get('hashed_password'); $isHashed = null !== $hash; if (!$isHashed) { // If there is no hashed password, fake verify with default hash. $hash = Grav::instance()['config']->get(''); } // Always execute verify() to protect us from timing attacks, but make the test to fail if hashed password wasn't set. $result = Authentication::verify($password, $hash) && $isHashed; $plaintext_password = $this->get('password'); if (null !== $plaintext_password) { // Plain-text password is still stored, check if it matches. if ($password !== $plaintext_password) { return false; } // Force hash update to get rid of plaintext password. $result = 2; } if ($result === 2) { // Password needs to be updated, save the user. $this->set('password', $password); $this->undef('hashed_password'); $this->save(); } return (bool)$result; } /** * Checks user authorization to the action. * * @param string $action * @param string|null $scope * @return bool */ public function authorize(string $action, string $scope = null): bool { if (!$this->get('authenticated')) { return false; } if ($this->get('state', 'enabled') !== 'enabled') { return false; } if (null !== $scope) { $action = $scope . '.' . $action; } $config = Grav::instance()['config']; $authorized = false; //Check group access level $groups = (array)$this->get('groups'); foreach ($groups as $group) { $permission = $config->get("groups.{$group}.access.{$action}"); $authorized = Utils::isPositive($permission); if ($authorized === true) { break; } } //Check user access level $access = $this->get('access'); if ($access && Utils::getDotNotation($access, $action) !== null) { $permission = $this->get("access.{$action}"); $authorized = Utils::isPositive($permission); } return $authorized; } /** * Return media object for the User's avatar. * * Note: if there's no local avatar image for the user, you should call getAvatarUrl() to get the external avatar URL. * * @return ImageMedium|null */ public function getAvatarImage(): ?ImageMedium { $avatars = $this->get('avatar'); if (\is_array($avatars) && $avatars) { $avatar = array_shift($avatars); $media = $this->getMedia(); $name = $avatar['name'] ?? null; $image = $name ? $media[$name] : null; if ($image instanceof ImageMedium) { return $image; } } return null; } /** * Return the User's avatar URL * * @return string */ public function getAvatarUrl(): string { // Try to locate avatar image. $avatar = $this->getAvatarImage(); if ($avatar) { return $avatar->url(); } // Try if avatar is a sting (URL). $avatar = $this->get('avatar'); if (\is_string($avatar)) { return $avatar; } // Try looking for provider. $provider = $this->get('provider'); $provider_options = $this->get($provider); if (\is_array($provider_options)) { if (isset($provider_options['avatar_url']) && \is_string($provider_options['avatar_url'])) { return $provider_options['avatar_url']; } if (isset($provider_options['avatar']) && \is_string($provider_options['avatar'])) { return $provider_options['avatar']; } } $email = $this->get('email'); // By default fall back to gravatar image. return $email ? '' . md5(strtolower(trim($email))) : ''; } abstract public function get($name, $default = null, $separator = null); abstract public function set($name, $value, $separator = null); abstract public function undef($name, $separator = null); abstract public function save(); }