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  1. 1531402107
  2. s:1046001:"{"bootstrap4":{"name":"Bootstrap4","version":"1.0.1","description":"Bootstrap4 is built using the popular **Bootstrap 4** Framework","description_html":"<p>Bootstrap4 is built using the popular <strong>Bootstrap 4<\/strong> Framework<\/p>","description_plain":"Bootstrap4 is built using the popular Bootstrap 4 Framework","icon":"bold","author":{"name":"Trilby Media","url":"https:\/\/trilby.media","email":"hello@trilby.media"},"dependencies":[{"name":"bootstrapper","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/trilbymedia\/grav-theme-bootstrap4","keywords":"bootstrap, bootstrap4, theme, framework","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/trilbymedia\/grav-theme-bootstrap4\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.0.1","date":"2018-07-02T18:37:05Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/bootstrap4\/1.0.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/trilbymedia\/grav-theme-bootstrap4","slug":"bootstrap4","install_path":"user\/themes\/bootstrap4","screenshot":"themes-bootstrap4.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.1":{"date":"07\/02\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed bad links in the hero section\n * Better styling for error page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed bad links in the hero section<\/li>\n<li>Better styling for error page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed bad links in the hero section\nBetter styling for error page"},"1.0.0":{"date":"06\/29\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"project-space":{"name":"Project Space","version":"1.1.3","description":"Visualize projects in an organized manner, as notes on a board.","description_html":"<p>Visualize projects in an organized manner, as notes on a board.<\/p>","description_plain":"Visualize projects in an organized manner, as notes on a board.","icon":"sticky-note","author":{"name":"Ole Vik","email":"git@olevik.net"},"dependencies":[{"name":"grav","version":"~1.4"},{"name":"quark","version":"~1.0"},{"name":"breadcrumbs","version":"~1.5"},{"name":"taxonomylist","version":"~1.3"},{"name":"auto-date","version":"~1.0"},{"name":"markdown-tasklists","version":"~1.0"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/OleVik\/grav-theme-project-space","demo":"http:\/\/demo.yoursite.com","keywords":"grav, theme, project, projects, note, notes, visualize","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/OleVik\/grav-theme-project-space\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.1.3","date":"2018-07-03T11:24:55Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/project-space\/1.1.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/OleVik\/grav-theme-project-space","slug":"project-space","install_path":"user\/themes\/project-space","screenshot":"themes-project-space.jpg","changelog":{"1.1.3":{"date":" 03-07-2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Meta-styling\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Content-height\n * Superfluous meta\n * Date-retrieval from system-config\n * Article-partial URLs for category and tags","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Meta-styling<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Content-height<\/li>\n<li>Superfluous meta<\/li>\n<li>Date-retrieval from system-config<\/li>\n<li>Article-partial URLs for category and tags<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Meta-styling\n\n\n\nContent-height\nSuperfluous meta\nDate-retrieval from system-config\nArticle-partial URLs for category and tags"},"1.1.2":{"date":" 26-06-2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Checks in PHP and Twig for home-page\n * Post-template styles\n * Breadcrumb-styles\n * Header-partial\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix in-page filter-API\n3. [](#new)\n * Breadcrumbs in post-template, blueprint dependency","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Checks in PHP and Twig for home-page<\/li>\n<li>Post-template styles<\/li>\n<li>Breadcrumb-styles<\/li>\n<li>Header-partial<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix in-page filter-API<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Breadcrumbs in post-template, blueprint dependency<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Checks in PHP and Twig for home-page\nPost-template styles\nBreadcrumb-styles\nHeader-partial\n\n\n\nFix in-page filter-API\n\n\n\nBreadcrumbs in post-template, blueprint dependency"},"1.1.1":{"date":" 25-06-2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Move `subtitle`-setting to Options, breaks in Content","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Move <code>subtitle<\/code>-setting to Options, breaks in Content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Move subtitle-setting to Options, breaks in Content"},"1.1.0":{"date":" 25-06-2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme- and page-level setting for truncate\n * Support for `subtitle`-header\n * Theme is now a fork, rather than child, of Masonry\n2. [](#improved)\n * Categories moved to theme-settings\n * Styles for `.post-title` and `.post-subtitle`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme- and page-level setting for truncate<\/li>\n<li>Support for <code>subtitle<\/code>-header<\/li>\n<li>Theme is now a fork, rather than child, of Masonry<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Categories moved to theme-settings<\/li>\n<li>Styles for <code>.post-title<\/code> and <code>.post-subtitle<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme- and page-level setting for truncate\nSupport for subtitle-header\nTheme is now a fork, rather than child, of Masonry\n\n\n\nCategories moved to theme-settings\nStyles for .post-title and .post-subtitle"},"1.0.0":{"date":" 15-06-2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial public release","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial public release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial public release"}}},"quark-open-publishing":{"name":"Quark Open Publishing","version":"1.0.0","description":"A customized version of the Quark theme with Git Sync and &#39;chromeless&#39; mode (as shown in screenshot).","description_html":"<p>A customized version of the Quark theme with Git Sync and &#39;chromeless&#39; mode (as shown in screenshot).<\/p>","description_plain":"A customized version of the Quark theme with Git Sync and &#39;chromeless&#39; mode (as shown in screenshot).","icon":"unlock","author":{"name":"Hibbitts Design","url":"http:\/\/hibbittsdesign.org","email":"hello@hibbittsdesign.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"grav","version":">=1.4.0"},{"name":"admin","version":"*"},{"name":"auto-date","version":"*"},{"name":"archives","version":"*"},{"name":"breadcrumbs","version":"*"},{"name":"email","version":"*"},{"name":"external_links","version":"*"},{"name":"feed","version":"*"},{"name":"form","version":"*"},{"name":"git-sync","version":"*"},{"name":"image-captions","version":"*"},{"name":"login","version":"*"},{"name":"markdown-fontawesome","version":"*"},{"name":"markdown-notices","version":"*"},{"name":"page-inject","version":"*"},{"name":"pagination","version":"*"},{"name":"relatedpages","version":"*"},{"name":"simplesearch","version":"*"},{"name":"taxonomylist","version":"*"},{"name":"tntsearch","version":"*"},{"name":"youtube","version":"*"},{"name":"shortcode-core","version":"*"},{"name":"shortcode-ui","version":"*"},{"name":"quark","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-quark-open-publishing","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-quark-open-publishing\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"http:\/\/demo.hibbittsdesign.org\/grav-open-publishing-quark\/","keywords":"open, publishing, gitsync, chromeless","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-quark-open-publishing\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.0","date":"2018-07-10T19:55:06Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/quark-open-publishing\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-quark-open-publishing","slug":"quark-open-publishing","install_path":"user\/themes\/quark-open-publishing","screenshot":"themes-quark-open-publishing.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"07\/10\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added new 'hide_cc_license' page header option\n * Added classes to float images left(img.left), right(img.right) and align center(img.center)\n * Added Image Captions Plugin as Theme dependency\n * Added experimental ShortCode 'clearboth' to insert Div for clearing image floats\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder (to include image float examples)\n * Removed unneeded page template file (fullwidthpagemodular)\n * Removed unneeded modular page elements CSS","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added new 'hide_cc_license' page header option<\/li>\n<li>Added classes to float images left(img.left), right(img.right) and align center(img.center)<\/li>\n<li>Added Image Captions Plugin as Theme dependency<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental ShortCode 'clearboth' to insert Div for clearing image floats<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder (to include image float examples)<\/li>\n<li>Removed unneeded page template file (fullwidthpagemodular)<\/li>\n<li>Removed unneeded modular page elements CSS<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added new 'hide_cc_license' page header option\nAdded classes to float images left(img.left), right(img.right) and align center(img.center)\nAdded Image Captions Plugin as Theme dependency\nAdded experimental ShortCode 'clearboth' to insert Div for clearing image floats\n\n\n\nUpdated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder (to include image float examples)\nRemoved unneeded page template file (fullwidthpagemodular)\nRemoved unneeded modular page elements CSS"},"0.9.9":{"date":"07\/07\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored responsive blog heading text","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored responsive blog heading text<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Restored responsive blog heading text"},"0.9.8":{"date":"07\/07\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for custom global JavaScript (scripts.html.twig)\n1. [](#improved)\n * Removed fixed blog header text color\n * Added bricklayer layout option check before jQuery call\n * Added check to hide Git Sync link note\n * Added better handling of pagination on small screens (thanks OleVik)\n * Updated Quark CSS files to latest development branch version\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed display of link blog posts\n * Fixed Next Post and Previous Post button display issue","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for custom global JavaScript (scripts.html.twig)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed fixed blog header text color<\/li>\n<li>Added bricklayer layout option check before jQuery call<\/li>\n<li>Added check to hide Git Sync link note<\/li>\n<li>Added better handling of pagination on small screens (thanks OleVik)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Quark CSS files to latest development branch version<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed display of link blog posts<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Next Post and Previous Post button display issue<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for custom global JavaScript (scripts.html.twig)\n\n\n\nRemoved fixed blog header text color\nAdded bricklayer layout option check before jQuery call\nAdded check to hide Git Sync link note\nAdded better handling of pagination on small screens (thanks OleVik)\nUpdated Quark CSS files to latest development branch version\n\n\n\nFixed display of link blog posts\nFixed Next Post and Previous Post button display issue"},"0.9.7":{"date":"07\/06\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added templates and blueprints for PDFs and SpeakerDeck files\n * Added custom content list template and blueprint\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated link and title only templates for Embedly Cards and Swipe decks\n * Updated location of Git Sync link on blog list pages\n * Added drop shadow for blog hero H1,H2,H3 text\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed incorrect responsive div classes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added templates and blueprints for PDFs and SpeakerDeck files<\/li>\n<li>Added custom content list template and blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated link and title only templates for Embedly Cards and Swipe decks<\/li>\n<li>Updated location of Git Sync link on blog list pages<\/li>\n<li>Added drop shadow for blog hero H1,H2,H3 text<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed incorrect responsive div classes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added templates and blueprints for PDFs and SpeakerDeck files\nAdded custom content list template and blueprint\n\n\n\nUpdated link and title only templates for Embedly Cards and Swipe decks\nUpdated location of Git Sync link on blog list pages\nAdded drop shadow for blog hero H1,H2,H3 text\n\n\n\nFixed incorrect responsive div classes"},"0.9.6":{"date":"07\/02\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed OERSchema dependency","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed OERSchema dependency<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nRemoved OERSchema dependency"},"0.9.5":{"date":"06\/19\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for 'header_image' frontmatter option\n * Added option to turn off bricklayer layout for Blog list pages\n1. [](#improved)\n * Blog header images now handled properly up to 'extra large' grid size","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for 'header_image' frontmatter option<\/li>\n<li>Added option to turn off bricklayer layout for Blog list pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Blog header images now handled properly up to 'extra large' grid size<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for 'header_image' frontmatter option\nAdded option to turn off bricklayer layout for Blog list pages\n\n\n\nBlog header images now handled properly up to 'extra large' grid size"},"0.9.4":{"date":"06\/12\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added example Modular collection page\n * Added full width page template for Modular pages\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored theme ability to hide Blog Sidebar\n * Updated default checks for Blog list page options","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added example Modular collection page<\/li>\n<li>Added full width page template for Modular pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored theme ability to hide Blog Sidebar<\/li>\n<li>Updated default checks for Blog list page options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added example Modular collection page\nAdded full width page template for Modular pages\n\n\n\nUpdated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nRestored theme ability to hide Blog Sidebar\nUpdated default checks for Blog list page options"},"0.9.3":{"date":"06\/10\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'Read Me' page in default demo pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'Read Me' page in default demo pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'Read Me' page in default demo pages"},"0.9.2":{"date":"04\/29\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for image captions on blog post image headers\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated modular item blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for image captions on blog post image headers<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated modular item blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for image captions on blog post image headers\n\n\n\nUpdated modular item blueprint"},"0.9.1":{"date":"04\/06\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])\n * Added experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])\n * Added experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])\n * Added H5P content page template and blueprint\n * Added Swipe deck page template content page template and blueprint\n * Added display of Git Sync Link in additional page types\n * Added handling for Featherlight Plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])<\/li>\n<li>Added H5P content page template and blueprint<\/li>\n<li>Added Swipe deck page template content page template and blueprint<\/li>\n<li>Added display of Git Sync Link in additional page types<\/li>\n<li>Added handling for Featherlight Plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])\nAdded experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])\nAdded experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])\nAdded H5P content page template and blueprint\nAdded Swipe deck page template content page template and blueprint\nAdded display of Git Sync Link in additional page types\nAdded handling for Featherlight Plugin"},"0.9.0":{"date":"03\/27\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"bulma-portfolio":{"name":"Bulma Portfolio","version":"0.1.7","description":"Bulma Portfolio Theme","description_html":"<p>Bulma Portfolio Theme<\/p>","description_plain":"Bulma Portfolio Theme","icon":"rebel","author":{"name":"John Mica","email":"john@johnmica.me"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/JohnMica\/grav-theme-bulma-portfolio","keywords":"grav, theme, etc","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/JohnMica\/grav-theme-bulma-portfolio\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"0.1.7","date":"2018-03-30T13:01:58Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/bulma-portfolio\/0.1.7","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/JohnMica\/grav-theme-bulma-portfolio","slug":"bulma-portfolio","install_path":"user\/themes\/bulma-portfolio","screenshot":"themes-bulma-portfolio.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.5":{"date":" 22\/03\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n - added possibility to select a Logo (only SVG ) and a favicon (usually a png\/jpg) from the theme settings. Before a logo \/ favicon can be added, at least a page must be created and saved and media added to that page. (next iteration could see improvements in this)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>added possibility to select a Logo (only SVG ) and a favicon (usually a png\/jpg) from the theme settings. Before a logo \/ favicon can be added, at least a page must be created and saved and media added to that page. (next iteration could see improvements in this)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"added possibility to select a Logo (only SVG ) and a favicon (usually a png\/jpg) from the theme settings. Before a logo \/ favicon can be added, at least a page must be created and saved and media added to that page. (next iteration could see improvements in this)"},"0.1.0":{"date":" 18\/03\/2018","content":"- initial release\n","content_html":"<ul>\n<li>initial release<\/li>\n<\/ul>","content_plain":"initial release"}},"dependencies":[]},"chalk":{"name":"Chalk","version":"0.3.0","description":"Port of Jekyll&#39;s chalk theme to Grav","description_html":"<p>Port of Jekyll&#39;s chalk theme to Grav<\/p>","description_plain":"Port of Jekyll&#39;s chalk theme to Grav","icon":"rebel","author":{"name":"Paul Massendari","email":"paul@massendari.com"},"dependencies":[{"name":"grav","version":">=1.3.8"},{"name":"admin","version":">=1.6.6"},{"name":"readingtime","version":">=1.2.0"},{"name":"highlight","version":">=1.4.0"},{"name":"taxonomylist","version":">=1.3.1"},{"name":"quick-tray-links","version":">=1.0.0"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-chalk","demo":"http:\/\/chalk.paulmassendari.com","keywords":"grav, theme, etc","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-chalk\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.3.0","date":"2018-06-25T14:43:42Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/chalk\/0.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-chalk","slug":"chalk","install_path":"user\/themes\/chalk","screenshot":"themes-chalk.jpg","changelog":{"0.3.0":{"date":" 04\/05\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added options to display summary or not\n * Added link to tag cloud\n * Few css fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added options to display summary or not<\/li>\n<li>Added link to tag cloud<\/li>\n<li>Few css fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added options to display summary or not\nAdded link to tag cloud\nFew css fixes"},"0.2.0":{"date":" 04\/05\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Fixed icons\n * Several improvements\n * Fixed scss reference to normalize\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed icons<\/li>\n<li>Several improvements<\/li>\n<li>Fixed scss reference to normalize<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed icons\nSeveral improvements\nFixed scss reference to normalize"},"0.1.0":{"date":" 03\/18\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"minimaxing":{"name":"Minimaxing","version":"0.2.1","description":"Port of Minimaxing by HTML5 UP","description_html":"<p>Port of Minimaxing by HTML5 UP<\/p>","description_plain":"Port of Minimaxing by HTML5 UP","icon":"rebel","author":{"name":"Hugh Barnes","email":"dev@hubns.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/hughbris\/grav-theme-minimaxing","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hughbris\/grav-theme-minimaxing\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"https:\/\/hughbris.github.io\/grav-theme-minimaxing","keywords":"grav, theme, html5up, blue","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hughbris\/grav-theme-minimaxing\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.2.1","date":"2018-03-17T05:58:05Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/minimaxing\/0.2.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/hughbris\/grav-theme-minimaxing","slug":"minimaxing","install_path":"user\/themes\/minimaxing","screenshot":"themes-minimaxing.jpg","changelog":{"0.2.1":{"date":" 18-02-2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * port of [existing theme](https:\/\/html5up.net\/minimaxing)\n * [demo pages](_demo\/pages) and an additional [Elements page](_demo\/pages\/90.elements\/onecolumn.md)\n1. [](#improved)\n * add docs, demo and correct keywords in blueprint\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * fix twig typo bug in header link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>port of <a href=\"https:\/\/html5up.net\/minimaxing\">existing theme<\/a><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"_demo\/pages\">demo pages<\/a> and an additional <a href=\"_demo\/pages\/90.elements\/onecolumn.md\">Elements page<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>add docs, demo and correct keywords in blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>fix twig typo bug in header link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"port of existing theme\ndemo pages and an additional Elements page\n\n\n\nadd docs, demo and correct keywords in blueprint\n\n\n\nfix twig typo bug in header link"}},"dependencies":[]},"portfolio":{"name":"Portfolio","version":"0.1.0","description":"Simple and minimalistic responsive theme for portfolios.","description_html":"<p>Simple and minimalistic responsive theme for portfolios.<\/p>","description_plain":"Simple and minimalistic responsive theme for portfolios.","icon":"rebel","author":{"name":"Joey CK","email":"joui1994@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/s6joui\/grav-theme-portfolio","demo":"http:\/\/www.joeyck.tech","keywords":"grav, theme, etc","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/s6joui\/grav-theme-portfolio\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"0.1.0","date":"2018-02-26T15:46:24Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/portfolio\/0.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/s6joui\/grav-theme-portfolio","slug":"portfolio","install_path":"user\/themes\/portfolio","screenshot":"themes-portfolio.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.0":{"date":" 02\/26\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"editorial":{"name":"Editorial","version":"0.1.3","description":"Port of the Editorial theme from HTML5Up.net","description_html":"<p>Port of the Editorial theme from HTML5Up.net<\/p>","description_plain":"Port of the Editorial theme from HTML5Up.net","icon":"paint-brush","author":{"name":"Jeremy Gonyea","email":"jeremy.gonyea@gmail.com"},"dependencies":[{"name":"auto-date","version":"*"},{"name":"simplesearch","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/jeremy-gonyea\/grav-theme-editorial","keywords":"grav, theme, html5up, editorial","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/jeremy-gonyea\/grav-theme-editorial\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"0.1.3","date":"2018-03-12T23:18:36Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/editorial\/0.1.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/jgonyea\/grav-theme-editorial","slug":"editorial","install_path":"user\/themes\/editorial","screenshot":"themes-editorial.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.3":{"date":" 02\/14\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Default state of sidebar is now configurable.\n2. [](#improved)\n * None\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Child pages in navigation now render properly.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Default state of sidebar is now configurable.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>None<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Child pages in navigation now render properly.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Default state of sidebar is now configurable.\n\n\n\nNone\n\n\n\nChild pages in navigation now render properly."},"0.1.2":{"date":" 02\/14\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Simplesearch dependency.\n * Search functionality works now.\n2. [](#improved)\n * Styling on images (thanks to andreakal).\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * None","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Simplesearch dependency.<\/li>\n<li>Search functionality works now.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Styling on images (thanks to andreakal).<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>None<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Simplesearch dependency.\nSearch functionality works now.\n\n\n\nStyling on images (thanks to andreakal).\n\n\n\nNone"},"0.1.1":{"date":" 02\/05\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added thumbnail and screenshot images to theme.\n2. [](#improved)\n * None\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * None","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added thumbnail and screenshot images to theme.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>None<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>None<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added thumbnail and screenshot images to theme.\n\n\n\nNone\n\n\n\nNone"},"0.1.0":{"date":" 01\/05\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"introspect":{"name":"Introspect","version":"1.0.1","description":"A responsive theme from templated.co, ported to Grav.","description_html":"<p>A responsive theme from templated.co, ported to Grav.<\/p>","description_plain":"A responsive theme from templated.co, ported to Grav.","icon":"desktop","author":{"name":"Andre Lehman","email":"aisberg@posteo.de"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/Aisbergg\/grav-theme-introspect","demo":"https:\/\/aisbergg.github.io\/grav-demo\/introspect\/pages\/home","keywords":"introspect, theme, modern, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/Aisbergg\/grav-theme-introspect\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.2","date":"2018-05-09T17:45:01Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/introspect\/1.0.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Aisbergg\/grav-theme-introspect","slug":"introspect","install_path":"user\/themes\/introspect","screenshot":"themes-introspect.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"01\/12\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial Release","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial Release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial Release"},"1.0.1":{"date":"02\/05\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add demo site","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add demo site<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add demo site"},"1.0.2":{"date":"05\/09\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Replace tabs with spaces","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Replace tabs with spaces<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Replace tabs with spaces"}},"dependencies":[]},"quark":{"name":"Quark","version":"1.0.3","description":"New Grav Default Theme","description_html":"<p>New Grav Default Theme<\/p>","description_plain":"New Grav Default Theme","icon":"microchip","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"grav","version":">=1.4.0-rc.1"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-quark","demo":"https:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/onepage-skeleton","keywords":"quark, spectre, theme, core, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-quark\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.0.3","date":"2018-05-11T20:33:04Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/quark\/1.0.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-quark","slug":"quark","install_path":"user\/themes\/quark","screenshot":"themes-quark.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.3":{"date":"05\/11\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added new primary button mixin\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated [Spectre.css](https:\/\/picturepan2.github.io\/spectre\/) to latest `0.5.1` version\n * Improved default login styling\n * Removed core Spectre.css override to make upgrading Spectre easier\n * Added screenshot to README.md\n * Override focus to prevent overzealous blue blurs\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for `highlight` plugin not changing background of code blocks \n * Removed extraneous `dump()` in Twig output","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added new primary button mixin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated <a href=\"https:\/\/picturepan2.github.io\/spectre\/\">Spectre.css<\/a> to latest <code>0.5.1<\/code> version<\/li>\n<li>Improved default login styling<\/li>\n<li>Removed core Spectre.css override to make upgrading Spectre easier<\/li>\n<li>Added screenshot to README.md<\/li>\n<li>Override focus to prevent overzealous blue blurs<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for <code>highlight<\/code> plugin not changing background of code blocks <\/li>\n<li>Removed extraneous <code>dump()<\/code> in Twig output<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added new primary button mixin\n\n\n\nUpdated Spectre.css to latest 0.5.1 version\nImproved default login styling\nRemoved core Spectre.css override to make upgrading Spectre easier\nAdded screenshot to README.md\nOverride focus to prevent overzealous blue blurs\n\n\n\nFix for highlight plugin not changing background of code blocks \nRemoved extraneous dump() in Twig output"},"1.0.2":{"date":"02\/19\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added toggle options to enable Spectre.css _experimentals_ and _icons_ CSS files\n * Switched to a fork of LineAwesome icons compatible with FontAwesome 4.7.0\n1. [](#improved)\n * Font tweaks\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Pagination fixes \n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added toggle options to enable Spectre.css <em>experimentals<\/em> and <em>icons<\/em> CSS files<\/li>\n<li>Switched to a fork of LineAwesome icons compatible with FontAwesome 4.7.0<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Font tweaks<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Pagination fixes <\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added toggle options to enable Spectre.css experimentals and icons CSS files\nSwitched to a fork of LineAwesome icons compatible with FontAwesome 4.7.0\n\n\n\nFont tweaks\n\n\n\nPagination fixes "},"1.0.1":{"date":" 01\/22\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added blueprints for admin editing\n1. [](#improved)\n * Use default lang from `site.yaml`\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed Current path to address issues with extending Quark\n * Fixed parallax to start in same position as standard\n * Fixed modular image size","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for admin editing<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use default lang from <code>site.yaml<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Current path to address issues with extending Quark<\/li>\n<li>Fixed parallax to start in same position as standard<\/li>\n<li>Fixed modular image size<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for admin editing\n\n\n\nUse default lang from site.yaml\n\n\n\nFixed Current path to address issues with extending Quark\nFixed parallax to start in same position as standard\nFixed modular image size"},"1.0.0":{"date":" 12\/28\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"pluspunkt":{"name":"pluspunkt","version":"1.0.3","description":"A simple, responsive and modern Grav theme built with Kube","description_html":"<p>A simple, responsive and modern Grav theme built with Kube<\/p>","description_plain":"A simple, responsive and modern Grav theme built with Kube","icon":"plus-circle","author":{"name":"Simon M\u00fcller","url":"https:\/\/github.com\/SimonMueller","email":"pluspunkt-theme@protonmail.ch"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/SimonMueller\/grav-theme-pluspunkt","keywords":"pluspunkt, grav, theme, kube, modern, responsive","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/SimonMueller\/grav-theme-pluspunkt\/issues","license":"GPL-3.0","tag_name":"1.0.3","date":"2018-01-09T13:31:53Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/pluspunkt\/1.0.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/SimonMueller\/grav-theme-pluspunkt","slug":"pluspunkt","install_path":"user\/themes\/pluspunkt","screenshot":"themes-pluspunkt.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"19.12.2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial release","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial release"},"1.0.1":{"date":"30.12.2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added config for collection head\n2. [](#improved)\n * Improved article header\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Breadcrumb overflow handling (wrap)\n * Correct padding of footer widget\n * Fix display of publish date","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added config for collection head<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved article header<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Breadcrumb overflow handling (wrap)<\/li>\n<li>Correct padding of footer widget<\/li>\n<li>Fix display of publish date<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added config for collection head\n\n\n\nImproved article header\n\n\n\nBreadcrumb overflow handling (wrap)\nCorrect padding of footer widget\nFix display of publish date"},"1.0.2":{"date":"6.01.2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added CONTRIBUTING.md","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added CONTRIBUTING.md<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added CONTRIBUTING.md"},"1.0.3":{"date":"9.01.2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix pagination base_url with relative URLs","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix pagination base_url with relative URLs<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix pagination base_url with relative URLs"}},"dependencies":[]},"mache":{"name":"Mache","version":"1.0.6","description":"Grav Theme based on Mache HTML theme by freetemplates.pro, original PSD design by symu.co.","description_html":"<p>Grav Theme based on Mache HTML theme by freetemplates.pro, original PSD design by symu.co.<\/p>","description_plain":"Grav Theme based on Mache HTML theme by freetemplates.pro, original PSD design by symu.co.","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"Hung Tran","url":"https:\/\/flatfiledeveloper.com","email":"flatfiledeveloper@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-mache","demo":"http:\/\/www.peaceofmindwebsite.com\/skeletons\/mache","keywords":"mache, theme, template, responsive, html5, css3, one, single, page, bootstrap","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-mache\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.6","date":"2018-06-15T11:27:42Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/mache\/1.0.6","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-mache","slug":"mache","install_path":"user\/themes\/mache","screenshot":"themes-mache.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.6":{"date":"15\/06\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed logo link not clickable\n * Fixed styling issue (#15).","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed logo link not clickable<\/li>\n<li>Fixed styling issue (#15).<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed logo link not clickable\nFixed styling issue (#15)."},"1.0.5":{"date":"05\/06\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed menu issue in blog (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed menu issue in blog (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed menu issue in blog (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)"},"1.0.4":{"date":"18\/03\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed image issue (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)\n * Fixed missing pricing title (thanks to @DevilsDaddy)\n2. [](#improved)\n * Centered search icon (thanks to @RobLui)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed image issue (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing pricing title (thanks to @DevilsDaddy)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Centered search icon (thanks to @RobLui)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed image issue (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)\nFixed missing pricing title (thanks to @DevilsDaddy)\n\n\n\nCentered search icon (thanks to @RobLui)"},"1.0.3":{"date":"02\/01\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed contact section\n * Fixed active class in navigation\n * Fixed CTA3 module\n2. [](#improved)\n * Improved link in baner","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed contact section<\/li>\n<li>Fixed active class in navigation<\/li>\n<li>Fixed CTA3 module<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved link in baner<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed contact section\nFixed active class in navigation\nFixed CTA3 module\n\n\n\nImproved link in baner"},"1.0.2":{"date":"27\/12\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed missing button in banner","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed missing button in banner<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed missing button in banner"},"1.0.1":{"date":"26\/12\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved handling form error","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved handling form error<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved handling form error"},"1.0.0":{"date":"26\/12\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * First release","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>First release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"First release"}},"dependencies":[]},"simple-dark":{"name":"Simple Dark","version":"0.1.0","description":"A simple and dark theme","description_html":"<p>A simple and dark theme<\/p>","description_plain":"A simple and dark theme","icon":"rebel","author":{"name":"Magnus","email":"magnus.axelsson@student.howest.be"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/magnus\/grav-theme-simple-dark","demo":"https:\/\/www.vlsm.se","keywords":"grav, theme, etc","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/magnus\/grav-theme-simple-dark\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"17.12.1","date":"2017-12-28T21:37:58Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/simple-dark\/0.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/magaxel\/Simple-Dark","slug":"simple-dark","install_path":"user\/themes\/simple-dark","screenshot":"themes-simple-dark.jpg","changelog":{"17.12":{"date":" 12\/28\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * First commit\n * Minor changes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>First commit<\/li>\n<li>Minor changes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"First commit\nMinor changes"}},"dependencies":[]},"generallax":{"name":"Generallax","version":"0.1.0","description":"Generallax Theme by Shane Zentz","description_html":"<p>Generallax Theme by Shane Zentz<\/p>","description_plain":"Generallax Theme by Shane Zentz","icon":"star","author":{"name":"Shane Zentz","email":"shane@shanezentz.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/shane-zentz\/generallax-grav-theme","demo":"https:\/\/www.shanezentz.com","keywords":"Generallax, parallax, sliding banners, psuedo-parallax, mobile friendly, mobile-friendly,","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/shane-zentz\/grav-theme-generallax\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"V0.0.1","date":"2017-10-02T16:38:28Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/generallax\/0.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/shane-zentz\/Generallax","slug":"generallax","install_path":"user\/themes\/generallax","screenshot":"themes-generallax.jpg","changelog":[],"dependencies":[]},"gravnd-zero":{"name":"Gravnd Zero","version":"0.1.0","description":"A minimal theme allowing full customization. Improved directory structure, boilerplate code and laravel-mix are ready to boost your development workflow.","description_html":"<p>A minimal theme allowing full customization. Improved directory structure, boilerplate code and laravel-mix are ready to boost your development workflow.<\/p>","description_plain":"A minimal theme allowing full customization. Improved directory structure, boilerplate code and laravel-mix are ready to boost your development workflow.","icon":"code","author":{"name":"Domantas Petrauskas","email":"domantas@kemdu.lt"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/fistmenaruto\/grav-theme-gravnd-zero","keywords":"gravnd-zero, boilerplate, starter-theme, custom, base, laravel-mix","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/fistmenaruto\/gravnd-zero\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.0.1","date":"2017-09-28T15:48:03Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/gravnd-zero\/0.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/fistmenaruto\/gravnd-zero","slug":"gravnd-zero","install_path":"user\/themes\/gravnd-zero","screenshot":"themes-gravnd-zero.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.0":{"date":" 09\/27\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"hyde":{"name":"Hyde","version":"0.1.1","description":"Hyde theme for Grav","description_html":"<p>Hyde theme for Grav<\/p>","description_plain":"Hyde theme for Grav","icon":"rebel","author":{"name":"Paul Massendari","email":"paul@massendari.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-hyde","demo":"http:\/\/demo.yoursite.com","keywords":"grav, theme, etc","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-hyde\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.1.1","date":"2017-09-14T13:31:34Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/hyde\/0.1.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-hyde","slug":"hyde","install_path":"user\/themes\/hyde","screenshot":"themes-hyde.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.0":{"date":"09\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Started Changelog\n * First Release\n","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Started Changelog<\/li>\n<li>First Release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Started Changelog\nFirst Release"}},"dependencies":[]},"antimatter-open-publishing":{"name":"Antimatter Open Publishing","version":"1.3.3","description":"A customized version of the Antimatter theme with Git Sync and &#39;chromeless&#39; mode (as shown in screenshot).","description_html":"<p>A customized version of the Antimatter theme with Git Sync and &#39;chromeless&#39; mode (as shown in screenshot).<\/p>","description_plain":"A customized version of the Antimatter theme with Git Sync and &#39;chromeless&#39; mode (as shown in screenshot).","icon":"unlock","author":{"name":"Hibbitts Design","url":"http:\/\/hibbittsdesign.org","email":"hello@hibbittsdesign.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"admin","version":"*"},{"name":"auto-date","version":"*"},{"name":"archives","version":"*"},{"name":"breadcrumbs","version":"*"},{"name":"email","version":"*"},{"name":"external_links","version":"*"},{"name":"feed","version":"*"},{"name":"form","version":"*"},{"name":"git-sync","version":"*"},{"name":"login","version":"*"},{"name":"markdown-fontawesome","version":"*"},{"name":"markdown-notices","version":"*"},{"name":"oerschema","version":"*"},{"name":"page-inject","version":"*"},{"name":"pagination","version":"*"},{"name":"relatedpages","version":"*"},{"name":"simplesearch","version":"*"},{"name":"taxonomylist","version":"*"},{"name":"tntsearch","version":"*"},{"name":"youtube","version":"*"},{"name":"shortcode-core","version":"*"},{"name":"shortcode-ui","version":"*"},{"name":"antimatter","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-antimatter-open-publishing","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-antimatter-open-publishing\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"http:\/\/demo.hibbittsdesign.org\/grav-open-publishing\/","keywords":"open, publishing, gitsync, chromeless","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-antimatter-open-publishing\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.3.3","date":"2018-06-12T19:09:03Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/antimatter-open-publishing\/1.3.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-antimatter-open-publishing","slug":"antimatter-open-publishing","install_path":"user\/themes\/antimatter-open-publishing","screenshot":"themes-antimatter-open-publishing.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.3":{"date":"06\/12\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added option to hide or show Sidebar on Blog pages\n * Added example Modular collection page\n * Added full width page template for Modular pages\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added option to hide or show Sidebar on Blog pages<\/li>\n<li>Added example Modular collection page<\/li>\n<li>Added full width page template for Modular pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added option to hide or show Sidebar on Blog pages\nAdded example Modular collection page\nAdded full width page template for Modular pages\n\n\n\nUpdated demo pages in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.3.2":{"date":"04\/29\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])\n * Added experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])\n * Added experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])\n * Added H5P content page template and blueprint\n * Added Swipe deck page template content page template and blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])<\/li>\n<li>Added H5P content page template and blueprint<\/li>\n<li>Added Swipe deck page template content page template and blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])\nAdded experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])\nAdded experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])\nAdded H5P content page template and blueprint\nAdded Swipe deck page template content page template and blueprint"},"1.3.1":{"date":"03\/28\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Added proper handling of Featherlight Plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added proper handling of Featherlight Plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added proper handling of Featherlight Plugin"},"1.3.0":{"date":"03\/15\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated theme css defaults\n * Changed theme author information to Hibbitts Design","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated theme css defaults<\/li>\n<li>Changed theme author information to Hibbitts Design<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated theme css defaults\nChanged theme author information to Hibbitts Design"},"1.2.9":{"date":"03\/11\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated ReadMe file","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated ReadMe file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated ReadMe file"},"1.2.8":{"date":"03\/01\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Restored support for custom Git Sync link icon","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored support for custom Git Sync link icon<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Restored support for custom Git Sync link icon"},"1.2.7":{"date":"02\/23\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated names of example modular pages to all lowercase\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Corrected display of default modular template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated names of example modular pages to all lowercase<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Corrected display of default modular template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated names of example modular pages to all lowercase\n\n\n\nCorrected display of default modular template"},"1.2.6":{"date":"02\/21\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated global handling of 'chromeless' and 'hidepagetitle' URL flags (thanks Ricardo)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated global handling of 'chromeless' and 'hidepagetitle' URL flags (thanks Ricardo)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated global handling of 'chromeless' and 'hidepagetitle' URL flags (thanks Ricardo)"},"1.2.5":{"date":"01\/23\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar"},"1.2.4":{"date":"01\/21\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Relocated Blog summary only display and custom icon from Theme options to Blog List options","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Relocated Blog summary only display and custom icon from Theme options to Blog List options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Relocated Blog summary only display and custom icon from Theme options to Blog List options"},"1.2.3":{"date":"01\/16\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Do not display breadcrumbs (when enabled) if the 'summaryonly' URL flag is present","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Do not display breadcrumbs (when enabled) if the 'summaryonly' URL flag is present<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Do not display breadcrumbs (when enabled) if the 'summaryonly' URL flag is present"},"1.2.2":{"date":"01\/16\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental support for Blog page list option to display 'Continue readings...' links as buttons in Blog page summaries","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental support for Blog page list option to display 'Continue readings...' links as buttons in Blog page summaries<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental support for Blog page list option to display 'Continue readings...' links as buttons in Blog page summaries"},"1.2.1":{"date":"01\/11\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed display of 'Edit in Git' link with use of 'summaryonly' URL flag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed display of 'Edit in Git' link with use of 'summaryonly' URL flag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed display of 'Edit in Git' link with use of 'summaryonly' URL flag"},"1.2.0":{"date":"01\/11\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental support for new 'summaryonly' URL flag to only display summary on blog posts\n * Added experimental support for new 'hidepagetitle' URL flag to hide page title\n * Added Auto Date plugin as dependency\n * Added support for opening links in top window\n1. [](#improved)\n * Added CSS for default alert style","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental support for new 'summaryonly' URL flag to only display summary on blog posts<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental support for new 'hidepagetitle' URL flag to hide page title<\/li>\n<li>Added Auto Date plugin as dependency<\/li>\n<li>Added support for opening links in top window<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added CSS for default alert style<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental support for new 'summaryonly' URL flag to only display summary on blog posts\nAdded experimental support for new 'hidepagetitle' URL flag to hide page title\nAdded Auto Date plugin as dependency\nAdded support for opening links in top window\n\n\n\nAdded CSS for default alert style"},"1.1.9":{"date":"12\/19\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added MediaPicker functionality for (blog) item header images\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated embed.ly card template\n * Updated open publishing space demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Renamed 'blog_item' modular template to 'item'\n * Renamed 'reminders' modular template to 'alert'","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added MediaPicker functionality for (blog) item header images<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated embed.ly card template<\/li>\n<li>Updated open publishing space demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Renamed 'blog_item' modular template to 'item'<\/li>\n<li>Renamed 'reminders' modular template to 'alert'<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added MediaPicker functionality for (blog) item header images\n\n\n\nUpdated embed.ly card template\nUpdated open publishing space demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nRenamed 'blog_item' modular template to 'item'\nRenamed 'reminders' modular template to 'alert'"},"1.1.8":{"date":"12\/04\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added scripts template to hold global JavaScript code","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added scripts template to hold global JavaScript code<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added scripts template to hold global JavaScript code"},"1.1.7":{"date":"11\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added example 'Twitter Feed' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\n * Added example 'Embed.ly Card' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\n * Added support for modular page content to be displayed above blog entry list\n * Added example 'highlight-item' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\n * Added example 'reminders' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\n * Added support for blog header image credit storage in external meta file\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated embed.ly card page template and blueprint with alignment option\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed modular 'default' template\n *","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added example 'Twitter Feed' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added example 'Embed.ly Card' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added support for modular page content to be displayed above blog entry list<\/li>\n<li>Added example 'highlight-item' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added example 'reminders' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added support for blog header image credit storage in external meta file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated embed.ly card page template and blueprint with alignment option<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed modular 'default' template\n*<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added example 'Twitter Feed' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\nAdded example 'Embed.ly Card' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\nAdded support for modular page content to be displayed above blog entry list\nAdded example 'highlight-item' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\nAdded example 'reminders' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\nAdded support for blog header image credit storage in external meta file\n\n\n\nUpdated embed.ly card page template and blueprint with alignment option\n\n\n\nFixed modular 'default' template\n*"},"1.1.6":{"date":"11\/19\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Revised name of sidebar folder from 'sidebar-markdown-widget' to 'sidebar'","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revised name of sidebar folder from 'sidebar-markdown-widget' to 'sidebar'<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Revised name of sidebar folder from 'sidebar-markdown-widget' to 'sidebar'"},"1.1.5":{"date":"11\/09\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental embed.ly card page template\n * Added experimental Twitter feed page template\n * Added blog list page metadata blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental embed.ly card page template<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental Twitter feed page template<\/li>\n<li>Added blog list page metadata blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental embed.ly card page template\nAdded experimental Twitter feed page template\nAdded blog list page metadata blueprint"},"1.1.4":{"date":"10\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Option to display Creative Commons license with icon only","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Option to display Creative Commons license with icon only<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Option to display Creative Commons license with icon only"},"1.1.3":{"date":"10\/25\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved display of Git Sync links within pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved display of Git Sync links within pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved display of Git Sync links within pages"},"1.1.2":{"date":"10\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved footer display when displaying Git Sync link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved footer display when displaying Git Sync link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved footer display when displaying Git Sync link"},"1.1.1":{"date":"10\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved default handling after initial installation of theme","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved default handling after initial installation of theme<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved default handling after initial installation of theme"},"1.1.0":{"date":"10\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored needed CSS classes to handle 'chromeless' external links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored needed CSS classes to handle 'chromeless' external links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Restored needed CSS classes to handle 'chromeless' external links"},"1.0.9":{"date":"10\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation"},"1.0.8":{"date":"10\/16\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Markdown-based Footer page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Markdown-based Footer page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Markdown-based Footer page"},"1.0.7":{"date":"10\/11\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * 'featured' posts are now only displayed on their parent blog page (to support multiple blogs on one site)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>'featured' posts are now only displayed on their parent blog page (to support multiple blogs on one site)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"'featured' posts are now only displayed on their parent blog page (to support multiple blogs on one site)"},"1.0.6":{"date":"10\/10\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for blog post title icons (default and per page)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for blog post title icons (default and per page)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for blog post title icons (default and per page)"},"1.0.5":{"date":"10\/09\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed incorrect position of image credit in very wide Browser windows","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed incorrect position of image credit in very wide Browser windows<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed incorrect position of image credit in very wide Browser windows"},"1.0.4":{"date":"10\/06\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Changed page header option name from `hidefrompostlist` to `hide_from_post_list`\n1. [](#improved)\n * Adjusted position of Alternative Text field in Blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed page header option name from <code>hidefrompostlist<\/code> to <code>hide_from_post_list<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Adjusted position of Alternative Text field in Blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Changed page header option name from hidefrompostlist to hide_from_post_list\n\n\n\nAdjusted position of Alternative Text field in Blueprint"},"1.0.3":{"date":"10\/06\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for image alt text on blog post image headers\n * Added page header option to hide posts from blog index\n1. [](#improved)\n * Revised layout for Blog Item Image Captions options in Blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for image alt text on blog post image headers<\/li>\n<li>Added page header option to hide posts from blog index<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revised layout for Blog Item Image Captions options in Blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for image alt text on blog post image headers\nAdded page header option to hide posts from blog index\n\n\n\nRevised layout for Blog Item Image Captions options in Blueprint"},"1.0.2":{"date":"10\/04\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for image captions on blog post image headers\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed issue of Edit Page in Git links when in 'chromeless' mode","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for image captions on blog post image headers<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue of Edit Page in Git links when in 'chromeless' mode<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for image captions on blog post image headers\n\n\n\nFixed issue of Edit Page in Git links when in 'chromeless' mode"},"1.0.1":{"date":"09\/22\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed issue of View in Git links when in 'chromeless' mode","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue of View in Git links when in 'chromeless' mode<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed issue of View in Git links when in 'chromeless' mode"},"1.0.0":{"date":"09\/22\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved installation process of theme into standard Grav Blog Site skeleton","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved installation process of theme into standard Grav Blog Site skeleton<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved installation process of theme into standard Grav Blog Site skeleton"},"0.9.9":{"date":"09\/21\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Corrected Twig logic checks for handling of non Git Sync Plugin Git syncing choice","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Corrected Twig logic checks for handling of non Git Sync Plugin Git syncing choice<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Corrected Twig logic checks for handling of non Git Sync Plugin Git syncing choice"},"0.9.8":{"date":"09\/21\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for non Git Sync Plugin Git syncing (e.g. upcoming cPanel Git Feature)\n1. [](#improved)\n * Improved global handling of 'chromeless' display mode for embedded pages (thanks Ricardo)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for non Git Sync Plugin Git syncing (e.g. upcoming cPanel Git Feature)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved global handling of 'chromeless' display mode for embedded pages (thanks Ricardo)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for non Git Sync Plugin Git syncing (e.g. upcoming cPanel Git Feature)\n\n\n\nImproved global handling of 'chromeless' display mode for embedded pages (thanks Ricardo)"},"0.9.7":{"date":"08\/30\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added OER Schema plugin as theme dependency\n * Added TNTSearch plugin as skeleton dependency\n1. [](#improved)\n * Breadcrumbs now remain visible on all screen sizes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added OER Schema plugin as theme dependency<\/li>\n<li>Added TNTSearch plugin as skeleton dependency<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Breadcrumbs now remain visible on all screen sizes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added OER Schema plugin as theme dependency\nAdded TNTSearch plugin as skeleton dependency\n\n\n\nBreadcrumbs now remain visible on all screen sizes"},"0.9.6":{"date":"08\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Corrected theme settings calculation during Git Repository Tree URL setup","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Corrected theme settings calculation during Git Repository Tree URL setup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Corrected theme settings calculation during Git Repository Tree URL setup"},"0.9.5":{"date":"08\/22\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Included demo pages updated\n * Increased support for 'chromeless' display mode for embedded blogs\n * Revised display order of Previous\/Next buttons\n * Added a visual fill effect for buttons upon hover\n * Added hidden label for SimpleSearch Plugin search field\n * Added option to hide homepage link in menubar\n * Changed default display of Git Sync link to 'Menu'\n * Added option to choose window target for custom menu items\n * Added note about 'Page' Git Sync link location for chromeless display\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed unexpected multi-page duplication of 'featured' posts","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Included demo pages updated<\/li>\n<li>Increased support for 'chromeless' display mode for embedded blogs<\/li>\n<li>Revised display order of Previous\/Next buttons<\/li>\n<li>Added a visual fill effect for buttons upon hover<\/li>\n<li>Added hidden label for SimpleSearch Plugin search field<\/li>\n<li>Added option to hide homepage link in menubar<\/li>\n<li>Changed default display of Git Sync link to 'Menu'<\/li>\n<li>Added option to choose window target for custom menu items<\/li>\n<li>Added note about 'Page' Git Sync link location for chromeless display<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unexpected multi-page duplication of 'featured' posts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Included demo pages updated\nIncreased support for 'chromeless' display mode for embedded blogs\nRevised display order of Previous\/Next buttons\nAdded a visual fill effect for buttons upon hover\nAdded hidden label for SimpleSearch Plugin search field\nAdded option to hide homepage link in menubar\nChanged default display of Git Sync link to 'Menu'\nAdded option to choose window target for custom menu items\nAdded note about 'Page' Git Sync link location for chromeless display\n\n\n\nRemoved unexpected multi-page duplication of 'featured' posts"},"0.9.4":{"date":"08\/18\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Image ALT tags now supported for blog page header images\n * Added hidden h1 page titles for use by screen readers\n * Underlines displayed now on focus and hover for page text links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Image ALT tags now supported for blog page header images<\/li>\n<li>Added hidden h1 page titles for use by screen readers<\/li>\n<li>Underlines displayed now on focus and hover for page text links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Image ALT tags now supported for blog page header images\nAdded hidden h1 page titles for use by screen readers\nUnderlines displayed now on focus and hover for page text links"},"0.9.3":{"date":"08\/17\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated theme dependencies","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated theme dependencies<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated theme dependencies"},"0.9.2":{"date":"08\/16\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Revised theme description","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revised theme description<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Revised theme description"},"0.9.1":{"date":"08\/16\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Revised potential PHP classname conflict when using MyTheme inherited theme config","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revised potential PHP classname conflict when using MyTheme inherited theme config<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Revised potential PHP classname conflict when using MyTheme inherited theme config"},"0.9.0":{"date":"08\/15\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"story":{"name":"Story","version":"1","description":"Story theme by html5up for Grav CMS","description_html":"<p>Story theme by html5up for Grav CMS<\/p>","description_plain":"Story theme by html5up for Grav CMS","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"Paul Massendari","url":"https:\/\/paulmassendari.com","email":"paul@massendari.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-story","demo":"http:\/\/story.paulmassendari.com","keywords":"story, theme, portfolio, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-story\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0","date":"2018-01-15T18:51:44Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/story\/1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/paulmassen\/grav-theme-story","slug":"story","install_path":"user\/themes\/story"},"flaten":{"name":"Flaten","version":"2.0.0","description":"Flaten Multipurpose Template","description_html":"<p>Flaten Multipurpose Template<\/p>","description_plain":"Flaten Multipurpose Template","icon":"microchip","author":{"name":"Marvin Heilemann","email":"marvin.heilemann@googlemail.com"},"keywords":"flaten, theme, template, multi, grav","license":"MIT","tag_name":"2.0.0","date":"2017-06-18T15:29:22Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/flaten\/2.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/muuvmuuv\/grav-theme-flaten","homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/muuvmuuv\/grav-theme-flaten","slug":"flaten","install_path":"user\/themes\/flaten","screenshot":"themes-flaten.jpg","changelog":{"2.0.0":{"date":"19\/04\/2017","content":"3. [](#improved)\n * Structure\n * Templates\n * SCSS\/CSS\n * Compatibility","content_html":"<ol start=\"3\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Structure<\/li>\n<li>Templates<\/li>\n<li>SCSS\/CSS<\/li>\n<li>Compatibility<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Structure\nTemplates\nSCSS\/CSS\nCompatibility"},"1.0.0":{"date":"09\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"prime":{"name":"PRIME","version":"1.0.0","description":"A Clean, Modern, Responsive theme for Grav CMS","description_html":"<p>A Clean, Modern, Responsive theme for Grav CMS<\/p>","description_plain":"A Clean, Modern, Responsive theme for Grav CMS","icon":"users","author":{"name":"Collin Daugherty","url":"https:\/\/www.collindaugherty.com","email":"contact@collindaugherty.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/www.github.com\/collindaugherty\/grav-theme-prime","demo":"https:\/\/demo.collindaugherty.com\/prime\/","keywords":"prime, theme, modern, clean, fast, responsive, html5, css3, sass, scss","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.0.1","date":"2018-01-07T19:30:35Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/prime\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/CollinDaugherty\/grav-theme-prime","slug":"prime","install_path":"user\/themes\/prime","screenshot":"themes-prime.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"05\/09\/2017 ","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"learn2-git-sync":{"name":"Learn2 Git Sync","version":"1.0.0","description":"A customized version of the Learn2 theme for use with the Learn2 with Git Sync skeleton package.","description_html":"<p>A customized version of the Learn2 theme for use with the Learn2 with Git Sync skeleton package.<\/p>","description_plain":"A customized version of the Learn2 theme for use with the Learn2 with Git Sync skeleton package.","icon":"git","author":{"name":"Hibbitts Design","url":"http:\/\/hibbittsdesign.org","email":"hello@hibbittsdesign.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"admin","version":"*"},{"name":"learn2","version":"*"},{"name":"external_links","version":"*"},{"name":"feed","version":"*"},{"name":"git-sync","version":"*"},{"name":"highlight","version":"*"},{"name":"youtube","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-learn2-git-sync","demo":"http:\/\/demo.hibbittsdesign.org\/grav-learn2-git-sync\/","keywords":"learn2, gitsync","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-learn2-git-sync\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.0","date":"2018-03-16T03:10:45Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/learn2-git-sync\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-learn2-git-sync","slug":"learn2-git-sync","install_path":"user\/themes\/learn2-git-sync","screenshot":"themes-learn2-git-sync.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"03\/15\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Changed theme author information to Hibbitts Design","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed theme author information to Hibbitts Design<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Changed theme author information to Hibbitts Design"},"0.9.84":{"date":"03\/01\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Better aligned Git Sync Link Twig code with other Git Sync themes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Better aligned Git Sync Link Twig code with other Git Sync themes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Better aligned Git Sync Link Twig code with other Git Sync themes"},"0.9.83":{"date":"02\/13\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed trailing slash issue with \"Edit this page\" link (thanks Amiram Korach)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed trailing slash issue with &quot;Edit this page&quot; link (thanks Amiram Korach)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed trailing slash issue with &quot;Edit this page&quot; link (thanks Amiram Korach)"},"0.9.82":{"date":"01\/23\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar"},"0.9.81":{"date":"01\/14\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Changed default size of site title to h5 (from h4) to reduce vertical space","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed default size of site title to h5 (from h4) to reduce vertical space<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Changed default size of site title to h5 (from h4) to reduce vertical space"},"0.9.8":{"date":"10\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added Highlight plugin as a dependency\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed unneeded theme default for custom icon in Git Sync link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Highlight plugin as a dependency<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unneeded theme default for custom icon in Git Sync link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Highlight plugin as a dependency\n\n\n\nRemoved unneeded theme default for custom icon in Git Sync link"},"0.9.7":{"date":"10\/22\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation"},"0.9.6":{"date":"07\/12\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed Author field within Page Options (Author taxonomy tag added to Learn2 with Git Sync Skeleton)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed Author field within Page Options (Author taxonomy tag added to Learn2 with Git Sync Skeleton)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed Author field within Page Options (Author taxonomy tag added to Learn2 with Git Sync Skeleton)"},"0.9.5":{"date":"07\/11\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for RSS feed\n * Added Author field within Page Options\n1. [](#improved)\n * Improved accessibility of sidebar and body link appearance\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed problematic CSS class for Git Sync note area","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for RSS feed<\/li>\n<li>Added Author field within Page Options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved accessibility of sidebar and body link appearance<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed problematic CSS class for Git Sync note area<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for RSS feed\nAdded Author field within Page Options\n\n\n\nImproved accessibility of sidebar and body link appearance\n\n\n\nRemoved problematic CSS class for Git Sync note area"},"0.9.4":{"date":"05\/30\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved wording for 'Git Repository Tree URL' theme config option","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved wording for 'Git Repository Tree URL' theme config option<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved wording for 'Git Repository Tree URL' theme config option"},"0.9.3":{"date":"04\/18\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed theme setup link to work with an inherited theme","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed theme setup link to work with an inherited theme<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed theme setup link to work with an inherited theme"},"0.9.2":{"date":"04\/10\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed Git Sync setup link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Git Sync setup link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed Git Sync setup link"},"0.9.1":{"date":"04\/10\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated dependencies\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed twig template URL","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated dependencies<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed twig template URL<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated dependencies\n\n\n\nFixed twig template URL"},"0.9.0":{"date":"04\/03\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"tikva":{"name":"Tikva","version":"0.1.7","description":"Tikva is a minimalistic Grav theme, based on Bootstrap 4 (alpha) framework","description_html":"<p>Tikva is a minimalistic Grav theme, based on Bootstrap 4 (alpha) framework<\/p>","description_plain":"Tikva is a minimalistic Grav theme, based on Bootstrap 4 (alpha) framework","icon":"rebel","author":{"name":"Ralf Geschke","email":"ralf@kuerbis.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/geschke\/grav-theme-tikva","demo":"https:\/\/tikva-demo.kuerbis.org","keywords":"tikva, grav, theme, core, modern, responsive, bootstrap","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/geschke\/grav-theme-tikva\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.1.7","date":"2017-04-07T17:33:38Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/tikva\/0.1.7","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/geschke\/grav-theme-tikva","slug":"tikva","install_path":"user\/themes\/tikva","screenshot":"themes-tikva.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.7":{"date":"07-04-2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * The previous release was too fast - fixed version number in blueprint.yaml file. \n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The previous release was too fast - fixed version number in blueprint.yaml file. <\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"The previous release was too fast - fixed version number in blueprint.yaml file. "},"0.1.6":{"date":"07-04-2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix URL of background image ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix URL of background image <\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix URL of background image "},"0.1.5":{"date":"06-04-2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add option to enable navigation bar dropdown by mouseover\n * Add background image upload feature and its repeat options\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add option to enable navigation bar dropdown by mouseover<\/li>\n<li>Add background image upload feature and its repeat options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add option to enable navigation bar dropdown by mouseover\nAdd background image upload feature and its repeat options"},"0.1.4":{"date":"23-03-2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add Bootstrap's slider component to build an image slider\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add Bootstrap's slider component to build an image slider<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add Bootstrap's slider component to build an image slider"},"0.1.3":{"date":"11-03-2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add switch to change the navigation bar style, i.e. to place it not fixed on top\n * New feature: Set navigation text alignment (left as default, centered and right)\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * CHANGELOG file fix to version 0.1.1\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add switch to change the navigation bar style, i.e. to place it not fixed on top<\/li>\n<li>New feature: Set navigation text alignment (left as default, centered and right)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>CHANGELOG file fix to version 0.1.1<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add switch to change the navigation bar style, i.e. to place it not fixed on top\nNew feature: Set navigation text alignment (left as default, centered and right)\n\n\n\nCHANGELOG file fix to version 0.1.1"},"0.1.2":{"date":"10-03-2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix blockquote issue, so it's not necessary to set the CSS class explitly","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix blockquote issue, so it's not necessary to set the CSS class explitly<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix blockquote issue, so it's not necessary to set the CSS class explitly"},"0.1.1":{"date":"06-03-2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Social Media icon settings. You can add buttons to link Social Media sites. \n * The theme options are now splited into tabs.\n * Add options to set subfooter colors\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix URL to README on Github\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Social Media icon settings. You can add buttons to link Social Media sites. <\/li>\n<li>The theme options are now splited into tabs.<\/li>\n<li>Add options to set subfooter colors<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix URL to README on Github<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Social Media icon settings. You can add buttons to link Social Media sites. \nThe theme options are now splited into tabs.\nAdd options to set subfooter colors\n\n\n\nFix URL to README on Github"},"0.1.0":{"date":" 19-02-2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * First release\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>First release<\/li>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"First release\nChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"material-lite":{"name":"Material Lite","version":"0.1.8","description":"Material Lite is a lightweight theme reflecting Google&#39;s Material Design standards.","description_html":"<p>Material Lite is a lightweight theme reflecting Google&#39;s Material Design standards.<\/p>","description_plain":"Material Lite is a lightweight theme reflecting Google&#39;s Material Design standards.","icon":"rebel","author":{"name":"Tyler Woods","email":"tyler@tylermade.net"},"homepage":"https:\/\/tylermade.net","keywords":"grav, theme, etc","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tnware\/grav-theme-material-lite\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"0.1.8","date":"2018-02-06T12:49:07Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/material-lite\/0.1.8","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tnware\/grav-theme-material-lite","slug":"material-lite","install_path":"user\/themes\/material-lite","screenshot":"themes-material-lite.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.7":{"date":" 03\/15\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * favicon\n2. [](#improved)\n * social icons","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>favicon<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>social icons<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"favicon\n\n\n\nsocial icons"},"0.1.6":{"date":" 03\/10\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * link underline style\n * scroll to top","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>link underline style<\/li>\n<li>scroll to top<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"link underline style\nscroll to top"},"0.1.5":{"date":" 02\/25\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * nice blue scrollbar\n2. [](#improved)\n * CSS\n * blockquote style\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * `<pre>` overflow","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>nice blue scrollbar<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>CSS<\/li>\n<li>blockquote style<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li><code>&lt;pre&gt;<\/code> overflow<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"nice blue scrollbar\n\n\n\nCSS\nblockquote style\n\n\n\n&lt;pre&gt; overflow"},"0.1.4":{"date":" 02\/13\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * blog\n2. [](#improved)\n * page title added in h2 format\n3. [](#bugfix)\n *","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>blog<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>page title added in h2 format<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n*<\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"blog\n\n\n\npage title added in h2 format\n\n\n*"},"0.1.3":{"date":" 02\/8\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * spirit (:\n2. [](#improved)\n * FontAwesome 4.5 -> 4.7\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * image overflows","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>spirit (:<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>FontAwesome 4.5 -&gt; 4.7<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>image overflows<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"spirit (:\n\n\n\nFontAwesome 4.5 -&gt; 4.7\n\n\n\nimage overflows"},"0.1.2":{"date":" 01\/28\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n2. [](#improved)\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * removed broken demo link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>removed broken demo link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"removed broken demo link"},"0.1.1":{"date":" 01\/28\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Breadcrumbs plugin support\n * Footer link support\n * Movile nav support\n * Header nav support\n2. [](#improved)\n * Content area padding\n * footer style\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * overflows\n * side nav","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Breadcrumbs plugin support<\/li>\n<li>Footer link support<\/li>\n<li>Movile nav support<\/li>\n<li>Header nav support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Content area padding<\/li>\n<li>footer style<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>overflows<\/li>\n<li>side nav<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Breadcrumbs plugin support\nFooter link support\nMovile nav support\nHeader nav support\n\n\n\nContent area padding\nfooter style\n\n\n\noverflows\nside nav"},"0.1.0":{"date":" 01\/27\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Base HTML template. kind of...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Base HTML template. kind of...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Base HTML template. kind of..."}},"dependencies":[]},"haywire":{"name":"Haywire","version":"0.4.3","description":"Starter theme for Grav CMS using modern tools and frameworks such as Laravel Mix, Vuejs, Bulma.","description_html":"<p>Starter theme for Grav CMS using modern tools and frameworks such as Laravel Mix, Vuejs, Bulma.<\/p>","description_plain":"Starter theme for Grav CMS using modern tools and frameworks such as Laravel Mix, Vuejs, Bulma.","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"Robbin Johansson","url":"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/","email":"robbinfellow@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav#readme","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav#readme","keywords":"haywire, grav, boilerplate, starter-theme, vuejs, laravel-mix, bulma","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"0.4.3","date":"2018-05-21T12:09:15Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/haywire\/0.4.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav","slug":"haywire","install_path":"user\/themes\/haywire","screenshot":"themes-haywire.jpg","changelog":{"0.4.3":{"date":"05\/21\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove redundant code from `Navbar.vue`\n * Remove empty `bootstrap.js`\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix issue with page\/post media being used incorrectly. Switch to `cropZoom` instead of `cropResize`. ([#26](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/26), [#27](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/27), [b76ebfc](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/commit\/b76ebfcf3a90378d7caf9bcbc002ea9848e54fc1))","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove redundant code from <code>Navbar.vue<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Remove empty <code>bootstrap.js<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix issue with page\/post media being used incorrectly. Switch to <code>cropZoom<\/code> instead of <code>cropResize<\/code>. (<a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/26\">#26<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/27\">#27<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/commit\/b76ebfcf3a90378d7caf9bcbc002ea9848e54fc1\">b76ebfc<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove redundant code from Navbar.vue\nRemove empty bootstrap.js\n\n\n\nFix issue with page\/post media being used incorrectly. Switch to cropZoom instead of cropResize. (#26, #27, b76ebfc)"},"0.4.2":{"date":"05\/03\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Upgrade to Bulma `^0.7.1`\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix indentation in `blueprints.yaml`\n * Fix typos in `Navbar.vue`\n * Do not output empty classname(s) to `<body>`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Upgrade to Bulma <code>^0.7.1<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix indentation in <code>blueprints.yaml<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fix typos in <code>Navbar.vue<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Do not output empty classname(s) to <code>&lt;body&gt;<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Upgrade to Bulma ^0.7.1\n\n\n\nFix indentation in blueprints.yaml\nFix typos in Navbar.vue\nDo not output empty classname(s) to &lt;body&gt;"},"0.4.1":{"date":"03\/29\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * New `post.html.twig` partial\n2. [](#improved)\n * Add 2 space indentation to `*.json` files (`.editorconfig`)\n * Add yarn\/npm logs to `.gitignore`\n * Update npm dependencies","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>New <code>post.html.twig<\/code> partial<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add 2 space indentation to <code>*.json<\/code> files (<code>.editorconfig<\/code>)<\/li>\n<li>Add yarn\/npm logs to <code>.gitignore<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Update npm dependencies<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"New post.html.twig partial\n\n\n\nAdd 2 space indentation to *.json files (.editorconfig)\nAdd yarn\/npm logs to .gitignore\nUpdate npm dependencies"},"0.4.0":{"date":"03\/01\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add favicon\n * Add intro to blog items\n * Add tags to blog items\n2. [](#improved)\n * Remove redundant blueprints\n * Update theme languages strings\n * Improve blog item blueprints\n * Update theme screenshot\/thumbnail (now uses correct ratio\/sizes)\n * Update demo pages\n * Add `.is-right` modifier to navbar-dropdown by default\n * Remove `_general.sass`\n * Redesign all page templates\n * Overall markup improvements\n * Dates are now printed using `nicetime()`\n * Reset style of bulma `box` element\n * Post `thumbnail` > `featured_image`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add favicon<\/li>\n<li>Add intro to blog items<\/li>\n<li>Add tags to blog items<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove redundant blueprints<\/li>\n<li>Update theme languages strings<\/li>\n<li>Improve blog item blueprints<\/li>\n<li>Update theme screenshot\/thumbnail (now uses correct ratio\/sizes)<\/li>\n<li>Update demo pages<\/li>\n<li>Add <code>.is-right<\/code> modifier to navbar-dropdown by default<\/li>\n<li>Remove <code>_general.sass<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Redesign all page templates<\/li>\n<li>Overall markup improvements<\/li>\n<li>Dates are now printed using <code>nicetime()<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Reset style of bulma <code>box<\/code> element<\/li>\n<li>Post <code>thumbnail<\/code> &gt; <code>featured_image<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add favicon\nAdd intro to blog items\nAdd tags to blog items\n\n\n\nRemove redundant blueprints\nUpdate theme languages strings\nImprove blog item blueprints\nUpdate theme screenshot\/thumbnail (now uses correct ratio\/sizes)\nUpdate demo pages\nAdd .is-right modifier to navbar-dropdown by default\nRemove _general.sass\nRedesign all page templates\nOverall markup improvements\nDates are now printed using nicetime()\nReset style of bulma box element\nPost thumbnail &gt; featured_image"},"0.3.5":{"date":"02\/12\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Add jquery if debugger is enabled ([#16](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/16), [6428f09](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/commit\/6428f092123e47af788865f1002cab697222eb90))","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add jquery if debugger is enabled (<a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/16\">#16<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/commit\/6428f092123e47af788865f1002cab697222eb90\">6428f09<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add jquery if debugger is enabled (#16, 6428f09)"},"0.3.4":{"date":"02\/09\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Prevent RuntimeException on external templates ([#12](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/12), [5354003](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/commit\/53540039bf60ae6a4322bd16cec28565b927bcc8))\n * Improve asset cache busting handler ([#14](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/14), [#15](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/15), [28fce37](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/commit\/28fce37a152e6eac772fd47defe5f11c89e281b5))","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Prevent RuntimeException on external templates (<a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/12\">#12<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/commit\/53540039bf60ae6a4322bd16cec28565b927bcc8\">5354003<\/a>)<\/li>\n<li>Improve asset cache busting handler (<a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/14\">#14<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/15\">#15<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/commit\/28fce37a152e6eac772fd47defe5f11c89e281b5\">28fce37<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Prevent RuntimeException on external templates (#12, 5354003)\nImprove asset cache busting handler (#14, #15, 28fce37)"},"0.3.3":{"date":"01\/22\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add .editorconfig\n2. [](#improved)\n * Update `_demo\/` pages markdown\n * Update theme screenshots\n * Bundle working assets to `resources\/` folder\n * Fix to Bulma navbar-burger ([#1580](https:\/\/github.com\/jgthms\/bulma\/issues\/1580), [#1515](https:\/\/github.com\/jgthms\/bulma\/issues\/1515))","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add .editorconfig<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update <code>_demo\/<\/code> pages markdown<\/li>\n<li>Update theme screenshots<\/li>\n<li>Bundle working assets to <code>resources\/<\/code> folder<\/li>\n<li>Fix to Bulma navbar-burger (<a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/jgthms\/bulma\/issues\/1580\">#1580<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/jgthms\/bulma\/issues\/1515\">#1515<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add .editorconfig\n\n\n\nUpdate _demo\/ pages markdown\nUpdate theme screenshots\nBundle working assets to resources\/ folder\nFix to Bulma navbar-burger (#1580, #1515)"},"0.3.2":{"date":"01\/09\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add asset cache busting\n2. [](#improved)\n * Improve template markup","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add asset cache busting<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improve template markup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add asset cache busting\n\n\n\nImprove template markup"},"0.3.1":{"date":"11\/13\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Add markup to `error.html.twig`\n * Up dependencies","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add markup to <code>error.html.twig<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Up dependencies<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add markup to error.html.twig\nUp dependencies"},"0.3.0":{"date":"10\/20\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Replace Bootstrap with Bulma\n * Replace `scss` syntax with `sass`\n2. [](#improved)\n * Add responsive navbar toggle using Vue\n * Repo improvements, add issue template\n * Remove jquery\n * Add additional templates","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Replace Bootstrap with Bulma<\/li>\n<li>Replace <code>scss<\/code> syntax with <code>sass<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add responsive navbar toggle using Vue<\/li>\n<li>Repo improvements, add issue template<\/li>\n<li>Remove jquery<\/li>\n<li>Add additional templates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Replace Bootstrap with Bulma\nReplace scss syntax with sass\n\n\n\nAdd responsive navbar toggle using Vue\nRepo improvements, add issue template\nRemove jquery\nAdd additional templates"},"0.2.7":{"date":"09\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Up dependencies\n * Improve file structure\n * Improve theme base","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Up dependencies<\/li>\n<li>Improve file structure<\/li>\n<li>Improve theme base<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Up dependencies\nImprove file structure\nImprove theme base"},"0.2.6":{"date":"07\/29\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Remove demo site\n2. [](#improved)\n * Update dependencies","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove demo site<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update dependencies<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove demo site\n\n\n\nUpdate dependencies"},"0.2.5":{"date":"06\/18\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improve sass structure","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improve sass structure<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improve sass structure"},"0.2.4":{"date":"06\/07\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Update `_demo` pages [PR #6](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/6)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update <code>_demo<\/code> pages <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/6\">PR #6<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update _demo pages PR #6"},"0.2.3":{"date":"06\/06\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add babel polyfill for IE support (Vue)\n * npm > yarn\n2. [](#improved)\n * Update dependencies\n * Remove vendor.js\n * Remove main.js\n * Bundle all scripts to app.js\n * Renamed main.css\/js to app.css\/js","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add babel polyfill for IE support (Vue)<\/li>\n<li>npm &gt; yarn<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update dependencies<\/li>\n<li>Remove vendor.js<\/li>\n<li>Remove main.js<\/li>\n<li>Bundle all scripts to app.js<\/li>\n<li>Renamed main.css\/js to app.css\/js<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add babel polyfill for IE support (Vue)\nnpm &gt; yarn\n\n\n\nUpdate dependencies\nRemove vendor.js\nRemove main.js\nBundle all scripts to app.js\nRenamed main.css\/js to app.css\/js"},"0.2.2":{"date":"04\/06\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Update [demo-site](http:\/\/grav.haywire.me\/) with new url.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update <a href=\"http:\/\/grav.haywire.me\/\">demo-site<\/a> with new url.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update demo-site with new url."},"0.2.1":{"date":"03\/11\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Yarn -> npm\n * Laravel Elixir -> Laravel Mix","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Yarn -&gt; npm<\/li>\n<li>Laravel Elixir -&gt; Laravel Mix<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Yarn -&gt; npm\nLaravel Elixir -&gt; Laravel Mix"},"0.2.0":{"date":"02\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Add [vuejs](http:\/\/vuejs.org\/)\n * Add vue example component (`\/js\/vue\/components\/Example.vue`)\n * Support `.vue` files\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Remove footer from item template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add <a href=\"http:\/\/vuejs.org\/\">vuejs<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Add vue example component (<code>\/js\/vue\/components\/Example.vue<\/code>)<\/li>\n<li>Support <code>.vue<\/code> files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove footer from item template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add vuejs\nAdd vue example component (\/js\/vue\/components\/Example.vue)\nSupport .vue files\n\n\n\nRemove footer from item template"},"0.1.9":{"date":"02\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove bower (use yarn instead) [PR #3](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/3)\n * Modify gulp imports [PR #3](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/3)\n * Improve `item.yaml` template\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Gulp should require jquery first [PR #3](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/3)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove bower (use yarn instead) <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/3\">PR #3<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Modify gulp imports <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/3\">PR #3<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Improve <code>item.yaml<\/code> template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Gulp should require jquery first <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/pull\/3\">PR #3<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove bower (use yarn instead) PR #3\nModify gulp imports PR #3\nImprove item.yaml template\n\n\n\nGulp should require jquery first PR #3"},"0.1.8":{"date":"02\/18\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Add correct devDependencies in `package.json`\n * Fix typo in docs\n * Modify theme description","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add correct devDependencies in <code>package.json<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fix typo in docs<\/li>\n<li>Modify theme description<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add correct devDependencies in package.json\nFix typo in docs\nModify theme description"},"0.1.7":{"date":"02\/17\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix path to blogitems\n * Force update of theme screenshot\n * Minify assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix path to blogitems<\/li>\n<li>Force update of theme screenshot<\/li>\n<li>Minify assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix path to blogitems\nForce update of theme screenshot\nMinify assets"},"0.1.6":{"date":"02\/17\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Ability to toggle featured image on items from backend\n * Placeholder image for featured image when empty\n * Title of blogposts is now wrapped with a link to the post\n * Navigation list items gets the class of their slug\n * Class `.dropdown` is added to navigation submenus\n * Custom blueprint for external pages\n * External pages in navigation opens in a new window\n2. [](#improved)\n * Minor update to item template layout\n * Navigation submenu is now enabled by default\n * Clean up navigation twig template\n * Updated demo content\n * Updated theme details\n * Global style\/layout updates","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Ability to toggle featured image on items from backend<\/li>\n<li>Placeholder image for featured image when empty<\/li>\n<li>Title of blogposts is now wrapped with a link to the post<\/li>\n<li>Navigation list items gets the class of their slug<\/li>\n<li>Class <code>.dropdown<\/code> is added to navigation submenus<\/li>\n<li>Custom blueprint for external pages<\/li>\n<li>External pages in navigation opens in a new window<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Minor update to item template layout<\/li>\n<li>Navigation submenu is now enabled by default<\/li>\n<li>Clean up navigation twig template<\/li>\n<li>Updated demo content<\/li>\n<li>Updated theme details<\/li>\n<li>Global style\/layout updates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Ability to toggle featured image on items from backend\nPlaceholder image for featured image when empty\nTitle of blogposts is now wrapped with a link to the post\nNavigation list items gets the class of their slug\nClass .dropdown is added to navigation submenus\nCustom blueprint for external pages\nExternal pages in navigation opens in a new window\n\n\n\nMinor update to item template layout\nNavigation submenu is now enabled by default\nClean up navigation twig template\nUpdated demo content\nUpdated theme details\nGlobal style\/layout updates"},"0.1.5":{"date":"02\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix path to featured image","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix path to featured image<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix path to featured image"},"0.1.4":{"date":"02\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added custom blueprints\n * Added custom language settings\n * Added featured image to blog item\n2. [](#improved)\n * Restructured twig templates\n * Cleaner base twig template\n * Better blog functionality\n * New theme thumbnail\n * New theme screenshot\n * Updated demo site\n * Updated `_demo`\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed unused scss files","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added custom blueprints<\/li>\n<li>Added custom language settings<\/li>\n<li>Added featured image to blog item<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restructured twig templates<\/li>\n<li>Cleaner base twig template<\/li>\n<li>Better blog functionality<\/li>\n<li>New theme thumbnail<\/li>\n<li>New theme screenshot<\/li>\n<li>Updated demo site<\/li>\n<li>Updated <code>_demo<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unused scss files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added custom blueprints\nAdded custom language settings\nAdded featured image to blog item\n\n\n\nRestructured twig templates\nCleaner base twig template\nBetter blog functionality\nNew theme thumbnail\nNew theme screenshot\nUpdated demo site\nUpdated _demo\n\n\n\nRemoved unused scss files"},"0.1.3":{"date":"02\/10\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Demo content of pages > `_demo\/pages\/` - [#1](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/1)\n * Added [live demo](http:\/\/haywire.me\/haywire-grav-demo\/) - [#2](https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/2)\n2. [](#improved)\n * Updated theme specific details for better overview\n * Updated changelog to correct formats","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Demo content of pages &gt; <code>_demo\/pages\/<\/code> - <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/1\">#1<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Added <a href=\"http:\/\/haywire.me\/haywire-grav-demo\/\">live demo<\/a> - <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/robbinfellow\/haywire-grav\/issues\/2\">#2<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated theme specific details for better overview<\/li>\n<li>Updated changelog to correct formats<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Demo content of pages &gt; _demo\/pages\/ - #1\nAdded live demo - #2\n\n\n\nUpdated theme specific details for better overview\nUpdated changelog to correct formats"},"0.1.2":{"date":"01\/31\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Display date created on each post at homepage\n2. [](#improved)\n * Remove unused gulp dependencies from `package.json`\n * Better thumbnail image\n * More accurate theme description","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Display date created on each post at homepage<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unused gulp dependencies from <code>package.json<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Better thumbnail image<\/li>\n<li>More accurate theme description<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Display date created on each post at homepage\n\n\n\nRemove unused gulp dependencies from package.json\nBetter thumbnail image\nMore accurate theme description"},"0.1.1":{"date":"01\/31\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Update theme details & clean up","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update theme details &amp; clean up<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update theme details &amp; clean up"}},"dependencies":[]},"mdux":{"name":"MDUX","version":"0.9.8","description":"MDUX is an implementation of Google&#39;s &#39;Material Design&#39; standard. It scales for mobile, as intended.","description_html":"<p>MDUX is an implementation of Google&#39;s &#39;Material Design&#39; standard. It scales for mobile, as intended.<\/p>","description_plain":"MDUX is an implementation of Google&#39;s &#39;Material Design&#39; standard. It scales for mobile, as intended.","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"Tyler Woods","url":"https:\/\/tylermade.net","email":"tyler@tylermade.net"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/tnware\/grav-theme-mdux\/","demo":"http:\/\/mdux.io","keywords":"mdux, theme, html5, css3, material, design, android, google","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tnware\/grav-theme-mdux\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"0.9.8","date":"2017-01-28T01:14:58Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/mdux\/0.9.8","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tnware\/grav-theme-mdux","slug":"mdux","install_path":"user\/themes\/mdux","screenshot":"themes-mdux.jpg","changelog":{"0.9.8":{"date":"01\/27\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n *\n2. [](#improved)\n * \n3. [](#bugfix)\n * blog truncation issue for grav 1.1.14","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n*<\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>blog truncation issue for grav 1.1.14<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"*\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nblog truncation issue for grav 1.1.14"},"0.9.7":{"date":"07\/27\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Change footer text color from admin interface\n * Add accent color from admin interface\n * Toggle social icons in footer from admin interface\n2. [](#improved)\n * Colors in theme\n * code cleanup\n * sidenav BG colors\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * overflows\n * side nav","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Change footer text color from admin interface<\/li>\n<li>Add accent color from admin interface<\/li>\n<li>Toggle social icons in footer from admin interface<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Colors in theme<\/li>\n<li>code cleanup<\/li>\n<li>sidenav BG colors<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>overflows<\/li>\n<li>side nav<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Change footer text color from admin interface\nAdd accent color from admin interface\nToggle social icons in footer from admin interface\n\n\n\nColors in theme\ncode cleanup\nsidenav BG colors\n\n\n\noverflows\nside nav"},"0.9.6":{"date":"07\/26\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Change color from within Admin Interface\n2. [](#improved)\n * Mobile layout\n * cleanup\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * overflows\n * side nav","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Change color from within Admin Interface<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Mobile layout<\/li>\n<li>cleanup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>overflows<\/li>\n<li>side nav<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Change color from within Admin Interface\n\n\n\nMobile layout\ncleanup\n\n\n\noverflows\nside nav"},"0.9.5":{"date":"07\/21\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Lots\n2. [](#improved)\n * Everything\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Tons","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Lots<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Everything<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Tons<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Lots\n\n\n\nEverything\n\n\n\nTons"}},"dependencies":[]},"g5_hydrogen":{"name":"Hydrogen","version":"5.4.24","description":"Default Gantry 5 theme.","description_html":"<p>Default Gantry 5 theme.<\/p>","description_plain":"Default Gantry 5 theme.","icon":"gantry","author":{"name":"RocketTheme","url":"http:\/\/www.rockettheme.com","email":"support@rockettheme.com"},"homepage":"http:\/\/gantry.org","keywords":"gantry, gantry5, theme","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues","license":"MIT","screenshot":"themes-g5_hydrogen.jpg","tag_name":"5.4.24","date":"2018-07-04T19:10:08Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/g5_hydrogen\/5.4.24","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5","slug":"g5_hydrogen","install_path":"user\/themes\/g5_hydrogen","changelog":{"5.4.24":{"date":"07\/04\/2018","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated `Lightcase` to v2.4.4 (#2205)\n - Helium: Updated OwlCarousel to v2.3.4\n - Added `head_top`, `head_meta` and `head_bottom` options for `pageblock` twig tag allowing particles to inject custom tags into <head> (#2303)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Reworked parts of the OwlCarousel SCSS theme styling\n - Helium: Add possibility to add CSS Classes to individual OwlCarousel items (#2201)\n - Helium: Add possibility to disable single OwlCarousel item on the front end (#2286)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Lightcase` hardcoded values for maxWidth and maxHeight (#2182)\n - Updated `Lightcase` default values for video width and height to 1280x720 (#2182)\n - Fixed Content Array particle having extra override checkbox on admin (#2307)\n - Fixed issue where clearing inheritance was throwing `array_intersect_key(): Argument #1 is not an array` error (#2257)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented `|markdown` filter for Twig (#2297)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `The menu selected is empty` in Gantry 5 Menu Editor if there is no default menu item (#2320)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented `|markdown` filter for Twig (#2297)\n - Updated Timber to v1.7.1\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken SCSS map files (#2243)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Grav duplicating pages and causing fatal errors when saving the menu (#2070)\n - Added detection for duplicate page folders before saving menu and instruct user to fix the issue in his filesystem","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated <code>Lightcase<\/code> to v2.4.4 (#2205)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Updated OwlCarousel to v2.3.4<\/li>\n<li>Added <code>head_top<\/code>, <code>head_meta<\/code> and <code>head_bottom<\/code> options for <code>pageblock<\/code> twig tag allowing particles to inject custom tags into <head> (#2303)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Reworked parts of the OwlCarousel SCSS theme styling<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Add possibility to add CSS Classes to individual OwlCarousel items (#2201)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Add possibility to disable single OwlCarousel item on the front end (#2286)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Lightcase<\/code> hardcoded values for maxWidth and maxHeight (#2182)<\/li>\n<li>Updated <code>Lightcase<\/code> default values for video width and height to 1280x720 (#2182)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Content Array particle having extra override checkbox on admin (#2307)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where clearing inheritance was throwing <code>array_intersect_key(): Argument #1 is not an array<\/code> error (#2257)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented <code>|markdown<\/code> filter for Twig (#2297)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>The menu selected is empty<\/code> in Gantry 5 Menu Editor if there is no default menu item (#2320)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented <code>|markdown<\/code> filter for Twig (#2297)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.7.1<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken SCSS map files (#2243)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Grav duplicating pages and causing fatal errors when saving the menu (#2070)<\/li>\n<li>Added detection for duplicate page folders before saving menu and instruct user to fix the issue in his filesystem<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Lightcase to v2.4.4 (#2205)\nHelium: Updated OwlCarousel to v2.3.4\nAdded head_top, head_meta and head_bottom options for pageblock twig tag allowing particles to inject custom tags into (#2303)\n\n\n\nHelium: Reworked parts of the OwlCarousel SCSS theme styling\nHelium: Add possibility to add CSS Classes to individual OwlCarousel items (#2201)\nHelium: Add possibility to disable single OwlCarousel item on the front end (#2286)\n\n\n\nFixed Lightcase hardcoded values for maxWidth and maxHeight (#2182)\nUpdated Lightcase default values for video width and height to 1280x720 (#2182)\nFixed Content Array particle having extra override checkbox on admin (#2307)\nFixed issue where clearing inheritance was throwing array_intersect_key(): Argument #1 is not an array error (#2257)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nImplemented |markdown filter for Twig (#2297)\n\n\n\nFixed The menu selected is empty in Gantry 5 Menu Editor if there is no default menu item (#2320)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nImplemented |markdown filter for Twig (#2297)\nUpdated Timber to v1.7.1\n\n\n\nFixed broken SCSS map files (#2243)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed Grav duplicating pages and causing fatal errors when saving the menu (#2070)\nAdded detection for duplicate page folders before saving menu and instruct user to fix the issue in his filesystem"},"5.4.23":{"date":"02\/20\/2018","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated `scssphp` to v0.7.5\n - Development Mode: Started using CSS Source Maps instead of inline comments\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.6.0\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Added Grav Admin 1.7 styling compatibility for Gantry UI (#2236)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated <code>scssphp<\/code> to v0.7.5<\/li>\n<li>Development Mode: Started using CSS Source Maps instead of inline comments<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.6.0<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Grav Admin 1.7 styling compatibility for Gantry UI (#2236)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated scssphp to v0.7.5\nDevelopment Mode: Started using CSS Source Maps instead of inline comments\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.6.0\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded Grav Admin 1.7 styling compatibility for Gantry UI (#2236)"},"5.4.22":{"date":"12\/12\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Regression: Removed layout reference conflict check to prevent issues with inheritance and with older layouts\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when using Joomla articles and categories in particles (#2188)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Regression: Removed layout reference conflict check to prevent issues with inheritance and with older layouts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when using Joomla articles and categories in particles (#2188)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nRegression: Removed layout reference conflict check to prevent issues with inheritance and with older layouts\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed PHP 7.2 warning when using Joomla articles and categories in particles (#2188)"},"5.4.21":{"date":"12\/12\/2017","content":"1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Regression: PHP 7.2 warning fix in admin broke links from Joomla Template Manager (#2194)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Regression: PHP 7.2 warning fix in admin broke links from Joomla Template Manager (#2194)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Joomla\n\n\n\nRegression: PHP 7.2 warning fix in admin broke links from Joomla Template Manager (#2194)"},"5.4.20":{"date":"12\/11\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Remove a deprecated `Twig_Extension` function\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when compiling SCSS\n - Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when using older layout format\n - Parts of inherited layouts break randomly in Layout Manager causing layout corruption if saved (#1460)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed PHP 7.2 warning in admin\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Helium\/Hydrogen: you can now disable Content display in Blog and Archive-type views\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed directory lookup issue on WordPress.com Business instances (possible fix for other MS installations) (#2179)\n - Fixed plugin and theme packages because of a build script issue (#2154)\n - Fixed missing `title` attribute for the menu items (#2107)\n - Fixed potentially registering same extension `GantryTwig` twice (#2034)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove a deprecated <code>Twig_Extension<\/code> function<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when compiling SCSS<\/li>\n<li>Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when using older layout format<\/li>\n<li>Parts of inherited layouts break randomly in Layout Manager causing layout corruption if saved (#1460)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed PHP 7.2 warning in admin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium\/Hydrogen: you can now disable Content display in Blog and Archive-type views<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed directory lookup issue on WordPress.com Business instances (possible fix for other MS installations) (#2179)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed plugin and theme packages because of a build script issue (#2154)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing <code>title<\/code> attribute for the menu items (#2107)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potentially registering same extension <code>GantryTwig<\/code> twice (#2034)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nRemove a deprecated Twig_Extension function\n\n\n\nFixed PHP 7.2 warning when compiling SCSS\nFixed PHP 7.2 warning when using older layout format\nParts of inherited layouts break randomly in Layout Manager causing layout corruption if saved (#1460)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed PHP 7.2 warning in admin\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nHelium\/Hydrogen: you can now disable Content display in Blog and Archive-type views\n\n\n\nFixed directory lookup issue on WordPress.com Business instances (possible fix for other MS installations) (#2179)\nFixed plugin and theme packages because of a build script issue (#2154)\nFixed missing title attribute for the menu items (#2107)\nFixed potentially registering same extension GantryTwig twice (#2034)"},"5.4.19":{"date":"10\/18\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - This release addresses a false positive issue by ClamAV. Please upgrade to this latest version as soon as possible.