title: 'How much of this is fiction' media_order: tremblay2.jpg image_align: left date: 02-03-2017
FACT - Fondation for Art & Technology, Liverpool & HeK - House of Electronic Arts, Basel
2 March – 31 May 2017
A group show exploring the radical shift in the boundary between fiction and reality in a world increasingly governed by ‘post-truth’ politics. As well as acting as a timely reflection on the nature of truth in a time filled with fake news, misinformation, and tactical propaganda, the show also serves a historical purpose. Many of the high-speed media interventions showcased in the show are, to a degree, legacies of ‘Tactical Media’; a cultural and political movement that flourished in the late 90s. Tactical Media was the first to combine the power of art, the practices of PR and advertising worlds, and an experimental approach to digital media, to mount hit-and-run interventions in the media sphere aiming to create chaos as a means of generating political opportunity.
With Morehshin Allahyari, Arabian Street Artists, Matthieu Cherubini, Paolo Cirio, Coco Fusco, Paul Garrin, Maia Gusberti, HeHe, Mediengruppe Bitnik, Robert M. Ochshorn, Julian Oliver & Danja Vasiliev, Ian Alan Paul, Superflux, The Yes Men, UBERMORGEN, Wachter & Jud.
Curated by Annet Dekker & David Garcia