import $ from 'jquery'; import clamp from 'mout/math/clamp'; import bind from 'mout/function/bind'; import { rgbstr2hex, hsb2hex, hex2hsb, hex2rgb, parseHex } from '../../utils/colors'; const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1; const body = $('body'); const MOUSEDOWN = 'mousedown touchstart MSPointerDown pointerdown'; const MOUSEMOVE = 'mousemove touchmove MSPointerMove pointermove'; const MOUSEUP = 'mouseup touchend MSPointerUp pointerup'; const FOCUSIN = isFirefox ? 'focus' : 'focusin'; export default class ColorpickerField { constructor(selector) { this.selector = selector; this.field = $(this.selector); this.options = Object.assign({},'grav-colorpicker')); this.built = false; this.attach(); if (this.options.update) { this.field.on('change._grav_colorpicker', (event, field, hex, opacity) => { let backgroundColor = hex; let rgb = hex2rgb(hex); if (opacity < 1) { backgroundColor = 'rgba(' + rgb.r + ', ' + rgb.g + ', ' + rgb.b + ', ' + opacity + ')'; } let target = field.closest(this.options.update); if (!target.length) { target = field.siblings(this.options.update); } if (!target.length) { target = field.parent('.g-colorpicker').find(this.options.update); } target.css({ backgroundColor }); }); } } attach() { body.on(FOCUSIN, this.selector, (event) =>, event.currentTarget)); body.on(MOUSEDOWN, this.selector + ' .g-colorpicker, ' + this.selector + ' .g-colorpicker i', this.bound('iconClick')); body.on('keydown', this.selector, (event) => { switch (event.keyCode) { case 9: // tab this.hide(); break; case 13: // enter case 27: // esc this.hide(); event.currentTarget.blur(); break; } return true; }); // Update on keyup body.on('keyup', this.selector, (event) => { this.updateFromInput(true, event.currentTarget); return true; }); // Update on paste body.on('paste', this.selector, (event) => { setTimeout(() => this.updateFromInput(true, event.currentTarget), 1); }); } show(event, target) { target = $(target); if (!this.built) {; } this.element = target; this.reposition(); this.wrapper.addClass('cp-visible'); this.updateFromInput(); let mainContainer = $('#admin-main .content-wrapper').data('scrollbar').getViewElement(); this.wrapper.on(MOUSEDOWN, '.cp-grid, .cp-slider, .cp-opacity-slider', this.bound('bodyDown')); body.on(MOUSEMOVE, this.bound('bodyMove')); body.on(MOUSEDOWN, this.bound('bodyClick')); body.on(MOUSEUP, this.bound('targetReset')); $(mainContainer).on('scroll', this.bound('reposition')); } hide() { if (!this.built) { return; } this.wrapper.removeClass('cp-visible'); let mainContainer = $('#admin-main .content-wrapper').data('scrollbar').getViewElement(); this.wrapper.undelegate(MOUSEDOWN, '.cp-grid, .cp-slider, .cp-opacity-slider', this.bound('bodyDown'));, this.bound('bodyMove'));, this.bound('bodyClick'));, this.bound('targetReset')); $(mainContainer).off('scroll', this.bound('reposition')); } build() { this.wrapper = $('
'); this.slider = $('
')); this.opacitySlider = $('
')); this.grid = $('
')); $('
').appendTo(this.grid.find('.cp-picker')); let tabs = $('
').appendTo(this.wrapper); this.tabs = { hue: $('
').text('HUE').appendTo(tabs), brightness: $('
').text('BRI').appendTo(tabs), saturation: $('
').text('SAT').appendTo(tabs), wheel: $('
').text('WHEEL').appendTo(tabs), transparent: $('