\n - Fixed issue with inhering an empty section, not properly clearing out particles in the current one (#2137)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.5.2\n - Helium\/Hydrogen: added option for auto-generated excerpts\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken AJAX if `Absolute URLs` in Grav has been turned on","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>This release addresses a false positive issue by ClamAV. Please upgrade to this latest version as soon as possible.<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with inhering an empty section, not properly clearing out particles in the current one (#2137)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.5.2<\/li>\n<li>Helium\/Hydrogen: added option for auto-generated excerpts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken AJAX if <code>Absolute URLs<\/code> in Grav has been turned on<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nThis release addresses a false positive issue by ClamAV. Please upgrade to this latest version as soon as possible.\nFixed issue with inhering an empty section, not properly clearing out particles in the current one (#2137)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.5.2\nHelium\/Hydrogen: added option for auto-generated excerpts\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed broken AJAX if Absolute URLs in Grav has been turned on"},"5.4.18":{"date":"09\/21\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added `responsive-font` mixin to Nucleus (#2106)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added link target option for `Logo \/ Image` particle (#1887)\n - Trigger change visualizer when selecting an image (#2059)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed inheritance overlay in Layout Manager masking all sections in a block of a container (#2114)\n - Fixed error when cloning a section with no particles (#2116, thanks @drnasin)\n - Fixed IE Edge issue in admin where the navigation bar would disappear and never reappear (#2118)\n - Properly update Collapse \/ Expand titles when using Collapse All \/ Expand All (#2004)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added official Joomla 3.8 support (#2111)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed particles not using selected timezone (#2072)\n - Fixed frontend editing error when trying to open media picker (#2102)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added multi-language support for outline assignments (#634)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed double escaping links, titles and users name in WP Posts particle (#2085)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Grav Content particle looks now for authors `name`, `alias` or `username` in page header\n - Added option to cli command `bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme` to clone the theme settings (#2086)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed outline\/particle assignments when `Include default language` in Grav was `No` (#2115)\n - Fixed outline assigment priority to slightly prefer outlines assigned to language\n - Fixed cases where the top level menu would wrap below the theme title in admin (#2099)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>responsive-font<\/code> mixin to Nucleus (#2106)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added link target option for <code>Logo \/ Image<\/code> particle (#1887)<\/li>\n<li>Trigger change visualizer when selecting an image (#2059)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed inheritance overlay in Layout Manager masking all sections in a block of a container (#2114)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed error when cloning a section with no particles (#2116, thanks @drnasin)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed IE Edge issue in admin where the navigation bar would disappear and never reappear (#2118)<\/li>\n<li>Properly update Collapse \/ Expand titles when using Collapse All \/ Expand All (#2004)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added official Joomla 3.8 support (#2111)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed particles not using selected timezone (#2072)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed frontend editing error when trying to open media picker (#2102)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added multi-language support for outline assignments (#634)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed double escaping links, titles and users name in WP Posts particle (#2085)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Grav Content particle looks now for authors <code>name<\/code>, <code>alias<\/code> or <code>username<\/code> in page header<\/li>\n<li>Added option to cli command <code>bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme<\/code> to clone the theme settings (#2086)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed outline\/particle assignments when <code>Include default language<\/code> in Grav was <code>No<\/code> (#2115)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed outline assigment priority to slightly prefer outlines assigned to language<\/li>\n<li>Fixed cases where the top level menu would wrap below the theme title in admin (#2099)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded responsive-font mixin to Nucleus (#2106)\n\n\n\nAdded link target option for Logo \/ Image particle (#1887)\nTrigger change visualizer when selecting an image (#2059)\n\n\n\nFixed inheritance overlay in Layout Manager masking all sections in a block of a container (#2114)\nFixed error when cloning a section with no particles (#2116, thanks @drnasin)\nFixed IE Edge issue in admin where the navigation bar would disappear and never reappear (#2118)\nProperly update Collapse \/ Expand titles when using Collapse All \/ Expand All (#2004)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdded official Joomla 3.8 support (#2111)\n\n\n\nFixed particles not using selected timezone (#2072)\nFixed frontend editing error when trying to open media picker (#2102)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded multi-language support for outline assignments (#634)\n\n\n\nFixed double escaping links, titles and users name in WP Posts particle (#2085)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nGrav Content particle looks now for authors name, alias or username in page header\nAdded option to cli command bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme to clone the theme settings (#2086)\n\n\n\nFixed outline\/particle assignments when Include default language in Grav was No (#2115)\nFixed outline assigment priority to slightly prefer outlines assigned to language\nFixed cases where the top level menu would wrap below the theme title in admin (#2099)"},"5.4.17":{"date":"08\/25\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed HTML meta tag to use property or name attribute depending on the key (#2090)\n - Regression: Fixed the same HTML id attribute being used twice in particles (#2088)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Fixed jQuery conflict with JSN UniForm and potentially other extensions (#2082)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.4.1\n - Content Array particle now allows you to use single posts by providing their ID number","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed HTML meta tag to use property or name attribute depending on the key (#2090)<\/li>\n<li>Regression: Fixed the same HTML id attribute being used twice in particles (#2088)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Fixed jQuery conflict with JSN UniForm and potentially other extensions (#2082)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.4.1<\/li>\n<li>Content Array particle now allows you to use single posts by providing their ID number<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFixed HTML meta tag to use property or name attribute depending on the key (#2090)\nRegression: Fixed the same HTML id attribute being used twice in particles (#2088)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nHelium: Fixed jQuery conflict with JSN UniForm and potentially other extensions (#2082)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.4.1\nContent Array particle now allows you to use single posts by providing their ID number"},"5.4.16":{"date":"08\/16\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Regression: Fixed missing `g-wrapper` classes in the layout","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Regression: Fixed missing <code>g-wrapper<\/code> classes in the layout<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nRegression: Fixed missing g-wrapper classes in the layout"},"5.4.15":{"date":"08\/15\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added AJAX support for particles (#1376)\n - Added new twig filter `|attribute_array` to convert array of key => attribute into HTML\n - Helium\/Hydrogen: added missing styling for disabled button state\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved usability by changing order of Tabs in admin (#2061)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed bug in nested `collection.list` on `container.tabs` (#1995)\n - Fixed no space between block attributes (#2074)\n - Helium: Fixed typo in preset 3 (#2077)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Joomla Articles particle won't display images alt tags (#2076)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Removed forced input heights set on 19px (#2063)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added cli command `bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme` which allows you to create a child theme\n - Added multi-language support for outline and position assignments (#1651, #2068)\n - Added outline and position assignments by Page Type","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added AJAX support for particles (#1376)<\/li>\n<li>Added new twig filter <code>|attribute_array<\/code> to convert array of key =&gt; attribute into HTML<\/li>\n<li>Helium\/Hydrogen: added missing styling for disabled button state<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved usability by changing order of Tabs in admin (#2061)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed bug in nested <code>collection.list<\/code> on <code>container.tabs<\/code> (#1995)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed no space between block attributes (#2074)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Fixed typo in preset 3 (#2077)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Joomla Articles particle won't display images alt tags (#2076)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed forced input heights set on 19px (#2063)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added cli command <code>bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme<\/code> which allows you to create a child theme<\/li>\n<li>Added multi-language support for outline and position assignments (#1651, #2068)<\/li>\n<li>Added outline and position assignments by Page Type<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded AJAX support for particles (#1376)\nAdded new twig filter |attribute_array to convert array of key =&gt; attribute into HTML\nHelium\/Hydrogen: added missing styling for disabled button state\n\n\n\nImproved usability by changing order of Tabs in admin (#2061)\n\n\n\nFixed bug in nested collection.list on container.tabs (#1995)\nFixed no space between block attributes (#2074)\nHelium: Fixed typo in preset 3 (#2077)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nJoomla Articles particle won't display images alt tags (#2076)\n\n\n\nRemoved forced input heights set on 19px (#2063)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded cli command bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme which allows you to create a child theme\nAdded multi-language support for outline and position assignments (#1651, #2068)\nAdded outline and position assignments by Page Type"},"5.4.14":{"date":"07\/06\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Accessibility: Menu \/ Offcanvas: Offcanvas and hamburger toggle menu are now ARIA compatible (#1891)\n - Filepicker Field: File listing mode (thumbnails\/list) is now remembered and restored (#1697)\n - Filepicker Field: UI updates, container is now more spacious and in list view the thumbnails are visible\n - Date and Joomla Articles\/WordPress Posts\/Grav Content particles: Added new date format: `Month Day, Year` (#2042)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Menu: Disable Dropdowns still Shows Indicator (#2031)\n - Menu: Fixed frontend menu 'Extended' option, resetting heights of wrapping containers not necessarily related to the menu itself (#2025)\n - Menu \/ Offcanvas: Fixed issue preventing the offcanvas toggle to show when Menu set with only icons (#1939)\n - Menu: Fixed issue with touch devices where ending the scroll gesture on the offcanvas menu would trigger the expansion of a parent menu item (#1620)\n - Fixed Tag Attributes 'enter' key causing the value to get lost while triggering the Apply (#1860)\n - Filepicker: Fixed issue with upper case extensions not getting recognized and failing to upload (#1852)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.3.3\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Particles Picker not adapting to height and scroll position in Layout Manager (#1942)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Accessibility: Menu \/ Offcanvas: Offcanvas and hamburger toggle menu are now ARIA compatible (#1891)<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker Field: File listing mode (thumbnails\/list) is now remembered and restored (#1697)<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker Field: UI updates, container is now more spacious and in list view the thumbnails are visible<\/li>\n<li>Date and Joomla Articles\/WordPress Posts\/Grav Content particles: Added new date format: <code>Month Day, Year<\/code> (#2042)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu: Disable Dropdowns still Shows Indicator (#2031)<\/li>\n<li>Menu: Fixed frontend menu 'Extended' option, resetting heights of wrapping containers not necessarily related to the menu itself (#2025)<\/li>\n<li>Menu \/ Offcanvas: Fixed issue preventing the offcanvas toggle to show when Menu set with only icons (#1939)<\/li>\n<li>Menu: Fixed issue with touch devices where ending the scroll gesture on the offcanvas menu would trigger the expansion of a parent menu item (#1620)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Tag Attributes 'enter' key causing the value to get lost while triggering the Apply (#1860)<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker: Fixed issue with upper case extensions not getting recognized and failing to upload (#1852)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.3.3<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Particles Picker not adapting to height and scroll position in Layout Manager (#1942)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAccessibility: Menu \/ Offcanvas: Offcanvas and hamburger toggle menu are now ARIA compatible (#1891)\nFilepicker Field: File listing mode (thumbnails\/list) is now remembered and restored (#1697)\nFilepicker Field: UI updates, container is now more spacious and in list view the thumbnails are visible\nDate and Joomla Articles\/WordPress Posts\/Grav Content particles: Added new date format: Month Day, Year (#2042)\n\n\n\nMenu: Disable Dropdowns still Shows Indicator (#2031)\nMenu: Fixed frontend menu 'Extended' option, resetting heights of wrapping containers not necessarily related to the menu itself (#2025)\nMenu \/ Offcanvas: Fixed issue preventing the offcanvas toggle to show when Menu set with only icons (#1939)\nMenu: Fixed issue with touch devices where ending the scroll gesture on the offcanvas menu would trigger the expansion of a parent menu item (#1620)\nFixed Tag Attributes 'enter' key causing the value to get lost while triggering the Apply (#1860)\nFilepicker: Fixed issue with upper case extensions not getting recognized and failing to upload (#1852)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.3.3\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed Particles Picker not adapting to height and scroll position in Layout Manager (#1942)"},"5.4.13":{"date":"06\/06\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Lightcase to v2.4.0\n - If debug mode is enabled, add HTML comments to recognize particles and positions (#639)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Menu particle: Add aria-label for icon-only menu items for better accessibility support (#1888)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed bug with enabled field when editing disabled particle in the layout (#1571)\n - Helium: Add missing `System Messages` particle to Default and Offline layouts (#1962)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Use the new package uninstall protection feature in Joomla 3.7\n - Embedded `System - Gantry 5` settings into the component settings (#2010)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue with Regular Labs Cache Cleaner (#1833)\n - Fixed issue with Hydrogen textarea (#1973)\n - Fixed some caching issues when changing between Production and Development modes\n - Fixed untranslated month names in particles (#1322)\n - Fixed `|number_format` twig filter to use the current locale\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.3.1\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed checkboxes next to the setting enablers in Content tab getting unchecked after refresh (#1986)\n - Fixed `Missing argument 2 for modify_gantry5_locale()`\n - Fixed external scripts and CSS with query parameters being broken (#1975)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed CSS\/JS pipelines, though you need to set `js_minify: false` to keep the menu working (#2001)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Lightcase to v2.4.0<\/li>\n<li>If debug mode is enabled, add HTML comments to recognize particles and positions (#639)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu particle: Add aria-label for icon-only menu items for better accessibility support (#1888)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed bug with enabled field when editing disabled particle in the layout (#1571)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Add missing <code>System Messages<\/code> particle to Default and Offline layouts (#1962)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use the new package uninstall protection feature in Joomla 3.7<\/li>\n<li>Embedded <code>System - Gantry 5<\/code> settings into the component settings (#2010)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue with Regular Labs Cache Cleaner (#1833)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Hydrogen textarea (#1973)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed some caching issues when changing between Production and Development modes<\/li>\n<li>Fixed untranslated month names in particles (#1322)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>|number_format<\/code> twig filter to use the current locale<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.3.1<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed checkboxes next to the setting enablers in Content tab getting unchecked after refresh (#1986)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Missing argument 2 for modify_gantry5_locale()<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed external scripts and CSS with query parameters being broken (#1975)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed CSS\/JS pipelines, though you need to set <code>js_minify: false<\/code> to keep the menu working (#2001)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Lightcase to v2.4.0\nIf debug mode is enabled, add HTML comments to recognize particles and positions (#639)\n\n\n\nMenu particle: Add aria-label for icon-only menu items for better accessibility support (#1888)\n\n\n\nFixed bug with enabled field when editing disabled particle in the layout (#1571)\nHelium: Add missing System Messages particle to Default and Offline layouts (#1962)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nUse the new package uninstall protection feature in Joomla 3.7\nEmbedded System - Gantry 5 settings into the component settings (#2010)\n\n\n\nFixed issue with Regular Labs Cache Cleaner (#1833)\nFixed issue with Hydrogen textarea (#1973)\nFixed some caching issues when changing between Production and Development modes\nFixed untranslated month names in particles (#1322)\nFixed |number_format twig filter to use the current locale\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.3.1\n\n\n\nFixed checkboxes next to the setting enablers in Content tab getting unchecked after refresh (#1986)\nFixed Missing argument 2 for modify_gantry5_locale()\nFixed external scripts and CSS with query parameters being broken (#1975)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed CSS\/JS pipelines, though you need to set js_minify: false to keep the menu working (#2001)"},"5.4.12":{"date":"04\/26\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Bootstrap 3 to v3.3.7\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed potential error: `Undefined property: stdClass::$inherit` in when processing layout\n - Fixed a bug in `Layout::updateInheritance()` when inheritance is missing\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added official support for Joomla 3.7\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken styles \/ scripts if CSS \/ JS Pipeline has been enabled (#1941)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Bootstrap 3 to v3.3.7<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed potential error: <code>Undefined property: stdClass::$inherit<\/code> in when processing layout<\/li>\n<li>Fixed a bug in <code>Layout::updateInheritance()<\/code> when inheritance is missing<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added official support for Joomla 3.7<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken styles \/ scripts if CSS \/ JS Pipeline has been enabled (#1941)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Bootstrap 3 to v3.3.7\n\n\n\nFixed potential error: Undefined property: stdClass::$inherit in when processing layout\nFixed a bug in Layout::updateInheritance() when inheritance is missing\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdded official support for Joomla 3.7\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed broken styles \/ scripts if CSS \/ JS Pipeline has been enabled (#1941)"},"5.4.11":{"date":"04\/03\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Lightcase.js to v2.3.6\n - Helium: Added admin controls for setting link and link hover colors. You might need to resave your theme settings (#1626)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed nested collection list multi-item edit not functioning (#1924)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium and Hydrogen: Fixed frontend calendar icon size\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add options to disable outline assignments individually for both posts and pages, including custom types (#1279)\n - Hydrogen and Helium: Blog and Archive type pages can now display posts in columns\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Administration: Hide assignment types with no items in them to make the page shorter\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added `Read More` toggle for blog item page\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed missing publish date from content array particle","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Lightcase.js to v2.3.6<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Added admin controls for setting link and link hover colors. You might need to resave your theme settings (#1626)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed nested collection list multi-item edit not functioning (#1924)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium and Hydrogen: Fixed frontend calendar icon size<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add options to disable outline assignments individually for both posts and pages, including custom types (#1279)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen and Helium: Blog and Archive type pages can now display posts in columns<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Administration: Hide assignment types with no items in them to make the page shorter<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>Read More<\/code> toggle for blog item page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed missing publish date from content array particle<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Lightcase.js to v2.3.6\nHelium: Added admin controls for setting link and link hover colors. You might need to resave your theme settings (#1626)\n\n\n\nFixed nested collection list multi-item edit not functioning (#1924)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nHelium and Hydrogen: Fixed frontend calendar icon size\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdd options to disable outline assignments individually for both posts and pages, including custom types (#1279)\nHydrogen and Helium: Blog and Archive type pages can now display posts in columns\n\n\n\nAdministration: Hide assignment types with no items in them to make the page shorter\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded Read More toggle for blog item page\n\n\n\nFixed missing publish date from content array particle"},"5.4.10":{"date":"03\/10\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Helium: Updated Owl Carousel to v2.2.1\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed bad HTML markup in assignments administration (#1917, thanks @Quy)\n - Fixed regression in handling `container.set` (#1889)\n - Fixed missing closing tag when editing layout (#1919, thanks @Quy)\n - Fixed potential issues with URLs containing spaces (#1902)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium and Hydrogen: Frontend calendar icon size fixes (#1914)\n - Helium and Hydrogen: Login module styling issues (#1910, #1911)\n - Hydrogen: Frontend article editor, tooltips open up way to the right (#1912)\n - Helium: Frontend article editor, article search button misaligned and partly covered (#1913)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Updated Owl Carousel to v2.2.1<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed bad HTML markup in assignments administration (#1917, thanks @Quy)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed regression in handling <code>container.set<\/code> (#1889)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing closing tag when editing layout (#1919, thanks @Quy)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potential issues with URLs containing spaces (#1902)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium and Hydrogen: Frontend calendar icon size fixes (#1914)<\/li>\n<li>Helium and Hydrogen: Login module styling issues (#1910, #1911)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen: Frontend article editor, tooltips open up way to the right (#1912)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Frontend article editor, article search button misaligned and partly covered (#1913)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHelium: Updated Owl Carousel to v2.2.1\n\n\n\nFixed bad HTML markup in assignments administration (#1917, thanks @Quy)\nFixed regression in handling container.set (#1889)\nFixed missing closing tag when editing layout (#1919, thanks @Quy)\nFixed potential issues with URLs containing spaces (#1902)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nHelium and Hydrogen: Frontend calendar icon size fixes (#1914)\nHelium and Hydrogen: Login module styling issues (#1910, #1911)\nHydrogen: Frontend article editor, tooltips open up way to the right (#1912)\nHelium: Frontend article editor, article search button misaligned and partly covered (#1913)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links"},"5.4.9":{"date":"02\/23\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for atom caching when in production mode (similar to particle caching)\n - If you have overridden `partials\/page.html.twig` or `partials\/page_head.html.twig`, please update them\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added accessibility support for Font Awesome icons (#1873, thanks @N8Solutions)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `{% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %}` not working from atoms\n - Fixed issues with nested `collection.list` items after upgrading to Gantry 5.4.7 (#1877)\n - Fixed issues with `container.set` and `container.tabs` (#1882)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed placeholder having the same color as real input values (#1876)\n - Fixed potential XSS vulnerability by updating Timber library","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for atom caching when in production mode (similar to particle caching)\n<ul>\n<li>If you have overridden <code>partials\/page.html.twig<\/code> or <code>partials\/page_head.html.twig<\/code>, please update them<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added accessibility support for Font Awesome icons (#1873, thanks @N8Solutions)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>{% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %}<\/code> not working from atoms<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with nested <code>collection.list<\/code> items after upgrading to Gantry 5.4.7 (#1877)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with <code>container.set<\/code> and <code>container.tabs<\/code> (#1882)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed placeholder having the same color as real input values (#1876)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potential XSS vulnerability by updating Timber library<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd support for atom caching when in production mode (similar to particle caching)\n\nIf you have overridden partials\/page.html.twig or partials\/page_head.html.twig, please update them\n\n\n\n\nAdded accessibility support for Font Awesome icons (#1873, thanks @N8Solutions)\n\n\n\nFixed {% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %} not working from atoms\nFixed issues with nested collection.list items after upgrading to Gantry 5.4.7 (#1877)\nFixed issues with container.set and container.tabs (#1882)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed placeholder having the same color as real input values (#1876)\nFixed potential XSS vulnerability by updating Timber library"},"5.4.8":{"date":"02\/14\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix regression: `Edit All Items` removes the field values (#1869)\n - Fixed issue where collection is not working if the field selector is nested: `main.items` (#1867)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix regression: <code>Edit All Items<\/code> removes the field values (#1869)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where collection is not working if the field selector is nested: <code>main.items<\/code> (#1867)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFix regression: Edit All Items removes the field values (#1869)\nFixed issue where collection is not working if the field selector is nested: main.items (#1867)"},"5.4.7":{"date":"02\/10\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added support for extending existing blueprint files without replacing them (#904)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Make Whoops not to report PHP startup errors and warnings (#1821)\n - Helium: Remove forced font color settings for Home outline and `g-helium-style` body class (#1783)\n - Helium: Remove underline being added by Bootstrap on social icons and menu items (#1854)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed change in core SCSS not detected after Gantry 5 update when in production mode (#1752, #1847)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Namespaced positions references in the DOM to avoid Joomla conflicts (#1832)\n - Fixed particle button styling issues in Advanced Module Manager\n - Fixed fatal error when editing gantry menu item or particle module and Gantry theme isn't set to default (#1845)\n - Helium: Fixed wrong line height in Breadcrumbs divider (#1678)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for Bedrock (#1429)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Gantry 5` menu item in the Grav Admin Panel is not being highlighted (#1840), requires Admin plugin v1.2.11\n - Fixed issue with Production \/ Development Toggle (#1846)\n - Fixed missing `bottom` JS position on default page types\n - Fixed admin and nucleus translations defaulting to English (#1855)\n - Fixed multiple new particles of the same type not being properly saved on positions page (#1790)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for extending existing blueprint files without replacing them (#904)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Make Whoops not to report PHP startup errors and warnings (#1821)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Remove forced font color settings for Home outline and <code>g-helium-style<\/code> body class (#1783)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Remove underline being added by Bootstrap on social icons and menu items (#1854)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed change in core SCSS not detected after Gantry 5 update when in production mode (#1752, #1847)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Namespaced positions references in the DOM to avoid Joomla conflicts (#1832)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed particle button styling issues in Advanced Module Manager<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fatal error when editing gantry menu item or particle module and Gantry theme isn't set to default (#1845)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Fixed wrong line height in Breadcrumbs divider (#1678)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for Bedrock (#1429)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Gantry 5<\/code> menu item in the Grav Admin Panel is not being highlighted (#1840), requires Admin plugin v1.2.11<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Production \/ Development Toggle (#1846)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing <code>bottom<\/code> JS position on default page types<\/li>\n<li>Fixed admin and nucleus translations defaulting to English (#1855)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed multiple new particles of the same type not being properly saved on positions page (#1790)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded support for extending existing blueprint files without replacing them (#904)\n\n\n\nMake Whoops not to report PHP startup errors and warnings (#1821)\nHelium: Remove forced font color settings for Home outline and g-helium-style body class (#1783)\nHelium: Remove underline being added by Bootstrap on social icons and menu items (#1854)\n\n\n\nFixed change in core SCSS not detected after Gantry 5 update when in production mode (#1752, #1847)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nNamespaced positions references in the DOM to avoid Joomla conflicts (#1832)\nFixed particle button styling issues in Advanced Module Manager\nFixed fatal error when editing gantry menu item or particle module and Gantry theme isn't set to default (#1845)\nHelium: Fixed wrong line height in Breadcrumbs divider (#1678)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdd support for Bedrock (#1429)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed Gantry 5 menu item in the Grav Admin Panel is not being highlighted (#1840), requires Admin plugin v1.2.11\nFixed issue with Production \/ Development Toggle (#1846)\nFixed missing bottom JS position on default page types\nFixed admin and nucleus translations defaulting to English (#1855)\nFixed multiple new particles of the same type not being properly saved on positions page (#1790)"},"5.4.6":{"date":"01\/26\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Allow custom SCSS files to be inserted from particles and atoms by `<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"particle.scss\" \/>`\n - Add support to refer JS\/CSS files without using `url()` function in twig files (streams are handled internally)\n - Allow custom SCSS files to be inserted from both `Page Settings` \/ `Assets` \/ `CSS` and `Assets Atom` (#215, #424, #1692)\n - Add support for `{% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %}` to add HTML into the page (#1161)\n - where first parameter is one of: `body_top` | `top` | `bottom` | `body_bottom`\n - supports also `with { priority: n }` to set the priority for the block (recommended range 10 ... -10)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Menu items in frontend now render icons with `aria-hidden=\"true\"` for accessibility (#1629)\n - Helium: Content Cubes particle uses now linear gradient made out of Accent Color 1 and 2 for its background (#1809)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed a bug in `|html` filter\n - Fixed wrong ordering of custom CSS\/JS assets\n - Fixed nested field selector in `collection.list` loosing its value when you edit all items (#1817)\n - Helium: Updated OwlCarousel, fixed a bug when OwlCarousel disappeared when only 1 item was set (#1801)\n - Helium: Fix logo image overlapping hamburger menu icon in mobile view (#1691)\n - Hydrogen: Fixed menu dropdowns items aligned to left when in RTL mode (#1753)\n - Fixed extended menu items starting from 3rd level and below not expanding vertically as expected (#1778)\n - Fixed search icon misalignment in Particles\/Modules\/Widgets pickers (#1827)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Allow previously hardcoded module and component wrappers to be overridden\n - Administrator: Add submenu to access both `Available Themes` and `Default Theme` (#1764)\n - Hide theme prefix from Outline names (#1724)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed all `<script>` tags being corrupted in some Windows installs due to broken `uniqid()` function\n - Fixed country code on HTML tag being in lower case, enabling translations in Snipcart (#1822)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Changed priority of `Front Page` and `Home Page` assignments to be higher than the rest of the group (#1762)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed occasional `Undefined index: object_id` when trying to save menu with a separator (#1819)\n - Hydrogen: Fix pagination styling in mobile view (#1563)\n - Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed deleted or renamed `Home` outline reverting back (#1785)\n - For existing sites please see [Issue 1785](https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues\/1785) to fix the issue\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added support for `Maintenance` plugin\n - Added particle for `LangSwitcher` plugin\n - Added particle for `Feed` plugin\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Rename `Appearance` to `Gantry 5` as it seems to be less confusing for most users\n - Display changes indicator when in the Positions Manager and changes happen (#1741)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed particles inside positions having extra margin and padding (`g-content` class)\n - Fixed menu rendering issues in multi-language sites\n - Fixed login particle\n - Fixed login in offline mode accepting invalid credentials (#1808)\n - Fixed Positions Add button (#1803)\n - Fixed misaligned style for key\/value field (#1789)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow custom SCSS files to be inserted from particles and atoms by <code>&lt;link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"particle.scss\" \/&gt;<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Add support to refer JS\/CSS files without using <code>url()<\/code> function in twig files (streams are handled internally)<\/li>\n<li>Allow custom SCSS files to be inserted from both <code>Page Settings<\/code> \/ <code>Assets<\/code> \/ <code>CSS<\/code> and <code>Assets Atom<\/code> (#215, #424, #1692)<\/li>\n<li>Add support for <code>{% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %}<\/code> to add HTML into the page (#1161)\n<ul>\n<li>where first parameter is one of: <code>body_top<\/code> | <code>top<\/code> | <code>bottom<\/code> | <code>body_bottom<\/code><\/li>\n<li>supports also <code>with { priority: n }<\/code> to set the priority for the block (recommended range 10 ... -10)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu items in frontend now render icons with <code>aria-hidden=\"true\"<\/code> for accessibility (#1629)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Content Cubes particle uses now linear gradient made out of Accent Color 1 and 2 for its background (#1809)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a bug in <code>|html<\/code> filter<\/li>\n<li>Fixed wrong ordering of custom CSS\/JS assets<\/li>\n<li>Fixed nested field selector in <code>collection.list<\/code> loosing its value when you edit all items (#1817)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Updated OwlCarousel, fixed a bug when OwlCarousel disappeared when only 1 item was set (#1801)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Fix logo image overlapping hamburger menu icon in mobile view (#1691)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen: Fixed menu dropdowns items aligned to left when in RTL mode (#1753)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed extended menu items starting from 3rd level and below not expanding vertically as expected (#1778)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed search icon misalignment in Particles\/Modules\/Widgets pickers (#1827)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow previously hardcoded module and component wrappers to be overridden<\/li>\n<li>Administrator: Add submenu to access both <code>Available Themes<\/code> and <code>Default Theme<\/code> (#1764)<\/li>\n<li>Hide theme prefix from Outline names (#1724)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed all <code>&lt;script&gt;<\/code> tags being corrupted in some Windows installs due to broken <code>uniqid()<\/code> function<\/li>\n<li>Fixed country code on HTML tag being in lower case, enabling translations in Snipcart (#1822)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed priority of <code>Front Page<\/code> and <code>Home Page<\/code> assignments to be higher than the rest of the group (#1762)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed occasional <code>Undefined index: object_id<\/code> when trying to save menu with a separator (#1819)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen: Fix pagination styling in mobile view (#1563)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed deleted or renamed <code>Home<\/code> outline reverting back (#1785)\n<ul>\n<li>For existing sites please see <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues\/1785\">Issue 1785<\/a> to fix the issue<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for <code>Maintenance<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added particle for <code>LangSwitcher<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added particle for <code>Feed<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Rename <code>Appearance<\/code> to <code>Gantry 5<\/code> as it seems to be less confusing for most users<\/li>\n<li>Display changes indicator when in the Positions Manager and changes happen (#1741)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed particles inside positions having extra margin and padding (<code>g-content<\/code> class)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed menu rendering issues in multi-language sites<\/li>\n<li>Fixed login particle<\/li>\n<li>Fixed login in offline mode accepting invalid credentials (#1808)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Positions Add button (#1803)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed misaligned style for key\/value field (#1789)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAllow custom SCSS files to be inserted from particles and atoms by &lt;link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"particle.scss\" \/&gt;\nAdd support to refer JS\/CSS files without using url() function in twig files (streams are handled internally)\nAllow custom SCSS files to be inserted from both Page Settings \/ Assets \/ CSS and Assets Atom (#215, #424, #1692)\nAdd support for {% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %} to add HTML into the page (#1161)\n\nwhere first parameter is one of: body_top | top | bottom | body_bottom\nsupports also with { priority: n } to set the priority for the block (recommended range 10 ... -10)\n\n\n\n\nMenu items in frontend now render icons with aria-hidden=\"true\" for accessibility (#1629)\nHelium: Content Cubes particle uses now linear gradient made out of Accent Color 1 and 2 for its background (#1809)\n\n\n\nFixed a bug in |html filter\nFixed wrong ordering of custom CSS\/JS assets\nFixed nested field selector in collection.list loosing its value when you edit all items (#1817)\nHelium: Updated OwlCarousel, fixed a bug when OwlCarousel disappeared when only 1 item was set (#1801)\nHelium: Fix logo image overlapping hamburger menu icon in mobile view (#1691)\nHydrogen: Fixed menu dropdowns items aligned to left when in RTL mode (#1753)\nFixed extended menu items starting from 3rd level and below not expanding vertically as expected (#1778)\nFixed search icon misalignment in Particles\/Modules\/Widgets pickers (#1827)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAllow previously hardcoded module and component wrappers to be overridden\nAdministrator: Add submenu to access both Available Themes and Default Theme (#1764)\nHide theme prefix from Outline names (#1724)\n\n\n\nFixed all &lt;script&gt; tags being corrupted in some Windows installs due to broken uniqid() function\nFixed country code on HTML tag being in lower case, enabling translations in Snipcart (#1822)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nChanged priority of Front Page and Home Page assignments to be higher than the rest of the group (#1762)\n\n\n\nFixed occasional Undefined index: object_id when trying to save menu with a separator (#1819)\nHydrogen: Fix pagination styling in mobile view (#1563)\nHydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed deleted or renamed Home outline reverting back (#1785)\n\nFor existing sites please see Issue 1785 to fix the issue\n\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded support for Maintenance plugin\nAdded particle for LangSwitcher plugin\nAdded particle for Feed plugin\n\n\n\nRename Appearance to Gantry 5 as it seems to be less confusing for most users\nDisplay changes indicator when in the Positions Manager and changes happen (#1741)\n\n\n\nFixed particles inside positions having extra margin and padding (g-content class)\nFixed menu rendering issues in multi-language sites\nFixed login particle\nFixed login in offline mode accepting invalid credentials (#1808)\nFixed Positions Add button (#1803)\nFixed misaligned style for key\/value field (#1789)"},"5.4.5":{"date":"01\/16\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Turn off menu caching for now as it caches also modules\/widgets\/particles inside the menu\n - Fixed bug in particle caching which causes some particles to have the same cache id\n - Fixed offcanvas menu not working properly in some sites\n - Fixed spaces in images not being urlencoded with `%20` when using `url()` function\n - Fixed empty badge in Atoms (#1798)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix white page if the page has bad UTF8 characters (usually from badly encoded translations)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed positions rendering escaped HTML code (#1797)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Turn off menu caching for now as it caches also modules\/widgets\/particles inside the menu<\/li>\n<li>Fixed bug in particle caching which causes some particles to have the same cache id<\/li>\n<li>Fixed offcanvas menu not working properly in some sites<\/li>\n<li>Fixed spaces in images not being urlencoded with <code>%20<\/code> when using <code>url()<\/code> function<\/li>\n<li>Fixed empty badge in Atoms (#1798)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix white page if the page has bad UTF8 characters (usually from badly encoded translations)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed positions rendering escaped HTML code (#1797)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nTurn off menu caching for now as it caches also modules\/widgets\/particles inside the menu\nFixed bug in particle caching which causes some particles to have the same cache id\nFixed offcanvas menu not working properly in some sites\nFixed spaces in images not being urlencoded with %20 when using url() function\nFixed empty badge in Atoms (#1798)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFix white page if the page has bad UTF8 characters (usually from badly encoded translations)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed positions rendering escaped HTML code (#1797)"},"5.4.4":{"date":"01\/14\/2017","content":"1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken RokSprocket and RokGallery: `Call to a member function addScript() on null` (#1794)\n - Fixed inline JavaScript rendered multiple times in `wp_footer` (#1795)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed namespace reference for Grav Page, throwing errors for PHP < 7","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken RokSprocket and RokGallery: <code>Call to a member function addScript() on null<\/code> (#1794)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed inline JavaScript rendered multiple times in <code>wp_footer<\/code> (#1795)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed namespace reference for Grav Page, throwing errors for PHP &lt; 7<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"WordPress\n\n\n\nFixed broken RokSprocket and RokGallery: Call to a member function addScript() on null (#1794)\nFixed inline JavaScript rendered multiple times in wp_footer (#1795)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed namespace reference for Grav Page, throwing errors for PHP &lt; 7"},"5.4.3":{"date":"01\/13\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add particle caching when in production mode making a noticeable speed increase on particle heavy pages.\n Installed Gantry 5 themes should to be updated to a version which supports particle caching.\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `$1` and `\\\\1` being lost inside `<pre>` and `<code>` blocks (#1782)\n - Admin: Fixed `Back to Setup` button not working after page reload\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed loading template styles `preg_replace(): Compilation failed` error (#1769)\n - Fixed blank page when rendering ACL rules in frontend Joomla forms (#1767, #1775)\n - Worked around Joomla rendering issue on duplicate module positions and modules (#1721)\n - Fixed PHP 5.3 incompatibility in `System - Gantry 5` plugin (crashes Joomla admin!)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved title styling for Login Form particle (#1774, thanks @adi8i)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added particle for `Breadcrumbs` plugin (#1786)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed missing particle type in position page when hovering over particle (#1771)\n - Fixed home assignment bug (#1773)\n - Fixed engine page types missing when creating a new page (#1749)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add particle caching when in production mode making a noticeable speed increase on particle heavy pages.\nInstalled Gantry 5 themes should to be updated to a version which supports particle caching.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>$1<\/code> and <code>\\\\1<\/code> being lost inside <code>&lt;pre&gt;<\/code> and <code>&lt;code&gt;<\/code> blocks (#1782)<\/li>\n<li>Admin: Fixed <code>Back to Setup<\/code> button not working after page reload<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed loading template styles <code>preg_replace(): Compilation failed<\/code> error (#1769)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed blank page when rendering ACL rules in frontend Joomla forms (#1767, #1775)<\/li>\n<li>Worked around Joomla rendering issue on duplicate module positions and modules (#1721)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed PHP 5.3 incompatibility in <code>System - Gantry 5<\/code> plugin (crashes Joomla admin!)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved title styling for Login Form particle (#1774, thanks @adi8i)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added particle for <code>Breadcrumbs<\/code> plugin (#1786)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed missing particle type in position page when hovering over particle (#1771)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed home assignment bug (#1773)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed engine page types missing when creating a new page (#1749)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd particle caching when in production mode making a noticeable speed increase on particle heavy pages.\nInstalled Gantry 5 themes should to be updated to a version which supports particle caching.\n\n\n\nFixed $1 and \\\\1 being lost inside &lt;pre&gt; and &lt;code&gt; blocks (#1782)\nAdmin: Fixed Back to Setup button not working after page reload\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed loading template styles preg_replace(): Compilation failed error (#1769)\nFixed blank page when rendering ACL rules in frontend Joomla forms (#1767, #1775)\nWorked around Joomla rendering issue on duplicate module positions and modules (#1721)\nFixed PHP 5.3 incompatibility in System - Gantry 5 plugin (crashes Joomla admin!)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nImproved title styling for Login Form particle (#1774, thanks @adi8i)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded particle for Breadcrumbs plugin (#1786)\n\n\n\nFixed missing particle type in position page when hovering over particle (#1771)\nFixed home assignment bug (#1773)\nFixed engine page types missing when creating a new page (#1749)"},"5.4.2":{"date":"12\/20\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix regression: Do not change links which aren't using Gantry streams in platform filter events (#1756)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix regression: Do not change links which aren't using Gantry streams in platform filter events (#1756)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFix regression: Do not change links which aren't using Gantry streams in platform filter events (#1756)"},"5.4.1":{"date":"12\/13\/2016","content":"1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Grav and Grav Admin dependencies versions","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Grav and Grav Admin dependencies versions<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Grav\n\n\n\nFixed Grav and Grav Admin dependencies versions"},"5.4.0":{"date":"12\/13\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added Lightbox support by creating `Lightcase Atom`. By default this feature can be used by adding `data-rel=\"lightcase\"` into the link\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Start using more strict YAML syntax (compatible to future version of YAML compiler)\n - Removed hack to manipulate URL and inject default page and nonce in Grav and Wordpress\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken responsive support classes (#1705)\n - Fixed known PHP 7.1 issues\n - Ignore broken Gantry 5 themes instead of throwing exception\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Resolve all stream URI links in Joomla page\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved outline assignments logic\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed error outline rendering modules which were assigned to menu items (#1732)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken link from Gantry admin to plugin settings\n - Fixed outline duplication copying assignments (#1719)\n - Fixed widgets and particles not showing up in menu (#1715)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Grav is now integrated with Gantry 5!","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Lightbox support by creating <code>Lightcase Atom<\/code>. By default this feature can be used by adding <code>data-rel=\"lightcase\"<\/code> into the link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Start using more strict YAML syntax (compatible to future version of YAML compiler)<\/li>\n<li>Removed hack to manipulate URL and inject default page and nonce in Grav and Wordpress<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken responsive support classes (#1705)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed known PHP 7.1 issues<\/li>\n<li>Ignore broken Gantry 5 themes instead of throwing exception<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Resolve all stream URI links in Joomla page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved outline assignments logic<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed error outline rendering modules which were assigned to menu items (#1732)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken link from Gantry admin to plugin settings<\/li>\n<li>Fixed outline duplication copying assignments (#1719)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed widgets and particles not showing up in menu (#1715)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Grav is now integrated with Gantry 5!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded Lightbox support by creating Lightcase Atom. By default this feature can be used by adding data-rel=\"lightcase\" into the link\n\n\n\nStart using more strict YAML syntax (compatible to future version of YAML compiler)\nRemoved hack to manipulate URL and inject default page and nonce in Grav and Wordpress\n\n\n\nFixed broken responsive support classes (#1705)\nFixed known PHP 7.1 issues\nIgnore broken Gantry 5 themes instead of throwing exception\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nResolve all stream URI links in Joomla page\n\n\n\nImproved outline assignments logic\n\n\n\nFixed error outline rendering modules which were assigned to menu items (#1732)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed broken link from Gantry admin to plugin settings\nFixed outline duplication copying assignments (#1719)\nFixed widgets and particles not showing up in menu (#1715)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nGrav is now integrated with Gantry 5!"},"5.3.9":{"date":"11\/23\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Load `jQuery` from particles instead of using `JavaScript Frameworks` atom to load it into every page\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed disabled atoms being rendered (#1671)\n - Fixed issues with responsive support classes (#1487)\n - Helium: Fixed tab rendering issues in `Content tabs` particle (#1635)\n - Fixed issue preventing particles to be switched between in the Inheritance panel\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Automatically load jQuery and Mootools frameworks in error page if particles or atoms request them\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue where Apache rewrite rule is overriding component but hitting `404 Page Not Found` instead of Joomla properly routing to the new location\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed PHP warning when saving menu with no menu items\n - Fixed incompatibility with WooCommerce Payu Latam plugin (#1628)\n - Fixed `Gantry: Please set current configuration before using $gantry[\"config\"]` (#942)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Load <code>jQuery<\/code> from particles instead of using <code>JavaScript Frameworks<\/code> atom to load it into every page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed disabled atoms being rendered (#1671)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with responsive support classes (#1487)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Fixed tab rendering issues in <code>Content tabs<\/code> particle (#1635)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue preventing particles to be switched between in the Inheritance panel<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Automatically load jQuery and Mootools frameworks in error page if particles or atoms request them<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue where Apache rewrite rule is overriding component but hitting <code>404 Page Not Found<\/code> instead of Joomla properly routing to the new location<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed PHP warning when saving menu with no menu items<\/li>\n<li>Fixed incompatibility with WooCommerce Payu Latam plugin (#1628)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Gantry: Please set current configuration before using $gantry[\"config\"]<\/code> (#942)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHelium: Load jQuery from particles instead of using JavaScript Frameworks atom to load it into every page\n\n\n\nFixed disabled atoms being rendered (#1671)\nFixed issues with responsive support classes (#1487)\nHelium: Fixed tab rendering issues in Content tabs particle (#1635)\nFixed issue preventing particles to be switched between in the Inheritance panel\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAutomatically load jQuery and Mootools frameworks in error page if particles or atoms request them\n\n\n\nFixed issue where Apache rewrite rule is overriding component but hitting 404 Page Not Found instead of Joomla properly routing to the new location\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed PHP warning when saving menu with no menu items\nFixed incompatibility with WooCommerce Payu Latam plugin (#1628)\nFixed Gantry: Please set current configuration before using $gantry[\"config\"] (#942)"},"5.3.8":{"date":"11\/10\/2016","content":"1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Gantry settings not being available in multi-site environments (#1610, thanks @dudewithamood)\n - Fixed issues with Gantry menu mixing up menu item parameters and ordering after using WordPress Importer (#1669)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Gantry settings not being available in multi-site environments (#1610, thanks @dudewithamood)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with Gantry menu mixing up menu item parameters and ordering after using WordPress Importer (#1669)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"WordPress\n\n\n\nFixed Gantry settings not being available in multi-site environments (#1610, thanks @dudewithamood)\nFixed issues with Gantry menu mixing up menu item parameters and ordering after using WordPress Importer (#1669)"},"5.3.7":{"date":"11\/09\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated FontAwesome to 4.7.0 which includes [Grav](https:\/\/getgrav.org)'s Logo!\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Fixed wrong font being used for the content titles (#1603)\n - Helium: Remove Expanded section padding on tablet-range view\n - Helium: Remove unneeded menu overlay when viewing site on touch devices\n - Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed Offcanvas toggle visibility setting (#1630)\n - Prevent broken Layout from breaking Gantry administration\n - Fixed Collection Lists' multi edit collapse\/expand that could potentially end up stuck closed (#1612)\n - Keep focus when clearing Inheritance dropdown (#1632)\n - Hide non-overridable fields inside tabs (#1665)\n - Fixed nested collections being non-editable after using `Edit all items` button in a parent collection (#1612)\n - Fixed Base Outline loosing all particles when loading another outline with inheritance (#1617)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix permissions for editing Particle modules without having access to Gantry admin (#1476)\n - Fixed Gantry menu editor loosing content of CSS field in Joomla menu item (#1656)\n - Fixed menu ordering issues when menu item alias got changed; to become effective menu must be saved once in Gantry (#595)\n - Fixed 'joomla.categories' YAML field type displaying trashed and archived categories (#1625)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed password field translation (#1657)\n - Fixed editing the menu item titles under `Appearance > Menu` changing the order of menu items in Gantry (#1016)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated FontAwesome to 4.7.0 which includes <a href=\"https:\/\/getgrav.org\">Grav<\/a>'s Logo!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Fixed wrong font being used for the content titles (#1603)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Remove Expanded section padding on tablet-range view<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Remove unneeded menu overlay when viewing site on touch devices<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed Offcanvas toggle visibility setting (#1630)<\/li>\n<li>Prevent broken Layout from breaking Gantry administration<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Collection Lists' multi edit collapse\/expand that could potentially end up stuck closed (#1612)<\/li>\n<li>Keep focus when clearing Inheritance dropdown (#1632)<\/li>\n<li>Hide non-overridable fields inside tabs (#1665)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed nested collections being non-editable after using <code>Edit all items<\/code> button in a parent collection (#1612)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Base Outline loosing all particles when loading another outline with inheritance (#1617)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix permissions for editing Particle modules without having access to Gantry admin (#1476)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Gantry menu editor loosing content of CSS field in Joomla menu item (#1656)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed menu ordering issues when menu item alias got changed; to become effective menu must be saved once in Gantry (#595)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed 'joomla.categories' YAML field type displaying trashed and archived categories (#1625)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed password field translation (#1657)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed editing the menu item titles under <code>Appearance &gt; Menu<\/code> changing the order of menu items in Gantry (#1016)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated FontAwesome to 4.7.0 which includes Grav's Logo!\n\n\n\nHelium: Fixed wrong font being used for the content titles (#1603)\nHelium: Remove Expanded section padding on tablet-range view\nHelium: Remove unneeded menu overlay when viewing site on touch devices\nHydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed Offcanvas toggle visibility setting (#1630)\nPrevent broken Layout from breaking Gantry administration\nFixed Collection Lists' multi edit collapse\/expand that could potentially end up stuck closed (#1612)\nKeep focus when clearing Inheritance dropdown (#1632)\nHide non-overridable fields inside tabs (#1665)\nFixed nested collections being non-editable after using Edit all items button in a parent collection (#1612)\nFixed Base Outline loosing all particles when loading another outline with inheritance (#1617)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFix permissions for editing Particle modules without having access to Gantry admin (#1476)\nFixed Gantry menu editor loosing content of CSS field in Joomla menu item (#1656)\nFixed menu ordering issues when menu item alias got changed; to become effective menu must be saved once in Gantry (#595)\nFixed 'joomla.categories' YAML field type displaying trashed and archived categories (#1625)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nHydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed password field translation (#1657)\nFixed editing the menu item titles under Appearance &gt; Menu changing the order of menu items in Gantry (#1016)"},"5.3.6":{"date":"10\/06\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated scssphp to v0.6.6\n - Added `nomarginleft`, `nomarginright`, `nopaddingleft`, `nopaddingright` CSS utility classes to Nucleus\n - Add configuration option to use default platform upload path when adding new images via file picker (#1597)\n - SCSS compiler: Make all URLs https compatible by replacing `http:\/\/` protocol with `\/\/`\n - Helium: Added a second sidebar `Aside` to the default layout. It and `Sidebar` have also been set to have fixed size\n - Add initial support for translating form field `label` and `description` (#84)\n - Collections: Multi edit now features a global input label filter and a way to collapse\/expand the items (#1579)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Display sorted sidebar folders in Filepicker\n - Better coordination for dragged items in Menu and Layout Manager (related #1576)\n - Using regular select for Dropdown Animation\n - Social Particle: New Display option allows to show icons only, text only or both (#1565)\n - Helium: Removed redundant favicon field in the Styles tab. Please use the one in the Page Settings.\n - Updated Google Fonts (+3 fonts)\n - It is now possible to disable links in a Logo \/ Image particle (thanks @adi8i - #1607)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed title editing for newly added Outlines (#1555)\n - Fixed fields set to not override still displaying overridable in Tabs containers (#1552)\n - Fixed broken URLs for non-existing files in Custom HTML particle\n - Fixed XML errors outside Gantry triggering an error (thanks @Chrissi2812, #1567)\n - Fixed issue with Block attributes not rendering when the parent Section was inheriting (#1577, #1580)\n - Fixed particles getting lost in offcancas section when loading layout preset with older format (#1593)\n - Fixed first time compilation of custom.scss not working (#1590)\n - Fixed override checkboxes showing up in settings tabs when they should not (#1578)\n - Fixed enablers in `Particle Defaults` having custom value and still appearing to be unchecked (#1570)\n - Fixed inheritance converting associative arrays into objects causing associative lists to be missing in inherited sections and particles (#1585)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add plugin events `onGantry5AdminInit` and `onGantry5ThemeInit` to allow custom Twig filters and functions (#1584)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed routing for `index.php?Itemid=xxx` URLs inside particles\n - Joomla Articles Particle: Add field for entering article ids (thanks @JoomFX - #1591)\n - Fixed accessing Particle module from Joomla Module Manager if user does not have access to edit template (#1476)\n - Menu Manager: Display info message and prevent user from saving menu if menu items have been checked out (#1019)\n - Fixed missing system message in component modals (#1156)\n - Fixed typo on custom translation filename (#1600)\n - Fixed error in Menu particle when site has no default menu selected for the language\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Extended categories field to allow selecting custom taxonomies (#1535)\n - Update Timber to 1.1.5 for new features (#1556)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Fixed duration parameter in Content Tabs particle\n - Fixed Colorpicker zIndex in Particle Settings (#1574)\n - Fixed wrong protocol in compiled CSS files in a site that uses both http and https (#1594)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated scssphp to v0.6.6<\/li>\n<li>Added <code>nomarginleft<\/code>, <code>nomarginright<\/code>, <code>nopaddingleft<\/code>, <code>nopaddingright<\/code> CSS utility classes to Nucleus<\/li>\n<li>Add configuration option to use default platform upload path when adding new images via file picker (#1597)<\/li>\n<li>SCSS compiler: Make all URLs https compatible by replacing <code>http:\/\/<\/code> protocol with <code>\/\/<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Helium: Added a second sidebar <code>Aside<\/code> to the default layout. It and <code>Sidebar<\/code> have also been set to have fixed size<\/li>\n<li>Add initial support for translating form field <code>label<\/code> and <code>description<\/code> (#84)<\/li>\n<li>Collections: Multi edit now features a global input label filter and a way to collapse\/expand the items (#1579)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Display sorted sidebar folders in Filepicker<\/li>\n<li>Better coordination for dragged items in Menu and Layout Manager (related #1576)<\/li>\n<li>Using regular select for Dropdown Animation<\/li>\n<li>Social Particle: New Display option allows to show icons only, text only or both (#1565)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Removed redundant favicon field in the Styles tab. Please use the one in the Page Settings.<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts (+3 fonts)<\/li>\n<li>It is now possible to disable links in a Logo \/ Image particle (thanks @adi8i - #1607)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed title editing for newly added Outlines (#1555)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fields set to not override still displaying overridable in Tabs containers (#1552)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed broken URLs for non-existing files in Custom HTML particle<\/li>\n<li>Fixed XML errors outside Gantry triggering an error (thanks @Chrissi2812, #1567)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Block attributes not rendering when the parent Section was inheriting (#1577, #1580)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed particles getting lost in offcancas section when loading layout preset with older format (#1593)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed first time compilation of custom.scss not working (#1590)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed override checkboxes showing up in settings tabs when they should not (#1578)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed enablers in <code>Particle Defaults<\/code> having custom value and still appearing to be unchecked (#1570)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed inheritance converting associative arrays into objects causing associative lists to be missing in inherited sections and particles (#1585)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add plugin events <code>onGantry5AdminInit<\/code> and <code>onGantry5ThemeInit<\/code> to allow custom Twig filters and functions (#1584)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed routing for <code>index.php?Itemid=xxx<\/code> URLs inside particles<\/li>\n<li>Joomla Articles Particle: Add field for entering article ids (thanks @JoomFX - #1591)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed accessing Particle module from Joomla Module Manager if user does not have access to edit template (#1476)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Manager: Display info message and prevent user from saving menu if menu items have been checked out (#1019)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing system message in component modals (#1156)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed typo on custom translation filename (#1600)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed error in Menu particle when site has no default menu selected for the language<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Extended categories field to allow selecting custom taxonomies (#1535)<\/li>\n<li>Update Timber to 1.1.5 for new features (#1556)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Fixed duration parameter in Content Tabs particle<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Colorpicker zIndex in Particle Settings (#1574)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed wrong protocol in compiled CSS files in a site that uses both http and https (#1594)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated scssphp to v0.6.6\nAdded nomarginleft, nomarginright, nopaddingleft, nopaddingright CSS utility classes to Nucleus\nAdd configuration option to use default platform upload path when adding new images via file picker (#1597)\nSCSS compiler: Make all URLs https compatible by replacing http:\/\/ protocol with \/\/\nHelium: Added a second sidebar Aside to the default layout. It and Sidebar have also been set to have fixed size\nAdd initial support for translating form field label and description (#84)\nCollections: Multi edit now features a global input label filter and a way to collapse\/expand the items (#1579)\n\n\n\nDisplay sorted sidebar folders in Filepicker\nBetter coordination for dragged items in Menu and Layout Manager (related #1576)\nUsing regular select for Dropdown Animation\nSocial Particle: New Display option allows to show icons only, text only or both (#1565)\nHelium: Removed redundant favicon field in the Styles tab. Please use the one in the Page Settings.\nUpdated Google Fonts (+3 fonts)\nIt is now possible to disable links in a Logo \/ Image particle (thanks @adi8i - #1607)\n\n\n\nFixed title editing for newly added Outlines (#1555)\nFixed fields set to not override still displaying overridable in Tabs containers (#1552)\nFixed broken URLs for non-existing files in Custom HTML particle\nFixed XML errors outside Gantry triggering an error (thanks @Chrissi2812, #1567)\nFixed issue with Block attributes not rendering when the parent Section was inheriting (#1577, #1580)\nFixed particles getting lost in offcancas section when loading layout preset with older format (#1593)\nFixed first time compilation of custom.scss not working (#1590)\nFixed override checkboxes showing up in settings tabs when they should not (#1578)\nFixed enablers in Particle Defaults having custom value and still appearing to be unchecked (#1570)\nFixed inheritance converting associative arrays into objects causing associative lists to be missing in inherited sections and particles (#1585)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdd plugin events onGantry5AdminInit and onGantry5ThemeInit to allow custom Twig filters and functions (#1584)\n\n\n\nFixed routing for index.php?Itemid=xxx URLs inside particles\nJoomla Articles Particle: Add field for entering article ids (thanks @JoomFX - #1591)\nFixed accessing Particle module from Joomla Module Manager if user does not have access to edit template (#1476)\nMenu Manager: Display info message and prevent user from saving menu if menu items have been checked out (#1019)\nFixed missing system message in component modals (#1156)\nFixed typo on custom translation filename (#1600)\nFixed error in Menu particle when site has no default menu selected for the language\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nExtended categories field to allow selecting custom taxonomies (#1535)\nUpdate Timber to 1.1.5 for new features (#1556)\n\n\n\nHelium: Fixed duration parameter in Content Tabs particle\nFixed Colorpicker zIndex in Particle Settings (#1574)\nFixed wrong protocol in compiled CSS files in a site that uses both http and https (#1594)"},"5.3.5":{"date":"09\/02\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented platform specific composer dependencies\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed compiled CSS files having bad relative URLs, regression was introduced with [v5.3.3](http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.3.3) (#1528)\n - Outlines in the Load panel in LM are now capitalized properly (#1520)\n - Fixed Global filter for Assignments (#1521)\n - Fixed disabled menu items still showing up on front-end and not displaying as disabled in the admin (#1532)\n - Fixed validation warning icon piling up when Applying and after an error (#1526)\n - Fixed untranslated string in Atoms validation (#1525)\n - Removed extra `assets` and `engines` folders from `gantry-media:\/\/` stream\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Include Timber Library v1.1.3 into Gantry Plugin. Removes dependency to Timber Plugin. (#1542)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Updated Hydrogen and Helium themes to use Timber 1.1 classes\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Undefined index: link` when saving menu","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented platform specific composer dependencies<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed compiled CSS files having bad relative URLs, regression was introduced with <a href=\"http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.3.3\">v5.3.3<\/a> (#1528)<\/li>\n<li>Outlines in the Load panel in LM are now capitalized properly (#1520)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Global filter for Assignments (#1521)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed disabled menu items still showing up on front-end and not displaying as disabled in the admin (#1532)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed validation warning icon piling up when Applying and after an error (#1526)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed untranslated string in Atoms validation (#1525)<\/li>\n<li>Removed extra <code>assets<\/code> and <code>engines<\/code> folders from <code>gantry-media:\/\/<\/code> stream<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Include Timber Library v1.1.3 into Gantry Plugin. Removes dependency to Timber Plugin. (#1542)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Hydrogen and Helium themes to use Timber 1.1 classes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined index: link<\/code> when saving menu<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nImplemented platform specific composer dependencies\n\n\n\nFixed compiled CSS files having bad relative URLs, regression was introduced with v5.3.3 (#1528)\nOutlines in the Load panel in LM are now capitalized properly (#1520)\nFixed Global filter for Assignments (#1521)\nFixed disabled menu items still showing up on front-end and not displaying as disabled in the admin (#1532)\nFixed validation warning icon piling up when Applying and after an error (#1526)\nFixed untranslated string in Atoms validation (#1525)\nRemoved extra assets and engines folders from gantry-media:\/\/ stream\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nInclude Timber Library v1.1.3 into Gantry Plugin. Removes dependency to Timber Plugin. (#1542)\n\n\n\nUpdated Hydrogen and Helium themes to use Timber 1.1 classes\n\n\n\nFixed Undefined index: link when saving menu"},"5.3.4":{"date":"08\/24\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - **Patch Release**: This patch release fixes a regression introduced with [v5.3.3](http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.3.3) where Layout Manager and Menu Manager item settings were not clickable.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Patch Release<\/strong>: This patch release fixes a regression introduced with <a href=\"http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.3.3\">v5.3.3<\/a> where Layout Manager and Menu Manager item settings were not clickable.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nPatch Release: This patch release fixes a regression introduced with v5.3.3 where Layout Manager and Menu Manager item settings were not clickable."},"5.3.3":{"date":"08\/24\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.3\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Failed streams in compiled SCSS will now be transformed to 404 URIs, instead of keeping the stream. This will create less confusion on the errors displayed on frontend (#1457, #1443, #1331)\n - Block Variations now display both label and actual class names inline, to better identify and use variations. Hovering over a selected variation will also now display the actual class name as a tooltip.\n - Filepicker files are now displaying sorted by name (#1478)\n - Social particle should use simple select instead of fancy selectize (#1490)\n - If debug mode is enabled, display whoops error instead of catching exceptions\n - Reworked the UI for assignments Filters and Togglers\n - Various RTL fixes and improvements (#1494, #1508, #1511, #1512)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed inherited\/default atoms from base outline displaying even if there are no atoms assigned in `Page Settings`\n - Fixed issue with globally disabled Particles that were appearing as enabled in the LM and could be drag and dropped (#1496)\n - Fixed wrongly rendered `disabled` attribute for Assignments items. Causing them to get lost on next save (#1501)\n - Section layout setting `Fullwidth (Boxed Content)` always shows as default in the Layout Manager (#1515)\n - Fixed select and selectize form fields not recognising difference between 0 and ''\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed extra Default outline that was added in the non-English Joomla installation during clean installation of template (#1461)\n - Fixed issue with Tabs container, conflicting with Tabs in the modals. Improved specificity (#1463)\n - Helium Template: Updateserver not implemented in templateDetails.xml (#1488)\n - Unassigning outline from all menu items does not have any effect (#1451)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Helium: Added missing `languages\/` directory with the `.pot` translation template file\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Added multiple `raw` filters in the content views\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Offline page should now properly display the offline message set in the Gantry 5 settings page.\n - Added missing custom directory to Timber template lookup (#1465)\n - Fixed `|trans` twig filter having `gantry5` textdomain hardcoded (#1459)\n - Fixed possible fatal error in menu particle (#1493)\n - Fixed new outline having checkboxes in Content tab selected (#1482)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.3<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Failed streams in compiled SCSS will now be transformed to 404 URIs, instead of keeping the stream. This will create less confusion on the errors displayed on frontend (#1457, #1443, #1331)<\/li>\n<li>Block Variations now display both label and actual class names inline, to better identify and use variations. Hovering over a selected variation will also now display the actual class name as a tooltip.<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker files are now displaying sorted by name (#1478)<\/li>\n<li>Social particle should use simple select instead of fancy selectize (#1490)<\/li>\n<li>If debug mode is enabled, display whoops error instead of catching exceptions<\/li>\n<li>Reworked the UI for assignments Filters and Togglers<\/li>\n<li>Various RTL fixes and improvements (#1494, #1508, #1511, #1512)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed inherited\/default atoms from base outline displaying even if there are no atoms assigned in <code>Page Settings<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with globally disabled Particles that were appearing as enabled in the LM and could be drag and dropped (#1496)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed wrongly rendered <code>disabled<\/code> attribute for Assignments items. Causing them to get lost on next save (#1501)<\/li>\n<li>Section layout setting <code>Fullwidth (Boxed Content)<\/code> always shows as default in the Layout Manager (#1515)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed select and selectize form fields not recognising difference between 0 and ''<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed extra Default outline that was added in the non-English Joomla installation during clean installation of template (#1461)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Tabs container, conflicting with Tabs in the modals. Improved specificity (#1463)<\/li>\n<li>Helium Template: Updateserver not implemented in templateDetails.xml (#1488)<\/li>\n<li>Unassigning outline from all menu items does not have any effect (#1451)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Added missing <code>languages\/<\/code> directory with the <code>.pot<\/code> translation template file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Added multiple <code>raw<\/code> filters in the content views<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Offline page should now properly display the offline message set in the Gantry 5 settings page.<\/li>\n<li>Added missing custom directory to Timber template lookup (#1465)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>|trans<\/code> twig filter having <code>gantry5<\/code> textdomain hardcoded (#1459)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed possible fatal error in menu particle (#1493)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed new outline having checkboxes in Content tab selected (#1482)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated FontAwesome to v4.6.3\n\n\n\nFailed streams in compiled SCSS will now be transformed to 404 URIs, instead of keeping the stream. This will create less confusion on the errors displayed on frontend (#1457, #1443, #1331)\nBlock Variations now display both label and actual class names inline, to better identify and use variations. Hovering over a selected variation will also now display the actual class name as a tooltip.\nFilepicker files are now displaying sorted by name (#1478)\nSocial particle should use simple select instead of fancy selectize (#1490)\nIf debug mode is enabled, display whoops error instead of catching exceptions\nReworked the UI for assignments Filters and Togglers\nVarious RTL fixes and improvements (#1494, #1508, #1511, #1512)\n\n\n\nFixed inherited\/default atoms from base outline displaying even if there are no atoms assigned in Page Settings\nFixed issue with globally disabled Particles that were appearing as enabled in the LM and could be drag and dropped (#1496)\nFixed wrongly rendered disabled attribute for Assignments items. Causing them to get lost on next save (#1501)\nSection layout setting Fullwidth (Boxed Content) always shows as default in the Layout Manager (#1515)\nFixed select and selectize form fields not recognising difference between 0 and ''\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed extra Default outline that was added in the non-English Joomla installation during clean installation of template (#1461)\nFixed issue with Tabs container, conflicting with Tabs in the modals. Improved specificity (#1463)\nHelium Template: Updateserver not implemented in templateDetails.xml (#1488)\nUnassigning outline from all menu items does not have any effect (#1451)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nHelium: Added missing languages\/ directory with the .pot translation template file\n\n\n\nHelium: Added multiple raw filters in the content views\n\n\n\nHelium: Offline page should now properly display the offline message set in the Gantry 5 settings page.\nAdded missing custom directory to Timber template lookup (#1465)\nFixed |trans twig filter having gantry5 textdomain hardcoded (#1459)\nFixed possible fatal error in menu particle (#1493)\nFixed new outline having checkboxes in Content tab selected (#1482)"},"5.3.2":{"date":"07\/19\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Helium: Added two new button variations - `button-square` and `button-bevel`\n - Implemented new Tabs Container that allows to better organize Particles fields in the admin (#1026 - [more details](https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues\/1026#issuecomment-232265381))\n - Hydrogen and Helium now require Gantry 5.3.2\n - Updated Google Fonts library (+70 new fonts)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Improved OwlCarousel color overlay support\n - Helium: Improved `shadow` variation\n - Hydrogen: Improved enqueueing of `comment-reply` script in the Comments twig template\n - Changed Joomla Articles and WordPress Posts particle to use the new Tabs container\n - Increased PHP timeout for CSS compiler to prevent issues in slow shared servers\n - Helium: OwlCarousel Color Overlay is now alternated to match while transitioning\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Fixed wrong dropdown menu item text hover color\n - Fixed missing languages files in Gantry 5 Particle Module, causing JS errors and preventing the Picker to work\n - Definitive fix for z-index issue Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)\n - Always ensure that the `G5T` method (translations for JS) is available (#1434)\n - Better escaping for JS translations\n - Fixed issue in Layout Manager when inheriting an empty Section from another Outline (#1435)\n - Fixed mis-representation of an inherited Section\/Particle when set to \"No Inheritance\" but with all the Replace options selected\n - Fixed inherited Sections with empty grids, not displaying the \"Drop particles here...\" message\n - Fixed issue in the Font Picker and local fonts throwing JS error\n - Proper fix for nested fields within containers (#924, #1026)\n - Fixed `Undefined property: stdClass::$outline` in `Layout::inherit()`\n - Fixed issue with modals in Firefox where the bottom end wouldn't have enough margin (thanks @coder4life - #1454)\n - Fixed issue with Offcanvas that on Touch devices would cause the Offcanvas to close while touch-scrolling (#1447)\n - Fixed issue with `input.multicheckbox` field throwing errors when not used in LM\n - Fixed save in menu editor, menu items were not saved properly (#1439)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Allow to install and update Gantry in Joomla 3.6\n - Helium is now going to be available from Joomla Updates\n - Improve template installation by adding support for nice looking installation and upgrade messages (written in twig)\n - Add support to install sample data separately from the template\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Enhanced Menu Modules in Offcanvas (#1442)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Menu subtitles get wiped out from all menu items when saving menu (#1438)\n - Fixed missing language loading in Gantry 5 Particle Module (#1437)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Fatal error when using BuddyPress (thanks @AlwynBarry - #1441)\n - Fixed `Missing argument 4 for gantry5_upgrader_source_selection()` (#1440)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Added two new button variations - <code>button-square<\/code> and <code>button-bevel<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Implemented new Tabs Container that allows to better organize Particles fields in the admin (#1026 - <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues\/1026#issuecomment-232265381\">more details<\/a>)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen and Helium now require Gantry 5.3.2<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library (+70 new fonts)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Improved OwlCarousel color overlay support<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Improved <code>shadow<\/code> variation<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen: Improved enqueueing of <code>comment-reply<\/code> script in the Comments twig template<\/li>\n<li>Changed Joomla Articles and WordPress Posts particle to use the new Tabs container<\/li>\n<li>Increased PHP timeout for CSS compiler to prevent issues in slow shared servers<\/li>\n<li>Helium: OwlCarousel Color Overlay is now alternated to match while transitioning<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Fixed wrong dropdown menu item text hover color<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing languages files in Gantry 5 Particle Module, causing JS errors and preventing the Picker to work<\/li>\n<li>Definitive fix for z-index issue Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)<\/li>\n<li>Always ensure that the <code>G5T<\/code> method (translations for JS) is available (#1434)<\/li>\n<li>Better escaping for JS translations<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Layout Manager when inheriting an empty Section from another Outline (#1435)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed mis-representation of an inherited Section\/Particle when set to &quot;No Inheritance&quot; but with all the Replace options selected<\/li>\n<li>Fixed inherited Sections with empty grids, not displaying the &quot;Drop particles here...&quot; message<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in the Font Picker and local fonts throwing JS error<\/li>\n<li>Proper fix for nested fields within containers (#924, #1026)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined property: stdClass::$outline<\/code> in <code>Layout::inherit()<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with modals in Firefox where the bottom end wouldn't have enough margin (thanks @coder4life - #1454)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Offcanvas that on Touch devices would cause the Offcanvas to close while touch-scrolling (#1447)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with <code>input.multicheckbox<\/code> field throwing errors when not used in LM<\/li>\n<li>Fixed save in menu editor, menu items were not saved properly (#1439)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow to install and update Gantry in Joomla 3.6<\/li>\n<li>Helium is now going to be available from Joomla Updates<\/li>\n<li>Improve template installation by adding support for nice looking installation and upgrade messages (written in twig)<\/li>\n<li>Add support to install sample data separately from the template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Enhanced Menu Modules in Offcanvas (#1442)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu subtitles get wiped out from all menu items when saving menu (#1438)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing language loading in Gantry 5 Particle Module (#1437)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Fatal error when using BuddyPress (thanks @AlwynBarry - #1441)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Missing argument 4 for gantry5_upgrader_source_selection()<\/code> (#1440)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHelium: Added two new button variations - button-square and button-bevel\nImplemented new Tabs Container that allows to better organize Particles fields in the admin (#1026 - more details)\nHydrogen and Helium now require Gantry 5.3.2\nUpdated Google Fonts library (+70 new fonts)\n\n\n\nHelium: Improved OwlCarousel color overlay support\nHelium: Improved shadow variation\nHydrogen: Improved enqueueing of comment-reply script in the Comments twig template\nChanged Joomla Articles and WordPress Posts particle to use the new Tabs container\nIncreased PHP timeout for CSS compiler to prevent issues in slow shared servers\nHelium: OwlCarousel Color Overlay is now alternated to match while transitioning\n\n\n\nHelium: Fixed wrong dropdown menu item text hover color\nFixed missing languages files in Gantry 5 Particle Module, causing JS errors and preventing the Picker to work\nDefinitive fix for z-index issue Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)\nAlways ensure that the G5T method (translations for JS) is available (#1434)\nBetter escaping for JS translations\nFixed issue in Layout Manager when inheriting an empty Section from another Outline (#1435)\nFixed mis-representation of an inherited Section\/Particle when set to &quot;No Inheritance&quot; but with all the Replace options selected\nFixed inherited Sections with empty grids, not displaying the &quot;Drop particles here...&quot; message\nFixed issue in the Font Picker and local fonts throwing JS error\nProper fix for nested fields within containers (#924, #1026)\nFixed Undefined property: stdClass::$outline in Layout::inherit()\nFixed issue with modals in Firefox where the bottom end wouldn't have enough margin (thanks @coder4life - #1454)\nFixed issue with Offcanvas that on Touch devices would cause the Offcanvas to close while touch-scrolling (#1447)\nFixed issue with input.multicheckbox field throwing errors when not used in LM\nFixed save in menu editor, menu items were not saved properly (#1439)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAllow to install and update Gantry in Joomla 3.6\nHelium is now going to be available from Joomla Updates\nImprove template installation by adding support for nice looking installation and upgrade messages (written in twig)\nAdd support to install sample data separately from the template\n\n\n\nHelium: Enhanced Menu Modules in Offcanvas (#1442)\n\n\n\nMenu subtitles get wiped out from all menu items when saving menu (#1438)\nFixed missing language loading in Gantry 5 Particle Module (#1437)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed Fatal error when using BuddyPress (thanks @AlwynBarry - #1441)\nFixed Missing argument 4 for gantry5_upgrader_source_selection() (#1440)"},"5.3.1":{"date":"07\/11\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added permanent warning at the top of admin when using PHP 5.4. Gantry will soon drop PHP 5.4 support. Please upgrade as soon as possible. [More details](http:\/\/gantry.org\/blog\/php54-end-of-support)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Allow Presets description to be translatable (#1212)\n - Converted all hardcoded JS strings to translatable languages (#1212)\n - Added proper HTML5 subtypes to sections in Helium\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Can't use method return value in write context` on PHP 5.4 (#1413)\n - Fixed `Document::addScript` not allowing string argument (#1414)\n - Fixed Outlines rename from the dropdown switcher (#1422)\n - Fixed `Invalid argument supplied for foreach()` error when duplicating outline (#1416)\n - Fixed `Undefined property: stdClass::$childen` (#1431)\n - Fixed duplicating collection items not triggering the display of the multiple edit button (#1432)\n - Fixed issue that was preventing Menu Item titles (in Menu Manager) to be renamed\n - Fixed z-index issue in Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed warning in `Gantry 5 Particle` module about not using a Gantry 5 Theme (#1420)\n - Fixed Bootstrap table having always a border (#1330)\n - Fixed Bootstrap pagination having too much margin (#1389)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added permanent warning at the top of admin when using PHP 5.4. Gantry will soon drop PHP 5.4 support. Please upgrade as soon as possible. <a href=\"http:\/\/gantry.org\/blog\/php54-end-of-support\">More details<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow Presets description to be translatable (#1212)<\/li>\n<li>Converted all hardcoded JS strings to translatable languages (#1212)<\/li>\n<li>Added proper HTML5 subtypes to sections in Helium<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Can't use method return value in write context<\/code> on PHP 5.4 (#1413)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Document::addScript<\/code> not allowing string argument (#1414)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Outlines rename from the dropdown switcher (#1422)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Invalid argument supplied for foreach()<\/code> error when duplicating outline (#1416)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined property: stdClass::$childen<\/code> (#1431)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed duplicating collection items not triggering the display of the multiple edit button (#1432)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue that was preventing Menu Item titles (in Menu Manager) to be renamed<\/li>\n<li>Fixed z-index issue in Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed warning in <code>Gantry 5 Particle<\/code> module about not using a Gantry 5 Theme (#1420)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Bootstrap table having always a border (#1330)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Bootstrap pagination having too much margin (#1389)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded permanent warning at the top of admin when using PHP 5.4. Gantry will soon drop PHP 5.4 support. Please upgrade as soon as possible. More details\n\n\n\nAllow Presets description to be translatable (#1212)\nConverted all hardcoded JS strings to translatable languages (#1212)\nAdded proper HTML5 subtypes to sections in Helium\n\n\n\nFixed Can't use method return value in write context on PHP 5.4 (#1413)\nFixed Document::addScript not allowing string argument (#1414)\nFixed Outlines rename from the dropdown switcher (#1422)\nFixed Invalid argument supplied for foreach() error when duplicating outline (#1416)\nFixed Undefined property: stdClass::$childen (#1431)\nFixed duplicating collection items not triggering the display of the multiple edit button (#1432)\nFixed issue that was preventing Menu Item titles (in Menu Manager) to be renamed\nFixed z-index issue in Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed warning in Gantry 5 Particle module about not using a Gantry 5 Theme (#1420)\nFixed Bootstrap table having always a border (#1330)\nFixed Bootstrap pagination having too much margin (#1389)"},"5.3.0":{"date":"07\/08\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - **Inheritance**: It is now possible to have individual Sections and Particles to Inherit from a different Outline and to decide what to Inherit specifically (attributes, children, blocks). Once a Section or Particle have been set to Inherit, any change applied to the parent Section \/ Particle will automatically reflect to the inheriting one (#50, #303, #340, #361, #575, #1018, #1213, #1312)\n - Added support for DebugBar (#386)\n - Removed outdated LESS compiler (see #273)\n - Updated SCSS compiler to support version 3.4 (#1117)\n - Updated Bourbon SCSS library to v4.2.7\n - New `input.multicheckbox` field. Takes options like a select and renders as a list of checkboxes\n - New `input.radios` field. Allows to create a list of radio selectors. `options` entry should be of kind key\/value\n - Added possibility to place `<svg>` code directly inside the Logo particle\n - Creating New Outlines will now offer to either load based off of Presets or existing Outlines. When selecting existing Outlines you can now decide whether you want to Inherit or not (#1386)\n - Added priority field for CSS\/JS Assets and Atom (#1321)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Hide `Particle Defaults` tab from everywhere else but in `Base Outline`\n - Do not display `Atoms` in `Particle Defaults`\n - Display only shared particle settings in `Particle Defaults`\n - Tweaked text contrast across the Admin UI (#1326)\n - Sections Layout `Inherit` option is now renamed to `Inherit from Page Settings` (#1349)\n - Assignments cards have now maximum height declared for better presentation and readability\n - Removed rename capability from Base Outline (#1350)\n - Do not close the Atoms modal when clicking on the overlay, in order to prevent accidental loss of changes.\n - When deleting an Outline it will now highlight the title of the Outline in question\n - Make configration overrides persistent, meaning that the value will stay checked even if the value is identical to the global value (#1346)\n - Improved block sizes compatibility with IE10 and IE11 (thanks @Rdechamps - #1407)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed disabled particle rendering in menu item (thanks @nikola3244 - #1313)\n - Fixed typos in tooltips and notices (#1318)\n - Fixed issue with Icons Picker Select button no properly re-enabling when only switching dropdown (#1290)\n - Fixed potential JavaScript error on frontend when the Menu particle was disabled\n - Fixed Preset Match (star) being applied only in Base but not in the rest of the Outlines\n - Fixed issue in parent themes streams initialization (thanks @nikola3244 - #251, #1325)\n - Fixed `Document::urlFilter` handling URLs inside `<pre>` and `<code>` tags (#1328)\n - Fixed `collection.list` inside `container.set` not working (#1333)\n - Removed Nucleus CSS rule `.g-block.visible-desktop {}` that was overriding the media queries (#1344)\n - Layout Manager will now prevent clearing single empty rows upon save (#1368)\n - Font Picker: Fixed potential conflict issue when a Local and a Remote fonts were matching name\n - Fixed minor issue that would cause the flickering of the Layout while scrolling, when the Layout was shorter than the Sidebar (#1378)\n - Section titles in the Layout Manager that don't fit are now collapsing with ellipsis and a title (#1392)\n - Fixed missing configuration when duplicating system outlines\n - Fixed issues with single select field with multiple values (#1402)\n - Fixed `select.select` with `multiple` option enabled, storing only the first selected option rather than all (#1402)\n - Fixed DOM parser issue with HTML tags when adding inline JS\/CSS (#1359)\n - Fixed issue with anchors and Offcanvas not resetting the overlay in IE and Firefox (#1399)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Enable `Layout` tab for `Base Outline`\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Hydrogen for Joomla loads now optional `alert` assets from Nucleus to fix potential styling issues\n - Gantry 5 Particle now displays, as a tooltip, the Particle type in the lists of modules when hovering over the badge (#1373)\n - Gantry 5 Particle badge for unselected Particles is now orange, to distinct from the selected ones (green)\n - Added warning message to particle module when there is no default template set (#1316)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue with `Link Title Attribute` menu setting in Joomla, where the value would be translated as subtitle in Gantry, rather than `title=\"\"` attribute (#1176)\n - Fixed untranslated 404 page title (#1001)\n - Fixed wrong title in newly created outline\n - Fixed content array particle: alias in link duplicating (#1400)\n - Fixed particle module not caching Javascript \/ CSS (#977)\n - Fixed exception thrown in administration if parent theme was not enabled in Joomla\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Extend Assignments with multiple `BuddyPress` conditionals. This requires BuddyPress 2.6 and newer (thanks @horch004 - #1298)\n - Extend Assignments with possibility to assign outline to all posts or archive page of custom post type (thanks @horch004 - #1298)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Gantry 5 Particle Widget is now compatible with WordPress Customizer and will live-refresh on change (#869)\n - Add support for Widgets with checkboxes that use the trick of hidden\/checkbox fields with the same name (#1014)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed post type priority not being used in assignments (#1340)\n - Fixed menu particle missing `Expand on Hover` option (#1360)\n - Fixed Admin incompatibility with Jetpack (#1184)\n - Fixed updating plugins causing endless maintenance mode when `display_errors = On` (#1271)\n - Fixed missing layout denying access to admin (#1319)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Inheritance<\/strong>: It is now possible to have individual Sections and Particles to Inherit from a different Outline and to decide what to Inherit specifically (attributes, children, blocks). Once a Section or Particle have been set to Inherit, any change applied to the parent Section \/ Particle will automatically reflect to the inheriting one (#50, #303, #340, #361, #575, #1018, #1213, #1312)<\/li>\n<li>Added support for DebugBar (#386)<\/li>\n<li>Removed outdated LESS compiler (see #273)<\/li>\n<li>Updated SCSS compiler to support version 3.4 (#1117)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Bourbon SCSS library to v4.2.7<\/li>\n<li>New <code>input.multicheckbox<\/code> field. Takes options like a select and renders as a list of checkboxes<\/li>\n<li>New <code>input.radios<\/code> field. Allows to create a list of radio selectors. <code>options<\/code> entry should be of kind key\/value<\/li>\n<li>Added possibility to place <code>&lt;svg&gt;<\/code> code directly inside the Logo particle<\/li>\n<li>Creating New Outlines will now offer to either load based off of Presets or existing Outlines. When selecting existing Outlines you can now decide whether you want to Inherit or not (#1386)<\/li>\n<li>Added priority field for CSS\/JS Assets and Atom (#1321)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hide <code>Particle Defaults<\/code> tab from everywhere else but in <code>Base Outline<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Do not display <code>Atoms<\/code> in <code>Particle Defaults<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Display only shared particle settings in <code>Particle Defaults<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Tweaked text contrast across the Admin UI (#1326)<\/li>\n<li>Sections Layout <code>Inherit<\/code> option is now renamed to <code>Inherit from Page Settings<\/code> (#1349)<\/li>\n<li>Assignments cards have now maximum height declared for better presentation and readability<\/li>\n<li>Removed rename capability from Base Outline (#1350)<\/li>\n<li>Do not close the Atoms modal when clicking on the overlay, in order to prevent accidental loss of changes.<\/li>\n<li>When deleting an Outline it will now highlight the title of the Outline in question<\/li>\n<li>Make configration overrides persistent, meaning that the value will stay checked even if the value is identical to the global value (#1346)<\/li>\n<li>Improved block sizes compatibility with IE10 and IE11 (thanks @Rdechamps - #1407)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed disabled particle rendering in menu item (thanks @nikola3244 - #1313)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed typos in tooltips and notices (#1318)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Icons Picker Select button no properly re-enabling when only switching dropdown (#1290)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potential JavaScript error on frontend when the Menu particle was disabled<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Preset Match (star) being applied only in Base but not in the rest of the Outlines<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in parent themes streams initialization (thanks @nikola3244 - #251, #1325)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Document::urlFilter<\/code> handling URLs inside <code>&lt;pre&gt;<\/code> and <code>&lt;code&gt;<\/code> tags (#1328)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>collection.list<\/code> inside <code>container.set<\/code> not working (#1333)<\/li>\n<li>Removed Nucleus CSS rule <code>.g-block.visible-desktop {}<\/code> that was overriding the media queries (#1344)<\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager will now prevent clearing single empty rows upon save (#1368)<\/li>\n<li>Font Picker: Fixed potential conflict issue when a Local and a Remote fonts were matching name<\/li>\n<li>Fixed minor issue that would cause the flickering of the Layout while scrolling, when the Layout was shorter than the Sidebar (#1378)<\/li>\n<li>Section titles in the Layout Manager that don't fit are now collapsing with ellipsis and a title (#1392)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing configuration when duplicating system outlines<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with single select field with multiple values (#1402)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>select.select<\/code> with <code>multiple<\/code> option enabled, storing only the first selected option rather than all (#1402)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed DOM parser issue with HTML tags when adding inline JS\/CSS (#1359)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with anchors and Offcanvas not resetting the overlay in IE and Firefox (#1399)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enable <code>Layout<\/code> tab for <code>Base Outline<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen for Joomla loads now optional <code>alert<\/code> assets from Nucleus to fix potential styling issues<\/li>\n<li>Gantry 5 Particle now displays, as a tooltip, the Particle type in the lists of modules when hovering over the badge (#1373)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry 5 Particle badge for unselected Particles is now orange, to distinct from the selected ones (green)<\/li>\n<li>Added warning message to particle module when there is no default template set (#1316)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue with <code>Link Title Attribute<\/code> menu setting in Joomla, where the value would be translated as subtitle in Gantry, rather than <code>title=\"\"<\/code> attribute (#1176)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed untranslated 404 page title (#1001)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed wrong title in newly created outline<\/li>\n<li>Fixed content array particle: alias in link duplicating (#1400)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed particle module not caching Javascript \/ CSS (#977)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed exception thrown in administration if parent theme was not enabled in Joomla<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Extend Assignments with multiple <code>BuddyPress<\/code> conditionals. This requires BuddyPress 2.6 and newer (thanks @horch004 - #1298)<\/li>\n<li>Extend Assignments with possibility to assign outline to all posts or archive page of custom post type (thanks @horch004 - #1298)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Gantry 5 Particle Widget is now compatible with WordPress Customizer and will live-refresh on change (#869)<\/li>\n<li>Add support for Widgets with checkboxes that use the trick of hidden\/checkbox fields with the same name (#1014)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed post type priority not being used in assignments (#1340)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed menu particle missing <code>Expand on Hover<\/code> option (#1360)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Admin incompatibility with Jetpack (#1184)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed updating plugins causing endless maintenance mode when <code>display_errors = On<\/code> (#1271)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing layout denying access to admin (#1319)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nInheritance: It is now possible to have individual Sections and Particles to Inherit from a different Outline and to decide what to Inherit specifically (attributes, children, blocks). Once a Section or Particle have been set to Inherit, any change applied to the parent Section \/ Particle will automatically reflect to the inheriting one (#50, #303, #340, #361, #575, #1018, #1213, #1312)\nAdded support for DebugBar (#386)\nRemoved outdated LESS compiler (see #273)\nUpdated SCSS compiler to support version 3.4 (#1117)\nUpdated Bourbon SCSS library to v4.2.7\nNew input.multicheckbox field. Takes options like a select and renders as a list of checkboxes\nNew input.radios field. Allows to create a list of radio selectors. options entry should be of kind key\/value\nAdded possibility to place &lt;svg&gt; code directly inside the Logo particle\nCreating New Outlines will now offer to either load based off of Presets or existing Outlines. When selecting existing Outlines you can now decide whether you want to Inherit or not (#1386)\nAdded priority field for CSS\/JS Assets and Atom (#1321)\n\n\n\nHide Particle Defaults tab from everywhere else but in Base Outline\nDo not display Atoms in Particle Defaults\nDisplay only shared particle settings in Particle Defaults\nTweaked text contrast across the Admin UI (#1326)\nSections Layout Inherit option is now renamed to Inherit from Page Settings (#1349)\nAssignments cards have now maximum height declared for better presentation and readability\nRemoved rename capability from Base Outline (#1350)\nDo not close the Atoms modal when clicking on the overlay, in order to prevent accidental loss of changes.