1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344 |
- <?php
- /* @images/grav-logo.svg */
- class __TwigTemplate_a9b3b3ed89d06315909921135940673bf29f03abe9afbffd4cbe9d5b5875ce51 extends Twig_Template
- {
- public function __construct(Twig_Environment $env)
- {
- parent::__construct($env);
- $this->parent = false;
- $this->blocks = array(
- );
- }
- protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- // line 1
- echo "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" viewBox=\"0 0 504 140\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"><path d=\"M235.83 71.56h-7.98c-1.2 0-2.2 1-2.2 2.2V89.1l-.15.13c-4.7 3.96-10.64 6.14-16.72 6.14-14.36 0-26.04-11.68-26.04-26.04s11.68-26.04 26.04-26.04c5.58 0 10.92 1.76 15.44 2.1.57 2.86-.2l5.7-5.7c.44-.44.67-1.05.63-1.68-.02-.62-.32-1.2-.82-1.6-6.76-5.35-15.2-8.3-23.8-8.3-21.18 0-38.42 17.23-38.42 38.4 0 21.2 17.24 38.42 38.42 38.42 10.93 0 21.4-4.7 28.7-12.9.35-.4.55-.93.55-1.47v-19.6c0-1.22-.98-2.2-2.2-2.2M502.8 34.44c-.4-.6-1.1-.98-1.84-.98h-8.7c-.87 0-1.66.52-2 1.32l-24.5 56.84-24.9-56.85c-.36-.8-1.15-1.3-2.02-1.3h-8.72c-.74 0-1.44.36-1.84.98-.4.62-.48 1.4-.17 2.1l30.2 68.85c.34.8 1.13 1.32 2 1.32h11c.88 0 1.67-.53 2.02-1.33l29.66-68.87c.3-.68.22-1.47-.2-2.1\"/><path d=\"M388.68 34.77c-.35-.8-1.14-1.32-2-1.32h-11c-.88 0-1.67.53-2.02 1.33L344 103.64c-.3.68-.22 1.47.18 1.1 1 1.84 1h8.7c.86 0 1.66-.53 2-1.33l24.5-56.86 24.9 56.86c.36.8 1.15 1.32 2.02 1.32h8.72c.74 0 1.44-.38 1.84-1 .4-.62.47-1.4.17-2.1l-30.2-68.85zM309.2 81.52l.47-.22c8.68-4.2 14.28-13.1 14.28-22.67 0-13.88-11.3-25.18-25.17-25.18H266.9c-1.2 0-2.2 1-2.2 2.2v68.86c0 1.23 1 2.22 2.2 2.22h8c1.2 0 2.2-1 2.2-2.2V45.8h21.68c7.05 0 12.8 5.75 12.8 12.8 0 5.9-4 11-9.73 12.42-1.04.26-2.07.4-3.07.4h-7.98c-.83 0-1.6.46-1.96 1.2-.38.73-.3 1.62.2 2.3l22.6 30.87c.42.58 1.08.92 1.78.92h9.9c.84 0 1.6-.47 1.97-1.2.37-.75.3-1.64-.2-2.3l-15.9-21.7zM107.2 80.97c-7.26-4.8-11.4-8.85-15.02-16.1-2.47 4.97-8.24 12.37-17.96 18.2-4.86 15.1-27.96 44-35.43 39.9-2.22-1.2-2.64-2.8-2.15-4.45.54-4.13 9.08-13.62 9.08-13.62s.18 2 2.92 6.18c-3.6-11.2 5.96-25.03 8.5-29.73 3.98-1.27 4.27-6.4 4.27-6.4.26-7.9-3.28-13.63-6.7-17.05 2.46 3 3.25 7.54 3.37 11.7v.02c0 .47 0 .93 0 1.4-.12 3.43-1.16 8.18-3.38 8.18v.03c-2.28-.1-5.1.4-7.63 1.18l-5.6 1.34s2.98-.13 4.6 1.25c-1.8 2.9-5.78 6.53-10.22 8.58-6.45 3-8.3-2.96-5.03-6.84.8-.94 1.62-1.74 2.38-2.4-.5-.5-.8-1.2-.88-2.06 0 0 0 0 0-.02-.46-1.97-.2-4.54 2.6-8.62.54-.86 1.2-1.75 2-2.65.02-.04.04-.07.07-.1.03-.04.07-.08.1-.12.02-.02.04-.04.06-.06.2-.23.42-.45.64-.67 3.34-3.4 8.6-6.96 16.9-10.15C64.4 43.68 67.94 41 67.94 41c1.07-1.1 2.94-2.45 