11 KB


  • v1.8.1
  • [Fix] resolution when filename option is passed
  • [Tests] up to node v10.4
  • [Tests] improve output of symlink tests that fail on Mac
  • [Docs] clean up readme code


  • v1.8.0
  • Merge pull request #162 from ClearCanvas/master
  • [Tests] up to node v10.1, v9.11, v8.11, v6.14, 4.9
  • [New] core: add trace_events, v8/tools/arguments
  • [Fix] core: _tls_legacy is removed in node 10
  • [New] add fs/promises to the list of core modules
  • Fix eslint problems and update count of tests
  • Utilize opts.filename when available to ID parent.
  • Add failing test for parent filename in error msg.


  • v1.7.1
  • [Fix] revert proper but unintended breaking change in sync packageFilter
  • v1.7.0
  • [Tests] work around npm SSL issue
  • [Tests] add node 8 and 9 to appveyor
  • Merge pull request #146 from lbogdan/fix/resolve-sync
  • [Tests] add more pathfilter tests
  • [Docs] fix options formatting
  • [Tests] add some tests for browser field
  • Minor cleanup
  • [Fix] support opts.package in non-relative lookups
  • [Tests] work around npm SSL issue
  • [Refactor] cache default isFile functions at module level
  • [Docs] fix default “isFile” implementations
  • [Refactor] use "basedir" instead of "y", because meaningful variable names
  • [Tests] add some tests for a non-directory basedir
  • v1.6.0
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint
  • [Tests] up to v9.8, v8.10, v6.13
  • [New] add many missing core modules.
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint, tape
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint
  • [Tests] up to node v9.3, v8.8, v6.12; pin included builds to LTS
  • [New] add async_hooks core module, added in node 8
  • Made loadAsFileSync() work the same as async loadAsFile().
  • [Tests] add a failing test
  • [Tests] restore node 0.6
  • v1.5.0
  • [Tests] on node v8.8
  • [New] node v8.8+ supports http2
  • [Fix] fix broken core tests; change core.json to be an object instead of an array; fix results
  • [New] add perf_hooks, added in node v8.5
  • [Tests] up to node 8.7; use nvm install-latest-npm so new npm doesn’t break old node
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint
  • [Tests] up to v8.4; node 0.6 is failing due to travis-ci changes; allow it to fail for now.
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint, @ljharb/eslint-config, tape
  • [Docs] update repo URL
  • v1.4.0
  • [New]: add preserveSymlinks option
  • [Tests] fix 0.6 and linting
  • Only apps should have lockfiles
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint, @ljharb/eslint-config, tape
  • [Tests] up to node v8.2, v7.10, v6.11; npm 4.6+ breaks on node < 4
  • [Fix] sync: fix when package.json main = ‘.’ or main = ‘./‘
  • v1.3.3
  • [Tests] up to node v7.9
  • [Dev Deps] update eslint
  • [Fix] error code MODULE_NOT_FOUND instead of ENOTDIR
  • [Fix] correctly resolve dir paths when file with the same name exists
  • [Tests] node 0.6 can’t support an npm that understands scoped packages
  • [Tests] up to node v7.7, v6.10, v4.8; comment out OSX builds since they block linux builds.
  • [Tests] [eslint] add npm run lint
  • [Fix] sync: ensure that the path is a string, explicitly.
  • [Tests] improve failure scenarios.
  • v1.3.2
  • Merge tag 'v1.2.1'
  • Fix prepublish script.
  • v1.2.1
  • [Fix] for browserify compat, do not assume process.versions.node exists.
  • [Fix] for browserify compat, do not assume process.versions.node exists.
  • v1.3.1
  • Revert "[New] add searched extensions to error messages"
  • v1.3.0
  • v1.2.0
  • [Dev Deps] add safe-publish-latest
  • code style: tabs → spaces
  • [Fix] Create error outside process.nextTick
  • [Fix] resolve.sync should re-throw non `ENOENT errors.
  • readme: update API docs link for require.resolve()
  • [New] add missing core modules, and determine them dynamically by node version.
  • [Tests] test on every minor version of node.
  • gitignore node_modules
  • [Dev Deps] update tape
  • [New] add searched extensions to error messages
  • [Tests] add appveyor
  • [Tests] [Refactor] refactor node-modules-paths and add tests.
  • [Tests] ensure node_path test is independent of the tap module’s “main”
  • [Tests] fix indentation, manual linting.
  • [new] Add err.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'
  • [Refactor] async: remove unnecessary slashes, since path.join adds them.
  • [Tests] use path methods to make tests pass on both linux and Windows.
  • [Fix] node-modules-paths: opts should be optional, and opts.paths should not be concatenated when omitted.
  • [Tests] use path.join more often to normalize paths across OS’s.
  • [Refactor] consistent spacing and quotes; run some basic linting manually.
  • [Tests] make matrix more efficient


  • 1.1.7
  • Fix node_modules paths on Windows
  • Merge pull request #83 from jameswomack/comment_typo
  • (typo) Change againt to against