').text('TRANSPARENT').appendTo(tabs) }; tabs.on(MOUSEDOWN, '> div', (event) => { let element = $(event.currentTarget); if ( { let sliderHeight = this.opacitySlider.height(); this.opacity = 0; this.opacitySlider.find('.cp-picker').css({ 'top': clamp(sliderHeight - (sliderHeight * this.opacity), 0, sliderHeight) }); this.move(this.opacitySlider, { manualOpacity: true }); return; } let active = tabs.find('.active'); let mode = active.attr('class').replace(/\s|active|cp-tab-/g, ''); let newMode = element.attr('class').replace(/\s|active|cp-tab-/g, ''); this.wrapper.removeClass('cp-mode-' + mode).addClass('cp-mode-' + newMode); active.removeClass('active'); element.addClass('active'); this.mode = newMode; this.updateFromInput(); }); this.wrapper.appendTo('.content-wrapper'); this.built = true; this.mode = 'hue'; } reposition() { let ct = $('.content-wrapper')[0]; let offset = this.element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); let ctOffset = ct.getBoundingClientRect(); let delta = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (this.options.offset) { delta.x = this.options.offset.x || 0; delta.y = this.options.offset.y || 0; } this.wrapper.css({ top: + offset.height + ct.scrollTop - + delta.y, left: offset.left + ct.scrollLeft - ctOffset.left + delta.x }); } iconClick(event) { if (this.wrapper && this.wrapper.hasClass('cp-visible')) { return true; } event && event.preventDefault(); let input = $(event.currentTarget).find('input'); setTimeout(() => input.focus(), 50); } bodyMove(event) { event && event.preventDefault(); if ( { this.move(, event); } } bodyClick(event) { let target = $(; if (!target.closest('.cp-wrapper').length && ! { this.hide(); } } bodyDown(event) { event && event.preventDefault(); = $(event.currentTarget); this.move(, event, true); } targetReset(event) { event && event.preventDefault(); = null; } move(target, event) { let input = this.element; let picker = target.find('.cp-picker'); let clientRect = target[0].getBoundingClientRect(); let offsetX = clientRect.left + window.scrollX; let offsetY = + window.scrollY; let x = Math.round((event ? event.pageX : 0) - offsetX); let y = Math.round((event ? event.pageY : 0) - offsetY); let wx; let wy; let r; let phi; // Touch support let touchEvents = event.changedTouches || (event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.changedTouches); if (event && touchEvents) { x = (touchEvents ? touchEvents[0].pageX : 0) - offsetX; y = (touchEvents ? touchEvents[0].pageY : 0) - offsetY; } if (event && event.manualOpacity) { y = clientRect.height; } // Constrain picker to its container if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (x > clientRect.width) x = clientRect.width; if (y > clientRect.height) y = clientRect.height; // Constrain color wheel values to the wheel if (target.parent('.cp-mode-wheel').length && picker.parent('.cp-grid').length) { wx = 75 - x; wy = 75 - y; r = Math.sqrt(wx * wx + wy * wy); phi = Math.atan2(wy, wx); if (phi < 0) phi += Math.PI * 2; if (r > 75) { x = 75 - (75 * Math.cos(phi)); y = 75 - (75 * Math.sin(phi)); } x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); } // Move the picker if (target.hasClass('cp-grid')) { picker.css({ top: y, left: x }); this.updateFromPicker(input, target); } else { picker.css({ top: y }); this.updateFromPicker(input, target); } } updateFromInput(dontFireEvent, element) { element = element ? $(element) : this.element; let value = element.val(); let opacity = value.replace(/\s/g, '').match(/^rgba?\([0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},(.+)\)/); let hex; let hsb; value = rgbstr2hex(value) || value; opacity = opacity ? clamp(opacity[1], 0, 1) : 1; if (!