assets.addInlineJs("
+ window.GravForm = window.GravForm || {};
+ window.GravForm = Object.assign({}, window.GravForm, {
+ translations: {
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ", {'group': 'bottom', 'position': 'before'}) %}
+{% endblock %}