\nWhen deleting an Outline it will now highlight the title of the Outline in question\nMake configration overrides persistent, meaning that the value will stay checked even if the value is identical to the global value (#1346)\nImproved block sizes compatibility with IE10 and IE11 (thanks @Rdechamps - #1407)\n\n\n\nFixed disabled particle rendering in menu item (thanks @nikola3244 - #1313)\nFixed typos in tooltips and notices (#1318)\nFixed issue with Icons Picker Select button no properly re-enabling when only switching dropdown (#1290)\nFixed potential JavaScript error on frontend when the Menu particle was disabled\nFixed Preset Match (star) being applied only in Base but not in the rest of the Outlines\nFixed issue in parent themes streams initialization (thanks @nikola3244 - #251, #1325)\nFixed Document::urlFilter handling URLs inside &lt;pre&gt; and &lt;code&gt; tags (#1328)\nFixed collection.list inside container.set not working (#1333)\nRemoved Nucleus CSS rule .g-block.visible-desktop {} that was overriding the media queries (#1344)\nLayout Manager will now prevent clearing single empty rows upon save (#1368)\nFont Picker: Fixed potential conflict issue when a Local and a Remote fonts were matching name\nFixed minor issue that would cause the flickering of the Layout while scrolling, when the Layout was shorter than the Sidebar (#1378)\nSection titles in the Layout Manager that don't fit are now collapsing with ellipsis and a title (#1392)\nFixed missing configuration when duplicating system outlines\nFixed issues with single select field with multiple values (#1402)\nFixed select.select with multiple option enabled, storing only the first selected option rather than all (#1402)\nFixed DOM parser issue with HTML tags when adding inline JS\/CSS (#1359)\nFixed issue with anchors and Offcanvas not resetting the overlay in IE and Firefox (#1399)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nEnable Layout tab for Base Outline\n\n\n\nHydrogen for Joomla loads now optional alert assets from Nucleus to fix potential styling issues\nGantry 5 Particle now displays, as a tooltip, the Particle type in the lists of modules when hovering over the badge (#1373)\nGantry 5 Particle badge for unselected Particles is now orange, to distinct from the selected ones (green)\nAdded warning message to particle module when there is no default template set (#1316)\n\n\n\nFixed issue with Link Title Attribute menu setting in Joomla, where the value would be translated as subtitle in Gantry, rather than title=\"\" attribute (#1176)\nFixed untranslated 404 page title (#1001)\nFixed wrong title in newly created outline\nFixed content array particle: alias in link duplicating (#1400)\nFixed particle module not caching Javascript \/ CSS (#977)\nFixed exception thrown in administration if parent theme was not enabled in Joomla\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nExtend Assignments with multiple BuddyPress conditionals. This requires BuddyPress 2.6 and newer (thanks @horch004 - #1298)\nExtend Assignments with possibility to assign outline to all posts or archive page of custom post type (thanks @horch004 - #1298)\n\n\n\nGantry 5 Particle Widget is now compatible with WordPress Customizer and will live-refresh on change (#869)\nAdd support for Widgets with checkboxes that use the trick of hidden\/checkbox fields with the same name (#1014)\n\n\n\nFixed post type priority not being used in assignments (#1340)\nFixed menu particle missing Expand on Hover option (#1360)\nFixed Admin incompatibility with Jetpack (#1184)\nFixed updating plugins causing endless maintenance mode when display_errors = On (#1271)\nFixed missing layout denying access to admin (#1319)"},"5.2.18":{"date":"05\/27\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Creating and duplicating Outlines now offers a modal where title and preset can be pre-compiled, without having to edit it later (#207)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Filepicker now allows uploading and deleting UTF-8 named files\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Filepicker `root` property failing when mixing streams with non-streams paths (#1305)\n - Fixed `button` input field (thanks @nikola3244 - #1308)\n - Fixed `Oops, Cannot delete non-existing folder (500 internal error)` during Cache Clearing and when compiling YAML and Twig settings were disabled (#1306)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed regression in positioning module content by removing `row-fluid` wrapping from Joomla modules\n - Fixed `Gantry 5 - Presets` plugin being enabled during upgrades (#1285)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Creating and duplicating Outlines now offers a modal where title and preset can be pre-compiled, without having to edit it later (#207)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Filepicker now allows uploading and deleting UTF-8 named files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Filepicker <code>root<\/code> property failing when mixing streams with non-streams paths (#1305)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>button<\/code> input field (thanks @nikola3244 - #1308)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Oops, Cannot delete non-existing folder (500 internal error)<\/code> during Cache Clearing and when compiling YAML and Twig settings were disabled (#1306)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed regression in positioning module content by removing <code>row-fluid<\/code> wrapping from Joomla modules<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Gantry 5 - Presets<\/code> plugin being enabled during upgrades (#1285)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nCreating and duplicating Outlines now offers a modal where title and preset can be pre-compiled, without having to edit it later (#207)\n\n\n\nFilepicker now allows uploading and deleting UTF-8 named files\n\n\n\nFixed Filepicker root property failing when mixing streams with non-streams paths (#1305)\nFixed button input field (thanks @nikola3244 - #1308)\nFixed Oops, Cannot delete non-existing folder (500 internal error) during Cache Clearing and when compiling YAML and Twig settings were disabled (#1306)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed regression in positioning module content by removing row-fluid wrapping from Joomla modules\nFixed Gantry 5 - Presets plugin being enabled during upgrades (#1285)"},"5.2.17":{"date":"05\/19\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Warning: Zend OPcache API is restricted by \"restrict_api\" configuration directive`\n - Fixed backward compatibility for custom menus where the hovering wouldn't be the default behavior (#1293)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed media manager not rendering correctly in frontend editor (#986)\n - Fixed modal issues with Fabrik (#1147)\n - Wrap all Joomla content to `row-fluid` to fix some Bootstrap layout issues\n - Fixed articles particle displaying unpublished, trashed and archived articles (#1289)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Work around commit issues to WP SVN to allow again automated updates (5.2.16 was skipped, see [changelog](http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.2.16&p=wordpress))","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Warning: Zend OPcache API is restricted by \"restrict_api\" configuration directive<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed backward compatibility for custom menus where the hovering wouldn't be the default behavior (#1293)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed media manager not rendering correctly in frontend editor (#986)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed modal issues with Fabrik (#1147)<\/li>\n<li>Wrap all Joomla content to <code>row-fluid<\/code> to fix some Bootstrap layout issues<\/li>\n<li>Fixed articles particle displaying unpublished, trashed and archived articles (#1289)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Work around commit issues to WP SVN to allow again automated updates (5.2.16 was skipped, see <a href=\"http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.2.16&amp;p=wordpress\">changelog<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFixed Warning: Zend OPcache API is restricted by \"restrict_api\" configuration directive\nFixed backward compatibility for custom menus where the hovering wouldn't be the default behavior (#1293)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed media manager not rendering correctly in frontend editor (#986)\nFixed modal issues with Fabrik (#1147)\nWrap all Joomla content to row-fluid to fix some Bootstrap layout issues\nFixed articles particle displaying unpublished, trashed and archived articles (#1289)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nWork around commit issues to WP SVN to allow again automated updates (5.2.16 was skipped, see changelog)"},"5.2.16":{"date":"05\/17\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Hydrogen: The template now includes the emoji fonts (thanks @810 - #1253)\n - Frontend: Exposed `G5.$` and `G5.ready` JavaScript utils (ref, #1256)\n - Menu Particle: Added new option `Expand on Hover` to allow \/ disallow menu items to expand on mouseover or limit them to click \/ touch only (#1256)\n - Menu Editor: It is now possible to disable menu items directly from the editor without having to pass through the platform (#1020)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Extended top level menus with a fixed width are now respecting the directional setting (#1252)\n - Menu Manager: Cog wheel settings for Menu Items as well as Columns sorting icons, will now always appear on Touch Devices instead of been hover controlled only (related to #1254 and #1218)\n - Included woff2 version of the local Roboto font\n - Tweaked UI for multiple grids inside a container (#1278)\n - Saving Assignments will now only post enabled items instead of the whole lot, making the save faster and reducing the probability of hitting a `max_input_vars` limit issue (#1279)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Sub-items back arrow in Menu Manager not responding to tap in Touch Devices (#1254, #1218)\n - Fixed issue that was preventing Atoms from properly getting sorted and deleted on touch devices (#1259)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add particle badges support for `Advanced Module Manager` (thanks @nonumber)\n - Make Gantry menu to honour new `Display in menu` field in Joomla! 3.5.1 (#1255)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - The Joomla Articles Particle now offers the option to pick either `intro` or `fulltext` image (thanks @nikola3244 - #1261, related to #1258)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Joomla Articles` particle limits category selection to 20 categories only (thanks @nikola3244 - #1260)\n - Fixed broken language filtering for categories and articles\n - Worked around bug 72151 in **PHP 5.6.21** and **PHP 7.0.6** which was causing some data for articles not to be initialized\n - Fixed `The menu selected is empty!` in Menu editor when PHP `default_charset` is not `UTF-8` (#1257)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added missing `home`, `outline`, `language` and `direction` properties to `Framework\\Page` class\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed HTML entities not encoded properly in menu item titles (#1248)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen: The template now includes the emoji fonts (thanks @810 - #1253)<\/li>\n<li>Frontend: Exposed <code>G5.$<\/code> and <code>G5.ready<\/code> JavaScript utils (ref, #1256)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Particle: Added new option <code>Expand on Hover<\/code> to allow \/ disallow menu items to expand on mouseover or limit them to click \/ touch only (#1256)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Editor: It is now possible to disable menu items directly from the editor without having to pass through the platform (#1020)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Extended top level menus with a fixed width are now respecting the directional setting (#1252)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Manager: Cog wheel settings for Menu Items as well as Columns sorting icons, will now always appear on Touch Devices instead of been hover controlled only (related to #1254 and #1218)<\/li>\n<li>Included woff2 version of the local Roboto font<\/li>\n<li>Tweaked UI for multiple grids inside a container (#1278)<\/li>\n<li>Saving Assignments will now only post enabled items instead of the whole lot, making the save faster and reducing the probability of hitting a <code>max_input_vars<\/code> limit issue (#1279)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Sub-items back arrow in Menu Manager not responding to tap in Touch Devices (#1254, #1218)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue that was preventing Atoms from properly getting sorted and deleted on touch devices (#1259)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add particle badges support for <code>Advanced Module Manager<\/code> (thanks @nonumber)<\/li>\n<li>Make Gantry menu to honour new <code>Display in menu<\/code> field in Joomla! 3.5.1 (#1255)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The Joomla Articles Particle now offers the option to pick either <code>intro<\/code> or <code>fulltext<\/code> image (thanks @nikola3244 - #1261, related to #1258)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Joomla Articles<\/code> particle limits category selection to 20 categories only (thanks @nikola3244 - #1260)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed broken language filtering for categories and articles<\/li>\n<li>Worked around bug 72151 in <strong>PHP 5.6.21<\/strong> and <strong>PHP 7.0.6<\/strong> which was causing some data for articles not to be initialized<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>The menu selected is empty!<\/code> in Menu editor when PHP <code>default_charset<\/code> is not <code>UTF-8<\/code> (#1257)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added missing <code>home<\/code>, <code>outline<\/code>, <code>language<\/code> and <code>direction<\/code> properties to <code>Framework\\Page<\/code> class<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed HTML entities not encoded properly in menu item titles (#1248)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHydrogen: The template now includes the emoji fonts (thanks @810 - #1253)\nFrontend: Exposed G5.$ and G5.ready JavaScript utils (ref, #1256)\nMenu Particle: Added new option Expand on Hover to allow \/ disallow menu items to expand on mouseover or limit them to click \/ touch only (#1256)\nMenu Editor: It is now possible to disable menu items directly from the editor without having to pass through the platform (#1020)\n\n\n\nExtended top level menus with a fixed width are now respecting the directional setting (#1252)\nMenu Manager: Cog wheel settings for Menu Items as well as Columns sorting icons, will now always appear on Touch Devices instead of been hover controlled only (related to #1254 and #1218)\nIncluded woff2 version of the local Roboto font\nTweaked UI for multiple grids inside a container (#1278)\nSaving Assignments will now only post enabled items instead of the whole lot, making the save faster and reducing the probability of hitting a max_input_vars limit issue (#1279)\n\n\n\nFixed Sub-items back arrow in Menu Manager not responding to tap in Touch Devices (#1254, #1218)\nFixed issue that was preventing Atoms from properly getting sorted and deleted on touch devices (#1259)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdd particle badges support for Advanced Module Manager (thanks @nonumber)\nMake Gantry menu to honour new Display in menu field in Joomla! 3.5.1 (#1255)\n\n\n\nThe Joomla Articles Particle now offers the option to pick either intro or fulltext image (thanks @nikola3244 - #1261, related to #1258)\n\n\n\nFixed Joomla Articles particle limits category selection to 20 categories only (thanks @nikola3244 - #1260)\nFixed broken language filtering for categories and articles\nWorked around bug 72151 in PHP 5.6.21 and PHP 7.0.6 which was causing some data for articles not to be initialized\nFixed The menu selected is empty! in Menu editor when PHP default_charset is not UTF-8 (#1257)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded missing home, outline, language and direction properties to Framework\\Page class\n\n\n\nFixed HTML entities not encoded properly in menu item titles (#1248)"},"5.2.15":{"date":"04\/25\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.1 (+23 icons)\n - Icons Picker will now show the title of each icon when hovering to see the preview\n - Updated Google Fonts library\n - Sample Content Particle now include the ID and CSS fields for the individual items (#1199)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed loss of settings for Particles \/ Modules menu items when moved to a different menu level (#1243)\n - Various Admin RTL tweaks (#1195)\n - Fixed expand \/ collapse in Filepicker (#1246)\n - Override checkboxes are now getting detected as changes when checked \/ unchecked (#333)\n - Fixed rendering issue in layout if all blocks next to each other are `Fixed Size` and some of them have nothing in them\n - Locked the Particle Settings editing overlay in Gantry 5 Particle Module, to prevent losing settings by accident (#1247, related to #1227)\n - [CHANGE]: Copyright Particle output now renders without the hardcoded `Copyright` word that couldn't be translated. Before: `Copyright \u00a9 2016 SiteOwner`, After: `SiteOwner \u00a9 2016` (#950)\n - [REGRESSION] Disabling `Compile twig` attempts to write lots of directories to hard drive root (#1250)\n - Prevent resolving stream paths outside of defined scheme root\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Enable HTML5 document support from Joomla\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed case where multiple badges of the Particle type, could potentially show up in the Modules Manager\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved current URL detection for Menu Item based Assignments with possibility of filtering custom server ports (#1208)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.1 (+23 icons)<\/li>\n<li>Icons Picker will now show the title of each icon when hovering to see the preview<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library<\/li>\n<li>Sample Content Particle now include the ID and CSS fields for the individual items (#1199)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed loss of settings for Particles \/ Modules menu items when moved to a different menu level (#1243)<\/li>\n<li>Various Admin RTL tweaks (#1195)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed expand \/ collapse in Filepicker (#1246)<\/li>\n<li>Override checkboxes are now getting detected as changes when checked \/ unchecked (#333)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed rendering issue in layout if all blocks next to each other are <code>Fixed Size<\/code> and some of them have nothing in them<\/li>\n<li>Locked the Particle Settings editing overlay in Gantry 5 Particle Module, to prevent losing settings by accident (#1247, related to #1227)<\/li>\n<li>[CHANGE]: Copyright Particle output now renders without the hardcoded <code>Copyright<\/code> word that couldn't be translated. Before: <code>Copyright \u00a9 2016 SiteOwner<\/code>, After: <code>SiteOwner \u00a9 2016<\/code> (#950)<\/li>\n<li>[REGRESSION] Disabling <code>Compile twig<\/code> attempts to write lots of directories to hard drive root (#1250)<\/li>\n<li>Prevent resolving stream paths outside of defined scheme root<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enable HTML5 document support from Joomla<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed case where multiple badges of the Particle type, could potentially show up in the Modules Manager<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved current URL detection for Menu Item based Assignments with possibility of filtering custom server ports (#1208)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated FontAwesome to v4.6.1 (+23 icons)\nIcons Picker will now show the title of each icon when hovering to see the preview\nUpdated Google Fonts library\nSample Content Particle now include the ID and CSS fields for the individual items (#1199)\n\n\n\nFixed loss of settings for Particles \/ Modules menu items when moved to a different menu level (#1243)\nVarious Admin RTL tweaks (#1195)\nFixed expand \/ collapse in Filepicker (#1246)\nOverride checkboxes are now getting detected as changes when checked \/ unchecked (#333)\nFixed rendering issue in layout if all blocks next to each other are Fixed Size and some of them have nothing in them\nLocked the Particle Settings editing overlay in Gantry 5 Particle Module, to prevent losing settings by accident (#1247, related to #1227)\n[CHANGE]: Copyright Particle output now renders without the hardcoded Copyright word that couldn't be translated. Before: Copyright \u00a9 2016 SiteOwner, After: SiteOwner \u00a9 2016 (#950)\n[REGRESSION] Disabling Compile twig attempts to write lots of directories to hard drive root (#1250)\nPrevent resolving stream paths outside of defined scheme root\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nEnable HTML5 document support from Joomla\n\n\n\nFixed case where multiple badges of the Particle type, could potentially show up in the Modules Manager\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nImproved current URL detection for Menu Item based Assignments with possibility of filtering custom server ports (#1208)"},"5.2.14":{"date":"04\/15\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented `sprintf()` compatible parameter support for twig `trans()` filter\n - Implemented `duplicate` action for collections items (#1220)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Updated Whoops to latest version (fixes PHP7 issues with some uncatched exceptions)\n - Fixed Zend opcache without file checks causes issues in admin (#1222)\n - Downgrading PHP version causes fatal errors on cached twig files (#947)\n - Themes list: Fix fatal error if theme had a loop in parent themes\n - Admin: Rename `Settings` tab to `Particle Defaults` to avoid confusion\n - Added missing language translations for all admin template files (part of #1212)\n - Prevent to close the modal of collections and forms (Particle Settings, Menu Settings) (#1227)\n - Fixed adding new rows and editing section\/particle settings in LM on touch devices (#1218)\n - Fixed case in the colorpicker where potentially the opacity would go `-0` causing the field not to validate (#1217)\n - Fixed Outline Assignments not staying set if `max_input_vars` has too small value; display error instead\n - Fixed Particle Defaults loosing values if `max_input_vars` has too small value; display error instead (#1226)\n - Prevent Applying \/ Saving multiple times when an occurrence is already running (#1185)\n - Workaround to prevent embedded iframe to throw JS errors in same cases (#1224)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added support to have Joomla articles and categories in particles (#1225)\n - Added `Joomla Articles` particle\n - Added support for Joomla Template & Menu ACL in Gantry admin (#600)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed duplicating template style while caching was turned on not being recognized as Gantry 5 outline (#1200)\n - Fixed logo particle link going to current page rather than home page on J! 3.5 (#1210)\n - Module instance edit fails with \"You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page\" on J! 3.5 (#1215)\n - Gantry update is shown even if the new version was just installed (#1204)\n - Untranslated string `COM_GANTRY5_PARTICLE_NOT_INITIALIZED` (#1118)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added `WordPress Posts` particle\n - Extend Assignments with multiple `WooCommerce` conditionals (#1150)\n - Add possibility of choosing if posts should display theirs content or excerpt on blog and archive-type pages in Hydrogen\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue where bad value in `wp_upload_dir()['relative']` is causing error in Image Picker (#1233)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented <code>sprintf()<\/code> compatible parameter support for twig <code>trans()<\/code> filter<\/li>\n<li>Implemented <code>duplicate<\/code> action for collections items (#1220)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Whoops to latest version (fixes PHP7 issues with some uncatched exceptions)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Zend opcache without file checks causes issues in admin (#1222)<\/li>\n<li>Downgrading PHP version causes fatal errors on cached twig files (#947)<\/li>\n<li>Themes list: Fix fatal error if theme had a loop in parent themes<\/li>\n<li>Admin: Rename <code>Settings<\/code> tab to <code>Particle Defaults<\/code> to avoid confusion<\/li>\n<li>Added missing language translations for all admin template files (part of #1212)<\/li>\n<li>Prevent to close the modal of collections and forms (Particle Settings, Menu Settings) (#1227)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed adding new rows and editing section\/particle settings in LM on touch devices (#1218)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed case in the colorpicker where potentially the opacity would go <code>-0<\/code> causing the field not to validate (#1217)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Outline Assignments not staying set if <code>max_input_vars<\/code> has too small value; display error instead<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Particle Defaults loosing values if <code>max_input_vars<\/code> has too small value; display error instead (#1226)<\/li>\n<li>Prevent Applying \/ Saving multiple times when an occurrence is already running (#1185)<\/li>\n<li>Workaround to prevent embedded iframe to throw JS errors in same cases (#1224)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support to have Joomla articles and categories in particles (#1225)<\/li>\n<li>Added <code>Joomla Articles<\/code> particle<\/li>\n<li>Added support for Joomla Template &amp; Menu ACL in Gantry admin (#600)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed duplicating template style while caching was turned on not being recognized as Gantry 5 outline (#1200)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed logo particle link going to current page rather than home page on J! 3.5 (#1210)<\/li>\n<li>Module instance edit fails with &quot;You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page&quot; on J! 3.5 (#1215)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry update is shown even if the new version was just installed (#1204)<\/li>\n<li>Untranslated string <code>COM_GANTRY5_PARTICLE_NOT_INITIALIZED<\/code> (#1118)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>WordPress Posts<\/code> particle<\/li>\n<li>Extend Assignments with multiple <code>WooCommerce<\/code> conditionals (#1150)<\/li>\n<li>Add possibility of choosing if posts should display theirs content or excerpt on blog and archive-type pages in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue where bad value in <code>wp_upload_dir()['relative']<\/code> is causing error in Image Picker (#1233)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nImplemented sprintf() compatible parameter support for twig trans() filter\nImplemented duplicate action for collections items (#1220)\n\n\n\nUpdated Whoops to latest version (fixes PHP7 issues with some uncatched exceptions)\nFixed Zend opcache without file checks causes issues in admin (#1222)\nDowngrading PHP version causes fatal errors on cached twig files (#947)\nThemes list: Fix fatal error if theme had a loop in parent themes\nAdmin: Rename Settings tab to Particle Defaults to avoid confusion\nAdded missing language translations for all admin template files (part of #1212)\nPrevent to close the modal of collections and forms (Particle Settings, Menu Settings) (#1227)\nFixed adding new rows and editing section\/particle settings in LM on touch devices (#1218)\nFixed case in the colorpicker where potentially the opacity would go -0 causing the field not to validate (#1217)\nFixed Outline Assignments not staying set if max_input_vars has too small value; display error instead\nFixed Particle Defaults loosing values if max_input_vars has too small value; display error instead (#1226)\nPrevent Applying \/ Saving multiple times when an occurrence is already running (#1185)\nWorkaround to prevent embedded iframe to throw JS errors in same cases (#1224)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdded support to have Joomla articles and categories in particles (#1225)\nAdded Joomla Articles particle\nAdded support for Joomla Template &amp; Menu ACL in Gantry admin (#600)\n\n\n\nFixed duplicating template style while caching was turned on not being recognized as Gantry 5 outline (#1200)\nFixed logo particle link going to current page rather than home page on J! 3.5 (#1210)\nModule instance edit fails with &quot;You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page&quot; on J! 3.5 (#1215)\nGantry update is shown even if the new version was just installed (#1204)\nUntranslated string COM_GANTRY5_PARTICLE_NOT_INITIALIZED (#1118)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded WordPress Posts particle\nExtend Assignments with multiple WooCommerce conditionals (#1150)\nAdd possibility of choosing if posts should display theirs content or excerpt on blog and archive-type pages in Hydrogen\n\n\n\nFixed issue where bad value in wp_upload_dir()['relative'] is causing error in Image Picker (#1233)"},"5.2.13":{"date":"03\/16\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented an universal method `gantry.load()` to include common JS frameworks from Twig on all platforms (#1132)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - The `dropdown-offset-x()` mixin now includes a 3rd option that allows to disable or customize the offsets for the first level dropdown child (fixes #1182, thanks @JoomFX)\n - Add possibility to target all particles with a single CSS rule `div.g-particle` (#909)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed menu item height difference between regular and parent menu items (#1183)\n - Remove unnecessary error: `Theme does not have Base Outline` (#1107)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Load template language overrides from `custom\/language`\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed error on saving system outline layouts (#1167)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Allow Gantry theme upgrades from WordPress theme uploader (#1165)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Removed hardcoded `h2` tag from Login Form particle title. You can still place your `HTML` code inside of the input field.\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Hydrogen Child theme to reference properly `g5_hydrogen` parent directory\n - Fixed Gantry 5 Clear Cache fires during every plugin installation\/update (#996)\n - Fixed child comment reply input position in Hydrogen\n - Fixed `Undefined $_GLOBALS` on the WP login page when the Offline Mode is enabled","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented an universal method <code>gantry.load()<\/code> to include common JS frameworks from Twig on all platforms (#1132)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The <code>dropdown-offset-x()<\/code> mixin now includes a 3rd option that allows to disable or customize the offsets for the first level dropdown child (fixes #1182, thanks @JoomFX)<\/li>\n<li>Add possibility to target all particles with a single CSS rule <code>div.g-particle<\/code> (#909)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed menu item height difference between regular and parent menu items (#1183)<\/li>\n<li>Remove unnecessary error: <code>Theme does not have Base Outline<\/code> (#1107)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Load template language overrides from <code>custom\/language<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed error on saving system outline layouts (#1167)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow Gantry theme upgrades from WordPress theme uploader (#1165)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed hardcoded <code>h2<\/code> tag from Login Form particle title. You can still place your <code>HTML<\/code> code inside of the input field.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Hydrogen Child theme to reference properly <code>g5_hydrogen<\/code> parent directory<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Gantry 5 Clear Cache fires during every plugin installation\/update (#996)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed child comment reply input position in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined $_GLOBALS<\/code> on the WP login page when the Offline Mode is enabled<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nImplemented an universal method gantry.load() to include common JS frameworks from Twig on all platforms (#1132)\n\n\n\nThe dropdown-offset-x() mixin now includes a 3rd option that allows to disable or customize the offsets for the first level dropdown child (fixes #1182, thanks @JoomFX)\nAdd possibility to target all particles with a single CSS rule div.g-particle (#909)\n\n\n\nFixed menu item height difference between regular and parent menu items (#1183)\nRemove unnecessary error: Theme does not have Base Outline (#1107)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nLoad template language overrides from custom\/language\n\n\n\nFixed error on saving system outline layouts (#1167)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAllow Gantry theme upgrades from WordPress theme uploader (#1165)\n\n\n\nRemoved hardcoded h2 tag from Login Form particle title. You can still place your HTML code inside of the input field.\n\n\n\nFixed Hydrogen Child theme to reference properly g5_hydrogen parent directory\nFixed Gantry 5 Clear Cache fires during every plugin installation\/update (#996)\nFixed child comment reply input position in Hydrogen\nFixed Undefined $_GLOBALS on the WP login page when the Offline Mode is enabled"},"5.2.12":{"date":"02\/27\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for toggling offcanvas visibility on non-mobile devices\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed a regression and removed `very-large-desktop-range` from `breakpoint` mixin\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Remove \"always render component\" workaround introduced in 5.2.8 (fixes #1157, thanks @JoomFx and @nonumber)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for toggling offcanvas visibility on non-mobile devices<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a regression and removed <code>very-large-desktop-range<\/code> from <code>breakpoint<\/code> mixin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove &quot;always render component&quot; workaround introduced in 5.2.8 (fixes #1157, thanks @JoomFx and @nonumber)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd support for toggling offcanvas visibility on non-mobile devices\n\n\n\nFixed a regression and removed very-large-desktop-range from breakpoint mixin\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nRemove &quot;always render component&quot; workaround introduced in 5.2.8 (fixes #1157, thanks @JoomFx and @nonumber)"},"5.2.11":{"date":"02\/23\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added `very-large-desktop-range` to `breakpoint` mixin in order to be used when working with screen resolutions of 1920px+\n - Added option to parse Twig in Custom HTML particle (#1144)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Collection Lists now have a maximum height set, triggering a scrollbar in case the amount of items is big (#1139)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - [CHANGE]: The `dependencies.scss` file does not import `nucleus\/theme\/base` anymore. **IMPORTANT**: if you are a theme developer, make sure you adjust your dependencies file and include the theme base at the top of your theme.scss (#1152)\n - System outlines should not be able to assign to pages (Fixes #1146)\n - Fixed frontend rendering if page settings have never been saved\n - Fixed tooltips in IE Edge and in some circumstances on Firefox (#1154)\n - Fixed `404 Not Found` when creating new outline\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Admin: Fix potential fatal error when saving Outline Assignments\n - Update Joomla template style when saving layout\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Fixed Child Theme support in Hydrogen (requires update of Hydrogen theme) (#1149)\n - Added sample Hydrogen Child theme to git (#1149)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Add Ability to Duplicate Base in Outlines (#846)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed typo in `posts_per_page` custom WordPress field (thanks @adi8i - #1153)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>very-large-desktop-range<\/code> to <code>breakpoint<\/code> mixin in order to be used when working with screen resolutions of 1920px+<\/li>\n<li>Added option to parse Twig in Custom HTML particle (#1144)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Collection Lists now have a maximum height set, triggering a scrollbar in case the amount of items is big (#1139)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>[CHANGE]: The <code>dependencies.scss<\/code> file does not import <code>nucleus\/theme\/base<\/code> anymore. <strong>IMPORTANT<\/strong>: if you are a theme developer, make sure you adjust your dependencies file and include the theme base at the top of your theme.scss (#1152)<\/li>\n<li>System outlines should not be able to assign to pages (Fixes #1146)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed frontend rendering if page settings have never been saved<\/li>\n<li>Fixed tooltips in IE Edge and in some circumstances on Firefox (#1154)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>404 Not Found<\/code> when creating new outline<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Admin: Fix potential fatal error when saving Outline Assignments<\/li>\n<li>Update Joomla template style when saving layout<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Child Theme support in Hydrogen (requires update of Hydrogen theme) (#1149)<\/li>\n<li>Added sample Hydrogen Child theme to git (#1149)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add Ability to Duplicate Base in Outlines (#846)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed typo in <code>posts_per_page<\/code> custom WordPress field (thanks @adi8i - #1153)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded very-large-desktop-range to breakpoint mixin in order to be used when working with screen resolutions of 1920px+\nAdded option to parse Twig in Custom HTML particle (#1144)\n\n\n\nCollection Lists now have a maximum height set, triggering a scrollbar in case the amount of items is big (#1139)\n\n\n\n[CHANGE]: The dependencies.scss file does not import nucleus\/theme\/base anymore. IMPORTANT: if you are a theme developer, make sure you adjust your dependencies file and include the theme base at the top of your theme.scss (#1152)\nSystem outlines should not be able to assign to pages (Fixes #1146)\nFixed frontend rendering if page settings have never been saved\nFixed tooltips in IE Edge and in some circumstances on Firefox (#1154)\nFixed 404 Not Found when creating new outline\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdmin: Fix potential fatal error when saving Outline Assignments\nUpdate Joomla template style when saving layout\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed Child Theme support in Hydrogen (requires update of Hydrogen theme) (#1149)\nAdded sample Hydrogen Child theme to git (#1149)\n\n\n\nAdd Ability to Duplicate Base in Outlines (#846)\n\n\n\nFixed typo in posts_per_page custom WordPress field (thanks @adi8i - #1153)"},"5.2.10":{"date":"02\/08\/2016","content":"1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix clearing cache on plugin update (Fixes #1125)\n - Clear opcache and statcache on plugin update\n - Fix saving\/applying widgets in menu (#1130)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix clearing cache on plugin update (Fixes #1125)<\/li>\n<li>Clear opcache and statcache on plugin update<\/li>\n<li>Fix saving\/applying widgets in menu (#1130)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"WordPress\n\n\n\nFix clearing cache on plugin update (Fixes #1125)\nClear opcache and statcache on plugin update\nFix saving\/applying widgets in menu (#1130)"},"5.2.9":{"date":"02\/04\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed potential issue with deletion of Outlines when server doesn't support `DELETE` request method (#1124)\n - Fixed `404 Not Found` when adding an asset on page settings (#1126)\n - Fixed the add button next to the Outlines title (#1116)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - New selectize field that list all pages \/ posts (thanks @adi8i - #1131)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed potential issue with deletion of Outlines when server doesn't support <code>DELETE<\/code> request method (#1124)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>404 Not Found<\/code> when adding an asset on page settings (#1126)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed the add button next to the Outlines title (#1116)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>New selectize field that list all pages \/ posts (thanks @adi8i - #1131)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFixed potential issue with deletion of Outlines when server doesn't support DELETE request method (#1124)\nFixed 404 Not Found when adding an asset on page settings (#1126)\nFixed the add button next to the Outlines title (#1116)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nNew selectize field that list all pages \/ posts (thanks @adi8i - #1131)"},"5.2.8":{"date":"01\/27\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for nested collections in particles (#924)\n - Add configuration options to disable Twig and YAML compiling \/ caching\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed defer attribute for JavaScript\n - Ignore missing atom if debug has not been enabled (#1106)\n - Fix `Custom CSS \/ JS` Atom having bad HTML with non-existing file path (#1105)\n - Forcing Mobile Menu Items to always display full width no matter the breakpoint (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)\n - Fixed zIndex issue in Mobile Menu in Firefox and IE (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)\n - Fixed \"Keep Centered\" Menu Items option that was instead showing up left aligned (fixes #1119)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Template installer: Copy configuration for new outlines\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - JavaScript Frameworks Atom: Load also Bootstrap CSS when enabling Bootstrap Framework\n - Compatibility fix for some plugins which require non-empty component output to work properly\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Internal Error in admin Settings tab when there are no menus (#1102)\n - Fix footer scripts from main content (#1113)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for nested collections in particles (#924)<\/li>\n<li>Add configuration options to disable Twig and YAML compiling \/ caching<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed defer attribute for JavaScript<\/li>\n<li>Ignore missing atom if debug has not been enabled (#1106)<\/li>\n<li>Fix <code>Custom CSS \/ JS<\/code> Atom having bad HTML with non-existing file path (#1105)<\/li>\n<li>Forcing Mobile Menu Items to always display full width no matter the breakpoint (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed zIndex issue in Mobile Menu in Firefox and IE (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed &quot;Keep Centered&quot; Menu Items option that was instead showing up left aligned (fixes #1119)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Template installer: Copy configuration for new outlines<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>JavaScript Frameworks Atom: Load also Bootstrap CSS when enabling Bootstrap Framework<\/li>\n<li>Compatibility fix for some plugins which require non-empty component output to work properly<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Internal Error in admin Settings tab when there are no menus (#1102)<\/li>\n<li>Fix footer scripts from main content (#1113)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd support for nested collections in particles (#924)\nAdd configuration options to disable Twig and YAML compiling \/ caching\n\n\n\nFixed defer attribute for JavaScript\nIgnore missing atom if debug has not been enabled (#1106)\nFix Custom CSS \/ JS Atom having bad HTML with non-existing file path (#1105)\nForcing Mobile Menu Items to always display full width no matter the breakpoint (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)\nFixed zIndex issue in Mobile Menu in Firefox and IE (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)\nFixed &quot;Keep Centered&quot; Menu Items option that was instead showing up left aligned (fixes #1119)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nTemplate installer: Copy configuration for new outlines\n\n\n\nJavaScript Frameworks Atom: Load also Bootstrap CSS when enabling Bootstrap Framework\nCompatibility fix for some plugins which require non-empty component output to work properly\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nInternal Error in admin Settings tab when there are no menus (#1102)\nFix footer scripts from main content (#1113)"},"5.2.7":{"date":"01\/05\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Menu option \"Render Titles\" not rendering titles at all\n - Fixed potential 404 response in admin when trying to access Particle Settings via modal (#1088)\n - Worked around PHP 5.5 bug on loading global configuration\n - Fixed caching of admin AJAX requests (#1078)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Remove RokGallery and RokSprocket from the Widget Picker (#1092)\n - Fix Timbers `render_string()` and `compile_string()` functions (#1077)\n - Removed description meta tag to avoid duplications of it. This should be handled by plugins (#892)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Menu option &quot;Render Titles&quot; not rendering titles at all<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potential 404 response in admin when trying to access Particle Settings via modal (#1088)<\/li>\n<li>Worked around PHP 5.5 bug on loading global configuration<\/li>\n<li>Fixed caching of admin AJAX requests (#1078)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove RokGallery and RokSprocket from the Widget Picker (#1092)<\/li>\n<li>Fix Timbers <code>render_string()<\/code> and <code>compile_string()<\/code> functions (#1077)<\/li>\n<li>Removed description meta tag to avoid duplications of it. This should be handled by plugins (#892)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFixed Menu option &quot;Render Titles&quot; not rendering titles at all\nFixed potential 404 response in admin when trying to access Particle Settings via modal (#1088)\nWorked around PHP 5.5 bug on loading global configuration\nFixed caching of admin AJAX requests (#1078)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nRemove RokGallery and RokSprocket from the Widget Picker (#1092)\nFix Timbers render_string() and compile_string() functions (#1077)\nRemoved description meta tag to avoid duplications of it. This should be handled by plugins (#892)"},"5.2.6":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implement `Remove Container` mode to make section to use all the available space (#549)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Index of the column being deleted is now based on DOM rather than list id, making it more accurate (#1071)\n - Improve Google analytics atom tooltip and placeholder (#1079)\n - Updated Google Fonts\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed typo in menu particle that was preventing the rendering of the animation class\n - Fixed admin js to deferred, guaranteeing global variables to be available (#1076)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Create atom to load jQuery, Bootstrap and Mootools from Joomla (#1057)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Hydrogen: Fixed assigning outline from a plugin having no effect (#1080)\n - Fixed outline id in body tag being wrong for some pages, like error page\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Create atom to load jQuery from WordPress and Bootstrap and Mootools from CDN (#1057)\n - Added missing default configuration for Home outline in Hydrogen","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implement <code>Remove Container<\/code> mode to make section to use all the available space (#549)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Index of the column being deleted is now based on DOM rather than list id, making it more accurate (#1071)<\/li>\n<li>Improve Google analytics atom tooltip and placeholder (#1079)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed typo in menu particle that was preventing the rendering of the animation class<\/li>\n<li>Fixed admin js to deferred, guaranteeing global variables to be available (#1076)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Create atom to load jQuery, Bootstrap and Mootools from Joomla (#1057)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen: Fixed assigning outline from a plugin having no effect (#1080)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed outline id in body tag being wrong for some pages, like error page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Create atom to load jQuery from WordPress and Bootstrap and Mootools from CDN (#1057)<\/li>\n<li>Added missing default configuration for Home outline in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nImplement Remove Container mode to make section to use all the available space (#549)\n\n\n\nIndex of the column being deleted is now based on DOM rather than list id, making it more accurate (#1071)\nImprove Google analytics atom tooltip and placeholder (#1079)\nUpdated Google Fonts\n\n\n\nFixed typo in menu particle that was preventing the rendering of the animation class\nFixed admin js to deferred, guaranteeing global variables to be available (#1076)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nCreate atom to load jQuery, Bootstrap and Mootools from Joomla (#1057)\n\n\n\nHydrogen: Fixed assigning outline from a plugin having no effect (#1080)\nFixed outline id in body tag being wrong for some pages, like error page\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nCreate atom to load jQuery from WordPress and Bootstrap and Mootools from CDN (#1057)\nAdded missing default configuration for Home outline in Hydrogen"},"5.2.5":{"date":"12\/17\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Menu items have a new `Dropdown Direction` option, along with new mixins (`dropdown-left`, `dropdown-center`, `dropdown-right`), that will allow to configure where a dropdown should open to, relative to its parent. (thanks @Bokelmann , @JoomFX and @ramon12 - #1058)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Selectize is now name-spaced with a `g-` prefix to avoid potential conflicts\n - Layout Manager: Add Row and Section Settings action icons are now always visible\n - Decimal size classes (`size-33-3`) are also using flexgrid (thanks @adi8i - #1047)\n - Reworked all tooltips. They are now JS based instead of CSS making the behavior more predictable as well as allowing longer text and HTML as content.\n - Allow theme developer to assign attributes to grid element in layout preset file\n - Styles, Settings and Page groups of type `hidden` will now get properly hidden from the view\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed dismissal links alignment for alerts (#1022)\n - Fixed Production \/ Development Mode switch if file caching is turned on (#1051)\n1. [Wordpress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Separate configuration for each Multi Site blog (#921)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Display notification for the logged in user when site is offline (#760)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed plugin settings being disabled when theme failed to load\n - Fixed XFN (rel) missing from menu HTML output (#1064)\n - Fixed inline JavaScript in Footer block gets loaded before the files (#1060)\n - Fixed empty assignments being reloaded from theme configuration (#884)\n - Fixed broken links in `Available Themes` page (#1004)\n - Fixed Base Item in Menu particle being empty (#1033)\n - Fixed Saving menu failed: Failed to update main-menu (#1055)\n - Fixed frontend showing wrong menu items","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu items have a new <code>Dropdown Direction<\/code> option, along with new mixins (<code>dropdown-left<\/code>, <code>dropdown-center<\/code>, <code>dropdown-right<\/code>), that will allow to configure where a dropdown should open to, relative to its parent. (thanks @Bokelmann , @JoomFX and @ramon12 - #1058)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Selectize is now name-spaced with a <code>g-<\/code> prefix to avoid potential conflicts<\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager: Add Row and Section Settings action icons are now always visible<\/li>\n<li>Decimal size classes (<code>size-33-3<\/code>) are also using flexgrid (thanks @adi8i - #1047)<\/li>\n<li>Reworked all tooltips. They are now JS based instead of CSS making the behavior more predictable as well as allowing longer text and HTML as content.<\/li>\n<li>Allow theme developer to assign attributes to grid element in layout preset file<\/li>\n<li>Styles, Settings and Page groups of type <code>hidden<\/code> will now get properly hidden from the view<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed dismissal links alignment for alerts (#1022)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Production \/ Development Mode switch if file caching is turned on (#1051)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">Wordpress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Separate configuration for each Multi Site blog (#921)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Display notification for the logged in user when site is offline (#760)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed plugin settings being disabled when theme failed to load<\/li>\n<li>Fixed XFN (rel) missing from menu HTML output (#1064)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed inline JavaScript in Footer block gets loaded before the files (#1060)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed empty assignments being reloaded from theme configuration (#884)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed broken links in <code>Available Themes<\/code> page (#1004)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Base Item in Menu particle being empty (#1033)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Saving menu failed: Failed to update main-menu (#1055)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed frontend showing wrong menu items<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nMenu items have a new Dropdown Direction option, along with new mixins (dropdown-left, dropdown-center, dropdown-right), that will allow to configure where a dropdown should open to, relative to its parent. (thanks @Bokelmann , @JoomFX and @ramon12 - #1058)\n\n\n\nSelectize is now name-spaced with a g- prefix to avoid potential conflicts\nLayout Manager: Add Row and Section Settings action icons are now always visible\nDecimal size classes (size-33-3) are also using flexgrid (thanks @adi8i - #1047)\nReworked all tooltips. They are now JS based instead of CSS making the behavior more predictable as well as allowing longer text and HTML as content.\nAllow theme developer to assign attributes to grid element in layout preset file\nStyles, Settings and Page groups of type hidden will now get properly hidden from the view\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed dismissal links alignment for alerts (#1022)\nFixed Production \/ Development Mode switch if file caching is turned on (#1051)\n\n\nWordpress\n\n\n\nSeparate configuration for each Multi Site blog (#921)\n\n\n\nDisplay notification for the logged in user when site is offline (#760)\n\n\n\nFixed plugin settings being disabled when theme failed to load\nFixed XFN (rel) missing from menu HTML output (#1064)\nFixed inline JavaScript in Footer block gets loaded before the files (#1060)\nFixed empty assignments being reloaded from theme configuration (#884)\nFixed broken links in Available Themes page (#1004)\nFixed Base Item in Menu particle being empty (#1033)\nFixed Saving menu failed: Failed to update main-menu (#1055)\nFixed frontend showing wrong menu items"},"5.2.4":{"date":"11\/30\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated FontAwesome to v4.5.0 (+20 icons)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Prefixed `.colorpicker` class name to avoid potential conflicts\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Particles picked from Menu Item of type `Gantry 5 Themes \u00bb custom` filtering out HTML\n - Fixed `Undefined variable: gantry` in some sites\n - Fixed missing translations in **System - Gantry 5** plugin\n - Fixed fatal error in **Particle Module** if default style does not point to Gantry template\n1. [Wordpress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Add missing variable `wordpress` in Twig context\n - URL Encoding Menu Items to allow use of special characters such as plus (#1017)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated FontAwesome to v4.5.0 (+20 icons)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Prefixed <code>.colorpicker<\/code> class name to avoid potential conflicts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Particles picked from Menu Item of type <code>Gantry 5 Themes \u00bb custom<\/code> filtering out HTML<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined variable: gantry<\/code> in some sites<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing translations in <strong>System - Gantry 5<\/strong> plugin<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fatal error in <strong>Particle Module<\/strong> if default style does not point to Gantry template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">Wordpress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add missing variable <code>wordpress<\/code> in Twig context<\/li>\n<li>URL Encoding Menu Items to allow use of special characters such as plus (#1017)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated FontAwesome to v4.5.0 (+20 icons)\n\n\n\nPrefixed .colorpicker class name to avoid potential conflicts\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed Particles picked from Menu Item of type Gantry 5 Themes \u00bb custom filtering out HTML\nFixed Undefined variable: gantry in some sites\nFixed missing translations in System - Gantry 5 plugin\nFixed fatal error in Particle Module if default style does not point to Gantry template\n\n\nWordpress\n\n\n\nAdd missing variable wordpress in Twig context\nURL Encoding Menu Items to allow use of special characters such as plus (#1017)"},"5.2.3":{"date":"11\/16\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Offcanvas section now adds an option to switch between CSS3 and CSS2 animations, CSS3 being default and fastest. An HTML class is also added as CSS hook (`g-offcanvas-css3` \/ `g-offcanvas-css2`). When dealing with fixed elements in the page (such as headroom), it might be necessary to switch to CSS2. (Thanks @under24, @JoomFX, @adi8i and @ramon12)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add updates support for Joomla! 3.5 (#999)\n - Module Picker now shows also the Module ID (#1002)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Gantry 5 module still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)\n - Fix template installation if using PostgreSQL\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added body classes `dir-ltr` and `dir-rtl` based on current text direction settings in WordPress\n - Added new body class specific to the currently used outline\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - **Clear Cache** does not clear Timber Twig files (#995)\n - Gantry 5 widget still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)\n - Fixed meta conditional checks in single post layout in Hydrogen","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Offcanvas section now adds an option to switch between CSS3 and CSS2 animations, CSS3 being default and fastest. An HTML class is also added as CSS hook (<code>g-offcanvas-css3<\/code> \/ <code>g-offcanvas-css2<\/code>). When dealing with fixed elements in the page (such as headroom), it might be necessary to switch to CSS2. (Thanks @under24, @JoomFX, @adi8i and @ramon12)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add updates support for Joomla! 3.5 (#999)<\/li>\n<li>Module Picker now shows also the Module ID (#1002)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Gantry 5 module still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)<\/li>\n<li>Fix template installation if using PostgreSQL<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added body classes <code>dir-ltr<\/code> and <code>dir-rtl<\/code> based on current text direction settings in WordPress<\/li>\n<li>Added new body class specific to the currently used outline<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Clear Cache<\/strong> does not clear Timber Twig files (#995)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry 5 widget still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed meta conditional checks in single post layout in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nOffcanvas section now adds an option to switch between CSS3 and CSS2 animations, CSS3 being default and fastest. An HTML class is also added as CSS hook (g-offcanvas-css3 \/ g-offcanvas-css2). When dealing with fixed elements in the page (such as headroom), it might be necessary to switch to CSS2. (Thanks @under24, @JoomFX, @adi8i and @ramon12)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdd updates support for Joomla! 3.5 (#999)\nModule Picker now shows also the Module ID (#1002)\n\n\n\nGantry 5 module still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)\nFix template installation if using PostgreSQL\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded body classes dir-ltr and dir-rtl based on current text direction settings in WordPress\nAdded new body class specific to the currently used outline\n\n\n\nClear Cache does not clear Timber Twig files (#995)\nGantry 5 widget still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)\nFixed meta conditional checks in single post layout in Hydrogen"},"5.2.2":{"date":"11\/10\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added new `|imagesize` Twig Filter that returns `width=\"X\" height=\"Y\"` as attributes for images\n - Add notification message on missing particle in frontend (#185)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Menu Editor now displays the current level of a column while navigating through it (#985)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed again compatibility for PHP 5.3 and prevent from failing with the error \"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...\"\n - Fixed CSS and JavaScript, potentially rendering empty when only inline was specified without any location\n - Fixed some themes having full width containers after upgrade to Gantry 5.2 (#967)\n - Fixed check for enabled\/disabled for Atoms and Assets (#988)\n - Fixed Menu Editor where items could be dragged between different levels (#985)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Disable frontend editing for Gantry particle module, fixes 404 error (#966)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Greatly improve page load time (#738)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Hydrogen: Fix fatal error if Gantry hasn't been loaded (#983)\n - Fix potential Fatal Error during installation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added new <code>|imagesize<\/code> Twig Filter that returns <code>width=\"X\" height=\"Y\"<\/code> as attributes for images<\/li>\n<li>Add notification message on missing particle in frontend (#185)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Editor now displays the current level of a column while navigating through it (#985)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed again compatibility for PHP 5.3 and prevent from failing with the error &quot;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...&quot;<\/li>\n<li>Fixed CSS and JavaScript, potentially rendering empty when only inline was specified without any location<\/li>\n<li>Fixed some themes having full width containers after upgrade to Gantry 5.2 (#967)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed check for enabled\/disabled for Atoms and Assets (#988)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Menu Editor where items could be dragged between different levels (#985)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Disable frontend editing for Gantry particle module, fixes 404 error (#966)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Greatly improve page load time (#738)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen: Fix fatal error if Gantry hasn't been loaded (#983)<\/li>\n<li>Fix potential Fatal Error during installation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded new |imagesize Twig Filter that returns width=\"X\" height=\"Y\" as attributes for images\nAdd notification message on missing particle in frontend (#185)\n\n\n\nMenu Editor now displays the current level of a column while navigating through it (#985)\n\n\n\nFixed again compatibility for PHP 5.3 and prevent from failing with the error &quot;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...&quot;\nFixed CSS and JavaScript, potentially rendering empty when only inline was specified without any location\nFixed some themes having full width containers after upgrade to Gantry 5.2 (#967)\nFixed check for enabled\/disabled for Atoms and Assets (#988)\nFixed Menu Editor where items could be dragged between different levels (#985)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nDisable frontend editing for Gantry particle module, fixes 404 error (#966)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nGreatly improve page load time (#738)\n\n\n\nHydrogen: Fix fatal error if Gantry hasn't been loaded (#983)\nFix potential Fatal Error during installation"},"5.2.1":{"date":"11\/02\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Hydrogen now requires Gantry 5.2.0 or higher and will display a notice if theme requirements aren't met\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added particle icons for Particle Picker in the Menu Editor\n - Clear Gantry cache after Gantry upgrade\n - Clear theme cache after theme upgrade\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed regression in Layout Manager where a malformed JSON output was preventing from drag and dropping particles around (#959)\n - Restored auto focus on Search fields for Icons, Fonts and Module\/Widget Pickers\n - Fixed deprecated use of `Twig_Filter_Function` (fixes #961)\n - Fix saving two or more positions using the same key\n - New Layout Format: Fix loading position with different key to id\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Upgrading Gantry may cause `g-container` to disappear (#957)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Removed Hydrogen conditional tags for loading `page_head.html.twig` file\n - Added particle icons for Login Form and Menu\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed a `Fatal error: Cannot use object of type Closure as array` that could occur with some widgets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen now requires Gantry 5.2.0 or higher and will display a notice if theme requirements aren't met<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added particle icons for Particle Picker in the Menu Editor<\/li>\n<li>Clear Gantry cache after Gantry upgrade<\/li>\n<li>Clear theme cache after theme upgrade<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed regression in Layout Manager where a malformed JSON output was preventing from drag and dropping particles around (#959)<\/li>\n<li>Restored auto focus on Search fields for Icons, Fonts and Module\/Widget Pickers<\/li>\n<li>Fixed deprecated use of <code>Twig_Filter_Function<\/code> (fixes #961)<\/li>\n<li>Fix saving two or more positions using the same key<\/li>\n<li>New Layout Format: Fix loading position with different key to id<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Upgrading Gantry may cause <code>g-container<\/code> to disappear (#957)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed Hydrogen conditional tags for loading <code>page_head.html.twig<\/code> file<\/li>\n<li>Added particle icons for Login Form and Menu<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a <code>Fatal error: Cannot use object of type Closure as array<\/code> that could occur with some widgets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHydrogen now requires Gantry 5.2.0 or higher and will display a notice if theme requirements aren't met\n\n\n\nAdded particle icons for Particle Picker in the Menu Editor\nClear Gantry cache after Gantry upgrade\nClear theme cache after theme upgrade\n\n\n\nFixed regression in Layout Manager where a malformed JSON output was preventing from drag and dropping particles around (#959)\nRestored auto focus on Search fields for Icons, Fonts and Module\/Widget Pickers\nFixed deprecated use of Twig_Filter_Function (fixes #961)\nFix saving two or more positions using the same key\nNew Layout Format: Fix loading position with different key to id\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nUpgrading Gantry may cause g-container to disappear (#957)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nRemoved Hydrogen conditional tags for loading page_head.html.twig file\nAdded particle icons for Login Form and Menu\n\n\n\nFixed a Fatal error: Cannot use object of type Closure as array that could occur with some widgets"},"5.2.0":{"date":"10\/29\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Hydrogen and Admin with the new Gantry logo. Thanks Henning!\n - Page Settings: Implemented new feature that allows to specify global and\/or per-outline overrides for Meta Tags, Body attributes, Assets, Favicons, etc.\n - Atoms are moved from Layout to Page Settings. Migration is automatic and backward compatibility proof\n - File Picker: It is now possible to preview the images from the thumbnails list\n - Tags \/ Multiselection now include an `[x]` button to easily remove items via click\n - Layouts: New file syntax, which combines the best of both existing file syntaxes into a single format\n - Layouts: Add support for nested wrapper divs with customizable id and classes (#548)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Copyright Particle now allows the `owner` field to contain HTML (thank you @topwebs \/ #906, #908)\n - Default Outline now shows a 'default' tag in the Outlines Page (#926)\n - Logo Particle is renamed to Logo \/ Image Particle.\n - Minor Collections CSS tweaks\n - Date Particle: Added commonly used option `October 22, 2015`\n - Layouts: Add support for customizing section ids (was bound to title before)\n - Prefixed Admin CSS file to appear more specific and possibly avoid potential conflicts (g-admin.css) (#944)\n - All particles have now unique id: `{{ id }}`\n - Make sidebars in default layout presets to have fixed width (size will not change when another sidebar is inactive)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed the config files lookup using relative instead of absolute paths\n - Fixed issue in admin where overrides for Enabled toggle wouldn't be showing checked, causing the value to reset to Base Outline\n - Fixed Admin Styles issue where indicator wouldn't show in certain cases.\n - Fixed `.equal-height` utility not fully expanding the content (#902)\n - Reverted Assignments scrollbars due to Chrome issue [we will re-enable the functionality as soon as the bug is fixed] (#851)\n - Logo \/ Image Particle: the `rel` attribute will now smartly be added for `home` only if the URL matches the Site root.\n - Logo \/ Image Particle: the `class` attribute will not render empty anymore if there are no classes assigned.\n - Fixed issue where Settings in Outlines overrides could potentially never remove the stored `yaml`, making it impossible to reset an entire section to Default (#929)\n - Fixed issue where Tag fields wouldn't trigger the indicator change\n - Fixed Collections not loading the default values defined in the `yaml`\n - Fixed bad html output in menu particle\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Disable caching from Particle Module by default (#925)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Ability to add custom CSS classes to Widgets\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved URL comparing on menu item Assignments when permalinks are enabled\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Renaming of Outlines from navigation bar will now properly refresh all links with the new value (#912)\n - Fixed issue in Hydrogen where Visual Composer wouldn't work on Pages\n - Fixed open_basedir warning in admin when getting list of Gantry themes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Hydrogen and Admin with the new Gantry logo. Thanks Henning!<\/li>\n<li>Page Settings: Implemented new feature that allows to specify global and\/or per-outline overrides for Meta Tags, Body attributes, Assets, Favicons, etc.<\/li>\n<li>Atoms are moved from Layout to Page Settings. Migration is automatic and backward compatibility proof<\/li>\n<li>File Picker: It is now possible to preview the images from the thumbnails list<\/li>\n<li>Tags \/ Multiselection now include an <code>[x]<\/code> button to easily remove items via click<\/li>\n<li>Layouts: New file syntax, which combines the best of both existing file syntaxes into a single format<\/li>\n<li>Layouts: Add support for nested wrapper divs with customizable id and classes (#548)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Copyright Particle now allows the <code>owner<\/code> field to contain HTML (thank you @topwebs \/ #906, #908)<\/li>\n<li>Default Outline now shows a 'default' tag in the Outlines Page (#926)<\/li>\n<li>Logo Particle is renamed to Logo \/ Image Particle.<\/li>\n<li>Minor Collections CSS tweaks<\/li>\n<li>Date Particle: Added commonly used option <code>October 22, 2015<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Layouts: Add support for customizing section ids (was bound to title before)<\/li>\n<li>Prefixed Admin CSS file to appear more specific and possibly avoid potential conflicts (g-admin.css) (#944)<\/li>\n<li>All particles have now unique id: <code>{{ id }}<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Make sidebars in default layout presets to have fixed width (size will not change when another sidebar is inactive)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed the config files lookup using relative instead of absolute paths<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in admin where overrides for Enabled toggle wouldn't be showing checked, causing the value to reset to Base Outline<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Admin Styles issue where indicator wouldn't show in certain cases.<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>.equal-height<\/code> utility not fully expanding the content (#902)<\/li>\n<li>Reverted Assignments scrollbars due to Chrome issue [we will re-enable the functionality as soon as the bug is fixed] (#851)<\/li>\n<li>Logo \/ Image Particle: the <code>rel<\/code> attribute will now smartly be added for <code>home<\/code> only if the URL matches the Site root.<\/li>\n<li>Logo \/ Image Particle: the <code>class<\/code> attribute will not render empty anymore if there are no classes assigned.<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where Settings in Outlines overrides could potentially never remove the stored <code>yaml<\/code>, making it impossible to reset an entire section to Default (#929)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where Tag fields wouldn't trigger the indicator change<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Collections not loading the default values defined in the <code>yaml<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed bad html output in menu particle<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Disable caching from Particle Module by default (#925)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Ability to add custom CSS classes to Widgets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved URL comparing on menu item Assignments when permalinks are enabled<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Renaming of Outlines from navigation bar will now properly refresh all links with the new value (#912)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Hydrogen where Visual Composer wouldn't work on Pages<\/li>\n<li>Fixed open_basedir warning in admin when getting list of Gantry themes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Hydrogen and Admin with the new Gantry logo. Thanks Henning!\nPage Settings: Implemented new feature that allows to specify global and\/or per-outline overrides for Meta Tags, Body attributes, Assets, Favicons, etc.\nAtoms are moved from Layout to Page Settings. Migration is automatic and backward compatibility proof\nFile Picker: It is now possible to preview the images from the thumbnails list\nTags \/ Multiselection now include an [x] button to easily remove items via click\nLayouts: New file syntax, which combines the best of both existing file syntaxes into a single format\nLayouts: Add support for nested wrapper divs with customizable id and classes (#548)\n\n\n\nCopyright Particle now allows the owner field to contain HTML (thank you @topwebs \/ #906, #908)\nDefault Outline now shows a 'default' tag in the Outlines Page (#926)\nLogo Particle is renamed to Logo \/ Image Particle.\nMinor Collections CSS tweaks\nDate Particle: Added commonly used option October 22, 2015\nLayouts: Add support for customizing section ids (was bound to title before)\nPrefixed Admin CSS file to appear more specific and possibly avoid potential conflicts (g-admin.css) (#944)\nAll particles have now unique id: {{ id }}\nMake sidebars in default layout presets to have fixed width (size will not change when another sidebar is inactive)\n\n\n\nFixed the config files lookup using relative instead of absolute paths\nFixed issue in admin where overrides for Enabled toggle wouldn't be showing checked, causing the value to reset to Base Outline\nFixed Admin Styles issue where indicator wouldn't show in certain cases.\nFixed .equal-height utility not fully expanding the content (#902)\nReverted Assignments scrollbars due to Chrome issue [we will re-enable the functionality as soon as the bug is fixed] (#851)\nLogo \/ Image Particle: the rel attribute will now smartly be added for home only if the URL matches the Site root.\nLogo \/ Image Particle: the class attribute will not render empty anymore if there are no classes assigned.\nFixed issue where Settings in Outlines overrides could potentially never remove the stored yaml, making it impossible to reset an entire section to Default (#929)\nFixed issue where Tag fields wouldn't trigger the indicator change\nFixed Collections not loading the default values defined in the yaml\nFixed bad html output in menu particle\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nDisable caching from Particle Module by default (#925)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAbility to add custom CSS classes to Widgets\n\n\n\nImproved URL comparing on menu item Assignments when permalinks are enabled\n\n\n\nRenaming of Outlines from navigation bar will now properly refresh all links with the new value (#912)\nFixed issue in Hydrogen where Visual Composer wouldn't work on Pages\nFixed open_basedir warning in admin when getting list of Gantry themes"},"5.1.6":{"date":"10\/14\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Displaying Assignments' action bar in the footer like in the other sections\n - Minor style enhancements to the key\/value field\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed an Internal Server Error that could occur when site has no menus and user tries to access Settings tab (#898)\n - Fixed text color for inputs and textareas when appearing in the menu (#896)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Restored the old behavior from Gantry 5.1.4 where Bootstrap CSS\/JS isn't loaded unless needed by the page content\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Enable shortcodes in Text Widget and widgets that use `widget_content` filter (#887)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Particles should be now prepared on wp_enqueue_scripts so the WordPress scripts checks should work properly\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Widget positions with upper case letters are always empty (#889)\n - Tag attributes aren't rendered in CSS\/JS Atom, even though they're there (#888)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Displaying Assignments' action bar in the footer like in the other sections<\/li>\n<li>Minor style enhancements to the key\/value field<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed an Internal Server Error that could occur when site has no menus and user tries to access Settings tab (#898)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed text color for inputs and textareas when appearing in the menu (#896)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored the old behavior from Gantry 5.1.4 where Bootstrap CSS\/JS isn't loaded unless needed by the page content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enable shortcodes in Text Widget and widgets that use <code>widget_content<\/code> filter (#887)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Particles should be now prepared on wp_enqueue_scripts so the WordPress scripts checks should work properly<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Widget positions with upper case letters are always empty (#889)<\/li>\n<li>Tag attributes aren't rendered in CSS\/JS Atom, even though they're there (#888)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nDisplaying Assignments' action bar in the footer like in the other sections\nMinor style enhancements to the key\/value field\n\n\n\nFixed an Internal Server Error that could occur when site has no menus and user tries to access Settings tab (#898)\nFixed text color for inputs and textareas when appearing in the menu (#896)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nRestored the old behavior from Gantry 5.1.4 where Bootstrap CSS\/JS isn't loaded unless needed by the page content\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nEnable shortcodes in Text Widget and widgets that use widget_content filter (#887)\n\n\n\nParticles should be now prepared on wp_enqueue_scripts so the WordPress scripts checks should work properly\n\n\n\nWidget positions with upper case letters are always empty (#889)\nTag attributes aren't rendered in CSS\/JS Atom, even though they're there (#888)"},"5.1.5":{"date":"09\/30\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for twig `{{ gantry.page.url({'var': 'value'}) }}` to request current URL with extra attributes (#875)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Enhanced the droppable areas for Menu Editor in the sublevels (#132)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - If `layout.yaml` file is missing, wrong layout preset gets loaded\n - Fixed issue with multiple dropdown menu items not closing properly in some scenarios (#863)\n - Fatal error if there is empty outline configuration directory (#867)\n - Fixed issue with ajax calls where in some scenarios the URL would match a `method` causing the Ajax to fail (#865)\n - Fixed `Declaration of ThemeTrait::updateCss() must be compatible with ThemeInterface::updateCss()` in PHP 5.4\n - Extending `{% block head_platform %}` from platform independent file does not have any effect (#876)\n - Fixed improperly rendered blocks sizes when equalized (ie, `33.3 | 33.3 | 33.3`) (#881)\n - Fixed `str_repeat(): Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0` happening sometimes in admin\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implement support for Joomla objects in twig (#873)\n - Implement support for static Joomla function calls in twig (#874)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Added missing Module Class Suffix entry field for the Gantry Particle Module (#871)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - New `[loadposition id=\"\"][\/loadposition]` shortcode for loading widgets inside of content\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Changes indicator is now showing in Widgets and Customizer, whenever an instance gets modified and in order to remind of saving (#822)\n - Gantry updates are now available and interactive in the Admin via a Purple bar notification (#718)\n - Improve widget rendering for particles, roksprocket and rokgallery\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Duplicating outline may cause 'Preset not found' error (#859)\n - Fix WooCommerce and some other plugins from having missing CSS and JavaScript (requires theme update) (#855)\n - Fixed fatal errors with PHP <= 5.3, causing Hydrogen and Gantry to not display the proper errors of PHP incompatibility (#833)\n - Fixed customizer JS errors thrown due to wrongly formatted `before_widget` (#864)\n - Newly cloned Outline should not have any assignments (#866)\n - Fixed duplicated `<title>` tag in head (#870)\n - Fixed 404 and Offline in Hydrogen loading assigned outline rather than hardcoded layout\n - Widget Particle: widget call without an instance fails (#880)\n - Using only characters from foreign alphabets like greek or hebrew is breaking menu (#691)\n - Menu name containing foreign alphabets causes issues in admin\n - Fixed a bug causing presets in the menu to show up vertically instead of horizontally","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for twig <code>{{ gantry.page.url({'var': 'value'}) }}<\/code> to request current URL with extra attributes (#875)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enhanced the droppable areas for Menu Editor in the sublevels (#132)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>If <code>layout.yaml<\/code> file is missing, wrong layout preset gets loaded<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with multiple dropdown menu items not closing properly in some scenarios (#863)<\/li>\n<li>Fatal error if there is empty outline configuration directory (#867)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with ajax calls where in some scenarios the URL would match a <code>method<\/code> causing the Ajax to fail (#865)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Declaration of ThemeTrait::updateCss() must be compatible with ThemeInterface::updateCss()<\/code> in PHP 5.4<\/li>\n<li>Extending <code>{% block head_platform %}<\/code> from platform independent file does not have any effect (#876)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed improperly rendered blocks sizes when equalized (ie, <code>33.3 | 33.3 | 33.3<\/code>) (#881)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>str_repeat(): Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0<\/code> happening sometimes in admin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implement support for Joomla objects in twig (#873)<\/li>\n<li>Implement support for static Joomla function calls in twig (#874)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added missing Module Class Suffix entry field for the Gantry Particle Module (#871)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>New <code>[loadposition id=\"\"][\/loadposition]<\/code> shortcode for loading widgets inside of content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changes indicator is now showing in Widgets and Customizer, whenever an instance gets modified and in order to remind of saving (#822)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry updates are now available and interactive in the Admin via a Purple bar notification (#718)<\/li>\n<li>Improve widget rendering for particles, roksprocket and rokgallery<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Duplicating outline may cause 'Preset not found' error (#859)<\/li>\n<li>Fix WooCommerce and some other plugins from having missing CSS and JavaScript (requires theme update) (#855)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fatal errors with PHP &lt;= 5.3, causing Hydrogen and Gantry to not display the proper errors of PHP incompatibility (#833)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed customizer JS errors thrown due to wrongly formatted <code>before_widget<\/code> (#864)<\/li>\n<li>Newly cloned Outline should not have any assignments (#866)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed duplicated <code>&lt;title&gt;<\/code> tag in head (#870)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed 404 and Offline in Hydrogen loading assigned outline rather than hardcoded layout<\/li>\n<li>Widget Particle: widget call without an instance fails (#880)<\/li>\n<li>Using only characters from foreign alphabets like greek or hebrew is breaking menu (#691)<\/li>\n<li>Menu name containing foreign alphabets causes issues in admin<\/li>\n<li>Fixed a bug causing presets in the menu to show up vertically instead of horizontally<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd support for twig {{ gantry.page.url({'var': 'value'}) }} to request current URL with extra attributes (#875)\n\n\n\nEnhanced the droppable areas for Menu Editor in the sublevels (#132)\n\n\n\nIf layout.yaml file is missing, wrong layout preset gets loaded\nFixed issue with multiple dropdown menu items not closing properly in some scenarios (#863)\nFatal error if there is empty outline configuration directory (#867)\nFixed issue with ajax calls where in some scenarios the URL would match a method causing the Ajax to fail (#865)\nFixed Declaration of ThemeTrait::updateCss() must be compatible with ThemeInterface::updateCss() in PHP 5.4\nExtending {% block head_platform %} from platform independent file does not have any effect (#876)\nFixed improperly rendered blocks sizes when equalized (ie, 33.3 | 33.3 | 33.3) (#881)\nFixed str_repeat(): Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0 happening sometimes in admin\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nImplement support for Joomla objects in twig (#873)\nImplement support for static Joomla function calls in twig (#874)\n\n\n\nAdded missing Module Class Suffix entry field for the Gantry Particle Module (#871)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nNew [loadposition id=\"\"][\/loadposition] shortcode for loading widgets inside of content\n\n\n\nChanges indicator is now showing in Widgets and Customizer, whenever an instance gets modified and in order to remind of saving (#822)\nGantry updates are now available and interactive in the Admin via a Purple bar notification (#718)\nImprove widget rendering for particles, roksprocket and rokgallery\n\n\n\nDuplicating outline may cause 'Preset not found' error (#859)\nFix WooCommerce and some other plugins from having missing CSS and JavaScript (requires theme update) (#855)\nFixed fatal errors with PHP &lt;= 5.3, causing Hydrogen and Gantry to not display the proper errors of PHP incompatibility (#833)\nFixed customizer JS errors thrown due to wrongly formatted before_widget (#864)\nNewly cloned Outline should not have any assignments (#866)\nFixed duplicated &lt;title&gt; tag in head (#870)\nFixed 404 and Offline in Hydrogen loading assigned outline rather than hardcoded layout\nWidget Particle: widget call without an instance fails (#880)\nUsing only characters from foreign alphabets like greek or hebrew is breaking menu (#691)\nMenu name containing foreign alphabets causes issues in admin\nFixed a bug causing presets in the menu to show up vertically instead of horizontally"},"5.1.4":{"date":"09\/18\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Google Fonts library (+4 fonts)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Menu Particle: Implement base item support (#666)\n - Remove empty class div on Particle Module\/Widget (#778)\n - Added additional utility block variation to provide equal heights when using box variations side by side (#845)\n - All Particles now show a dedicated Icon in the Layout Manager and UI enhancements have been made on the Particles Picker (#935)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed tab level for Offcanvas Section\n - Removed unnecessary margin from select fields in admin\n - Theme list displays wrong version number on each theme (#849)\n - Adding dropdown width in Menu breaks the menu (#850)\n - Menu items missing after upgrade (#843)\n - Clicking on new Modules\/Widgets\/Particles in menu throw 400 Bad Request (#837)\n - Menu Manager `Dropdown Style` = `Extended` should ignore value in `Dropdown Width` (#852)\n - Filepicker thumbnail preview now renders if the image contains spaces\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Update minimum Joomla version requirement to 3.4.1 (fixes issues with `JModuleHelper::getModuleList()` missing)\n - Fixed `Menu Heading` item type not displaying subtitles when set from Menu Editor\n - Updated Hydrogen template thumbnail and preview images\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Ability to set custom cache path when hosting company doesn't allow PHP files in `wp-content\/cache` ie. WPEngine\n - Added Gantry streams to the `kses` allowed protocols\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Offline Mode not working properly\n - Added missing Hydrogen block variations","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library (+4 fonts)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Particle: Implement base item support (#666)<\/li>\n<li>Remove empty class div on Particle Module\/Widget (#778)<\/li>\n<li>Added additional utility block variation to provide equal heights when using box variations side by side (#845)<\/li>\n<li>All Particles now show a dedicated Icon in the Layout Manager and UI enhancements have been made on the Particles Picker (#935)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed tab level for Offcanvas Section<\/li>\n<li>Removed unnecessary margin from select fields in admin<\/li>\n<li>Theme list displays wrong version number on each theme (#849)<\/li>\n<li>Adding dropdown width in Menu breaks the menu (#850)<\/li>\n<li>Menu items missing after upgrade (#843)<\/li>\n<li>Clicking on new Modules\/Widgets\/Particles in menu throw 400 Bad Request (#837)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Manager <code>Dropdown Style<\/code> = <code>Extended<\/code> should ignore value in <code>Dropdown Width<\/code> (#852)<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker thumbnail preview now renders if the image contains spaces<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update minimum Joomla version requirement to 3.4.1 (fixes issues with <code>JModuleHelper::getModuleList()<\/code> missing)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Menu Heading<\/code> item type not displaying subtitles when set from Menu Editor<\/li>\n<li>Updated Hydrogen template thumbnail and preview images<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Ability to set custom cache path when hosting company doesn't allow PHP files in <code>wp-content\/cache<\/code> ie. WPEngine<\/li>\n<li>Added Gantry streams to the <code>kses<\/code> allowed protocols<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Offline Mode not working properly<\/li>\n<li>Added missing Hydrogen block variations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Google Fonts library (+4 fonts)\n\n\n\nMenu Particle: Implement base item support (#666)\nRemove empty class div on Particle Module\/Widget (#778)\nAdded additional utility block variation to provide equal heights when using box variations side by side (#845)\nAll Particles now show a dedicated Icon in the Layout Manager and UI enhancements have been made on the Particles Picker (#935)\n\n\n\nFixed tab level for Offcanvas Section\nRemoved unnecessary margin from select fields in admin\nTheme list displays wrong version number on each theme (#849)\nAdding dropdown width in Menu breaks the menu (#850)\nMenu items missing after upgrade (#843)\nClicking on new Modules\/Widgets\/Particles in menu throw 400 Bad Request (#837)\nMenu Manager Dropdown Style = Extended should ignore value in Dropdown Width (#852)\nFilepicker thumbnail preview now renders if the image contains spaces\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nUpdate minimum Joomla version requirement to 3.4.1 (fixes issues with JModuleHelper::getModuleList() missing)\nFixed Menu Heading item type not displaying subtitles when set from Menu Editor\nUpdated Hydrogen template thumbnail and preview images\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAbility to set custom cache path when hosting company doesn't allow PHP files in wp-content\/cache ie. WPEngine\nAdded Gantry streams to the kses allowed protocols\n\n\n\nFixed Offline Mode not working properly\nAdded missing Hydrogen block variations"},"5.1.3":{"date":"09\/15\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Icons Picker doesn't allow to select icons when none of them is actually selected (#813)\n - Reduce overall memory usage\n - Twig url(): Add support for timestamp max age (#821)\n - Added notice to Custom JS\/CSS atom that inline code should be stripped out of &lt;script&gt; and &lt;style&gt; tags.\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed \"View on GitHub\" button in the Changelog modal that was taking you nowhere\n - Equalized blocks sizes are now always rounded to 1 decimal digit and will only be supported this way (fixes #776)\n - Fix 'mkdir(): File exists' exception when copying existing folder structure (#225)\n - Only the first menu item is showing up when menu is starting at level > 1 (#780)\n - Error in menu starting at level > 1: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given (#803)\n - Fixed `Division by zero` error when setting a Block to `Fixed` and when that block is the only one, at 100%, in the grid (#804)\n - Fixed checkbox field issue not storing the off state in `YAML`, needed for things such as Swipe gesture option (fixes #802)\n - Saving outline style will not properly update CSS in some platforms (#816)\n - SCSS Compiler issue: White page if compiler gets interrupted (#805)\n - Fixed override logic in admin for the Styles panel where switching between Presets wasn't taking into account defaults from Base (#818, #820)\n - Global context is not available for particles in the menu\n - Cached index.yaml.php files are getting updated on every request (#834)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Object returned by JApplicationSite::getTemplate(true) is not compatible (#499)\n - Fix 'Parameter 1 to PlgSystemRedirect::handleError() expected to be a reference' (#755)\n - Fix blank custom pages when format is not HTML (#786)\n - Duplicating outlines does not copy everything (#470)\n - Deleting outline may cause 500 errors in the backend (#774)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implement a particle Widget (#714)\n - Added Login Form particle\n - Hook streams URL filter into the_content, the_excerpt, widget_text and widget_content filters (#779)\n - Added new stream for wp-content directory\n - Added ability to use Widgets in menu (#726)\n - Added wpautop enabler in Hydrogen settings\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added WooCommerce support in themes declaration\n - Added missing the_excerpt filter to excerpts in Hydrogen\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Load style.css on all pages (#819)\n - Add missing `dir=\"rtl\"` to &lt;html&gt; tag when WordPress is in the RTL mode\n - Error on displaying widget modal: strtolower() expects to be string, array given (#831)\n - `Front Page` conditional check in Assignments isn't working when a single page is set as Front Page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Icons Picker doesn't allow to select icons when none of them is actually selected (#813)<\/li>\n<li>Reduce overall memory usage<\/li>\n<li>Twig url(): Add support for timestamp max age (#821)<\/li>\n<li>Added notice to Custom JS\/CSS atom that inline code should be stripped out of &lt;script&gt; and &lt;style&gt; tags.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed &quot;View on GitHub&quot; button in the Changelog modal that was taking you nowhere<\/li>\n<li>Equalized blocks sizes are now always rounded to 1 decimal digit and will only be supported this way (fixes #776)<\/li>\n<li>Fix 'mkdir(): File exists' exception when copying existing folder structure (#225)<\/li>\n<li>Only the first menu item is showing up when menu is starting at level &gt; 1 (#780)<\/li>\n<li>Error in menu starting at level &gt; 1: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given (#803)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Division by zero<\/code> error when setting a Block to <code>Fixed<\/code> and when that block is the only one, at 100%, in the grid (#804)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed checkbox field issue not storing the off state in <code>YAML<\/code>, needed for things such as Swipe gesture option (fixes #802)<\/li>\n<li>Saving outline style will not properly update CSS in some platforms (#816)<\/li>\n<li>SCSS Compiler issue: White page if compiler gets interrupted (#805)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed override logic in admin for the Styles panel where switching between Presets wasn't taking into account defaults from Base (#818, #820)<\/li>\n<li>Global context is not available for particles in the menu<\/li>\n<li>Cached index.yaml.php files are getting updated on every request (#834)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Object returned by JApplicationSite::getTemplate(true) is not compatible (#499)<\/li>\n<li>Fix 'Parameter 1 to PlgSystemRedirect::handleError() expected to be a reference' (#755)<\/li>\n<li>Fix blank custom pages when format is not HTML (#786)<\/li>\n<li>Duplicating outlines does not copy everything (#470)<\/li>\n<li>Deleting outline may cause 500 errors in the backend (#774)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implement a particle Widget (#714)<\/li>\n<li>Added Login Form particle<\/li>\n<li>Hook streams URL filter into the_content, the_excerpt, widget_text and widget_content filters (#779)<\/li>\n<li>Added new stream for wp-content directory<\/li>\n<li>Added ability to use Widgets in menu (#726)<\/li>\n<li>Added wpautop enabler in Hydrogen settings<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added WooCommerce support in themes declaration<\/li>\n<li>Added missing the_excerpt filter to excerpts in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Load style.css on all pages (#819)<\/li>\n<li>Add missing <code>dir=\"rtl\"<\/code> to &lt;html&gt; tag when WordPress is in the RTL mode<\/li>\n<li>Error on displaying widget modal: strtolower() expects to be string, array given (#831)<\/li>\n<li><code>Front Page<\/code> conditional check in Assignments isn't working when a single page is set as Front Page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nIcons Picker doesn't allow to select icons when none of them is actually selected (#813)\nReduce overall memory usage\nTwig url(): Add support for timestamp max age (#821)\nAdded notice to Custom JS\/CSS atom that inline code should be stripped out of &lt;script&gt; and &lt;style&gt; tags.\n\n\n\nFixed &quot;View on GitHub&quot; button in the Changelog modal that was taking you nowhere\nEqualized blocks sizes are now always rounded to 1 decimal digit and will only be supported this way (fixes #776)\nFix 'mkdir(): File exists' exception when copying existing folder structure (#225)\nOnly the first menu item is showing up when menu is starting at level &gt; 1 (#780)\nError in menu starting at level &gt; 1: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given (#803)\nFixed Division by zero error when setting a Block to Fixed and when that block is the only one, at 100%, in the grid (#804)\nFixed checkbox field issue not storing the off state in YAML, needed for things such as Swipe gesture option (fixes #802)\nSaving outline style will not properly update CSS in some platforms (#816)\nSCSS Compiler issue: White page if compiler gets interrupted (#805)\nFixed override logic in admin for the Styles panel where switching between Presets wasn't taking into account defaults from Base (#818, #820)\nGlobal context is not available for particles in the menu\nCached index.yaml.php files are getting updated on every request (#834)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nObject returned by JApplicationSite::getTemplate(true) is not compatible (#499)\nFix 'Parameter 1 to PlgSystemRedirect::handleError() expected to be a reference' (#755)\nFix blank custom pages when format is not HTML (#786)\nDuplicating outlines does not copy everything (#470)\nDeleting outline may cause 500 errors in the backend (#774)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nImplement a particle Widget (#714)\nAdded Login Form particle\nHook streams URL filter into the_content, the_excerpt, widget_text and widget_content filters (#779)\nAdded new stream for wp-content directory\nAdded ability to use Widgets in menu (#726)\nAdded wpautop enabler in Hydrogen settings\n\n\n\nAdded WooCommerce support in themes declaration\nAdded missing the_excerpt filter to excerpts in Hydrogen\n\n\n\nLoad style.css on all pages (#819)\nAdd missing dir=\"rtl\" to &lt;html&gt; tag when WordPress is in the RTL mode\nError on displaying widget modal: strtolower() expects to be string, array given (#831)\nFront Page conditional check in Assignments isn't working when a single page is set as Front Page"},"5.1.2":{"date":"08\/31\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix regression in all collections (Social, Custom JS \/ CSS, etc) (#761, #762, #764, #767, #768)\n - Fix Argument 1 passed to `RocketTheme\\Toolbox\\Blueprints\\Blueprints::mergeArrays()` must be of the type array\n - Re-index collection lists to avoid gaps in the indexing (also fixes broken lists that were saved)\n - Fixed issue in Layout Manager where top level section settings would show the Block tab (#766)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue when renaming an Outline that prevented it to further get edited, duplicated or deleted (#588)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix regression in all collections (Social, Custom JS \/ CSS, etc) (#761, #762, #764, #767, #768)<\/li>\n<li>Fix Argument 1 passed to <code>RocketTheme\\Toolbox\\Blueprints\\Blueprints::mergeArrays()<\/code> must be of the type array<\/li>\n<li>Re-index collection lists to avoid gaps in the indexing (also fixes broken lists that were saved)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Layout Manager where top level section settings would show the Block tab (#766)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue when renaming an Outline that prevented it to further get edited, duplicated or deleted (#588)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFix regression in all collections (Social, Custom JS \/ CSS, etc) (#761, #762, #764, #767, #768)\nFix Argument 1 passed to RocketTheme\\Toolbox\\Blueprints\\Blueprints::mergeArrays() must be of the type array\nRe-index collection lists to avoid gaps in the indexing (also fixes broken lists that were saved)\nFixed issue in Layout Manager where top level section settings would show the Block tab (#766)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed issue when renaming an Outline that prevented it to further get edited, duplicated or deleted (#588)"},"5.1.1":{"date":"08\/28\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Layout Manager: Add block settings for nested sections (#539)\n - Layout Manager: Add support for fixed width sections (#115)\n - Custom JS\/CSS Particle supports now inline CSS\n - Process shortcodes in custom HTML particle (#369)\n - New Twig extension and filter : json_decode\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Dramatically improved the click\/touch response in the whole Admin and G5 Particle Module (fixes #551)\n - WAI-ARIA: Thanks to @Mediaversal, a lot of Admin work has been done for accessibility (#754 - ref. #713)\n - Catch and display warnings from SCSS compiler (#705)\n - Dropdowns \/ Tags fields have been improved for tab stop, it is now easier to navigate through fields via keyboard (partly #713 related)\n - Enable twig debug extension if Gantry debug has been turned on\n - Implemented validation for the Block Size of a Particle Block (#539)\n - Add HTML body class for used layout preset (#750)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - ToTop Particle allows HTML again in the content field (#720, #721)\n - Fixed issue in Selectize preventing the dropdown to close when loosing focus in non-IE browsers\n - Avoid race conditions when compiling CSS by compiling each file only once (#516)\n - Load default configuration values from Blueprints (#117, #154)\n - Outline Styles: Overriding only some colors in a card may result unexpected values in the others (#536)\n - It is now possible to override the 'enabled' state of a Particle (green \/ red toggle), when the override is disable, Base will be inherited (#615)\n - Assets particle: Save CSS and JS files into custom\/ directory of the theme instead of custom\/images\/ (#734)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Use cleaner formatting in templateDetails.xml for positions\n - Make Debug module position fixed to the bottom of every layout (#715)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed blocks using bootstrap responsive utility classes displaying improperly (#722)\n - Gantry update message is showing up even when there is no update (#631)\n - Module positions not showing up after installing\/updating theme (#212)\n - Missing padding in modal windows of 3rd party components (#746)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add Platform Settings into Extras menu\n - Add support for Offline mode (#759)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Make Timber functions to work from particles\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Admin language will fallback to `en_US` if the locale based `.mo` couldn't be loaded (#719)\n - Extra location of the plugin translation `.mo` file changed to the default value `WP_LANG_DIR\/plugins\/` (#719)\n - Fix fatal error in PHP 5.2: while unsupported, it should still fail gracefully\n - Uninstall is leaving behind cache files and options (#659)\n - Move blueprints for content into its proper location\n - Fixed the styling for the Gantry 5 settings page\n - Fatal error when editing menu item name in the editor (#752)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Layout Manager: Add block settings for nested sections (#539)<\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager: Add support for fixed width sections (#115)<\/li>\n<li>Custom JS\/CSS Particle supports now inline CSS<\/li>\n<li>Process shortcodes in custom HTML particle (#369)<\/li>\n<li>New Twig extension and filter : json_decode<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dramatically improved the click\/touch response in the whole Admin and G5 Particle Module (fixes #551)<\/li>\n<li>WAI-ARIA: Thanks to @Mediaversal, a lot of Admin work has been done for accessibility (#754 - ref. #713)<\/li>\n<li>Catch and display warnings from SCSS compiler (#705)<\/li>\n<li>Dropdowns \/ Tags fields have been improved for tab stop, it is now easier to navigate through fields via keyboard (partly #713 related)<\/li>\n<li>Enable twig debug extension if Gantry debug has been turned on<\/li>\n<li>Implemented validation for the Block Size of a Particle Block (#539)<\/li>\n<li>Add HTML body class for used layout preset (#750)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ToTop Particle allows HTML again in the content field (#720, #721)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Selectize preventing the dropdown to close when loosing focus in non-IE browsers<\/li>\n<li>Avoid race conditions when compiling CSS by compiling each file only once (#516)<\/li>\n<li>Load default configuration values from Blueprints (#117, #154)<\/li>\n<li>Outline Styles: Overriding only some colors in a card may result unexpected values in the others (#536)<\/li>\n<li>It is now possible to override the 'enabled' state of a Particle (green \/ red toggle), when the override is disable, Base will be inherited (#615)<\/li>\n<li>Assets particle: Save CSS and JS files into custom\/ directory of the theme instead of custom\/images\/ (#734)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use cleaner formatting in templateDetails.xml for positions<\/li>\n<li>Make Debug module position fixed to the bottom of every layout (#715)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed blocks using bootstrap responsive utility classes displaying improperly (#722)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry update message is showing up even when there is no update (#631)<\/li>\n<li>Module positions not showing up after installing\/updating theme (#212)<\/li>\n<li>Missing padding in modal windows of 3rd party components (#746)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add Platform Settings into Extras menu<\/li>\n<li>Add support for Offline mode (#759)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Make Timber functions to work from particles<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Admin language will fallback to <code>en_US<\/code> if the locale based <code>.mo<\/code> couldn't be loaded (#719)<\/li>\n<li>Extra location of the plugin translation <code>.mo<\/code> file changed to the default value <code>WP_LANG_DIR\/plugins\/<\/code> (#719)<\/li>\n<li>Fix fatal error in PHP 5.2: while unsupported, it should still fail gracefully<\/li>\n<li>Uninstall is leaving behind cache files and options (#659)<\/li>\n<li>Move blueprints for content into its proper location<\/li>\n<li>Fixed the styling for the Gantry 5 settings page<\/li>\n<li>Fatal error when editing menu item name in the editor (#752)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nLayout Manager: Add block settings for nested sections (#539)\nLayout Manager: Add support for fixed width sections (#115)\nCustom JS\/CSS Particle supports now inline CSS\nProcess shortcodes in custom HTML particle (#369)\nNew Twig extension and filter : json_decode\n\n\n\nDramatically improved the click\/touch response in the whole Admin and G5 Particle Module (fixes #551)\nWAI-ARIA: Thanks to @Mediaversal, a lot of Admin work has been done for accessibility (#754 - ref. #713)\nCatch and display warnings from SCSS compiler (#705)\nDropdowns \/ Tags fields have been improved for tab stop, it is now easier to navigate through fields via keyboard (partly #713 related)\nEnable twig debug extension if Gantry debug has been turned on\nImplemented validation for the Block Size of a Particle Block (#539)\nAdd HTML body class for used layout preset (#750)\n\n\n\nToTop Particle allows HTML again in the content field (#720, #721)\nFixed issue in Selectize preventing the dropdown to close when loosing focus in non-IE browsers\nAvoid race conditions when compiling CSS by compiling each file only once (#516)\nLoad default configuration values from Blueprints (#117, #154)\nOutline Styles: Overriding only some colors in a card may result unexpected values in the others (#536)\nIt is now possible to override the 'enabled' state of a Particle (green \/ red toggle), when the override is disable, Base will be inherited (#615)\nAssets particle: Save CSS and JS files into custom\/ directory of the theme instead of custom\/images\/ (#734)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nUse cleaner formatting in templateDetails.xml for positions\nMake Debug module position fixed to the bottom of every layout (#715)\n\n\n\nFixed blocks using bootstrap responsive utility classes displaying improperly (#722)\nGantry update message is showing up even when there is no update (#631)\nModule positions not showing up after installing\/updating theme (#212)\nMissing padding in modal windows of 3rd party components (#746)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdd Platform Settings into Extras menu\nAdd support for Offline mode (#759)\n\n\n\nMake Timber functions to work from particles\n\n\n\nAdmin language will fallback to en_US if the locale based .mo couldn't be loaded (#719)\nExtra location of the plugin translation .mo file changed to the default value WP_LANG_DIR\/plugins\/ (#719)\nFix fatal error in PHP 5.2: while unsupported, it should still fail gracefully\nUninstall is leaving behind cache files and options (#659)\nMove blueprints for content into its proper location\nFixed the styling for the Gantry 5 settings page\nFatal error when editing menu item name in the editor (#752)"},"5.1.0":{"date":"08\/16\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - New Menu Item `Disable Dropdowns` option that allows parents to not render sublevels and still be available (thanks @JoomFX - #611 \/ #675)\n - Add Twig function preg_match() (#627)\n - Add support for new twig tags: assets, scripts and styles\n - Added Icon picker for the To Top Particle, you can now have Icon only, Text only or both (thanks @adi8i - #696)\n - You can now consult the `Changelog` within the admin. A Changelog link can be found in the footer (for the current version), and a button will show up in the updates area when a new version is available.\n - Add an example how to inject custom twig variables from the theme (see index.php in hydrogen)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Available Themes: Open Preview in a new window\n - Updated Google Fonts library (+2 fonts)\n - Rendered titles for Menu Items is now an option of the Menu Particle (#670)\n - Updated Hydrogen sample content to be more platform agnostic\n - Menu Items rendering on frontend do not render an `id` anymore, since the id is already available in the classname (#629)\n - Improved UI\/UX for Atoms section. A maximum of 5 Atoms are now ever displayed per row, returning to a new one if needed (#451)\n - Improved SCSS 3.3\/3.4 compatibility\n - Accessibility improvements in admin (#673)\n - Improve error message when parsing JS\/CSS assets block fails (#704)\n - Change url() logic for plain ?foo=bar urls to avoid issues when url is requested together with domain\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Administrator responsive issues in Settings Panel (#603)\n - Anchor links should not be modified (#624)\n - '&' symbol in external menu item not outputting properly (#598)\n - Remove layout tab from base outline (#628)\n - Trying to get property of non-object when accessing page without menu item (#632)\n - Fixed layout manager particle titles overflowing boxes in smaller sizes (#637)\n - Normalized height of standard select element to match other admin form elements\n - Enable date particle, analytics and assets atoms by default to avoid confusion (#330)\n - Fixed collapse of cards in Assignments when filtering with a non-matching word (#672)\n - Fixed resizing Particles in LM where attached events wouldn't get properly removed and causing oddities with the History (fixes #556)\n - Disable whoops when Gantry is in production mode and debug mode has been disabled (#681)\n - Removed additional padding from modals that were incorrectly inheriting it\n - Logo Particle now properly redirects to Home even if clicked from a subpage (#676)\n - Menu Particle: max levels does not work (#698)\n - Ignore non-overrideable values in Settings page (#621)\n - Exceptions thrown outside Gantry are not triggering the default error page, but intercepted by Whoops (#649)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed available theme notice text problems when no themes are installed (#655)\n - Fixed label alignment in Joomla popup email form (#665)\n - Load missing Joomla assets on AJAX popups (#683, #684)\n - Added missing responsive bootstrap classes required for Joomla editing views (#684)\n - Fix missing preview image in template manager, fix gets applied after upgrading template (#707)\n - Fixed Joomla frontend article editor and popup styling issues (#681)\n - Added missing size class rules for Joomla frontend editing views\n - Fixed Joomla frontend image manager alignment issues\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - WordPress is now integrated with Gantry 5!","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>New Menu Item <code>Disable Dropdowns<\/code> option that allows parents to not render sublevels and still be available (thanks @JoomFX - #611 \/ #675)<\/li>\n<li>Add Twig function preg_match() (#627)<\/li>\n<li>Add support for new twig tags: assets, scripts and styles<\/li>\n<li>Added Icon picker for the To Top Particle, you can now have Icon only, Text only or both (thanks @adi8i - #696)<\/li>\n<li>You can now consult the <code>Changelog<\/code> within the admin. A Changelog link can be found in the footer (for the current version), and a button will show up in the updates area when a new version is available.