123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257 |
- <?php
- /* forms/fields/editor/editor.html.twig */
- class __TwigTemplate_4b72147a0c05bf7ae9b68ad4daad10d4565450aa5448b7f8809026cd00ddf551 extends Twig_Template
- {
- public function __construct(Twig_Environment $env)
- {
- parent::__construct($env);
- $this->parent = false;
- $this->blocks = array(
- 'label' => array($this, 'block_label'),
- 'field' => array($this, 'block_field'),
- );
- }
- protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- // line 1
- $context["value"] = (((null === ($context["value"] ?? null))) ? ($this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\Twig\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "default", array()))) : (($context["value"] ?? null)));
- // line 2
- if ( !($context["codemirrorOptions"] ?? null)) {
- // line 3
- echo " ";
- $context["codemirrorOptions"] = twig_array_merge(array("mode" => "gfm", "ignore" => array(0 => "code", 1 => "preview")), (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "codemirror", array(), "any", true, true)) ? (_twig_default_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "codemirror", array()), array())) : (array())));
- }
- // line 5
- echo "
- ";
- // line 6
- $this->displayBlock('label', $context, $blocks);
- // line 12
- $this->displayBlock('field', $context, $blocks);
- }
- // line 6
- public function block_label($context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- // line 7
- echo " ";
- if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "label", array())) {
- // line 8
- echo " ";
- $context["hint"] = (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "help", array())) ? ((("data-hint=\"" . $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\Twig\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "help", array()))) . "\"")) : (""));
- // line 9
- echo " <div class=\"form-label form-field hint--bottom\" ";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["hint"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
- echo ">";
- echo $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\Twig\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "label", array()));
- echo "</div>
- ";
- }
- }
- // line 12
- public function block_field($context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- // line 13
- echo " <div class=\"form-field ";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "classes", array(), "any", true, true)) ? (_twig_default_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "classes", array()), "")) : ("")), "html", null, true);
- echo "\">
- <div class=\"form-data grav-editor\">
- <div class=\"grav-editor-content is-active\">
- <textarea
- data-grav-editor=\"";
- // line 17
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_jsonencode_filter(array("codemirror" => ($context["codemirrorOptions"] ?? null))), "html_attr");
- echo "\"
- data-grav-editor-mode=\"editor\"
- name=\"";
- // line 19
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->fieldNameFilter((($context["scope"] ?? null) . $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "name", array()))), "html", null, true);
- echo "\"
- ";
- // line 20
- if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "classes", array(), "any", true, true)) {
- echo "class=\"";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "classes", array()), "html", null, true);
- echo "\" ";
- }
- // line 21
- echo " ";
- if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "id", array(), "any", true, true)) {
- echo "id=\"";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "id", array()));
- echo "\" ";
- }
- // line 22
- echo " ";
- if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "style", array(), "any", true, true)) {
- echo "style=\"";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "style", array()));
- echo "\" ";
- }
- // line 23
- echo " ";
- if (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "disabled", array()) || ($context["isDisabledToggleable"] ?? null))) {
- echo "disabled=\"disabled\"";
- }
- // line 24
- echo " ";
- if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "placeholder", array())) {
- echo "placeholder=\"";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\Twig\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "placeholder", array())), "html", null, true);
- echo "\"";
- }
- // line 25
- echo " ";
- if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "autofocus", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) {
- echo "autofocus=\"autofocus\"";
- }
- // line 26
- echo " ";
- if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "novalidate", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) {
- echo "novalidate=\"novalidate\"";
- }
- // line 27
- echo " ";
- if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "readonly", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) {
- echo "readonly=\"readonly\"";
- }
- // line 28
- echo " ";
- if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "validate", array()), "required", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) {
- echo "required=\"required\"";
- }
- // line 29
- echo " ";