(hex = parseHex(value))) { hex = '#ffffff'; } hsb = hex2hsb(hex); if (this.built) { // opacity this.opacity = opacity; var sliderHeight = this.opacitySlider.height(); this.opacitySlider.find('.cp-picker').css({ 'top': clamp(sliderHeight - (sliderHeight * this.opacity), 0, sliderHeight) }); // bg color let gridHeight = this.grid.height(); let gridWidth = this.grid.width(); let r; let phi; let x; let y; sliderHeight = this.slider.height(); switch (this.mode) { case 'wheel': // Set grid position r = clamp(Math.ceil(hsb.s * 0.75), 0, gridHeight / 2); phi = hsb.h * Math.PI / 180; x = clamp(75 - Math.cos(phi) * r, 0, gridWidth); y = clamp(75 - Math.sin(phi) * r, 0, gridHeight); this.grid.css({ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }).find('.cp-picker').css({ top: y, left: x }); // Set slider position y = 150 - (hsb.b / (100 / gridHeight)); if (hex === '') y = 0; this.slider.find('.cp-picker').css({ top: y }); // Update panel color this.slider.css({ backgroundColor: hsb2hex({ h: hsb.h, s: hsb.s, b: 100 }) }); break; case 'saturation': // Set grid position x = clamp((5 * hsb.h) / 12, 0, 150); y = clamp(gridHeight - Math.ceil(hsb.b / (100 / gridHeight)), 0, gridHeight); this.grid.find('.cp-picker').css({ top: y, left: x }); // Set slider position y = clamp(sliderHeight - (hsb.s * (sliderHeight / 100)), 0, sliderHeight); this.slider.find('.cp-picker').css({ top: y }); // Update UI this.slider.css({ backgroundColor: hsb2hex({ h: hsb.h, s: 100, b: hsb.b }) }); this.grid.find('.cp-grid-inner').css({ opacity: hsb.s / 100 }); break; case 'brightness': // Set grid position x = clamp((5 * hsb.h) / 12, 0, 150); y = clamp(gridHeight - Math.ceil(hsb.s / (100 / gridHeight)), 0, gridHeight); this.grid.find('.cp-picker').css({ top: y, left: x }); // Set slider position y = clamp(sliderHeight - (hsb.b * (sliderHeight / 100)), 0, sliderHeight); this.slider.find('.cp-picker').css({ top: y }); // Update UI this.slider.css({ backgroundColor: hsb2hex({ h: hsb.h, s: hsb.s, b: 100 }) }); this.grid.find('.cp-grid-inner').css({ opacity: 1 - (hsb.b / 100) }); break; case 'hue': default: // Set grid position x = clamp(Math.ceil(hsb.s / (100 / gridWidth)), 0, gridWidth); y = clamp(gridHeight - Math.ceil(hsb.b / (100 / gridHeight)), 0, gridHeight); this.grid.find('.cp-picker').css({ top: y, left: x }); // Set slider position y = clamp(sliderHeight - (hsb.h / (360 / sliderHeight)), 0, sliderHeight); this.slider.find('.cp-picker').css({ top: y }); // Update panel color this.grid.css({ backgroundColor: hsb2hex({ h: hsb.h, s: 100, b: 100 }) }); break; } } if (!dontFireEvent) { element.val(this.getValue(hex)); } (this.element || element).trigger('change._grav_colorpicker', [element, hex, opacity]); } updateFromPicker(input, target) { var getCoords = function(picker, container) { var left, top; if (!picker.length || !container) return null; left = picker[0].getBoundingClientRect().left; top = picker[0].getBoundingClientRect().top; return { x: left - container[0].getBoundingClientRect().left + (picker[0].offsetWidth / 2), y: top - container[0].getBoundingClientRect().top + (picker[0].offsetHeight / 2) }; }; let hex; let hue; let saturation; let brightness; let x; let y; let r; let phi; // Panel objects let grid = this.wrapper.find('.cp-grid'); let slider = this.wrapper.find('.cp-slider'); let opacitySlider = this.wrapper.find('.cp-opacity-slider'); // Picker objects let gridPicker = grid.find('.cp-picker'); let sliderPicker = slider.find('.cp-picker'); let opacityPicker = opacitySlider.find('.cp-picker'); // Picker positions