<\/li>\n<li>Add an example how to inject custom twig variables from the theme (see index.php in hydrogen)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Available Themes: Open Preview in a new window<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library (+2 fonts)<\/li>\n<li>Rendered titles for Menu Items is now an option of the Menu Particle (#670)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Hydrogen sample content to be more platform agnostic<\/li>\n<li>Menu Items rendering on frontend do not render an <code>id<\/code> anymore, since the id is already available in the classname (#629)<\/li>\n<li>Improved UI\/UX for Atoms section. A maximum of 5 Atoms are now ever displayed per row, returning to a new one if needed (#451)<\/li>\n<li>Improved SCSS 3.3\/3.4 compatibility<\/li>\n<li>Accessibility improvements in admin (#673)<\/li>\n<li>Improve error message when parsing JS\/CSS assets block fails (#704)<\/li>\n<li>Change url() logic for plain ?foo=bar urls to avoid issues when url is requested together with domain<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Administrator responsive issues in Settings Panel (#603)<\/li>\n<li>Anchor links should not be modified (#624)<\/li>\n<li>'&amp;' symbol in external menu item not outputting properly (#598)<\/li>\n<li>Remove layout tab from base outline (#628)<\/li>\n<li>Trying to get property of non-object when accessing page without menu item (#632)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed layout manager particle titles overflowing boxes in smaller sizes (#637)<\/li>\n<li>Normalized height of standard select element to match other admin form elements<\/li>\n<li>Enable date particle, analytics and assets atoms by default to avoid confusion (#330)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed collapse of cards in Assignments when filtering with a non-matching word (#672)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed resizing Particles in LM where attached events wouldn't get properly removed and causing oddities with the History (fixes #556)<\/li>\n<li>Disable whoops when Gantry is in production mode and debug mode has been disabled (#681)<\/li>\n<li>Removed additional padding from modals that were incorrectly inheriting it<\/li>\n<li>Logo Particle now properly redirects to Home even if clicked from a subpage (#676)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Particle: max levels does not work (#698)<\/li>\n<li>Ignore non-overrideable values in Settings page (#621)<\/li>\n<li>Exceptions thrown outside Gantry are not triggering the default error page, but intercepted by Whoops (#649)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed available theme notice text problems when no themes are installed (#655)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed label alignment in Joomla popup email form (#665)<\/li>\n<li>Load missing Joomla assets on AJAX popups (#683, #684)<\/li>\n<li>Added missing responsive bootstrap classes required for Joomla editing views (#684)<\/li>\n<li>Fix missing preview image in template manager, fix gets applied after upgrading template (#707)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Joomla frontend article editor and popup styling issues (#681)<\/li>\n<li>Added missing size class rules for Joomla frontend editing views<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Joomla frontend image manager alignment issues<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>WordPress is now integrated with Gantry 5!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nNew Menu Item Disable Dropdowns option that allows parents to not render sublevels and still be available (thanks @JoomFX - #611 \/ #675)\nAdd Twig function preg_match() (#627)\nAdd support for new twig tags: assets, scripts and styles\nAdded Icon picker for the To Top Particle, you can now have Icon only, Text only or both (thanks @adi8i - #696)\nYou can now consult the Changelog within the admin. A Changelog link can be found in the footer (for the current version), and a button will show up in the updates area when a new version is available.\nAdd an example how to inject custom twig variables from the theme (see index.php in hydrogen)\n\n\n\nAvailable Themes: Open Preview in a new window\nUpdated Google Fonts library (+2 fonts)\nRendered titles for Menu Items is now an option of the Menu Particle (#670)\nUpdated Hydrogen sample content to be more platform agnostic\nMenu Items rendering on frontend do not render an id anymore, since the id is already available in the classname (#629)\nImproved UI\/UX for Atoms section. A maximum of 5 Atoms are now ever displayed per row, returning to a new one if needed (#451)\nImproved SCSS 3.3\/3.4 compatibility\nAccessibility improvements in admin (#673)\nImprove error message when parsing JS\/CSS assets block fails (#704)\nChange url() logic for plain ?foo=bar urls to avoid issues when url is requested together with domain\n\n\n\nAdministrator responsive issues in Settings Panel (#603)\nAnchor links should not be modified (#624)\n'&amp;' symbol in external menu item not outputting properly (#598)\nRemove layout tab from base outline (#628)\nTrying to get property of non-object when accessing page without menu item (#632)\nFixed layout manager particle titles overflowing boxes in smaller sizes (#637)\nNormalized height of standard select element to match other admin form elements\nEnable date particle, analytics and assets atoms by default to avoid confusion (#330)\nFixed collapse of cards in Assignments when filtering with a non-matching word (#672)\nFixed resizing Particles in LM where attached events wouldn't get properly removed and causing oddities with the History (fixes #556)\nDisable whoops when Gantry is in production mode and debug mode has been disabled (#681)\nRemoved additional padding from modals that were incorrectly inheriting it\nLogo Particle now properly redirects to Home even if clicked from a subpage (#676)\nMenu Particle: max levels does not work (#698)\nIgnore non-overrideable values in Settings page (#621)\nExceptions thrown outside Gantry are not triggering the default error page, but intercepted by Whoops (#649)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed available theme notice text problems when no themes are installed (#655)\nFixed label alignment in Joomla popup email form (#665)\nLoad missing Joomla assets on AJAX popups (#683, #684)\nAdded missing responsive bootstrap classes required for Joomla editing views (#684)\nFix missing preview image in template manager, fix gets applied after upgrading template (#707)\nFixed Joomla frontend article editor and popup styling issues (#681)\nAdded missing size class rules for Joomla frontend editing views\nFixed Joomla frontend image manager alignment issues\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nWordPress is now integrated with Gantry 5!"},"5.0.1":{"date":"07\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now supports JavaScript to be dropped before `<\/body>` as well as inline scripting (thanks @adi8i)\n * Menu Items can now be set to only display the Icon or Image from the Menu Editor (#574)\n1. [](#improved)\n * Added version number to Theme selector and Theme Configuration header (#560)\n * Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now allows to pick a CSS or JS file via filepicker as well as upload them directly from the picker\n * Minor CSS fixes for Joomla admin when in tablet and smaller viewport (#585)\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed regression with the style of Collections in admin and supporting long strings (#569)\n * Fixed Assignments filtering failing with empty Menus (#578)\n * Fixed UTF8 special characters being stripped out of Module Gantry 5 Particle causing the value to be lost (#570)\n * Fixed initial load of Module Particle not updating the link to the Joomla Module Manager instance (#582)\n * Fixed Menu Item subtitles in Menu Editor, causing any subtitle to get lost (#579)\n * Fixed Menu Item target not getting synched up between Joomla and Gantry (#584)\n * Fixed dropdowns on frontend not working when Offcanvas was disabled (#583)\n * Fixed edge case where resizing the browser wouldn't properly recalculate the Particles Picker size (#585)\n * Fixed issue in Menu Editor where it was possible to create more than one empty Columns (#585)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now supports JavaScript to be dropped before <code>&lt;\/body&gt;<\/code> as well as inline scripting (thanks @adi8i)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Items can now be set to only display the Icon or Image from the Menu Editor (#574)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added version number to Theme selector and Theme Configuration header (#560)<\/li>\n<li>Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now allows to pick a CSS or JS file via filepicker as well as upload them directly from the picker<\/li>\n<li>Minor CSS fixes for Joomla admin when in tablet and smaller viewport (#585)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed regression with the style of Collections in admin and supporting long strings (#569)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Assignments filtering failing with empty Menus (#578)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed UTF8 special characters being stripped out of Module Gantry 5 Particle causing the value to be lost (#570)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed initial load of Module Particle not updating the link to the Joomla Module Manager instance (#582)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Menu Item subtitles in Menu Editor, causing any subtitle to get lost (#579)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Menu Item target not getting synched up between Joomla and Gantry (#584)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed dropdowns on frontend not working when Offcanvas was disabled (#583)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed edge case where resizing the browser wouldn't properly recalculate the Particles Picker size (#585)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Menu Editor where it was possible to create more than one empty Columns (#585)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now supports JavaScript to be dropped before &lt;\/body&gt; as well as inline scripting (thanks @adi8i)\nMenu Items can now be set to only display the Icon or Image from the Menu Editor (#574)\n\n\n\nAdded version number to Theme selector and Theme Configuration header (#560)\nCustom CSS \/ JS Atom now allows to pick a CSS or JS file via filepicker as well as upload them directly from the picker\nMinor CSS fixes for Joomla admin when in tablet and smaller viewport (#585)\n\n\n\nFixed regression with the style of Collections in admin and supporting long strings (#569)\nFixed Assignments filtering failing with empty Menus (#578)\nFixed UTF8 special characters being stripped out of Module Gantry 5 Particle causing the value to be lost (#570)\nFixed initial load of Module Particle not updating the link to the Joomla Module Manager instance (#582)\nFixed Menu Item subtitles in Menu Editor, causing any subtitle to get lost (#579)\nFixed Menu Item target not getting synched up between Joomla and Gantry (#584)\nFixed dropdowns on frontend not working when Offcanvas was disabled (#583)\nFixed edge case where resizing the browser wouldn't properly recalculate the Particles Picker size (#585)\nFixed issue in Menu Editor where it was possible to create more than one empty Columns (#585)"},"5.0.0":{"date":"07\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Menu:\n - Particles and Modules can be now dropped in non-parent Menu Items (click on a Menu Item in the Menu Editor to get the virtual sublevel)\n - Implemented the option for menu items to append an Hash value (ie, http:\/\/yourcustomlink.com\/page#hash)\n * Layout Manager:\n - UI\/UX enhancements in the Particles Picker. It is now fixed and follows the scrolling of the page, making dragging and dropping particles to the bottom of a Layout much easier\n - When loading a new Layout while keeping the Particles, a warning will pop up in case some of the particles could get lost\n * Particles:\n - You can now load Particles via Joomla `{loadposition}`\n - Social Particle: now includes a Title parameter\n - Menu Particle:\n - It is now possible to choose the - Active - menu from the dropdown\n - Prevent from rendering empty Menu on frontend\n - Fixed Menu Start Level\n - To Top: Scrolling to the top is now smooth\n * Global and generic changes:\n - Added a new Development \/ Production toggle under the Extras tab which allows to toggle between the two states from within Gantry 5 admin\n - Production \/ Development now compile different CSS output. In Production mode, everything is compressed, in Development mode CSS is expanded and Line Numbers are added to easily reference the files (This only applies for the Styles Panel and custom.scss)\n - Enhanched Filepicker, it now uses streams, supports drag&drop from desktop for upload and allows to delete files (if they are overridden files)\n - Initial work on the multi language support\n - More body classes added:\n - Menu Item page suffix\n - Print-mode if previewing a print page\n1. [](#improved)\n * Menu:\n - Subtitles are now displaying in the interface\n * Assignments:\n - Introduced a new filter to display only the active assignments\n - You can now assign to a different Language\n * Styles:\n - Less aggressive box-sizing to automatically support, out of the box, Joomla and 3rd parties implementations.\n * Particles:\n - Menu Particle:\n - Accessibility improvements\n * Global and generic changes:\n - Updated Google Fonts library (+15 fonts)\n - Use Protocol less urls for loading Google Fonts (so it is http and https compatible)\n - In Joomla Module Manager, Gantry 5 Particle Modules will now display a badge with their type\n - Improved RTL support and automatic detection\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Menu:\n - Many bug fixes to synchronize Joomla with Gantry 5\n - Fixed cases where Particles \/ Modules wouldn't be deletable\n - Preventing disabled Particles from showing up on frontend when they are disabled\n * Outlines:\n - Preventing Default and non-deletable outlines from being deleted (UI adjusted accordingly)\n - Fixed case where an outline wouldn't be deletable due to a wrong flag set\n * Gantry 5 Particle Module:\n - Prevent Joomla from stripping out HTML content\n - You can now reset the value and change the Particle type\n * Layout Manager:\n - Fixed the preset informations when using history and jumping between different presets\n - History session fixes\n * Layout (frontend):\n - Fixed cases where the cumulative sum of side by side sections wouldn't be 100% as expected\n - Fixed issue where side by side sections (sidebars\/main) would have the main overflowing in one of the sidebars\n * Particles:\n - Menu Particle:\n - Fixed Menu Start Level\n - Fixed Offcanvas menu height calculations\n * Global and generic changes:\n - System Plugin and Particle Module are now PHP 5.3 compatible and won't fail with the error \"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...\"\n - Fixed \"Cache path not defined for compiled files\"\n - Fixed untranslated positions string in the Joomla Module Editor on frontend\n - Fixed Page Heading not displaying in the Gantry 5 Custom View page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu:\n<ul>\n<li>Particles and Modules can be now dropped in non-parent Menu Items (click on a Menu Item in the Menu Editor to get the virtual sublevel)<\/li>\n<li>Implemented the option for menu items to append an Hash value (ie, <a href=\"http:\/\/yourcustomlink.com\/page#hash\">http:\/\/yourcustomlink.com\/page#hash<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager:\n<ul>\n<li>UI\/UX enhancements in the Particles Picker. It is now fixed and follows the scrolling of the page, making dragging and dropping particles to the bottom of a Layout much easier<\/li>\n<li>When loading a new Layout while keeping the Particles, a warning will pop up in case some of the particles could get lost<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Particles:\n<ul>\n<li>You can now load Particles via Joomla <code>{loadposition}<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Social Particle: now includes a Title parameter<\/li>\n<li>Menu Particle:\n<ul>\n<li>It is now possible to choose the - Active - menu from the dropdown<\/li>\n<li>Prevent from rendering empty Menu on frontend<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Menu Start Level<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>To Top: Scrolling to the top is now smooth<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Global and generic changes:\n<ul>\n<li>Added a new Development \/ Production toggle under the Extras tab which allows to toggle between the two states from within Gantry 5 admin<\/li>\n<li>Production \/ Development now compile different CSS output. In Production mode, everything is compressed, in Development mode CSS is expanded and Line Numbers are added to easily reference the files (This only applies for the Styles Panel and custom.scss)<\/li>\n<li>Enhanched Filepicker, it now uses streams, supports drag&amp;drop from desktop for upload and allows to delete files (if they are overridden files)<\/li>\n<li>Initial work on the multi language support<\/li>\n<li>More body classes added:\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Item page suffix<\/li>\n<li>Print-mode if previewing a print page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu:\n<ul>\n<li>Subtitles are now displaying in the interface<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Assignments:\n<ul>\n<li>Introduced a new filter to display only the active assignments<\/li>\n<li>You can now assign to a different Language<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Styles:\n<ul>\n<li>Less aggressive box-sizing to automatically support, out of the box, Joomla and 3rd parties implementations.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Particles:\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Particle:\n<ul>\n<li>Accessibility improvements<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Global and generic changes:\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library (+15 fonts)<\/li>\n<li>Use Protocol less urls for loading Google Fonts (so it is http and https compatible)<\/li>\n<li>In Joomla Module Manager, Gantry 5 Particle Modules will now display a badge with their type<\/li>\n<li>Improved RTL support and automatic detection<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu:\n<ul>\n<li>Many bug fixes to synchronize Joomla with Gantry 5<\/li>\n<li>Fixed cases where Particles \/ Modules wouldn't be deletable<\/li>\n<li>Preventing disabled Particles from showing up on frontend when they are disabled<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Outlines:\n<ul>\n<li>Preventing Default and non-deletable outlines from being deleted (UI adjusted accordingly)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed case where an outline wouldn't be deletable due to a wrong flag set<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Gantry 5 Particle Module:\n<ul>\n<li>Prevent Joomla from stripping out HTML content<\/li>\n<li>You can now reset the value and change the Particle type<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager:\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed the preset informations when using history and jumping between different presets<\/li>\n<li>History session fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Layout (frontend):\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed cases where the cumulative sum of side by side sections wouldn't be 100% as expected<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where side by side sections (sidebars\/main) would have the main overflowing in one of the sidebars<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Particles:\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Particle:\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Menu Start Level<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Offcanvas menu height calculations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Global and generic changes:\n<ul>\n<li>System Plugin and Particle Module are now PHP 5.3 compatible and won't fail with the error &quot;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...&quot;<\/li>\n<li>Fixed &quot;Cache path not defined for compiled files&quot;<\/li>\n<li>Fixed untranslated positions string in the Joomla Module Editor on frontend<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Page Heading not displaying in the Gantry 5 Custom View page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Menu:\n\nParticles and Modules can be now dropped in non-parent Menu Items (click on a Menu Item in the Menu Editor to get the virtual sublevel)\nImplemented the option for menu items to append an Hash value (ie, http:\/\/yourcustomlink.com\/page#hash)\n\nLayout Manager:\n\nUI\/UX enhancements in the Particles Picker. It is now fixed and follows the scrolling of the page, making dragging and dropping particles to the bottom of a Layout much easier\nWhen loading a new Layout while keeping the Particles, a warning will pop up in case some of the particles could get lost\n\nParticles:\n\nYou can now load Particles via Joomla {loadposition}\nSocial Particle: now includes a Title parameter\nMenu Particle:\n\nIt is now possible to choose the - Active - menu from the dropdown\nPrevent from rendering empty Menu on frontend\nFixed Menu Start Level\n\nTo Top: Scrolling to the top is now smooth\n\nGlobal and generic changes:\n\nAdded a new Development \/ Production toggle under the Extras tab which allows to toggle between the two states from within Gantry 5 admin\nProduction \/ Development now compile different CSS output. In Production mode, everything is compressed, in Development mode CSS is expanded and Line Numbers are added to easily reference the files (This only applies for the Styles Panel and custom.scss)\nEnhanched Filepicker, it now uses streams, supports drag&amp;drop from desktop for upload and allows to delete files (if they are overridden files)\nInitial work on the multi language support\nMore body classes added:\n\nMenu Item page suffix\nPrint-mode if previewing a print page\n\n\n\n\n\nMenu:\n\nSubtitles are now displaying in the interface\n\nAssignments:\n\nIntroduced a new filter to display only the active assignments\nYou can now assign to a different Language\n\nStyles:\n\nLess aggressive box-sizing to automatically support, out of the box, Joomla and 3rd parties implementations.\n\nParticles:\n\nMenu Particle:\n\nAccessibility improvements\n\n\nGlobal and generic changes:\n\nUpdated Google Fonts library (+15 fonts)\nUse Protocol less urls for loading Google Fonts (so it is http and https compatible)\nIn Joomla Module Manager, Gantry 5 Particle Modules will now display a badge with their type\nImproved RTL support and automatic detection\n\n\n\n\nMenu:\n\nMany bug fixes to synchronize Joomla with Gantry 5\nFixed cases where Particles \/ Modules wouldn't be deletable\nPreventing disabled Particles from showing up on frontend when they are disabled\n\nOutlines:\n\nPreventing Default and non-deletable outlines from being deleted (UI adjusted accordingly)\nFixed case where an outline wouldn't be deletable due to a wrong flag set\n\nGantry 5 Particle Module:\n\nPrevent Joomla from stripping out HTML content\nYou can now reset the value and change the Particle type\n\nLayout Manager:\n\nFixed the preset informations when using history and jumping between different presets\nHistory session fixes\n\nLayout (frontend):\n\nFixed cases where the cumulative sum of side by side sections wouldn't be 100% as expected\nFixed issue where side by side sections (sidebars\/main) would have the main overflowing in one of the sidebars\n\nParticles:\n\nMenu Particle:\n\nFixed Menu Start Level\nFixed Offcanvas menu height calculations\n\n\nGlobal and generic changes:\n\nSystem Plugin and Particle Module are now PHP 5.3 compatible and won't fail with the error &quot;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...&quot;\nFixed &quot;Cache path not defined for compiled files&quot;\nFixed untranslated positions string in the Joomla Module Editor on frontend\nFixed Page Heading not displaying in the Gantry 5 Custom View page"}},"dependencies":[]},"g5_helium":{"name":"Helium","version":"5.4.24","description":"Default Gantry 5 theme.","description_html":"<p>Default Gantry 5 theme.<\/p>","description_plain":"Default Gantry 5 theme.","icon":"gantry","author":{"name":"RocketTheme","url":"http:\/\/www.rockettheme.com","email":"support@rockettheme.com"},"homepage":"http:\/\/gantry.org","keywords":"gantry, gantry5, theme","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues","license":"MIT","screenshot":"themes-g5_helium.jpg","tag_name":"5.4.24","date":"2018-07-04T19:10:08Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/g5_helium\/5.4.24","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5","slug":"g5_helium","install_path":"user\/themes\/g5_helium","changelog":{"5.4.24":{"date":"07\/04\/2018","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated `Lightcase` to v2.4.4 (#2205)\n - Helium: Updated OwlCarousel to v2.3.4\n - Added `head_top`, `head_meta` and `head_bottom` options for `pageblock` twig tag allowing particles to inject custom tags into <head> (#2303)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Reworked parts of the OwlCarousel SCSS theme styling\n - Helium: Add possibility to add CSS Classes to individual OwlCarousel items (#2201)\n - Helium: Add possibility to disable single OwlCarousel item on the front end (#2286)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Lightcase` hardcoded values for maxWidth and maxHeight (#2182)\n - Updated `Lightcase` default values for video width and height to 1280x720 (#2182)\n - Fixed Content Array particle having extra override checkbox on admin (#2307)\n - Fixed issue where clearing inheritance was throwing `array_intersect_key(): Argument #1 is not an array` error (#2257)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented `|markdown` filter for Twig (#2297)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `The menu selected is empty` in Gantry 5 Menu Editor if there is no default menu item (#2320)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented `|markdown` filter for Twig (#2297)\n - Updated Timber to v1.7.1\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken SCSS map files (#2243)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Grav duplicating pages and causing fatal errors when saving the menu (#2070)\n - Added detection for duplicate page folders before saving menu and instruct user to fix the issue in his filesystem","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated <code>Lightcase<\/code> to v2.4.4 (#2205)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Updated OwlCarousel to v2.3.4<\/li>\n<li>Added <code>head_top<\/code>, <code>head_meta<\/code> and <code>head_bottom<\/code> options for <code>pageblock<\/code> twig tag allowing particles to inject custom tags into <head> (#2303)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Reworked parts of the OwlCarousel SCSS theme styling<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Add possibility to add CSS Classes to individual OwlCarousel items (#2201)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Add possibility to disable single OwlCarousel item on the front end (#2286)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Lightcase<\/code> hardcoded values for maxWidth and maxHeight (#2182)<\/li>\n<li>Updated <code>Lightcase<\/code> default values for video width and height to 1280x720 (#2182)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Content Array particle having extra override checkbox on admin (#2307)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where clearing inheritance was throwing <code>array_intersect_key(): Argument #1 is not an array<\/code> error (#2257)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented <code>|markdown<\/code> filter for Twig (#2297)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>The menu selected is empty<\/code> in Gantry 5 Menu Editor if there is no default menu item (#2320)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented <code>|markdown<\/code> filter for Twig (#2297)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.7.1<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken SCSS map files (#2243)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Grav duplicating pages and causing fatal errors when saving the menu (#2070)<\/li>\n<li>Added detection for duplicate page folders before saving menu and instruct user to fix the issue in his filesystem<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Lightcase to v2.4.4 (#2205)\nHelium: Updated OwlCarousel to v2.3.4\nAdded head_top, head_meta and head_bottom options for pageblock twig tag allowing particles to inject custom tags into (#2303)\n\n\n\nHelium: Reworked parts of the OwlCarousel SCSS theme styling\nHelium: Add possibility to add CSS Classes to individual OwlCarousel items (#2201)\nHelium: Add possibility to disable single OwlCarousel item on the front end (#2286)\n\n\n\nFixed Lightcase hardcoded values for maxWidth and maxHeight (#2182)\nUpdated Lightcase default values for video width and height to 1280x720 (#2182)\nFixed Content Array particle having extra override checkbox on admin (#2307)\nFixed issue where clearing inheritance was throwing array_intersect_key(): Argument #1 is not an array error (#2257)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nImplemented |markdown filter for Twig (#2297)\n\n\n\nFixed The menu selected is empty in Gantry 5 Menu Editor if there is no default menu item (#2320)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nImplemented |markdown filter for Twig (#2297)\nUpdated Timber to v1.7.1\n\n\n\nFixed broken SCSS map files (#2243)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed Grav duplicating pages and causing fatal errors when saving the menu (#2070)\nAdded detection for duplicate page folders before saving menu and instruct user to fix the issue in his filesystem"},"5.4.23":{"date":"02\/20\/2018","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated `scssphp` to v0.7.5\n - Development Mode: Started using CSS Source Maps instead of inline comments\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.6.0\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Added Grav Admin 1.7 styling compatibility for Gantry UI (#2236)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated <code>scssphp<\/code> to v0.7.5<\/li>\n<li>Development Mode: Started using CSS Source Maps instead of inline comments<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.6.0<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Grav Admin 1.7 styling compatibility for Gantry UI (#2236)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated scssphp to v0.7.5\nDevelopment Mode: Started using CSS Source Maps instead of inline comments\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.6.0\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded Grav Admin 1.7 styling compatibility for Gantry UI (#2236)"},"5.4.22":{"date":"12\/12\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Regression: Removed layout reference conflict check to prevent issues with inheritance and with older layouts\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when using Joomla articles and categories in particles (#2188)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Regression: Removed layout reference conflict check to prevent issues with inheritance and with older layouts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when using Joomla articles and categories in particles (#2188)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nRegression: Removed layout reference conflict check to prevent issues with inheritance and with older layouts\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed PHP 7.2 warning when using Joomla articles and categories in particles (#2188)"},"5.4.21":{"date":"12\/12\/2017","content":"1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Regression: PHP 7.2 warning fix in admin broke links from Joomla Template Manager (#2194)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Regression: PHP 7.2 warning fix in admin broke links from Joomla Template Manager (#2194)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Joomla\n\n\n\nRegression: PHP 7.2 warning fix in admin broke links from Joomla Template Manager (#2194)"},"5.4.20":{"date":"12\/11\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Remove a deprecated `Twig_Extension` function\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when compiling SCSS\n - Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when using older layout format\n - Parts of inherited layouts break randomly in Layout Manager causing layout corruption if saved (#1460)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed PHP 7.2 warning in admin\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Helium\/Hydrogen: you can now disable Content display in Blog and Archive-type views\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed directory lookup issue on WordPress.com Business instances (possible fix for other MS installations) (#2179)\n - Fixed plugin and theme packages because of a build script issue (#2154)\n - Fixed missing `title` attribute for the menu items (#2107)\n - Fixed potentially registering same extension `GantryTwig` twice (#2034)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove a deprecated <code>Twig_Extension<\/code> function<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when compiling SCSS<\/li>\n<li>Fixed PHP 7.2 warning when using older layout format<\/li>\n<li>Parts of inherited layouts break randomly in Layout Manager causing layout corruption if saved (#1460)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed PHP 7.2 warning in admin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium\/Hydrogen: you can now disable Content display in Blog and Archive-type views<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed directory lookup issue on WordPress.com Business instances (possible fix for other MS installations) (#2179)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed plugin and theme packages because of a build script issue (#2154)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing <code>title<\/code> attribute for the menu items (#2107)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potentially registering same extension <code>GantryTwig<\/code> twice (#2034)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nRemove a deprecated Twig_Extension function\n\n\n\nFixed PHP 7.2 warning when compiling SCSS\nFixed PHP 7.2 warning when using older layout format\nParts of inherited layouts break randomly in Layout Manager causing layout corruption if saved (#1460)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed PHP 7.2 warning in admin\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nHelium\/Hydrogen: you can now disable Content display in Blog and Archive-type views\n\n\n\nFixed directory lookup issue on WordPress.com Business instances (possible fix for other MS installations) (#2179)\nFixed plugin and theme packages because of a build script issue (#2154)\nFixed missing title attribute for the menu items (#2107)\nFixed potentially registering same extension GantryTwig twice (#2034)"},"5.4.19":{"date":"10\/18\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - This release addresses a false positive issue by ClamAV. Please upgrade to this latest version as soon as possible.\n - Fixed issue with inhering an empty section, not properly clearing out particles in the current one (#2137)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.5.2\n - Helium\/Hydrogen: added option for auto-generated excerpts\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken AJAX if `Absolute URLs` in Grav has been turned on","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>This release addresses a false positive issue by ClamAV. Please upgrade to this latest version as soon as possible.<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with inhering an empty section, not properly clearing out particles in the current one (#2137)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.5.2<\/li>\n<li>Helium\/Hydrogen: added option for auto-generated excerpts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken AJAX if <code>Absolute URLs<\/code> in Grav has been turned on<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nThis release addresses a false positive issue by ClamAV. Please upgrade to this latest version as soon as possible.\nFixed issue with inhering an empty section, not properly clearing out particles in the current one (#2137)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.5.2\nHelium\/Hydrogen: added option for auto-generated excerpts\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed broken AJAX if Absolute URLs in Grav has been turned on"},"5.4.18":{"date":"09\/21\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added `responsive-font` mixin to Nucleus (#2106)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added link target option for `Logo \/ Image` particle (#1887)\n - Trigger change visualizer when selecting an image (#2059)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed inheritance overlay in Layout Manager masking all sections in a block of a container (#2114)\n - Fixed error when cloning a section with no particles (#2116, thanks @drnasin)\n - Fixed IE Edge issue in admin where the navigation bar would disappear and never reappear (#2118)\n - Properly update Collapse \/ Expand titles when using Collapse All \/ Expand All (#2004)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added official Joomla 3.8 support (#2111)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed particles not using selected timezone (#2072)\n - Fixed frontend editing error when trying to open media picker (#2102)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added multi-language support for outline assignments (#634)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed double escaping links, titles and users name in WP Posts particle (#2085)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Grav Content particle looks now for authors `name`, `alias` or `username` in page header\n - Added option to cli command `bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme` to clone the theme settings (#2086)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed outline\/particle assignments when `Include default language` in Grav was `No` (#2115)\n - Fixed outline assigment priority to slightly prefer outlines assigned to language\n - Fixed cases where the top level menu would wrap below the theme title in admin (#2099)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>responsive-font<\/code> mixin to Nucleus (#2106)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added link target option for <code>Logo \/ Image<\/code> particle (#1887)<\/li>\n<li>Trigger change visualizer when selecting an image (#2059)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed inheritance overlay in Layout Manager masking all sections in a block of a container (#2114)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed error when cloning a section with no particles (#2116, thanks @drnasin)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed IE Edge issue in admin where the navigation bar would disappear and never reappear (#2118)<\/li>\n<li>Properly update Collapse \/ Expand titles when using Collapse All \/ Expand All (#2004)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added official Joomla 3.8 support (#2111)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed particles not using selected timezone (#2072)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed frontend editing error when trying to open media picker (#2102)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added multi-language support for outline assignments (#634)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed double escaping links, titles and users name in WP Posts particle (#2085)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Grav Content particle looks now for authors <code>name<\/code>, <code>alias<\/code> or <code>username<\/code> in page header<\/li>\n<li>Added option to cli command <code>bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme<\/code> to clone the theme settings (#2086)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed outline\/particle assignments when <code>Include default language<\/code> in Grav was <code>No<\/code> (#2115)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed outline assigment priority to slightly prefer outlines assigned to language<\/li>\n<li>Fixed cases where the top level menu would wrap below the theme title in admin (#2099)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded responsive-font mixin to Nucleus (#2106)\n\n\n\nAdded link target option for Logo \/ Image particle (#1887)\nTrigger change visualizer when selecting an image (#2059)\n\n\n\nFixed inheritance overlay in Layout Manager masking all sections in a block of a container (#2114)\nFixed error when cloning a section with no particles (#2116, thanks @drnasin)\nFixed IE Edge issue in admin where the navigation bar would disappear and never reappear (#2118)\nProperly update Collapse \/ Expand titles when using Collapse All \/ Expand All (#2004)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdded official Joomla 3.8 support (#2111)\n\n\n\nFixed particles not using selected timezone (#2072)\nFixed frontend editing error when trying to open media picker (#2102)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded multi-language support for outline assignments (#634)\n\n\n\nFixed double escaping links, titles and users name in WP Posts particle (#2085)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nGrav Content particle looks now for authors name, alias or username in page header\nAdded option to cli command bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme to clone the theme settings (#2086)\n\n\n\nFixed outline\/particle assignments when Include default language in Grav was No (#2115)\nFixed outline assigment priority to slightly prefer outlines assigned to language\nFixed cases where the top level menu would wrap below the theme title in admin (#2099)"},"5.4.17":{"date":"08\/25\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed HTML meta tag to use property or name attribute depending on the key (#2090)\n - Regression: Fixed the same HTML id attribute being used twice in particles (#2088)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Fixed jQuery conflict with JSN UniForm and potentially other extensions (#2082)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.4.1\n - Content Array particle now allows you to use single posts by providing their ID number","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed HTML meta tag to use property or name attribute depending on the key (#2090)<\/li>\n<li>Regression: Fixed the same HTML id attribute being used twice in particles (#2088)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Fixed jQuery conflict with JSN UniForm and potentially other extensions (#2082)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.4.1<\/li>\n<li>Content Array particle now allows you to use single posts by providing their ID number<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFixed HTML meta tag to use property or name attribute depending on the key (#2090)\nRegression: Fixed the same HTML id attribute being used twice in particles (#2088)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nHelium: Fixed jQuery conflict with JSN UniForm and potentially other extensions (#2082)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.4.1\nContent Array particle now allows you to use single posts by providing their ID number"},"5.4.16":{"date":"08\/16\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Regression: Fixed missing `g-wrapper` classes in the layout","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Regression: Fixed missing <code>g-wrapper<\/code> classes in the layout<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nRegression: Fixed missing g-wrapper classes in the layout"},"5.4.15":{"date":"08\/15\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added AJAX support for particles (#1376)\n - Added new twig filter `|attribute_array` to convert array of key => attribute into HTML\n - Helium\/Hydrogen: added missing styling for disabled button state\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved usability by changing order of Tabs in admin (#2061)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed bug in nested `collection.list` on `container.tabs` (#1995)\n - Fixed no space between block attributes (#2074)\n - Helium: Fixed typo in preset 3 (#2077)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Joomla Articles particle won't display images alt tags (#2076)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Removed forced input heights set on 19px (#2063)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added cli command `bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme` which allows you to create a child theme\n - Added multi-language support for outline and position assignments (#1651, #2068)\n - Added outline and position assignments by Page Type","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added AJAX support for particles (#1376)<\/li>\n<li>Added new twig filter <code>|attribute_array<\/code> to convert array of key =&gt; attribute into HTML<\/li>\n<li>Helium\/Hydrogen: added missing styling for disabled button state<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved usability by changing order of Tabs in admin (#2061)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed bug in nested <code>collection.list<\/code> on <code>container.tabs<\/code> (#1995)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed no space between block attributes (#2074)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Fixed typo in preset 3 (#2077)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Joomla Articles particle won't display images alt tags (#2076)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed forced input heights set on 19px (#2063)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added cli command <code>bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme<\/code> which allows you to create a child theme<\/li>\n<li>Added multi-language support for outline and position assignments (#1651, #2068)<\/li>\n<li>Added outline and position assignments by Page Type<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded AJAX support for particles (#1376)\nAdded new twig filter |attribute_array to convert array of key =&gt; attribute into HTML\nHelium\/Hydrogen: added missing styling for disabled button state\n\n\n\nImproved usability by changing order of Tabs in admin (#2061)\n\n\n\nFixed bug in nested collection.list on container.tabs (#1995)\nFixed no space between block attributes (#2074)\nHelium: Fixed typo in preset 3 (#2077)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nJoomla Articles particle won't display images alt tags (#2076)\n\n\n\nRemoved forced input heights set on 19px (#2063)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded cli command bin\/plugin gantry5 child-theme which allows you to create a child theme\nAdded multi-language support for outline and position assignments (#1651, #2068)\nAdded outline and position assignments by Page Type"},"5.4.14":{"date":"07\/06\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Accessibility: Menu \/ Offcanvas: Offcanvas and hamburger toggle menu are now ARIA compatible (#1891)\n - Filepicker Field: File listing mode (thumbnails\/list) is now remembered and restored (#1697)\n - Filepicker Field: UI updates, container is now more spacious and in list view the thumbnails are visible\n - Date and Joomla Articles\/WordPress Posts\/Grav Content particles: Added new date format: `Month Day, Year` (#2042)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Menu: Disable Dropdowns still Shows Indicator (#2031)\n - Menu: Fixed frontend menu 'Extended' option, resetting heights of wrapping containers not necessarily related to the menu itself (#2025)\n - Menu \/ Offcanvas: Fixed issue preventing the offcanvas toggle to show when Menu set with only icons (#1939)\n - Menu: Fixed issue with touch devices where ending the scroll gesture on the offcanvas menu would trigger the expansion of a parent menu item (#1620)\n - Fixed Tag Attributes 'enter' key causing the value to get lost while triggering the Apply (#1860)\n - Filepicker: Fixed issue with upper case extensions not getting recognized and failing to upload (#1852)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.3.3\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Particles Picker not adapting to height and scroll position in Layout Manager (#1942)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Accessibility: Menu \/ Offcanvas: Offcanvas and hamburger toggle menu are now ARIA compatible (#1891)<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker Field: File listing mode (thumbnails\/list) is now remembered and restored (#1697)<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker Field: UI updates, container is now more spacious and in list view the thumbnails are visible<\/li>\n<li>Date and Joomla Articles\/WordPress Posts\/Grav Content particles: Added new date format: <code>Month Day, Year<\/code> (#2042)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu: Disable Dropdowns still Shows Indicator (#2031)<\/li>\n<li>Menu: Fixed frontend menu 'Extended' option, resetting heights of wrapping containers not necessarily related to the menu itself (#2025)<\/li>\n<li>Menu \/ Offcanvas: Fixed issue preventing the offcanvas toggle to show when Menu set with only icons (#1939)<\/li>\n<li>Menu: Fixed issue with touch devices where ending the scroll gesture on the offcanvas menu would trigger the expansion of a parent menu item (#1620)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Tag Attributes 'enter' key causing the value to get lost while triggering the Apply (#1860)<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker: Fixed issue with upper case extensions not getting recognized and failing to upload (#1852)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.3.3<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Particles Picker not adapting to height and scroll position in Layout Manager (#1942)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAccessibility: Menu \/ Offcanvas: Offcanvas and hamburger toggle menu are now ARIA compatible (#1891)\nFilepicker Field: File listing mode (thumbnails\/list) is now remembered and restored (#1697)\nFilepicker Field: UI updates, container is now more spacious and in list view the thumbnails are visible\nDate and Joomla Articles\/WordPress Posts\/Grav Content particles: Added new date format: Month Day, Year (#2042)\n\n\n\nMenu: Disable Dropdowns still Shows Indicator (#2031)\nMenu: Fixed frontend menu 'Extended' option, resetting heights of wrapping containers not necessarily related to the menu itself (#2025)\nMenu \/ Offcanvas: Fixed issue preventing the offcanvas toggle to show when Menu set with only icons (#1939)\nMenu: Fixed issue with touch devices where ending the scroll gesture on the offcanvas menu would trigger the expansion of a parent menu item (#1620)\nFixed Tag Attributes 'enter' key causing the value to get lost while triggering the Apply (#1860)\nFilepicker: Fixed issue with upper case extensions not getting recognized and failing to upload (#1852)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.3.3\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed Particles Picker not adapting to height and scroll position in Layout Manager (#1942)"},"5.4.13":{"date":"06\/06\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Lightcase to v2.4.0\n - If debug mode is enabled, add HTML comments to recognize particles and positions (#639)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Menu particle: Add aria-label for icon-only menu items for better accessibility support (#1888)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed bug with enabled field when editing disabled particle in the layout (#1571)\n - Helium: Add missing `System Messages` particle to Default and Offline layouts (#1962)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Use the new package uninstall protection feature in Joomla 3.7\n - Embedded `System - Gantry 5` settings into the component settings (#2010)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue with Regular Labs Cache Cleaner (#1833)\n - Fixed issue with Hydrogen textarea (#1973)\n - Fixed some caching issues when changing between Production and Development modes\n - Fixed untranslated month names in particles (#1322)\n - Fixed `|number_format` twig filter to use the current locale\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Timber to v1.3.1\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed checkboxes next to the setting enablers in Content tab getting unchecked after refresh (#1986)\n - Fixed `Missing argument 2 for modify_gantry5_locale()`\n - Fixed external scripts and CSS with query parameters being broken (#1975)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed CSS\/JS pipelines, though you need to set `js_minify: false` to keep the menu working (#2001)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Lightcase to v2.4.0<\/li>\n<li>If debug mode is enabled, add HTML comments to recognize particles and positions (#639)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu particle: Add aria-label for icon-only menu items for better accessibility support (#1888)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed bug with enabled field when editing disabled particle in the layout (#1571)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Add missing <code>System Messages<\/code> particle to Default and Offline layouts (#1962)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use the new package uninstall protection feature in Joomla 3.7<\/li>\n<li>Embedded <code>System - Gantry 5<\/code> settings into the component settings (#2010)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue with Regular Labs Cache Cleaner (#1833)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Hydrogen textarea (#1973)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed some caching issues when changing between Production and Development modes<\/li>\n<li>Fixed untranslated month names in particles (#1322)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>|number_format<\/code> twig filter to use the current locale<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Timber to v1.3.1<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed checkboxes next to the setting enablers in Content tab getting unchecked after refresh (#1986)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Missing argument 2 for modify_gantry5_locale()<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed external scripts and CSS with query parameters being broken (#1975)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed CSS\/JS pipelines, though you need to set <code>js_minify: false<\/code> to keep the menu working (#2001)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Lightcase to v2.4.0\nIf debug mode is enabled, add HTML comments to recognize particles and positions (#639)\n\n\n\nMenu particle: Add aria-label for icon-only menu items for better accessibility support (#1888)\n\n\n\nFixed bug with enabled field when editing disabled particle in the layout (#1571)\nHelium: Add missing System Messages particle to Default and Offline layouts (#1962)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nUse the new package uninstall protection feature in Joomla 3.7\nEmbedded System - Gantry 5 settings into the component settings (#2010)\n\n\n\nFixed issue with Regular Labs Cache Cleaner (#1833)\nFixed issue with Hydrogen textarea (#1973)\nFixed some caching issues when changing between Production and Development modes\nFixed untranslated month names in particles (#1322)\nFixed |number_format twig filter to use the current locale\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nUpdated Timber to v1.3.1\n\n\n\nFixed checkboxes next to the setting enablers in Content tab getting unchecked after refresh (#1986)\nFixed Missing argument 2 for modify_gantry5_locale()\nFixed external scripts and CSS with query parameters being broken (#1975)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed CSS\/JS pipelines, though you need to set js_minify: false to keep the menu working (#2001)"},"5.4.12":{"date":"04\/26\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Bootstrap 3 to v3.3.7\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed potential error: `Undefined property: stdClass::$inherit` in when processing layout\n - Fixed a bug in `Layout::updateInheritance()` when inheritance is missing\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added official support for Joomla 3.7\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken styles \/ scripts if CSS \/ JS Pipeline has been enabled (#1941)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Bootstrap 3 to v3.3.7<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed potential error: <code>Undefined property: stdClass::$inherit<\/code> in when processing layout<\/li>\n<li>Fixed a bug in <code>Layout::updateInheritance()<\/code> when inheritance is missing<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added official support for Joomla 3.7<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken styles \/ scripts if CSS \/ JS Pipeline has been enabled (#1941)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Bootstrap 3 to v3.3.7\n\n\n\nFixed potential error: Undefined property: stdClass::$inherit in when processing layout\nFixed a bug in Layout::updateInheritance() when inheritance is missing\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdded official support for Joomla 3.7\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed broken styles \/ scripts if CSS \/ JS Pipeline has been enabled (#1941)"},"5.4.11":{"date":"04\/03\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Lightcase.js to v2.3.6\n - Helium: Added admin controls for setting link and link hover colors. You might need to resave your theme settings (#1626)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed nested collection list multi-item edit not functioning (#1924)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium and Hydrogen: Fixed frontend calendar icon size\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add options to disable outline assignments individually for both posts and pages, including custom types (#1279)\n - Hydrogen and Helium: Blog and Archive type pages can now display posts in columns\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Administration: Hide assignment types with no items in them to make the page shorter\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added `Read More` toggle for blog item page\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed missing publish date from content array particle","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Lightcase.js to v2.3.6<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Added admin controls for setting link and link hover colors. You might need to resave your theme settings (#1626)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed nested collection list multi-item edit not functioning (#1924)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium and Hydrogen: Fixed frontend calendar icon size<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add options to disable outline assignments individually for both posts and pages, including custom types (#1279)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen and Helium: Blog and Archive type pages can now display posts in columns<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Administration: Hide assignment types with no items in them to make the page shorter<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>Read More<\/code> toggle for blog item page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed missing publish date from content array particle<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Lightcase.js to v2.3.6\nHelium: Added admin controls for setting link and link hover colors. You might need to resave your theme settings (#1626)\n\n\n\nFixed nested collection list multi-item edit not functioning (#1924)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nHelium and Hydrogen: Fixed frontend calendar icon size\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdd options to disable outline assignments individually for both posts and pages, including custom types (#1279)\nHydrogen and Helium: Blog and Archive type pages can now display posts in columns\n\n\n\nAdministration: Hide assignment types with no items in them to make the page shorter\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded Read More toggle for blog item page\n\n\n\nFixed missing publish date from content array particle"},"5.4.10":{"date":"03\/10\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Helium: Updated Owl Carousel to v2.2.1\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed bad HTML markup in assignments administration (#1917, thanks @Quy)\n - Fixed regression in handling `container.set` (#1889)\n - Fixed missing closing tag when editing layout (#1919, thanks @Quy)\n - Fixed potential issues with URLs containing spaces (#1902)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium and Hydrogen: Frontend calendar icon size fixes (#1914)\n - Helium and Hydrogen: Login module styling issues (#1910, #1911)\n - Hydrogen: Frontend article editor, tooltips open up way to the right (#1912)\n - Helium: Frontend article editor, article search button misaligned and partly covered (#1913)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Updated Owl Carousel to v2.2.1<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed bad HTML markup in assignments administration (#1917, thanks @Quy)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed regression in handling <code>container.set<\/code> (#1889)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing closing tag when editing layout (#1919, thanks @Quy)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potential issues with URLs containing spaces (#1902)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium and Hydrogen: Frontend calendar icon size fixes (#1914)<\/li>\n<li>Helium and Hydrogen: Login module styling issues (#1910, #1911)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen: Frontend article editor, tooltips open up way to the right (#1912)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Frontend article editor, article search button misaligned and partly covered (#1913)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHelium: Updated Owl Carousel to v2.2.1\n\n\n\nFixed bad HTML markup in assignments administration (#1917, thanks @Quy)\nFixed regression in handling container.set (#1889)\nFixed missing closing tag when editing layout (#1919, thanks @Quy)\nFixed potential issues with URLs containing spaces (#1902)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nHelium and Hydrogen: Frontend calendar icon size fixes (#1914)\nHelium and Hydrogen: Login module styling issues (#1910, #1911)\nHydrogen: Frontend article editor, tooltips open up way to the right (#1912)\nHelium: Frontend article editor, article search button misaligned and partly covered (#1913)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded content post-processing to automatically resolve all stream URI links"},"5.4.9":{"date":"02\/23\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for atom caching when in production mode (similar to particle caching)\n - If you have overridden `partials\/page.html.twig` or `partials\/page_head.html.twig`, please update them\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added accessibility support for Font Awesome icons (#1873, thanks @N8Solutions)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `{% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %}` not working from atoms\n - Fixed issues with nested `collection.list` items after upgrading to Gantry 5.4.7 (#1877)\n - Fixed issues with `container.set` and `container.tabs` (#1882)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed placeholder having the same color as real input values (#1876)\n - Fixed potential XSS vulnerability by updating Timber library","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for atom caching when in production mode (similar to particle caching)\n<ul>\n<li>If you have overridden <code>partials\/page.html.twig<\/code> or <code>partials\/page_head.html.twig<\/code>, please update them<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added accessibility support for Font Awesome icons (#1873, thanks @N8Solutions)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>{% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %}<\/code> not working from atoms<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with nested <code>collection.list<\/code> items after upgrading to Gantry 5.4.7 (#1877)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with <code>container.set<\/code> and <code>container.tabs<\/code> (#1882)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed placeholder having the same color as real input values (#1876)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potential XSS vulnerability by updating Timber library<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd support for atom caching when in production mode (similar to particle caching)\n\nIf you have overridden partials\/page.html.twig or partials\/page_head.html.twig, please update them\n\n\n\n\nAdded accessibility support for Font Awesome icons (#1873, thanks @N8Solutions)\n\n\n\nFixed {% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %} not working from atoms\nFixed issues with nested collection.list items after upgrading to Gantry 5.4.7 (#1877)\nFixed issues with container.set and container.tabs (#1882)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed placeholder having the same color as real input values (#1876)\nFixed potential XSS vulnerability by updating Timber library"},"5.4.8":{"date":"02\/14\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix regression: `Edit All Items` removes the field values (#1869)\n - Fixed issue where collection is not working if the field selector is nested: `main.items` (#1867)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix regression: <code>Edit All Items<\/code> removes the field values (#1869)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where collection is not working if the field selector is nested: <code>main.items<\/code> (#1867)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFix regression: Edit All Items removes the field values (#1869)\nFixed issue where collection is not working if the field selector is nested: main.items (#1867)"},"5.4.7":{"date":"02\/10\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added support for extending existing blueprint files without replacing them (#904)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Make Whoops not to report PHP startup errors and warnings (#1821)\n - Helium: Remove forced font color settings for Home outline and `g-helium-style` body class (#1783)\n - Helium: Remove underline being added by Bootstrap on social icons and menu items (#1854)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed change in core SCSS not detected after Gantry 5 update when in production mode (#1752, #1847)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Namespaced positions references in the DOM to avoid Joomla conflicts (#1832)\n - Fixed particle button styling issues in Advanced Module Manager\n - Fixed fatal error when editing gantry menu item or particle module and Gantry theme isn't set to default (#1845)\n - Helium: Fixed wrong line height in Breadcrumbs divider (#1678)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for Bedrock (#1429)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Gantry 5` menu item in the Grav Admin Panel is not being highlighted (#1840), requires Admin plugin v1.2.11\n - Fixed issue with Production \/ Development Toggle (#1846)\n - Fixed missing `bottom` JS position on default page types\n - Fixed admin and nucleus translations defaulting to English (#1855)\n - Fixed multiple new particles of the same type not being properly saved on positions page (#1790)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for extending existing blueprint files without replacing them (#904)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Make Whoops not to report PHP startup errors and warnings (#1821)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Remove forced font color settings for Home outline and <code>g-helium-style<\/code> body class (#1783)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Remove underline being added by Bootstrap on social icons and menu items (#1854)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed change in core SCSS not detected after Gantry 5 update when in production mode (#1752, #1847)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Namespaced positions references in the DOM to avoid Joomla conflicts (#1832)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed particle button styling issues in Advanced Module Manager<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fatal error when editing gantry menu item or particle module and Gantry theme isn't set to default (#1845)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Fixed wrong line height in Breadcrumbs divider (#1678)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for Bedrock (#1429)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Gantry 5<\/code> menu item in the Grav Admin Panel is not being highlighted (#1840), requires Admin plugin v1.2.11<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Production \/ Development Toggle (#1846)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing <code>bottom<\/code> JS position on default page types<\/li>\n<li>Fixed admin and nucleus translations defaulting to English (#1855)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed multiple new particles of the same type not being properly saved on positions page (#1790)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded support for extending existing blueprint files without replacing them (#904)\n\n\n\nMake Whoops not to report PHP startup errors and warnings (#1821)\nHelium: Remove forced font color settings for Home outline and g-helium-style body class (#1783)\nHelium: Remove underline being added by Bootstrap on social icons and menu items (#1854)\n\n\n\nFixed change in core SCSS not detected after Gantry 5 update when in production mode (#1752, #1847)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nNamespaced positions references in the DOM to avoid Joomla conflicts (#1832)\nFixed particle button styling issues in Advanced Module Manager\nFixed fatal error when editing gantry menu item or particle module and Gantry theme isn't set to default (#1845)\nHelium: Fixed wrong line height in Breadcrumbs divider (#1678)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdd support for Bedrock (#1429)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed Gantry 5 menu item in the Grav Admin Panel is not being highlighted (#1840), requires Admin plugin v1.2.11\nFixed issue with Production \/ Development Toggle (#1846)\nFixed missing bottom JS position on default page types\nFixed admin and nucleus translations defaulting to English (#1855)\nFixed multiple new particles of the same type not being properly saved on positions page (#1790)"},"5.4.6":{"date":"01\/26\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Allow custom SCSS files to be inserted from particles and atoms by `<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"particle.scss\" \/>`\n - Add support to refer JS\/CSS files without using `url()` function in twig files (streams are handled internally)\n - Allow custom SCSS files to be inserted from both `Page Settings` \/ `Assets` \/ `CSS` and `Assets Atom` (#215, #424, #1692)\n - Add support for `{% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %}` to add HTML into the page (#1161)\n - where first parameter is one of: `body_top` | `top` | `bottom` | `body_bottom`\n - supports also `with { priority: n }` to set the priority for the block (recommended range 10 ... -10)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Menu items in frontend now render icons with `aria-hidden=\"true\"` for accessibility (#1629)\n - Helium: Content Cubes particle uses now linear gradient made out of Accent Color 1 and 2 for its background (#1809)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed a bug in `|html` filter\n - Fixed wrong ordering of custom CSS\/JS assets\n - Fixed nested field selector in `collection.list` loosing its value when you edit all items (#1817)\n - Helium: Updated OwlCarousel, fixed a bug when OwlCarousel disappeared when only 1 item was set (#1801)\n - Helium: Fix logo image overlapping hamburger menu icon in mobile view (#1691)\n - Hydrogen: Fixed menu dropdowns items aligned to left when in RTL mode (#1753)\n - Fixed extended menu items starting from 3rd level and below not expanding vertically as expected (#1778)\n - Fixed search icon misalignment in Particles\/Modules\/Widgets pickers (#1827)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Allow previously hardcoded module and component wrappers to be overridden\n - Administrator: Add submenu to access both `Available Themes` and `Default Theme` (#1764)\n - Hide theme prefix from Outline names (#1724)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed all `<script>` tags being corrupted in some Windows installs due to broken `uniqid()` function\n - Fixed country code on HTML tag being in lower case, enabling translations in Snipcart (#1822)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Changed priority of `Front Page` and `Home Page` assignments to be higher than the rest of the group (#1762)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed occasional `Undefined index: object_id` when trying to save menu with a separator (#1819)\n - Hydrogen: Fix pagination styling in mobile view (#1563)\n - Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed deleted or renamed `Home` outline reverting back (#1785)\n - For existing sites please see [Issue 1785](https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues\/1785) to fix the issue\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added support for `Maintenance` plugin\n - Added particle for `LangSwitcher` plugin\n - Added particle for `Feed` plugin\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Rename `Appearance` to `Gantry 5` as it seems to be less confusing for most users\n - Display changes indicator when in the Positions Manager and changes happen (#1741)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed particles inside positions having extra margin and padding (`g-content` class)\n - Fixed menu rendering issues in multi-language sites\n - Fixed login particle\n - Fixed login in offline mode accepting invalid credentials (#1808)\n - Fixed Positions Add button (#1803)\n - Fixed misaligned style for key\/value field (#1789)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow custom SCSS files to be inserted from particles and atoms by <code>&lt;link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"particle.scss\" \/&gt;<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Add support to refer JS\/CSS files without using <code>url()<\/code> function in twig files (streams are handled internally)<\/li>\n<li>Allow custom SCSS files to be inserted from both <code>Page Settings<\/code> \/ <code>Assets<\/code> \/ <code>CSS<\/code> and <code>Assets Atom<\/code> (#215, #424, #1692)<\/li>\n<li>Add support for <code>{% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %}<\/code> to add HTML into the page (#1161)\n<ul>\n<li>where first parameter is one of: <code>body_top<\/code> | <code>top<\/code> | <code>bottom<\/code> | <code>body_bottom<\/code><\/li>\n<li>supports also <code>with { priority: n }<\/code> to set the priority for the block (recommended range 10 ... -10)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu items in frontend now render icons with <code>aria-hidden=\"true\"<\/code> for accessibility (#1629)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Content Cubes particle uses now linear gradient made out of Accent Color 1 and 2 for its background (#1809)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a bug in <code>|html<\/code> filter<\/li>\n<li>Fixed wrong ordering of custom CSS\/JS assets<\/li>\n<li>Fixed nested field selector in <code>collection.list<\/code> loosing its value when you edit all items (#1817)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Updated OwlCarousel, fixed a bug when OwlCarousel disappeared when only 1 item was set (#1801)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Fix logo image overlapping hamburger menu icon in mobile view (#1691)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen: Fixed menu dropdowns items aligned to left when in RTL mode (#1753)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed extended menu items starting from 3rd level and below not expanding vertically as expected (#1778)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed search icon misalignment in Particles\/Modules\/Widgets pickers (#1827)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow previously hardcoded module and component wrappers to be overridden<\/li>\n<li>Administrator: Add submenu to access both <code>Available Themes<\/code> and <code>Default Theme<\/code> (#1764)<\/li>\n<li>Hide theme prefix from Outline names (#1724)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed all <code>&lt;script&gt;<\/code> tags being corrupted in some Windows installs due to broken <code>uniqid()<\/code> function<\/li>\n<li>Fixed country code on HTML tag being in lower case, enabling translations in Snipcart (#1822)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed priority of <code>Front Page<\/code> and <code>Home Page<\/code> assignments to be higher than the rest of the group (#1762)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed occasional <code>Undefined index: object_id<\/code> when trying to save menu with a separator (#1819)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen: Fix pagination styling in mobile view (#1563)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed deleted or renamed <code>Home<\/code> outline reverting back (#1785)\n<ul>\n<li>For existing sites please see <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues\/1785\">Issue 1785<\/a> to fix the issue<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for <code>Maintenance<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added particle for <code>LangSwitcher<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added particle for <code>Feed<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Rename <code>Appearance<\/code> to <code>Gantry 5<\/code> as it seems to be less confusing for most users<\/li>\n<li>Display changes indicator when in the Positions Manager and changes happen (#1741)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed particles inside positions having extra margin and padding (<code>g-content<\/code> class)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed menu rendering issues in multi-language sites<\/li>\n<li>Fixed login particle<\/li>\n<li>Fixed login in offline mode accepting invalid credentials (#1808)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Positions Add button (#1803)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed misaligned style for key\/value field (#1789)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAllow custom SCSS files to be inserted from particles and atoms by &lt;link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"particle.scss\" \/&gt;\nAdd support to refer JS\/CSS files without using url() function in twig files (streams are handled internally)\nAllow custom SCSS files to be inserted from both Page Settings \/ Assets \/ CSS and Assets Atom (#215, #424, #1692)\nAdd support for {% pageblock bottom %}...{% endpageblock %} to add HTML into the page (#1161)\n\nwhere first parameter is one of: body_top | top | bottom | body_bottom\nsupports also with { priority: n } to set the priority for the block (recommended range 10 ... -10)\n\n\n\n\nMenu items in frontend now render icons with aria-hidden=\"true\" for accessibility (#1629)\nHelium: Content Cubes particle uses now linear gradient made out of Accent Color 1 and 2 for its background (#1809)\n\n\n\nFixed a bug in |html filter\nFixed wrong ordering of custom CSS\/JS assets\nFixed nested field selector in collection.list loosing its value when you edit all items (#1817)\nHelium: Updated OwlCarousel, fixed a bug when OwlCarousel disappeared when only 1 item was set (#1801)\nHelium: Fix logo image overlapping hamburger menu icon in mobile view (#1691)\nHydrogen: Fixed menu dropdowns items aligned to left when in RTL mode (#1753)\nFixed extended menu items starting from 3rd level and below not expanding vertically as expected (#1778)\nFixed search icon misalignment in Particles\/Modules\/Widgets pickers (#1827)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAllow previously hardcoded module and component wrappers to be overridden\nAdministrator: Add submenu to access both Available Themes and Default Theme (#1764)\nHide theme prefix from Outline names (#1724)\n\n\n\nFixed all &lt;script&gt; tags being corrupted in some Windows installs due to broken uniqid() function\nFixed country code on HTML tag being in lower case, enabling translations in Snipcart (#1822)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nChanged priority of Front Page and Home Page assignments to be higher than the rest of the group (#1762)\n\n\n\nFixed occasional Undefined index: object_id when trying to save menu with a separator (#1819)\nHydrogen: Fix pagination styling in mobile view (#1563)\nHydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed deleted or renamed Home outline reverting back (#1785)\n\nFor existing sites please see Issue 1785 to fix the issue\n\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded support for Maintenance plugin\nAdded particle for LangSwitcher plugin\nAdded particle for Feed plugin\n\n\n\nRename Appearance to Gantry 5 as it seems to be less confusing for most users\nDisplay changes indicator when in the Positions Manager and changes happen (#1741)\n\n\n\nFixed particles inside positions having extra margin and padding (g-content class)\nFixed menu rendering issues in multi-language sites\nFixed login particle\nFixed login in offline mode accepting invalid credentials (#1808)\nFixed Positions Add button (#1803)\nFixed misaligned style for key\/value field (#1789)"},"5.4.5":{"date":"01\/16\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Turn off menu caching for now as it caches also modules\/widgets\/particles inside the menu\n - Fixed bug in particle caching which causes some particles to have the same cache id\n - Fixed offcanvas menu not working properly in some sites\n - Fixed spaces in images not being urlencoded with `%20` when using `url()` function\n - Fixed empty badge in Atoms (#1798)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix white page if the page has bad UTF8 characters (usually from badly encoded translations)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed positions rendering escaped HTML code (#1797)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Turn off menu caching for now as it caches also modules\/widgets\/particles inside the menu<\/li>\n<li>Fixed bug in particle caching which causes some particles to have the same cache id<\/li>\n<li>Fixed offcanvas menu not working properly in some sites<\/li>\n<li>Fixed spaces in images not being urlencoded with <code>%20<\/code> when using <code>url()<\/code> function<\/li>\n<li>Fixed empty badge in Atoms (#1798)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix white page if the page has bad UTF8 characters (usually from badly encoded translations)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed positions rendering escaped HTML code (#1797)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nTurn off menu caching for now as it caches also modules\/widgets\/particles inside the menu\nFixed bug in particle caching which causes some particles to have the same cache id\nFixed offcanvas menu not working properly in some sites\nFixed spaces in images not being urlencoded with %20 when using url() function\nFixed empty badge in Atoms (#1798)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFix white page if the page has bad UTF8 characters (usually from badly encoded translations)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed positions rendering escaped HTML code (#1797)"},"5.4.4":{"date":"01\/14\/2017","content":"1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken RokSprocket and RokGallery: `Call to a member function addScript() on null` (#1794)\n - Fixed inline JavaScript rendered multiple times in `wp_footer` (#1795)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed namespace reference for Grav Page, throwing errors for PHP < 7","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken RokSprocket and RokGallery: <code>Call to a member function addScript() on null<\/code> (#1794)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed inline JavaScript rendered multiple times in <code>wp_footer<\/code> (#1795)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed namespace reference for Grav Page, throwing errors for PHP &lt; 7<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"WordPress\n\n\n\nFixed broken RokSprocket and RokGallery: Call to a member function addScript() on null (#1794)\nFixed inline JavaScript rendered multiple times in wp_footer (#1795)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nFixed namespace reference for Grav Page, throwing errors for PHP &lt; 7"},"5.4.3":{"date":"01\/13\/2017","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add particle caching when in production mode making a noticeable speed increase on particle heavy pages.\n Installed Gantry 5 themes should to be updated to a version which supports particle caching.\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `$1` and `\\\\1` being lost inside `<pre>` and `<code>` blocks (#1782)\n - Admin: Fixed `Back to Setup` button not working after page reload\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed loading template styles `preg_replace(): Compilation failed` error (#1769)\n - Fixed blank page when rendering ACL rules in frontend Joomla forms (#1767, #1775)\n - Worked around Joomla rendering issue on duplicate module positions and modules (#1721)\n - Fixed PHP 5.3 incompatibility in `System - Gantry 5` plugin (crashes Joomla admin!)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved title styling for Login Form particle (#1774, thanks @adi8i)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added particle for `Breadcrumbs` plugin (#1786)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed missing particle type in position page when hovering over particle (#1771)\n - Fixed home assignment bug (#1773)\n - Fixed engine page types missing when creating a new page (#1749)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add particle caching when in production mode making a noticeable speed increase on particle heavy pages.\nInstalled Gantry 5 themes should to be updated to a version which supports particle caching.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>$1<\/code> and <code>\\\\1<\/code> being lost inside <code>&lt;pre&gt;<\/code> and <code>&lt;code&gt;<\/code> blocks (#1782)<\/li>\n<li>Admin: Fixed <code>Back to Setup<\/code> button not working after page reload<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed loading template styles <code>preg_replace(): Compilation failed<\/code> error (#1769)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed blank page when rendering ACL rules in frontend Joomla forms (#1767, #1775)<\/li>\n<li>Worked around Joomla rendering issue on duplicate module positions and modules (#1721)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed PHP 5.3 incompatibility in <code>System - Gantry 5<\/code> plugin (crashes Joomla admin!)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved title styling for Login Form particle (#1774, thanks @adi8i)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added particle for <code>Breadcrumbs<\/code> plugin (#1786)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed missing particle type in position page when hovering over particle (#1771)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed home assignment bug (#1773)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed engine page types missing when creating a new page (#1749)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd particle caching when in production mode making a noticeable speed increase on particle heavy pages.\nInstalled Gantry 5 themes should to be updated to a version which supports particle caching.\n\n\n\nFixed $1 and \\\\1 being lost inside &lt;pre&gt; and &lt;code&gt; blocks (#1782)\nAdmin: Fixed Back to Setup button not working after page reload\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed loading template styles preg_replace(): Compilation failed error (#1769)\nFixed blank page when rendering ACL rules in frontend Joomla forms (#1767, #1775)\nWorked around Joomla rendering issue on duplicate module positions and modules (#1721)\nFixed PHP 5.3 incompatibility in System - Gantry 5 plugin (crashes Joomla admin!)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nImproved title styling for Login Form particle (#1774, thanks @adi8i)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nAdded particle for Breadcrumbs plugin (#1786)\n\n\n\nFixed missing particle type in position page when hovering over particle (#1771)\nFixed home assignment bug (#1773)\nFixed engine page types missing when creating a new page (#1749)"},"5.4.2":{"date":"12\/20\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix regression: Do not change links which aren't using Gantry streams in platform filter events (#1756)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix regression: Do not change links which aren't using Gantry streams in platform filter events (#1756)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFix regression: Do not change links which aren't using Gantry streams in platform filter events (#1756)"},"5.4.1":{"date":"12\/13\/2016","content":"1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Grav and Grav Admin dependencies versions","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Grav and Grav Admin dependencies versions<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Grav\n\n\n\nFixed Grav and Grav Admin dependencies versions"},"5.4.0":{"date":"12\/13\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added Lightbox support by creating `Lightcase Atom`. By default this feature can be used by adding `data-rel=\"lightcase\"` into the link\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Start using more strict YAML syntax (compatible to future version of YAML compiler)\n - Removed hack to manipulate URL and inject default page and nonce in Grav and Wordpress\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken responsive support classes (#1705)\n - Fixed known PHP 7.1 issues\n - Ignore broken Gantry 5 themes instead of throwing exception\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Resolve all stream URI links in Joomla page\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved outline assignments logic\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed error outline rendering modules which were assigned to menu items (#1732)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed broken link from Gantry admin to plugin settings\n - Fixed outline duplication copying assignments (#1719)\n - Fixed widgets and particles not showing up in menu (#1715)\n1. [Grav](#grav)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Grav is now integrated with Gantry 5!","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Lightbox support by creating <code>Lightcase Atom<\/code>. By default this feature can be used by adding <code>data-rel=\"lightcase\"<\/code> into the link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Start using more strict YAML syntax (compatible to future version of YAML compiler)<\/li>\n<li>Removed hack to manipulate URL and inject default page and nonce in Grav and Wordpress<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken responsive support classes (#1705)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed known PHP 7.1 issues<\/li>\n<li>Ignore broken Gantry 5 themes instead of throwing exception<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Resolve all stream URI links in Joomla page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved outline assignments logic<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed error outline rendering modules which were assigned to menu items (#1732)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed broken link from Gantry admin to plugin settings<\/li>\n<li>Fixed outline duplication copying assignments (#1719)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed widgets and particles not showing up in menu (#1715)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#grav\">Grav<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Grav is now integrated with Gantry 5!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded Lightbox support by creating Lightcase Atom. By default this feature can be used by adding data-rel=\"lightcase\" into the link\n\n\n\nStart using more strict YAML syntax (compatible to future version of YAML compiler)\nRemoved hack to manipulate URL and inject default page and nonce in Grav and Wordpress\n\n\n\nFixed broken responsive support classes (#1705)\nFixed known PHP 7.1 issues\nIgnore broken Gantry 5 themes instead of throwing exception\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nResolve all stream URI links in Joomla page\n\n\n\nImproved outline assignments logic\n\n\n\nFixed error outline rendering modules which were assigned to menu items (#1732)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed broken link from Gantry admin to plugin settings\nFixed outline duplication copying assignments (#1719)\nFixed widgets and particles not showing up in menu (#1715)\n\n\nGrav\n\n\n\nGrav is now integrated with Gantry 5!"},"5.3.9":{"date":"11\/23\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Load `jQuery` from particles instead of using `JavaScript Frameworks` atom to load it into every page\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed disabled atoms being rendered (#1671)\n - Fixed issues with responsive support classes (#1487)\n - Helium: Fixed tab rendering issues in `Content tabs` particle (#1635)\n - Fixed issue preventing particles to be switched between in the Inheritance panel\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Automatically load jQuery and Mootools frameworks in error page if particles or atoms request them\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue where Apache rewrite rule is overriding component but hitting `404 Page Not Found` instead of Joomla properly routing to the new location\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed PHP warning when saving menu with no menu items\n - Fixed incompatibility with WooCommerce Payu Latam plugin (#1628)\n - Fixed `Gantry: Please set current configuration before using $gantry[\"config\"]` (#942)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Load <code>jQuery<\/code> from particles instead of using <code>JavaScript Frameworks<\/code> atom to load it into every page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed disabled atoms being rendered (#1671)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with responsive support classes (#1487)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Fixed tab rendering issues in <code>Content tabs<\/code> particle (#1635)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue preventing particles to be switched between in the Inheritance panel<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Automatically load jQuery and Mootools frameworks in error page if particles or atoms request them<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue where Apache rewrite rule is overriding component but hitting <code>404 Page Not Found<\/code> instead of Joomla properly routing to the new location<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed PHP warning when saving menu with no menu items<\/li>\n<li>Fixed incompatibility with WooCommerce Payu Latam plugin (#1628)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Gantry: Please set current configuration before using $gantry[\"config\"]<\/code> (#942)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHelium: Load jQuery from particles instead of using JavaScript Frameworks atom to load it into every page\n\n\n\nFixed disabled atoms being rendered (#1671)\nFixed issues with responsive support classes (#1487)\nHelium: Fixed tab rendering issues in Content tabs particle (#1635)\nFixed issue preventing particles to be switched between in the Inheritance panel\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAutomatically load jQuery and Mootools frameworks in error page if particles or atoms request them\n\n\n\nFixed issue where Apache rewrite rule is overriding component but hitting 404 Page Not Found instead of Joomla properly routing to the new location\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed PHP warning when saving menu with no menu items\nFixed incompatibility with WooCommerce Payu Latam plugin (#1628)\nFixed Gantry: Please set current configuration before using $gantry[\"config\"] (#942)"},"5.3.8":{"date":"11\/10\/2016","content":"1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Gantry settings not being available in multi-site environments (#1610, thanks @dudewithamood)\n - Fixed issues with Gantry menu mixing up menu item parameters and ordering after using WordPress Importer (#1669)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Gantry settings not being available in multi-site environments (#1610, thanks @dudewithamood)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with Gantry menu mixing up menu item parameters and ordering after using WordPress Importer (#1669)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"WordPress\n\n\n\nFixed Gantry settings not being available in multi-site environments (#1610, thanks @dudewithamood)\nFixed issues with Gantry menu mixing up menu item parameters and ordering after using WordPress Importer (#1669)"},"5.3.7":{"date":"11\/09\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated FontAwesome to 4.7.0 which includes [Grav](https:\/\/getgrav.org)'s Logo!\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Fixed wrong font being used for the content titles (#1603)\n - Helium: Remove Expanded section padding on tablet-range view\n - Helium: Remove unneeded menu overlay when viewing site on touch devices\n - Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed Offcanvas toggle visibility setting (#1630)\n - Prevent broken Layout from breaking Gantry administration\n - Fixed Collection Lists' multi edit collapse\/expand that could potentially end up stuck closed (#1612)\n - Keep focus when clearing Inheritance dropdown (#1632)\n - Hide non-overridable fields inside tabs (#1665)\n - Fixed nested collections being non-editable after using `Edit all items` button in a parent collection (#1612)\n - Fixed Base Outline loosing all particles when loading another outline with inheritance (#1617)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix permissions for editing Particle modules without having access to Gantry admin (#1476)\n - Fixed Gantry menu editor loosing content of CSS field in Joomla menu item (#1656)\n - Fixed menu ordering issues when menu item alias got changed; to become effective menu must be saved once in Gantry (#595)\n - Fixed 'joomla.categories' YAML field type displaying trashed and archived categories (#1625)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed password field translation (#1657)\n - Fixed editing the menu item titles under `Appearance > Menu` changing the order of menu items in Gantry (#1016)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated FontAwesome to 4.7.0 which includes <a href=\"https:\/\/getgrav.org\">Grav<\/a>'s Logo!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Fixed wrong font being used for the content titles (#1603)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Remove Expanded section padding on tablet-range view<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Remove unneeded menu overlay when viewing site on touch devices<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed Offcanvas toggle visibility setting (#1630)<\/li>\n<li>Prevent broken Layout from breaking Gantry administration<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Collection Lists' multi edit collapse\/expand that could potentially end up stuck closed (#1612)<\/li>\n<li>Keep focus when clearing Inheritance dropdown (#1632)<\/li>\n<li>Hide non-overridable fields inside tabs (#1665)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed nested collections being non-editable after using <code>Edit all items<\/code> button in a parent collection (#1612)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Base Outline loosing all particles when loading another outline with inheritance (#1617)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix permissions for editing Particle modules without having access to Gantry admin (#1476)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Gantry menu editor loosing content of CSS field in Joomla menu item (#1656)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed menu ordering issues when menu item alias got changed; to become effective menu must be saved once in Gantry (#595)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed 'joomla.categories' YAML field type displaying trashed and archived categories (#1625)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed password field translation (#1657)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed editing the menu item titles under <code>Appearance &gt; Menu<\/code> changing the order of menu items in Gantry (#1016)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated FontAwesome to 4.7.0 which includes Grav's Logo!\n\n\n\nHelium: Fixed wrong font being used for the content titles (#1603)\nHelium: Remove Expanded section padding on tablet-range view\nHelium: Remove unneeded menu overlay when viewing site on touch devices\nHydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed Offcanvas toggle visibility setting (#1630)\nPrevent broken Layout from breaking Gantry administration\nFixed Collection Lists' multi edit collapse\/expand that could potentially end up stuck closed (#1612)\nKeep focus when clearing Inheritance dropdown (#1632)\nHide non-overridable fields inside tabs (#1665)\nFixed nested collections being non-editable after using Edit all items button in a parent collection (#1612)\nFixed Base Outline loosing all particles when loading another outline with inheritance (#1617)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFix permissions for editing Particle modules without having access to Gantry admin (#1476)\nFixed Gantry menu editor loosing content of CSS field in Joomla menu item (#1656)\nFixed menu ordering issues when menu item alias got changed; to become effective menu must be saved once in Gantry (#595)\nFixed 'joomla.categories' YAML field type displaying trashed and archived categories (#1625)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nHydrogen \/ Helium: Fixed password field translation (#1657)\nFixed editing the menu item titles under Appearance &gt; Menu changing the order of menu items in Gantry (#1016)"},"5.3.6":{"date":"10\/06\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated scssphp to v0.6.6\n - Added `nomarginleft`, `nomarginright`, `nopaddingleft`, `nopaddingright` CSS utility classes to Nucleus\n - Add configuration option to use default platform upload path when adding new images via file picker (#1597)\n - SCSS compiler: Make all URLs https compatible by replacing `http:\/\/` protocol with `\/\/`\n - Helium: Added a second sidebar `Aside` to the default layout. It and `Sidebar` have also been set to have fixed size\n - Add initial support for translating form field `label` and `description` (#84)\n - Collections: Multi edit now features a global input label filter and a way to collapse\/expand the items (#1579)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Display sorted sidebar folders in Filepicker\n - Better coordination for dragged items in Menu and Layout Manager (related #1576)\n - Using regular select for Dropdown Animation\n - Social Particle: New Display option allows to show icons only, text only or both (#1565)\n - Helium: Removed redundant favicon field in the Styles tab. Please use the one in the Page Settings.\n - Updated Google Fonts (+3 fonts)\n - It is now possible to disable links in a Logo \/ Image particle (thanks @adi8i - #1607)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed title editing for newly added Outlines (#1555)\n - Fixed fields set to not override still displaying overridable in Tabs containers (#1552)\n - Fixed broken URLs for non-existing files in Custom HTML particle\n - Fixed XML errors outside Gantry triggering an error (thanks @Chrissi2812, #1567)\n - Fixed issue with Block attributes not rendering when the parent Section was inheriting (#1577, #1580)\n - Fixed particles getting lost in offcancas section when loading layout preset with older format (#1593)\n - Fixed first time compilation of custom.scss not working (#1590)\n - Fixed override checkboxes showing up in settings tabs when they should not (#1578)\n - Fixed enablers in `Particle Defaults` having custom value and still appearing to be unchecked (#1570)\n - Fixed inheritance converting associative arrays into objects causing associative lists to be missing in inherited sections and particles (#1585)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add plugin events `onGantry5AdminInit` and `onGantry5ThemeInit` to allow custom Twig filters and functions (#1584)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed routing for `index.php?Itemid=xxx` URLs inside particles\n - Joomla Articles Particle: Add field for entering article ids (thanks @JoomFX - #1591)\n - Fixed accessing Particle module from Joomla Module Manager if user does not have access to edit template (#1476)\n - Menu Manager: Display info message and prevent user from saving menu if menu items have been checked out (#1019)\n - Fixed missing system message in component modals (#1156)\n - Fixed typo on custom translation filename (#1600)\n - Fixed error in Menu particle when site has no default menu selected for the language\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Extended categories field to allow selecting custom taxonomies (#1535)\n - Update Timber to 1.1.5 for new features (#1556)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Fixed duration parameter in Content Tabs particle\n - Fixed Colorpicker zIndex in Particle Settings (#1574)\n - Fixed wrong protocol in compiled CSS files in a site that uses both http and https (#1594)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated scssphp to v0.6.6<\/li>\n<li>Added <code>nomarginleft<\/code>, <code>nomarginright<\/code>, <code>nopaddingleft<\/code>, <code>nopaddingright<\/code> CSS utility classes to Nucleus<\/li>\n<li>Add configuration option to use default platform upload path when adding new images via file picker (#1597)<\/li>\n<li>SCSS compiler: Make all URLs https compatible by replacing <code>http:\/\/<\/code> protocol with <code>\/\/<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Helium: Added a second sidebar <code>Aside<\/code> to the default layout. It and <code>Sidebar<\/code> have also been set to have fixed size<\/li>\n<li>Add initial support for translating form field <code>label<\/code> and <code>description<\/code> (#84)<\/li>\n<li>Collections: Multi edit now features a global input label filter and a way to collapse\/expand the items (#1579)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Display sorted sidebar folders in Filepicker<\/li>\n<li>Better coordination for dragged items in Menu and Layout Manager (related #1576)<\/li>\n<li>Using regular select for Dropdown Animation<\/li>\n<li>Social Particle: New Display option allows to show icons only, text only or both (#1565)<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Removed redundant favicon field in the Styles tab. Please use the one in the Page Settings.<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts (+3 fonts)<\/li>\n<li>It is now possible to disable links in a Logo \/ Image particle (thanks @adi8i - #1607)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed title editing for newly added Outlines (#1555)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fields set to not override still displaying overridable in Tabs containers (#1552)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed broken URLs for non-existing files in Custom HTML particle<\/li>\n<li>Fixed XML errors outside Gantry triggering an error (thanks @Chrissi2812, #1567)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Block attributes not rendering when the parent Section was inheriting (#1577, #1580)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed particles getting lost in offcancas section when loading layout preset with older format (#1593)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed first time compilation of custom.scss not working (#1590)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed override checkboxes showing up in settings tabs when they should not (#1578)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed enablers in <code>Particle Defaults<\/code> having custom value and still appearing to be unchecked (#1570)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed inheritance converting associative arrays into objects causing associative lists to be missing in inherited sections and particles (#1585)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add plugin events <code>onGantry5AdminInit<\/code> and <code>onGantry5ThemeInit<\/code> to allow custom Twig filters and functions (#1584)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed routing for <code>index.php?Itemid=xxx<\/code> URLs inside particles<\/li>\n<li>Joomla Articles Particle: Add field for entering article ids (thanks @JoomFX - #1591)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed accessing Particle module from Joomla Module Manager if user does not have access to edit template (#1476)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Manager: Display info message and prevent user from saving menu if menu items have been checked out (#1019)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing system message in component modals (#1156)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed typo on custom translation filename (#1600)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed error in Menu particle when site has no default menu selected for the language<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Extended categories field to allow selecting custom taxonomies (#1535)<\/li>\n<li>Update Timber to 1.1.5 for new features (#1556)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Fixed duration parameter in Content Tabs particle<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Colorpicker zIndex in Particle Settings (#1574)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed wrong protocol in compiled CSS files in a site that uses both http and https (#1594)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated scssphp to v0.6.6\nAdded nomarginleft, nomarginright, nopaddingleft, nopaddingright CSS utility classes to Nucleus\nAdd configuration option to use default platform upload path when adding new images via file picker (#1597)\nSCSS compiler: Make all URLs https compatible by replacing http:\/\/ protocol with \/\/\nHelium: Added a second sidebar Aside to the default layout. It and Sidebar have also been set to have fixed size\nAdd initial support for translating form field label and description (#84)\nCollections: Multi edit now features a global input label filter and a way to collapse\/expand the items (#1579)\n\n\n\nDisplay sorted sidebar folders in Filepicker\nBetter coordination for dragged items in Menu and Layout Manager (related #1576)\nUsing regular select for Dropdown Animation\nSocial Particle: New Display option allows to show icons only, text only or both (#1565)\nHelium: Removed redundant favicon field in the Styles tab. Please use the one in the Page Settings.\nUpdated Google Fonts (+3 fonts)\nIt is now possible to disable links in a Logo \/ Image particle (thanks @adi8i - #1607)\n\n\n\nFixed title editing for newly added Outlines (#1555)\nFixed fields set to not override still displaying overridable in Tabs containers (#1552)\nFixed broken URLs for non-existing files in Custom HTML particle\nFixed XML errors outside Gantry triggering an error (thanks @Chrissi2812, #1567)\nFixed issue with Block attributes not rendering when the parent Section was inheriting (#1577, #1580)\nFixed particles getting lost in offcancas section when loading layout preset with older format (#1593)\nFixed first time compilation of custom.scss not working (#1590)\nFixed override checkboxes showing up in settings tabs when they should not (#1578)\nFixed enablers in Particle Defaults having custom value and still appearing to be unchecked (#1570)\nFixed inheritance converting associative arrays into objects causing associative lists to be missing in inherited sections and particles (#1585)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdd plugin events onGantry5AdminInit and onGantry5ThemeInit to allow custom Twig filters and functions (#1584)\n\n\n\nFixed routing for index.php?Itemid=xxx URLs inside particles\nJoomla Articles Particle: Add field for entering article ids (thanks @JoomFX - #1591)\nFixed accessing Particle module from Joomla Module Manager if user does not have access to edit template (#1476)\nMenu Manager: Display info message and prevent user from saving menu if menu items have been checked out (#1019)\nFixed missing system message in component modals (#1156)\nFixed typo on custom translation filename (#1600)\nFixed error in Menu particle when site has no default menu selected for the language\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nExtended categories field to allow selecting custom taxonomies (#1535)\nUpdate Timber to 1.1.5 for new features (#1556)\n\n\n\nHelium: Fixed duration parameter in Content Tabs particle\nFixed Colorpicker zIndex in Particle Settings (#1574)\nFixed wrong protocol in compiled CSS files in a site that uses both http and https (#1594)"},"5.3.5":{"date":"09\/02\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented platform specific composer dependencies\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed compiled CSS files having bad relative URLs, regression was introduced with [v5.3.3](http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.3.3) (#1528)\n - Outlines in the Load panel in LM are now capitalized properly (#1520)\n - Fixed Global filter for Assignments (#1521)\n - Fixed disabled menu items still showing up on front-end and not displaying as disabled in the admin (#1532)\n - Fixed validation warning icon piling up when Applying and after an error (#1526)\n - Fixed untranslated string in Atoms validation (#1525)\n - Removed extra `assets` and `engines` folders from `gantry-media:\/\/` stream\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Include Timber Library v1.1.3 into Gantry Plugin. Removes dependency to Timber Plugin. (#1542)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Updated Hydrogen and Helium themes to use Timber 1.1 classes\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Undefined index: link` when saving menu","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented platform specific composer dependencies<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed compiled CSS files having bad relative URLs, regression was introduced with <a href=\"http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.3.3\">v5.3.3<\/a> (#1528)<\/li>\n<li>Outlines in the Load panel in LM are now capitalized properly (#1520)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Global filter for Assignments (#1521)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed disabled menu items still showing up on front-end and not displaying as disabled in the admin (#1532)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed validation warning icon piling up when Applying and after an error (#1526)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed untranslated string in Atoms validation (#1525)<\/li>\n<li>Removed extra <code>assets<\/code> and <code>engines<\/code> folders from <code>gantry-media:\/\/<\/code> stream<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Include Timber Library v1.1.3 into Gantry Plugin. Removes dependency to Timber Plugin. (#1542)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Hydrogen and Helium themes to use Timber 1.1 classes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined index: link<\/code> when saving menu<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nImplemented platform specific composer dependencies\n\n\n\nFixed compiled CSS files having bad relative URLs, regression was introduced with v5.3.3 (#1528)\nOutlines in the Load panel in LM are now capitalized properly (#1520)\nFixed Global filter for Assignments (#1521)\nFixed disabled menu items still showing up on front-end and not displaying as disabled in the admin (#1532)\nFixed validation warning icon piling up when Applying and after an error (#1526)\nFixed untranslated string in Atoms validation (#1525)\nRemoved extra assets and engines folders from gantry-media:\/\/ stream\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nInclude Timber Library v1.1.3 into Gantry Plugin. Removes dependency to Timber Plugin. (#1542)\n\n\n\nUpdated Hydrogen and Helium themes to use Timber 1.1 classes\n\n\n\nFixed Undefined index: link when saving menu"},"5.3.4":{"date":"08\/24\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - **Patch Release**: This patch release fixes a regression introduced with [v5.3.3](http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.3.3) where Layout Manager and Menu Manager item settings were not clickable.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Patch Release<\/strong>: This patch release fixes a regression introduced with <a href=\"http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.3.3\">v5.3.3<\/a> where Layout Manager and Menu Manager item settings were not clickable.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nPatch Release: This patch release fixes a regression introduced with v5.3.3 where Layout Manager and Menu Manager item settings were not clickable."},"5.3.3":{"date":"08\/24\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.3\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Failed streams in compiled SCSS will now be transformed to 404 URIs, instead of keeping the stream. This will create less confusion on the errors displayed on frontend (#1457, #1443, #1331)\n - Block Variations now display both label and actual class names inline, to better identify and use variations. Hovering over a selected variation will also now display the actual class name as a tooltip.\n - Filepicker files are now displaying sorted by name (#1478)\n - Social particle should use simple select instead of fancy selectize (#1490)\n - If debug mode is enabled, display whoops error instead of catching exceptions\n - Reworked the UI for assignments Filters and Togglers\n - Various RTL fixes and improvements (#1494, #1508, #1511, #1512)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed inherited\/default atoms from base outline displaying even if there are no atoms assigned in `Page Settings`\n - Fixed issue with globally disabled Particles that were appearing as enabled in the LM and could be drag and dropped (#1496)\n - Fixed wrongly rendered `disabled` attribute for Assignments items. Causing them to get lost on next save (#1501)\n - Section layout setting `Fullwidth (Boxed Content)` always shows as default in the Layout Manager (#1515)\n - Fixed select and selectize form fields not recognising difference between 0 and ''\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed extra Default outline that was added in the non-English Joomla installation during clean installation of template (#1461)\n - Fixed issue with Tabs container, conflicting with Tabs in the modals. Improved specificity (#1463)\n - Helium Template: Updateserver not implemented in templateDetails.xml (#1488)\n - Unassigning outline from all menu items does not have any effect (#1451)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Helium: Added missing `languages\/` directory with the `.pot` translation template file\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Added multiple `raw` filters in the content views\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Offline page should now properly display the offline message set in the Gantry 5 settings page.\n - Added missing custom directory to Timber template lookup (#1465)\n - Fixed `|trans` twig filter having `gantry5` textdomain hardcoded (#1459)\n - Fixed possible fatal error in menu particle (#1493)\n - Fixed new outline having checkboxes in Content tab selected (#1482)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.3<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Failed streams in compiled SCSS will now be transformed to 404 URIs, instead of keeping the stream. This will create less confusion on the errors displayed on frontend (#1457, #1443, #1331)<\/li>\n<li>Block Variations now display both label and actual class names inline, to better identify and use variations. Hovering over a selected variation will also now display the actual class name as a tooltip.<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker files are now displaying sorted by name (#1478)<\/li>\n<li>Social particle should use simple select instead of fancy selectize (#1490)<\/li>\n<li>If debug mode is enabled, display whoops error instead of catching exceptions<\/li>\n<li>Reworked the UI for assignments Filters and Togglers<\/li>\n<li>Various RTL fixes and improvements (#1494, #1508, #1511, #1512)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed inherited\/default atoms from base outline displaying even if there are no atoms assigned in <code>Page Settings<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with globally disabled Particles that were appearing as enabled in the LM and could be drag and dropped (#1496)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed wrongly rendered <code>disabled<\/code> attribute for Assignments items. Causing them to get lost on next save (#1501)<\/li>\n<li>Section layout setting <code>Fullwidth (Boxed Content)<\/code> always shows as default in the Layout Manager (#1515)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed select and selectize form fields not recognising difference between 0 and ''<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed extra Default outline that was added in the non-English Joomla installation during clean installation of template (#1461)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Tabs container, conflicting with Tabs in the modals. Improved specificity (#1463)<\/li>\n<li>Helium Template: Updateserver not implemented in templateDetails.xml (#1488)<\/li>\n<li>Unassigning outline from all menu items does not have any effect (#1451)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Added missing <code>languages\/<\/code> directory with the <code>.pot<\/code> translation template file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Added multiple <code>raw<\/code> filters in the content views<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Offline page should now properly display the offline message set in the Gantry 5 settings page.