extends@: default form: fields: tabs: fields: blog: type: tab title: Blog Item fields: header_options: type: section title: Header Options underline: true header.continue_link: type: toggle toggleable: true label: DF Style Link help: Daring Fireball style title link highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool header.header_image: type: toggle toggleable: true label: Display Header Image help: Enabled displaying of a header image highlight: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED header.header_image_file: type: text toggleable: true label: Image File help: image filename that exists in the page folder. If not provided, will use the first image found. placeholder: For example: myimage.jpg header.header_image_width: type: text toggleable: true label: Image Width size: small help: Header width in px placeholder: Default is 900 validate: type: int min: 0 max: 5000 header.header_image_height: type: text toggleable: true label: Image Height size: small help: Header height in px placeholder: Default is 300 validate: type: int min: 0 max: 5000 summary: type: section title: Summary underline: true header.summary.enabled: type: toggle toggleable: true label: Summary highlight: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED header.summary.format: type: select toggleable: true label: Format classes: fancy options: 'short': 'Use the first occurence of delimter or size' 'long': 'Summary delimiter will be ignored' header.summary.size: type: text toggleable: true label: Size classes: large placeholder: 300 validate: type: int min: 1 header.summary.delimiter: type: text toggleable: true label: Summary delimiter classes: large placeholder: === import@: type: partials/blog-bits