--- title: 'CLOUD CRASH - 4th Lovelock Art Commission ' image_align: left date: 20-10-2016 date_end: 3-02-2017 --- [Cape Farewell](http://www.capefarewell.com/latest/891-lovelock-4.html) & [Manchester Museum of Science and Industry -MOSI](http://msimanchester.org.uk/whats-on/exhibition/cloud-crash) 20th October 2016 – 3 February 2017 For Cape Farewell’s annual Lovelock Art Commission hosted by the Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester (MSI), HeHe have taken inspiration from James Lovelock's Gaia Theory and latest climate science funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Three new pieces placed in-situ across the museum - Airbag, Burnout and Diamonds In The Sky - depict micro-climates, pollution and artificially engineered clouds in provocative new contexts, blurring the boundaries between the natural and the man-made. Man-made clouds are blowing through the Museum of Science and Industry’s industrial heritage site. The Cloud Crash exhibition features three new art installations illustrating micro-climates, a manufactured airspace and digitally reproduced clouds. These are set in motion in an imaginative assimilation of atmospheric research.