<\/li>\n<li>Added missing custom directory to Timber template lookup (#1465)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>|trans<\/code> twig filter having <code>gantry5<\/code> textdomain hardcoded (#1459)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed possible fatal error in menu particle (#1493)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed new outline having checkboxes in Content tab selected (#1482)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated FontAwesome to v4.6.3\n\n\n\nFailed streams in compiled SCSS will now be transformed to 404 URIs, instead of keeping the stream. This will create less confusion on the errors displayed on frontend (#1457, #1443, #1331)\nBlock Variations now display both label and actual class names inline, to better identify and use variations. Hovering over a selected variation will also now display the actual class name as a tooltip.\nFilepicker files are now displaying sorted by name (#1478)\nSocial particle should use simple select instead of fancy selectize (#1490)\nIf debug mode is enabled, display whoops error instead of catching exceptions\nReworked the UI for assignments Filters and Togglers\nVarious RTL fixes and improvements (#1494, #1508, #1511, #1512)\n\n\n\nFixed inherited\/default atoms from base outline displaying even if there are no atoms assigned in Page Settings\nFixed issue with globally disabled Particles that were appearing as enabled in the LM and could be drag and dropped (#1496)\nFixed wrongly rendered disabled attribute for Assignments items. Causing them to get lost on next save (#1501)\nSection layout setting Fullwidth (Boxed Content) always shows as default in the Layout Manager (#1515)\nFixed select and selectize form fields not recognising difference between 0 and ''\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed extra Default outline that was added in the non-English Joomla installation during clean installation of template (#1461)\nFixed issue with Tabs container, conflicting with Tabs in the modals. Improved specificity (#1463)\nHelium Template: Updateserver not implemented in templateDetails.xml (#1488)\nUnassigning outline from all menu items does not have any effect (#1451)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nHelium: Added missing languages\/ directory with the .pot translation template file\n\n\n\nHelium: Added multiple raw filters in the content views\n\n\n\nHelium: Offline page should now properly display the offline message set in the Gantry 5 settings page.\nAdded missing custom directory to Timber template lookup (#1465)\nFixed |trans twig filter having gantry5 textdomain hardcoded (#1459)\nFixed possible fatal error in menu particle (#1493)\nFixed new outline having checkboxes in Content tab selected (#1482)"},"5.3.2":{"date":"07\/19\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Helium: Added two new button variations - `button-square` and `button-bevel`\n - Implemented new Tabs Container that allows to better organize Particles fields in the admin (#1026 - [more details](https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues\/1026#issuecomment-232265381))\n - Hydrogen and Helium now require Gantry 5.3.2\n - Updated Google Fonts library (+70 new fonts)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Improved OwlCarousel color overlay support\n - Helium: Improved `shadow` variation\n - Hydrogen: Improved enqueueing of `comment-reply` script in the Comments twig template\n - Changed Joomla Articles and WordPress Posts particle to use the new Tabs container\n - Increased PHP timeout for CSS compiler to prevent issues in slow shared servers\n - Helium: OwlCarousel Color Overlay is now alternated to match while transitioning\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Helium: Fixed wrong dropdown menu item text hover color\n - Fixed missing languages files in Gantry 5 Particle Module, causing JS errors and preventing the Picker to work\n - Definitive fix for z-index issue Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)\n - Always ensure that the `G5T` method (translations for JS) is available (#1434)\n - Better escaping for JS translations\n - Fixed issue in Layout Manager when inheriting an empty Section from another Outline (#1435)\n - Fixed mis-representation of an inherited Section\/Particle when set to \"No Inheritance\" but with all the Replace options selected\n - Fixed inherited Sections with empty grids, not displaying the \"Drop particles here...\" message\n - Fixed issue in the Font Picker and local fonts throwing JS error\n - Proper fix for nested fields within containers (#924, #1026)\n - Fixed `Undefined property: stdClass::$outline` in `Layout::inherit()`\n - Fixed issue with modals in Firefox where the bottom end wouldn't have enough margin (thanks @coder4life - #1454)\n - Fixed issue with Offcanvas that on Touch devices would cause the Offcanvas to close while touch-scrolling (#1447)\n - Fixed issue with `input.multicheckbox` field throwing errors when not used in LM\n - Fixed save in menu editor, menu items were not saved properly (#1439)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Allow to install and update Gantry in Joomla 3.6\n - Helium is now going to be available from Joomla Updates\n - Improve template installation by adding support for nice looking installation and upgrade messages (written in twig)\n - Add support to install sample data separately from the template\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Helium: Enhanced Menu Modules in Offcanvas (#1442)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Menu subtitles get wiped out from all menu items when saving menu (#1438)\n - Fixed missing language loading in Gantry 5 Particle Module (#1437)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Fatal error when using BuddyPress (thanks @AlwynBarry - #1441)\n - Fixed `Missing argument 4 for gantry5_upgrader_source_selection()` (#1440)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Added two new button variations - <code>button-square<\/code> and <code>button-bevel<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Implemented new Tabs Container that allows to better organize Particles fields in the admin (#1026 - <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/gantry\/gantry5\/issues\/1026#issuecomment-232265381\">more details<\/a>)<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen and Helium now require Gantry 5.3.2<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library (+70 new fonts)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Improved OwlCarousel color overlay support<\/li>\n<li>Helium: Improved <code>shadow<\/code> variation<\/li>\n<li>Hydrogen: Improved enqueueing of <code>comment-reply<\/code> script in the Comments twig template<\/li>\n<li>Changed Joomla Articles and WordPress Posts particle to use the new Tabs container<\/li>\n<li>Increased PHP timeout for CSS compiler to prevent issues in slow shared servers<\/li>\n<li>Helium: OwlCarousel Color Overlay is now alternated to match while transitioning<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Fixed wrong dropdown menu item text hover color<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing languages files in Gantry 5 Particle Module, causing JS errors and preventing the Picker to work<\/li>\n<li>Definitive fix for z-index issue Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)<\/li>\n<li>Always ensure that the <code>G5T<\/code> method (translations for JS) is available (#1434)<\/li>\n<li>Better escaping for JS translations<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Layout Manager when inheriting an empty Section from another Outline (#1435)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed mis-representation of an inherited Section\/Particle when set to &quot;No Inheritance&quot; but with all the Replace options selected<\/li>\n<li>Fixed inherited Sections with empty grids, not displaying the &quot;Drop particles here...&quot; message<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in the Font Picker and local fonts throwing JS error<\/li>\n<li>Proper fix for nested fields within containers (#924, #1026)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined property: stdClass::$outline<\/code> in <code>Layout::inherit()<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with modals in Firefox where the bottom end wouldn't have enough margin (thanks @coder4life - #1454)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Offcanvas that on Touch devices would cause the Offcanvas to close while touch-scrolling (#1447)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with <code>input.multicheckbox<\/code> field throwing errors when not used in LM<\/li>\n<li>Fixed save in menu editor, menu items were not saved properly (#1439)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow to install and update Gantry in Joomla 3.6<\/li>\n<li>Helium is now going to be available from Joomla Updates<\/li>\n<li>Improve template installation by adding support for nice looking installation and upgrade messages (written in twig)<\/li>\n<li>Add support to install sample data separately from the template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Helium: Enhanced Menu Modules in Offcanvas (#1442)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu subtitles get wiped out from all menu items when saving menu (#1438)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing language loading in Gantry 5 Particle Module (#1437)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Fatal error when using BuddyPress (thanks @AlwynBarry - #1441)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Missing argument 4 for gantry5_upgrader_source_selection()<\/code> (#1440)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHelium: Added two new button variations - button-square and button-bevel\nImplemented new Tabs Container that allows to better organize Particles fields in the admin (#1026 - more details)\nHydrogen and Helium now require Gantry 5.3.2\nUpdated Google Fonts library (+70 new fonts)\n\n\n\nHelium: Improved OwlCarousel color overlay support\nHelium: Improved shadow variation\nHydrogen: Improved enqueueing of comment-reply script in the Comments twig template\nChanged Joomla Articles and WordPress Posts particle to use the new Tabs container\nIncreased PHP timeout for CSS compiler to prevent issues in slow shared servers\nHelium: OwlCarousel Color Overlay is now alternated to match while transitioning\n\n\n\nHelium: Fixed wrong dropdown menu item text hover color\nFixed missing languages files in Gantry 5 Particle Module, causing JS errors and preventing the Picker to work\nDefinitive fix for z-index issue Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)\nAlways ensure that the G5T method (translations for JS) is available (#1434)\nBetter escaping for JS translations\nFixed issue in Layout Manager when inheriting an empty Section from another Outline (#1435)\nFixed mis-representation of an inherited Section\/Particle when set to &quot;No Inheritance&quot; but with all the Replace options selected\nFixed inherited Sections with empty grids, not displaying the &quot;Drop particles here...&quot; message\nFixed issue in the Font Picker and local fonts throwing JS error\nProper fix for nested fields within containers (#924, #1026)\nFixed Undefined property: stdClass::$outline in Layout::inherit()\nFixed issue with modals in Firefox where the bottom end wouldn't have enough margin (thanks @coder4life - #1454)\nFixed issue with Offcanvas that on Touch devices would cause the Offcanvas to close while touch-scrolling (#1447)\nFixed issue with input.multicheckbox field throwing errors when not used in LM\nFixed save in menu editor, menu items were not saved properly (#1439)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAllow to install and update Gantry in Joomla 3.6\nHelium is now going to be available from Joomla Updates\nImprove template installation by adding support for nice looking installation and upgrade messages (written in twig)\nAdd support to install sample data separately from the template\n\n\n\nHelium: Enhanced Menu Modules in Offcanvas (#1442)\n\n\n\nMenu subtitles get wiped out from all menu items when saving menu (#1438)\nFixed missing language loading in Gantry 5 Particle Module (#1437)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed Fatal error when using BuddyPress (thanks @AlwynBarry - #1441)\nFixed Missing argument 4 for gantry5_upgrader_source_selection() (#1440)"},"5.3.1":{"date":"07\/11\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added permanent warning at the top of admin when using PHP 5.4. Gantry will soon drop PHP 5.4 support. Please upgrade as soon as possible. [More details](http:\/\/gantry.org\/blog\/php54-end-of-support)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Allow Presets description to be translatable (#1212)\n - Converted all hardcoded JS strings to translatable languages (#1212)\n - Added proper HTML5 subtypes to sections in Helium\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Can't use method return value in write context` on PHP 5.4 (#1413)\n - Fixed `Document::addScript` not allowing string argument (#1414)\n - Fixed Outlines rename from the dropdown switcher (#1422)\n - Fixed `Invalid argument supplied for foreach()` error when duplicating outline (#1416)\n - Fixed `Undefined property: stdClass::$childen` (#1431)\n - Fixed duplicating collection items not triggering the display of the multiple edit button (#1432)\n - Fixed issue that was preventing Menu Item titles (in Menu Manager) to be renamed\n - Fixed z-index issue in Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed warning in `Gantry 5 Particle` module about not using a Gantry 5 Theme (#1420)\n - Fixed Bootstrap table having always a border (#1330)\n - Fixed Bootstrap pagination having too much margin (#1389)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added permanent warning at the top of admin when using PHP 5.4. Gantry will soon drop PHP 5.4 support. Please upgrade as soon as possible. <a href=\"http:\/\/gantry.org\/blog\/php54-end-of-support\">More details<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow Presets description to be translatable (#1212)<\/li>\n<li>Converted all hardcoded JS strings to translatable languages (#1212)<\/li>\n<li>Added proper HTML5 subtypes to sections in Helium<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Can't use method return value in write context<\/code> on PHP 5.4 (#1413)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Document::addScript<\/code> not allowing string argument (#1414)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Outlines rename from the dropdown switcher (#1422)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Invalid argument supplied for foreach()<\/code> error when duplicating outline (#1416)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined property: stdClass::$childen<\/code> (#1431)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed duplicating collection items not triggering the display of the multiple edit button (#1432)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue that was preventing Menu Item titles (in Menu Manager) to be renamed<\/li>\n<li>Fixed z-index issue in Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed warning in <code>Gantry 5 Particle<\/code> module about not using a Gantry 5 Theme (#1420)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Bootstrap table having always a border (#1330)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Bootstrap pagination having too much margin (#1389)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded permanent warning at the top of admin when using PHP 5.4. Gantry will soon drop PHP 5.4 support. Please upgrade as soon as possible. More details\n\n\n\nAllow Presets description to be translatable (#1212)\nConverted all hardcoded JS strings to translatable languages (#1212)\nAdded proper HTML5 subtypes to sections in Helium\n\n\n\nFixed Can't use method return value in write context on PHP 5.4 (#1413)\nFixed Document::addScript not allowing string argument (#1414)\nFixed Outlines rename from the dropdown switcher (#1422)\nFixed Invalid argument supplied for foreach() error when duplicating outline (#1416)\nFixed Undefined property: stdClass::$childen (#1431)\nFixed duplicating collection items not triggering the display of the multiple edit button (#1432)\nFixed issue that was preventing Menu Item titles (in Menu Manager) to be renamed\nFixed z-index issue in Layout Manager when sections were inheriting without children (#1430)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed warning in Gantry 5 Particle module about not using a Gantry 5 Theme (#1420)\nFixed Bootstrap table having always a border (#1330)\nFixed Bootstrap pagination having too much margin (#1389)"},"5.3.0":{"date":"07\/08\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - **Inheritance**: It is now possible to have individual Sections and Particles to Inherit from a different Outline and to decide what to Inherit specifically (attributes, children, blocks). Once a Section or Particle have been set to Inherit, any change applied to the parent Section \/ Particle will automatically reflect to the inheriting one (#50, #303, #340, #361, #575, #1018, #1213, #1312)\n - Added support for DebugBar (#386)\n - Removed outdated LESS compiler (see #273)\n - Updated SCSS compiler to support version 3.4 (#1117)\n - Updated Bourbon SCSS library to v4.2.7\n - New `input.multicheckbox` field. Takes options like a select and renders as a list of checkboxes\n - New `input.radios` field. Allows to create a list of radio selectors. `options` entry should be of kind key\/value\n - Added possibility to place `<svg>` code directly inside the Logo particle\n - Creating New Outlines will now offer to either load based off of Presets or existing Outlines. When selecting existing Outlines you can now decide whether you want to Inherit or not (#1386)\n - Added priority field for CSS\/JS Assets and Atom (#1321)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Hide `Particle Defaults` tab from everywhere else but in `Base Outline`\n - Do not display `Atoms` in `Particle Defaults`\n - Display only shared particle settings in `Particle Defaults`\n - Tweaked text contrast across the Admin UI (#1326)\n - Sections Layout `Inherit` option is now renamed to `Inherit from Page Settings` (#1349)\n - Assignments cards have now maximum height declared for better presentation and readability\n - Removed rename capability from Base Outline (#1350)\n - Do not close the Atoms modal when clicking on the overlay, in order to prevent accidental loss of changes.\n - When deleting an Outline it will now highlight the title of the Outline in question\n - Make configration overrides persistent, meaning that the value will stay checked even if the value is identical to the global value (#1346)\n - Improved block sizes compatibility with IE10 and IE11 (thanks @Rdechamps - #1407)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed disabled particle rendering in menu item (thanks @nikola3244 - #1313)\n - Fixed typos in tooltips and notices (#1318)\n - Fixed issue with Icons Picker Select button no properly re-enabling when only switching dropdown (#1290)\n - Fixed potential JavaScript error on frontend when the Menu particle was disabled\n - Fixed Preset Match (star) being applied only in Base but not in the rest of the Outlines\n - Fixed issue in parent themes streams initialization (thanks @nikola3244 - #251, #1325)\n - Fixed `Document::urlFilter` handling URLs inside `<pre>` and `<code>` tags (#1328)\n - Fixed `collection.list` inside `container.set` not working (#1333)\n - Removed Nucleus CSS rule `.g-block.visible-desktop {}` that was overriding the media queries (#1344)\n - Layout Manager will now prevent clearing single empty rows upon save (#1368)\n - Font Picker: Fixed potential conflict issue when a Local and a Remote fonts were matching name\n - Fixed minor issue that would cause the flickering of the Layout while scrolling, when the Layout was shorter than the Sidebar (#1378)\n - Section titles in the Layout Manager that don't fit are now collapsing with ellipsis and a title (#1392)\n - Fixed missing configuration when duplicating system outlines\n - Fixed issues with single select field with multiple values (#1402)\n - Fixed `select.select` with `multiple` option enabled, storing only the first selected option rather than all (#1402)\n - Fixed DOM parser issue with HTML tags when adding inline JS\/CSS (#1359)\n - Fixed issue with anchors and Offcanvas not resetting the overlay in IE and Firefox (#1399)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Enable `Layout` tab for `Base Outline`\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Hydrogen for Joomla loads now optional `alert` assets from Nucleus to fix potential styling issues\n - Gantry 5 Particle now displays, as a tooltip, the Particle type in the lists of modules when hovering over the badge (#1373)\n - Gantry 5 Particle badge for unselected Particles is now orange, to distinct from the selected ones (green)\n - Added warning message to particle module when there is no default template set (#1316)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue with `Link Title Attribute` menu setting in Joomla, where the value would be translated as subtitle in Gantry, rather than `title=\"\"` attribute (#1176)\n - Fixed untranslated 404 page title (#1001)\n - Fixed wrong title in newly created outline\n - Fixed content array particle: alias in link duplicating (#1400)\n - Fixed particle module not caching Javascript \/ CSS (#977)\n - Fixed exception thrown in administration if parent theme was not enabled in Joomla\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Extend Assignments with multiple `BuddyPress` conditionals. This requires BuddyPress 2.6 and newer (thanks @horch004 - #1298)\n - Extend Assignments with possibility to assign outline to all posts or archive page of custom post type (thanks @horch004 - #1298)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Gantry 5 Particle Widget is now compatible with WordPress Customizer and will live-refresh on change (#869)\n - Add support for Widgets with checkboxes that use the trick of hidden\/checkbox fields with the same name (#1014)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed post type priority not being used in assignments (#1340)\n - Fixed menu particle missing `Expand on Hover` option (#1360)\n - Fixed Admin incompatibility with Jetpack (#1184)\n - Fixed updating plugins causing endless maintenance mode when `display_errors = On` (#1271)\n - Fixed missing layout denying access to admin (#1319)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Inheritance<\/strong>: It is now possible to have individual Sections and Particles to Inherit from a different Outline and to decide what to Inherit specifically (attributes, children, blocks). Once a Section or Particle have been set to Inherit, any change applied to the parent Section \/ Particle will automatically reflect to the inheriting one (#50, #303, #340, #361, #575, #1018, #1213, #1312)<\/li>\n<li>Added support for DebugBar (#386)<\/li>\n<li>Removed outdated LESS compiler (see #273)<\/li>\n<li>Updated SCSS compiler to support version 3.4 (#1117)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Bourbon SCSS library to v4.2.7<\/li>\n<li>New <code>input.multicheckbox<\/code> field. Takes options like a select and renders as a list of checkboxes<\/li>\n<li>New <code>input.radios<\/code> field. Allows to create a list of radio selectors. <code>options<\/code> entry should be of kind key\/value<\/li>\n<li>Added possibility to place <code>&lt;svg&gt;<\/code> code directly inside the Logo particle<\/li>\n<li>Creating New Outlines will now offer to either load based off of Presets or existing Outlines. When selecting existing Outlines you can now decide whether you want to Inherit or not (#1386)<\/li>\n<li>Added priority field for CSS\/JS Assets and Atom (#1321)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hide <code>Particle Defaults<\/code> tab from everywhere else but in <code>Base Outline<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Do not display <code>Atoms<\/code> in <code>Particle Defaults<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Display only shared particle settings in <code>Particle Defaults<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Tweaked text contrast across the Admin UI (#1326)<\/li>\n<li>Sections Layout <code>Inherit<\/code> option is now renamed to <code>Inherit from Page Settings<\/code> (#1349)<\/li>\n<li>Assignments cards have now maximum height declared for better presentation and readability<\/li>\n<li>Removed rename capability from Base Outline (#1350)<\/li>\n<li>Do not close the Atoms modal when clicking on the overlay, in order to prevent accidental loss of changes.<\/li>\n<li>When deleting an Outline it will now highlight the title of the Outline in question<\/li>\n<li>Make configration overrides persistent, meaning that the value will stay checked even if the value is identical to the global value (#1346)<\/li>\n<li>Improved block sizes compatibility with IE10 and IE11 (thanks @Rdechamps - #1407)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed disabled particle rendering in menu item (thanks @nikola3244 - #1313)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed typos in tooltips and notices (#1318)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with Icons Picker Select button no properly re-enabling when only switching dropdown (#1290)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potential JavaScript error on frontend when the Menu particle was disabled<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Preset Match (star) being applied only in Base but not in the rest of the Outlines<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in parent themes streams initialization (thanks @nikola3244 - #251, #1325)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Document::urlFilter<\/code> handling URLs inside <code>&lt;pre&gt;<\/code> and <code>&lt;code&gt;<\/code> tags (#1328)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>collection.list<\/code> inside <code>container.set<\/code> not working (#1333)<\/li>\n<li>Removed Nucleus CSS rule <code>.g-block.visible-desktop {}<\/code> that was overriding the media queries (#1344)<\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager will now prevent clearing single empty rows upon save (#1368)<\/li>\n<li>Font Picker: Fixed potential conflict issue when a Local and a Remote fonts were matching name<\/li>\n<li>Fixed minor issue that would cause the flickering of the Layout while scrolling, when the Layout was shorter than the Sidebar (#1378)<\/li>\n<li>Section titles in the Layout Manager that don't fit are now collapsing with ellipsis and a title (#1392)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing configuration when duplicating system outlines<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issues with single select field with multiple values (#1402)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>select.select<\/code> with <code>multiple<\/code> option enabled, storing only the first selected option rather than all (#1402)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed DOM parser issue with HTML tags when adding inline JS\/CSS (#1359)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with anchors and Offcanvas not resetting the overlay in IE and Firefox (#1399)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enable <code>Layout<\/code> tab for <code>Base Outline<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen for Joomla loads now optional <code>alert<\/code> assets from Nucleus to fix potential styling issues<\/li>\n<li>Gantry 5 Particle now displays, as a tooltip, the Particle type in the lists of modules when hovering over the badge (#1373)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry 5 Particle badge for unselected Particles is now orange, to distinct from the selected ones (green)<\/li>\n<li>Added warning message to particle module when there is no default template set (#1316)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue with <code>Link Title Attribute<\/code> menu setting in Joomla, where the value would be translated as subtitle in Gantry, rather than <code>title=\"\"<\/code> attribute (#1176)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed untranslated 404 page title (#1001)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed wrong title in newly created outline<\/li>\n<li>Fixed content array particle: alias in link duplicating (#1400)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed particle module not caching Javascript \/ CSS (#977)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed exception thrown in administration if parent theme was not enabled in Joomla<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Extend Assignments with multiple <code>BuddyPress<\/code> conditionals. This requires BuddyPress 2.6 and newer (thanks @horch004 - #1298)<\/li>\n<li>Extend Assignments with possibility to assign outline to all posts or archive page of custom post type (thanks @horch004 - #1298)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Gantry 5 Particle Widget is now compatible with WordPress Customizer and will live-refresh on change (#869)<\/li>\n<li>Add support for Widgets with checkboxes that use the trick of hidden\/checkbox fields with the same name (#1014)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed post type priority not being used in assignments (#1340)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed menu particle missing <code>Expand on Hover<\/code> option (#1360)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Admin incompatibility with Jetpack (#1184)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed updating plugins causing endless maintenance mode when <code>display_errors = On<\/code> (#1271)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing layout denying access to admin (#1319)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nInheritance: It is now possible to have individual Sections and Particles to Inherit from a different Outline and to decide what to Inherit specifically (attributes, children, blocks). Once a Section or Particle have been set to Inherit, any change applied to the parent Section \/ Particle will automatically reflect to the inheriting one (#50, #303, #340, #361, #575, #1018, #1213, #1312)\nAdded support for DebugBar (#386)\nRemoved outdated LESS compiler (see #273)\nUpdated SCSS compiler to support version 3.4 (#1117)\nUpdated Bourbon SCSS library to v4.2.7\nNew input.multicheckbox field. Takes options like a select and renders as a list of checkboxes\nNew input.radios field. Allows to create a list of radio selectors. options entry should be of kind key\/value\nAdded possibility to place &lt;svg&gt; code directly inside the Logo particle\nCreating New Outlines will now offer to either load based off of Presets or existing Outlines. When selecting existing Outlines you can now decide whether you want to Inherit or not (#1386)\nAdded priority field for CSS\/JS Assets and Atom (#1321)\n\n\n\nHide Particle Defaults tab from everywhere else but in Base Outline\nDo not display Atoms in Particle Defaults\nDisplay only shared particle settings in Particle Defaults\nTweaked text contrast across the Admin UI (#1326)\nSections Layout Inherit option is now renamed to Inherit from Page Settings (#1349)\nAssignments cards have now maximum height declared for better presentation and readability\nRemoved rename capability from Base Outline (#1350)\nDo not close the Atoms modal when clicking on the overlay, in order to prevent accidental loss of changes.\nWhen deleting an Outline it will now highlight the title of the Outline in question\nMake configration overrides persistent, meaning that the value will stay checked even if the value is identical to the global value (#1346)\nImproved block sizes compatibility with IE10 and IE11 (thanks @Rdechamps - #1407)\n\n\n\nFixed disabled particle rendering in menu item (thanks @nikola3244 - #1313)\nFixed typos in tooltips and notices (#1318)\nFixed issue with Icons Picker Select button no properly re-enabling when only switching dropdown (#1290)\nFixed potential JavaScript error on frontend when the Menu particle was disabled\nFixed Preset Match (star) being applied only in Base but not in the rest of the Outlines\nFixed issue in parent themes streams initialization (thanks @nikola3244 - #251, #1325)\nFixed Document::urlFilter handling URLs inside &lt;pre&gt; and &lt;code&gt; tags (#1328)\nFixed collection.list inside container.set not working (#1333)\nRemoved Nucleus CSS rule .g-block.visible-desktop {} that was overriding the media queries (#1344)\nLayout Manager will now prevent clearing single empty rows upon save (#1368)\nFont Picker: Fixed potential conflict issue when a Local and a Remote fonts were matching name\nFixed minor issue that would cause the flickering of the Layout while scrolling, when the Layout was shorter than the Sidebar (#1378)\nSection titles in the Layout Manager that don't fit are now collapsing with ellipsis and a title (#1392)\nFixed missing configuration when duplicating system outlines\nFixed issues with single select field with multiple values (#1402)\nFixed select.select with multiple option enabled, storing only the first selected option rather than all (#1402)\nFixed DOM parser issue with HTML tags when adding inline JS\/CSS (#1359)\nFixed issue with anchors and Offcanvas not resetting the overlay in IE and Firefox (#1399)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nEnable Layout tab for Base Outline\n\n\n\nHydrogen for Joomla loads now optional alert assets from Nucleus to fix potential styling issues\nGantry 5 Particle now displays, as a tooltip, the Particle type in the lists of modules when hovering over the badge (#1373)\nGantry 5 Particle badge for unselected Particles is now orange, to distinct from the selected ones (green)\nAdded warning message to particle module when there is no default template set (#1316)\n\n\n\nFixed issue with Link Title Attribute menu setting in Joomla, where the value would be translated as subtitle in Gantry, rather than title=\"\" attribute (#1176)\nFixed untranslated 404 page title (#1001)\nFixed wrong title in newly created outline\nFixed content array particle: alias in link duplicating (#1400)\nFixed particle module not caching Javascript \/ CSS (#977)\nFixed exception thrown in administration if parent theme was not enabled in Joomla\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nExtend Assignments with multiple BuddyPress conditionals. This requires BuddyPress 2.6 and newer (thanks @horch004 - #1298)\nExtend Assignments with possibility to assign outline to all posts or archive page of custom post type (thanks @horch004 - #1298)\n\n\n\nGantry 5 Particle Widget is now compatible with WordPress Customizer and will live-refresh on change (#869)\nAdd support for Widgets with checkboxes that use the trick of hidden\/checkbox fields with the same name (#1014)\n\n\n\nFixed post type priority not being used in assignments (#1340)\nFixed menu particle missing Expand on Hover option (#1360)\nFixed Admin incompatibility with Jetpack (#1184)\nFixed updating plugins causing endless maintenance mode when display_errors = On (#1271)\nFixed missing layout denying access to admin (#1319)"},"5.2.18":{"date":"05\/27\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Creating and duplicating Outlines now offers a modal where title and preset can be pre-compiled, without having to edit it later (#207)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Filepicker now allows uploading and deleting UTF-8 named files\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Filepicker `root` property failing when mixing streams with non-streams paths (#1305)\n - Fixed `button` input field (thanks @nikola3244 - #1308)\n - Fixed `Oops, Cannot delete non-existing folder (500 internal error)` during Cache Clearing and when compiling YAML and Twig settings were disabled (#1306)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed regression in positioning module content by removing `row-fluid` wrapping from Joomla modules\n - Fixed `Gantry 5 - Presets` plugin being enabled during upgrades (#1285)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Creating and duplicating Outlines now offers a modal where title and preset can be pre-compiled, without having to edit it later (#207)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Filepicker now allows uploading and deleting UTF-8 named files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Filepicker <code>root<\/code> property failing when mixing streams with non-streams paths (#1305)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>button<\/code> input field (thanks @nikola3244 - #1308)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Oops, Cannot delete non-existing folder (500 internal error)<\/code> during Cache Clearing and when compiling YAML and Twig settings were disabled (#1306)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed regression in positioning module content by removing <code>row-fluid<\/code> wrapping from Joomla modules<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Gantry 5 - Presets<\/code> plugin being enabled during upgrades (#1285)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nCreating and duplicating Outlines now offers a modal where title and preset can be pre-compiled, without having to edit it later (#207)\n\n\n\nFilepicker now allows uploading and deleting UTF-8 named files\n\n\n\nFixed Filepicker root property failing when mixing streams with non-streams paths (#1305)\nFixed button input field (thanks @nikola3244 - #1308)\nFixed Oops, Cannot delete non-existing folder (500 internal error) during Cache Clearing and when compiling YAML and Twig settings were disabled (#1306)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed regression in positioning module content by removing row-fluid wrapping from Joomla modules\nFixed Gantry 5 - Presets plugin being enabled during upgrades (#1285)"},"5.2.17":{"date":"05\/19\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Warning: Zend OPcache API is restricted by \"restrict_api\" configuration directive`\n - Fixed backward compatibility for custom menus where the hovering wouldn't be the default behavior (#1293)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed media manager not rendering correctly in frontend editor (#986)\n - Fixed modal issues with Fabrik (#1147)\n - Wrap all Joomla content to `row-fluid` to fix some Bootstrap layout issues\n - Fixed articles particle displaying unpublished, trashed and archived articles (#1289)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Work around commit issues to WP SVN to allow again automated updates (5.2.16 was skipped, see [changelog](http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.2.16&p=wordpress))","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Warning: Zend OPcache API is restricted by \"restrict_api\" configuration directive<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed backward compatibility for custom menus where the hovering wouldn't be the default behavior (#1293)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed media manager not rendering correctly in frontend editor (#986)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed modal issues with Fabrik (#1147)<\/li>\n<li>Wrap all Joomla content to <code>row-fluid<\/code> to fix some Bootstrap layout issues<\/li>\n<li>Fixed articles particle displaying unpublished, trashed and archived articles (#1289)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Work around commit issues to WP SVN to allow again automated updates (5.2.16 was skipped, see <a href=\"http:\/\/gantry.org\/#changelog:v=5.2.16&amp;p=wordpress\">changelog<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFixed Warning: Zend OPcache API is restricted by \"restrict_api\" configuration directive\nFixed backward compatibility for custom menus where the hovering wouldn't be the default behavior (#1293)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed media manager not rendering correctly in frontend editor (#986)\nFixed modal issues with Fabrik (#1147)\nWrap all Joomla content to row-fluid to fix some Bootstrap layout issues\nFixed articles particle displaying unpublished, trashed and archived articles (#1289)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nWork around commit issues to WP SVN to allow again automated updates (5.2.16 was skipped, see changelog)"},"5.2.16":{"date":"05\/17\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Hydrogen: The template now includes the emoji fonts (thanks @810 - #1253)\n - Frontend: Exposed `G5.$` and `G5.ready` JavaScript utils (ref, #1256)\n - Menu Particle: Added new option `Expand on Hover` to allow \/ disallow menu items to expand on mouseover or limit them to click \/ touch only (#1256)\n - Menu Editor: It is now possible to disable menu items directly from the editor without having to pass through the platform (#1020)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Extended top level menus with a fixed width are now respecting the directional setting (#1252)\n - Menu Manager: Cog wheel settings for Menu Items as well as Columns sorting icons, will now always appear on Touch Devices instead of been hover controlled only (related to #1254 and #1218)\n - Included woff2 version of the local Roboto font\n - Tweaked UI for multiple grids inside a container (#1278)\n - Saving Assignments will now only post enabled items instead of the whole lot, making the save faster and reducing the probability of hitting a `max_input_vars` limit issue (#1279)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Sub-items back arrow in Menu Manager not responding to tap in Touch Devices (#1254, #1218)\n - Fixed issue that was preventing Atoms from properly getting sorted and deleted on touch devices (#1259)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add particle badges support for `Advanced Module Manager` (thanks @nonumber)\n - Make Gantry menu to honour new `Display in menu` field in Joomla! 3.5.1 (#1255)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - The Joomla Articles Particle now offers the option to pick either `intro` or `fulltext` image (thanks @nikola3244 - #1261, related to #1258)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed `Joomla Articles` particle limits category selection to 20 categories only (thanks @nikola3244 - #1260)\n - Fixed broken language filtering for categories and articles\n - Worked around bug 72151 in **PHP 5.6.21** and **PHP 7.0.6** which was causing some data for articles not to be initialized\n - Fixed `The menu selected is empty!` in Menu editor when PHP `default_charset` is not `UTF-8` (#1257)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added missing `home`, `outline`, `language` and `direction` properties to `Framework\\Page` class\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed HTML entities not encoded properly in menu item titles (#1248)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen: The template now includes the emoji fonts (thanks @810 - #1253)<\/li>\n<li>Frontend: Exposed <code>G5.$<\/code> and <code>G5.ready<\/code> JavaScript utils (ref, #1256)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Particle: Added new option <code>Expand on Hover<\/code> to allow \/ disallow menu items to expand on mouseover or limit them to click \/ touch only (#1256)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Editor: It is now possible to disable menu items directly from the editor without having to pass through the platform (#1020)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Extended top level menus with a fixed width are now respecting the directional setting (#1252)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Manager: Cog wheel settings for Menu Items as well as Columns sorting icons, will now always appear on Touch Devices instead of been hover controlled only (related to #1254 and #1218)<\/li>\n<li>Included woff2 version of the local Roboto font<\/li>\n<li>Tweaked UI for multiple grids inside a container (#1278)<\/li>\n<li>Saving Assignments will now only post enabled items instead of the whole lot, making the save faster and reducing the probability of hitting a <code>max_input_vars<\/code> limit issue (#1279)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Sub-items back arrow in Menu Manager not responding to tap in Touch Devices (#1254, #1218)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue that was preventing Atoms from properly getting sorted and deleted on touch devices (#1259)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add particle badges support for <code>Advanced Module Manager<\/code> (thanks @nonumber)<\/li>\n<li>Make Gantry menu to honour new <code>Display in menu<\/code> field in Joomla! 3.5.1 (#1255)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The Joomla Articles Particle now offers the option to pick either <code>intro<\/code> or <code>fulltext<\/code> image (thanks @nikola3244 - #1261, related to #1258)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <code>Joomla Articles<\/code> particle limits category selection to 20 categories only (thanks @nikola3244 - #1260)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed broken language filtering for categories and articles<\/li>\n<li>Worked around bug 72151 in <strong>PHP 5.6.21<\/strong> and <strong>PHP 7.0.6<\/strong> which was causing some data for articles not to be initialized<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>The menu selected is empty!<\/code> in Menu editor when PHP <code>default_charset<\/code> is not <code>UTF-8<\/code> (#1257)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added missing <code>home<\/code>, <code>outline<\/code>, <code>language<\/code> and <code>direction<\/code> properties to <code>Framework\\Page<\/code> class<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed HTML entities not encoded properly in menu item titles (#1248)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHydrogen: The template now includes the emoji fonts (thanks @810 - #1253)\nFrontend: Exposed G5.$ and G5.ready JavaScript utils (ref, #1256)\nMenu Particle: Added new option Expand on Hover to allow \/ disallow menu items to expand on mouseover or limit them to click \/ touch only (#1256)\nMenu Editor: It is now possible to disable menu items directly from the editor without having to pass through the platform (#1020)\n\n\n\nExtended top level menus with a fixed width are now respecting the directional setting (#1252)\nMenu Manager: Cog wheel settings for Menu Items as well as Columns sorting icons, will now always appear on Touch Devices instead of been hover controlled only (related to #1254 and #1218)\nIncluded woff2 version of the local Roboto font\nTweaked UI for multiple grids inside a container (#1278)\nSaving Assignments will now only post enabled items instead of the whole lot, making the save faster and reducing the probability of hitting a max_input_vars limit issue (#1279)\n\n\n\nFixed Sub-items back arrow in Menu Manager not responding to tap in Touch Devices (#1254, #1218)\nFixed issue that was preventing Atoms from properly getting sorted and deleted on touch devices (#1259)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdd particle badges support for Advanced Module Manager (thanks @nonumber)\nMake Gantry menu to honour new Display in menu field in Joomla! 3.5.1 (#1255)\n\n\n\nThe Joomla Articles Particle now offers the option to pick either intro or fulltext image (thanks @nikola3244 - #1261, related to #1258)\n\n\n\nFixed Joomla Articles particle limits category selection to 20 categories only (thanks @nikola3244 - #1260)\nFixed broken language filtering for categories and articles\nWorked around bug 72151 in PHP 5.6.21 and PHP 7.0.6 which was causing some data for articles not to be initialized\nFixed The menu selected is empty! in Menu editor when PHP default_charset is not UTF-8 (#1257)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded missing home, outline, language and direction properties to Framework\\Page class\n\n\n\nFixed HTML entities not encoded properly in menu item titles (#1248)"},"5.2.15":{"date":"04\/25\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.1 (+23 icons)\n - Icons Picker will now show the title of each icon when hovering to see the preview\n - Updated Google Fonts library\n - Sample Content Particle now include the ID and CSS fields for the individual items (#1199)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed loss of settings for Particles \/ Modules menu items when moved to a different menu level (#1243)\n - Various Admin RTL tweaks (#1195)\n - Fixed expand \/ collapse in Filepicker (#1246)\n - Override checkboxes are now getting detected as changes when checked \/ unchecked (#333)\n - Fixed rendering issue in layout if all blocks next to each other are `Fixed Size` and some of them have nothing in them\n - Locked the Particle Settings editing overlay in Gantry 5 Particle Module, to prevent losing settings by accident (#1247, related to #1227)\n - [CHANGE]: Copyright Particle output now renders without the hardcoded `Copyright` word that couldn't be translated. Before: `Copyright \u00a9 2016 SiteOwner`, After: `SiteOwner \u00a9 2016` (#950)\n - [REGRESSION] Disabling `Compile twig` attempts to write lots of directories to hard drive root (#1250)\n - Prevent resolving stream paths outside of defined scheme root\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Enable HTML5 document support from Joomla\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed case where multiple badges of the Particle type, could potentially show up in the Modules Manager\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved current URL detection for Menu Item based Assignments with possibility of filtering custom server ports (#1208)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.1 (+23 icons)<\/li>\n<li>Icons Picker will now show the title of each icon when hovering to see the preview<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library<\/li>\n<li>Sample Content Particle now include the ID and CSS fields for the individual items (#1199)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed loss of settings for Particles \/ Modules menu items when moved to a different menu level (#1243)<\/li>\n<li>Various Admin RTL tweaks (#1195)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed expand \/ collapse in Filepicker (#1246)<\/li>\n<li>Override checkboxes are now getting detected as changes when checked \/ unchecked (#333)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed rendering issue in layout if all blocks next to each other are <code>Fixed Size<\/code> and some of them have nothing in them<\/li>\n<li>Locked the Particle Settings editing overlay in Gantry 5 Particle Module, to prevent losing settings by accident (#1247, related to #1227)<\/li>\n<li>[CHANGE]: Copyright Particle output now renders without the hardcoded <code>Copyright<\/code> word that couldn't be translated. Before: <code>Copyright \u00a9 2016 SiteOwner<\/code>, After: <code>SiteOwner \u00a9 2016<\/code> (#950)<\/li>\n<li>[REGRESSION] Disabling <code>Compile twig<\/code> attempts to write lots of directories to hard drive root (#1250)<\/li>\n<li>Prevent resolving stream paths outside of defined scheme root<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enable HTML5 document support from Joomla<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed case where multiple badges of the Particle type, could potentially show up in the Modules Manager<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved current URL detection for Menu Item based Assignments with possibility of filtering custom server ports (#1208)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated FontAwesome to v4.6.1 (+23 icons)\nIcons Picker will now show the title of each icon when hovering to see the preview\nUpdated Google Fonts library\nSample Content Particle now include the ID and CSS fields for the individual items (#1199)\n\n\n\nFixed loss of settings for Particles \/ Modules menu items when moved to a different menu level (#1243)\nVarious Admin RTL tweaks (#1195)\nFixed expand \/ collapse in Filepicker (#1246)\nOverride checkboxes are now getting detected as changes when checked \/ unchecked (#333)\nFixed rendering issue in layout if all blocks next to each other are Fixed Size and some of them have nothing in them\nLocked the Particle Settings editing overlay in Gantry 5 Particle Module, to prevent losing settings by accident (#1247, related to #1227)\n[CHANGE]: Copyright Particle output now renders without the hardcoded Copyright word that couldn't be translated. Before: Copyright \u00a9 2016 SiteOwner, After: SiteOwner \u00a9 2016 (#950)\n[REGRESSION] Disabling Compile twig attempts to write lots of directories to hard drive root (#1250)\nPrevent resolving stream paths outside of defined scheme root\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nEnable HTML5 document support from Joomla\n\n\n\nFixed case where multiple badges of the Particle type, could potentially show up in the Modules Manager\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nImproved current URL detection for Menu Item based Assignments with possibility of filtering custom server ports (#1208)"},"5.2.14":{"date":"04\/15\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented `sprintf()` compatible parameter support for twig `trans()` filter\n - Implemented `duplicate` action for collections items (#1220)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Updated Whoops to latest version (fixes PHP7 issues with some uncatched exceptions)\n - Fixed Zend opcache without file checks causes issues in admin (#1222)\n - Downgrading PHP version causes fatal errors on cached twig files (#947)\n - Themes list: Fix fatal error if theme had a loop in parent themes\n - Admin: Rename `Settings` tab to `Particle Defaults` to avoid confusion\n - Added missing language translations for all admin template files (part of #1212)\n - Prevent to close the modal of collections and forms (Particle Settings, Menu Settings) (#1227)\n - Fixed adding new rows and editing section\/particle settings in LM on touch devices (#1218)\n - Fixed case in the colorpicker where potentially the opacity would go `-0` causing the field not to validate (#1217)\n - Fixed Outline Assignments not staying set if `max_input_vars` has too small value; display error instead\n - Fixed Particle Defaults loosing values if `max_input_vars` has too small value; display error instead (#1226)\n - Prevent Applying \/ Saving multiple times when an occurrence is already running (#1185)\n - Workaround to prevent embedded iframe to throw JS errors in same cases (#1224)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added support to have Joomla articles and categories in particles (#1225)\n - Added `Joomla Articles` particle\n - Added support for Joomla Template & Menu ACL in Gantry admin (#600)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed duplicating template style while caching was turned on not being recognized as Gantry 5 outline (#1200)\n - Fixed logo particle link going to current page rather than home page on J! 3.5 (#1210)\n - Module instance edit fails with \"You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page\" on J! 3.5 (#1215)\n - Gantry update is shown even if the new version was just installed (#1204)\n - Untranslated string `COM_GANTRY5_PARTICLE_NOT_INITIALIZED` (#1118)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added `WordPress Posts` particle\n - Extend Assignments with multiple `WooCommerce` conditionals (#1150)\n - Add possibility of choosing if posts should display theirs content or excerpt on blog and archive-type pages in Hydrogen\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue where bad value in `wp_upload_dir()['relative']` is causing error in Image Picker (#1233)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented <code>sprintf()<\/code> compatible parameter support for twig <code>trans()<\/code> filter<\/li>\n<li>Implemented <code>duplicate<\/code> action for collections items (#1220)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Whoops to latest version (fixes PHP7 issues with some uncatched exceptions)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Zend opcache without file checks causes issues in admin (#1222)<\/li>\n<li>Downgrading PHP version causes fatal errors on cached twig files (#947)<\/li>\n<li>Themes list: Fix fatal error if theme had a loop in parent themes<\/li>\n<li>Admin: Rename <code>Settings<\/code> tab to <code>Particle Defaults<\/code> to avoid confusion<\/li>\n<li>Added missing language translations for all admin template files (part of #1212)<\/li>\n<li>Prevent to close the modal of collections and forms (Particle Settings, Menu Settings) (#1227)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed adding new rows and editing section\/particle settings in LM on touch devices (#1218)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed case in the colorpicker where potentially the opacity would go <code>-0<\/code> causing the field not to validate (#1217)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Outline Assignments not staying set if <code>max_input_vars<\/code> has too small value; display error instead<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Particle Defaults loosing values if <code>max_input_vars<\/code> has too small value; display error instead (#1226)<\/li>\n<li>Prevent Applying \/ Saving multiple times when an occurrence is already running (#1185)<\/li>\n<li>Workaround to prevent embedded iframe to throw JS errors in same cases (#1224)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support to have Joomla articles and categories in particles (#1225)<\/li>\n<li>Added <code>Joomla Articles<\/code> particle<\/li>\n<li>Added support for Joomla Template &amp; Menu ACL in Gantry admin (#600)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed duplicating template style while caching was turned on not being recognized as Gantry 5 outline (#1200)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed logo particle link going to current page rather than home page on J! 3.5 (#1210)<\/li>\n<li>Module instance edit fails with &quot;You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page&quot; on J! 3.5 (#1215)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry update is shown even if the new version was just installed (#1204)<\/li>\n<li>Untranslated string <code>COM_GANTRY5_PARTICLE_NOT_INITIALIZED<\/code> (#1118)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>WordPress Posts<\/code> particle<\/li>\n<li>Extend Assignments with multiple <code>WooCommerce<\/code> conditionals (#1150)<\/li>\n<li>Add possibility of choosing if posts should display theirs content or excerpt on blog and archive-type pages in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue where bad value in <code>wp_upload_dir()['relative']<\/code> is causing error in Image Picker (#1233)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nImplemented sprintf() compatible parameter support for twig trans() filter\nImplemented duplicate action for collections items (#1220)\n\n\n\nUpdated Whoops to latest version (fixes PHP7 issues with some uncatched exceptions)\nFixed Zend opcache without file checks causes issues in admin (#1222)\nDowngrading PHP version causes fatal errors on cached twig files (#947)\nThemes list: Fix fatal error if theme had a loop in parent themes\nAdmin: Rename Settings tab to Particle Defaults to avoid confusion\nAdded missing language translations for all admin template files (part of #1212)\nPrevent to close the modal of collections and forms (Particle Settings, Menu Settings) (#1227)\nFixed adding new rows and editing section\/particle settings in LM on touch devices (#1218)\nFixed case in the colorpicker where potentially the opacity would go -0 causing the field not to validate (#1217)\nFixed Outline Assignments not staying set if max_input_vars has too small value; display error instead\nFixed Particle Defaults loosing values if max_input_vars has too small value; display error instead (#1226)\nPrevent Applying \/ Saving multiple times when an occurrence is already running (#1185)\nWorkaround to prevent embedded iframe to throw JS errors in same cases (#1224)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdded support to have Joomla articles and categories in particles (#1225)\nAdded Joomla Articles particle\nAdded support for Joomla Template &amp; Menu ACL in Gantry admin (#600)\n\n\n\nFixed duplicating template style while caching was turned on not being recognized as Gantry 5 outline (#1200)\nFixed logo particle link going to current page rather than home page on J! 3.5 (#1210)\nModule instance edit fails with &quot;You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page&quot; on J! 3.5 (#1215)\nGantry update is shown even if the new version was just installed (#1204)\nUntranslated string COM_GANTRY5_PARTICLE_NOT_INITIALIZED (#1118)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded WordPress Posts particle\nExtend Assignments with multiple WooCommerce conditionals (#1150)\nAdd possibility of choosing if posts should display theirs content or excerpt on blog and archive-type pages in Hydrogen\n\n\n\nFixed issue where bad value in wp_upload_dir()['relative'] is causing error in Image Picker (#1233)"},"5.2.13":{"date":"03\/16\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implemented an universal method `gantry.load()` to include common JS frameworks from Twig on all platforms (#1132)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - The `dropdown-offset-x()` mixin now includes a 3rd option that allows to disable or customize the offsets for the first level dropdown child (fixes #1182, thanks @JoomFX)\n - Add possibility to target all particles with a single CSS rule `div.g-particle` (#909)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed menu item height difference between regular and parent menu items (#1183)\n - Remove unnecessary error: `Theme does not have Base Outline` (#1107)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Load template language overrides from `custom\/language`\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed error on saving system outline layouts (#1167)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Allow Gantry theme upgrades from WordPress theme uploader (#1165)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Removed hardcoded `h2` tag from Login Form particle title. You can still place your `HTML` code inside of the input field.\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Hydrogen Child theme to reference properly `g5_hydrogen` parent directory\n - Fixed Gantry 5 Clear Cache fires during every plugin installation\/update (#996)\n - Fixed child comment reply input position in Hydrogen\n - Fixed `Undefined $_GLOBALS` on the WP login page when the Offline Mode is enabled","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented an universal method <code>gantry.load()<\/code> to include common JS frameworks from Twig on all platforms (#1132)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The <code>dropdown-offset-x()<\/code> mixin now includes a 3rd option that allows to disable or customize the offsets for the first level dropdown child (fixes #1182, thanks @JoomFX)<\/li>\n<li>Add possibility to target all particles with a single CSS rule <code>div.g-particle<\/code> (#909)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed menu item height difference between regular and parent menu items (#1183)<\/li>\n<li>Remove unnecessary error: <code>Theme does not have Base Outline<\/code> (#1107)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Load template language overrides from <code>custom\/language<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed error on saving system outline layouts (#1167)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow Gantry theme upgrades from WordPress theme uploader (#1165)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed hardcoded <code>h2<\/code> tag from Login Form particle title. You can still place your <code>HTML<\/code> code inside of the input field.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Hydrogen Child theme to reference properly <code>g5_hydrogen<\/code> parent directory<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Gantry 5 Clear Cache fires during every plugin installation\/update (#996)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed child comment reply input position in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined $_GLOBALS<\/code> on the WP login page when the Offline Mode is enabled<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nImplemented an universal method gantry.load() to include common JS frameworks from Twig on all platforms (#1132)\n\n\n\nThe dropdown-offset-x() mixin now includes a 3rd option that allows to disable or customize the offsets for the first level dropdown child (fixes #1182, thanks @JoomFX)\nAdd possibility to target all particles with a single CSS rule div.g-particle (#909)\n\n\n\nFixed menu item height difference between regular and parent menu items (#1183)\nRemove unnecessary error: Theme does not have Base Outline (#1107)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nLoad template language overrides from custom\/language\n\n\n\nFixed error on saving system outline layouts (#1167)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAllow Gantry theme upgrades from WordPress theme uploader (#1165)\n\n\n\nRemoved hardcoded h2 tag from Login Form particle title. You can still place your HTML code inside of the input field.\n\n\n\nFixed Hydrogen Child theme to reference properly g5_hydrogen parent directory\nFixed Gantry 5 Clear Cache fires during every plugin installation\/update (#996)\nFixed child comment reply input position in Hydrogen\nFixed Undefined $_GLOBALS on the WP login page when the Offline Mode is enabled"},"5.2.12":{"date":"02\/27\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for toggling offcanvas visibility on non-mobile devices\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed a regression and removed `very-large-desktop-range` from `breakpoint` mixin\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Remove \"always render component\" workaround introduced in 5.2.8 (fixes #1157, thanks @JoomFx and @nonumber)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for toggling offcanvas visibility on non-mobile devices<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a regression and removed <code>very-large-desktop-range<\/code> from <code>breakpoint<\/code> mixin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove &quot;always render component&quot; workaround introduced in 5.2.8 (fixes #1157, thanks @JoomFx and @nonumber)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd support for toggling offcanvas visibility on non-mobile devices\n\n\n\nFixed a regression and removed very-large-desktop-range from breakpoint mixin\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nRemove &quot;always render component&quot; workaround introduced in 5.2.8 (fixes #1157, thanks @JoomFx and @nonumber)"},"5.2.11":{"date":"02\/23\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added `very-large-desktop-range` to `breakpoint` mixin in order to be used when working with screen resolutions of 1920px+\n - Added option to parse Twig in Custom HTML particle (#1144)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Collection Lists now have a maximum height set, triggering a scrollbar in case the amount of items is big (#1139)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - [CHANGE]: The `dependencies.scss` file does not import `nucleus\/theme\/base` anymore. **IMPORTANT**: if you are a theme developer, make sure you adjust your dependencies file and include the theme base at the top of your theme.scss (#1152)\n - System outlines should not be able to assign to pages (Fixes #1146)\n - Fixed frontend rendering if page settings have never been saved\n - Fixed tooltips in IE Edge and in some circumstances on Firefox (#1154)\n - Fixed `404 Not Found` when creating new outline\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Admin: Fix potential fatal error when saving Outline Assignments\n - Update Joomla template style when saving layout\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Fixed Child Theme support in Hydrogen (requires update of Hydrogen theme) (#1149)\n - Added sample Hydrogen Child theme to git (#1149)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Add Ability to Duplicate Base in Outlines (#846)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed typo in `posts_per_page` custom WordPress field (thanks @adi8i - #1153)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>very-large-desktop-range<\/code> to <code>breakpoint<\/code> mixin in order to be used when working with screen resolutions of 1920px+<\/li>\n<li>Added option to parse Twig in Custom HTML particle (#1144)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Collection Lists now have a maximum height set, triggering a scrollbar in case the amount of items is big (#1139)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>[CHANGE]: The <code>dependencies.scss<\/code> file does not import <code>nucleus\/theme\/base<\/code> anymore. <strong>IMPORTANT<\/strong>: if you are a theme developer, make sure you adjust your dependencies file and include the theme base at the top of your theme.scss (#1152)<\/li>\n<li>System outlines should not be able to assign to pages (Fixes #1146)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed frontend rendering if page settings have never been saved<\/li>\n<li>Fixed tooltips in IE Edge and in some circumstances on Firefox (#1154)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>404 Not Found<\/code> when creating new outline<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Admin: Fix potential fatal error when saving Outline Assignments<\/li>\n<li>Update Joomla template style when saving layout<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Child Theme support in Hydrogen (requires update of Hydrogen theme) (#1149)<\/li>\n<li>Added sample Hydrogen Child theme to git (#1149)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add Ability to Duplicate Base in Outlines (#846)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed typo in <code>posts_per_page<\/code> custom WordPress field (thanks @adi8i - #1153)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded very-large-desktop-range to breakpoint mixin in order to be used when working with screen resolutions of 1920px+\nAdded option to parse Twig in Custom HTML particle (#1144)\n\n\n\nCollection Lists now have a maximum height set, triggering a scrollbar in case the amount of items is big (#1139)\n\n\n\n[CHANGE]: The dependencies.scss file does not import nucleus\/theme\/base anymore. IMPORTANT: if you are a theme developer, make sure you adjust your dependencies file and include the theme base at the top of your theme.scss (#1152)\nSystem outlines should not be able to assign to pages (Fixes #1146)\nFixed frontend rendering if page settings have never been saved\nFixed tooltips in IE Edge and in some circumstances on Firefox (#1154)\nFixed 404 Not Found when creating new outline\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdmin: Fix potential fatal error when saving Outline Assignments\nUpdate Joomla template style when saving layout\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed Child Theme support in Hydrogen (requires update of Hydrogen theme) (#1149)\nAdded sample Hydrogen Child theme to git (#1149)\n\n\n\nAdd Ability to Duplicate Base in Outlines (#846)\n\n\n\nFixed typo in posts_per_page custom WordPress field (thanks @adi8i - #1153)"},"5.2.10":{"date":"02\/08\/2016","content":"1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix clearing cache on plugin update (Fixes #1125)\n - Clear opcache and statcache on plugin update\n - Fix saving\/applying widgets in menu (#1130)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix clearing cache on plugin update (Fixes #1125)<\/li>\n<li>Clear opcache and statcache on plugin update<\/li>\n<li>Fix saving\/applying widgets in menu (#1130)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"WordPress\n\n\n\nFix clearing cache on plugin update (Fixes #1125)\nClear opcache and statcache on plugin update\nFix saving\/applying widgets in menu (#1130)"},"5.2.9":{"date":"02\/04\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed potential issue with deletion of Outlines when server doesn't support `DELETE` request method (#1124)\n - Fixed `404 Not Found` when adding an asset on page settings (#1126)\n - Fixed the add button next to the Outlines title (#1116)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - New selectize field that list all pages \/ posts (thanks @adi8i - #1131)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed potential issue with deletion of Outlines when server doesn't support <code>DELETE<\/code> request method (#1124)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>404 Not Found<\/code> when adding an asset on page settings (#1126)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed the add button next to the Outlines title (#1116)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>New selectize field that list all pages \/ posts (thanks @adi8i - #1131)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFixed potential issue with deletion of Outlines when server doesn't support DELETE request method (#1124)\nFixed 404 Not Found when adding an asset on page settings (#1126)\nFixed the add button next to the Outlines title (#1116)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nNew selectize field that list all pages \/ posts (thanks @adi8i - #1131)"},"5.2.8":{"date":"01\/27\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for nested collections in particles (#924)\n - Add configuration options to disable Twig and YAML compiling \/ caching\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed defer attribute for JavaScript\n - Ignore missing atom if debug has not been enabled (#1106)\n - Fix `Custom CSS \/ JS` Atom having bad HTML with non-existing file path (#1105)\n - Forcing Mobile Menu Items to always display full width no matter the breakpoint (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)\n - Fixed zIndex issue in Mobile Menu in Firefox and IE (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)\n - Fixed \"Keep Centered\" Menu Items option that was instead showing up left aligned (fixes #1119)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Template installer: Copy configuration for new outlines\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - JavaScript Frameworks Atom: Load also Bootstrap CSS when enabling Bootstrap Framework\n - Compatibility fix for some plugins which require non-empty component output to work properly\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Internal Error in admin Settings tab when there are no menus (#1102)\n - Fix footer scripts from main content (#1113)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for nested collections in particles (#924)<\/li>\n<li>Add configuration options to disable Twig and YAML compiling \/ caching<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed defer attribute for JavaScript<\/li>\n<li>Ignore missing atom if debug has not been enabled (#1106)<\/li>\n<li>Fix <code>Custom CSS \/ JS<\/code> Atom having bad HTML with non-existing file path (#1105)<\/li>\n<li>Forcing Mobile Menu Items to always display full width no matter the breakpoint (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed zIndex issue in Mobile Menu in Firefox and IE (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed &quot;Keep Centered&quot; Menu Items option that was instead showing up left aligned (fixes #1119)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Template installer: Copy configuration for new outlines<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>JavaScript Frameworks Atom: Load also Bootstrap CSS when enabling Bootstrap Framework<\/li>\n<li>Compatibility fix for some plugins which require non-empty component output to work properly<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Internal Error in admin Settings tab when there are no menus (#1102)<\/li>\n<li>Fix footer scripts from main content (#1113)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd support for nested collections in particles (#924)\nAdd configuration options to disable Twig and YAML compiling \/ caching\n\n\n\nFixed defer attribute for JavaScript\nIgnore missing atom if debug has not been enabled (#1106)\nFix Custom CSS \/ JS Atom having bad HTML with non-existing file path (#1105)\nForcing Mobile Menu Items to always display full width no matter the breakpoint (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)\nFixed zIndex issue in Mobile Menu in Firefox and IE (thanks @JoomFX - #1109)\nFixed &quot;Keep Centered&quot; Menu Items option that was instead showing up left aligned (fixes #1119)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nTemplate installer: Copy configuration for new outlines\n\n\n\nJavaScript Frameworks Atom: Load also Bootstrap CSS when enabling Bootstrap Framework\nCompatibility fix for some plugins which require non-empty component output to work properly\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nInternal Error in admin Settings tab when there are no menus (#1102)\nFix footer scripts from main content (#1113)"},"5.2.7":{"date":"01\/05\/2016","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Menu option \"Render Titles\" not rendering titles at all\n - Fixed potential 404 response in admin when trying to access Particle Settings via modal (#1088)\n - Worked around PHP 5.5 bug on loading global configuration\n - Fixed caching of admin AJAX requests (#1078)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Remove RokGallery and RokSprocket from the Widget Picker (#1092)\n - Fix Timbers `render_string()` and `compile_string()` functions (#1077)\n - Removed description meta tag to avoid duplications of it. This should be handled by plugins (#892)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Menu option &quot;Render Titles&quot; not rendering titles at all<\/li>\n<li>Fixed potential 404 response in admin when trying to access Particle Settings via modal (#1088)<\/li>\n<li>Worked around PHP 5.5 bug on loading global configuration<\/li>\n<li>Fixed caching of admin AJAX requests (#1078)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove RokGallery and RokSprocket from the Widget Picker (#1092)<\/li>\n<li>Fix Timbers <code>render_string()<\/code> and <code>compile_string()<\/code> functions (#1077)<\/li>\n<li>Removed description meta tag to avoid duplications of it. This should be handled by plugins (#892)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFixed Menu option &quot;Render Titles&quot; not rendering titles at all\nFixed potential 404 response in admin when trying to access Particle Settings via modal (#1088)\nWorked around PHP 5.5 bug on loading global configuration\nFixed caching of admin AJAX requests (#1078)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nRemove RokGallery and RokSprocket from the Widget Picker (#1092)\nFix Timbers render_string() and compile_string() functions (#1077)\nRemoved description meta tag to avoid duplications of it. This should be handled by plugins (#892)"},"5.2.6":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implement `Remove Container` mode to make section to use all the available space (#549)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Index of the column being deleted is now based on DOM rather than list id, making it more accurate (#1071)\n - Improve Google analytics atom tooltip and placeholder (#1079)\n - Updated Google Fonts\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed typo in menu particle that was preventing the rendering of the animation class\n - Fixed admin js to deferred, guaranteeing global variables to be available (#1076)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Create atom to load jQuery, Bootstrap and Mootools from Joomla (#1057)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Hydrogen: Fixed assigning outline from a plugin having no effect (#1080)\n - Fixed outline id in body tag being wrong for some pages, like error page\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Create atom to load jQuery from WordPress and Bootstrap and Mootools from CDN (#1057)\n - Added missing default configuration for Home outline in Hydrogen","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implement <code>Remove Container<\/code> mode to make section to use all the available space (#549)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Index of the column being deleted is now based on DOM rather than list id, making it more accurate (#1071)<\/li>\n<li>Improve Google analytics atom tooltip and placeholder (#1079)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed typo in menu particle that was preventing the rendering of the animation class<\/li>\n<li>Fixed admin js to deferred, guaranteeing global variables to be available (#1076)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Create atom to load jQuery, Bootstrap and Mootools from Joomla (#1057)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen: Fixed assigning outline from a plugin having no effect (#1080)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed outline id in body tag being wrong for some pages, like error page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Create atom to load jQuery from WordPress and Bootstrap and Mootools from CDN (#1057)<\/li>\n<li>Added missing default configuration for Home outline in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nImplement Remove Container mode to make section to use all the available space (#549)\n\n\n\nIndex of the column being deleted is now based on DOM rather than list id, making it more accurate (#1071)\nImprove Google analytics atom tooltip and placeholder (#1079)\nUpdated Google Fonts\n\n\n\nFixed typo in menu particle that was preventing the rendering of the animation class\nFixed admin js to deferred, guaranteeing global variables to be available (#1076)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nCreate atom to load jQuery, Bootstrap and Mootools from Joomla (#1057)\n\n\n\nHydrogen: Fixed assigning outline from a plugin having no effect (#1080)\nFixed outline id in body tag being wrong for some pages, like error page\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nCreate atom to load jQuery from WordPress and Bootstrap and Mootools from CDN (#1057)\nAdded missing default configuration for Home outline in Hydrogen"},"5.2.5":{"date":"12\/17\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Menu items have a new `Dropdown Direction` option, along with new mixins (`dropdown-left`, `dropdown-center`, `dropdown-right`), that will allow to configure where a dropdown should open to, relative to its parent. (thanks @Bokelmann , @JoomFX and @ramon12 - #1058)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Selectize is now name-spaced with a `g-` prefix to avoid potential conflicts\n - Layout Manager: Add Row and Section Settings action icons are now always visible\n - Decimal size classes (`size-33-3`) are also using flexgrid (thanks @adi8i - #1047)\n - Reworked all tooltips. They are now JS based instead of CSS making the behavior more predictable as well as allowing longer text and HTML as content.\n - Allow theme developer to assign attributes to grid element in layout preset file\n - Styles, Settings and Page groups of type `hidden` will now get properly hidden from the view\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed dismissal links alignment for alerts (#1022)\n - Fixed Production \/ Development Mode switch if file caching is turned on (#1051)\n1. [Wordpress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Separate configuration for each Multi Site blog (#921)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Display notification for the logged in user when site is offline (#760)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed plugin settings being disabled when theme failed to load\n - Fixed XFN (rel) missing from menu HTML output (#1064)\n - Fixed inline JavaScript in Footer block gets loaded before the files (#1060)\n - Fixed empty assignments being reloaded from theme configuration (#884)\n - Fixed broken links in `Available Themes` page (#1004)\n - Fixed Base Item in Menu particle being empty (#1033)\n - Fixed Saving menu failed: Failed to update main-menu (#1055)\n - Fixed frontend showing wrong menu items","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu items have a new <code>Dropdown Direction<\/code> option, along with new mixins (<code>dropdown-left<\/code>, <code>dropdown-center<\/code>, <code>dropdown-right<\/code>), that will allow to configure where a dropdown should open to, relative to its parent. (thanks @Bokelmann , @JoomFX and @ramon12 - #1058)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Selectize is now name-spaced with a <code>g-<\/code> prefix to avoid potential conflicts<\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager: Add Row and Section Settings action icons are now always visible<\/li>\n<li>Decimal size classes (<code>size-33-3<\/code>) are also using flexgrid (thanks @adi8i - #1047)<\/li>\n<li>Reworked all tooltips. They are now JS based instead of CSS making the behavior more predictable as well as allowing longer text and HTML as content.<\/li>\n<li>Allow theme developer to assign attributes to grid element in layout preset file<\/li>\n<li>Styles, Settings and Page groups of type <code>hidden<\/code> will now get properly hidden from the view<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed dismissal links alignment for alerts (#1022)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Production \/ Development Mode switch if file caching is turned on (#1051)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">Wordpress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Separate configuration for each Multi Site blog (#921)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Display notification for the logged in user when site is offline (#760)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed plugin settings being disabled when theme failed to load<\/li>\n<li>Fixed XFN (rel) missing from menu HTML output (#1064)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed inline JavaScript in Footer block gets loaded before the files (#1060)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed empty assignments being reloaded from theme configuration (#884)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed broken links in <code>Available Themes<\/code> page (#1004)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Base Item in Menu particle being empty (#1033)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Saving menu failed: Failed to update main-menu (#1055)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed frontend showing wrong menu items<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nMenu items have a new Dropdown Direction option, along with new mixins (dropdown-left, dropdown-center, dropdown-right), that will allow to configure where a dropdown should open to, relative to its parent. (thanks @Bokelmann , @JoomFX and @ramon12 - #1058)\n\n\n\nSelectize is now name-spaced with a g- prefix to avoid potential conflicts\nLayout Manager: Add Row and Section Settings action icons are now always visible\nDecimal size classes (size-33-3) are also using flexgrid (thanks @adi8i - #1047)\nReworked all tooltips. They are now JS based instead of CSS making the behavior more predictable as well as allowing longer text and HTML as content.\nAllow theme developer to assign attributes to grid element in layout preset file\nStyles, Settings and Page groups of type hidden will now get properly hidden from the view\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed dismissal links alignment for alerts (#1022)\nFixed Production \/ Development Mode switch if file caching is turned on (#1051)\n\n\nWordpress\n\n\n\nSeparate configuration for each Multi Site blog (#921)\n\n\n\nDisplay notification for the logged in user when site is offline (#760)\n\n\n\nFixed plugin settings being disabled when theme failed to load\nFixed XFN (rel) missing from menu HTML output (#1064)\nFixed inline JavaScript in Footer block gets loaded before the files (#1060)\nFixed empty assignments being reloaded from theme configuration (#884)\nFixed broken links in Available Themes page (#1004)\nFixed Base Item in Menu particle being empty (#1033)\nFixed Saving menu failed: Failed to update main-menu (#1055)\nFixed frontend showing wrong menu items"},"5.2.4":{"date":"11\/30\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated FontAwesome to v4.5.0 (+20 icons)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Prefixed `.colorpicker` class name to avoid potential conflicts\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Particles picked from Menu Item of type `Gantry 5 Themes \u00bb custom` filtering out HTML\n - Fixed `Undefined variable: gantry` in some sites\n - Fixed missing translations in **System - Gantry 5** plugin\n - Fixed fatal error in **Particle Module** if default style does not point to Gantry template\n1. [Wordpress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Add missing variable `wordpress` in Twig context\n - URL Encoding Menu Items to allow use of special characters such as plus (#1017)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated FontAwesome to v4.5.0 (+20 icons)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Prefixed <code>.colorpicker<\/code> class name to avoid potential conflicts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Particles picked from Menu Item of type <code>Gantry 5 Themes \u00bb custom<\/code> filtering out HTML<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Undefined variable: gantry<\/code> in some sites<\/li>\n<li>Fixed missing translations in <strong>System - Gantry 5<\/strong> plugin<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fatal error in <strong>Particle Module<\/strong> if default style does not point to Gantry template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">Wordpress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add missing variable <code>wordpress<\/code> in Twig context<\/li>\n<li>URL Encoding Menu Items to allow use of special characters such as plus (#1017)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated FontAwesome to v4.5.0 (+20 icons)\n\n\n\nPrefixed .colorpicker class name to avoid potential conflicts\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed Particles picked from Menu Item of type Gantry 5 Themes \u00bb custom filtering out HTML\nFixed Undefined variable: gantry in some sites\nFixed missing translations in System - Gantry 5 plugin\nFixed fatal error in Particle Module if default style does not point to Gantry template\n\n\nWordpress\n\n\n\nAdd missing variable wordpress in Twig context\nURL Encoding Menu Items to allow use of special characters such as plus (#1017)"},"5.2.3":{"date":"11\/16\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Offcanvas section now adds an option to switch between CSS3 and CSS2 animations, CSS3 being default and fastest. An HTML class is also added as CSS hook (`g-offcanvas-css3` \/ `g-offcanvas-css2`). When dealing with fixed elements in the page (such as headroom), it might be necessary to switch to CSS2. (Thanks @under24, @JoomFX, @adi8i and @ramon12)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add updates support for Joomla! 3.5 (#999)\n - Module Picker now shows also the Module ID (#1002)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Gantry 5 module still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)\n - Fix template installation if using PostgreSQL\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added body classes `dir-ltr` and `dir-rtl` based on current text direction settings in WordPress\n - Added new body class specific to the currently used outline\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - **Clear Cache** does not clear Timber Twig files (#995)\n - Gantry 5 widget still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)\n - Fixed meta conditional checks in single post layout in Hydrogen","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Offcanvas section now adds an option to switch between CSS3 and CSS2 animations, CSS3 being default and fastest. An HTML class is also added as CSS hook (<code>g-offcanvas-css3<\/code> \/ <code>g-offcanvas-css2<\/code>). When dealing with fixed elements in the page (such as headroom), it might be necessary to switch to CSS2. (Thanks @under24, @JoomFX, @adi8i and @ramon12)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add updates support for Joomla! 3.5 (#999)<\/li>\n<li>Module Picker now shows also the Module ID (#1002)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Gantry 5 module still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)<\/li>\n<li>Fix template installation if using PostgreSQL<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added body classes <code>dir-ltr<\/code> and <code>dir-rtl<\/code> based on current text direction settings in WordPress<\/li>\n<li>Added new body class specific to the currently used outline<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Clear Cache<\/strong> does not clear Timber Twig files (#995)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry 5 widget still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed meta conditional checks in single post layout in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nOffcanvas section now adds an option to switch between CSS3 and CSS2 animations, CSS3 being default and fastest. An HTML class is also added as CSS hook (g-offcanvas-css3 \/ g-offcanvas-css2). When dealing with fixed elements in the page (such as headroom), it might be necessary to switch to CSS2. (Thanks @under24, @JoomFX, @adi8i and @ramon12)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nAdd updates support for Joomla! 3.5 (#999)\nModule Picker now shows also the Module ID (#1002)\n\n\n\nGantry 5 module still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)\nFix template installation if using PostgreSQL\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdded body classes dir-ltr and dir-rtl based on current text direction settings in WordPress\nAdded new body class specific to the currently used outline\n\n\n\nClear Cache does not clear Timber Twig files (#995)\nGantry 5 widget still renders title and container when particle is disabled (#991)\nFixed meta conditional checks in single post layout in Hydrogen"},"5.2.2":{"date":"11\/10\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Added new `|imagesize` Twig Filter that returns `width=\"X\" height=\"Y\"` as attributes for images\n - Add notification message on missing particle in frontend (#185)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Menu Editor now displays the current level of a column while navigating through it (#985)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed again compatibility for PHP 5.3 and prevent from failing with the error \"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...\"\n - Fixed CSS and JavaScript, potentially rendering empty when only inline was specified without any location\n - Fixed some themes having full width containers after upgrade to Gantry 5.2 (#967)\n - Fixed check for enabled\/disabled for Atoms and Assets (#988)\n - Fixed Menu Editor where items could be dragged between different levels (#985)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Disable frontend editing for Gantry particle module, fixes 404 error (#966)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Greatly improve page load time (#738)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Hydrogen: Fix fatal error if Gantry hasn't been loaded (#983)\n - Fix potential Fatal Error during installation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added new <code>|imagesize<\/code> Twig Filter that returns <code>width=\"X\" height=\"Y\"<\/code> as attributes for images<\/li>\n<li>Add notification message on missing particle in frontend (#185)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Editor now displays the current level of a column while navigating through it (#985)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed again compatibility for PHP 5.3 and prevent from failing with the error &quot;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...&quot;<\/li>\n<li>Fixed CSS and JavaScript, potentially rendering empty when only inline was specified without any location<\/li>\n<li>Fixed some themes having full width containers after upgrade to Gantry 5.2 (#967)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed check for enabled\/disabled for Atoms and Assets (#988)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Menu Editor where items could be dragged between different levels (#985)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Disable frontend editing for Gantry particle module, fixes 404 error (#966)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Greatly improve page load time (#738)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen: Fix fatal error if Gantry hasn't been loaded (#983)<\/li>\n<li>Fix potential Fatal Error during installation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdded new |imagesize Twig Filter that returns width=\"X\" height=\"Y\" as attributes for images\nAdd notification message on missing particle in frontend (#185)\n\n\n\nMenu Editor now displays the current level of a column while navigating through it (#985)\n\n\n\nFixed again compatibility for PHP 5.3 and prevent from failing with the error &quot;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...&quot;\nFixed CSS and JavaScript, potentially rendering empty when only inline was specified without any location\nFixed some themes having full width containers after upgrade to Gantry 5.2 (#967)\nFixed check for enabled\/disabled for Atoms and Assets (#988)\nFixed Menu Editor where items could be dragged between different levels (#985)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nDisable frontend editing for Gantry particle module, fixes 404 error (#966)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nGreatly improve page load time (#738)\n\n\n\nHydrogen: Fix fatal error if Gantry hasn't been loaded (#983)\nFix potential Fatal Error during installation"},"5.2.1":{"date":"11\/02\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Hydrogen now requires Gantry 5.2.0 or higher and will display a notice if theme requirements aren't met\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added particle icons for Particle Picker in the Menu Editor\n - Clear Gantry cache after Gantry upgrade\n - Clear theme cache after theme upgrade\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed regression in Layout Manager where a malformed JSON output was preventing from drag and dropping particles around (#959)\n - Restored auto focus on Search fields for Icons, Fonts and Module\/Widget Pickers\n - Fixed deprecated use of `Twig_Filter_Function` (fixes #961)\n - Fix saving two or more positions using the same key\n - New Layout Format: Fix loading position with different key to id\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Upgrading Gantry may cause `g-container` to disappear (#957)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Removed Hydrogen conditional tags for loading `page_head.html.twig` file\n - Added particle icons for Login Form and Menu\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed a `Fatal error: Cannot use object of type Closure as array` that could occur with some widgets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Hydrogen now requires Gantry 5.2.0 or higher and will display a notice if theme requirements aren't met<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added particle icons for Particle Picker in the Menu Editor<\/li>\n<li>Clear Gantry cache after Gantry upgrade<\/li>\n<li>Clear theme cache after theme upgrade<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed regression in Layout Manager where a malformed JSON output was preventing from drag and dropping particles around (#959)<\/li>\n<li>Restored auto focus on Search fields for Icons, Fonts and Module\/Widget Pickers<\/li>\n<li>Fixed deprecated use of <code>Twig_Filter_Function<\/code> (fixes #961)<\/li>\n<li>Fix saving two or more positions using the same key<\/li>\n<li>New Layout Format: Fix loading position with different key to id<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Upgrading Gantry may cause <code>g-container<\/code> to disappear (#957)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed Hydrogen conditional tags for loading <code>page_head.html.twig<\/code> file<\/li>\n<li>Added particle icons for Login Form and Menu<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a <code>Fatal error: Cannot use object of type Closure as array<\/code> that could occur with some widgets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nHydrogen now requires Gantry 5.2.0 or higher and will display a notice if theme requirements aren't met\n\n\n\nAdded particle icons for Particle Picker in the Menu Editor\nClear Gantry cache after Gantry upgrade\nClear theme cache after theme upgrade\n\n\n\nFixed regression in Layout Manager where a malformed JSON output was preventing from drag and dropping particles around (#959)\nRestored auto focus on Search fields for Icons, Fonts and Module\/Widget Pickers\nFixed deprecated use of Twig_Filter_Function (fixes #961)\nFix saving two or more positions using the same key\nNew Layout Format: Fix loading position with different key to id\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nUpgrading Gantry may cause g-container to disappear (#957)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nRemoved Hydrogen conditional tags for loading page_head.html.twig file\nAdded particle icons for Login Form and Menu\n\n\n\nFixed a Fatal error: Cannot use object of type Closure as array that could occur with some widgets"},"5.2.0":{"date":"10\/29\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Hydrogen and Admin with the new Gantry logo. Thanks Henning!\n - Page Settings: Implemented new feature that allows to specify global and\/or per-outline overrides for Meta Tags, Body attributes, Assets, Favicons, etc.\n - Atoms are moved from Layout to Page Settings. Migration is automatic and backward compatibility proof\n - File Picker: It is now possible to preview the images from the thumbnails list\n - Tags \/ Multiselection now include an `[x]` button to easily remove items via click\n - Layouts: New file syntax, which combines the best of both existing file syntaxes into a single format\n - Layouts: Add support for nested wrapper divs with customizable id and classes (#548)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Copyright Particle now allows the `owner` field to contain HTML (thank you @topwebs \/ #906, #908)\n - Default Outline now shows a 'default' tag in the Outlines Page (#926)\n - Logo Particle is renamed to Logo \/ Image Particle.\n - Minor Collections CSS tweaks\n - Date Particle: Added commonly used option `October 22, 2015`\n - Layouts: Add support for customizing section ids (was bound to title before)\n - Prefixed Admin CSS file to appear more specific and possibly avoid potential conflicts (g-admin.css) (#944)\n - All particles have now unique id: `{{ id }}`\n - Make sidebars in default layout presets to have fixed width (size will not change when another sidebar is inactive)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed the config files lookup using relative instead of absolute paths\n - Fixed issue in admin where overrides for Enabled toggle wouldn't be showing checked, causing the value to reset to Base Outline\n - Fixed Admin Styles issue where indicator wouldn't show in certain cases.\n - Fixed `.equal-height` utility not fully expanding the content (#902)\n - Reverted Assignments scrollbars due to Chrome issue [we will re-enable the functionality as soon as the bug is fixed] (#851)\n - Logo \/ Image Particle: the `rel` attribute will now smartly be added for `home` only if the URL matches the Site root.\n - Logo \/ Image Particle: the `class` attribute will not render empty anymore if there are no classes assigned.\n - Fixed issue where Settings in Outlines overrides could potentially never remove the stored `yaml`, making it impossible to reset an entire section to Default (#929)\n - Fixed issue where Tag fields wouldn't trigger the indicator change\n - Fixed Collections not loading the default values defined in the `yaml`\n - Fixed bad html output in menu particle\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Disable caching from Particle Module by default (#925)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Ability to add custom CSS classes to Widgets\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Improved URL comparing on menu item Assignments when permalinks are enabled\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Renaming of Outlines from navigation bar will now properly refresh all links with the new value (#912)\n - Fixed issue in Hydrogen where Visual Composer wouldn't work on Pages\n - Fixed open_basedir warning in admin when getting list of Gantry themes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Hydrogen and Admin with the new Gantry logo. Thanks Henning!<\/li>\n<li>Page Settings: Implemented new feature that allows to specify global and\/or per-outline overrides for Meta Tags, Body attributes, Assets, Favicons, etc.<\/li>\n<li>Atoms are moved from Layout to Page Settings. Migration is automatic and backward compatibility proof<\/li>\n<li>File Picker: It is now possible to preview the images from the thumbnails list<\/li>\n<li>Tags \/ Multiselection now include an <code>[x]<\/code> button to easily remove items via click<\/li>\n<li>Layouts: New file syntax, which combines the best of both existing file syntaxes into a single format<\/li>\n<li>Layouts: Add support for nested wrapper divs with customizable id and classes (#548)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Copyright Particle now allows the <code>owner<\/code> field to contain HTML (thank you @topwebs \/ #906, #908)<\/li>\n<li>Default Outline now shows a 'default' tag in the Outlines Page (#926)<\/li>\n<li>Logo Particle is renamed to Logo \/ Image Particle.<\/li>\n<li>Minor Collections CSS tweaks<\/li>\n<li>Date Particle: Added commonly used option <code>October 22, 2015<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Layouts: Add support for customizing section ids (was bound to title before)<\/li>\n<li>Prefixed Admin CSS file to appear more specific and possibly avoid potential conflicts (g-admin.css) (#944)<\/li>\n<li>All particles have now unique id: <code>{{ id }}<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Make sidebars in default layout presets to have fixed width (size will not change when another sidebar is inactive)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed the config files lookup using relative instead of absolute paths<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in admin where overrides for Enabled toggle wouldn't be showing checked, causing the value to reset to Base Outline<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Admin Styles issue where indicator wouldn't show in certain cases.<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>.equal-height<\/code> utility not fully expanding the content (#902)<\/li>\n<li>Reverted Assignments scrollbars due to Chrome issue [we will re-enable the functionality as soon as the bug is fixed] (#851)<\/li>\n<li>Logo \/ Image Particle: the <code>rel<\/code> attribute will now smartly be added for <code>home<\/code> only if the URL matches the Site root.<\/li>\n<li>Logo \/ Image Particle: the <code>class<\/code> attribute will not render empty anymore if there are no classes assigned.<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where Settings in Outlines overrides could potentially never remove the stored <code>yaml<\/code>, making it impossible to reset an entire section to Default (#929)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where Tag fields wouldn't trigger the indicator change<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Collections not loading the default values defined in the <code>yaml<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed bad html output in menu particle<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Disable caching from Particle Module by default (#925)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Ability to add custom CSS classes to Widgets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved URL comparing on menu item Assignments when permalinks are enabled<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Renaming of Outlines from navigation bar will now properly refresh all links with the new value (#912)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Hydrogen where Visual Composer wouldn't work on Pages<\/li>\n<li>Fixed open_basedir warning in admin when getting list of Gantry themes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Hydrogen and Admin with the new Gantry logo. Thanks Henning!\nPage Settings: Implemented new feature that allows to specify global and\/or per-outline overrides for Meta Tags, Body attributes, Assets, Favicons, etc.\nAtoms are moved from Layout to Page Settings. Migration is automatic and backward compatibility proof\nFile Picker: It is now possible to preview the images from the thumbnails list\nTags \/ Multiselection now include an [x] button to easily remove items via click\nLayouts: New file syntax, which combines the best of both existing file syntaxes into a single format\nLayouts: Add support for nested wrapper divs with customizable id and classes (#548)\n\n\n\nCopyright Particle now allows the owner field to contain HTML (thank you @topwebs \/ #906, #908)\nDefault Outline now shows a 'default' tag in the Outlines Page (#926)\nLogo Particle is renamed to Logo \/ Image Particle.\nMinor Collections CSS tweaks\nDate Particle: Added commonly used option October 22, 2015\nLayouts: Add support for customizing section ids (was bound to title before)\nPrefixed Admin CSS file to appear more specific and possibly avoid potential conflicts (g-admin.css) (#944)\nAll particles have now unique id: {{ id }}\nMake sidebars in default layout presets to have fixed width (size will not change when another sidebar is inactive)\n\n\n\nFixed the config files lookup using relative instead of absolute paths\nFixed issue in admin where overrides for Enabled toggle wouldn't be showing checked, causing the value to reset to Base Outline\nFixed Admin Styles issue where indicator wouldn't show in certain cases.\nFixed .equal-height utility not fully expanding the content (#902)\nReverted Assignments scrollbars due to Chrome issue [we will re-enable the functionality as soon as the bug is fixed] (#851)\nLogo \/ Image Particle: the rel attribute will now smartly be added for home only if the URL matches the Site root.\nLogo \/ Image Particle: the class attribute will not render empty anymore if there are no classes assigned.\nFixed issue where Settings in Outlines overrides could potentially never remove the stored yaml, making it impossible to reset an entire section to Default (#929)\nFixed issue where Tag fields wouldn't trigger the indicator change\nFixed Collections not loading the default values defined in the yaml\nFixed bad html output in menu particle\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nDisable caching from Particle Module by default (#925)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAbility to add custom CSS classes to Widgets\n\n\n\nImproved URL comparing on menu item Assignments when permalinks are enabled\n\n\n\nRenaming of Outlines from navigation bar will now properly refresh all links with the new value (#912)\nFixed issue in Hydrogen where Visual Composer wouldn't work on Pages\nFixed open_basedir warning in admin when getting list of Gantry themes"},"5.1.6":{"date":"10\/14\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Displaying Assignments' action bar in the footer like in the other sections\n - Minor style enhancements to the key\/value field\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed an Internal Server Error that could occur when site has no menus and user tries to access Settings tab (#898)\n - Fixed text color for inputs and textareas when appearing in the menu (#896)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Restored the old behavior from Gantry 5.1.4 where Bootstrap CSS\/JS isn't loaded unless needed by the page content\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Enable shortcodes in Text Widget and widgets that use `widget_content` filter (#887)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Particles should be now prepared on wp_enqueue_scripts so the WordPress scripts checks should work properly\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Widget positions with upper case letters are always empty (#889)\n - Tag attributes aren't rendered in CSS\/JS Atom, even though they're there (#888)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Displaying Assignments' action bar in the footer like in the other sections<\/li>\n<li>Minor style enhancements to the key\/value field<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed an Internal Server Error that could occur when site has no menus and user tries to access Settings tab (#898)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed text color for inputs and textareas when appearing in the menu (#896)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored the old behavior from Gantry 5.1.4 where Bootstrap CSS\/JS isn't loaded unless needed by the page content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enable shortcodes in Text Widget and widgets that use <code>widget_content<\/code> filter (#887)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Particles should be now prepared on wp_enqueue_scripts so the WordPress scripts checks should work properly<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Widget positions with upper case letters are always empty (#889)<\/li>\n<li>Tag attributes aren't rendered in CSS\/JS Atom, even though they're there (#888)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nDisplaying Assignments' action bar in the footer like in the other sections\nMinor style enhancements to the key\/value field\n\n\n\nFixed an Internal Server Error that could occur when site has no menus and user tries to access Settings tab (#898)\nFixed text color for inputs and textareas when appearing in the menu (#896)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nRestored the old behavior from Gantry 5.1.4 where Bootstrap CSS\/JS isn't loaded unless needed by the page content\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nEnable shortcodes in Text Widget and widgets that use widget_content filter (#887)\n\n\n\nParticles should be now prepared on wp_enqueue_scripts so the WordPress scripts checks should work properly\n\n\n\nWidget positions with upper case letters are always empty (#889)\nTag attributes aren't rendered in CSS\/JS Atom, even though they're there (#888)"},"5.1.5":{"date":"09\/30\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add support for twig `{{ gantry.page.url({'var': 'value'}) }}` to request current URL with extra attributes (#875)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Enhanced the droppable areas for Menu Editor in the sublevels (#132)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - If `layout.yaml` file is missing, wrong layout preset gets loaded\n - Fixed issue with multiple dropdown menu items not closing properly in some scenarios (#863)\n - Fatal error if there is empty outline configuration directory (#867)\n - Fixed issue with ajax calls where in some scenarios the URL would match a `method` causing the Ajax to fail (#865)\n - Fixed `Declaration of ThemeTrait::updateCss() must be compatible with ThemeInterface::updateCss()` in PHP 5.4\n - Extending `{% block head_platform %}` from platform independent file does not have any effect (#876)\n - Fixed improperly rendered blocks sizes when equalized (ie, `33.3 | 33.3 | 33.3`) (#881)\n - Fixed `str_repeat(): Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0` happening sometimes in admin\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implement support for Joomla objects in twig (#873)\n - Implement support for static Joomla function calls in twig (#874)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Added missing Module Class Suffix entry field for the Gantry Particle Module (#871)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - New `[loadposition id=\"\"][\/loadposition]` shortcode for loading widgets inside of content\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Changes indicator is now showing in Widgets and Customizer, whenever an instance gets modified and in order to remind of saving (#822)\n - Gantry updates are now available and interactive in the Admin via a Purple bar notification (#718)\n - Improve widget rendering for particles, roksprocket and rokgallery\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Duplicating outline may cause 'Preset not found' error (#859)\n - Fix WooCommerce and some other plugins from having missing CSS and JavaScript (requires theme update) (#855)\n - Fixed fatal errors with PHP <= 5.3, causing Hydrogen and Gantry to not display the proper errors of PHP incompatibility (#833)\n - Fixed customizer JS errors thrown due to wrongly formatted `before_widget` (#864)\n - Newly cloned Outline should not have any assignments (#866)\n - Fixed duplicated `<title>` tag in head (#870)\n - Fixed 404 and Offline in Hydrogen loading assigned outline rather than hardcoded layout\n - Widget Particle: widget call without an instance fails (#880)\n - Using only characters from foreign alphabets like greek or hebrew is breaking menu (#691)\n - Menu name containing foreign alphabets causes issues in admin\n - Fixed a bug causing presets in the menu to show up vertically instead of horizontally","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add support for twig <code>{{ gantry.page.url({'var': 'value'}) }}<\/code> to request current URL with extra attributes (#875)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enhanced the droppable areas for Menu Editor in the sublevels (#132)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>If <code>layout.yaml<\/code> file is missing, wrong layout preset gets loaded<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with multiple dropdown menu items not closing properly in some scenarios (#863)<\/li>\n<li>Fatal error if there is empty outline configuration directory (#867)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with ajax calls where in some scenarios the URL would match a <code>method<\/code> causing the Ajax to fail (#865)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Declaration of ThemeTrait::updateCss() must be compatible with ThemeInterface::updateCss()<\/code> in PHP 5.4<\/li>\n<li>Extending <code>{% block head_platform %}<\/code> from platform independent file does not have any effect (#876)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed improperly rendered blocks sizes when equalized (ie, <code>33.3 | 33.3 | 33.3<\/code>) (#881)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>str_repeat(): Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0<\/code> happening sometimes in admin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implement support for Joomla objects in twig (#873)<\/li>\n<li>Implement support for static Joomla function calls in twig (#874)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added missing Module Class Suffix entry field for the Gantry Particle Module (#871)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>New <code>[loadposition id=\"\"][\/loadposition]<\/code> shortcode for loading widgets inside of content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changes indicator is now showing in Widgets and Customizer, whenever an instance gets modified and in order to remind of saving (#822)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry updates are now available and interactive in the Admin via a Purple bar notification (#718)<\/li>\n<li>Improve widget rendering for particles, roksprocket and rokgallery<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Duplicating outline may cause 'Preset not found' error (#859)<\/li>\n<li>Fix WooCommerce and some other plugins from having missing CSS and JavaScript (requires theme update) (#855)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fatal errors with PHP &lt;= 5.3, causing Hydrogen and Gantry to not display the proper errors of PHP incompatibility (#833)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed customizer JS errors thrown due to wrongly formatted <code>before_widget<\/code> (#864)<\/li>\n<li>Newly cloned Outline should not have any assignments (#866)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed duplicated <code>&lt;title&gt;<\/code> tag in head (#870)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed 404 and Offline in Hydrogen loading assigned outline rather than hardcoded layout<\/li>\n<li>Widget Particle: widget call without an instance fails (#880)<\/li>\n<li>Using only characters from foreign alphabets like greek or hebrew is breaking menu (#691)<\/li>\n<li>Menu name containing foreign alphabets causes issues in admin<\/li>\n<li>Fixed a bug causing presets in the menu to show up vertically instead of horizontally<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nAdd support for twig {{ gantry.page.url({'var': 'value'}) }} to request current URL with extra attributes (#875)\n\n\n\nEnhanced the droppable areas for Menu Editor in the sublevels (#132)\n\n\n\nIf layout.yaml file is missing, wrong layout preset gets loaded\nFixed issue with multiple dropdown menu items not closing properly in some scenarios (#863)\nFatal error if there is empty outline configuration directory (#867)\nFixed issue with ajax calls where in some scenarios the URL would match a method causing the Ajax to fail (#865)\nFixed Declaration of ThemeTrait::updateCss() must be compatible with ThemeInterface::updateCss() in PHP 5.4\nExtending {% block head_platform %} from platform independent file does not have any effect (#876)\nFixed improperly rendered blocks sizes when equalized (ie, 33.3 | 33.3 | 33.3) (#881)\nFixed str_repeat(): Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0 happening sometimes in admin\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nImplement support for Joomla objects in twig (#873)\nImplement support for static Joomla function calls in twig (#874)\n\n\n\nAdded missing Module Class Suffix entry field for the Gantry Particle Module (#871)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nNew [loadposition id=\"\"][\/loadposition] shortcode for loading widgets inside of content\n\n\n\nChanges indicator is now showing in Widgets and Customizer, whenever an instance gets modified and in order to remind of saving (#822)\nGantry updates are now available and interactive in the Admin via a Purple bar notification (#718)\nImprove widget rendering for particles, roksprocket and rokgallery\n\n\n\nDuplicating outline may cause 'Preset not found' error (#859)\nFix WooCommerce and some other plugins from having missing CSS and JavaScript (requires theme update) (#855)\nFixed fatal errors with PHP &lt;= 5.3, causing Hydrogen and Gantry to not display the proper errors of PHP incompatibility (#833)\nFixed customizer JS errors thrown due to wrongly formatted before_widget (#864)\nNewly cloned Outline should not have any assignments (#866)\nFixed duplicated &lt;title&gt; tag in head (#870)\nFixed 404 and Offline in Hydrogen loading assigned outline rather than hardcoded layout\nWidget Particle: widget call without an instance fails (#880)\nUsing only characters from foreign alphabets like greek or hebrew is breaking menu (#691)\nMenu name containing foreign alphabets causes issues in admin\nFixed a bug causing presets in the menu to show up vertically instead of horizontally"},"5.1.4":{"date":"09\/18\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Updated Google Fonts library (+4 fonts)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Menu Particle: Implement base item support (#666)\n - Remove empty class div on Particle Module\/Widget (#778)\n - Added additional utility block variation to provide equal heights when using box variations side by side (#845)\n - All Particles now show a dedicated Icon in the Layout Manager and UI enhancements have been made on the Particles Picker (#935)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed tab level for Offcanvas Section\n - Removed unnecessary margin from select fields in admin\n - Theme list displays wrong version number on each theme (#849)\n - Adding dropdown width in Menu breaks the menu (#850)\n - Menu items missing after upgrade (#843)\n - Clicking on new Modules\/Widgets\/Particles in menu throw 400 Bad Request (#837)\n - Menu Manager `Dropdown Style` = `Extended` should ignore value in `Dropdown Width` (#852)\n - Filepicker thumbnail preview now renders if the image contains spaces\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Update minimum Joomla version requirement to 3.4.1 (fixes issues with `JModuleHelper::getModuleList()` missing)\n - Fixed `Menu Heading` item type not displaying subtitles when set from Menu Editor\n - Updated Hydrogen template thumbnail and preview images\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Ability to set custom cache path when hosting company doesn't allow PHP files in `wp-content\/cache` ie. WPEngine\n - Added Gantry streams to the `kses` allowed protocols\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed Offline Mode not working properly\n - Added missing Hydrogen block variations","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library (+4 fonts)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Particle: Implement base item support (#666)<\/li>\n<li>Remove empty class div on Particle Module\/Widget (#778)<\/li>\n<li>Added additional utility block variation to provide equal heights when using box variations side by side (#845)<\/li>\n<li>All Particles now show a dedicated Icon in the Layout Manager and UI enhancements have been made on the Particles Picker (#935)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed tab level for Offcanvas Section<\/li>\n<li>Removed unnecessary margin from select fields in admin<\/li>\n<li>Theme list displays wrong version number on each theme (#849)<\/li>\n<li>Adding dropdown width in Menu breaks the menu (#850)<\/li>\n<li>Menu items missing after upgrade (#843)<\/li>\n<li>Clicking on new Modules\/Widgets\/Particles in menu throw 400 Bad Request (#837)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Manager <code>Dropdown Style<\/code> = <code>Extended<\/code> should ignore value in <code>Dropdown Width<\/code> (#852)<\/li>\n<li>Filepicker thumbnail preview now renders if the image contains spaces<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update minimum Joomla version requirement to 3.4.1 (fixes issues with <code>JModuleHelper::getModuleList()<\/code> missing)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Menu Heading<\/code> item type not displaying subtitles when set from Menu Editor<\/li>\n<li>Updated Hydrogen template thumbnail and preview images<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Ability to set custom cache path when hosting company doesn't allow PHP files in <code>wp-content\/cache<\/code> ie. WPEngine<\/li>\n<li>Added Gantry streams to the <code>kses<\/code> allowed protocols<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Offline Mode not working properly<\/li>\n<li>Added missing Hydrogen block variations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nUpdated Google Fonts library (+4 fonts)\n\n\n\nMenu Particle: Implement base item support (#666)\nRemove empty class div on Particle Module\/Widget (#778)\nAdded additional utility block variation to provide equal heights when using box variations side by side (#845)\nAll Particles now show a dedicated Icon in the Layout Manager and UI enhancements have been made on the Particles Picker (#935)\n\n\n\nFixed tab level for Offcanvas Section\nRemoved unnecessary margin from select fields in admin\nTheme list displays wrong version number on each theme (#849)\nAdding dropdown width in Menu breaks the menu (#850)\nMenu items missing after upgrade (#843)\nClicking on new Modules\/Widgets\/Particles in menu throw 400 Bad Request (#837)\nMenu Manager Dropdown Style = Extended should ignore value in Dropdown Width (#852)\nFilepicker thumbnail preview now renders if the image contains spaces\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nUpdate minimum Joomla version requirement to 3.4.1 (fixes issues with JModuleHelper::getModuleList() missing)\nFixed Menu Heading item type not displaying subtitles when set from Menu Editor\nUpdated Hydrogen template thumbnail and preview images\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAbility to set custom cache path when hosting company doesn't allow PHP files in wp-content\/cache ie. WPEngine\nAdded Gantry streams to the kses allowed protocols\n\n\n\nFixed Offline Mode not working properly\nAdded missing Hydrogen block variations"},"5.1.3":{"date":"09\/15\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Icons Picker doesn't allow to select icons when none of them is actually selected (#813)\n - Reduce overall memory usage\n - Twig url(): Add support for timestamp max age (#821)\n - Added notice to Custom JS\/CSS atom that inline code should be stripped out of &lt;script&gt; and &lt;style&gt; tags.