- if (!twig_in_filter("preview", $this->getAttribute(($context["codemirrorOptions"] ?? null), "ignore", array()))) {
- echo "data-grav-urlpreview=\"";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["base_url"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
- echo "/media/";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_trim_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["admin"] ?? null), "route", array()), "/"), "html", null, true);
- echo ".json\"";
- }
- // line 30
- echo " >";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_join_filter(($context["value"] ?? null), "
- "), "html");
- echo "</textarea>
- </div>
- ";
- // line 32
- if (( !$this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "resizer", array(), "any", true, true) || !twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "resizer", array()), array(0 => "off", 1 => "false", 2 => 0)))) {
- echo "<div class=\"grav-editor-resizer\"></div>";
- }
- // line 33
- echo " ";
- if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "description", array())) {
- // line 34
- echo " <div class=\"form-extra-wrapper ";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "size", array()), "html", null, true);
- echo " ";
- echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "wrapper_classes", array()), "html", null, true);
- echo "\">
- <span class=\"form-description\">
- ";
- // line 36
- if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "markdown", array())) {
- // line 37
- echo " ";
- echo $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->markdownFunction($this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\Twig\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "description", array())), false);
- echo "
- ";
- } else {
- // line 39
- echo " ";
- echo $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\Twig\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "description", array()));
- echo "
- ";
- }
- // line 41
- echo " </span>
- </div>
- ";
- }
- // line 44
- echo " </div>
- </div>
- ";
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "forms/fields/editor/editor.html.twig";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }
- public function getDebugInfo()
- {
- return array ( 179 => 44, 174 => 41, 168 => 39, 162 => 37, 160 => 36, 152 => 34, 149 => 33, 145 => 32, 138 => 30, 129 => 29, 124 => 28, 119 => 27, 114 => 26, 109 => 25, 102 => 24, 97 => 23, 90 => 22, 83 => 21, 77 => 20, 73 => 19, 68 => 17, 60 => 13, 57 => 12, 47 => 9, 44 => 8, 41 => 7, 38 => 6, 34 => 12, 32 => 6, 29 => 5, 25 => 3, 23 => 2, 21 => 1,);
- }
- /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */
- public function getSource()
- {
- @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode();
- }
- public function getSourceContext()
- {
- return new Twig_Source("{% set value = (value is null ? field.default|tu : value) %}
- {% if not codemirrorOptions %}
- {% set codemirrorOptions = {'mode': 'gfm', 'ignore': ['code', 'preview']}|merge(field.codemirror|default({})) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% block label %}
- {% if field.label %}
- {% set hint = field.help ? 'data-hint=\"' ~ field.help|tu|raw ~ '\"': '' %}
- <div class=\"form-label form-field hint--bottom\" {{ hint }}>{{ field.label|tu|raw }}</div>
- {% endif %}
- {% endblock %}
- {% block field %}
- <div class=\"form-field {{ field.classes|default('') }}\">
- <div class=\"form-data grav-editor\">
- <div class=\"grav-editor-content is-active\">
- <textarea
- data-grav-editor=\"{{ {'codemirror': codemirrorOptions} | json_encode|e('html_attr') }}\"
- data-grav-editor-mode=\"editor\"
- name=\"{{ (scope ~ field.name)|fieldName }}\"
- {% if field.classes is defined %}class=\"{{ field.classes }}\" {% endif %}
- {% if field.id is defined %}id=\"{{ field.id|e }}\" {% endif %}
- {% if field.style is defined %}style=\"{{ field.style|e }}\" {% endif %}
- {% if field.disabled or isDisabledToggleable %}disabled=\"disabled\"{% endif %}
- {% if field.placeholder %}placeholder=\"{{ field.placeholder|tu }}\"{% endif %}
- {% if field.autofocus in ['on', 'true', 1] %}autofocus=\"autofocus\"{% endif %}
- {% if field.novalidate in ['on', 'true', 1] %}novalidate=\"novalidate\"{% endif %}
- {% if field.readonly in ['on', 'true', 1] %}readonly=\"readonly\"{% endif %}
- {% if field.validate.required in ['on', 'true', 1] %}required=\"required\"{% endif %}
- {% if 'preview' not in codemirrorOptions.ignore %}data-grav-urlpreview=\"{{ base_url }}/media/{{ admin.route|trim('/') }}.json\"{% endif %}
- >{{ value|join(\"\\n\")|e('html') }}</textarea>
- </div>
- {% if field.resizer is not defined or field.resizer not in ['off', 'false', 0] %}<div class=\"grav-editor-resizer\"></div>{% endif %}
- {% if field.description %}
- <div class=\"form-extra-wrapper {{ field.size }} {{ field.wrapper_classes }}\">
- <span class=\"form-description\">
- {% if field.markdown %}
- {{ field.description|tu|markdown(false)|raw }}
- {% else %}
- {{ field.description|tu|raw }}
- {% endif %}
- </span>
- </div>
- {% endif %}
- </div>
- </div>
- {% endblock %}
- ", "forms/fields/editor/editor.html.twig", "/mnt/data/Sites/r2c.net/user/plugins/admin/themes/grav/templates/forms/fields/editor/editor.html.twig");
- }
- }