3.63-2.8-5.05-8.77-6.07-21.15-4.75-24.5-.1.2-.2.38-.3.57.5-1.14.83-1.5 1.34-2.1 1.38-1.64 6.06-2.5 1.84 1.06 4.23 1.03 6.02-3.7-.2-7.06 4.04-7.06 4.04s3.07-1.46 6.88-1.5c0 0 1 .9 2.28 2.56-1.7 3.2-4.52 10.02-2.5 17.16.35 1.4.86 2.62 1.5 3.37 5.06 9.54 5.66 9.54 5.66-2.9-1.45-5.27-3.76-6.8-6.56-.82-1.5-1.3-2.77-1.6-3.77-1.64-6.3.77-10 2.14-12.47 3.17-4.9 8.95-7.9 15.15-7.18 8.72 1 14.97 8.86 13.98 17.57-.6 5.32-3.78 9.72-8.15 12.12 1.05 2.84-.07 6.28-.07 6.28 2.64 3.32 2.76 5.23 2.67 7-3.36-.55-6.62 1.7-6.62 1.7s6.48-1.53 10.24 1.82c2.44 2.64 4.08 5 5.05 6.77 1.4 2.5 7.86 2.68 7.12 7.2-.74 4.5-5.68 4.53-13.4-.57M69.56 0C31.15 0 0 31.15 0 69.57c0 38.42 31.15 69.57 69.57 69.57 38.42 0 69.57-31.15 69.57-69.57C139.14 31.15 108 0 69.57 0M73.8 51.7c.8-.82.8-2.14 0-2.95-.82-.82-2.14-.82-2.95 0-.82.8-.82 2.13 0 2.13.8 2.95 0M66.45 53.15c-.82.8-.82 2.13 0 2.13.8 2.94 0 .8-.82.8-2.14 0-2.95-.82-.8-2.14-.8-2.95 0\"/><path d=\"M79.23 54.23c-1.27-1.27-3.34-1.27-4.6 0l-2.72 2.7c-1.27 1.3-1.27 3.35 0 4.63l3 2.97c1.26 1.28 3.32 1.28 4.6 0l2.7-2.7c1.28-1.28 1.28-3.35 0-4.62l-2.97-2.97zM95.76 41.44c-2.15-2.57 1.87-7.25 4.4-4.46 4.64 5.15-2.25 7.04-4.4 4.46m9.24 2.7c3.45-6.56-1.42-10.4-4.77-13.53-5.36-5.03-10.7-7.2-16.8-.23-6.1 6.98-2.24 15.07 3.35 19.06 5.58 4 14.78 1.25 18.22-5.3\"/></svg>";
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "@images/grav-logo.svg";
- }
- public function getDebugInfo()
- {
- return array ( 19 => 1,);
- }
- /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */
- public function getSource()
- {
- @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode();
- }
- public function getSourceContext()
- {
- return new Twig_Source("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" viewBox=\"0 0 504 140\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"><path d=\"M235.83 71.56h-7.98c-1.2 0-2.2 1-2.2 2.2V89.1l-.15.13c-4.7 3.96-10.64 6.14-16.72 6.14-14.36 0-26.04-11.68-26.04-26.04s11.68-26.04 26.04-26.04c5.58 0 10.92 1.76 15.44 2.1.57 2.86-.2l5.7-5.7c.44-.44.67-1.05.63-1.68-.02-.62-.32-1.2-.82-1.6-6.76-5.35-15.2-8.3-23.8-8.3-21.18 0-38.42 17.23-38.42 38.4 0 21.2 17.24 38.42 38.42 38.42 10.93 0 21.4-4.7 28.7-12.9.35-.4.55-.93.55-1.47v-19.6c0-1.22-.98-2.2-2.2-2.2M502.8 34.44c-.4-.6-1.1-.98-1.84-.98h-8.7c-.87 0-1.66.52-2 1.32l-24.5 56.84-24.9-56.85c-.36-.8-1.15-1.3-2.02-1.3h-8.72c-.74 0-1.44.36-1.84.98-.4.62-.48 1.4-.17 2.1l30.2 68.85c.34.8 1.13 1.32 2 1.32h11c.88 0 1.67-.53 2.02-1.33l29.66-68.87c.3-.68.22-1.47-.2-2.1\"/><path d=\"M388.68 34.77c-.35-.8-1.14-1.32-2-1.32h-11c-.88 0-1.67.53-2.02 1.33L344 103.64c-.3.68-.22 1.47.18 1.1 1 1.84 1h8.7c.86 0 1.66-.53 