\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed \"View on GitHub\" button in the Changelog modal that was taking you nowhere\n - Equalized blocks sizes are now always rounded to 1 decimal digit and will only be supported this way (fixes #776)\n - Fix 'mkdir(): File exists' exception when copying existing folder structure (#225)\n - Only the first menu item is showing up when menu is starting at level > 1 (#780)\n - Error in menu starting at level > 1: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given (#803)\n - Fixed `Division by zero` error when setting a Block to `Fixed` and when that block is the only one, at 100%, in the grid (#804)\n - Fixed checkbox field issue not storing the off state in `YAML`, needed for things such as Swipe gesture option (fixes #802)\n - Saving outline style will not properly update CSS in some platforms (#816)\n - SCSS Compiler issue: White page if compiler gets interrupted (#805)\n - Fixed override logic in admin for the Styles panel where switching between Presets wasn't taking into account defaults from Base (#818, #820)\n - Global context is not available for particles in the menu\n - Cached index.yaml.php files are getting updated on every request (#834)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Object returned by JApplicationSite::getTemplate(true) is not compatible (#499)\n - Fix 'Parameter 1 to PlgSystemRedirect::handleError() expected to be a reference' (#755)\n - Fix blank custom pages when format is not HTML (#786)\n - Duplicating outlines does not copy everything (#470)\n - Deleting outline may cause 500 errors in the backend (#774)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Implement a particle Widget (#714)\n - Added Login Form particle\n - Hook streams URL filter into the_content, the_excerpt, widget_text and widget_content filters (#779)\n - Added new stream for wp-content directory\n - Added ability to use Widgets in menu (#726)\n - Added wpautop enabler in Hydrogen settings\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Added WooCommerce support in themes declaration\n - Added missing the_excerpt filter to excerpts in Hydrogen\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Load style.css on all pages (#819)\n - Add missing `dir=\"rtl\"` to &lt;html&gt; tag when WordPress is in the RTL mode\n - Error on displaying widget modal: strtolower() expects to be string, array given (#831)\n - `Front Page` conditional check in Assignments isn't working when a single page is set as Front Page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Icons Picker doesn't allow to select icons when none of them is actually selected (#813)<\/li>\n<li>Reduce overall memory usage<\/li>\n<li>Twig url(): Add support for timestamp max age (#821)<\/li>\n<li>Added notice to Custom JS\/CSS atom that inline code should be stripped out of &lt;script&gt; and &lt;style&gt; tags.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed &quot;View on GitHub&quot; button in the Changelog modal that was taking you nowhere<\/li>\n<li>Equalized blocks sizes are now always rounded to 1 decimal digit and will only be supported this way (fixes #776)<\/li>\n<li>Fix 'mkdir(): File exists' exception when copying existing folder structure (#225)<\/li>\n<li>Only the first menu item is showing up when menu is starting at level &gt; 1 (#780)<\/li>\n<li>Error in menu starting at level &gt; 1: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given (#803)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed <code>Division by zero<\/code> error when setting a Block to <code>Fixed<\/code> and when that block is the only one, at 100%, in the grid (#804)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed checkbox field issue not storing the off state in <code>YAML<\/code>, needed for things such as Swipe gesture option (fixes #802)<\/li>\n<li>Saving outline style will not properly update CSS in some platforms (#816)<\/li>\n<li>SCSS Compiler issue: White page if compiler gets interrupted (#805)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed override logic in admin for the Styles panel where switching between Presets wasn't taking into account defaults from Base (#818, #820)<\/li>\n<li>Global context is not available for particles in the menu<\/li>\n<li>Cached index.yaml.php files are getting updated on every request (#834)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Object returned by JApplicationSite::getTemplate(true) is not compatible (#499)<\/li>\n<li>Fix 'Parameter 1 to PlgSystemRedirect::handleError() expected to be a reference' (#755)<\/li>\n<li>Fix blank custom pages when format is not HTML (#786)<\/li>\n<li>Duplicating outlines does not copy everything (#470)<\/li>\n<li>Deleting outline may cause 500 errors in the backend (#774)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implement a particle Widget (#714)<\/li>\n<li>Added Login Form particle<\/li>\n<li>Hook streams URL filter into the_content, the_excerpt, widget_text and widget_content filters (#779)<\/li>\n<li>Added new stream for wp-content directory<\/li>\n<li>Added ability to use Widgets in menu (#726)<\/li>\n<li>Added wpautop enabler in Hydrogen settings<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added WooCommerce support in themes declaration<\/li>\n<li>Added missing the_excerpt filter to excerpts in Hydrogen<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Load style.css on all pages (#819)<\/li>\n<li>Add missing <code>dir=\"rtl\"<\/code> to &lt;html&gt; tag when WordPress is in the RTL mode<\/li>\n<li>Error on displaying widget modal: strtolower() expects to be string, array given (#831)<\/li>\n<li><code>Front Page<\/code> conditional check in Assignments isn't working when a single page is set as Front Page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nIcons Picker doesn't allow to select icons when none of them is actually selected (#813)\nReduce overall memory usage\nTwig url(): Add support for timestamp max age (#821)\nAdded notice to Custom JS\/CSS atom that inline code should be stripped out of &lt;script&gt; and &lt;style&gt; tags.\n\n\n\nFixed &quot;View on GitHub&quot; button in the Changelog modal that was taking you nowhere\nEqualized blocks sizes are now always rounded to 1 decimal digit and will only be supported this way (fixes #776)\nFix 'mkdir(): File exists' exception when copying existing folder structure (#225)\nOnly the first menu item is showing up when menu is starting at level &gt; 1 (#780)\nError in menu starting at level &gt; 1: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given (#803)\nFixed Division by zero error when setting a Block to Fixed and when that block is the only one, at 100%, in the grid (#804)\nFixed checkbox field issue not storing the off state in YAML, needed for things such as Swipe gesture option (fixes #802)\nSaving outline style will not properly update CSS in some platforms (#816)\nSCSS Compiler issue: White page if compiler gets interrupted (#805)\nFixed override logic in admin for the Styles panel where switching between Presets wasn't taking into account defaults from Base (#818, #820)\nGlobal context is not available for particles in the menu\nCached index.yaml.php files are getting updated on every request (#834)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nObject returned by JApplicationSite::getTemplate(true) is not compatible (#499)\nFix 'Parameter 1 to PlgSystemRedirect::handleError() expected to be a reference' (#755)\nFix blank custom pages when format is not HTML (#786)\nDuplicating outlines does not copy everything (#470)\nDeleting outline may cause 500 errors in the backend (#774)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nImplement a particle Widget (#714)\nAdded Login Form particle\nHook streams URL filter into the_content, the_excerpt, widget_text and widget_content filters (#779)\nAdded new stream for wp-content directory\nAdded ability to use Widgets in menu (#726)\nAdded wpautop enabler in Hydrogen settings\n\n\n\nAdded WooCommerce support in themes declaration\nAdded missing the_excerpt filter to excerpts in Hydrogen\n\n\n\nLoad style.css on all pages (#819)\nAdd missing dir=\"rtl\" to &lt;html&gt; tag when WordPress is in the RTL mode\nError on displaying widget modal: strtolower() expects to be string, array given (#831)\nFront Page conditional check in Assignments isn't working when a single page is set as Front Page"},"5.1.2":{"date":"08\/31\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fix regression in all collections (Social, Custom JS \/ CSS, etc) (#761, #762, #764, #767, #768)\n - Fix Argument 1 passed to `RocketTheme\\Toolbox\\Blueprints\\Blueprints::mergeArrays()` must be of the type array\n - Re-index collection lists to avoid gaps in the indexing (also fixes broken lists that were saved)\n - Fixed issue in Layout Manager where top level section settings would show the Block tab (#766)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed issue when renaming an Outline that prevented it to further get edited, duplicated or deleted (#588)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix regression in all collections (Social, Custom JS \/ CSS, etc) (#761, #762, #764, #767, #768)<\/li>\n<li>Fix Argument 1 passed to <code>RocketTheme\\Toolbox\\Blueprints\\Blueprints::mergeArrays()<\/code> must be of the type array<\/li>\n<li>Re-index collection lists to avoid gaps in the indexing (also fixes broken lists that were saved)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Layout Manager where top level section settings would show the Block tab (#766)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue when renaming an Outline that prevented it to further get edited, duplicated or deleted (#588)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nFix regression in all collections (Social, Custom JS \/ CSS, etc) (#761, #762, #764, #767, #768)\nFix Argument 1 passed to RocketTheme\\Toolbox\\Blueprints\\Blueprints::mergeArrays() must be of the type array\nRe-index collection lists to avoid gaps in the indexing (also fixes broken lists that were saved)\nFixed issue in Layout Manager where top level section settings would show the Block tab (#766)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nFixed issue when renaming an Outline that prevented it to further get edited, duplicated or deleted (#588)"},"5.1.1":{"date":"08\/28\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Layout Manager: Add block settings for nested sections (#539)\n - Layout Manager: Add support for fixed width sections (#115)\n - Custom JS\/CSS Particle supports now inline CSS\n - Process shortcodes in custom HTML particle (#369)\n - New Twig extension and filter : json_decode\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Dramatically improved the click\/touch response in the whole Admin and G5 Particle Module (fixes #551)\n - WAI-ARIA: Thanks to @Mediaversal, a lot of Admin work has been done for accessibility (#754 - ref. #713)\n - Catch and display warnings from SCSS compiler (#705)\n - Dropdowns \/ Tags fields have been improved for tab stop, it is now easier to navigate through fields via keyboard (partly #713 related)\n - Enable twig debug extension if Gantry debug has been turned on\n - Implemented validation for the Block Size of a Particle Block (#539)\n - Add HTML body class for used layout preset (#750)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - ToTop Particle allows HTML again in the content field (#720, #721)\n - Fixed issue in Selectize preventing the dropdown to close when loosing focus in non-IE browsers\n - Avoid race conditions when compiling CSS by compiling each file only once (#516)\n - Load default configuration values from Blueprints (#117, #154)\n - Outline Styles: Overriding only some colors in a card may result unexpected values in the others (#536)\n - It is now possible to override the 'enabled' state of a Particle (green \/ red toggle), when the override is disable, Base will be inherited (#615)\n - Assets particle: Save CSS and JS files into custom\/ directory of the theme instead of custom\/images\/ (#734)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Use cleaner formatting in templateDetails.xml for positions\n - Make Debug module position fixed to the bottom of every layout (#715)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed blocks using bootstrap responsive utility classes displaying improperly (#722)\n - Gantry update message is showing up even when there is no update (#631)\n - Module positions not showing up after installing\/updating theme (#212)\n - Missing padding in modal windows of 3rd party components (#746)\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - Add Platform Settings into Extras menu\n - Add support for Offline mode (#759)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Make Timber functions to work from particles\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Admin language will fallback to `en_US` if the locale based `.mo` couldn't be loaded (#719)\n - Extra location of the plugin translation `.mo` file changed to the default value `WP_LANG_DIR\/plugins\/` (#719)\n - Fix fatal error in PHP 5.2: while unsupported, it should still fail gracefully\n - Uninstall is leaving behind cache files and options (#659)\n - Move blueprints for content into its proper location\n - Fixed the styling for the Gantry 5 settings page\n - Fatal error when editing menu item name in the editor (#752)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Layout Manager: Add block settings for nested sections (#539)<\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager: Add support for fixed width sections (#115)<\/li>\n<li>Custom JS\/CSS Particle supports now inline CSS<\/li>\n<li>Process shortcodes in custom HTML particle (#369)<\/li>\n<li>New Twig extension and filter : json_decode<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dramatically improved the click\/touch response in the whole Admin and G5 Particle Module (fixes #551)<\/li>\n<li>WAI-ARIA: Thanks to @Mediaversal, a lot of Admin work has been done for accessibility (#754 - ref. #713)<\/li>\n<li>Catch and display warnings from SCSS compiler (#705)<\/li>\n<li>Dropdowns \/ Tags fields have been improved for tab stop, it is now easier to navigate through fields via keyboard (partly #713 related)<\/li>\n<li>Enable twig debug extension if Gantry debug has been turned on<\/li>\n<li>Implemented validation for the Block Size of a Particle Block (#539)<\/li>\n<li>Add HTML body class for used layout preset (#750)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ToTop Particle allows HTML again in the content field (#720, #721)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Selectize preventing the dropdown to close when loosing focus in non-IE browsers<\/li>\n<li>Avoid race conditions when compiling CSS by compiling each file only once (#516)<\/li>\n<li>Load default configuration values from Blueprints (#117, #154)<\/li>\n<li>Outline Styles: Overriding only some colors in a card may result unexpected values in the others (#536)<\/li>\n<li>It is now possible to override the 'enabled' state of a Particle (green \/ red toggle), when the override is disable, Base will be inherited (#615)<\/li>\n<li>Assets particle: Save CSS and JS files into custom\/ directory of the theme instead of custom\/images\/ (#734)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use cleaner formatting in templateDetails.xml for positions<\/li>\n<li>Make Debug module position fixed to the bottom of every layout (#715)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed blocks using bootstrap responsive utility classes displaying improperly (#722)<\/li>\n<li>Gantry update message is showing up even when there is no update (#631)<\/li>\n<li>Module positions not showing up after installing\/updating theme (#212)<\/li>\n<li>Missing padding in modal windows of 3rd party components (#746)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add Platform Settings into Extras menu<\/li>\n<li>Add support for Offline mode (#759)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Make Timber functions to work from particles<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Admin language will fallback to <code>en_US<\/code> if the locale based <code>.mo<\/code> couldn't be loaded (#719)<\/li>\n<li>Extra location of the plugin translation <code>.mo<\/code> file changed to the default value <code>WP_LANG_DIR\/plugins\/<\/code> (#719)<\/li>\n<li>Fix fatal error in PHP 5.2: while unsupported, it should still fail gracefully<\/li>\n<li>Uninstall is leaving behind cache files and options (#659)<\/li>\n<li>Move blueprints for content into its proper location<\/li>\n<li>Fixed the styling for the Gantry 5 settings page<\/li>\n<li>Fatal error when editing menu item name in the editor (#752)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nLayout Manager: Add block settings for nested sections (#539)\nLayout Manager: Add support for fixed width sections (#115)\nCustom JS\/CSS Particle supports now inline CSS\nProcess shortcodes in custom HTML particle (#369)\nNew Twig extension and filter : json_decode\n\n\n\nDramatically improved the click\/touch response in the whole Admin and G5 Particle Module (fixes #551)\nWAI-ARIA: Thanks to @Mediaversal, a lot of Admin work has been done for accessibility (#754 - ref. #713)\nCatch and display warnings from SCSS compiler (#705)\nDropdowns \/ Tags fields have been improved for tab stop, it is now easier to navigate through fields via keyboard (partly #713 related)\nEnable twig debug extension if Gantry debug has been turned on\nImplemented validation for the Block Size of a Particle Block (#539)\nAdd HTML body class for used layout preset (#750)\n\n\n\nToTop Particle allows HTML again in the content field (#720, #721)\nFixed issue in Selectize preventing the dropdown to close when loosing focus in non-IE browsers\nAvoid race conditions when compiling CSS by compiling each file only once (#516)\nLoad default configuration values from Blueprints (#117, #154)\nOutline Styles: Overriding only some colors in a card may result unexpected values in the others (#536)\nIt is now possible to override the 'enabled' state of a Particle (green \/ red toggle), when the override is disable, Base will be inherited (#615)\nAssets particle: Save CSS and JS files into custom\/ directory of the theme instead of custom\/images\/ (#734)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nUse cleaner formatting in templateDetails.xml for positions\nMake Debug module position fixed to the bottom of every layout (#715)\n\n\n\nFixed blocks using bootstrap responsive utility classes displaying improperly (#722)\nGantry update message is showing up even when there is no update (#631)\nModule positions not showing up after installing\/updating theme (#212)\nMissing padding in modal windows of 3rd party components (#746)\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nAdd Platform Settings into Extras menu\nAdd support for Offline mode (#759)\n\n\n\nMake Timber functions to work from particles\n\n\n\nAdmin language will fallback to en_US if the locale based .mo couldn't be loaded (#719)\nExtra location of the plugin translation .mo file changed to the default value WP_LANG_DIR\/plugins\/ (#719)\nFix fatal error in PHP 5.2: while unsupported, it should still fail gracefully\nUninstall is leaving behind cache files and options (#659)\nMove blueprints for content into its proper location\nFixed the styling for the Gantry 5 settings page\nFatal error when editing menu item name in the editor (#752)"},"5.1.0":{"date":"08\/16\/2015","content":"1. [Common](#common)\n 1. [](#new)\n - New Menu Item `Disable Dropdowns` option that allows parents to not render sublevels and still be available (thanks @JoomFX - #611 \/ #675)\n - Add Twig function preg_match() (#627)\n - Add support for new twig tags: assets, scripts and styles\n - Added Icon picker for the To Top Particle, you can now have Icon only, Text only or both (thanks @adi8i - #696)\n - You can now consult the `Changelog` within the admin. A Changelog link can be found in the footer (for the current version), and a button will show up in the updates area when a new version is available.\n - Add an example how to inject custom twig variables from the theme (see index.php in hydrogen)\n 1. [](#improved)\n - Available Themes: Open Preview in a new window\n - Updated Google Fonts library (+2 fonts)\n - Rendered titles for Menu Items is now an option of the Menu Particle (#670)\n - Updated Hydrogen sample content to be more platform agnostic\n - Menu Items rendering on frontend do not render an `id` anymore, since the id is already available in the classname (#629)\n - Improved UI\/UX for Atoms section. A maximum of 5 Atoms are now ever displayed per row, returning to a new one if needed (#451)\n - Improved SCSS 3.3\/3.4 compatibility\n - Accessibility improvements in admin (#673)\n - Improve error message when parsing JS\/CSS assets block fails (#704)\n - Change url() logic for plain ?foo=bar urls to avoid issues when url is requested together with domain\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Administrator responsive issues in Settings Panel (#603)\n - Anchor links should not be modified (#624)\n - '&' symbol in external menu item not outputting properly (#598)\n - Remove layout tab from base outline (#628)\n - Trying to get property of non-object when accessing page without menu item (#632)\n - Fixed layout manager particle titles overflowing boxes in smaller sizes (#637)\n - Normalized height of standard select element to match other admin form elements\n - Enable date particle, analytics and assets atoms by default to avoid confusion (#330)\n - Fixed collapse of cards in Assignments when filtering with a non-matching word (#672)\n - Fixed resizing Particles in LM where attached events wouldn't get properly removed and causing oddities with the History (fixes #556)\n - Disable whoops when Gantry is in production mode and debug mode has been disabled (#681)\n - Removed additional padding from modals that were incorrectly inheriting it\n - Logo Particle now properly redirects to Home even if clicked from a subpage (#676)\n - Menu Particle: max levels does not work (#698)\n - Ignore non-overrideable values in Settings page (#621)\n - Exceptions thrown outside Gantry are not triggering the default error page, but intercepted by Whoops (#649)\n1. [Joomla](#joomla)\n 1. [](#bugfix)\n - Fixed available theme notice text problems when no themes are installed (#655)\n - Fixed label alignment in Joomla popup email form (#665)\n - Load missing Joomla assets on AJAX popups (#683, #684)\n - Added missing responsive bootstrap classes required for Joomla editing views (#684)\n - Fix missing preview image in template manager, fix gets applied after upgrading template (#707)\n - Fixed Joomla frontend article editor and popup styling issues (#681)\n - Added missing size class rules for Joomla frontend editing views\n - Fixed Joomla frontend image manager alignment issues\n1. [WordPress](#wordpress)\n 1. [](#new)\n - WordPress is now integrated with Gantry 5!","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#common\">Common<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>New Menu Item <code>Disable Dropdowns<\/code> option that allows parents to not render sublevels and still be available (thanks @JoomFX - #611 \/ #675)<\/li>\n<li>Add Twig function preg_match() (#627)<\/li>\n<li>Add support for new twig tags: assets, scripts and styles<\/li>\n<li>Added Icon picker for the To Top Particle, you can now have Icon only, Text only or both (thanks @adi8i - #696)<\/li>\n<li>You can now consult the <code>Changelog<\/code> within the admin. A Changelog link can be found in the footer (for the current version), and a button will show up in the updates area when a new version is available.<\/li>\n<li>Add an example how to inject custom twig variables from the theme (see index.php in hydrogen)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Available Themes: Open Preview in a new window<\/li>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library (+2 fonts)<\/li>\n<li>Rendered titles for Menu Items is now an option of the Menu Particle (#670)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Hydrogen sample content to be more platform agnostic<\/li>\n<li>Menu Items rendering on frontend do not render an <code>id<\/code> anymore, since the id is already available in the classname (#629)<\/li>\n<li>Improved UI\/UX for Atoms section. A maximum of 5 Atoms are now ever displayed per row, returning to a new one if needed (#451)<\/li>\n<li>Improved SCSS 3.3\/3.4 compatibility<\/li>\n<li>Accessibility improvements in admin (#673)<\/li>\n<li>Improve error message when parsing JS\/CSS assets block fails (#704)<\/li>\n<li>Change url() logic for plain ?foo=bar urls to avoid issues when url is requested together with domain<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Administrator responsive issues in Settings Panel (#603)<\/li>\n<li>Anchor links should not be modified (#624)<\/li>\n<li>'&amp;' symbol in external menu item not outputting properly (#598)<\/li>\n<li>Remove layout tab from base outline (#628)<\/li>\n<li>Trying to get property of non-object when accessing page without menu item (#632)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed layout manager particle titles overflowing boxes in smaller sizes (#637)<\/li>\n<li>Normalized height of standard select element to match other admin form elements<\/li>\n<li>Enable date particle, analytics and assets atoms by default to avoid confusion (#330)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed collapse of cards in Assignments when filtering with a non-matching word (#672)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed resizing Particles in LM where attached events wouldn't get properly removed and causing oddities with the History (fixes #556)<\/li>\n<li>Disable whoops when Gantry is in production mode and debug mode has been disabled (#681)<\/li>\n<li>Removed additional padding from modals that were incorrectly inheriting it<\/li>\n<li>Logo Particle now properly redirects to Home even if clicked from a subpage (#676)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Particle: max levels does not work (#698)<\/li>\n<li>Ignore non-overrideable values in Settings page (#621)<\/li>\n<li>Exceptions thrown outside Gantry are not triggering the default error page, but intercepted by Whoops (#649)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#joomla\">Joomla<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed available theme notice text problems when no themes are installed (#655)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed label alignment in Joomla popup email form (#665)<\/li>\n<li>Load missing Joomla assets on AJAX popups (#683, #684)<\/li>\n<li>Added missing responsive bootstrap classes required for Joomla editing views (#684)<\/li>\n<li>Fix missing preview image in template manager, fix gets applied after upgrading template (#707)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Joomla frontend article editor and popup styling issues (#681)<\/li>\n<li>Added missing size class rules for Joomla frontend editing views<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Joomla frontend image manager alignment issues<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#wordpress\">WordPress<\/a>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>WordPress is now integrated with Gantry 5!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Common\n\n\n\nNew Menu Item Disable Dropdowns option that allows parents to not render sublevels and still be available (thanks @JoomFX - #611 \/ #675)\nAdd Twig function preg_match() (#627)\nAdd support for new twig tags: assets, scripts and styles\nAdded Icon picker for the To Top Particle, you can now have Icon only, Text only or both (thanks @adi8i - #696)\nYou can now consult the Changelog within the admin. A Changelog link can be found in the footer (for the current version), and a button will show up in the updates area when a new version is available.\nAdd an example how to inject custom twig variables from the theme (see index.php in hydrogen)\n\n\n\nAvailable Themes: Open Preview in a new window\nUpdated Google Fonts library (+2 fonts)\nRendered titles for Menu Items is now an option of the Menu Particle (#670)\nUpdated Hydrogen sample content to be more platform agnostic\nMenu Items rendering on frontend do not render an id anymore, since the id is already available in the classname (#629)\nImproved UI\/UX for Atoms section. A maximum of 5 Atoms are now ever displayed per row, returning to a new one if needed (#451)\nImproved SCSS 3.3\/3.4 compatibility\nAccessibility improvements in admin (#673)\nImprove error message when parsing JS\/CSS assets block fails (#704)\nChange url() logic for plain ?foo=bar urls to avoid issues when url is requested together with domain\n\n\n\nAdministrator responsive issues in Settings Panel (#603)\nAnchor links should not be modified (#624)\n'&amp;' symbol in external menu item not outputting properly (#598)\nRemove layout tab from base outline (#628)\nTrying to get property of non-object when accessing page without menu item (#632)\nFixed layout manager particle titles overflowing boxes in smaller sizes (#637)\nNormalized height of standard select element to match other admin form elements\nEnable date particle, analytics and assets atoms by default to avoid confusion (#330)\nFixed collapse of cards in Assignments when filtering with a non-matching word (#672)\nFixed resizing Particles in LM where attached events wouldn't get properly removed and causing oddities with the History (fixes #556)\nDisable whoops when Gantry is in production mode and debug mode has been disabled (#681)\nRemoved additional padding from modals that were incorrectly inheriting it\nLogo Particle now properly redirects to Home even if clicked from a subpage (#676)\nMenu Particle: max levels does not work (#698)\nIgnore non-overrideable values in Settings page (#621)\nExceptions thrown outside Gantry are not triggering the default error page, but intercepted by Whoops (#649)\n\n\nJoomla\n\n\n\nFixed available theme notice text problems when no themes are installed (#655)\nFixed label alignment in Joomla popup email form (#665)\nLoad missing Joomla assets on AJAX popups (#683, #684)\nAdded missing responsive bootstrap classes required for Joomla editing views (#684)\nFix missing preview image in template manager, fix gets applied after upgrading template (#707)\nFixed Joomla frontend article editor and popup styling issues (#681)\nAdded missing size class rules for Joomla frontend editing views\nFixed Joomla frontend image manager alignment issues\n\n\nWordPress\n\n\n\nWordPress is now integrated with Gantry 5!"},"5.0.1":{"date":"07\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now supports JavaScript to be dropped before `<\/body>` as well as inline scripting (thanks @adi8i)\n * Menu Items can now be set to only display the Icon or Image from the Menu Editor (#574)\n1. [](#improved)\n * Added version number to Theme selector and Theme Configuration header (#560)\n * Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now allows to pick a CSS or JS file via filepicker as well as upload them directly from the picker\n * Minor CSS fixes for Joomla admin when in tablet and smaller viewport (#585)\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed regression with the style of Collections in admin and supporting long strings (#569)\n * Fixed Assignments filtering failing with empty Menus (#578)\n * Fixed UTF8 special characters being stripped out of Module Gantry 5 Particle causing the value to be lost (#570)\n * Fixed initial load of Module Particle not updating the link to the Joomla Module Manager instance (#582)\n * Fixed Menu Item subtitles in Menu Editor, causing any subtitle to get lost (#579)\n * Fixed Menu Item target not getting synched up between Joomla and Gantry (#584)\n * Fixed dropdowns on frontend not working when Offcanvas was disabled (#583)\n * Fixed edge case where resizing the browser wouldn't properly recalculate the Particles Picker size (#585)\n * Fixed issue in Menu Editor where it was possible to create more than one empty Columns (#585)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now supports JavaScript to be dropped before <code>&lt;\/body&gt;<\/code> as well as inline scripting (thanks @adi8i)<\/li>\n<li>Menu Items can now be set to only display the Icon or Image from the Menu Editor (#574)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added version number to Theme selector and Theme Configuration header (#560)<\/li>\n<li>Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now allows to pick a CSS or JS file via filepicker as well as upload them directly from the picker<\/li>\n<li>Minor CSS fixes for Joomla admin when in tablet and smaller viewport (#585)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed regression with the style of Collections in admin and supporting long strings (#569)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Assignments filtering failing with empty Menus (#578)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed UTF8 special characters being stripped out of Module Gantry 5 Particle causing the value to be lost (#570)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed initial load of Module Particle not updating the link to the Joomla Module Manager instance (#582)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Menu Item subtitles in Menu Editor, causing any subtitle to get lost (#579)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Menu Item target not getting synched up between Joomla and Gantry (#584)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed dropdowns on frontend not working when Offcanvas was disabled (#583)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed edge case where resizing the browser wouldn't properly recalculate the Particles Picker size (#585)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue in Menu Editor where it was possible to create more than one empty Columns (#585)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Custom CSS \/ JS Atom now supports JavaScript to be dropped before &lt;\/body&gt; as well as inline scripting (thanks @adi8i)\nMenu Items can now be set to only display the Icon or Image from the Menu Editor (#574)\n\n\n\nAdded version number to Theme selector and Theme Configuration header (#560)\nCustom CSS \/ JS Atom now allows to pick a CSS or JS file via filepicker as well as upload them directly from the picker\nMinor CSS fixes for Joomla admin when in tablet and smaller viewport (#585)\n\n\n\nFixed regression with the style of Collections in admin and supporting long strings (#569)\nFixed Assignments filtering failing with empty Menus (#578)\nFixed UTF8 special characters being stripped out of Module Gantry 5 Particle causing the value to be lost (#570)\nFixed initial load of Module Particle not updating the link to the Joomla Module Manager instance (#582)\nFixed Menu Item subtitles in Menu Editor, causing any subtitle to get lost (#579)\nFixed Menu Item target not getting synched up between Joomla and Gantry (#584)\nFixed dropdowns on frontend not working when Offcanvas was disabled (#583)\nFixed edge case where resizing the browser wouldn't properly recalculate the Particles Picker size (#585)\nFixed issue in Menu Editor where it was possible to create more than one empty Columns (#585)"},"5.0.0":{"date":"07\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Menu:\n - Particles and Modules can be now dropped in non-parent Menu Items (click on a Menu Item in the Menu Editor to get the virtual sublevel)\n - Implemented the option for menu items to append an Hash value (ie, http:\/\/yourcustomlink.com\/page#hash)\n * Layout Manager:\n - UI\/UX enhancements in the Particles Picker. It is now fixed and follows the scrolling of the page, making dragging and dropping particles to the bottom of a Layout much easier\n - When loading a new Layout while keeping the Particles, a warning will pop up in case some of the particles could get lost\n * Particles:\n - You can now load Particles via Joomla `{loadposition}`\n - Social Particle: now includes a Title parameter\n - Menu Particle:\n - It is now possible to choose the - Active - menu from the dropdown\n - Prevent from rendering empty Menu on frontend\n - Fixed Menu Start Level\n - To Top: Scrolling to the top is now smooth\n * Global and generic changes:\n - Added a new Development \/ Production toggle under the Extras tab which allows to toggle between the two states from within Gantry 5 admin\n - Production \/ Development now compile different CSS output. In Production mode, everything is compressed, in Development mode CSS is expanded and Line Numbers are added to easily reference the files (This only applies for the Styles Panel and custom.scss)\n - Enhanched Filepicker, it now uses streams, supports drag&drop from desktop for upload and allows to delete files (if they are overridden files)\n - Initial work on the multi language support\n - More body classes added:\n - Menu Item page suffix\n - Print-mode if previewing a print page\n1. [](#improved)\n * Menu:\n - Subtitles are now displaying in the interface\n * Assignments:\n - Introduced a new filter to display only the active assignments\n - You can now assign to a different Language\n * Styles:\n - Less aggressive box-sizing to automatically support, out of the box, Joomla and 3rd parties implementations.\n * Particles:\n - Menu Particle:\n - Accessibility improvements\n * Global and generic changes:\n - Updated Google Fonts library (+15 fonts)\n - Use Protocol less urls for loading Google Fonts (so it is http and https compatible)\n - In Joomla Module Manager, Gantry 5 Particle Modules will now display a badge with their type\n - Improved RTL support and automatic detection\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Menu:\n - Many bug fixes to synchronize Joomla with Gantry 5\n - Fixed cases where Particles \/ Modules wouldn't be deletable\n - Preventing disabled Particles from showing up on frontend when they are disabled\n * Outlines:\n - Preventing Default and non-deletable outlines from being deleted (UI adjusted accordingly)\n - Fixed case where an outline wouldn't be deletable due to a wrong flag set\n * Gantry 5 Particle Module:\n - Prevent Joomla from stripping out HTML content\n - You can now reset the value and change the Particle type\n * Layout Manager:\n - Fixed the preset informations when using history and jumping between different presets\n - History session fixes\n * Layout (frontend):\n - Fixed cases where the cumulative sum of side by side sections wouldn't be 100% as expected\n - Fixed issue where side by side sections (sidebars\/main) would have the main overflowing in one of the sidebars\n * Particles:\n - Menu Particle:\n - Fixed Menu Start Level\n - Fixed Offcanvas menu height calculations\n * Global and generic changes:\n - System Plugin and Particle Module are now PHP 5.3 compatible and won't fail with the error \"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...\"\n - Fixed \"Cache path not defined for compiled files\"\n - Fixed untranslated positions string in the Joomla Module Editor on frontend\n - Fixed Page Heading not displaying in the Gantry 5 Custom View page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu:\n<ul>\n<li>Particles and Modules can be now dropped in non-parent Menu Items (click on a Menu Item in the Menu Editor to get the virtual sublevel)<\/li>\n<li>Implemented the option for menu items to append an Hash value (ie, <a href=\"http:\/\/yourcustomlink.com\/page#hash\">http:\/\/yourcustomlink.com\/page#hash<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager:\n<ul>\n<li>UI\/UX enhancements in the Particles Picker. It is now fixed and follows the scrolling of the page, making dragging and dropping particles to the bottom of a Layout much easier<\/li>\n<li>When loading a new Layout while keeping the Particles, a warning will pop up in case some of the particles could get lost<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Particles:\n<ul>\n<li>You can now load Particles via Joomla <code>{loadposition}<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Social Particle: now includes a Title parameter<\/li>\n<li>Menu Particle:\n<ul>\n<li>It is now possible to choose the - Active - menu from the dropdown<\/li>\n<li>Prevent from rendering empty Menu on frontend<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Menu Start Level<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>To Top: Scrolling to the top is now smooth<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Global and generic changes:\n<ul>\n<li>Added a new Development \/ Production toggle under the Extras tab which allows to toggle between the two states from within Gantry 5 admin<\/li>\n<li>Production \/ Development now compile different CSS output. In Production mode, everything is compressed, in Development mode CSS is expanded and Line Numbers are added to easily reference the files (This only applies for the Styles Panel and custom.scss)<\/li>\n<li>Enhanched Filepicker, it now uses streams, supports drag&amp;drop from desktop for upload and allows to delete files (if they are overridden files)<\/li>\n<li>Initial work on the multi language support<\/li>\n<li>More body classes added:\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Item page suffix<\/li>\n<li>Print-mode if previewing a print page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu:\n<ul>\n<li>Subtitles are now displaying in the interface<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Assignments:\n<ul>\n<li>Introduced a new filter to display only the active assignments<\/li>\n<li>You can now assign to a different Language<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Styles:\n<ul>\n<li>Less aggressive box-sizing to automatically support, out of the box, Joomla and 3rd parties implementations.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Particles:\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Particle:\n<ul>\n<li>Accessibility improvements<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Global and generic changes:\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Google Fonts library (+15 fonts)<\/li>\n<li>Use Protocol less urls for loading Google Fonts (so it is http and https compatible)<\/li>\n<li>In Joomla Module Manager, Gantry 5 Particle Modules will now display a badge with their type<\/li>\n<li>Improved RTL support and automatic detection<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Menu:\n<ul>\n<li>Many bug fixes to synchronize Joomla with Gantry 5<\/li>\n<li>Fixed cases where Particles \/ Modules wouldn't be deletable<\/li>\n<li>Preventing disabled Particles from showing up on frontend when they are disabled<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Outlines:\n<ul>\n<li>Preventing Default and non-deletable outlines from being deleted (UI adjusted accordingly)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed case where an outline wouldn't be deletable due to a wrong flag set<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Gantry 5 Particle Module:\n<ul>\n<li>Prevent Joomla from stripping out HTML content<\/li>\n<li>You can now reset the value and change the Particle type<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Layout Manager:\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed the preset informations when using history and jumping between different presets<\/li>\n<li>History session fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Layout (frontend):\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed cases where the cumulative sum of side by side sections wouldn't be 100% as expected<\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where side by side sections (sidebars\/main) would have the main overflowing in one of the sidebars<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Particles:\n<ul>\n<li>Menu Particle:\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Menu Start Level<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Offcanvas menu height calculations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>Global and generic changes:\n<ul>\n<li>System Plugin and Particle Module are now PHP 5.3 compatible and won't fail with the error &quot;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...&quot;<\/li>\n<li>Fixed &quot;Cache path not defined for compiled files&quot;<\/li>\n<li>Fixed untranslated positions string in the Joomla Module Editor on frontend<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Page Heading not displaying in the Gantry 5 Custom View page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Menu:\n\nParticles and Modules can be now dropped in non-parent Menu Items (click on a Menu Item in the Menu Editor to get the virtual sublevel)\nImplemented the option for menu items to append an Hash value (ie, http:\/\/yourcustomlink.com\/page#hash)\n\nLayout Manager:\n\nUI\/UX enhancements in the Particles Picker. It is now fixed and follows the scrolling of the page, making dragging and dropping particles to the bottom of a Layout much easier\nWhen loading a new Layout while keeping the Particles, a warning will pop up in case some of the particles could get lost\n\nParticles:\n\nYou can now load Particles via Joomla {loadposition}\nSocial Particle: now includes a Title parameter\nMenu Particle:\n\nIt is now possible to choose the - Active - menu from the dropdown\nPrevent from rendering empty Menu on frontend\nFixed Menu Start Level\n\nTo Top: Scrolling to the top is now smooth\n\nGlobal and generic changes:\n\nAdded a new Development \/ Production toggle under the Extras tab which allows to toggle between the two states from within Gantry 5 admin\nProduction \/ Development now compile different CSS output. In Production mode, everything is compressed, in Development mode CSS is expanded and Line Numbers are added to easily reference the files (This only applies for the Styles Panel and custom.scss)\nEnhanched Filepicker, it now uses streams, supports drag&amp;drop from desktop for upload and allows to delete files (if they are overridden files)\nInitial work on the multi language support\nMore body classes added:\n\nMenu Item page suffix\nPrint-mode if previewing a print page\n\n\n\n\n\nMenu:\n\nSubtitles are now displaying in the interface\n\nAssignments:\n\nIntroduced a new filter to display only the active assignments\nYou can now assign to a different Language\n\nStyles:\n\nLess aggressive box-sizing to automatically support, out of the box, Joomla and 3rd parties implementations.\n\nParticles:\n\nMenu Particle:\n\nAccessibility improvements\n\n\nGlobal and generic changes:\n\nUpdated Google Fonts library (+15 fonts)\nUse Protocol less urls for loading Google Fonts (so it is http and https compatible)\nIn Joomla Module Manager, Gantry 5 Particle Modules will now display a badge with their type\nImproved RTL support and automatic detection\n\n\n\n\nMenu:\n\nMany bug fixes to synchronize Joomla with Gantry 5\nFixed cases where Particles \/ Modules wouldn't be deletable\nPreventing disabled Particles from showing up on frontend when they are disabled\n\nOutlines:\n\nPreventing Default and non-deletable outlines from being deleted (UI adjusted accordingly)\nFixed case where an outline wouldn't be deletable due to a wrong flag set\n\nGantry 5 Particle Module:\n\nPrevent Joomla from stripping out HTML content\nYou can now reset the value and change the Particle type\n\nLayout Manager:\n\nFixed the preset informations when using history and jumping between different presets\nHistory session fixes\n\nLayout (frontend):\n\nFixed cases where the cumulative sum of side by side sections wouldn't be 100% as expected\nFixed issue where side by side sections (sidebars\/main) would have the main overflowing in one of the sidebars\n\nParticles:\n\nMenu Particle:\n\nFixed Menu Start Level\nFixed Offcanvas menu height calculations\n\n\nGlobal and generic changes:\n\nSystem Plugin and Particle Module are now PHP 5.3 compatible and won't fail with the error &quot;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ...&quot;\nFixed &quot;Cache path not defined for compiled files&quot;\nFixed untranslated positions string in the Joomla Module Editor on frontend\nFixed Page Heading not displaying in the Gantry 5 Custom View page"}},"dependencies":[]},"knowledge-base":{"name":"Knowledge Base","version":"1.3.5","description":"A theme for a knowledge base or FAQ","description_html":"<p>A theme for a knowledge base or FAQ<\/p>","description_plain":"A theme for a knowledge base or FAQ","icon":"database","author":{"name":"Aaron Dalton","email":"aaron@daltons.ca"},"dependencies":[{"name":"error","version":"*"},{"name":"problems","version":"*"},{"name":"relatedpages","version":"*"},{"name":"simplesearch","version":"*"},{"name":"readingtime","version":"*"},{"name":"count-views","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/Perlkonig\/grav-theme-knowledge-base","demo":"http:\/\/perlkonig.com\/knowledge-base","keywords":"grav, theme, faq, knowledge base, responsive, css3, html5, purecss","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/Perlkonig\/grav-theme-knowledge-base\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.3.5","date":"2018-04-24T13:31:59Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/knowledge-base\/1.3.5","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Perlkonig\/grav-theme-knowledge-base","slug":"knowledge-base","install_path":"user\/themes\/knowledge-base","screenshot":"themes-knowledge-base.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.5":{"date":"04\/24\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed duplicate \"Related Articles\" heading on the article page, thanks to @sebasvisser.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed duplicate &quot;Related Articles&quot; heading on the article page, thanks to @sebasvisser.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed duplicate &quot;Related Articles&quot; heading on the article page, thanks to @sebasvisser."},"1.3.4":{"date":"04\/12\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Spanish and Galican translations added, thanks to @lucasvieites.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Spanish and Galican translations added, thanks to @lucasvieites.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Spanish and Galican translations added, thanks to @lucasvieites."},"1.3.3":{"date":" 06\/22\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * The \"Popular Articles\" sidebar now actually ignores deleted pages.\n * The \"Latest Articles\" sidebar fixed to respect `articles.root`.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The &quot;Popular Articles&quot; sidebar now actually ignores deleted pages.<\/li>\n<li>The &quot;Latest Articles&quot; sidebar fixed to respect <code>articles.root<\/code>.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"The &quot;Popular Articles&quot; sidebar now actually ignores deleted pages.\nThe &quot;Latest Articles&quot; sidebar fixed to respect articles.root."},"1.3.2":{"date":" 05\/17\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Polish translation added thanks to @AvantaR.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Polish translation added thanks to @AvantaR.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Polish translation added thanks to @AvantaR."},"1.3.1":{"date":" 05\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Pages now sort as was originally intended.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Pages now sort as was originally intended.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Pages now sort as was originally intended."},"1.3.0":{"date":" 05\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added `params:articles:blacklist` setting to allow you to omit categories.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>params:articles:blacklist<\/code> setting to allow you to omit categories.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added params:articles:blacklist setting to allow you to omit categories."},"1.2.1":{"date":" 04\/04\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Some styling refinements. Thanks, @rapsli!","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Some styling refinements. Thanks, @rapsli!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Some styling refinements. Thanks, @rapsli!"},"1.2.0":{"date":" 02\/25\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Made various components of the sidebar and article display optional. If all components of a specific unit are hidden, then the entire unit is hidden.\n * The config variable `params:articleroot` is now deprecated. Use `params:articles:root` instead. Backwards compatibility will be removed at the next major release.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Made various components of the sidebar and article display optional. If all components of a specific unit are hidden, then the entire unit is hidden.<\/li>\n<li>The config variable <code>params:articleroot<\/code> is now deprecated. Use <code>params:articles:root<\/code> instead. Backwards compatibility will be removed at the next major release.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Made various components of the sidebar and article display optional. If all components of a specific unit are hidden, then the entire unit is hidden.\nThe config variable params:articleroot is now deprecated. Use params:articles:root instead. Backwards compatibility will be removed at the next major release."},"1.1.1":{"date":" 02\/21\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Simplified Chinese tranlsation added. Thanks, @lazyyz!","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Simplified Chinese tranlsation added. Thanks, @lazyyz!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Simplified Chinese tranlsation added. Thanks, @lazyyz!"},"1.1.0":{"date":" 02\/19\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme now configured to allow for translations\n * Czech translation added\n * Many thanks to @rbukovansky for these changes!","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme now configured to allow for translations<\/li>\n<li>Czech translation added<\/li>\n<li>Many thanks to @rbukovansky for these changes!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme now configured to allow for translations\nCzech translation added\nMany thanks to @rbukovansky for these changes!"},"1.0.1":{"date":" 11\/05\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Added plugin dependencies to the blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added plugin dependencies to the blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added plugin dependencies to the blueprint"},"1.0.0":{"date":" 10\/22\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"clean-blog":{"name":"Clean Blog","version":"1.4.3","description":"Grav theme based on Clean Blog HTML template of Start Bootstrap.","description_html":"<p>Grav theme based on Clean Blog HTML template of Start Bootstrap.<\/p>","description_plain":"Grav theme based on Clean Blog HTML template of Start Bootstrap.","icon":"edit","author":{"name":"Hung Tran","url":"https:\/\/flatfiledeveloper.com","email":"flatfiledeveloper@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-clean-blog","demo":"https:\/\/grav-theme-clean-blog.flatfiledeveloper.com","keywords":"theme, template, bootstrap, clean, blog, responsive, html5","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-clean-blog\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.4.3","date":"2018-04-06T15:46:09Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/clean-blog\/1.4.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-clean-blog","slug":"clean-blog","install_path":"user\/themes\/clean-blog","screenshot":"themes-clean-blog.jpg","changelog":{"1.4.3":{"date":"06\/04\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed contact form not shown\n2. [](#improved)\n * Improvement in page title","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed contact form not shown<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improvement in page title<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed contact form not shown\n\n\n\nImprovement in page title"},"1.4.2":{"date":"04\/12\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed mobile navigation and link in title not working\n2. [](#improved)\n * Social network links open in new window.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed mobile navigation and link in title not working<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Social network links open in new window.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed mobile navigation and link in title not working\n\n\n\nSocial network links open in new window."},"1.4.1":{"date":"27\/05\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed issue in language file","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue in language file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed issue in language file"},"1.4.0":{"date":"24\/05\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Open Graph properties","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Open Graph properties<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Open Graph properties"},"1.3.1":{"date":"10\/05\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed issue with JavaScript assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue with JavaScript assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed issue with JavaScript assets"},"1.3.0":{"date":"16\/02\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Integration with [JSComments plugin](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-plugin-jscomments)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Integration with <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-plugin-jscomments\">JSComments plugin<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Integration with JSComments plugin"},"1.2.0":{"date":"29\/01\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * German translation added\n * Added option to set default header image\n * Enabled image caching","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>German translation added<\/li>\n<li>Added option to set default header image<\/li>\n<li>Enabled image caching<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"German translation added\nAdded option to set default header image\nEnabled image caching"},"1.1.1":{"date":"14\/01\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed incorrect IE check","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed incorrect IE check<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed incorrect IE check"},"1.1.0":{"date":"14\/01\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * French translation added\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed wrong author and date in blog item\n * Fixed incorrect closing tag in blog item","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>French translation added<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed wrong author and date in blog item<\/li>\n<li>Fixed incorrect closing tag in blog item<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"French translation added\n\n\n\nFixed wrong author and date in blog item\nFixed incorrect closing tag in blog item"},"1.0.0":{"date":"22\/10\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"appi":{"name":"Appi","version":"1.0.0","description":"Grav theme based on Appi HTML theme of blacktie.co.","description_html":"<p>Grav theme based on Appi HTML theme of blacktie.co.<\/p>","description_plain":"Grav theme based on Appi HTML theme of blacktie.co.","icon":"mobile","author":{"name":"Hung Tran","url":"http:\/\/www.peaceofmindwebsite.com","email":"hungtran@peaceofmindwebsite.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-appi","demo":"http:\/\/www.peaceofmindwebsite.com\/skeletons\/appi","keywords":"theme, template, blacktie, responsive, html5, mobile, phone, tablet, app, application, store, bootstrap","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-appi\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.0","date":"2016-09-26T04:59:28Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/appi\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-appi","slug":"appi","install_path":"user\/themes\/appi","screenshot":"themes-appi.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"26\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"multiverse":{"name":"Multiverse","version":"1.0.0","description":"Grav theme based on Multiverse HTML theme of html5up.net.","description_html":"<p>Grav theme based on Multiverse HTML theme of html5up.net.<\/p>","description_plain":"Grav theme based on Multiverse HTML theme of html5up.net.","icon":"photo","author":{"name":"Hung Tran","url":"http:\/\/www.peaceofmindwebsite.com","email":"hungtran@peaceofmindwebsite.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-multiverse","demo":"http:\/\/www.peaceofmindwebsite.com\/skeletons\/multiverse","keywords":"theme, template, html5up, responsive, html5, photo, portifolio, image, gallery, photography","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-multiverse\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.0","date":"2016-08-24T16:11:09Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/multiverse\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-multiverse","slug":"multiverse","install_path":"user\/themes\/multiverse","screenshot":"themes-multiverse.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"19\/08\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"x-corporation":{"name":"X-Corporation","version":"1.3.0","description":"Grav Theme based on X-Corporation HTML theme of uiCookies.","description_html":"<p>Grav Theme based on X-Corporation HTML theme of uiCookies.<\/p>","description_plain":"Grav Theme based on X-Corporation HTML theme of uiCookies.","icon":"briefcase","author":{"name":"Hung Tran","url":"https:\/\/flatfiledeveloper.com\/","email":"flatfiledeveloper@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-x-corporation","demo":"https:\/\/grav-theme-x-corporation.flatfiledeveloper.com\/","keywords":"corporate, corporation, theme, template, bootstrap, responsive, html5, uicookies, business, agency, lightweight, fast, company, tech startup, consultancy, firm, creative, studio,","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-x-corporation\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.3.0","date":"2018-05-19T03:53:05Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/x-corporation\/1.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-x-corporation","slug":"x-corporation","install_path":"user\/themes\/x-corporation","screenshot":"themes-x-corporation.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.0":{"date":"05\/19\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved mobile menu behaviour when page scrolled (thanks to @timrobbings)\n * Added ability to configure how many clients are shown per row (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved mobile menu behaviour when page scrolled (thanks to @timrobbings)<\/li>\n<li>Added ability to configure how many clients are shown per row (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved mobile menu behaviour when page scrolled (thanks to @timrobbings)\nAdded ability to configure how many clients are shown per row (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)"},"1.2.4":{"date":"04\/20\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed for custom logo and favicon not showing (thanks to @Ahuahuachi)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed for custom logo and favicon not showing (thanks to @Ahuahuachi)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed for custom logo and favicon not showing (thanks to @Ahuahuachi)"},"1.2.3":{"date":"04\/08\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed problems with Bootstrap CDN\n1. [](#improved)\n * Removed smoothscroll.js (thanks to @jodumont)\n * Updated Form plugin's overrides\n * Added custom.css support (thanks to @timrobbings)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed problems with Bootstrap CDN<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed smoothscroll.js (thanks to @jodumont)<\/li>\n<li>Updated Form plugin's overrides<\/li>\n<li>Added custom.css support (thanks to @timrobbings)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed problems with Bootstrap CDN\n\n\n\nRemoved smoothscroll.js (thanks to @jodumont)\nUpdated Form plugin's overrides\nAdded custom.css support (thanks to @timrobbings)"},"1.2.1":{"date":"01\/24\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed default logo and favicon","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed default logo and favicon<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed default logo and favicon"},"1.2.0":{"date":"01\/24\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added favicon option\n * Added metadata tags","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added favicon option<\/li>\n<li>Added metadata tags<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added favicon option\nAdded metadata tags"},"1.1.3":{"date":"01\/24\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed logo and icons not shown in footer","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed logo and icons not shown in footer<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed logo and icons not shown in footer"},"1.1.2":{"date":"09\/07\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added Polish translation, thanks to AvantaR","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Polish translation, thanks to AvantaR<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Polish translation, thanks to AvantaR"},"1.1.1":{"date":"13\/06\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Loaded Grav's jQuery to fix conflict with Featherlight plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Loaded Grav's jQuery to fix conflict with Featherlight plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Loaded Grav's jQuery to fix conflict with Featherlight plugin"},"1.1.0":{"date":"30\/01\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed missing image in header\n1. [](#improved)\n * Improvements in blueprints\n * Language file added","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed missing image in header<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improvements in blueprints<\/li>\n<li>Language file added<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed missing image in header\n\n\n\nImprovements in blueprints\nLanguage file added"},"1.0.3":{"date":"15\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed mixed content","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed mixed content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed mixed content"},"1.0.2":{"date":"13\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed mobile navigation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed mobile navigation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed mobile navigation"},"1.0.1":{"date":"31\/08\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed form not working\n * Fixed responsive issues with page title","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed form not working<\/li>\n<li>Fixed responsive issues with page title<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed form not working\nFixed responsive issues with page title"},"1.0.0":{"date":"24\/07\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"cascade":{"name":"Cascade","version":"0.1.8","description":"Cascade is a responsive HTML5\/CSS3 theme that scales well for mobile. Cascade features blog support and more.","description_html":"<p>Cascade is a responsive HTML5\/CSS3 theme that scales well for mobile. Cascade features blog support and more.<\/p>","description_plain":"Cascade is a responsive HTML5\/CSS3 theme that scales well for mobile. Cascade features blog support and more.","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"Tyler Woods","url":"https:\/\/tylermade.net","email":"tyler@tylermade.net"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/tnware\/grav-theme-cascade","keywords":"cascade, theme, core, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tnware\/grav-theme-cascade\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"0.1.8","date":"2017-01-30T19:44:55Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/cascade\/0.1.8","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tnware\/grav-theme-cascade","slug":"cascade","install_path":"user\/themes\/cascade","screenshot":"themes-cascade.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.8\r":{"date":"01\/29\/2017\r","content":"1. [](#new)\r\n * none\r\n2. [](#improved)\r\n * none\r\n3. [](#bugfix)\r\n * remove comma after tag\r\n\r","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>none<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>none<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>remove comma after tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"none\n\n\n\nnone\n\n\n\nremove comma after tag"},"0.1.7\r":{"date":"01\/27\/2017\r","content":"1. [](#new)\r\n * compliance\r\n2. [](#improved)\r\n * screnshot\r\n * thumbnail\r\n3. [](#bugfix)\r\n * none\r\n\r","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>compliance<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>screnshot<\/li>\n<li>thumbnail<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>none<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"compliance\n\n\n\nscrenshot\nthumbnail\n\n\n\nnone"},"0.1.6\r":{"date":"01\/27\/2017\r","content":"1. [](#new)\r\n * Version updated xD\r\n2. [](#improved)\r\n * screnshot\r\n * thumbnail\r\n3. [](#bugfix)\r\n * none\r\n\r","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Version updated xD<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>screnshot<\/li>\n<li>thumbnail<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>none<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Version updated xD\n\n\n\nscrenshot\nthumbnail\n\n\n\nnone"},"0.1.5\r":{"date":"01\/27\/2017\r","content":"1. [](#new)\r\n * slight code enhancements\r\n2. [](#improved)\r\n * Blog\r\n * footer links\r\n3. [](#bugfix)\r\n * Blog page was fluid\r\n * Removed extra code\r\n\r","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>slight code enhancements<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Blog<\/li>\n<li>footer links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Blog page was fluid<\/li>\n<li>Removed extra code<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"slight code enhancements\n\n\n\nBlog\nfooter links\n\n\n\nBlog page was fluid\nRemoved extra code"},"0.1.4\r":{"date":"07\/25\/2016\r","content":"1. [](#new)\r\n * beautified code\r\n\r","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>beautified code<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"beautified code"},"0.1.3\r":{"date":"07\/05\/2016\r","content":"3. [](#bugfix)\r\n * remove \"dropdown in navbar\" toggle from blueprints.\r\n\r","content_html":"<ol start=\"3\">\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>remove &quot;dropdown in navbar&quot; toggle from blueprints.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"remove &quot;dropdown in navbar&quot; toggle from blueprints."},"0.1.2\r":{"date":"07\/04\/2016\r","content":"\r","content_html":"","content_plain":""},"0.1.1\r":{"date":"06\/08\/2016\r","content":"1. [](#new)\r\n * Blog support\r\n - Support \"Breacdrumbs\" plugin.\r\n - Support \"Pagination\" plugin.\r\n *\r\n *\r\n2. [](#improved)\r\n * Re-designed footer container.\r\n * removed GitHub link\/logo from NavBar. (:\r\n * polished up loose ends\r\n3. [](#bugfix)\r\n * route the null-links in the footer. xD\r\n\r","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Blog support\n<ul>\n<li>Support &quot;Breacdrumbs&quot; plugin.<\/li>\n<li>Support &quot;Pagination&quot; plugin.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li>\n<\/li>\n<li>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Re-designed footer container.<\/li>\n<li>removed GitHub link\/logo from NavBar. (:<\/li>\n<li>polished up loose ends<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>route the null-links in the footer. xD<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Blog support\n\nSupport &quot;Breacdrumbs&quot; plugin.\nSupport &quot;Pagination&quot; plugin.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRe-designed footer container.\nremoved GitHub link\/logo from NavBar. (:\npolished up loose ends\n\n\n\nroute the null-links in the footer. xD"},"0.1.0\r":{"date":"06\/07\/2016\r","content":"\r","content_html":"","content_plain":""},"0.0.6\r":{"date":"06\/01\/2016\r","content":"\r","content_html":"","content_plain":""},"0.0.5\r":{"date":"05\/29\/2016\r","content":"1. [](#new)\r\n * Cascade CSS Base\r\n * Custom \"Left Sidebar\" template\r\n * Custom \"Right Sidebar\" template\r\n * Custom \"Blog\" template\r\n * Custom \"Home\" template\r\n2. [](#improved)\r\n * jquery support\r\n * responsive layout\r\n3. [](#bugfix)\r\n * fixed `app.js` not called on responsive pages\r\n * fixed mobile navigation\r","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Cascade CSS Base<\/li>\n<li>Custom &quot;Left Sidebar&quot; template<\/li>\n<li>Custom &quot;Right Sidebar&quot; template<\/li>\n<li>Custom &quot;Blog&quot; template<\/li>\n<li>Custom &quot;Home&quot; template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>jquery support<\/li>\n<li>responsive layout<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>fixed <code>app.js<\/code> not called on responsive pages<\/li>\n<li>fixed mobile navigation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Cascade CSS Base\nCustom &quot;Left Sidebar&quot; template\nCustom &quot;Right Sidebar&quot; template\nCustom &quot;Blog&quot; template\nCustom &quot;Home&quot; template\n\n\n\njquery support\nresponsive layout\n\n\n\nfixed app.js not called on responsive pages\nfixed mobile navigation"}},"dependencies":[]},"big-picture":{"name":"Big Picture","version":"1.4.0","description":"Grav Theme based on Big Picture HTML theme of html5up.net.","description_html":"<p>Grav Theme based on Big Picture HTML theme of html5up.net.<\/p>","description_plain":"Grav Theme based on Big Picture HTML theme of html5up.net.","icon":"photo","author":{"name":"Hung Tran","url":"https:\/\/flatfiledeveloper.com","email":"flatfiledeveloper@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-big-picture","demo":"https:\/\/grav-theme-big-picture.flatfiledeveloper.com","keywords":"big, picture, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, one, single, page","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-big-picture\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.4.0","date":"2018-03-30T14:36:59Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/big-picture\/1.4.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/tranduyhung\/grav-theme-big-picture","slug":"big-picture","install_path":"user\/themes\/big-picture","screenshot":"themes-big-picture.jpg","changelog":{"1.4.0":{"date":"30\/03\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added language file\n * Added ability to show home menu item in non-modular page (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed small issue in form's HTML (thanks to @der-trainer)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added language file<\/li>\n<li>Added ability to show home menu item in non-modular page (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed small issue in form's HTML (thanks to @der-trainer)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added language file\nAdded ability to show home menu item in non-modular page (thanks to @trangthaonguyen)\n\n\n\nFixed small issue in form's HTML (thanks to @der-trainer)"},"1.3.0":{"date":"09\/11\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added ability to select gallery's full image via image dropdown list\n * Removed gallery's thumbnail image\n * Added 2 options for gallery thumbnail's max width and max height\n * Gallery's thumbnail image is automatically resized from full image based on defined max width and max height values","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added ability to select gallery's full image via image dropdown list<\/li>\n<li>Removed gallery's thumbnail image<\/li>\n<li>Added 2 options for gallery thumbnail's max width and max height<\/li>\n<li>Gallery's thumbnail image is automatically resized from full image based on defined max width and max height values<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added ability to select gallery's full image via image dropdown list\nRemoved gallery's thumbnail image\nAdded 2 options for gallery thumbnail's max width and max height\nGallery's thumbnail image is automatically resized from full image based on defined max width and max height values"},"1.2.0":{"date":"05\/11\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added ability to select image in page form","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added ability to select image in page form<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added ability to select image in page form"},"1.1.0":{"date":"05\/11\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added error template and ability to upload background image for error page\n * Added ability to select favicon","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added error template and ability to upload background image for error page<\/li>\n<li>Added ability to select favicon<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added error template and ability to upload background image for error page\nAdded ability to select favicon"},"1.0.4":{"date":"09\/07\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Improved link color\n * Improved JavaScript","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved link color<\/li>\n<li>Improved JavaScript<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved link color\nImproved JavaScript"},"1.0.3":{"date":"15\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed mixed content issue\n * Fixed contact form for compatibility with new version of Form plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed mixed content issue<\/li>\n<li>Fixed contact form for compatibility with new version of Form plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed mixed content issue\nFixed contact form for compatibility with new version of Form plugin"},"1.0.2":{"date":"15\/07\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed hardcoded content in default.html.twig","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed hardcoded content in default.html.twig<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed hardcoded content in default.html.twig"},"1.0.1":{"date":"03\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed in correct filenames.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed in correct filenames.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed in correct filenames."},"1.0.0":{"date":"02\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"gravi-k":{"name":"Gravi-k","version":"0.0.1","description":"Multipurpose site","description_html":"<p>Multipurpose site<\/p>","description_plain":"Multipurpose site","icon":"wrench","author":{"name":"Eric De Lanoy"},"demo":"https:\/\/github.com\/Edelan\/grav-theme-gravi-k","keywords":"Gravi-K, theme, customization, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, framework Knacss,","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.0","date":"2016-06-02T14:16:23Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/gravi-k\/0.0.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Edelan\/grav-theme-gravi-k","homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/Edelan\/grav-theme-gravi-k","slug":"gravi-k","install_path":"user\/themes\/gravi-k","screenshot":"themes-gravi-k.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"02\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"masonry":{"name":"Masonry","version":"1.5.0","description":"Masonry, grid-based blog theme by Chris Brown ported to **Grav**","description_html":"<p>Masonry, grid-based blog theme by Chris Brown ported to <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"Masonry, grid-based blog theme by Chris Brown ported to Grav","icon":"th-large","author":{"name":"Mesut Koca","url":"http:\/\/mesutkoca.com","email":"i@mesutkoca.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/koca\/grav-theme-masonry","demo":"https:\/\/github.com\/koca\/grav-theme-masonry","keywords":"masonry, grid, theme, modern, fast, responsive, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/koca\/grav-theme-masonry\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.5.0","date":"2017-02-18T13:07:18Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/masonry\/1.5.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/koca\/grav-theme-masonry","slug":"masonry","install_path":"user\/themes\/masonry","screenshot":"themes-masonry.jpg","changelog":false,"dependencies":[]},"tintamarre":{"name":"Tintamarre","version":"1.0.0","description":"A FREE responsive Grav Theme based on Bootstrap & ported by CaribThemes.","description_html":"<p>A FREE responsive Grav Theme based on Bootstrap &amp; ported by CaribThemes.<\/p>","description_plain":"A FREE responsive Grav Theme based on Bootstrap &amp; ported by CaribThemes.","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"MATsxm for CaribThemes","url":"http:\/\/caribthemes.io","email":"mat@idimweb.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-tintamarre","demo":"http:\/\/caribthemes.io\/demo\/tintamarre","keywords":"theme, responsive, html5, css3, design, photo","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-tintamarre\/issues","license":"Creative Commons Attribution 3.0","tag_name":"v1.0.0","date":"2016-03-30T19:02:35Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/tintamarre\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-tintamarre","slug":"tintamarre","install_path":"user\/themes\/tintamarre","screenshot":"themes-tintamarre.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"03\/30\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial release.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial release.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial release."}},"dependencies":[]},"uikit":{"name":"UIKit","version":"1.1.0","description":"UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.","description_html":"<p>UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.<\/p>","description_plain":"UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"A+ Media","url":"http:\/\/aplusmedia.org","email":"hello@aplusmedia.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/carve\/grav-theme-uikit","demo":"http:\/\/grav.aplusmedia.org\/uikit-demo","keywords":"uikit, theme, core, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/carve\/grav-theme-uikit\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.10","date":"2017-07-25T19:11:53Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/uikit\/1.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Carve\/grav-theme-uikit","slug":"uikit","install_path":"user\/themes\/uikit","screenshot":"themes-uikit.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"2\/24\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"bootgrav":{"name":"BootGrav","version":"0.3","description":"Simple Grav theme using Bootstrap and basic Modular pages. Theme is based on Bootstrap demo: http:\/\/getbootstrap.com\/examples\/carousel","description_html":"<p>Simple Grav theme using Bootstrap and basic Modular pages. Theme is based on Bootstrap demo: <a href=\"http:\/\/getbootstrap.com\/examples\/carousel\">http:\/\/getbootstrap.com\/examples\/carousel<\/a><\/p>","description_plain":"Simple Grav theme using Bootstrap and basic Modular pages. Theme is based on Bootstrap demo: http:\/\/getbootstrap.com\/examples\/carousel","icon":"newspaper-o","author":{"name":"Stanislav Vasko","url":"http:\/\/moreplavec.cz","email":"stanislav.vasko@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/moreplavec\/BootGrav","keywords":"grav, bootstrap, fast, modern, theme, template","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/moreplavec\/BootGrav\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.3","date":"2016-02-15T11:08:33Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/bootgrav\/0.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/moreplavec\/BootGrav","slug":"bootgrav","install_path":"user\/themes\/bootgrav","screenshot":"themes-bootgrav.jpg","changelog":{"0.1.0":{"date":"02\/15\/2016 initial release","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme created","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme created<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme created"}},"dependencies":[]},"medium":{"name":"Medium","version":"2.0.5","description":"Medium is a simple and modern blogging theme based on Medium&#39;s design language, built for Grav CMS.","description_html":"<p>Medium is a simple and modern blogging theme based on Medium&#39;s design language, built for Grav CMS.<\/p>","description_plain":"Medium is a simple and modern blogging theme based on Medium&#39;s design language, built for Grav CMS.","icon":"medium","author":{"name":"Matthew Blode","url":"http:\/\/matthewblode.com","email":"m.blode@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/mblode\/grav-theme-medium","demo":"https:\/\/medium.matthewblode.com\/","keywords":"medium, theme, minimal, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, multilanguage","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-medium\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v2.0.5","date":"2017-07-24T11:30:29Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/medium\/2.0.5","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/mblode\/grav-theme-medium","slug":"medium","install_path":"user\/themes\/medium","screenshot":"themes-medium.jpg","changelog":{"2.0.5":{"date":"07\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Change demo link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Change demo link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Change demo link"},"2.0.2":{"date":"02\/19\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Change demo link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Change demo link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Change demo link"},"2.0.1":{"date":"02\/18\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix sidebar","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix sidebar<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix sidebar"},"2.0.0":{"date":"02\/18\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Change the template structures","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Change the template structures<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Change the template structures"},"1.1.2":{"date":"02\/15\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix bower and npm","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix bower and npm<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix bower and npm"},"1.1.1":{"date":"02\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Fix links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix links"},"1.1.0":{"date":"02\/12\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages\n * Added a configurable lang field for HTML tag\n * Added a `bottom` JS output call\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated to FontAwesome 4.4.0\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed extra `\/` in some tag URLs\n * Better support for PECL Yaml parser\n * Fixes for blog page blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages<\/li>\n<li>Added a configurable lang field for HTML tag<\/li>\n<li>Added a <code>bottom<\/code> JS output call<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated to FontAwesome 4.4.0<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed extra <code>\/<\/code> in some tag URLs<\/li>\n<li>Better support for PECL Yaml parser<\/li>\n<li>Fixes for blog page blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages\nAdded a configurable lang field for HTML tag\nAdded a bottom JS output call\n\n\n\nUpdated to FontAwesome 4.4.0\n\n\n\nFixed extra \/ in some tag URLs\nBetter support for PECL Yaml parser\nFixes for blog page blueprint"},"1.0.0":{"date":"02\/07\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages\n1. [](#improved)\n * Removed unused `<p>` tags","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unused <code>&lt;p&gt;<\/code> tags<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages\n\n\n\nRemoved unused &lt;p&gt; tags"}},"dependencies":[]},"milligrav":{"name":"MilliGrav","version":"0.0.1","description":"Simple Grav theme using simple CSS framework Milligram","description_html":"<p>Simple Grav theme using simple CSS framework Milligram<\/p>","description_plain":"Simple Grav theme using simple CSS framework Milligram","icon":"newspaper-o","author":{"name":"Stanislav Vasko","url":"http:\/\/moreplavec.cz","email":"stanislav.vasko@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/moreplavec\/milligrav","keywords":"grav, milligram, fast, modern, theme, template","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/moreplavec\/milligrav\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.0.1","date":"2016-02-12T00:12:06Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/milligrav\/0.0.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/moreplavec\/MilliGrav","slug":"milligrav","install_path":"user\/themes\/milligrav","screenshot":"themes-milligrav.jpg","changelog":{"0.0.1":{"date":"02\/11\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Theme created","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme created<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme created"}},"dependencies":[]},"saba":{"name":"Saba","version":"1.0.0","description":"A FREE Photo Grav Theme ported by CaribThemes.","description_html":"<p>A FREE Photo Grav Theme ported by CaribThemes.<\/p>","description_plain":"A FREE Photo Grav Theme ported by CaribThemes.","icon":"paw","author":{"name":"MATsxm for CaribThemes","url":"http:\/\/caribthemes.io","email":"mat@idimweb.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-saba","demo":"http:\/\/caribthemes.io\/demo\/saba","keywords":"theme, responsive, html5, css3, design, photo","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-saba\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.0","date":"2016-02-01T13:35:38Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/saba\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-saba","slug":"saba","install_path":"user\/themes\/saba","screenshot":"themes-saba.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"02\/01\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial release...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial release...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial release..."}},"dependencies":[]},"course-hub-bootstrap":{"name":"Course Hub Bootstrap","version":"2.3.5","description":"A customized version of the Bootstrap theme (built with Bootstrap 3) for use with the Grav Course Hub skeleton package.","description_html":"<p>A customized version of the Bootstrap theme (built with Bootstrap 3) for use with the Grav Course Hub skeleton package.<\/p>","description_plain":"A customized version of the Bootstrap theme (built with Bootstrap 3) for use with the Grav Course Hub skeleton package.","icon":"university","author":{"name":"Hibbitts Design","url":"http:\/\/hibbittsdesign.org","email":"hello@hibbittsdesign.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"bootstrap","version":">=1.6.0"},{"name":"admin","version":"*"},{"name":"auto-date","version":"*"},{"name":"email","version":"*"},{"name":"error","version":"*"},{"name":"external_links","version":"*"},{"name":"feed","version":"*"},{"name":"form","version":"*"},{"name":"git-sync","version":"*"},{"name":"login","version":"*"},{"name":"markdown-fontawesome","version":"*"},{"name":"page-inject","version":"*"},{"name":"pagination","version":"*"},{"name":"problems","version":"*"},{"name":"twigfeeds","version":"*"},{"name":"twigpcre","version":"*"},{"name":"shortcode-core","version":"*"},{"name":"youtube","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-course-hub-bootstrap","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-course-hub-bootstrap\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"http:\/\/demo.hibbittsdesign.org\/grav-course-hub-bootstrap","keywords":"bootstrap, theme, framework, course, lms","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-course-hub-bootstrap\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v2.3.5","date":"2018-07-02T22:24:02Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/course-hub-bootstrap\/2.3.5","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/hibbitts-design\/grav-theme-course-hub-bootstrap","slug":"course-hub-bootstrap","install_path":"user\/themes\/course-hub-bootstrap","screenshot":"themes-course-hub-bootstrap.jpg","changelog":{"2.3.5":{"date":"07\/02\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"2.3.4":{"date":"06\/18\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Reorganized template files for better compatibility with future Open Course Hub themes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Reorganized template files for better compatibility with future Open Course Hub themes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Reorganized template files for better compatibility with future Open Course Hub themes"},"2.3.3":{"date":"06\/15\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added templates and blueprints for PDFs and SpeakerDeck files","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added templates and blueprints for PDFs and SpeakerDeck files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added templates and blueprints for PDFs and SpeakerDeck files"},"2.3.2":{"date":"05\/18\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added check for missing Git Sync plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added check for missing Git Sync plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added check for missing Git Sync plugin"},"2.3.1":{"date":"05\/14\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Removed Sitemap Plugin dependency\n * Removed seldom needed \"Advanced\" Tab options within the Admin Panel (via custom default.yaml blueprint)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed Sitemap Plugin dependency<\/li>\n<li>Removed seldom needed &quot;Advanced&quot; Tab options within the Admin Panel (via custom default.yaml blueprint)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed Sitemap Plugin dependency\nRemoved seldom needed &quot;Advanced&quot; Tab options within the Admin Panel (via custom default.yaml blueprint)"},"2.3.0":{"date":"04\/29\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added 'Read Me' page to default demo pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added 'Read Me' page to default demo pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added 'Read Me' page to default demo pages"},"2.2.9":{"date":"04\/24\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added Blueprint option to display custom content item titles","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Blueprint option to display custom content item titles<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Blueprint option to display custom content item titles"},"2.2.8":{"date":"04\/23\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added swipe blueprint for swipe custom content pages\n * Added option to hide custom content item titles\n * Added swipe deck title only page template\n * Added embedly card title only page template\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added swipe blueprint for swipe custom content pages<\/li>\n<li>Added option to hide custom content item titles<\/li>\n<li>Added swipe deck title only page template<\/li>\n<li>Added embedly card title only page template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added swipe blueprint for swipe custom content pages\nAdded option to hide custom content item titles\nAdded swipe deck title only page template\nAdded embedly card title only page template\n\n\n\nUpdated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"2.2.7":{"date":"04\/06\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added support for H5P Content Root Path URL setting in site config (site.h5pembedrootpath) for H5P custom content pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for H5P Content Root Path URL setting in site config (site.h5pembedrootpath) for H5P custom content pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for H5P Content Root Path URL setting in site config (site.h5pembedrootpath) for H5P custom content pages"},"2.2.6":{"date":"04\/05\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added support for H5P Content Root Path URL setting in site config (site.h5pembedrootpath) for H5P ShortCode","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for H5P Content Root Path URL setting in site config (site.h5pembedrootpath) for H5P ShortCode<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for H5P Content Root Path URL setting in site config (site.h5pembedrootpath) for H5P ShortCode"},"2.2.5":{"date":"04\/03\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Theme shortcodes are now automatically loaded (`Custom Shortcodes` field in ShortCode Plugin no longer needs to be manually updated)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Theme shortcodes are now automatically loaded (<code>Custom Shortcodes<\/code> field in ShortCode Plugin no longer needs to be manually updated)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Theme shortcodes are now automatically loaded (Custom Shortcodes field in ShortCode Plugin no longer needs to be manually updated)"},"2.2.4":{"date":"04\/02\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added H5P Shortcode button in Admin Panel page content editor\n1. [](#improved)\n * Change default alignment for Embedly Card pages\n * Updated support for hiding sidebar on Custom Content List pages\n * Updated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added H5P Shortcode button in Admin Panel page content editor<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Change default alignment for Embedly Card pages<\/li>\n<li>Updated support for hiding sidebar on Custom Content List pages<\/li>\n<li>Updated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added H5P Shortcode button in Admin Panel page content editor\n\n\n\nChange default alignment for Embedly Card pages\nUpdated support for hiding sidebar on Custom Content List pages\nUpdated 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"2.2.3":{"date":"03\/31\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])\n * Added experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])\n * Added experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])\n1. [](#improved)\n * Added additional help text to H5P content page blueprint\n * Updated 'basic', and 'intermediate' course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added additional help text to H5P content page blueprint<\/li>\n<li>Updated 'basic', and 'intermediate' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental H5P Shortcode support (in the formats of [h5p id=ID] and [h5p url=URL])\nAdded experimental Embed.ly Card Shortcode support (in the format of [embedly url=URL])\nAdded experimental Swipe Shortcode support (in the format of [swipe id=ID])\n\n\n\nAdded additional help text to H5P content page blueprint\nUpdated 'basic', and 'intermediate' course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"2.2.2":{"date":"03\/30\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated H5P content page blueprint\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Temporarily changed H5P content item reference to node (ID) only","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated H5P content page blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Temporarily changed H5P content item reference to node (ID) only<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated H5P content page blueprint\n\n\n\nTemporarily changed H5P content item reference to node (ID) only"},"2.2.1":{"date":"03\/30\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated example H5P content pages in 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated example H5P content pages in 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated example H5P content pages in 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"2.2.0":{"date":"03\/28\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Corrected H5P content page blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Corrected H5P content page blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Corrected H5P content page blueprint"},"2.1.9":{"date":"03\/28\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental H5P content page template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental H5P content page template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental H5P content page template"},"2.1.8":{"date":"03\/15\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Changed theme author information to Hibbitts Design","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed theme author information to Hibbitts Design<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Changed theme author information to Hibbitts Design"},"2.1.7":{"date":"03\/11\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added experimental CSS styling files for light and dark grey site navbar\n * Updated ReadMe file","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental CSS styling files for light and dark grey site navbar<\/li>\n<li>Updated ReadMe file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental CSS styling files for light and dark grey site navbar\nUpdated ReadMe file"},"2.1.6":{"date":"03\/01\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Better aligned Git Sync Link Twig code with other Git Sync themes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Better aligned Git Sync Link Twig code with other Git Sync themes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Better aligned Git Sync Link Twig code with other Git Sync themes"},"2.1.5":{"date":"02\/27\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Corrected display of default modular template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Corrected display of default modular template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nCorrected display of default modular template"},"2.1.4":{"date":"02\/20\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed handling of (optional) separate summary field for blog items with only a single line of text","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed handling of (optional) separate summary field for blog items with only a single line of text<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed handling of (optional) separate summary field for blog items with only a single line of text"},"2.1.3":{"date":"02\/13\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Revision of bootstrap theme dependency syntax to include version check","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revision of bootstrap theme dependency syntax to include version check<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nRevision of bootstrap theme dependency syntax to include version check"},"2.1.2":{"date":"02\/12\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added custom content list page template\n * Added example 'Required Readings' and 'Slides' custom content listing page in 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder\n * Added support for display of page content on accordion and custom content list pages\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added custom content list page template<\/li>\n<li>Added example 'Required Readings' and 'Slides' custom content listing page in 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<li>Added support for display of page content on accordion and custom content list pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added custom content list page template\nAdded example 'Required Readings' and 'Slides' custom content listing page in 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder\nAdded support for display of page content on accordion and custom content list pages\n\n\n\nUpdated 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"2.1.1":{"date":"02\/10\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder"},"2.1.0":{"date":"02\/10\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated optional direct link to site theme files to support Git Sync setup","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated optional direct link to site theme files to support Git Sync setup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated optional direct link to site theme files to support Git Sync setup"},"2.0.9":{"date":"02\/08\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored optional direct link to site theme files","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored optional direct link to site theme files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'advanced' course example in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nRestored optional direct link to site theme files"},"2.0.8":{"date":"02\/08\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"2.0.7":{"date":"02\/07\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removal of bootstrapper dependency (should be automatically installed with bootstrap theme)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removal of bootstrapper dependency (should be automatically installed with bootstrap theme)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removal of bootstrapper dependency (should be automatically installed with bootstrap theme)"},"2.0.6":{"date":"02\/07\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated choices for page Blueprint Git Sync link display option","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated choices for page Blueprint Git Sync link display option<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated choices for page Blueprint Git Sync link display option"},"2.0.5":{"date":"02\/06\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added additional choices for page Blueprint Git Sync link display option\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Corrected alignment of pagination controls when no blog sidebar is displayed","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added additional choices for page Blueprint Git Sync link display option<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Corrected alignment of pagination controls when no blog sidebar is displayed<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added additional choices for page Blueprint Git Sync link display option\n\n\n\nCorrected alignment of pagination controls when no blog sidebar is displayed"},"2.0.4":{"date":"02\/02\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated global handling of 'chromeless' and 'hidepagetitle' URL flags (thanks Ricardo)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated global handling of 'chromeless' and 'hidepagetitle' URL flags (thanks Ricardo)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated global handling of 'chromeless' and 'hidepagetitle' URL flags (thanks Ricardo)"},"2.0.3":{"date":"02\/01\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated example RSS Feed page in 'advanced' course example\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Added handling for initial release of RSS Feed page configuration","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated example RSS Feed page in 'advanced' course example<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added handling for initial release of RSS Feed page configuration<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated example RSS Feed page in 'advanced' course example\n\n\n\nAdded handling for initial release of RSS Feed page configuration"},"2.0.2":{"date":"02\/01\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental pagination controls for RSS Feed page sorted by 'date' (thanks OleVik)\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated example RSS Feed page in 'advanced' course example\n * Added visual indicator for active page on blog list pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental pagination controls for RSS Feed page sorted by 'date' (thanks OleVik)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated example RSS Feed page in 'advanced' course example<\/li>\n<li>Added visual indicator for active page on blog list pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental pagination controls for RSS Feed page sorted by 'date' (thanks OleVik)\n\n\n\nUpdated example RSS Feed page in 'advanced' course example\nAdded visual indicator for active page on blog list pages"},"2.0.1":{"date":"01\/23\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental CSS styling option to better match Moodle Boost theme when embedding content\n * Added default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental CSS styling option to better match Moodle Boost theme when embedding content<\/li>\n<li>Added default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental CSS styling option to better match Moodle Boost theme when embedding content\nAdded default content for pages created using Admin Panel button bar"},"2.0.0":{"date":"01\/22\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.9.99":{"date":"01\/19\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored missing link in Theme Blueprint for theme docs\n * Corrected Blueprint option name for displaying 'View all of...' links as buttons","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored missing link in Theme Blueprint for theme docs<\/li>\n<li>Corrected Blueprint option name for displaying 'View all of...' links as buttons<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nRestored missing link in Theme Blueprint for theme docs\nCorrected Blueprint option name for displaying 'View all of...' links as buttons"},"1.9.98":{"date":"01\/19\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Relocated Hide Blog Page Sidebar from Site options to Blog List options","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Relocated Hide Blog Page Sidebar from Site options to Blog List options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Relocated Hide Blog Page Sidebar from Site options to Blog List options"},"1.9.97":{"date":"01\/18\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Relocated Blog Post custom icon from Site options to Blog List options\n * Updated 'intermediate', 'advanced' and default course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Relocated Blog Post custom icon from Site options to Blog List options<\/li>\n<li>Updated 'intermediate', 'advanced' and default course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Relocated Blog Post custom icon from Site options to Blog List options\nUpdated 'intermediate', 'advanced' and default course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.9.96":{"date":"01\/17\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated handling of blog item display, where if no summary is present that the same content is displayed for both the summary and actual page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated handling of blog item display, where if no summary is present that the same content is displayed for both the summary and actual page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated handling of blog item display, where if no summary is present that the same content is displayed for both the summary and actual page"},"1.9.95":{"date":"01\/15\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental support for Blog page list option to display 'View all of...' links as buttons in Blog page summaries\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental support for Blog page list option to display 'View all of...' links as buttons in Blog page summaries<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental support for Blog page list option to display 'View all of...' links as buttons in Blog page summaries\n\n\n\nUpdated 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' course examples in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.9.94":{"date":"01\/12\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Revised default link behavior for 'summaryonly' \"View all of...\" link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revised default link behavior for 'summaryonly' &quot;View all of...&quot; link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Revised default link behavior for 'summaryonly' &quot;View all of...&quot; link"},"1.9.93":{"date":"01\/11\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed incorrect URL within 'advanced' course example pages\n * Restored missing example page image","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed incorrect URL within 'advanced' course example pages<\/li>\n<li>Restored missing example page image<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed incorrect URL within 'advanced' course example pages\nRestored missing example page image"},"1.9.92":{"date":"01\/10\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Changed the display location of horizontal rule between modular and child blog items","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed the display location of horizontal rule between modular and child blog items<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Changed the display location of horizontal rule between modular and child blog items"},"1.9.91":{"date":"01\/10\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for opening links in top window\n1. [](#improved)\n * Changed default link behavior for 'summaryonly' \"View all...\" link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for opening links in top window<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed default link behavior for 'summaryonly' &quot;View all...&quot; link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for opening links in top window\n\n\n\nChanged default link behavior for 'summaryonly' &quot;View all...