title: 'Parcours Art & Nature du Sundgau - STUWA' image_align: left date: 04-06-2017
PROJET COAL CENTIPEDE VLO2 (Vehicule Léger Ontologique) installed in Werentzhouse, Sundgau, Alsace 4.06.2017-4/09/2017
STUWA is the artistic tour of the villages of Sundgau, created in 2015 at the instigation of the tourist office of the Pays du Sundgau, in south Alsace. COAL has been the artistic director of this program since its inception.
The Stuwa was the living space of the traditional Sundgauvian house. It is in this place of gathering and exchange that language, tales, history and cuisine, in short the culture of the territory, was forged and shared. The Le parcours Art et Nature de Sundgau, as it is called, proposes to facilitate the exchanges between the inhabitants and the visitors. The works of art of the course, thus become collective Stuwa, which reflect the cultural and geographical richness of the territory. Every year COAL invites seven artists to invest seven Sundgau villages. The projects are selected on a call for projects with the referents of the participating villages. Each piece is made with local skills and know-how.