let gridPos = getCoords(gridPicker, grid); let sliderPos = getCoords(sliderPicker, slider); let opacityPos = getCoords(opacityPicker, opacitySlider); // Sizes let gridWidth = grid[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; let gridHeight = grid[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; let sliderHeight = slider[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; let opacitySliderHeight = opacitySlider[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; let value = this.element.val(); value = rgbstr2hex(value) || value; if (!(hex = parseHex(value))) { hex = '#ffffff'; } // Handle colors if (target.hasClass('cp-grid') || target.hasClass('cp-slider')) { // Determine HSB values switch (this.mode) { case 'wheel': // Calculate hue, saturation, and brightness x = (gridWidth / 2) - gridPos.x; y = (gridHeight / 2) - gridPos.y; r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); phi = Math.atan2(y, x); if (phi < 0) phi += Math.PI * 2; if (r > 75) { r = 75; gridPos.x = 69 - (75 * Math.cos(phi)); gridPos.y = 69 - (75 * Math.sin(phi)); } saturation = clamp(r / 0.75, 0, 100); hue = clamp(phi * 180 / Math.PI, 0, 360); brightness = clamp(100 - Math.floor(sliderPos.y * (100 / sliderHeight)), 0, 100); hex = hsb2hex({ h: hue, s: saturation, b: brightness }); // Update UI slider.css({ backgroundColor: hsb2hex({ h: hue, s: saturation, b: 100 }) }); break; case 'saturation': // Calculate hue, saturation, and brightness hue = clamp(parseInt(gridPos.x * (360 / gridWidth), 10), 0, 360); saturation = clamp(100 - Math.floor(sliderPos.y * (100 / sliderHeight)), 0, 100); brightness = clamp(100 - Math.floor(gridPos.y * (100 / gridHeight)), 0, 100); hex = hsb2hex({ h: hue, s: saturation, b: brightness }); // Update UI slider.css({ backgroundColor: hsb2hex({ h: hue, s: 100, b: brightness }) }); grid.find('.cp-grid-inner').css({ opacity: saturation / 100 }); break; case 'brightness': // Calculate hue, saturation, and brightness hue = clamp(parseInt(gridPos.x * (360 / gridWidth), 10), 0, 360); saturation = clamp(100 - Math.floor(gridPos.y * (100 / gridHeight)), 0, 100); brightness = clamp(100 - Math.floor(sliderPos.y * (100 / sliderHeight)), 0, 100); hex = hsb2hex({ h: hue, s: saturation, b: brightness }); // Update UI slider.css({ backgroundColor: hsb2hex({ h: hue, s: saturation, b: 100 }) }); grid.find('.cp-grid-inner').css({ opacity: 1 - (brightness / 100) }); break; default: // Calculate hue, saturation, and brightness hue = clamp(360 - parseInt(sliderPos.y * (360 / sliderHeight), 10), 0, 360); saturation = clamp(Math.floor(gridPos.x * (100 / gridWidth)), 0, 100); brightness = clamp(100 - Math.floor(gridPos.y * (100 / gridHeight)), 0, 100); hex = hsb2hex({ h: hue, s: saturation, b: brightness }); // Update UI grid.css({ backgroundColor: hsb2hex({ h: hue, s: 100, b: 100 }) }); break; } } // Handle opacity if (target.hasClass('cp-opacity-slider')) { this.opacity = parseFloat(1 - (opacityPos.y / opacitySliderHeight)).toFixed(2); } // Adjust case input.val(this.getValue(hex)); // Handle change event this.element.trigger('change._grav_colorpicker', [this.element, hex, this.opacity]); } getValue(hex) { if (this.opacity === 1) { return hex; } let rgb = hex2rgb(hex); return 'rgba(' + rgb.r + ', ' + rgb.g + ', ' + rgb.b + ', ' + this.opacity + ')'; } bound(name) { let bound = this._bound || (this._bound = {}); return bound[name] || (bound[name] = bind(this[name], this)); } } export let Instance = new ColorpickerField('[data-grav-colorpicker]');