&quot; link"},"1.9.90":{"date":"01\/09\/2018","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed extra bracket error in accordion page with sidebar Twig template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed extra bracket error in accordion page with sidebar Twig template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed extra bracket error in accordion page with sidebar Twig template"},"1.9.89":{"date":"01\/09\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental support for new 'summaryonly' URL flag to only display summary on blog posts\n * Added experimental support for new 'hidepagetitle' URL flag to hide page title","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental support for new 'summaryonly' URL flag to only display summary on blog posts<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental support for new 'hidepagetitle' URL flag to hide page title<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental support for new 'summaryonly' URL flag to only display summary on blog posts\nAdded experimental support for new 'hidepagetitle' URL flag to hide page title"},"1.9.88":{"date":"01\/08\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added further simplified 'basic' course demo page in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#improved)\n * Renamed previous 'basic' course example to 'intermediate' and 'intermediate' course example to 'advanced' in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored Sitemap plugin as a dependency","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added further simplified 'basic' course demo page in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Renamed previous 'basic' course example to 'intermediate' and 'intermediate' course example to 'advanced' in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored Sitemap plugin as a dependency<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added further simplified 'basic' course demo page in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nRenamed previous 'basic' course example to 'intermediate' and 'intermediate' course example to 'advanced' in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nRestored Sitemap plugin as a dependency"},"1.9.87":{"date":"01\/06\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Auto Date plugin as dependency","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Auto Date plugin as dependency<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Auto Date plugin as dependency"},"1.9.86":{"date":"01\/05\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n * Updated Twig Feeds link text for RSS feed aggregator setup","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<li>Updated Twig Feeds link text for RSS feed aggregator setup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\nUpdated Twig Feeds link text for RSS feed aggregator setup"},"1.9.85":{"date":"01\/04\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added option to show all paragraphs (i.e. entire post) in RSS Feed items","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added option to show all paragraphs (i.e. entire post) in RSS Feed items<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added option to show all paragraphs (i.e. entire post) in RSS Feed items"},"1.9.84":{"date":"01\/02\/2018","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.9.83":{"date":"01\/01\/2018","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added option not to display RSS Feed Header Images when in 'chromeless' display mode","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added option not to display RSS Feed Header Images when in 'chromeless' display mode<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added option not to display RSS Feed Header Images when in 'chromeless' display mode"},"1.9.82":{"date":"12\/31\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated RSS Feed and Blog Item blueprints\n * Streamlined RSS Feed template logic\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed the default visibility of the Git Sync link on 'UX News' demo page\n * Removed unused template files","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated RSS Feed and Blog Item blueprints<\/li>\n<li>Streamlined RSS Feed template logic<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed the default visibility of the Git Sync link on 'UX News' demo page<\/li>\n<li>Removed unused template files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated RSS Feed and Blog Item blueprints\nStreamlined RSS Feed template logic\n\n\n\nFixed the default visibility of the Git Sync link on 'UX News' demo page\nRemoved unused template files"},"1.9.81":{"date":"12\/30\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added optional display of header image for RSS Feed items\n * Added optional paragraphs (0-2) preview for RSS Feed items\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added optional display of header image for RSS Feed items<\/li>\n<li>Added optional paragraphs (0-2) preview for RSS Feed items<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added optional display of header image for RSS Feed items\nAdded optional paragraphs (0-2) preview for RSS Feed items\n\n\n\nUpdated 'basic' and 'advanced' course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.9.80":{"date":"12\/30\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added display list options for RSS aggregation pages\n * Added page header variable to override Git Sync link display location\n * Added example RSS aggregation page to 'basic' course example\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'advanced' single course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n * Revised accordion and RSS Feed template names and blueprints for better readability","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added display list options for RSS aggregation pages<\/li>\n<li>Added page header variable to override Git Sync link display location<\/li>\n<li>Added example RSS aggregation page to 'basic' course example<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'advanced' single course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<li>Revised accordion and RSS Feed template names and blueprints for better readability<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added display list options for RSS aggregation pages\nAdded page header variable to override Git Sync link display location\nAdded example RSS aggregation page to 'basic' course example\n\n\n\nUpdated 'advanced' single course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\nRevised accordion and RSS Feed template names and blueprints for better readability"},"1.9.79":{"date":"12\/29\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental support for Twig Feeds Plugin (RSS aggregator)\n * Added example RSS aggregation page to 'advanced' single course example\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated multi-course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental support for Twig Feeds Plugin (RSS aggregator)<\/li>\n<li>Added example RSS aggregation page to 'advanced' single course example<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated multi-course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental support for Twig Feeds Plugin (RSS aggregator)\nAdded example RSS aggregation page to 'advanced' single course example\n\n\n\nUpdated multi-course demo pages in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.9.78":{"date":"12\/19\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.9.77":{"date":"12\/18\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added embed.ly script example to example class preparations in '_demo' pages folder\n * Added MediaPicker functionality for (blog) item header images\n1. [](#improved)\n * Removed on-hover social sharing buttons from embedded embed.ly scripts\n * Revised logic for hiding home page link in menu to be name independent","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added embed.ly script example to example class preparations in '_demo' pages folder<\/li>\n<li>Added MediaPicker functionality for (blog) item header images<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed on-hover social sharing buttons from embedded embed.ly scripts<\/li>\n<li>Revised logic for hiding home page link in menu to be name independent<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added embed.ly script example to example class preparations in '_demo' pages folder\nAdded MediaPicker functionality for (blog) item header images\n\n\n\nRemoved on-hover social sharing buttons from embedded embed.ly scripts\nRevised logic for hiding home page link in menu to be name independent"},"1.9.76":{"date":"12\/17\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Multi-course site examples updated to align with new basic example in '_demo' pages folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Multi-course site examples updated to align with new basic example in '_demo' pages folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Multi-course site examples updated to align with new basic example in '_demo' pages folder"},"1.9.75":{"date":"12\/16\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed large photo image files from '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed large photo image files from '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed large photo image files from '_demo' folder"},"1.9.74":{"date":"12\/16\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added 'advanced' single course example, which includes extensive use of custom content types and modular content, in '_demo' pages folder\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated single course site example (now called 'basic') in '_demo' pages folder\n * Updated Bootstrap Bootstrap CSS to v3.3.7","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added 'advanced' single course example, which includes extensive use of custom content types and modular content, in '_demo' pages folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated single course site example (now called 'basic') in '_demo' pages folder<\/li>\n<li>Updated Bootstrap Bootstrap CSS to v3.3.7<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added 'advanced' single course example, which includes extensive use of custom content types and modular content, in '_demo' pages folder\n\n\n\nUpdated single course site example (now called 'basic') in '_demo' pages folder\nUpdated Bootstrap Bootstrap CSS to v3.3.7"},"1.9.73":{"date":"12\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added swipe deck page template\n * Added swipe deck link only page template\n * Added swipe figure CSS for embedded slide decks\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated embed.ly card link only page template\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed Git Sync link template custom icon issue","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added swipe deck page template<\/li>\n<li>Added swipe deck link only page template<\/li>\n<li>Added swipe figure CSS for embedded slide decks<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated embed.ly card link only page template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Git Sync link template custom icon issue<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added swipe deck page template\nAdded swipe deck link only page template\nAdded swipe figure CSS for embedded slide decks\n\n\n\nUpdated embed.ly card link only page template\n\n\n\nFixed Git Sync link template custom icon issue"},"1.9.72":{"date":"12\/12\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added embed.ly card link only page template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added embed.ly card link only page template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added embed.ly card link only page template"},"1.9.71":{"date":"12\/10\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Adjusted CSS font for use within Canvas\n * Revised dropdown menu label for experimental CSS styling option to better match Canvas LMS when embedding content\n * Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed example embedded slides and associated HTML and PDF links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Adjusted CSS font for use within Canvas<\/li>\n<li>Revised dropdown menu label for experimental CSS styling option to better match Canvas LMS when embedding content<\/li>\n<li>Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed example embedded slides and associated HTML and PDF links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Adjusted CSS font for use within Canvas\nRevised dropdown menu label for experimental CSS styling option to better match Canvas LMS when embedding content\nUpdated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nFixed example embedded slides and associated HTML and PDF links"},"1.9.7":{"date":"12\/07\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental CSS styling option to better match Canvas LMS when embedding content","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental CSS styling option to better match Canvas LMS when embedding content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental CSS styling option to better match Canvas LMS when embedding content"},"1.9.6":{"date":"12\/04\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated example accordion page in '_demo' pages folder\n * Updated example embedded slides and associated HTML and PDF links\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored missing Category page template\n * Restored missing Topic page template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated example accordion page in '_demo' pages folder<\/li>\n<li>Updated example embedded slides and associated HTML and PDF links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored missing Category page template<\/li>\n<li>Restored missing Topic page template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated example accordion page in '_demo' pages folder\nUpdated example embedded slides and associated HTML and PDF links\n\n\n\nRestored missing Category page template\nRestored missing Topic page template"},"1.9.5":{"date":"11\/21\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental support for accordion page templates\n * Added example 'Accordion' page in '_demo' pages folder\n * Added example 'Home Highlights' page in '_demo' pages folder for embedding into another system (i.e. LMS)\n * Added example 'Twitter Feed' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\n * Added example 'Embed.ly Card' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental support for accordion page templates<\/li>\n<li>Added example 'Accordion' page in '_demo' pages folder<\/li>\n<li>Added example 'Home Highlights' page in '_demo' pages folder for embedding into another system (i.e. LMS)<\/li>\n<li>Added example 'Twitter Feed' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added example 'Embed.ly Card' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental support for accordion page templates\nAdded example 'Accordion' page in '_demo' pages folder\nAdded example 'Home Highlights' page in '_demo' pages folder for embedding into another system (i.e. LMS)\nAdded example 'Twitter Feed' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin\nAdded example 'Embed.ly Card' page in '_demo' pages folder for use with included Page Inject plugin"},"1.9.4":{"date":"11\/20\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental support for (optional) separate summary field for blog items\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated embed.ly card page template and blueprint with alignment option","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental support for (optional) separate summary field for blog items<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated embed.ly card page template and blueprint with alignment option<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental support for (optional) separate summary field for blog items\n\n\n\nUpdated embed.ly card page template and blueprint with alignment option"},"1.9.3":{"date":"11\/19\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed support for blog header image credit storage in external meta file","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed support for blog header image credit storage in external meta file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed support for blog header image credit storage in external meta file"},"1.9.2":{"date":"11\/19\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added support for header image with 'class preparations' modular template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for header image with 'class preparations' modular template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for header image with 'class preparations' modular template"},"1.9.1":{"date":"11\/15\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Aligned page header variable name to hide Git Sync link with Open Publishing Space (hide_git_sync_repo_link)\n * Aligned other page header variables to be in the same style as Open Publishing Space (i.e. hide_from_post_list, git_sync_repo_link and hide_page_title)\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed modular 'default' template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Aligned page header variable name to hide Git Sync link with Open Publishing Space (hide_git_sync_repo_link)<\/li>\n<li>Aligned other page header variables to be in the same style as Open Publishing Space (i.e. hide_from_post_list, git_sync_repo_link and hide_page_title)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed modular 'default' template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Aligned page header variable name to hide Git Sync link with Open Publishing Space (hide_git_sync_repo_link)\nAligned other page header variables to be in the same style as Open Publishing Space (i.e. hide_from_post_list, git_sync_repo_link and hide_page_title)\n\n\n\nFixed modular 'default' template"},"1.9.0":{"date":"11\/09\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored 'Twitter feed' template and blueprint files to expected locations","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored 'Twitter feed' template and blueprint files to expected locations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Restored 'Twitter feed' template and blueprint files to expected locations"},"1.8.9":{"date":"11\/09\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Renamed 'Twitter widget' template to 'Twitter feed' (same as in the Open Publishing Space theme)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Renamed 'Twitter widget' template to 'Twitter feed' (same as in the Open Publishing Space theme)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Renamed 'Twitter widget' template to 'Twitter feed' (same as in the Open Publishing Space theme)"},"1.8.8":{"date":"11\/04\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental embed.ly card page template\n * Added experimental Twitter widget page template\n * Added blog list page metadata blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental embed.ly card page template<\/li>\n<li>Added experimental Twitter widget page template<\/li>\n<li>Added blog list page metadata blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental embed.ly card page template\nAdded experimental Twitter widget page template\nAdded blog list page metadata blueprint"},"1.8.7":{"date":"10\/27\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.8.6":{"date":"10\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Adjusted order of items in Footer area","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Adjusted order of items in Footer area<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Adjusted order of items in Footer area"},"1.8.5":{"date":"10\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Option to display Creative Commons license with icon only","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Option to display Creative Commons license with icon only<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Option to display Creative Commons license with icon only"},"1.8.4":{"date":"10\/25\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added option to display Git Sync link in Footer area\n * Added option for Git Sync link to view git repository\n1. [](#improved)\n * Improved display of 'Site Theme Files' links\n * Improved display of Git Sync links within pages\n * Placed 'edit theme' Twig into separate template file","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added option to display Git Sync link in Footer area<\/li>\n<li>Added option for Git Sync link to view git repository<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved display of 'Site Theme Files' links<\/li>\n<li>Improved display of Git Sync links within pages<\/li>\n<li>Placed 'edit theme' Twig into separate template file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added option to display Git Sync link in Footer area\nAdded option for Git Sync link to view git repository\n\n\n\nImproved display of 'Site Theme Files' links\nImproved display of Git Sync links within pages\nPlaced 'edit theme' Twig into separate template file"},"1.8.3":{"date":"10\/21\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation to display page folders for pages with child pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation to display page folders for pages with child pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation to display page folders for pages with child pages"},"1.8.2":{"date":"10\/20\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Support for custom 'Edit in Git' URL in page header restored","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Support for custom 'Edit in Git' URL in page header restored<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder\n\n\n\nSupport for custom 'Edit in Git' URL in page header restored"},"1.8.1":{"date":"10\/20\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed automatic 'Site Theme Files' URL calculation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed automatic 'Site Theme Files' URL calculation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed automatic 'Site Theme Files' URL calculation"},"1.8.0":{"date":"10\/19\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed automatic 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation for BitBucket and generic Git repositories","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed automatic 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation for BitBucket and generic Git repositories<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed automatic 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation for BitBucket and generic Git repositories"},"1.7.9":{"date":"10\/18\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Further streamlined Git Sync setup step by automating 'Edit in Git' tree URL calculation"},"1.7.8":{"date":"10\/11\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * 'featured' posts are now only displayed on their parent blog page (to support multiple blogs on one site)\n * Fixed title alignment issue when no blog post icon is assigned","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>'featured' posts are now only displayed on their parent blog page (to support multiple blogs on one site)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed title alignment issue when no blog post icon is assigned<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"'featured' posts are now only displayed on their parent blog page (to support multiple blogs on one site)\nFixed title alignment issue when no blog post icon is assigned"},"1.7.7":{"date":"10\/09\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for image alt text on blog post image headers\n1. [](#improved)\n * Revised Blog Item Image Captions layout in Blueprint\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed incorrect help text for image caption options\n * Fixed incorrect position of image credit in very wide Browser windows","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for image alt text on blog post image headers<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revised Blog Item Image Captions layout in Blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed incorrect help text for image caption options<\/li>\n<li>Fixed incorrect position of image credit in very wide Browser windows<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for image alt text on blog post image headers\n\n\n\nRevised Blog Item Image Captions layout in Blueprint\n\n\n\nRemoved incorrect help text for image caption options\nFixed incorrect position of image credit in very wide Browser windows"},"1.7.6":{"date":"10\/02\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for image captions on blog post image headers","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for image captions on blog post image headers<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for image captions on blog post image headers"},"1.7.5":{"date":"09\/28\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for checkmarked lists in Important Reminders area","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for checkmarked lists in Important Reminders area<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for checkmarked lists in Important Reminders area"},"1.7.4":{"date":"09\/22\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved global handling of 'chromeless' display mode for embedded pages (thanks Ricardo)\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed support for initial 'chromeless' feature URL flag alias 'onlydisplaypagecontent'","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved global handling of 'chromeless' display mode for embedded pages (thanks Ricardo)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed support for initial 'chromeless' feature URL flag alias 'onlydisplaypagecontent'<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved global handling of 'chromeless' display mode for embedded pages (thanks Ricardo)\n\n\n\nRemoved support for initial 'chromeless' feature URL flag alias 'onlydisplaypagecontent'"},"1.7.3":{"date":"09\/08\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added site name to default RSS\/Atom Feed names\n * Ordering for home page modular content areas now set in parent page frontmatter","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added site name to default RSS\/Atom Feed names<\/li>\n<li>Ordering for home page modular content areas now set in parent page frontmatter<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added site name to default RSS\/Atom Feed names\nOrdering for home page modular content areas now set in parent page frontmatter"},"1.7.2":{"date":"09\/07\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Set alphabetical ordering for home page modular content areas","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Set alphabetical ordering for home page modular content areas<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Set alphabetical ordering for home page modular content areas"},"1.7.1":{"date":"07\/03\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added 'chromeless' alias for 'onlydisplaypagecontent' URL flag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added 'chromeless' alias for 'onlydisplaypagecontent' URL flag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added 'chromeless' alias for 'onlydisplaypagecontent' URL flag"},"1.7.0":{"date":"06\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated accessibility of links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated accessibility of links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated accessibility of links"},"1.6.9":{"date":"06\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added invisible h3 tags for screen readers when visible page titles are hidden","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added invisible h3 tags for screen readers when visible page titles are hidden<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added invisible h3 tags for screen readers when visible page titles are hidden"},"1.6.8":{"date":"06\/17\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed sidebar display when 'Chromeless Pages' setting is active","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed sidebar display when 'Chromeless Pages' setting is active<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed sidebar display when 'Chromeless Pages' setting is active"},"1.6.7":{"date":"06\/17\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added option to hide site navigation elements (useful when embedding pages into another system, e.g. LMS)\n * Added option to customize View\/Edit in Git introductory text\n * Added optional additional text to CC licenses\n * Added option to hide sidebar on blog pages\n1. [](#improved)\n * Adjusted spacing for 'Edit this Theme' link\n * Broadened support for 'onlydisplaypagecontent' URL flag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added option to hide site navigation elements (useful when embedding pages into another system, e.g. LMS)<\/li>\n<li>Added option to customize View\/Edit in Git introductory text<\/li>\n<li>Added optional additional text to CC licenses<\/li>\n<li>Added option to hide sidebar on blog pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Adjusted spacing for 'Edit this Theme' link<\/li>\n<li>Broadened support for 'onlydisplaypagecontent' URL flag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added option to hide site navigation elements (useful when embedding pages into another system, e.g. LMS)\nAdded option to customize View\/Edit in Git introductory text\nAdded optional additional text to CC licenses\nAdded option to hide sidebar on blog pages\n\n\n\nAdjusted spacing for 'Edit this Theme' link\nBroadened support for 'onlydisplaypagecontent' URL flag"},"1.6.6":{"date":"05\/29\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added optional additional text to CC licenses\n1. [](#improved)\n * Adjusted spacing for 'Edit this Theme' link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added optional additional text to CC licenses<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Adjusted spacing for 'Edit this Theme' link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added optional additional text to CC licenses\n\n\n\nAdjusted spacing for 'Edit this Theme' link"},"1.6.5":{"date":"05\/15\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed unneeded theme blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unneeded theme blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed unneeded theme blueprint"},"1.6.4":{"date":"05\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed display issue within Admin Panel of theme-related plugin status messages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed display issue within Admin Panel of theme-related plugin status messages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed display issue within Admin Panel of theme-related plugin status messages"},"1.6.3":{"date":"05\/13\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Markdown Notices plugin dependency\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Corrected default setting for page visibility","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Markdown Notices plugin dependency<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Corrected default setting for page visibility<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Markdown Notices plugin dependency\n\n\n\nCorrected default setting for page visibility"},"1.6.2":{"date":"05\/03\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added automatic check for dynamically generated pages (i.e. Login, Search, etc.)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added automatic check for dynamically generated pages (i.e. Login, Search, etc.)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added automatic check for dynamically generated pages (i.e. Login, Search, etc.)"},"1.6.1":{"date":"04\/01\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated Twitter widget settings\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed redundant page template\n * Removed redundant page blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Twitter widget settings<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed redundant page template<\/li>\n<li>Removed redundant page blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated Twitter widget settings\n\n\n\nRemoved redundant page template\nRemoved redundant page blueprint"},"1.6.0":{"date":"02\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Edit this Theme in Git link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Edit this Theme in Git link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Edit this Theme in Git link"},"1.5.9":{"date":"02\/19\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Revised handling of custom.css theme file to better support inherited theme usage","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revised handling of custom.css theme file to better support inherited theme usage<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Revised handling of custom.css theme file to better support inherited theme usage"},"1.5.8":{"date":"01\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated icon of Edit in Git setup links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated icon of Edit in Git setup links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated icon of Edit in Git setup links"},"1.5.7":{"date":"01\/25\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Git Sync plugin as dependency\n * Added CC License Picker display","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Git Sync plugin as dependency<\/li>\n<li>Added CC License Picker display<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Git Sync plugin as dependency\nAdded CC License Picker display"},"1.5.6":{"date":"01\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated wording of Edit in Git links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated wording of Edit in Git links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated wording of Edit in Git links"},"1.5.5":{"date":"01\/14\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Further refined Git Sync plugin config checks\n * Updated included Font Awesome icons","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Further refined Git Sync plugin config checks<\/li>\n<li>Updated included Font Awesome icons<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Further refined Git Sync plugin config checks\nUpdated included Font Awesome icons"},"1.5.4":{"date":"01\/13\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added configuration assistance to Edit in Git links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added configuration assistance to Edit in Git links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added configuration assistance to Edit in Git links"},"1.5.3":{"date":"01\/08\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added styling to HTML alerts (thanks to OleVik)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added styling to HTML alerts (thanks to OleVik)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added styling to HTML alerts (thanks to OleVik)"},"1.5.2":{"date":"01\/07\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Revised 'Edit in Git' URL calculation to align with other Grav projects\n * Added link to guide first-time Edit this Page in Git config\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Changed required theme settings alerts from Javascript dialog to HTML","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Revised 'Edit in Git' URL calculation to align with other Grav projects<\/li>\n<li>Added link to guide first-time Edit this Page in Git config<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed required theme settings alerts from Javascript dialog to HTML<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Revised 'Edit in Git' URL calculation to align with other Grav projects\nAdded link to guide first-time Edit this Page in Git config\n\n\n\nChanged required theme settings alerts from Javascript dialog to HTML"},"1.5.1":{"date":"12\/27\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated the names of all Git-related site and page header variables","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated the names of all Git-related site and page header variables<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated the names of all Git-related site and page header variables"},"1.5.0":{"date":"12\/08\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added example weekly summary banner images\n1. [](#improved)\n * Increased size of pagination controls","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added example weekly summary banner images<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Increased size of pagination controls<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added example weekly summary banner images\n\n\n\nIncreased size of pagination controls"},"1.4.9":{"date":"10\/17\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options, including additional Git Repository page header options","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options, including additional Git Repository page header options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options, including additional Git Repository page header options"},"1.4.8":{"date":"10\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options"},"1.4.7":{"date":"10\/08\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added custom page Blueprints for Course Hub options"},"1.4.6":{"date":"10\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed links on example Schedule pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed links on example Schedule pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed links on example Schedule pages"},"1.4.5":{"date":"10\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Markdown Font Awesome plugin\n * Added example Schedule page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Markdown Font Awesome plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added example Schedule page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Markdown Font Awesome plugin\nAdded example Schedule page"},"1.4.4":{"date":"09\/15\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed display issue with 'featured' posts","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed display issue with 'featured' posts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed display issue with 'featured' posts"},"1.4.3":{"date":"08\/28\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added flag to hide posts from blog index","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added flag to hide posts from blog index<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added flag to hide posts from blog index"},"1.4.2":{"date":"07\/22\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed responsive classes for embedded example slides","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed responsive classes for embedded example slides<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed responsive classes for embedded example slides"},"1.4.1":{"date":"07\/22\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated course hub demo pages in theme '_demo' folder"},"1.4.0":{"date":"07\/12\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Restored Blog header page content display option within Bootstrap theme","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored Blog header page content display option within Bootstrap theme<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Restored Blog header page content display option within Bootstrap theme"},"1.3.9":{"date":"07\/10\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed aria-hidden tag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed aria-hidden tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed aria-hidden tag"},"1.3.8":{"date":"07\/07\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved accessibility of font awesome icons","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved accessibility of font awesome icons<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved accessibility of font awesome icons"},"1.3.7":{"date":"06\/26\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for markdown-based site footer\n1. [](#improved) \n * Sidebar widget vertical spacing improved\n * Updated Twitter widget code","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for markdown-based site footer<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a> \n<ul>\n<li>Sidebar widget vertical spacing improved<\/li>\n<li>Updated Twitter widget code<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for markdown-based site footer\n\n \n\nSidebar widget vertical spacing improved\nUpdated Twitter widget code"},"1.3.6":{"date":"06\/23\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Demo page content typo corrected\n1. [](#improved) \n * Adjusted h top and bottom margins","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Demo page content typo corrected<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a> \n<ul>\n<li>Adjusted h top and bottom margins<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Demo page content typo corrected\n\n \n\nAdjusted h top and bottom margins"},"1.3.5":{"date":"06\/22\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added flag to hide page titles\n * Added setting to suppress the display of home menu link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added flag to hide page titles<\/li>\n<li>Added setting to suppress the display of home menu link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added flag to hide page titles\nAdded setting to suppress the display of home menu link"},"1.3.4":{"date":"06\/20\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added header options to hide and change default GitHub edit link\n * Updated multi-course demo pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added header options to hide and change default GitHub edit link<\/li>\n<li>Updated multi-course demo pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added header options to hide and change default GitHub edit link\nUpdated multi-course demo pages"},"1.3.3":{"date":"06\/16\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Gravstrap plugin dependency removed","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Gravstrap plugin dependency removed<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Gravstrap plugin dependency removed"},"1.3.2":{"date":"06\/16\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Twitter sidebar widget URL issue fixed","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Twitter sidebar widget URL issue fixed<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Twitter sidebar widget URL issue fixed"},"1.3.1":{"date":"06\/15\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Removed display of child parent within multi-level dropdown menus\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed menu item contrast issue for smaller screens","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed display of child parent within multi-level dropdown menus<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed menu item contrast issue for smaller screens<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed display of child parent within multi-level dropdown menus\n\n\n\nFixed menu item contrast issue for smaller screens"},"1.3.0":{"date":"06\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added experimental support for multiple course hubs (blogs)\n1. [](#improved)\n * Changed home folder name from 'blog' to 'home'\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Various visual presentation issues fixed","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added experimental support for multiple course hubs (blogs)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed home folder name from 'blog' to 'home'<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Various visual presentation issues fixed<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added experimental support for multiple course hubs (blogs)\n\n\n\nChanged home folder name from 'blog' to 'home'\n\n\n\nVarious visual presentation issues fixed"},"1.2.0":{"date":"06\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Use of Bootswatch theme 'Yeti' for closer visual alignment to Course Hub Bones theme","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use of Bootswatch theme 'Yeti' for closer visual alignment to Course Hub Bones theme<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Use of Bootswatch theme 'Yeti' for closer visual alignment to Course Hub Bones theme"},"1.1.7":{"date":"06\/10\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * GitHub URL calculation updated to support Grav 'pages' only repository","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>GitHub URL calculation updated to support Grav 'pages' only repository<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"GitHub URL calculation updated to support Grav 'pages' only repository"},"1.1.6":{"date":"06\/03\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Graphical line breaks adjusted","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Graphical line breaks adjusted<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Graphical line breaks adjusted"},"1.1.5":{"date":"05\/31\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Twitter timeline settings in site config file","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Twitter timeline settings in site config file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Twitter timeline settings in site config file"},"1.1.4":{"date":"05\/27\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Included example of modular content using the Page Inject plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Included example of modular content using the Page Inject plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Included example of modular content using the Page Inject plugin"},"1.1.3":{"date":"05\/26\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated page collections to valid YAML syntax","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated page collections to valid YAML syntax<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated page collections to valid YAML syntax"},"1.1.2":{"date":"05\/25\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added options for git service icon choice","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added options for git service icon choice<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added options for git service icon choice"},"1.1.1":{"date":"05\/24\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added sidebar and full-width page templates","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added sidebar and full-width page templates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added sidebar and full-width page templates"},"1.1.0":{"date":"04\/18\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated navbar styling","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated navbar styling<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated navbar styling"},"1.0.2":{"date":"04\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Restored Error and Problems plugins as dependencies","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restored Error and Problems plugins as dependencies<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Restored Error and Problems plugins as dependencies"},"1.0.1":{"date":"04\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for Sidebar plugin widgets display\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated default search results page display\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Homepage recognizes URL flag to only display page content","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for Sidebar plugin widgets display<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated default search results page display<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Homepage recognizes URL flag to only display page content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for Sidebar plugin widgets display\n\n\n\nUpdated default search results page display\n\n\n\nHomepage recognizes URL flag to only display page content"},"1.0.0":{"date":"03\/17\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added scripts.html.twig file to hold global JavaScript code\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated plugin status error dialog display","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added scripts.html.twig file to hold global JavaScript code<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated plugin status error dialog display<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added scripts.html.twig file to hold global JavaScript code\n\n\n\nUpdated plugin status error dialog display"},"0.9.9":{"date":"03\/12\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added logic to check for external links plugin Built-in CSS loading status","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added logic to check for external links plugin Built-in CSS loading status<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added logic to check for external links plugin Built-in CSS loading status"},"0.9.8":{"date":"03\/05\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added logic to check for bootstrapper plugin status","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added logic to check for bootstrapper plugin status<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added logic to check for bootstrapper plugin status"},"0.9.7":{"date":"03\/04\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Gravstrap plugin dependency added\n * Gravstrap component markdown example included","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Gravstrap plugin dependency added<\/li>\n<li>Gravstrap component markdown example included<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Gravstrap plugin dependency added\nGravstrap component markdown example included"},"0.9.6":{"date":"03\/01\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"cardstack":{"name":"Cardstack","version":"1.1.3","description":"Cardstack is a single page application theme for **Grav** CMS powered with Backbonejs and UI Kit","description_html":"<p>Cardstack is a single page application theme for <strong>Grav<\/strong> CMS powered with Backbonejs and UI Kit<\/p>","description_plain":"Cardstack is a single page application theme for Grav CMS powered with Backbonejs and UI Kit","icon":"list-alt","author":{"name":"Daniel James","url":"http:\/\/chiefqualakon.net","email":"danieljames@chiefqualakon.net"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/khanduras\/grav-theme-cardstack","demo":"http:\/\/demos.chiefqualakon.net\/cardstack","keywords":"theme, backbone, uikit, jquery, cardstack, cards","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/khanduras\/grav-theme-cardstack\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.1.3","date":"2016-05-31T03:48:35Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/cardstack\/1.1.3","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/khanduras\/grav-theme-cardstack","slug":"cardstack","install_path":"user\/themes\/cardstack","screenshot":"themes-cardstack.jpg","changelog":{"1.1.3":{"date":"05\/30\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Ensured base_url is added when navbar url begins with `\/`\n * Only fetches each card once\n * Search and Dashboard buttons in navbar\n * Other minor UI changes\n * Updated UIKit to v2.26.3","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Ensured base_url is added when navbar url begins with <code>\/<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Only fetches each card once<\/li>\n<li>Search and Dashboard buttons in navbar<\/li>\n<li>Other minor UI changes<\/li>\n<li>Updated UIKit to v2.26.3<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Ensured base_url is added when navbar url begins with \/\nOnly fetches each card once\nSearch and Dashboard buttons in navbar\nOther minor UI changes\nUpdated UIKit to v2.26.3"},"1.1.2":{"date":"05\/26\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Fixed base_url for async calls","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed base_url for async calls<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed base_url for async calls"},"1.1.1":{"date":"05\/26\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * base_url for async calls","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>base_url for async calls<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"base_url for async calls"},"1.1.0":{"date":"05\/26\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Mobile support\n * Dynamically loads cards","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Mobile support<\/li>\n<li>Dynamically loads cards<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Mobile support\nDynamically loads cards"},"1.0.0":{"date":"01\/23\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * BackboneJS theme for Grav\n * Built with UI Kit framework\n * Card-style layout pulls from Grav's pages\n * Page blueprints for Cards and Authors\n * Quick Search to filter by string\n * Category and Tag taxonomy filtering\n * Custom navbar menu items for front page and all child pages\n * Language file for easy translation\n * Change number of Card View columns for each screen size\n","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>BackboneJS theme for Grav<\/li>\n<li>Built with UI Kit framework<\/li>\n<li>Card-style layout pulls from Grav's pages<\/li>\n<li>Page blueprints for Cards and Authors<\/li>\n<li>Quick Search to filter by string<\/li>\n<li>Category and Tag taxonomy filtering<\/li>\n<li>Custom navbar menu items for front page and all child pages<\/li>\n<li>Language file for easy translation<\/li>\n<li>Change number of Card View columns for each screen size<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"BackboneJS theme for Grav\nBuilt with UI Kit framework\nCard-style layout pulls from Grav's pages\nPage blueprints for Cards and Authors\nQuick Search to filter by string\nCategory and Tag taxonomy filtering\nCustom navbar menu items for front page and all child pages\nLanguage file for easy translation\nChange number of Card View columns for each screen size"}},"dependencies":[]},"bones":{"name":"Bones","version":"0.5.2","description":"A **Grav** theme built with **Foundation**.","description_html":"<p>A <strong>Grav<\/strong> theme built with <strong>Foundation<\/strong>.<\/p>","description_plain":"A Grav theme built with Foundation.","icon":"cubes","author":{"name":"smartgravity","url":"http:\/\/www.smartgravity.com","email":"info@smartgravity.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/smartgravity\/grav-theme-bones","demo":"http:\/\/demos.smartgravity.com\/grav-bones","keywords":"bones, theme, foundation, core, simple, responsive, basic","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/smartgravity\/grav-theme-bones\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.5.2","date":"2016-03-14T02:37:10Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/bones\/0.5.2","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/smartgravity\/grav-theme-bones","slug":"bones","install_path":"user\/themes\/bones","screenshot":"themes-bones.jpg","changelog":{"0.5.2":{"date":"3\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for header and body content alignment issues","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for header and body content alignment issues<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for header and body content alignment issues"},"0.5.1":{"date":"3\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed in_page_navigation blueprint\n * Fixed Blog Item Next\/Previous pagination button arrows","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed in_page_navigation blueprint<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Blog Item Next\/Previous pagination button arrows<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed in_page_navigation blueprint\nFixed Blog Item Next\/Previous pagination button arrows"},"0.5.0":{"date":"2\/8\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added WOW.js for scroll trigger\n * Added Animate.css for content animations\n2. [](#improved)\n * Update MotionUI to v1.2.0\n * Added more style class options to modular twig templates for content animation classes\n * Added text parameter to Google Logo Font to only pull characters in the title\n * Added option to remove site title from header\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Added missing ui-animations.css to twig template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added WOW.js for scroll trigger<\/li>\n<li>Added Animate.css for content animations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update MotionUI to v1.2.0<\/li>\n<li>Added more style class options to modular twig templates for content animation classes<\/li>\n<li>Added text parameter to Google Logo Font to only pull characters in the title<\/li>\n<li>Added option to remove site title from header<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added missing ui-animations.css to twig template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added WOW.js for scroll trigger\nAdded Animate.css for content animations\n\n\n\nUpdate MotionUI to v1.2.0\nAdded more style class options to modular twig templates for content animation classes\nAdded text parameter to Google Logo Font to only pull characters in the title\nAdded option to remove site title from header\n\n\n\nAdded missing ui-animations.css to twig template"},"0.4.1":{"date":"2\/2\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Updated Magellan and Sticky JS files to fix Firefox issue","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated Magellan and Sticky JS files to fix Firefox issue<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated Magellan and Sticky JS files to fix Firefox issue"},"0.4.0":{"date":"2\/1\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated to Foundation v6.1.2\n * Fixed content and logo alignment for default template layouts\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Added custom.scss file so Custom CSS option will work\n * Removed composer.json file as it is not needed anymore\n * Removed unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Removed unnecessary Foundation \"index.html\" file","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated to Foundation v6.1.2<\/li>\n<li>Fixed content and logo alignment for default template layouts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added custom.scss file so Custom CSS option will work<\/li>\n<li>Removed composer.json file as it is not needed anymore<\/li>\n<li>Removed unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Removed unnecessary Foundation &quot;index.html&quot; file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated to Foundation v6.1.2\nFixed content and logo alignment for default template layouts\n\n\n\nAdded custom.scss file so Custom CSS option will work\nRemoved composer.json file as it is not needed anymore\nRemoved unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nRemoved unnecessary Foundation &quot;index.html&quot; file"},"0.3.1":{"date":"1\/24\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Better separated JS and CSS Assets\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed unnecessary Foundation index.html file\n * Fixed fallback styling for non-fontawesome mobilemenu icon","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Better separated JS and CSS Assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unnecessary Foundation index.html file<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fallback styling for non-fontawesome mobilemenu icon<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Better separated JS and CSS Assets\n\n\n\nRemoved unnecessary Foundation index.html file\nFixed fallback styling for non-fontawesome mobilemenu icon"},"0.3.0":{"date":"1\/23\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Improved Theme Info tab in Admin Plugin with images and columns\n2. [](#improved)\n * Added \"pagemediaselect\" field to Gallery blueprint \n * Added sizes to modular blueprint fields\n * Changed tab titles from Foundation to Assets\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Modular templates now ignore Assets features\n * Added fallback for mobilemenu icon if FontAwesome is disabled","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved Theme Info tab in Admin Plugin with images and columns<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added &quot;pagemediaselect&quot; field to Gallery blueprint <\/li>\n<li>Added sizes to modular blueprint fields<\/li>\n<li>Changed tab titles from Foundation to Assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Modular templates now ignore Assets features<\/li>\n<li>Added fallback for mobilemenu icon if FontAwesome is disabled<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved Theme Info tab in Admin Plugin with images and columns\n\n\n\nAdded &quot;pagemediaselect&quot; field to Gallery blueprint \nAdded sizes to modular blueprint fields\nChanged tab titles from Foundation to Assets\n\n\n\nModular templates now ignore Assets features\nAdded fallback for mobilemenu icon if FontAwesome is disabled"},"0.2.0":{"date":"1\/20\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Individual CSS file options\n2. [](#improved)\n * Added tabs to theme options in Admin Plugin\n * Added smaller option dropdown size for page options\n * Moved JS and CSS Asset calls to their own files to keep base.html.twig cleaner\n * Included updated codekit.config file to compile new SCSS files\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Added minimal default enabled features for theme to run optimally in bones.yaml","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Individual CSS file options<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added tabs to theme options in Admin Plugin<\/li>\n<li>Added smaller option dropdown size for page options<\/li>\n<li>Moved JS and CSS Asset calls to their own files to keep base.html.twig cleaner<\/li>\n<li>Included updated codekit.config file to compile new SCSS files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added minimal default enabled features for theme to run optimally in bones.yaml<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Individual CSS file options\n\n\n\nAdded tabs to theme options in Admin Plugin\nAdded smaller option dropdown size for page options\nMoved JS and CSS Asset calls to their own files to keep base.html.twig cleaner\nIncluded updated codekit.config file to compile new SCSS files\n\n\n\nAdded minimal default enabled features for theme to run optimally in bones.yaml"},"0.1.0":{"date":"1\/19\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial Theme Release","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial Theme Release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial Theme Release"}},"dependencies":[]},"bones-vanilla":{"name":"Bones Vanilla","version":"0.5.2","description":"SmartGravity&#39;s **Bones Vanilla** is basic starting theme for **Grav**","description_html":"<p>SmartGravity&#39;s <strong>Bones Vanilla<\/strong> is basic starting theme for <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"SmartGravity&#39;s Bones Vanilla is basic starting theme for Grav","icon":"cubes","author":{"name":"SmartGravity","url":"http:\/\/www.smartgravity.com","email":"info@smartgravity.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/smartgravity\/grav-theme-bones-vanilla","demo":"http:\/\/demos.smartgravity.com\/grav-bones-vanilla","keywords":"bones, theme, foundation, foundation6, core, simple, responsive, basic","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/smartgravity\/grav-theme-bones-vanilla\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.5.2","date":"2016-03-14T02:23:25Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/bones-vanilla\/0.5.2","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/smartgravity\/grav-theme-bones-vanilla","slug":"bones-vanilla","install_path":"user\/themes\/bones-vanilla","screenshot":"themes-bones-vanilla.jpg","changelog":{"0.5.2":{"date":"3\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for header and body content alignment issues","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for header and body content alignment issues<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for header and body content alignment issues"},"0.5.1":{"date":"3\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added WOW.js for scroll trigger\n * Added Animate.css for content animations\n2. [](#improved)\n * Updated to Foundation v6.1.2\n * Update MotionUI to v1.2.0\n * Fixed content and logo alignment for default template layouts\n * Added more style class options to modular twig templates for content animation classes\n * Added text parameter to Google Logo Font to only pull characters in the title\n * Added option to remove site title from header\n * Added override to Enable\/Disable assets at the page level\n * Added pagemediaselect for images in Gallery modular page\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed unnecessary Foundation index.html file\n * Fixed fallback styling for non-fontawesome mobilemenu icon\n * Removed .min.js files since they are not used\n * Removed composer.json file as it is not needed anymore\n * Removed unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Fixed in_page_navigation blueprint\n * Fixed Blog Item Next\/Previous pagination button arrows\n * Updated Magellan and Sticky JS to fix Firefox issue","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added WOW.js for scroll trigger<\/li>\n<li>Added Animate.css for content animations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated to Foundation v6.1.2<\/li>\n<li>Update MotionUI to v1.2.0<\/li>\n<li>Fixed content and logo alignment for default template layouts<\/li>\n<li>Added more style class options to modular twig templates for content animation classes<\/li>\n<li>Added text parameter to Google Logo Font to only pull characters in the title<\/li>\n<li>Added option to remove site title from header<\/li>\n<li>Added override to Enable\/Disable assets at the page level<\/li>\n<li>Added pagemediaselect for images in Gallery modular page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unnecessary Foundation index.html file<\/li>\n<li>Fixed fallback styling for non-fontawesome mobilemenu icon<\/li>\n<li>Removed .min.js files since they are not used<\/li>\n<li>Removed composer.json file as it is not needed anymore<\/li>\n<li>Removed unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Fixed in_page_navigation blueprint<\/li>\n<li>Fixed Blog Item Next\/Previous pagination button arrows<\/li>\n<li>Updated Magellan and Sticky JS to fix Firefox issue<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added WOW.js for scroll trigger\nAdded Animate.css for content animations\n\n\n\nUpdated to Foundation v6.1.2\nUpdate MotionUI to v1.2.0\nFixed content and logo alignment for default template layouts\nAdded more style class options to modular twig templates for content animation classes\nAdded text parameter to Google Logo Font to only pull characters in the title\nAdded option to remove site title from header\nAdded override to Enable\/Disable assets at the page level\nAdded pagemediaselect for images in Gallery modular page\n\n\n\nRemoved unnecessary Foundation index.html file\nFixed fallback styling for non-fontawesome mobilemenu icon\nRemoved .min.js files since they are not used\nRemoved composer.json file as it is not needed anymore\nRemoved unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nFixed in_page_navigation blueprint\nFixed Blog Item Next\/Previous pagination button arrows\nUpdated Magellan and Sticky JS to fix Firefox issue"},"0.3.0":{"date":"1\/25\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added tabs to Admin area\n * Added Info tab to Admin area\n * Added more options blueprints\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed off-canvas spacer style when page class is used\n * Added fallback for non-fontawesome mobilemenu toggle","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added tabs to Admin area<\/li>\n<li>Added Info tab to Admin area<\/li>\n<li>Added more options blueprints<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed off-canvas spacer style when page class is used<\/li>\n<li>Added fallback for non-fontawesome mobilemenu toggle<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added tabs to Admin area\nAdded Info tab to Admin area\nAdded more options blueprints\n\n\n\nFixed off-canvas spacer style when page class is used\nAdded fallback for non-fontawesome mobilemenu toggle"},"0.1.3":{"date":"01\/05\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added README.md file\n * Set up files for release on GitHub\n * Inlined Logo font-family style\n2. [](#bugfix)\n\t\t* Fixed date for current release","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added README.md file<\/li>\n<li>Set up files for release on GitHub<\/li>\n<li>Inlined Logo font-family style<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed date for current release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added README.md file\nSet up files for release on GitHub\nInlined Logo font-family style\n\n\n\nFixed date for current release"},"0.1.0":{"date":"12\/30\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"pricklypear":{"name":"Prickly Pear","version":"1.0.2","description":"A FREE simple single page by CaribThemes inspired by Fractal by HTML5up.","description_html":"<p>A FREE simple single page by CaribThemes inspired by Fractal by HTML5up.<\/p>","description_plain":"A FREE simple single page by CaribThemes inspired by Fractal by HTML5up.","icon":"paw","author":{"name":"MATsxm for CaribThemes","url":"http:\/\/caribthemes.io","email":"contact@caribthemes.io"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-pricklypear","demo":"http:\/\/demo.caribthemes.io\/pricklypear","keywords":"theme, responsive, html5, css3, design, onepage","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-pricklypear\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.2","date":"2016-01-08T13:21:53Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/pricklypear\/1.0.2","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/CaribThemes\/grav-theme-pricklypear","slug":"pricklypear","install_path":"user\/themes\/pricklypear","screenshot":"themes-pricklypear.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.2":{"date":"01\/08\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Minor css for RWD menu.\n * Changing date format in CHANGELOG\n * Minor cleanup","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Minor css for RWD menu.<\/li>\n<li>Changing date format in CHANGELOG<\/li>\n<li>Minor cleanup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Minor css for RWD menu.\nChanging date format in CHANGELOG\nMinor cleanup"},"1.0.1":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Addition of Demo Sample data.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Addition of Demo Sample data.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Addition of Demo Sample data."},"1.0.0":{"date":"01\/05\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial release.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial release.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial release."}},"dependencies":[]},"library":{"name":"Library","version":"0.4.4","description":"UI Kit Library is a demo theme for Grav which requires UIKitifier","description_html":"<p>UI Kit Library is a demo theme for Grav which requires UIKitifier<\/p>","description_plain":"UI Kit Library is a demo theme for Grav which requires UIKitifier","icon":"book","author":{"name":"Daniel James","url":"http:\/\/chiefqualakon.net","email":"danieljames@chiefqualakon.net"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/khanduras\/grav-theme-library","demo":"http:\/\/demos.chiefqualakon.net\/library","keywords":"UI Kit, news, one-page, library","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/khanduras\/grav-theme-library\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v0.4.4","date":"2016-01-24T06:30:49Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/library\/0.4.4","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/khanduras\/grav-theme-library","slug":"library","install_path":"user\/themes\/library","screenshot":"themes-library.jpg","changelog":{"0.4.4":{"date":"1\/23\/2016","content":"1. [](#updated)\n * Updated README and blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#updated\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated README and blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated README and blueprint"},"0.4.3":{"date":"1\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added demo content","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added demo content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added demo content"},"0.4.2":{"date":"1\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * News List shows the number of comments per listing\n * Fade In effect on page load as a theme option","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>News List shows the number of comments per listing<\/li>\n<li>Fade In effect on page load as a theme option<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"News List shows the number of comments per listing\nFade In effect on page load as a theme option"},"0.4.1":{"date":"1\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * News pages have ```Via``` & ```Source``` attributes \n * ```news_list``` & ```news_item``` touch ups","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>News pages have <code>Via<\/code> &amp; <code>Source<\/code> attributes <\/li>\n<li><code>news_list<\/code> &amp; <code>news_item<\/code> touch ups<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"News pages have Via &amp; Source attributes \nnews_list &amp; news_item touch ups"},"0.4.0":{"date":"1\/08\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Blueprints for all modular pages\n * Comments template updated with accordians!\n * Updated navbar with social media from site.yaml\n * Footer made up to look how I want it, functions not yet set","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Blueprints for all modular pages<\/li>\n<li>Comments template updated with accordians!<\/li>\n<li>Updated navbar with social media from site.yaml<\/li>\n<li>Footer made up to look how I want it, functions not yet set<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Blueprints for all modular pages\nComments template updated with accordians!\nUpdated navbar with social media from site.yaml\nFooter made up to look how I want it, functions not yet set"},"0.3.8":{"date":"1\/05\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Header fix","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Header fix<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Header fix"},"0.3.7":{"date":"12\/23\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Can click links in search\n * Color match Keywords","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Can click links in search<\/li>\n<li>Color match Keywords<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Can click links in search\nColor match Keywords"},"0.3.5":{"date":"12\/22\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Sort search results by category or tag.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Sort search results by category or tag.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Sort search results by category or tag."},"0.3.2":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated theme's thumbnail\n * Updated theme's screenshot","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated theme's thumbnail<\/li>\n<li>Updated theme's screenshot<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated theme's thumbnail\nUpdated theme's screenshot"},"0.3.0":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * News items, author: name and email","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>News items, author: name and email<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"News items, author: name and email"},"0.2.1":{"date":"12\/20\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Page file blueprints\n * Editor-buttons plugin theme support","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Page file blueprints<\/li>\n<li>Editor-buttons plugin theme support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Page file blueprints\nEditor-buttons plugin theme support"},"0.2.0":{"date":"03\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Switched to Grav's built-in `jQuery` assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Switched to Grav's built-in <code>jQuery<\/code> assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Switched to Grav's built-in jQuery assets"},"0.1.0":{"date":"02\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for mobile responsive menu\n * Fix for variable names with `-` causing issues, switched to `_`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for mobile responsive menu<\/li>\n<li>Fix for variable names with <code>-<\/code> causing issues, switched to <code>_<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for mobile responsive menu\nFix for variable names with - causing issues, switched to _"},"0.0.1":{"date":"01\/08\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix smooth scrolling from menu links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix smooth scrolling from menu links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix smooth scrolling from menu links"},"0.0.0":{"date":"01\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"purity":{"name":"Purity","version":"0.5.5","description":"Purity: Pure CSS from Yahoo ported into Grav, with customised options for theme colours, menu design & layout control.","description_html":"<p>Purity: Pure CSS from Yahoo ported into Grav, with customised options for theme colours, menu design &amp; layout control.<\/p>","description_plain":"Purity: Pure CSS from Yahoo ported into Grav, with customised options for theme colours, menu design &amp; layout control.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Lawrence Meckan","url":"http:\/\/www.absalom.biz","email":"media@absalom.biz"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/absalomedia\/grav-theme-purity","keywords":"purity, purecss, yahoo, minimalist, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, blog, marketing","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/absalomedia\/grav-theme-purity\/issues","license":"BSD-2-Clause","tag_name":"0.5.5","date":"2016-07-13T01:59:15Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/purity\/0.5.5","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/absalomedia\/grav-theme-purity","slug":"purity","install_path":"user\/themes\/purity","screenshot":"themes-purity.jpg","changelog":{"0.5.5":{"date":"07\/13\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Light \/ Dark Blog styling\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Restructure CSS & JS","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Light \/ Dark Blog styling<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Restructure CSS &amp; JS<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Light \/ Dark Blog styling\n\n\n\nRestructure CSS &amp; JS"},"0.5.4":{"date":"07\/12\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Dynamic footer\n * PureCSS standardised to IE8 & above\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Dynamic tagline in config","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dynamic footer<\/li>\n<li>PureCSS standardised to IE8 &amp; above<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dynamic tagline in config<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Dynamic footer\nPureCSS standardised to IE8 &amp; above\n\n\n\nDynamic tagline in config"},"0.5.3":{"date":"07\/11\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Dynamic tagline\n * Google Fonts\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Dynamic avatar images","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dynamic tagline<\/li>\n<li>Google Fonts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dynamic avatar images<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Dynamic tagline\nGoogle Fonts\n\n\n\nDynamic avatar images"},"0.5.2":{"date":"05\/04\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Dynamic avatar images\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Author taxonomy fix","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dynamic avatar images<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Author taxonomy fix<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Dynamic avatar images\n\n\n\nAuthor taxonomy fix"},"0.5.1":{"date":"01\/27\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removal of composer.json & unneeded streams","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removal of composer.json &amp; unneeded streams<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removal of composer.json &amp; unneeded streams"},"0.5.0":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Base \"blog\" theme design stable","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Base &quot;blog&quot; theme design stable<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Base &quot;blog&quot; theme design stable"}},"dependencies":[]},"nucleare":{"name":"Nucleare","version":"1.1.5","description":"Theme for the Grav CMS, based on the WordPress theme named Nucleare. It&#39;s mainly aimed to be used for a Blog, but you can also create simple pages. Modular pages to come","description_html":"<p>Theme for the Grav CMS, based on the WordPress theme named Nucleare. It&#39;s mainly aimed to be used for a Blog, but you can also create simple pages. Modular pages to come<\/p>","description_plain":"Theme for the Grav CMS, based on the WordPress theme named Nucleare. It&#39;s mainly aimed to be used for a Blog, but you can also create simple pages. Modular pages to come","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"S\u00e9bastien Viallemonteil","url":"https:\/\/scratchmydev.com","email":"sviallemonteil@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/birssan\/grav-theme-nucleare","keywords":"nucleare, theme, wordpress, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.1.5","date":"2016-06-10T11:58:52Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/nucleare\/1.1.5","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/birssan\/grav-theme-nucleare","slug":"nucleare","install_path":"user\/themes\/nucleare","screenshot":"themes-nucleare.jpg","changelog":{"1.1.5":{"date":"06\/10\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed language display in langswitcher template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed language display in langswitcher template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed language display in langswitcher template"},"1.1.4":{"date":"06\/10\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Romanian language","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Romanian language<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Romanian language"},"1.1.3":{"date":"01\/26\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete composer.json","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete composer.json"},"1.1.2":{"date":"12\/31\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added a few translations and fixed few HTML syntax errors\n * Deleted default language from settings, useless\n * Added Dropdown toggle to settings, you can enable or disable dropdown in navigation bar","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added a few translations and fixed few HTML syntax errors<\/li>\n<li>Deleted default language from settings, useless<\/li>\n<li>Added Dropdown toggle to settings, you can enable or disable dropdown in navigation bar<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added a few translations and fixed few HTML syntax errors\nDeleted default language from settings, useless\nAdded Dropdown toggle to settings, you can enable or disable dropdown in navigation bar"},"1.1.1":{"date":"12\/23\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Forgot one \"Read more\" in blog_item template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Forgot one &quot;Read more&quot; in blog_item template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Forgot one &quot;Read more&quot; in blog_item template"},"1.1.0":{"date":"12\/23\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Added a margin top for notices from the Markdown notices plugin\n * The top border color of the langswitcher menu was not replaced by the custom color if set\n2. [](#new)\n * Multi-Language support added, for now, English and French are supported","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added a margin top for notices from the Markdown notices plugin<\/li>\n<li>The top border color of the langswitcher menu was not replaced by the custom color if set<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Multi-Language support added, for now, English and French are supported<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added a margin top for notices from the Markdown notices plugin\nThe top border color of the langswitcher menu was not replaced by the custom color if set\n\n\n\nMulti-Language support added, for now, English and French are supported"},"1.0.6":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Well it's better when you have your website name in the footer instead of \"My Website\"...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Well it's better when you have your website name in the footer instead of &quot;My Website&quot;...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Well it's better when you have your website name in the footer instead of &quot;My Website&quot;..."},"1.0.5":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added a toggle for the header image so it's easier to disable","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added a toggle for the header image so it's easier to disable<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added a toggle for the header image so it's easier to disable"},"1.0.4":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed the link to go back to the home page on the site title and the header image if there is one","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed the link to go back to the home page on the site title and the header image if there is one<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed the link to go back to the home page on the site title and the header image if there is one"},"1.0.3":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * The AboutMe plugin is included in the sidebar","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The AboutMe plugin is included in the sidebar<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"The AboutMe plugin is included in the sidebar"},"1.0.2":{"date":"12\/17\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * The socialbuttons plugin is included in each blog item if enabled. I've change the CSS to be more in cohesion with the theme.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The socialbuttons plugin is included in each blog item if enabled. I've change the CSS to be more in cohesion with the theme.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"The socialbuttons plugin is included in each blog item if enabled. I've change the CSS to be more in cohesion with the theme."},"1.0.1":{"date":"12\/17\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed a bug when using JSComment in Blog item pages (used a `\/` instead of a `.`, my bad !)\n * Fixed the click on the language switcher, no need to put a link on it, works better on mobile phone (Doesn't reload the page when tapped).","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a bug when using JSComment in Blog item pages (used a <code>\/<\/code> instead of a <code>.<\/code>, my bad !)<\/li>\n<li>Fixed the click on the language switcher, no need to put a link on it, works better on mobile phone (Doesn't reload the page when tapped).<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed a bug when using JSComment in Blog item pages (used a \/ instead of a ., my bad !)\nFixed the click on the language switcher, no need to put a link on it, works better on mobile phone (Doesn't reload the page when tapped)."},"1.0.0":{"date":"12\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * First Version\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>First Version<\/li>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"First Version\nChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"gravstrap-theme":{"name":"Gravstrap Theme","version":"1.2.0","description":"Gravstrap Theme helps you to start a new Grav CMS site with Bootstrap support and several ready to use modules. It is also perfect to start a new Bootstrap custom theme, to create your unique design.","description_html":"<p>Gravstrap Theme helps you to start a new Grav CMS site with Bootstrap support and several ready to use modules. It is also perfect to start a new Bootstrap custom theme, to create your unique design.<\/p>","description_plain":"Gravstrap Theme helps you to start a new Grav CMS site with Bootstrap support and several ready to use modules. It is also perfect to start a new Bootstrap custom theme, to create your unique design.","icon":"picture-o","author":{"name":"Giansimon Diblas","url":"http:\/\/diblas.net","email":"info@diblas.net"},"dependencies":[{"name":"gravstrap","version":"*"},{"name":"shortcode-core","version":"*"},{"name":"langswitcher","version":"*"},{"name":"blog-injector","version":"*"},{"name":"simplesearch","version":"*"},{"name":"feed","version":"*"},{"name":"relatedpages","version":"*"},{"name":"pagination","version":"*"},{"name":"taxonomylist","version":"*"},{"name":"archives","version":"*"},{"name":"breadcrumbs","version":"*"},{"name":"highlight","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/gravstrap-theme","demo":"http:\/\/gravstrap.diblas.net\/","keywords":"gravstrap, bootstrap, theme, responsive, html5, css3, jquery","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/gravstrap-theme\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.2.0","date":"2016-08-21T14:19:33Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/gravstrap-theme\/1.2.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/gravstrap-theme","slug":"gravstrap-theme","install_path":"user\/themes\/gravstrap-theme","screenshot":"themes-gravstrap-theme.jpg","changelog":[]},"future":{"name":"Future","version":"1.0.7","description":"Future Imperfect by HTML5 UP, features a clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements and HTML5\/CSS3 code designed for quick and easy customization.","description_html":"<p>Future Imperfect by HTML5 UP, features a clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements and HTML5\/CSS3 code designed for quick and easy customization.<\/p>","description_plain":"Future Imperfect by HTML5 UP, features a clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements and HTML5\/CSS3 code designed for quick and easy customization.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Lawrence Meckan","url":"http:\/\/www.absalom.biz","email":"media@absalom.biz"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/absalomedia\/grav-theme-future","keywords":"future, imperfect, minimalist, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/absalomedia\/grav-theme-future\/issues","license":"CC-BY-3.0","tag_name":"1.0.7","date":"2016-05-03T23:00:11Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/future\/1.0.7","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/absalomedia\/grav-theme-future","slug":"future","install_path":"user\/themes\/future","screenshot":"themes-future.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.7":{"date":"04\/05\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Dynamic avatar images \n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Author taxonomy - now inherits from sitewide if not specified on page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dynamic avatar images <\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Author taxonomy - now inherits from sitewide if not specified on page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Dynamic avatar images \n\n\n\nAuthor taxonomy - now inherits from sitewide if not specified on page"},"1.0.6":{"date":"02\/04\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Block management - including JS assets at end of page\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * ArticleBody redesign (issue #4)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Block management - including JS assets at end of page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ArticleBody redesign (issue #4)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Block management - including JS assets at end of page\n\n\n\nArticleBody redesign (issue #4)"},"1.0.5":{"date":"01\/27\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Canonical resolution\n * Removal of composer.json & unneeded streams","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Canonical resolution<\/li>\n<li>Removal of composer.json &amp; unneeded streams<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Canonical resolution\nRemoval of composer.json &amp; unneeded streams"},"1.0.4":{"date":"12\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Start of microdata coverage\n * Start of ARIA coverage","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Start of microdata coverage<\/li>\n<li>Start of ARIA coverage<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Start of microdata coverage\nStart of ARIA coverage"},"1.0.3":{"date":"12\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Coverage for header_extra\n * Coverage for Language Switcher\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Aspect ratios on screenshot & thumbnail","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Coverage for header_extra<\/li>\n<li>Coverage for Language Switcher<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Aspect ratios on screenshot &amp; thumbnail<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Coverage for header_extra\nCoverage for Language Switcher\n\n\n\nAspect ratios on screenshot &amp; thumbnail"},"1.0.2":{"date":"12\/03\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * More form design improvements\n * Documentation\n2. [](#new)\n * Coverage for SimpleSearch","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>More form design improvements<\/li>\n<li>Documentation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Coverage for SimpleSearch<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"More form design improvements\nDocumentation\n\n\n\nCoverage for SimpleSearch"},"1.0.1":{"date":"12\/02\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Better form design\n * Documentation\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Machine date time\n3. [](#new)\n * Coverage for SnipCart\n * Better randomised content","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Better form design<\/li>\n<li>Documentation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Machine date time<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Coverage for SnipCart<\/li>\n<li>Better randomised content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Better form design\nDocumentation\n\n\n\nMachine date time\n\n\n\nCoverage for SnipCart\nBetter randomised content"},"1.0.0":{"date":"12\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"minimalist":{"name":"Minimalist","version":"1.0.0","description":"A minimalistic blog theme for grav","description_html":"<p>A minimalistic blog theme for grav<\/p>","description_plain":"A minimalistic blog theme for grav","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"Philipp Spinnler","url":"http:\/\/philippspinnler.com","email":"philipp@spinnler.ch"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/philippspinnler\/grav-theme-minimalist","keywords":"minimalist, clean, simple, blog, core, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/philippspinnler\/grav-theme-minimalist\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.0","date":"2015-11-30T06:25:17Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/minimalist\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/philippspinnler\/grav-theme-minimalist","slug":"minimalist","install_path":"user\/themes\/minimalist","screenshot":"themes-minimalist.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"11\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"grayscale":{"name":"Grayscale","version":"1.0.0","description":"Grayscale is a clean and professional one-page theme for **Grav**","description_html":"<p>Grayscale is a clean and professional one-page theme for <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"Grayscale is a clean and professional one-page theme for Grav","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Vitor Costa","url":"http:\/\/vmcosta.net","email":"vmcosta@me.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/vmcosta\/grav-theme-grayscale","demo":"http:\/\/demo.vmcosta.net\/grayscale-skeleton","keywords":"grayscale, theme, onepage, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/vmcosta\/grav-theme-grayscale\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.0.1","date":"2015-12-13T00:06:33Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/grayscale\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/vmcosta\/grav-theme-grayscale","slug":"grayscale","install_path":"user\/themes\/grayscale","screenshot":"themes-grayscale.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.1":{"date":"12\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Removed `simple_form` plugin files not beeing used.\n * Added default.html.twig to templates folder","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed <code>simple_form<\/code> plugin files not beeing used.<\/li>\n<li>Added default.html.twig to templates folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed simple_form plugin files not beeing used.\nAdded default.html.twig to templates folder"},"1.0.0":{"date":"11\/05\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"lens":{"name":"Lens","version":"1.1.0","description":"Just another fine responsive site template by HTML5 UP ported to Grav","description_html":"<p>Just another fine responsive site template by HTML5 UP ported to Grav<\/p>","description_plain":"Just another fine responsive site template by HTML5 UP ported to Grav","icon":"newspaper-o","author":{"name":"Dev&#39;Code","url":"http:\/\/lab.dev-code.fr","email":"lab.dev.code@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/lab-dev-code\/grav-theme-lens","demo":"http:\/\/lab.dev-code.fr\/grav-demos\/grav-theme-lens","keywords":"lens, theme","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/lab-dev-code\/grav-theme-lens\/issues","license":"CC-BY","tag_name":"v1.1.0","date":"2015-11-12T15:24:45Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/lens\/1.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/lab-dev-code\/grav-theme-lens","slug":"lens","install_path":"user\/themes\/lens","screenshot":"themes-lens.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.0":{"date":"11\/03\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."},"1.1.0":{"date":"11\/12\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Support of self-hosted relative URLs (using Twig `|absolute_url` filter)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Support of self-hosted relative URLs (using Twig <code>|absolute_url<\/code> filter)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Support of self-hosted relative URLs (using Twig |absolute_url filter)"}},"dependencies":[]},"afterburner2":{"name":"Afterburner2","version":"1.7.1","description":"Afterburner2 is modern, responsive, and **built for speed**!","description_html":"<p>Afterburner2 is modern, responsive, and <strong>built for speed<\/strong>!<\/p>","description_plain":"Afterburner2 is modern, responsive, and built for speed!","icon":"paper-plane","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-afterburner2","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/afterburner2-skeleton\/","keywords":"afterburner, theme, modern, fast, responsive","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-afterburner2\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.7.1","date":"2017-02-26T08:24:46Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/afterburner2\/1.7.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-afterburner2","slug":"afterburner2","install_path":"user\/themes\/afterburner2","screenshot":"themes-afterburner2.jpg","changelog":{"1.7.1":{"date":"02\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Allow to add a `external` class to site.yaml links to work on modular pages [antimatter#95](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/95)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow to add a <code>external<\/code> class to site.yaml links to work on modular pages <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/95\">antimatter#95<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Allow to add a external class to site.yaml links to work on modular pages antimatter#95"},"1.7.0":{"date":"09\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Drop unneeded form twig overrides","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Drop unneeded form twig overrides<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Drop unneeded form twig overrides"},"1.6.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Translate the theme blueprint options\n * Add logic to include site.menu items in modular pages too\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Translate the theme blueprint options<\/li>\n<li>Add logic to include site.menu items in modular pages too<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Translate the theme blueprint options\nAdd logic to include site.menu items in modular pages too\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.5.1":{"date":"09\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Use new form plugin templates","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use new form plugin templates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Use new form plugin templates"},"1.5.0":{"date":"08\/31\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for `login-status` partial in menu\n * Added support for `langswitcher` plugin\n1. [](#improved)\n * Use new toggle for item blueprint\n * Made sidebar links more robust\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Favicon with full image URL\n * Fixed sidebar links when site at root","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for <code>login-status<\/code> partial in menu<\/li>\n<li>Added support for <code>langswitcher<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use new toggle for item blueprint<\/li>\n<li>Made sidebar links more robust<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Favicon with full image URL<\/li>\n<li>Fixed sidebar links when site at root<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for login-status partial in menu\nAdded support for langswitcher plugin\n\n\n\nUse new toggle for item blueprint\nMade sidebar links more robust\n\n\n\nFavicon with full image URL\nFixed sidebar links when site at root"},"1.4.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.3.8":{"date":"06\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Handle page summary properly","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Handle page summary properly<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Handle page summary properly"},"1.3.7":{"date":"04\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`"},"1.3.6":{"date":"04\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Genericized theme_config variable for better inheritance","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Genericized theme_config variable for better inheritance<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Genericized theme_config variable for better inheritance"},"1.3.5":{"date":"03\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for compressed text in `.pure-g` divs","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for compressed text in <code>.pure-g<\/code> divs<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for compressed text in .pure-g divs"},"1.3.4":{"date":"03\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Load pure grids at all times for better non-flexbox support","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Load pure grids at all times for better non-flexbox support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Load pure grids at all times for better non-flexbox support"},"1.3.3":{"date":"03\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Switched to Grav's built-in `jQuery` assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Switched to Grav's built-in <code>jQuery<\/code> assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Switched to Grav's built-in jQuery assets"},"1.3.2":{"date":"02\/19\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Implemented new `param_sep` variable from Grav 0.9.18","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented new <code>param_sep<\/code> variable from Grav 0.9.18<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Implemented new param_sep variable from Grav 0.9.18"},"1.3.1":{"date":"02\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added demo link to blueprint\n1. [](#improved)\n * Fix for table layout","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added demo link to blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for table layout<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added demo link to blueprint\n\n\n\nFix for table layout"},"1.3.0":{"date":"01\/23\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Extensive updates syncing functionality with current Antimatter theme","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Extensive updates syncing functionality with current Antimatter theme<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Extensive updates syncing functionality with current Antimatter theme"},"1.2.0":{"date":"01\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in `partials\/` folder\n * Updated README.md","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in <code>partials\/<\/code> folder<\/li>\n<li>Updated README.md<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in partials\/ folder\nUpdated README.md"},"1.1.4":{"date":"12\/15\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"antimatter":{"name":"Antimatter","version":"2.1.2","description":"Antimatter is the default theme included with **Grav**","description_html":"<p>Antimatter is the default theme included with <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"Antimatter is the default theme included with Grav","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/blog-skeleton","keywords":"antimatter, theme, core, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"2.1.2","date":"2017-09-28T23:31:57Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/antimatter\/2.1.2","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter","slug":"antimatter","install_path":"user\/themes\/antimatter","screenshot":"themes-antimatter.jpg","changelog":{"2.1.2":{"date":"9\/28\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added polish and brazilian portuguese translations\n * Allow overriding the slidebar by moving it to its own `sidebar_navigation` block [#110](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/110)\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix showcase template overlapping when not at top [#99](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/99)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added polish and brazilian portuguese translations<\/li>\n<li>Allow overriding the slidebar by moving it to its own <code>sidebar_navigation<\/code> block <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/110\">#110<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix showcase template overlapping when not at top <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/99\">#99<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added polish and brazilian portuguese translations\nAllow overriding the slidebar by moving it to its own sidebar_navigation block #110\n\n\n\nFix showcase template overlapping when not at top #99"},"2.1.1":{"date":"02\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Allow to add a `external` class to site.yaml links to work on modular pages [#95](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/95)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow to add a <code>external<\/code> class to site.yaml links to work on modular pages <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/95\">#95<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Allow to add a external class to site.yaml links to work on modular pages #95"},"2.1.0":{"date":"01\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Updated to FontAwesome 4.7.0 with [Grav icon](http:\/\/fontawesome.io\/icon\/grav\/)\n1. [](#improved)\n * Added croatian\n * Changed \"SimpleSearch\" string in the sidebar to \"Search\"\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed unreachable condition [#85](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/85)\n * Fixed a typo in the french translation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated to FontAwesome 4.7.0 with <a href=\"http:\/\/fontawesome.io\/icon\/grav\/\">Grav icon<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added croatian<\/li>\n<li>Changed &quot;SimpleSearch&quot; string in the sidebar to &quot;Search&quot;<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unreachable condition <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/85\">#85<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Fixed a typo in the french translation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated to FontAwesome 4.7.0 with Grav icon\n\n\n\nAdded croatian\nChanged &quot;SimpleSearch&quot; string in the sidebar to &quot;Search&quot;\n\n\n\nRemoved unreachable condition #85\nFixed a typo in the french translation"},"2.0.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added microformats2 support [#64](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/64)\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated to FontAwesome 4.6.3\n * Added romanian, russian and ukranian","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added microformats2 support <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-antimatter\/pull\/64\">#64<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated to FontAwesome 4.6.3<\/li>\n<li>Added romanian, russian and ukranian<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added microformats2 support #64\n\n\n\nUpdated to FontAwesome 4.6.3\nAdded romanian, russian and ukranian"},"2.0.0-beta.1":{"date":"05\/23\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * New and improved **dropdown** styling\n1. [](#improved)\n * Removed templates from `form` + `snipcart` plugins\n * Added support for search button\n * Updated some translations\n * Automatically add comments if configured\n * Relative path for favicon\n * Slightly modified the blockquote background color\n * Removed unneeded streams from YAML\n * Use common language strings in Blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>New and improved <strong>dropdown<\/strong> styling<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed templates from <code>form<\/code> + <code>snipcart<\/code> plugins<\/li>\n<li>Added support for search button<\/li>\n<li>Updated some translations<\/li>\n<li>Automatically add comments if configured<\/li>\n<li>Relative path for favicon<\/li>\n<li>Slightly modified the blockquote background color<\/li>\n<li>Removed unneeded streams from YAML<\/li>\n<li>Use common language strings in Blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"New and improved dropdown styling\n\n\n\nRemoved templates from form + snipcart plugins\nAdded support for search button\nUpdated some translations\nAutomatically add comments if configured\nRelative path for favicon\nSlightly modified the blockquote background color\nRemoved unneeded streams from YAML\nUse common language strings in Blueprint"},"1.8.0":{"date":"11\/20\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages\n * Added a configurable lang field for HTML tag\n * Added a `bottom` JS output call\n1. [](#improved)\n * Updated to FontAwesome 4.4.0\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed extra `\/` in some tag URLs\n * Better support for PECL Yaml parser\n * Fixes for blog page blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages<\/li>\n<li>Added a configurable lang field for HTML tag<\/li>\n<li>Added a <code>bottom<\/code> JS output call<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated to FontAwesome 4.4.0<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed extra <code>\/<\/code> in some tag URLs<\/li>\n<li>Better support for PECL Yaml parser<\/li>\n<li>Fixes for blog page blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages\nAdded a configurable lang field for HTML tag\nAdded a bottom JS output call\n\n\n\nUpdated to FontAwesome 4.4.0\n\n\n\nFixed extra \/ in some tag URLs\nBetter support for PECL Yaml parser\nFixes for blog page blueprint"},"1.7.6":{"date":"10\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages\n1. [](#improved)\n * Removed unused `<p>` tags","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed unused <code>&lt;p&gt;<\/code> tags<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added logic to include site.menu items in modular pages\n\n\n\nRemoved unused &lt;p&gt; tags"},"1.7.5":{"date":"09\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Use new form plugin templates","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use new form plugin templates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Use new form plugin templates"},"1.7.3":{"date":"08\/31\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added header image control and blueprints to admin plugin\n1. [](#improved)\n * Use new template field for modular pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added header image control and blueprints to admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use new template field for modular pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added header image control and blueprints to admin plugin\n\n\n\nUse new template field for modular pages"},"1.7.2":{"date":"08\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for `login-status` partial in menu","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for <code>login-status<\/code> partial in menu<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for login-status partial in menu"},"1.7.1":{"date":"08\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Use new toggle for item blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use new toggle for item blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Use new toggle for item blueprint"},"1.7.0":{"date":"08\/06\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Blueprints that work with new admin plugin!\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Favicon with full image URL","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Blueprints that work with new admin plugin!<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Favicon with full image URL<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Blueprints that work with new admin plugin!\n\n\n\nFavicon with full image URL"},"1.6.1":{"date":"07\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed sidebar links when site at root","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed sidebar links when site at root<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed sidebar links when site at root"},"1.6.0":{"date":"07\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for `langswitcher` plugin\n1. [](#improved)\n * Made sidebar links more robust","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for <code>langswitcher<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Made sidebar links more robust<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for langswitcher plugin\n\n\n\nMade sidebar links more robust"},"1.5.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added canonical URL support\n1. [](#improved)\n * More improvements for blueprints\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixes for multi-language support","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added canonical URL support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>More improvements for blueprints<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixes for multi-language support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added canonical URL support\n\n\n\nMore improvements for blueprints\n\n\n\nFixes for multi-language support"},"1.4.0":{"date":"05\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved blueprints\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for when page.summary is equal to page.content","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved blueprints<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for when page.summary is equal to page.content<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved blueprints\n\n\n\nFix for when page.summary is equal to page.content"},"1.3.9":{"date":"04\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`"},"1.3.8":{"date":"04\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Genericized theme_config variable for better inheritance","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Genericized theme_config variable for better inheritance<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Genericized theme_config variable for better inheritance"},"1.3.7":{"date":"03\/28\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Rolled back changes that resulted in broken header","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Rolled back changes that resulted in broken header<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Rolled back changes that resulted in broken header"},"1.3.6":{"date":"03\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for compressed text in `.pure-g` divs","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for compressed text in <code>.pure-g<\/code> divs<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for compressed text in .pure-g divs"},"1.3.5":{"date":"03\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Keep html,body on height:100%; use body for scroll event\n * Use Footer colors from vars rather than hard-coded\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Load pure grids at all times for better non-flexbox support","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Keep html,body on height:100%; use body for scroll event<\/li>\n<li>Use Footer colors from vars rather than hard-coded<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Load pure grids at all times for better non-flexbox support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Keep html,body on height:100%; use body for scroll event\nUse Footer colors from vars rather than hard-coded\n\n\n\nLoad pure grids at all times for better non-flexbox support"},"1.3.4":{"date":"03\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Use new Grav builtin 'jQuery' support","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use new Grav builtin 'jQuery' support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Use new Grav builtin 'jQuery' support"},"1.3.3":{"date":"02\/19\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Implemented new `param_sep` variable from Grav 0.9.18\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for table column widths\n * Force snipcart slider to look in all pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented new <code>param_sep<\/code> variable from Grav 0.9.18<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for table column widths<\/li>\n<li>Force snipcart slider to look in all pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Implemented new param_sep variable from Grav 0.9.18\n\n\n\nFix for table column widths\nForce snipcart slider to look in all pages"},"1.3.2":{"date":"02\/05\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Minor typo in assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Minor typo in assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Minor typo in assets"},"1.3.1":{"date":"01\/23\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Added page title encoding\n * Stop modular pages showing up in dropdown menus\n * Fixed typo in streams setup","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added page title encoding<\/li>\n<li>Stop modular pages showing up in dropdown menus<\/li>\n<li>Fixed typo in streams setup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added page title encoding\nStop modular pages showing up in dropdown menus\nFixed typo in streams setup"},"1.3.0":{"date":"01\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in `partials\/` folder\n * Updated README.md","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in <code>partials\/<\/code> folder<\/li>\n<li>Updated README.md<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in partials\/ folder\nUpdated README.md"},"1.2.7":{"date":"12\/29\/2014","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed `Fixed` header image to resolve issues with mobile browsers","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed <code>Fixed<\/code> header image to resolve issues with mobile browsers<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed Fixed header image to resolve issues with mobile browsers"},"1.2.6":{"date":"12\/21\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for list of custom menu items in `site.yaml`\n * Updated `README.md` with some instructions on how to use some Antimatter features\n1. [](#improved)\n * Removed `cache.html.twig` file that was used only for testing\n * Removed unused `color` option in `antimatter.yaml`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for list of custom menu items in <code>site.yaml<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Updated <code>README.md<\/code> with some instructions on how to use some Antimatter features<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed <code>cache.html.twig<\/code> file that was used only for testing<\/li>\n<li>Removed unused <code>color<\/code> option in <code>antimatter.yaml<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for list of custom menu items in site.yaml\nUpdated README.md with some instructions on how to use some Antimatter features\n\n\n\nRemoved cache.html.twig file that was used only for testing\nRemoved unused color option in antimatter.yaml"},"1.2.5":{"date":"12\/15\/2014","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for Firefox 34 Flex\/Responsiveness issues","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for Firefox 34 Flex\/Responsiveness issues<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for Firefox 34 Flex\/Responsiveness issues"},"1.2.4":{"date":"12\/12\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added demo link to blueprints\n1. [](#improved)\n * Inverted Previous\/Next buttons on blog item template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added demo link to blueprints<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Inverted Previous\/Next buttons on blog item template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added demo link to blueprints\n\n\n\nInverted Previous\/Next buttons on blog item template"},"1.2.3":{"date":"12\/05\/2014","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Simplified Previous\/Next buttons to use Page methods","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Simplified Previous\/Next buttons to use Page methods<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Simplified Previous\/Next buttons to use Page methods"},"1.2.2":{"date":"12\/04\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Previous\/Next buttons with Collection methods\n * Added Related posts in blog sidebar\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for DaringFireball style link","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Previous\/Next buttons with Collection methods<\/li>\n<li>Added Related posts in blog sidebar<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for DaringFireball style link<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Previous\/Next buttons with Collection methods\nAdded Related posts in blog sidebar\n\n\n\nFix for DaringFireball style link"},"1.2.1":{"date":"11\/30\/2014","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Renamed core theme JS file\n * Removed featherlight from Antimatter\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed response code in error template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Renamed core theme JS file<\/li>\n<li>Removed featherlight from Antimatter<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed response code in error template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Renamed core theme JS file\nRemoved featherlight from Antimatter\n\n\n\nFixed response code in error template"},"1.2.0":{"date":"11\/28\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added SimpleSearch display in blog sidebar\n * Added reference to `custom.css` file in core\n1. [](#improved)\n * Added plugins checks for improved flexibility if plugins are not installed","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added SimpleSearch display in blog sidebar<\/li>\n<li>Added reference to <code>custom.css<\/code> file in core<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added plugins checks for improved flexibility if plugins are not installed<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added SimpleSearch display in blog sidebar\nAdded reference to custom.css file in core\n\n\n\nAdded plugins checks for improved flexibility if plugins are not installed"},"1.1.11":{"date":"11\/21\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"bootstrap":{"name":"Bootstrap","version":"1.6.0","description":"Bootstrap is built using the popular **Bootstrap** Framework","description_html":"<p>Bootstrap is built using the popular <strong>Bootstrap<\/strong> Framework<\/p>","description_plain":"Bootstrap is built using the popular Bootstrap Framework","icon":"bold","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"bootstrapper","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-bootstrap","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/bootstrap-skeleton\/","keywords":"bootstrap, theme, framework","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-bootstrap\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.6.0","date":"2016-12-06T15:44:00Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/bootstrap\/1.6.