2-1.33l24.5-56.86 24.9 56.86c.36.8 1.15 1.32 2.02 1.32h8.72c.74 0 1.44-.38 1.84-1 .4-.62.47-1.4.17-2.1l-30.2-68.85zM309.2 81.52l.47-.22c8.68-4.2 14.28-13.1 14.28-22.67 0-13.88-11.3-25.18-25.17-25.18H266.9c-1.2 0-2.2 1-2.2 2.2v68.86c0 1.23 1 2.22 2.2 2.22h8c1.2 0 2.2-1 2.2-2.2V45.8h21.68c7.05 0 12.8 5.75 12.8 12.8 0 5.9-4 11-9.73 12.42-1.04.26-2.07.4-3.07.4h-7.98c-.83 0-1.6.46-1.96 1.2-.38.73-.3 1.62.2 2.3l22.6 30.87c.42.58 1.08.92 1.78.92h9.9c.84 0 1.6-.47 1.97-1.2.37-.75.3-1.64-.2-2.3l-15.9-21.7zM107.2 80.97c-7.26-4.8-11.4-8.85-15.02-16.1-2.47 4.97-8.24 12.37-17.96 18.2-4.86 15.1-27.96 44-35.43 39.9-2.22-1.2-2.64-2.8-2.15-4.45.54-4.13 9.08-13.62 9.08-13.62s.18 2 2.92 6.18c-3.6-11.2 5.96-25.03 8.5-29.73 3.98-1.27 4.27-6.4 4.27-6.4.26-7.9-3.28-13.63-6.7-17.05 2.46 3 3.25 7.54 3.37 11.7v.02c0 .47 0 .93 0 1.4-.12 3.43-1.16 8.18-3.38 8.18v.03c-2.28-.1-5.1.4-7.63 1.18l-5.6 1.34s2.98-.13 4.6 1.25c-1.8 2.9-5.78 6.53-10.22 8.58-6.45 3-8.3-2.96-5.03-6.84.8-.94 1.62-1.74 2.38-2.4-.5-.5-.8-1.2-.88-2.06 0 0 0 0 0-.02-.46-1.97-.2-4.54 2.6-8.62.54-.86 1.2-1.75 2-2.65.02-.04.04-.07.07-.1.03-.04.07-.08.1-.12.02-.02.04-.04.06-.06.2-.23.42-.45.64-.67 3.34-3.4 8.6-6.96 16.9-10.15C64.4 43.68 67.94 41 67.94 41c1.07-1.1 2.94-2.45 3.63-2.8-5.05-8.77-6.07-21.15-4.75-24.5-.1.2-.2.38-.3.57.5-1.14.83-1.5 1.34-2.1 1.38-1.64 6.06-2.5 1.84 1.06 4.23 1.03 6.02-3.7-.2-7.06 4.04-7.06 4.04s3.07-1.46 6.88-1.5c0 0 1 .9 2.28 2.56-1.7 3.2-4.52 10.02-2.5 17.16.35 1.4.86 2.62 1.5 3.37 5.06 9.54 5.66 9.54 5.66-2.9-1.45-5.27-3.76-6.8-6.56-.82-1.5-1.3-2.77-1.6-3.77-1.64-6.3.77-10 2.14-12.47 3.17-4.9 8.95-7.9 15.15-7.18 8.72 1 14.97 8.86 13.98 17.57-.6 5.32-3.78 9.72-8.15 12.12 1.05 2.84-.07 6.28-.07 6.28 2.64 3.32 2.76 5.23 2.67 7-3.36-.55-6.62 1.7-6.62 1.7s6.48-1.53 10.24 1.82c2.44 2.64 4.08 5 5.05 6.77 1.4 2.5 7.86 2.68 7.12 7.2-.74 4.5-5.68 4.53-13.4-.57M69.56 0C31.15 0 0 31.15 0 69.57c0 38.42 31.15 69.57 69.57 69.57 38.42 0 69.57-31.15 69.57-69.57C139.14 31.15 108 0 69.57 0M73.8 51.7c.8-.82.8-2.14 0-2.95-.82-.82-2.14-.82-2.95 0-.82.8-.82 2.13 0 2.13.8 2.95 0M66.45 53.15c-.82.8-.82 2.13 0 2.13.8 2.94 0 .8-.82.8-2.14 0-2.95-.82-.8-2.14-.8-2.95 0\"/><path d=\"M79.23 54.23c-1.27-1.27-3.34-1.27-4.6 0l-2.72 2.7c-1.27 1.3-1.27 3.35 0 4.63l3 2.97c1.26 1.28 3.32 1.28 4.6 0l2.7-2.7c1.28-1.28 1.28-3.35 0-4.62l-2.97-2.97zM95.76 41.44c-2.15-2.57 1.87-7.25 4.4-4.46 4.64 5.15-2.25 7.04-4.4 4.46m9.24 2.7c3.45-6.56-1.42-10.4-4.77-13.53-5.36-5.03-10.7-7.2-16.8-.23-6.1 6.98-2.24 15.07 3.35 19.06 5.58 4 14.78 1.25 18.22-5.3\"/></svg>", "@images/grav-logo.svg", "/mnt/data/Sites/r2c.net/user/themes/r2c/images/grav-logo.svg");
- }
- }