  • 1.1.6
  • add back pkg assertions to pick up the root package
  • Use path.dirname to walk up looking for a package.json


  • 1.1.5
  • fix for the failing case
  • another test, not quite the failing case


  • 1.1.4
  • finally seems to fully handle browser field from outside foo/bar resolution
  • flatter nodeModules function


  • path logic fix that seems to handle all the cases across this package and browserify
  • nearly nearly working
  • passes pathfilter test
  • re-implemented pathfilter feature nearly passes the test
  • move pathfilter files into their own dir
  • move pathfilter test to its own file
  • packageFilter should have been giving the pkgfile as an argument, fixed
  • this fixes the directory precedence problem
  • fix node_path test, was clearly wrong for some reason
  • disable faulty basedir test except on windows for now
  • tape everywhere
  • another precedence test
  • failing precedence test


  • 1.1.2
  • Merge pull request #67 from justinbmeyer/doc-changes
  • adding pathFilter docs


  • 1.1.0
  • split before computing the pivot to prevent abcnode_modulesxyz from matching
  • formatting
  • attempts to find package.json data for deep references
  • Merge pull request #65 from jmm/document-cb-args
  • Update docs re: input and cb args.
  • Merge pull request #55 from philosoralphter/patch-1
  • Update main README--change word order for clarity


  • 1.0.0
  • reformat package.json


  • 0.7.4
  • merged


  • 0.7.3
  • cb(err) for non-string args


  • 0.7.2
  • fixes for dotdot tests
  • failing sync dotdot test
  • failing dotdot test


  • 0.7.1
  • node-modules-paths: absolutize the start path


  • 0.7.0
  • array opts.moduleDirectory tests
  • opts.moduleDirectory string tests
  • formatting
  • Support more than one directory in opts.moduleDirectory.
  • Remove variable leftover from 325584a685



  • 0.6.2
  • faulty basedir does not always produce error properly in windows, because when the dirs are sliced down the final path has improper prefix, causing it to load relative to cwd
  • passing tests for paths


  • 0.6.1
  • merged the context error patches


  • 0.6.0
  • fixes #25: resolve modules with the same name as node stdlib modules


  • 0.5.1
  • Fix prefix for windows azure
  • Separate duplicated nodeModulesPaths function


  • 0.5.0
  • opts.modules => opts.moduleDirectory, documented
  • modules folder name is configurable


  • 0.4.3
  • use getCaller() in both async and sync versions
  • Fix default basedir calculation


  • 0.4.2
  • Fix for failing test case where pkg.main points to directory.
  • Failing test case for pkg.main pointing to a directory.


  • 0.4.1
  • async resolve now falls back to 'index.js' if main field in package.json is incorrect
  • adding tests to reproduce the problem - resolver test shows that async resolve fails when main field in package.json is incorrect - resolver_sync test shows that sync resolve finds index.js under same circumstance


  • 0.4.0
  • Document package option.
  • Implement async support for returning package a module was resolved from.


  • use isFIFO() instead to more narrowly target <() usage
  • check !isDirectory() instead of isFile() so that <(echo "beep") inline bash fds work


  • 0.3.0
  • synchronous example
  • async example
  • updated the docs for async
  • fix for async parameterized readFile
  • failing translated async test with parameterized readFile on account of 3-arg form
  • sync parity with async tests
  • first async test passes
  • adapted async test
  • stub out async
  • factor out .sync into lib/sync.js
  • factor out core into lib/
  • drop 0.4, add 0.8 in travis


  • add the domain module to .core



  • 0.2.6
  • Merge branch 'master' of git:// into dodo-master
  • pkg.main may be a directory


  • 0.2.5
  • Merge branch 'master' of git:// into dominictarr-master
  • pass dir to packageFilter


  • 0.2.4
  • resolve '../baz' correct


  • existsSync
  • license file


  • bump for windows fixes
  • fix indentation
  • Updated to work with windows, tested on Windows 7 64-bit and OS X 10.6


  • using travis
  • now using tap
  • split on multiple slashes
  • fix splitting of paths to support windows as well


  • updated the core list for 0.6.11


  • bump
  • Added readline to core modules


  • bump
  • Add opts.paths to list of node_modules directories


  • bump for windows paths
  • Added support for Windows-style paths.


  • doc updates and a minor bump for custom isFile and readFileSync params
  • passing mock test with package.json
  • passing mock test
  • isFile and readFileSync as parameters


  • bump for packageFilter and a note in the docs
  • new packageFilter option


  • bump and a note in the docs for extensions
  • custom extensions now work
  • failing test for extensions
  • passing normalize test


  • don't stop on the first node_modules since that's going away in node anyhow, all tests pass again
  • failing biz test for going up and down the path directory


  • new resolve.{core,isCore} with tests and documentation, bump to 0.0.1
  • trailing comma in the package.json
  • passing baz test to check package.json resolution
  • passing the bar test after taking out the dirname() around y
  • opts.path => opts.basedir, more descriptive I think
  • failing bar test
  • a path.resolve() fixed the relative loads
  • failing foo test
  • a package.json all up in this
  • implementation seems to work but no tests yet