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-bootstrap","slug":"bootstrap","install_path":"user\/themes\/bootstrap","screenshot":"themes-bootstrap.jpg","changelog":{"1.6.0":{"date":"12\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Only set fixed-nav class on body element when show_onpage_menu is true [#15](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-bootstrap\/pull\/15)\n * Translate label in custom form field templates\n * Add custom styling for login forms","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Only set fixed-nav class on body element when show_onpage_menu is true <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-bootstrap\/pull\/15\">#15<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Translate label in custom form field templates<\/li>\n<li>Add custom styling for login forms<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Only set fixed-nav class on body element when show_onpage_menu is true #15\nTranslate label in custom form field templates\nAdd custom styling for login forms"},"1.5.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Dropped own version of Bootstrap, rely on the Bootstrapper plugin\n * Add the bootstrap-styled email form field twig template\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Replace the hardcoded \"Grav\" title with the actual site title\n * Include the correct javascript file that highlights the active section in the menu","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dropped own version of Bootstrap, rely on the Bootstrapper plugin<\/li>\n<li>Add the bootstrap-styled email form field twig template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Replace the hardcoded &quot;Grav&quot; title with the actual site title<\/li>\n<li>Include the correct javascript file that highlights the active section in the menu<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Dropped own version of Bootstrap, rely on the Bootstrapper plugin\nAdd the bootstrap-styled email form field twig template\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nReplace the hardcoded &quot;Grav&quot; title with the actual site title\nInclude the correct javascript file that highlights the active section in the menu"},"1.4.1":{"date":"09\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Use new form plugin templates","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use new form plugin templates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Use new form plugin templates"},"1.4.0":{"date":"08\/31\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for `login-status` partial in menu\n * Added support for `langswitcher` plugin\n1. [](#improved)\n * Use new toggle for item blueprint\n * Made sidebar links more robust\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Favicon with full image URL\n * Fixed sidebar links when site at root","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for <code>login-status<\/code> partial in menu<\/li>\n<li>Added support for <code>langswitcher<\/code> plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use new toggle for item blueprint<\/li>\n<li>Made sidebar links more robust<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Favicon with full image URL<\/li>\n<li>Fixed sidebar links when site at root<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for login-status partial in menu\nAdded support for langswitcher plugin\n\n\n\nUse new toggle for item blueprint\nMade sidebar links more robust\n\n\n\nFavicon with full image URL\nFixed sidebar links when site at root"},"1.3.3":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed a `.DS_Store`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed a <code>.DS_Store<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed a .DS_Store"},"1.3.2":{"date":"06\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Handle page summary properly","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Handle page summary properly<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Handle page summary properly"},"1.3.1":{"date":"04\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for image class in modular template 'text.html.twig`"},"1.3.0":{"date":"02\/28\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * Now relies on Grav 0.9.19+\n * Relies on new `bootstrapper` plugin to load Bootstrap CSS and JS","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Now relies on Grav 0.9.19+<\/li>\n<li>Relies on new <code>bootstrapper<\/code> plugin to load Bootstrap CSS and JS<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Now relies on Grav 0.9.19+\nRelies on new bootstrapper plugin to load Bootstrap CSS and JS"},"1.2.2":{"date":"02\/19\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * Implemented new `param_sep` variable from Grav 0.9.18","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Implemented new <code>param_sep<\/code> variable from Grav 0.9.18<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Implemented new param_sep variable from Grav 0.9.18"},"1.2.1":{"date":"02\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added demo link to blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added demo link to blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added demo link to blueprint"},"1.2.0":{"date":"01\/26\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Extensive updates syncing functionality with current Antimatter theme","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Extensive updates syncing functionality with current Antimatter theme<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Extensive updates syncing functionality with current Antimatter theme"},"1.1.4":{"date":"01\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in `partials\/` folder\n * Updated README.md","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in <code>partials\/<\/code> folder<\/li>\n<li>Updated README.md<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"NOTE: BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed references to plugins in partials\/ folder\nUpdated README.md"},"1.1.3":{"date":"11\/09\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"hpstr":{"name":"HPSTR","version":"1.5.0","description":"HPSTR theme by mademistakes ported to **Grav**","description_html":"<p>HPSTR theme by mademistakes ported to <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"HPSTR theme by mademistakes ported to Grav","icon":"camera-retro","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-hpstr","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/hpstr-skeleton","keywords":"hpstr, theme, modern, fast, responsive, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-hpstr\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.5.0","date":"2016-07-14T14:23:19Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/hpstr\/1.5.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-hpstr","slug":"hpstr","install_path":"user\/themes\/hpstr","screenshot":"themes-hpstr.jpg","changelog":{"1.5.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fix pagination\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fix pagination<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFix pagination"},"1.4.0":{"date":"12\/28\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Minor bugfixes ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Minor bugfixes <\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Minor bugfixes "},"1.3.0":{"date":"10\/23\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed menu not working at root \n * Fixed issue where links were `\/tag` instead of `\/tags`\n * Fixed issue with bad URL in date header element","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed menu not working at root <\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue where links were <code>\/tag<\/code> instead of <code>\/tags<\/code><\/li>\n<li>Fixed issue with bad URL in date header element<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed menu not working at root \nFixed issue where links were \/tag instead of \/tags\nFixed issue with bad URL in date header element"},"1.2.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/22\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Clicking off the menu now closes it properly","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Clicking off the menu now closes it properly<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Clicking off the menu now closes it properly"},"1.0.4":{"date":"07\/14\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Bad release, trying again...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Bad release, trying again...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Bad release, trying again..."},"1.0.3":{"date":"07\/14\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Modernized the header js\/css tags to fix broken JS","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Modernized the header js\/css tags to fix broken JS<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Modernized the header js\/css tags to fix broken JS"},"1.0.2":{"date":"02\/19\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n\t* Added SimpleSearch capability\n * Implemented new `param_sep` variable from Grav 0.9.18","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added SimpleSearch capability<\/li>\n<li>Implemented new <code>param_sep<\/code> variable from Grav 0.9.18<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added SimpleSearch capability\nImplemented new param_sep variable from Grav 0.9.18"},"1.0.1":{"date":"02\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"mediator":{"name":"Mediator","version":"1.3.0","description":"Mediator theme by Dirk Fabisch ported to **Grav**","description_html":"<p>Mediator theme by Dirk Fabisch ported to <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"Mediator theme by Dirk Fabisch ported to Grav","icon":"bullseye","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-mediator","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/mediator-skeleton","keywords":"mediator, theme, modern, fast, responsive, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-mediator\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.3.0","date":"2016-07-14T14:36:21Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/mediator\/1.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-mediator","slug":"mediator","install_path":"user\/themes\/mediator","screenshot":"themes-mediator.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fix pagination\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fix pagination<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFix pagination"},"1.2.0":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Dropped an extraneous debug statement\n1. [](#bugfix)\n\t* Fixed RSS link\n\t* Fix tag links on a root domain site","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Dropped an extraneous debug statement<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed RSS link<\/li>\n<li>Fix tag links on a root domain site<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Dropped an extraneous debug statement\n\n\n\nFixed RSS link\nFix tag links on a root domain site"},"1.1.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.0.3":{"date":"03\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Switched to Grav's built-in `jQuery` assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Switched to Grav's built-in <code>jQuery<\/code> assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Switched to Grav's built-in jQuery assets"},"1.0.2":{"date":"02\/19\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n\t* Updated README\n\t* Fixed feed URL on homepage\n\t* Added demo link\n * Implemented new `param_sep` variable from Grav 0.9.18","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated README<\/li>\n<li>Fixed feed URL on homepage<\/li>\n<li>Added demo link<\/li>\n<li>Implemented new <code>param_sep<\/code> variable from Grav 0.9.18<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated README\nFixed feed URL on homepage\nAdded demo link\nImplemented new param_sep variable from Grav 0.9.18"},"1.0.1":{"date":"02\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"notepad":{"name":"Notepad","version":"1.3.0","description":"Notepad theme by HOSSAIN MOHD FAYSAL ported to **Grav**","description_html":"<p>Notepad theme by HOSSAIN MOHD FAYSAL ported to <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"Notepad theme by HOSSAIN MOHD FAYSAL ported to Grav","icon":"pencil-square","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-notepad","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/notepad-skeleton","keywords":"notepad, theme, modern, fast, responsive, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-notepad\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.3.0","date":"2016-07-14T13:54:20Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/notepad\/1.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-notepad","slug":"notepad","install_path":"user\/themes\/notepad","screenshot":"themes-notepad.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fixed pagination \n * Updated the logo link url\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fixed pagination <\/li>\n<li>Updated the logo link url<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFixed pagination \nUpdated the logo link url"},"1.2.0":{"date":"09\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n\t* Various UI fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Various UI fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Various UI fixes"},"1.1.1":{"date":"08\/31\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n\t* Fixed 404 when clicking on tag while viewing post\n * Fix not using date in post header","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed 404 when clicking on tag while viewing post<\/li>\n<li>Fix not using date in post header<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed 404 when clicking on tag while viewing post\nFix not using date in post header"},"1.1.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.0.4":{"date":"03\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Switched to Grav's built-in `jQuery` assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Switched to Grav's built-in <code>jQuery<\/code> assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Switched to Grav's built-in jQuery assets"},"1.0.3":{"date":"02\/19\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n\t* Updated README\n * Implemented new `param_sep` variable from Grav 0.9.18\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix home reference URL ","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated README<\/li>\n<li>Implemented new <code>param_sep<\/code> variable from Grav 0.9.18<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix home reference URL <\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated README\nImplemented new param_sep variable from Grav 0.9.18\n\n\n\nFix home reference URL "},"1.0.2":{"date":"12\/16\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"agency":{"name":"Agency","version":"1.4.0","description":"Agency is a clean and professional one-page theme for **Grav**","description_html":"<p>Agency is a clean and professional one-page theme for <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"Agency is a clean and professional one-page theme for Grav","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-agency","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/agency-skeleton","keywords":"agency, theme, onepage, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-agency\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.4.0","date":"2016-07-14T13:32:41Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/agency\/1.4.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-agency","slug":"agency","install_path":"user\/themes\/agency","screenshot":"themes-agency.jpg","changelog":{"1.4.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n * Load Google Fonts using a protocol independent URL, fix SSL issue\n * Supports the Form plugin modular page\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<li>Load Google Fonts using a protocol independent URL, fix SSL issue<\/li>\n<li>Supports the Form plugin modular page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\nLoad Google Fonts using a protocol independent URL, fix SSL issue\nSupports the Form plugin modular page\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.3.1":{"date":"12\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added support for `custom.css`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for <code>custom.css<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for custom.css"},"1.3.0":{"date":"10\/23\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix hardcoded navigation\n * Fixed onpage modular navigation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix hardcoded navigation<\/li>\n<li>Fixed onpage modular navigation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix hardcoded navigation\nFixed onpage modular navigation"},"1.2.0":{"date":"09\/22\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved compatibility with newest Grav\n * Improved compatibility with SimpleForm component\n * Minor fixes and cleanups\n2. [](#new)\n * Added default layout ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved compatibility with newest Grav<\/li>\n<li>Improved compatibility with SimpleForm component<\/li>\n<li>Minor fixes and cleanups<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added default layout <\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved compatibility with newest Grav\nImproved compatibility with SimpleForm component\nMinor fixes and cleanups\n\n\n\nAdded default layout "},"1.1.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.0.3":{"date":"03\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Switched to Grav's built-in `jQuery` assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Switched to Grav's built-in <code>jQuery<\/code> assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Switched to Grav's built-in jQuery assets"},"1.0.2":{"date":"02\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for mobile responsive menu\n * Fix for variable names with `-` causing issues, switched to `_`","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for mobile responsive menu<\/li>\n<li>Fix for variable names with <code>-<\/code> causing issues, switched to <code>_<\/code><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for mobile responsive menu\nFix for variable names with - causing issues, switched to _"},"1.0.1":{"date":"01\/08\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix smooth scrolling from menu links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix smooth scrolling from menu links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix smooth scrolling from menu links"},"1.0.0":{"date":"01\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"deliver":{"name":"Deliver","version":"1.6.2","description":"Deliver theme is a port of the Michael Reimer&#39;s Deliver Free PSD theme.","description_html":"<p>Deliver theme is a port of the Michael Reimer&#39;s Deliver Free PSD theme.<\/p>","description_plain":"Deliver theme is a port of the Michael Reimer&#39;s Deliver Free PSD theme.","icon":"newspaper-o","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-deliver","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/deliver-skeleton\/","keywords":"deliver, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-deliver\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.6.2","date":"2016-12-20T10:13:01Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/deliver\/1.6.2","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-deliver","slug":"deliver","install_path":"user\/themes\/deliver","screenshot":"themes-deliver.jpg","changelog":{"1.6.2":{"date":"12\/20\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Add bottom js call in bottom block","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add bottom js call in bottom block<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add bottom js call in bottom block"},"1.6.1":{"date":"12\/10\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added background animation when scrolling the menu in sticky mode\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed some mobile alignments for hamburger and search icons in sticky mode","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added background animation when scrolling the menu in sticky mode<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed some mobile alignments for hamburger and search icons in sticky mode<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added background animation when scrolling the menu in sticky mode\n\n\n\nFixed some mobile alignments for hamburger and search icons in sticky mode"},"1.6.0":{"date":"12\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add an option to have a sticky menu. Also added blueprint configuration to turn in on from the admin. Disabled by default. Uses https:\/\/github.com\/bigspotteddog\/ScrollToFixed\n1. [](#improved)\n * Invert order of previous and next button in the blog posts navigation\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix forms not working as expected. Drop the form twig overrides as they break the forms, and don't really customise the output","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add an option to have a sticky menu. Also added blueprint configuration to turn in on from the admin. Disabled by default. Uses <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/bigspotteddog\/ScrollToFixed\">https:\/\/github.com\/bigspotteddog\/ScrollToFixed<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Invert order of previous and next button in the blog posts navigation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix forms not working as expected. Drop the form twig overrides as they break the forms, and don't really customise the output<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add an option to have a sticky menu. Also added blueprint configuration to turn in on from the admin. Disabled by default. Uses https:\/\/github.com\/bigspotteddog\/ScrollToFixed\n\n\n\nInvert order of previous and next button in the blog posts navigation\n\n\n\nFix forms not working as expected. Drop the form twig overrides as they break the forms, and don't really customise the output"},"1.5.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n * Add the `theme_config` twig var\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix missing fontawesome-webfont.woff2 file\n * Fix slider buttons on tablet\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<li>Add the <code>theme_config<\/code> twig var<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix missing fontawesome-webfont.woff2 file<\/li>\n<li>Fix slider buttons on tablet<\/li>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\nAdd the theme_config twig var\n\n\n\nFix missing fontawesome-webfont.woff2 file\nFix slider buttons on tablet\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.4.0":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Fontawesome updated to 4.5.0\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Searchbox in search results fix","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fontawesome updated to 4.5.0<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Searchbox in search results fix<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fontawesome updated to 4.5.0\n\n\n\nSearchbox in search results fix"},"1.3.1":{"date":"12\/18\/2015","content":"2. [](#bugfix)\n * Added nonce support to form template","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added nonce support to form template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added nonce support to form template"},"1.3.0":{"date":"11\/18\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * SimpleForm replaced with Forms plugin\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Admin plugin bugfixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>SimpleForm replaced with Forms plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Admin plugin bugfixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"SimpleForm replaced with Forms plugin\n\n\n\nAdmin plugin bugfixes"},"1.2.0":{"date":"09\/18\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Updated outdated blueprints\n * Bugfix for pagination plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated outdated blueprints<\/li>\n<li>Bugfix for pagination plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated outdated blueprints\nBugfix for pagination plugin"},"1.1.1":{"date":"09\/18\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * compatibility with newest Grav version.\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * SimpleForm compatibility bugfixes.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>compatibility with newest Grav version.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>SimpleForm compatibility bugfixes.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"compatibility with newest Grav version.\n\n\n\nSimpleForm compatibility bugfixes."},"1.1.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Taxonomy count fix","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Taxonomy count fix<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin\n\n\n\nTaxonomy count fix"},"1.0.4":{"date":"05\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Fix for bottom menu links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for bottom menu links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for bottom menu links"},"1.0.3":{"date":"03\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Switched to Grav's built-in `jQuery` assets","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Switched to Grav's built-in <code>jQuery<\/code> assets<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Switched to Grav's built-in jQuery assets"},"1.0.2":{"date":"02\/19\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * Added SimpleSearch capability\n * Implemented new `param_sep` variable from Grav 0.9.18","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added SimpleSearch capability<\/li>\n<li>Implemented new <code>param_sep<\/code> variable from Grav 0.9.18<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added SimpleSearch capability\nImplemented new param_sep variable from Grav 0.9.18"},"1.0.1":{"date":"02\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"twenty":{"name":"Twenty","version":"1.6.0","description":"Twenty is a free and responsive theme for **Grav**. It&#39;s a port of **Twenty** template by HTML5 UP.","description_html":"<p>Twenty is a free and responsive theme for <strong>Grav<\/strong>. It&#39;s a port of <strong>Twenty<\/strong> template by HTML5 UP.<\/p>","description_plain":"Twenty is a free and responsive theme for Grav. It&#39;s a port of Twenty template by HTML5 UP.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"form","version":">=2.0.2"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-twenty","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/twenty-skeleton","keywords":"twenty, theme, onepage, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-twenty\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.6.0","date":"2016-09-09T22:23:16Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/twenty\/1.6.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-twenty","slug":"twenty","install_path":"user\/themes\/twenty","screenshot":"themes-twenty.jpg","changelog":{"1.6.0":{"date":"09\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup. Drop totally custom form markup, extend from forms default twig files","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup. Drop totally custom form markup, extend from forms default twig files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup. Drop totally custom form markup, extend from forms default twig files"},"1.5.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Use protocol independent url for Google Font\n * Add nonce to the custom form page template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Use protocol independent url for Google Font<\/li>\n<li>Add nonce to the custom form page template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nUse protocol independent url for Google Font\nAdd nonce to the custom form page template"},"1.4.0":{"date":"10\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Twenty codebase updated to latest release\n * Various fixes and improvements\n * Menu generated automatically from collection of pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Twenty codebase updated to latest release<\/li>\n<li>Various fixes and improvements<\/li>\n<li>Menu generated automatically from collection of pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Twenty codebase updated to latest release\nVarious fixes and improvements\nMenu generated automatically from collection of pages"},"1.3.0":{"date":"10\/15\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Removed SimpleForm plugin support due to constant compatibility problems\n * Added support for Email and Form plugins","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed SimpleForm plugin support due to constant compatibility problems<\/li>\n<li>Added support for Email and Form plugins<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed SimpleForm plugin support due to constant compatibility problems\nAdded support for Email and Form plugins"},"1.2.1":{"date":"09\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * improved default layout\n * improved SimpleForm compatibility\n * improved Grav compatibility\n * minor fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>improved default layout<\/li>\n<li>improved SimpleForm compatibility<\/li>\n<li>improved Grav compatibility<\/li>\n<li>minor fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"improved default layout\nimproved SimpleForm compatibility\nimproved Grav compatibility\nminor fixes"},"1.1.1":{"date":"09\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * reworked initialization","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>reworked initialization<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"reworked initialization"},"1.1.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.0.0":{"date":"03\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"soraarticle":{"name":"SoraArticle","version":"1.4.1","description":"Sora Article is a minimal Theme designed for the discerning blogger, ported to Grav.","description_html":"<p>Sora Article is a minimal Theme designed for the discerning blogger, ported to Grav.<\/p>","description_plain":"Sora Article is a minimal Theme designed for the discerning blogger, ported to Grav.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-soraarticle","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/soraarticle-skeleton","keywords":"soraarticle, theme, onepage, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-soraarticle\/issues","license":"CC BY 3.0","tag_name":"1.4.1","date":"2017-02-26T08:39:03Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/soraarticle\/1.4.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-soraarticle","slug":"soraarticle","install_path":"user\/themes\/soraarticle","screenshot":"themes-soraarticle.jpg","changelog":{"1.4.1":{"date":"02\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated base.html.twig to fix menu for support of full qualified URLs [#7](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-soraarticle\/pull\/7)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated base.html.twig to fix menu for support of full qualified URLs <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-soraarticle\/pull\/7\">#7<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated base.html.twig to fix menu for support of full qualified URLs #7"},"1.4.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix form action for forms on multilanguage pages\n * Remove unneeded default form template override\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fix pagination","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix form action for forms on multilanguage pages<\/li>\n<li>Remove unneeded default form template override<\/li>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fix pagination<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix form action for forms on multilanguage pages\nRemove unneeded default form template override\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFix pagination"},"1.3.0":{"date":"01\/22\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Admin Plugin Compatibility","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Admin Plugin Compatibility<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Admin Plugin Compatibility"},"1.2.1":{"date":"12\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix form template with nonce support\n * Support configurable param separator","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix form template with nonce support<\/li>\n<li>Support configurable param separator<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix form template with nonce support\nSupport configurable param separator"},"1.2.0":{"date":"11\/12\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Fix for responsive videos\n * Couple fixes for JSComments\n * SimpleForm replaced with Forms plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for responsive videos<\/li>\n<li>Couple fixes for JSComments<\/li>\n<li>SimpleForm replaced with Forms plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix for responsive videos\nCouple fixes for JSComments\nSimpleForm replaced with Forms plugin"},"1.1.2":{"date":"09\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * improved default layout\n * improved SimpleForm compatibility\n * improved Grav compatibility\n * minor fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>improved default layout<\/li>\n<li>improved SimpleForm compatibility<\/li>\n<li>improved Grav compatibility<\/li>\n<li>minor fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"improved default layout\nimproved SimpleForm compatibility\nimproved Grav compatibility\nminor fixes"},"1.1.1":{"date":"09\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * use https instead of http","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>use https instead of http<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"use https instead of http"},"1.1.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.0.1":{"date":"04\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed for Grav 0.9.21 compatibility","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed for Grav 0.9.21 compatibility<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed for Grav 0.9.21 compatibility"},"1.0.0":{"date":"04\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"photographer":{"name":"Photographer","version":"1.4.0","description":"Photographer is a Bootstrap 3.0 theme for Grav. It&#39;s a port of Free Bootstrap 3.0 Template by template-help.com.","description_html":"<p>Photographer is a Bootstrap 3.0 theme for Grav. It&#39;s a port of Free Bootstrap 3.0 Template by template-help.com.<\/p>","description_plain":"Photographer is a Bootstrap 3.0 theme for Grav. It&#39;s a port of Free Bootstrap 3.0 Template by template-help.com.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-photographer","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/photographer-skeleton","keywords":"photographer, theme, bootstrap, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-photographer\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.4.0","date":"2016-07-14T15:39:06Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/photographer\/1.4.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-photographer","slug":"photographer","install_path":"user\/themes\/photographer","screenshot":"themes-photographer.jpg","changelog":{"1.4.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.3.0":{"date":"09\/17\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated for new version of simple_form (Pereira Ricardo)\n * Fix for markdown extra\n * Minor fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated for new version of simple_form (Pereira Ricardo)<\/li>\n<li>Fix for markdown extra<\/li>\n<li>Minor fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated for new version of simple_form (Pereira Ricardo)\nFix for markdown extra\nMinor fixes"},"1.2.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/24\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Moved images displayed on homepage from theme to page","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Moved images displayed on homepage from theme to page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Moved images displayed on homepage from theme to page"},"1.0.1":{"date":"06\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Mobile menu fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Mobile menu fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Mobile menu fixes"},"1.0.0":{"date":"04\/22\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"woo":{"name":"Woo","version":"1.2.0","description":"Woo is a clean, modern, landing page site template by Styleshout. It has a fully responsive design and was tested on all major browser and mobile devices.","description_html":"<p>Woo is a clean, modern, landing page site template by Styleshout. It has a fully responsive design and was tested on all major browser and mobile devices.<\/p>","description_plain":"Woo is a clean, modern, landing page site template by Styleshout. It has a fully responsive design and was tested on all major browser and mobile devices.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-woo","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/woo-skeleton","keywords":"woo, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-woo\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.2.0","date":"2016-07-14T15:14:30Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/woo\/1.2.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-woo","slug":"woo","install_path":"user\/themes\/woo","screenshot":"themes-woo.jpg","changelog":{"1.2.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.1.1":{"date":"09\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * menu linking bug","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>menu linking bug<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"menu linking bug"},"1.1.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.0.0":{"date":"05\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"striped":{"name":"Striped","version":"2.2.0","description":"Striped by HTML5 UP, features a clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements, a repositionable sidebar (left or right), and HTML5\/CSS3 code designed for quick and easy customization.","description_html":"<p>Striped by HTML5 UP, features a clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements, a repositionable sidebar (left or right), and HTML5\/CSS3 code designed for quick and easy customization.<\/p>","description_plain":"Striped by HTML5 UP, features a clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements, a repositionable sidebar (left or right), and HTML5\/CSS3 code designed for quick and easy customization.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-striped","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/striped-skeleton","keywords":"striped, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-striped\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"2.2.0","date":"2016-07-14T15:16:39Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/striped\/2.2.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-striped","slug":"striped","install_path":"user\/themes\/striped","screenshot":"themes-striped.jpg","changelog":{"2.2.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fix pagination\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fix pagination<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFix pagination"},"2.1.1":{"date":"11\/19\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Pagination compatibility","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Pagination compatibility<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Pagination compatibility"},"2.1.0":{"date":"10\/15\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Removed SimpleForm plugin support due to constant compatibility problems\n * Added support for Email and Form plugins","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed SimpleForm plugin support due to constant compatibility problems<\/li>\n<li>Added support for Email and Form plugins<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed SimpleForm plugin support due to constant compatibility problems\nAdded support for Email and Form plugins"},"2.0.0":{"date":"09\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Reworked codebase for better compatibility and css handling\n * Lots of fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Reworked codebase for better compatibility and css handling<\/li>\n<li>Lots of fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Reworked codebase for better compatibility and css handling\nLots of fixes"},"1.2.0":{"date":"09\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Improved compatibility with newest Grav\n * Improved compatibility with SimpleForm component\n * Minor fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved compatibility with newest Grav<\/li>\n<li>Improved compatibility with SimpleForm component<\/li>\n<li>Minor fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved compatibility with newest Grav\nImproved compatibility with SimpleForm component\nMinor fixes"},"1.1.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.0.0":{"date":"06\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"learn2":{"name":"Learn2","version":"1.7.0","description":"Learn2 is a new modern documentation theme for Grav","description_html":"<p>Learn2 is a new modern documentation theme for Grav<\/p>","description_plain":"Learn2 is a new modern documentation theme for Grav","icon":"book","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-learn2","demo":"http:\/\/learn.getgrav.org","keywords":"heme, docs, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-learn2\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.7.0","date":"2017-08-23T17:34:35Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/learn2\/1.7.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-learn2","slug":"learn2","install_path":"user\/themes\/learn2","screenshot":"themes-learn2.jpg","changelog":{"1.7.0":{"date":"08\/23\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added default page template.\n * Added blueprints for docs and chapter pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added default page template.<\/li>\n<li>Added blueprints for docs and chapter pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added default page template.\nAdded blueprints for docs and chapter pages"},"1.6.3":{"date":"01\/31\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed changelog date","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed changelog date<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed changelog date"},"1.6.2":{"date":"01\/31\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed a PHP 7.1 issue","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a PHP 7.1 issue<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed a PHP 7.1 issue"},"1.6.1":{"date":"01\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Updated to FontAwesome 4.7.0 with [Grav icon](http:\/\/fontawesome.io\/icon\/grav\/)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated to FontAwesome 4.7.0 with <a href=\"http:\/\/fontawesome.io\/icon\/grav\/\">Grav icon<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated to FontAwesome 4.7.0 with Grav icon"},"1.6.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added the spanish language\n1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Set the page language from Grav's Language configuration. Default to english.\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix an issue on iOS 9+ Safari scaling","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added the spanish language<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Set the page language from Grav's Language configuration. Default to english.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix an issue on iOS 9+ Safari scaling<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added the spanish language\n\n\n\nRemove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nSet the page language from Grav's Language configuration. Default to english.\n\n\n\nFix an issue on iOS 9+ Safari scaling"},"1.5.0":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added keyboard prev\/next navigation\n1. [](#improved)\n * Various language updates\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed a typo in CSS","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added keyboard prev\/next navigation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Various language updates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed a typo in CSS<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added keyboard prev\/next navigation\n\n\n\nVarious language updates\n\n\n\nFixed a typo in CSS"},"1.4.2":{"date":"12\/18\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed clipboard for Safari","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed clipboard for Safari<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed clipboard for Safari"},"1.4.1":{"date":"12\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Support new sidebar scrollbar\n * New subtle `subtitle` styling","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Support new sidebar scrollbar<\/li>\n<li>New subtle <code>subtitle<\/code> styling<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Support new sidebar scrollbar\nNew subtle subtitle styling"},"1.4.0":{"date":"10\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added 1-click copy-to-clipboard feature for `code` and `pre` tags\n * Added German translations\n * Configurable root page\n1. [](#improved)\n * Wrapped topbar to remove it from error pages\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix for bad YAML\n * Fix for bad HTML in github note","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added 1-click copy-to-clipboard feature for <code>code<\/code> and <code>pre<\/code> tags<\/li>\n<li>Added German translations<\/li>\n<li>Configurable root page<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Wrapped topbar to remove it from error pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix for bad YAML<\/li>\n<li>Fix for bad HTML in github note<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added 1-click copy-to-clipboard feature for code and pre tags\nAdded German translations\nConfigurable root page\n\n\n\nWrapped topbar to remove it from error pages\n\n\n\nFix for bad YAML\nFix for bad HTML in github note"},"1.3.0":{"date":"09\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added configurable Google analytics code","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added configurable Google analytics code<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added configurable Google analytics code"},"1.2.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/19\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added search highlight support\n * Added a footer","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added search highlight support<\/li>\n<li>Added a footer<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added search highlight support\nAdded a footer"},"1.0.1":{"date":"06\/2\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for 2+ page levels","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for 2+ page levels<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for 2+ page levels"},"1.0.0":{"date":"06\/17\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"cacti":{"name":"Cacti","version":"1.3.0","description":"Minimal theme based on Cactus and Kactus","description_html":"<p>Minimal theme based on Cactus and Kactus<\/p>","description_plain":"Minimal theme based on Cactus and Kactus","icon":"globe","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-cacti","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/multilang-skeleton","keywords":"cacti, theme, minimal, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, multilanguage","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-cacti\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.3.0","date":"2016-07-14T14:41:08Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/cacti\/1.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-cacti","slug":"cacti","install_path":"user\/themes\/cacti","screenshot":"themes-cacti.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for Disqus comments\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed the post published date format\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fix code highlighting support\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for Disqus comments<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed the post published date format<\/li>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fix code highlighting support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for Disqus comments\n\n\n\nFixed the post published date format\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFix code highlighting support"},"1.2.1":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed Polish translation\n * Fixed incorrect section tag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Polish translation<\/li>\n<li>Fixed incorrect section tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed Polish translation\nFixed incorrect section tag"},"1.2.0":{"date":"08\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Polish translations\n * Added Norwegian translations\n1. [](#improved)\n * Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Polish translations<\/li>\n<li>Added Norwegian translations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added blueprints for Grav Admin plugin<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Polish translations\nAdded Norwegian translations\n\n\n\nAdded blueprints for Grav Admin plugin"},"1.1.1":{"date":"07\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed issue with Retina profile image","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed issue with Retina profile image<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed issue with Retina profile image"},"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/19\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added Greek translations\n1. [](#improved)\n * Sets `<html lang=\"en\">` dynamically based on language and\/or default","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Greek translations<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Sets <code>&lt;html lang=\"en\"&gt;<\/code> dynamically based on language and\/or default<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added Greek translations\n\n\n\nSets &lt;html lang=\"en\"&gt; dynamically based on language and\/or default"},"1.0.1":{"date":"07\/14\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated blueprints","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated blueprints<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated blueprints"},"1.0.0":{"date":"07\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"sidewalk":{"name":"Sidewalk","version":"0.0.5","description":"A clean and simple blog theme for **Grav**","description_html":"<p>A clean and simple blog theme for <strong>Grav<\/strong><\/p>","description_plain":"A clean and simple blog theme for Grav","icon":"road","author":{"name":"Darryl Dias","url":"http:\/\/darryldias.me","email":"darryl@revryl.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/DarrylDias\/Sidewalk","keywords":"sidewalk, clean, simple, blog, core, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/DarrylDias\/Sidewalk\/issues","license":"MIT","screenshot":"user-theme-sidewalk.png","tag_name":"0.0.5","date":"2015-09-25T11:16:23Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/sidewalk\/0.0.5","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/DarrylDias\/Sidewalk","slug":"sidewalk","install_path":"user\/themes\/sidewalk","changelog":false,"dependencies":[]},"developer":{"name":"Developer","version":"2.2.0","description":"Developer is a free responsive **Grav** theme designed to help developers promote their work.","description_html":"<p>Developer is a free responsive <strong>Grav<\/strong> theme designed to help developers promote their work.<\/p>","description_plain":"Developer is a free responsive Grav theme designed to help developers promote their work.","icon":"clipboard","author":{"name":"Sommerregen","url":"http:\/\/benjamin-regler.de","email":"sommerregen@benjamin-regler.de"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"http:\/\/themes.benjamin-regler.de\/developer\/","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/issues","license":"MIT\/GPL","tag_name":"v2.2.0","date":"2017-04-05T19:13:50Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/developer\/2.2.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer","slug":"developer","install_path":"user\/themes\/developer","screenshot":"themes-developer.jpg","changelog":{"2.2.0":{"date":"04\/05\/2017","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * Added \"github-activity\" and \"octicons\" to theme package\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed Github activity page not found error [#7](hhttps:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/issues\/7) (Github Activity URL 404)","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added &quot;github-activity&quot; and &quot;octicons&quot; to theme package<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed Github activity page not found error <a href=\"hhttps:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/issues\/7\">#7<\/a> (Github Activity URL 404)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added &quot;github-activity&quot; and &quot;octicons&quot; to theme package\n\n\n\nFixed Github activity page not found error #7 (Github Activity URL 404)"},"2.1.1":{"date":"03\/20\/2017","content":"3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed mixed content issues [#6](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/issues\/6) (Mixed content)","content_html":"<ol start=\"3\">\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed mixed content issues <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/issues\/6\">#6<\/a> (Mixed content)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed mixed content issues #6 (Mixed content)"},"2.1.0":{"date":"01\/10\/2017","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * Update font awesome to v4.7 [#5](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/pull\/5) (Thanks to [@huy-nguyen](https:\/\/github.com\/huy-nguyen))\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix button link [#3](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/pull\/3)","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update font awesome to v4.7 <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/pull\/5\">#5<\/a> (Thanks to <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/huy-nguyen\">@huy-nguyen<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix button link <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-developer\/pull\/3\">#3<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update font awesome to v4.7 #5 (Thanks to @huy-nguyen)\n\n\n\nFix button link #3"},"2.0.4":{"date":"01\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed page title when error template called.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed page title when error template called.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed page title when error template called."},"2.0.3":{"date":"01\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Update [README](README.md).","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update <a href=\"README.md\">README<\/a>.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update README."},"2.0.2":{"date":"01\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed header.link object in the projects modules.\n * Move demo content to folder `_demo`.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed header.link object in the projects modules.<\/li>\n<li>Move demo content to folder <code>_demo<\/code>.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed header.link object in the projects modules.\nMove demo content to folder _demo."},"2.0.1":{"date":"01\/03\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for Coderwall link, you need to update <code>coderwall<\/code> key on theme config file.\n * Add again the label on first project and change key from ribbon key and label key.\n * Change projects module collection value to standard at same of all other modules collection name.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for Coderwall link, you need to update <code>coderwall<\/code> key on theme config file.<\/li>\n<li>Add again the label on first project and change key from ribbon key and label key.<\/li>\n<li>Change projects module collection value to standard at same of all other modules collection name.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for Coderwall link, you need to update coderwall key on theme config file.\nAdd again the label on first project and change key from ribbon key and label key.\nChange projects module collection value to standard at same of all other modules collection name."},"2.0":{"date":"22 Dec 2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Convert website template to Grav Theme.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Convert website template to Grav Theme.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Convert website template to Grav Theme."},"1.2":{"date":"10 Aug 2014","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Removed iframe version of Github Activity Stream (the iframe method is no longer working).\n1. [](#new)\n * Added javascript version of Github Activity Stream.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed iframe version of Github Activity Stream (the iframe method is no longer working).<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added javascript version of Github Activity Stream.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Removed iframe version of Github Activity Stream (the iframe method is no longer working).\n\n\n\nAdded javascript version of Github Activity Stream."},"1.1":{"date":"21 Jul 2014","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed mobile horizontal bar.\n * Fixed minor markup issues.\n1. [](#new)\n * Added hQuery RSS plugin for pulling blog feeds.\n * Added Bootstrap Tooltip for skill levels.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed mobile horizontal bar.<\/li>\n<li>Fixed minor markup issues.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added hQuery RSS plugin for pulling blog feeds.<\/li>\n<li>Added Bootstrap Tooltip for skill levels.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed mobile horizontal bar.\nFixed minor markup issues.\n\n\n\nAdded hQuery RSS plugin for pulling blog feeds.\nAdded Bootstrap Tooltip for skill levels."},"1.0":{"date":"19 Jul 2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial release.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial release.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial release."}},"dependencies":[]},"machine":{"name":"Machine","version":"2.0.6","description":"Machine is a free, flat, modern web theme with an industrial\/corporate focus.","description_html":"<p>Machine is a free, flat, modern web theme with an industrial\/corporate focus.<\/p>","description_plain":"Machine is a free, flat, modern web theme with an industrial\/corporate focus.","icon":"cog","author":{"name":"Sommerregen","email":"sommerregen@benjamin-regler.de"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-machine","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-machine\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"http:\/\/themes.benjamin-regler.de\/machine\/","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-machine\/issues","license":"MIT\/GPL","tag_name":"v2.0.6","date":"2017-02-05T17:44:28Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/machine\/2.0.6","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-machine","slug":"machine","install_path":"user\/themes\/machine","screenshot":"themes-machine.jpg","changelog":{"2.0.6":{"date":"02\/05\/2017","content":"3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed [#2](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-machine\/issues\/2) (\"DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (06-23-2014) at position 0 (0): Unexpected character\")","content_html":"<ol start=\"3\">\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-machine\/issues\/2\">#2<\/a> (&quot;DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (06-23-2014) at position 0 (0): Unexpected character&quot;)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed #2 (&quot;DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (06-23-2014) at position 0 (0): Unexpected character&quot;)"},"2.0.5":{"date":"01\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add into _demo\/config the plugin configuration file because need to reset the fields array.\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix the page title when error template called.\n * Fix simple_form template fields.\n * Update _demo\/pages contact with field type where need.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add into _demo\/config the plugin configuration file because need to reset the fields array.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix the page title when error template called.<\/li>\n<li>Fix simple_form template fields.<\/li>\n<li>Update _demo\/pages contact with field type where need.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add into _demo\/config the plugin configuration file because need to reset the fields array.\n\n\n\nFix the page title when error template called.\nFix simple_form template fields.\nUpdate _demo\/pages contact with field type where need."},"2.0.4":{"date":"01\/09\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * Update [README](README.md).\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Small fix.","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update <a href=\"README.md\">README<\/a>.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Small fix.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update README.\n\n\n\nSmall fix."},"2.0.3":{"date":"01\/06\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add JSComments plugin.\n * Add GMaps plugin.\n * Add blog and blog posts templates.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add JSComments plugin.<\/li>\n<li>Add GMaps plugin.<\/li>\n<li>Add blog and blog posts templates.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add JSComments plugin.\nAdd GMaps plugin.\nAdd blog and blog posts templates."},"2.0.2":{"date":"01\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed header.link object in the projects modules.\n * Move demo content to folder `_demo`.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed header.link object in the projects modules.<\/li>\n<li>Move demo content to folder <code>_demo<\/code>.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed header.link object in the projects modules.\nMove demo content to folder _demo."},"2.0.1":{"date":"01\/03\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added support for Coderwall link, you need to update <code>coderwall<\/code> key on theme config file.\n * Add again the label on first project and change key from ribbon key and label key.\n * Change projects module collection value to standard at same of all other modules collection name.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added support for Coderwall link, you need to update <code>coderwall<\/code> key on theme config file.<\/li>\n<li>Add again the label on first project and change key from ribbon key and label key.<\/li>\n<li>Change projects module collection value to standard at same of all other modules collection name.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added support for Coderwall link, you need to update coderwall key on theme config file.\nAdd again the label on first project and change key from ribbon key and label key.\nChange projects module collection value to standard at same of all other modules collection name."},"2.0.0":{"date":"12\/22\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Convert website template to Grav Theme.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Convert website template to Grav Theme.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Convert website template to Grav Theme."},"1.2.0":{"date":"08\/10\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added javascript version of Github Activity Stream.\n2. [](#improved)\n * Removed iframe version of Github Activity Stream (the iframe method is no longer working).","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added javascript version of Github Activity Stream.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed iframe version of Github Activity Stream (the iframe method is no longer working).<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added javascript version of Github Activity Stream.\n\n\n\nRemoved iframe version of Github Activity Stream (the iframe method is no longer working)."},"1.1.0":{"date":"06\/21\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added hQuery RSS plugin for pulling blog feeds.\n * Added Bootstrap Tooltip for skill levels.\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed mobile horizontal bar.\n * Fixed minor markup issues.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added hQuery RSS plugin for pulling blog feeds.<\/li>\n<li>Added Bootstrap Tooltip for skill levels.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed mobile horizontal bar.<\/li>\n<li>Fixed minor markup issues.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added hQuery RSS plugin for pulling blog feeds.\nAdded Bootstrap Tooltip for skill levels.\n\n\n\nFixed mobile horizontal bar.\nFixed minor markup issues."},"1.0.0":{"date":"07\/19\/2014","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial release.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial release.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial release."}},"dependencies":[]},"zsimplex":{"name":"zSimplex","version":"2.2.1","description":"The zSimplex theme is a free responsive HTML5 theme that can be used to start a management or project website.","description_html":"<p>The zSimplex theme is a free responsive HTML5 theme that can be used to start a management or project website.<\/p>","description_plain":"The zSimplex theme is a free responsive HTML5 theme that can be used to start a management or project website.","icon":"paint-brush","author":{"name":"Sommerregen","email":"sommerregen@benjamin-regler.de"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"https:\/\/themes.benjamin-regler.de\/zsimplex","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/issues","license":"MIT\/GPL","tag_name":"v2.2.1","date":"2017-06-27T16:50:54Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/zsimplex\/2.2.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex","slug":"zsimplex","install_path":"user\/themes\/zsimplex","screenshot":"themes-zsimplex.jpg","changelog":{"2.2.0":{"date":"05\/31\/2017","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added theme blueprints and languages\n2. [](#improved)\n * Overall updates and junk removal [#4](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/pull\/4) (Big thanks to [@boredland](https:\/\/github.com\/boredland))\n * Use `fontawesome` instead of images wherever possible\n * Make a lot of options editable on page level\n * Integration of the current Grav forms\n * Updated libraries","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added theme blueprints and languages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Overall updates and junk removal <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/pull\/4\">#4<\/a> (Big thanks to <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/boredland\">@boredland<\/a>)<\/li>\n<li>Use <code>fontawesome<\/code> instead of images wherever possible<\/li>\n<li>Make a lot of options editable on page level<\/li>\n<li>Integration of the current Grav forms<\/li>\n<li>Updated libraries<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added theme blueprints and languages\n\n\n\nOverall updates and junk removal #4 (Big thanks to @boredland)\nUse fontawesome instead of images wherever possible\nMake a lot of options editable on page level\nIntegration of the current Grav forms\nUpdated libraries"},"2.1.0":{"date":"05\/13\/2017","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * Allow dynamic amount of slides that always stay centered [#1](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/pull\/1)\n * Add `custom.css` to the asset manager and make the favicon configurable [#3](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/pull\/3)\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed scrambled slider [#2](https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/issues\/2)","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Allow dynamic amount of slides that always stay centered <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/pull\/1\">#1<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Add <code>custom.css<\/code> to the asset manager and make the favicon configurable <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/pull\/3\">#3<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed scrambled slider <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-zsimplex\/issues\/2\">#2<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Allow dynamic amount of slides that always stay centered #1\nAdd custom.css to the asset manager and make the favicon configurable #3\n\n\n\nFixed scrambled slider #2"},"2.0.2":{"date":"01\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added error template.\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed page title when error template called.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added error template.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed page title when error template called.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added error template.\n\n\n\nFixed page title when error template called."},"2.0.1":{"date":"01\/09\/2015","content":"2. [](#improved)\n * Update [README](README.md).\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Small fix.","content_html":"<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update <a href=\"README.md\">README<\/a>.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Small fix.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update README.\n\n\n\nSmall fix."},"2.0.0":{"date":"01\/06\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Start conversion to Grav Theme.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Start conversion to Grav Theme.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Start conversion to Grav Theme."}},"dependencies":[]},"aerial":{"name":"Aerial","version":"2.0.4","description":"A very simple personalizable landing page with social links.","description_html":"<p>A very simple personalizable landing page with social links.<\/p>","description_plain":"A very simple personalizable landing page with social links.","icon":"desktop","author":{"name":"Sommerregen","email":"sommerregen@benjamin-regler.de"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-aerial","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-aerial\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"http:\/\/themes.benjamin-regler.de\/aerial\/","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-aerial\/issues","license":"MIT\/GPL","tag_name":"v2.0.4","date":"2016-08-05T18:44:22Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/aerial\/2.0.4","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-aerial","slug":"aerial","install_path":"user\/themes\/aerial","screenshot":"themes-aerial.jpg","changelog":{"2.0.4":{"date":"08\/05\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed demo link ([#723](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-plugin-admin\/issues\/723))","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed demo link (<a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-plugin-admin\/issues\/723\">#723<\/a>)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed demo link (#723)"},"2.0.3":{"date":"03\/06\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Update jquery with named asset.\n * Update theme for working with Grav 0.9.19.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update jquery with named asset.<\/li>\n<li>Update theme for working with Grav 0.9.19.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update jquery with named asset.\nUpdate theme for working with Grav 0.9.19."},"2.0.2":{"date":"01\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add Error template.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add Error template.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add Error template."},"2.0.1":{"date":"01\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Update [README](README.md).","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update <a href=\"README.md\">README<\/a>.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update README."},"2.0.0":{"date":"01\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add random background. Use the media page images to load the backgrounds.\n * Start conversion to Grav Theme.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add random background. Use the media page images to load the backgrounds.<\/li>\n<li>Start conversion to Grav Theme.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add random background. Use the media page images to load the backgrounds.\nStart conversion to Grav Theme."}},"dependencies":[]},"parallelism":{"name":"Parallelism","version":"2.0.2","description":"A responsive portfolio site template with unique horizontal page scrolling.","description_html":"<p>A responsive portfolio site template with unique horizontal page scrolling.<\/p>","description_plain":"A responsive portfolio site template with unique horizontal page scrolling.","icon":"binoculars","author":{"name":"Sommerregen","email":"sommerregen@benjamin-regler.de"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-parallelism","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-parallelism\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"http:\/\/themes.benjamin-regler.de\/parallelism\/","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-parallelism\/issues","license":"MIT\/GPL","tag_name":"v2.0.2","date":"2016-04-20T18:50:44Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/parallelism\/2.0.2","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-parallelism","slug":"parallelism","install_path":"user\/themes\/parallelism","screenshot":"themes-parallelism.jpg","changelog":{"2.0.2":{"date":"01\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add error template.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add error template.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add error template."},"2.0.1":{"date":"01\/09\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n* Update [README](README.md).","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update <a href=\"README.md\">README<\/a>.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update README."},"2.0.0":{"date":"01\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Start conversion to Grav Theme.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Start conversion to Grav Theme.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Start conversion to Grav Theme."}},"dependencies":[]},"alpha":{"name":"Alpha","version":"2.0.2","description":"A clean, super minimal responsive template geared towards startups, app devs, and other dedicated folks working tirelessly to launch their products.","description_html":"<p>A clean, super minimal responsive template geared towards startups, app devs, and other dedicated folks working tirelessly to launch their products.<\/p>","description_plain":"A clean, super minimal responsive template geared towards startups, app devs, and other dedicated folks working tirelessly to launch their products.","icon":"ioxhost","author":{"name":"Sommerregen","email":"sommerregen@benjamin-regler.de"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-alpha","docs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-alpha\/blob\/master\/README.md","demo":"http:\/\/themes.benjamin-regler.de\/alpha\/","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/sommerregen\/grav-theme-alpha\/issues","license":"MIT\/GPL","tag_name":"v2.0.2","date":"2016-04-20T18:19:30Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/alpha\/2.0.2","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/Sommerregen\/grav-theme-alpha","slug":"alpha","install_path":"user\/themes\/alpha","screenshot":"themes-alpha.jpg","changelog":{"2.0.2":{"date":"05\/14\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed problem with loading the js styles.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed problem with loading the js styles.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed problem with loading the js styles."},"2.0.1":{"date":"01\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added error template.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added error template.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added error template."},"2.0.0":{"date":"01\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Start conversion to Grav Theme.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Start conversion to Grav Theme.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Start conversion to Grav Theme."}},"dependencies":[]},"materialize":{"name":"Materialize","version":"1.3.8","description":"The Materialize theme is built using the **Materialize** Framework","description_html":"<p>The Materialize theme is built using the <strong>Materialize<\/strong> Framework<\/p>","description_plain":"The Materialize theme is built using the Materialize Framework","icon":"google","author":{"name":"Bob Rockefeller","url":"http:\/\/www.bobrockefeller.com","email":"bob@bobrockefeller.com"},"dependencies":[{"name":"materializer","version":"*"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/bobrocke\/grav-theme-materialize","demo":"http:\/\/materialize.bobrockefeller.com\/","keywords":"materialize, theme, framework","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/bobrocke\/grav-theme-materialize\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.3.8","date":"2015-11-14T19:42:55Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/materialize\/1.3.8","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/bobrocke\/grav-theme-materialize","slug":"materialize","install_path":"user\/themes\/materialize","screenshot":"themes-materialize.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.8":{"date":"11\/14\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed blueprints to work with the Admin plug-n when creating new modular pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed blueprints to work with the Admin plug-n when creating new modular pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed blueprints to work with the Admin plug-n when creating new modular pages"},"1.3.7":{"date":"09\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed pagination links in the pagination block at the bottom of blog pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed pagination links in the pagination block at the bottom of blog pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed pagination links in the pagination block at the bottom of blog pages"},"1.3.6":{"date":"08\/08\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed vertical alignment problems in buttons with icons","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed vertical alignment problems in buttons with icons<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed vertical alignment problems in buttons with icons"},"1.3.5":{"date":"05\/01\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed layout of the search results pages","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed layout of the search results pages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed layout of the search results pages"},"1.3.4":{"date":"04\/23\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Blog posts on narrow viewports did not move the sidebar to the bottom\n * Fixed icon spacing in buttons (required a change in markup)\n2. [](#improved)\n * Better indentation for the contents of accordion panes\n * More consistent treatment of top and bottom margins for typographic elements","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Blog posts on narrow viewports did not move the sidebar to the bottom<\/li>\n<li>Fixed icon spacing in buttons (required a change in markup)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Better indentation for the contents of accordion panes<\/li>\n<li>More consistent treatment of top and bottom margins for typographic elements<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Blog posts on narrow viewports did not move the sidebar to the bottom\nFixed icon spacing in buttons (required a change in markup)\n\n\n\nBetter indentation for the contents of accordion panes\nMore consistent treatment of top and bottom margins for typographic elements"},"1.3.3":{"date":"04\/17\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Aligned lists within accordion panels with the paragraph text\n * Allowed long title text in accordion headers to wrap","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Aligned lists within accordion panels with the paragraph text<\/li>\n<li>Allowed long title text in accordion headers to wrap<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Aligned lists within accordion panels with the paragraph text\nAllowed long title text in accordion headers to wrap"},"1.3.2":{"date":"04\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Turned off title case for Menus\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Removed top margin from brand icon in narrow view\n * Increased hamburger icon size in narrow view","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Turned off title case for Menus<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Removed top margin from brand icon in narrow view<\/li>\n<li>Increased hamburger icon size in narrow view<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Turned off title case for Menus\n\n\n\nRemoved top margin from brand icon in narrow view\nIncreased hamburger icon size in narrow view"},"1.3.1":{"date":"04\/13\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix the image width overflow problem","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix the image width overflow problem<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix the image width overflow problem"},"1.3.0":{"date":"04\/05\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Changes to accommodate MaterializeCSS v0.96.0","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changes to accommodate MaterializeCSS v0.96.0<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Changes to accommodate MaterializeCSS v0.96.0"},"1.2.5":{"date":"03\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Rearranged and repaired the format of this changelog","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Rearranged and repaired the format of this changelog<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Rearranged and repaired the format of this changelog"},"1.2.4":{"date":"03\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Changed the icon on link post titles.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed the icon on link post titles.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Changed the icon on link post titles."},"1.2.3":{"date":"03\/20\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Prev\/Next blog post buttons were missing their icons.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Prev\/Next blog post buttons were missing their icons.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Prev\/Next blog post buttons were missing their icons."},"1.2.2":{"date":"03\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Custom menus configured in YAML without icons were vertically mis-aligned.","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Custom menus configured in YAML without icons were vertically mis-aligned.<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Custom menus configured in YAML without icons were vertically mis-aligned."},"1.2.1":{"date":"03\/16\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * The mobile hamburger menu wasn't showing menus configured in YAML.\n * Correct the readme: menu text is not a required field","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>The mobile hamburger menu wasn't showing menus configured in YAML.<\/li>\n<li>Correct the readme: menu text is not a required field<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"The mobile hamburger menu wasn't showing menus configured in YAML.\nCorrect the readme: menu text is not a required field"},"1.2.0":{"date":"03\/15\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Added custom top level menu items configured in site.yaml","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added custom top level menu items configured in site.yaml<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added custom top level menu items configured in site.yaml"},"1.1.1 and 1.1.2":{"date":"03\/14\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Cleaned up the changelog and blueprints files","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Cleaned up the changelog and blueprints files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Cleaned up the changelog and blueprints files"},"1.1.0":{"date":"03\/14\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Replaced the icon font\n * Replaced the brand text Grav with the Grav logo\n2. [](#improved)\n * Changed the blog post header to be different from Antimatter\n3. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed the responsive design of the modular page\n * Vertically centered text in buttons (with and without icons)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Replaced the icon font<\/li>\n<li>Replaced the brand text Grav with the Grav logo<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Changed the blog post header to be different from Antimatter<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed the responsive design of the modular page<\/li>\n<li>Vertically centered text in buttons (with and without icons)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Replaced the icon font\nReplaced the brand text Grav with the Grav logo\n\n\n\nChanged the blog post header to be different from Antimatter\n\n\n\nFixed the responsive design of the modular page\nVertically centered text in buttons (with and without icons)"},"1.0.0":{"date":"02\/28\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial Release","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial Release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial Release"}}},"foundation":{"name":"Foundation","version":"1.0.0","description":"A high-performance Grav theme using the Zurb Foundation front-end framework.","description_html":"<p>A high-performance Grav theme using the Zurb Foundation front-end framework.<\/p>","description_plain":"A high-performance Grav theme using the Zurb Foundation front-end framework.","icon":"rocket","author":{"name":"Brett DeWoody","url":"http:\/\/brettdewoody.com","email":"brettdewoody@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/brettdewoody\/grav-theme-foundation","keywords":"foundation, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/brettdewoody\/grav-theme-foundation\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.0.1","date":"2015-06-24T00:27:50Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/foundation\/1.0.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/brettdewoody\/grav-theme-foundation","slug":"foundation","install_path":"user\/themes\/foundation"},"tessellate":{"name":"Tessellate","version":"1.0.1","description":"Another amazing one page theme from Html5Up, ported to Grav.","description_html":"<p>Another amazing one page theme from Html5Up, ported to Grav.<\/p>","description_plain":"Another amazing one page theme from Html5Up, ported to Grav.","icon":"desktop","author":{"name":"Giansimon Diblas","url":"http:\/\/diblas.net"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/grav-theme-tessellate","demo":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/grav-theme-tessellate","keywords":"theme, onepage, responsive, html5, css3, jquery, portfolio","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/grav-theme-tessellate\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.4","date":"2015-09-16T04:27:08Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/tessellate\/1.0.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/grav-theme-tessellate","slug":"tessellate","install_path":"user\/themes\/tessellate","screenshot":"themes-tessellate.jpg","changelog":false,"dependencies":[]},"saturn":{"name":"Saturn","version":"1.6.0","description":"Saturn \u2013 Free Grav Theme, is a beautiful cosmic website template. Customize it easily and add your own creative touch. Designed by Afnizar Nur Ghifari.","description_html":"<p>Saturn \u2013 Free Grav Theme, is a beautiful cosmic website template. Customize it easily and add your own creative touch. Designed by Afnizar Nur Ghifari.<\/p>","description_plain":"Saturn \u2013 Free Grav Theme, is a beautiful cosmic website template. Customize it easily and add your own creative touch. Designed by Afnizar Nur Ghifari.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"form","version":">=2.0.2"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-saturn","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/saturn-skeleton","keywords":"saturn, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-saturn\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.6.0","date":"2017-01-09T14:09:11Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/saturn\/1.6.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-saturn","slug":"saturn","install_path":"user\/themes\/saturn","screenshot":"themes-saturn.jpg","changelog":{"1.6.0":{"date":"01\/09\/2017","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added `header.body_classes` support [https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav\/issues\/1240](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav\/issues\/1240)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <code>header.body_classes<\/code> support <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav\/issues\/1240\"><a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav\/issues\/1240\">https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav\/issues\/1240<\/a><\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added header.body_classes support https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav\/issues\/1240"},"1.5.0":{"date":"09\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup"},"1.4.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n * Use https to load Google Fonts\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fix pagination","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<li>Use https to load Google Fonts<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fix pagination<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\nUse https to load Google Fonts\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFix pagination"},"1.3.0":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Add form nonce\n1. [](#bugfix)\n\t* Fixed footnotes styling","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Add form nonce<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed footnotes styling<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Add form nonce\n\n\n\nFixed footnotes styling"},"1.2.0":{"date":"10\/29\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Transition from SimpleForm to core Forms & Email\n * Images replacement due to copyright infringement","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Transition from SimpleForm to core Forms &amp; Email<\/li>\n<li>Images replacement due to copyright infringement<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Transition from SimpleForm to core Forms &amp; Email\nImages replacement due to copyright infringement"},"1.1.0":{"date":"09\/18\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Improved compatibility with newest grav\n * Improved compatibility with SimpleForm plugin\n * Other minor fixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Improved compatibility with newest grav<\/li>\n<li>Improved compatibility with SimpleForm plugin<\/li>\n<li>Other minor fixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Improved compatibility with newest grav\nImproved compatibility with SimpleForm plugin\nOther minor fixes"},"1.0.0":{"date":"09\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"boxify":{"name":"Boxify","version":"1.1.1","description":"Boxify is a Grav port of One Page Website Template by Peter Finlan for Codrops.","description_html":"<p>Boxify is a Grav port of One Page Website Template by Peter Finlan for Codrops.<\/p>","description_plain":"Boxify is a Grav port of One Page Website Template by Peter Finlan for Codrops.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-boxify","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/boxify-skeleton","keywords":"boxify, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, onepage","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-boxify\/issues","license":"Free","tag_name":"1.1.1","date":"2016-08-31T15:32:44Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/boxify\/1.1.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-boxify","slug":"boxify","install_path":"user\/themes\/boxify","screenshot":"themes-boxify.jpg","changelog":{"1.1.1":{"date":"08\/31\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed quotes in jQuery selector throwing JS errors, also in minified js\n * Load external resources using https to prevent errors on SSL enabled sites (demo included)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed quotes in jQuery selector throwing JS errors, also in minified js<\/li>\n<li>Load external resources using https to prevent errors on SSL enabled sites (demo included)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed quotes in jQuery selector throwing JS errors, also in minified js\nLoad external resources using https to prevent errors on SSL enabled sites (demo included)"},"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.0.0":{"date":"09\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"twentyfifteen":{"name":"TwentyFifteen","version":"1.2.0","description":"Twenty Fifteen is a Grav adaptation of most popular 2015 Wordpress theme.","description_html":"<p>Twenty Fifteen is a Grav adaptation of most popular 2015 Wordpress theme.<\/p>","description_plain":"Twenty Fifteen is a Grav adaptation of most popular 2015 Wordpress theme.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-twentyfifteen","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/twentyfifteen-skeleton","keywords":"twentyfifteen, wordpress, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-twentyfifteen\/issues","license":"GPLv2 (or later)","tag_name":"1.2.0","date":"2016-09-09T19:07:15Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/twentyfifteen\/1.2.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-twentyfifteen","slug":"twentyfifteen","install_path":"user\/themes\/twentyfifteen","screenshot":"themes-twentyfifteen.jpg","changelog":{"1.2.0":{"date":"09\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup. Drop totally custom form markup, extend from forms default twig files","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup. Drop totally custom form markup, extend from forms default twig files<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup. Drop totally custom form markup, extend from forms default twig files"},"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n * Add zh-cn \/ zh-hk \/ zh-tw language support\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fix pagination\n * Fix layout problem on a blog post when the author is not defined","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<li>Add zh-cn \/ zh-hk \/ zh-tw language support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fix pagination<\/li>\n<li>Fix layout problem on a blog post when the author is not defined<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\nAdd zh-cn \/ zh-hk \/ zh-tw language support\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFix pagination\nFix layout problem on a blog post when the author is not defined"},"1.0.7":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Minor language updates","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Minor language updates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Minor language updates"},"1.0.6":{"date":"12\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix form template with nonce support","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix form template with nonce support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix form template with nonce support"},"1.0.5":{"date":"11\/19\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Plugins CSS loading bug","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Plugins CSS loading bug<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Plugins CSS loading bug"},"1.0.4":{"date":"11\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Blog item date fix\n * Next\/Prev fix\n * SimpleForm replaced with Forms","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Blog item date fix<\/li>\n<li>Next\/Prev fix<\/li>\n<li>SimpleForm replaced with Forms<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Blog item date fix\nNext\/Prev fix\nSimpleForm replaced with Forms"},"1.0.3":{"date":"10\/07\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix display of blog item date","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix display of blog item date<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix display of blog item date"},"1.0.2":{"date":"09\/15\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Minor bugfixes","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Minor bugfixes<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Minor bugfixes"},"1.0.1":{"date":"09\/15\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Bugfixes for Simple Form 1.3.0\n * Bugfixes for markdown extra","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Bugfixes for Simple Form 1.3.0<\/li>\n<li>Bugfixes for markdown extra<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Bugfixes for Simple Form 1.3.0\nBugfixes for markdown extra"},"1.0.0":{"date":"09\/15\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"resume":{"name":"Resume","version":"1.2.0","description":"Resume is a Grav adaptation of Fernando B\u00e1ez resume PSD theme.","description_html":"<p>Resume is a Grav adaptation of Fernando B\u00e1ez resume PSD theme.<\/p>","description_plain":"Resume is a Grav adaptation of Fernando B\u00e1ez resume PSD theme.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-resume","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/resume-skeleton","keywords":"resume, resume, theme, modern","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-resume\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"1.2.0","date":"2016-07-14T15:35:49Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/resume\/1.2.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-resume","slug":"resume","install_path":"user\/themes\/resume","screenshot":"themes-resume.jpg","changelog":{"1.2.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.1.0":{"date":"18\/11\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Printing layout","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Printing layout<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Printing layout"},"1.0.0":{"date":"10\/05\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"halcyon":{"name":"Halcyon","version":"1.1.0","description":"Halcyon Days is a modern and stylish HTML5\/CSS3 template with a pixel-perfect design and smooth effects.","description_html":"<p>Halcyon Days is a modern and stylish HTML5\/CSS3 template with a pixel-perfect design and smooth effects.<\/p>","description_plain":"Halcyon Days is a modern and stylish HTML5\/CSS3 template with a pixel-perfect design and smooth effects.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-halcyon","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/halcyon-skeleton","keywords":"halcyon, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, onepage","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-halcyon\/issues","license":"Free","tag_name":"1.1.0","date":"2016-07-14T15:48:32Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/halcyon\/1.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-halcyon","slug":"halcyon","install_path":"user\/themes\/halcyon","screenshot":"themes-halcyon.jpg","changelog":{"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.0.0":{"date":"09\/04\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"solid-state":{"name":"Solid State","version":"1.0.2","description":"Another amazing theme from Html5Up, ported to Grav.","description_html":"<p>Another amazing theme from Html5Up, ported to Grav.<\/p>","description_plain":"Another amazing theme from Html5Up, ported to Grav.","icon":"desktop","author":{"name":"Giansimon Diblas","url":"http:\/\/diblas.net","email":"info@diblas.net"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/grav-theme-solid-state","demo":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/grav-theme-solid-state","keywords":"theme, responsive, html5, css3, jquery","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/grav-theme-solid-state\/issues","license":"MIT","tag_name":"v1.0.2","date":"2016-04-12T11:26:06Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/solid-state\/1.0.2","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/giansi\/grav-theme-solid-state","slug":"solid-state","install_path":"user\/themes\/solid-state","screenshot":"themes-solid-state.jpg","changelog":{"1.0.2":{"date":"04\/12\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated fontawesome","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated fontawesome<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated fontawesome"},"1.0.1":{"date":"02\/05\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Renamed main plugin class and yaml file to be shown in Admin panel\n * Removed useless code from yaml definition file","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Renamed main plugin class and yaml file to be shown in Admin panel<\/li>\n<li>Removed useless code from yaml definition file<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Renamed main plugin class and yaml file to be shown in Admin panel\nRemoved useless code from yaml definition file"},"1.0.0":{"date":"10\/25\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Initial Release","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Initial Release<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Initial Release"}},"dependencies":[]},"ceevee":{"name":"Ceevee","version":"1.3.0","description":"Ceevee is a clean, modern, fully responsive site template for your resume and portfolio.","description_html":"<p>Ceevee is a clean, modern, fully responsive site template for your resume and portfolio.<\/p>","description_plain":"Ceevee is a clean, modern, fully responsive site template for your resume and portfolio.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-ceevee","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/ceevee-skeleton","keywords":"ceevee, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, resume","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-ceevee\/issues","license":"CC BY 3.0","tag_name":"1.3.0","date":"2016-07-14T15:59:37Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/ceevee\/1.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-ceevee","slug":"ceevee","install_path":"user\/themes\/ceevee","screenshot":"themes-ceevee.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n ","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.2.0":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Updated to Fontawesome 4.5.0\n1. [](#bugfix)\n\t* Fix typos\n\t* Fixed duplicate property","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Updated to Fontawesome 4.5.0<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix typos<\/li>\n<li>Fixed duplicate property<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Updated to Fontawesome 4.5.0\n\n\n\nFix typos\nFixed duplicate property"},"1.1.0":{"date":"12\/18\/2015","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * use `|safe_email` filter\n1. [](#bugfix)\n\t* Twitter widget fails to load with HTTPS\n\t* Closing the menu puts you back at the top\n\t* Fix for stuck at \"Thank You\" after submitting form","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>use <code>|safe_email<\/code> filter<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Twitter widget fails to load with HTTPS<\/li>\n<li>Closing the menu puts you back at the top<\/li>\n<li>Fix for stuck at &quot;Thank You&quot; after submitting form<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"use |safe_email filter\n\n\n\nTwitter widget fails to load with HTTPS\nClosing the menu puts you back at the top\nFix for stuck at &quot;Thank You&quot; after submitting form"},"1.0.0":{"date":"10\/26\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"identity":{"name":"Identity","version":"1.1.0","description":"The awesome HTML5 UP Identity theme for Grav","description_html":"<p>The awesome HTML5 UP Identity theme for Grav<\/p>","description_plain":"The awesome HTML5 UP Identity theme for Grav","icon":"info","author":{"name":"Dev&#39;Code","url":"http:\/\/lab.dev-code.fr","email":"lab.dev.code@gmail.com"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/lab-dev-code\/grav-theme-identity","demo":"http:\/\/lab.dev-code.fr\/grav-demos\/grav-theme-identity","keywords":"identity, theme","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/lab-dev-code\/grav-theme-identity\/issues","license":"CC-BY","tag_name":"v1.1.0","date":"2015-11-12T14:58:22Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/identity\/1.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/lab-dev-code\/grav-theme-identity","slug":"identity","install_path":"user\/themes\/identity","screenshot":"themes-identity.jpg","changelog":{"1.1.0":{"date":"11\/12\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Support of self-hosted relative URLs (using Twig `|absolute_url` filter)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Support of self-hosted relative URLs (using Twig <code>|absolute_url<\/code> filter)<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Support of self-hosted relative URLs (using Twig |absolute_url filter)"}},"dependencies":[]},"landio":{"name":"Landio","version":"1.3.0","description":"Land.io is a carefully crafted landing page template built on Bootstrap 4, designed by Peter Finlan and developed by Taty Grassini.","description_html":"<p>Land.io is a carefully crafted landing page template built on Bootstrap 4, designed by Peter Finlan and developed by Taty Grassini.<\/p>","description_plain":"Land.io is a carefully crafted landing page template built on Bootstrap 4, designed by Peter Finlan and developed by Taty Grassini.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"dependencies":[{"name":"form","version":">=2.0.2"}],"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-landio","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/landio-skeleton","keywords":"landio, theme, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, onepage","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-landio\/issues","license":"CC BY 4.0","tag_name":"1.3.0","date":"2017-01-24T18:48:41Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/landio\/1.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-landio","slug":"landio","install_path":"user\/themes\/landio","screenshot":"themes-landio.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.0":{"date":"01\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Update header.html.twig. Makes requests protocol independent, so no more errors that the social content is loaded over an insecure network","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update header.html.twig. Makes requests protocol independent, so no more errors that the social content is loaded over an insecure network<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update header.html.twig. Makes requests protocol independent, so no more errors that the social content is loaded over an insecure network"},"1.2.0":{"date":"09\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Drop the form twig overrides as they break the forms, and don't really customise the output. Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Drop the form twig overrides as they break the forms, and don't really customise the output. Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Drop the form twig overrides as they break the forms, and don't really customise the output. Update forms for the newest Form plugin markup"},"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Fixed login form language strings\n * Center form in medium screen size\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Drop requiring Admin to enable frontend login\n * Removed randomization of testimonials\n * Fix language in html tag\n * Delete unused composer.json\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Fix trailing letter in the pricing modular\n * Add form nonce to the form template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed login form language strings<\/li>\n<li>Center form in medium screen size<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Drop requiring Admin to enable frontend login<\/li>\n<li>Removed randomization of testimonials<\/li>\n<li>Fix language in html tag<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Fix trailing letter in the pricing modular<\/li>\n<li>Add form nonce to the form template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed login form language strings\nCenter form in medium screen size\n\n\n\nDrop requiring Admin to enable frontend login\nRemoved randomization of testimonials\nFix language in html tag\nDelete unused composer.json\nRemove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nFix trailing letter in the pricing modular\nAdd form nonce to the form template"},"1.0.0":{"date":"11\/10\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}}},"pinpress":{"name":"Pinpress","version":"1.3.0","description":"PinPress is a creative Flat Blog\/Magazine grav theme and it is the perfect choice for professionals who\u2019s looking for a magazine theme or a personal niche, corporate, and marketing blogs.","description_html":"<p>PinPress is a creative Flat Blog\/Magazine grav theme and it is the perfect choice for professionals who\u2019s looking for a magazine theme or a personal niche, corporate, and marketing blogs.<\/p>","description_plain":"PinPress is a creative Flat Blog\/Magazine grav theme and it is the perfect choice for professionals who\u2019s looking for a magazine theme or a personal niche, corporate, and marketing blogs.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-pinpress","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/pinpress-skeleton","keywords":"pinpress, theme, onepage, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-pinpress\/issues","license":"CC BY 3.0","tag_name":"1.3.0","date":"2016-11-10T17:31:10Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/pinpress\/1.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-pinpress","slug":"pinpress","install_path":"user\/themes\/pinpress","screenshot":"themes-pinpress.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.0":{"date":"11\/10\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix comments form, the custom twig provides no custom styling and breaks it","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix comments form, the custom twig provides no custom styling and breaks it<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix comments form, the custom twig provides no custom styling and breaks it"},"1.2.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Enable dropdown for visible menu items subpages\n1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix pagination\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Enable dropdown for visible menu items subpages<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix pagination<\/li>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Enable dropdown for visible menu items subpages\n\n\n\nRemove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\n\n\n\nFix pagination\nFix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.1.0":{"date":"01\/06\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Responsive fix\n * Fix for continue link\n * Fix for ordered list styling\n * Fix for related pages item links","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Responsive fix<\/li>\n<li>Fix for continue link<\/li>\n<li>Fix for ordered list styling<\/li>\n<li>Fix for related pages item links<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Responsive fix\nFix for continue link\nFix for ordered list styling\nFix for related pages item links"},"1.0.0":{"date":"12\/03\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"lingonberry":{"name":"Lingonberry","version":"1.1.0","description":"A clean and simple theme for bloggers, with responsive design and beautiful typography.","description_html":"<p>A clean and simple theme for bloggers, with responsive design and beautiful typography.<\/p>","description_plain":"A clean and simple theme for bloggers, with responsive design and beautiful typography.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-lingonberry","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/lingonberry-skeleton","keywords":"lingonberry, theme, onepage, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-lingonberry\/issues","license":"GPL","tag_name":"1.1.0","date":"2016-07-14T13:59:42Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/lingonberry\/1.1.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-lingonberry","slug":"lingonberry","install_path":"user\/themes\/lingonberry","screenshot":"themes-lingonberry.jpg","changelog":{"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json file\n * Use https for Gravatar request as default\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fixed pagination \n * Use the correct parameter separator in the blog post template","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json file<\/li>\n<li>Use https for Gravatar request as default<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fixed pagination <\/li>\n<li>Use the correct parameter separator in the blog post template<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json file\nUse https for Gravatar request as default\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFixed pagination \nUse the correct parameter separator in the blog post template"},"1.0.1":{"date":"12\/21\/2015","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * post content formatting updates","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>post content formatting updates<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"post content formatting updates"},"1.0.0":{"date":"12\/18\/2015","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"receptar":{"name":"Receptar","version":"1.3.0","description":"Receptar is simple, modern, responsive, high-DPI, fully customizable, stylish blog Grav theme. It features split-screen book-like design inspired by a modern cook book with emphasize on beautiful imagery and typography.","description_html":"<p>Receptar is simple, modern, responsive, high-DPI, fully customizable, stylish blog Grav theme. It features split-screen book-like design inspired by a modern cook book with emphasize on beautiful imagery and typography.<\/p>","description_plain":"Receptar is simple, modern, responsive, high-DPI, fully customizable, stylish blog Grav theme. It features split-screen book-like design inspired by a modern cook book with emphasize on beautiful imagery and typography.","icon":"group","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-receptar","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/receptar-skeleton","keywords":"receptar, theme, cookbook, split-screen, fast, responsive, html5, css3","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-receptar\/issues","license":"GPL2","tag_name":"1.3.0","date":"2017-01-24T18:20:49Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/receptar\/1.3.0","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-receptar","slug":"receptar","install_path":"user\/themes\/receptar","screenshot":"themes-receptar.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.0":{"date":"01\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix issue when editing the Widget page from Admin\n * Add showchildpages.enabled config option [#6](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-receptar\/pull\/6)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix issue when editing the Widget page from Admin<\/li>\n<li>Add showchildpages.enabled config option <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-receptar\/pull\/6\">#6<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix issue when editing the Widget page from Admin\nAdd showchildpages.enabled config option #6"},"1.2.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added french\n * Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\n * Delete unused composer.json\n * Load custom.css if present in the theme's css folder\n1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag\n * Fix pagination","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added french<\/li>\n<li>Remove unneeded streams from Theme YAML<\/li>\n<li>Delete unused composer.json<\/li>\n<li>Load custom.css if present in the theme's css folder<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<li>Fix pagination<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added french\nRemove unneeded streams from Theme YAML\nDelete unused composer.json\nLoad custom.css if present in the theme's css folder\n\n\n\nFix setting the page language in the html tag\nFix pagination"},"1.1.0":{"date":"01\/20\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * Basic Multi-Language support\n2. [](#bugfix)\n * Minor bugfixes for navigation","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Basic Multi-Language support<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Minor bugfixes for navigation<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Basic Multi-Language support\n\n\n\nMinor bugfixes for navigation"},"1.0.0":{"date":"01\/18\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]},"gateway":{"name":"Gateway","version":"1.3.1","description":"Gateway incorporates elegant style with user friendly options making it perfectly suited for a variety of Grav users.","description_html":"<p>Gateway incorporates elegant style with user friendly options making it perfectly suited for a variety of Grav users.<\/p>","description_plain":"Gateway incorporates elegant style with user friendly options making it perfectly suited for a variety of Grav users.","icon":"empire","author":{"name":"Team Grav","url":"http:\/\/getgrav.org","email":"devs@getgrav.org"},"homepage":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway","demo":"http:\/\/demo.getgrav.org\/gateway-skeleton","keywords":"gateway, theme, core, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3, blog","bugs":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway\/issues","license":"GPLv2","tag_name":"1.3.1","date":"2017-02-26T08:33:25Z","release_type":"stable","zipball_url":"https:\/\/getgrav.org\/download\/themes\/gateway\/1.3.1","repository":"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway","slug":"gateway","install_path":"user\/themes\/gateway","screenshot":"themes-gateway.jpg","changelog":{"1.3.1":{"date":"02\/26\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Update to use appropriate page.url for pagination [#9](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway\/pull\/9)","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Update to use appropriate page.url for pagination <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway\/pull\/9\">#9<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Update to use appropriate page.url for pagination #9"},"1.3.0":{"date":"01\/24\/2017","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fixed base_url variable overwriting issue causing issue with search in blog \/ blog posts\n * Fixed link to demo page in blueprint","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed base_url variable overwriting issue causing issue with search in blog \/ blog posts<\/li>\n<li>Fixed link to demo page in blueprint<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fixed base_url variable overwriting issue causing issue with search in blog \/ blog posts\nFixed link to demo page in blueprint"},"1.2.0":{"date":"09\/09\/2016","content":"1. [](#improved)\n * Added french\n * Fix Comments submit-button value [#4](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway\/pull\/4)\n * Soften truncate so words or links wont be cut off [#5](https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway\/pull\/5)\n * Remove unneeded form overrides and just override the form twig blocks that changed","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#improved\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Added french<\/li>\n<li>Fix Comments submit-button value <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway\/pull\/4\">#4<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Soften truncate so words or links wont be cut off <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/getgrav\/grav-theme-gateway\/pull\/5\">#5<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Remove unneeded form overrides and just override the form twig blocks that changed<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Added french\nFix Comments submit-button value #4\nSoften truncate so words or links wont be cut off #5\nRemove unneeded form overrides and just override the form twig blocks that changed"},"1.1.0":{"date":"07\/14\/2016","content":"1. [](#bugfix)\n * Fix setting the page language in the html tag","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#bugfix\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>Fix setting the page language in the html tag<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"Fix setting the page language in the html tag"},"1.0.0":{"date":"02\/10\/2016","content":"1. [](#new)\n * ChangeLog started...","content_html":"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"#new\"><\/a>\n<ul>\n<li>ChangeLog started...<\/li>\n<\/ul><\/li>\n<\/ol>","content_plain":"ChangeLog started..."}},"dependencies":[]}}
  3. ";