page = $page ?? Grav::instance()['page'] ?? null; // Add defaults to the configuration. if (null === $config || !isset($config['markdown'], $config['images'])) { $c = Grav::instance()['config']; $config = $config ?? []; $config += [ 'markdown' => $c->get('system.pages.markdown', []), 'images' => $c->get('system.images', []) ]; } $this->config = $config; } public function getPage(): PageInterface { return $this->page; } public function getConfig(): array { return $this->config; } public function fireInitializedEvent($markdown): void { $grav = Grav::instance(); $grav->fireEvent('onMarkdownInitialized', new Event(['markdown' => $markdown, 'page' => $this->page])); } /** * Process a Link excerpt * * @param array $excerpt * @param string $type * @return array */ public function processLinkExcerpt(array $excerpt, string $type = 'link'): array { $url = htmlspecialchars_decode(rawurldecode($excerpt['element']['attributes']['href'])); $url_parts = $this->parseUrl($url); // If there is a query, then parse it and build action calls. if (isset($url_parts['query'])) { $actions = array_reduce( explode('&', $url_parts['query']), static function ($carry, $item) { $parts = explode('=', $item, 2); $value = isset($parts[1]) ? rawurldecode($parts[1]) : true; $carry[$parts[0]] = $value; return $carry; }, [] ); // Valid attributes supported. $valid_attributes = ['rel', 'target', 'id', 'class', 'classes']; // Unless told to not process, go through actions. if (array_key_exists('noprocess', $actions)) { unset($actions['noprocess']); } else { // Loop through actions for the image and call them. foreach ($actions as $attrib => $value) { $key = $attrib; if (in_array($attrib, $valid_attributes, true)) { // support both class and classes. if ($attrib === 'classes') { $attrib = 'class'; } $excerpt['element']['attributes'][$attrib] = str_replace(',', ' ', $value); unset($actions[$key]); } } } $url_parts['query'] = http_build_query($actions, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986); } // If no query elements left, unset query. if (empty($url_parts['query'])) { unset ($url_parts['query']); } // Set path to / if not set. if (empty($url_parts['path'])) { $url_parts['path'] = ''; } // If scheme isn't http(s).. if (!empty($url_parts['scheme']) && !in_array($url_parts['scheme'], ['http', 'https'])) { // Handle custom streams. if ($type !== 'image' && !empty($url_parts['stream']) && !empty($url_parts['path'])) { $grav = Grav::instance(); $url_parts['path'] = $grav['base_url_relative'] . '/' . $this->resolveStream("{$url_parts['scheme']}://{$url_parts['path']}"); unset($url_parts['stream'], $url_parts['scheme']); } $excerpt['element']['attributes']['href'] = Uri::buildUrl($url_parts); return $excerpt; } // Handle paths and such. $url_parts = Uri::convertUrl($this->page, $url_parts, $type); // Build the URL from the component parts and set it on the element. $excerpt['element']['attributes']['href'] = Uri::buildUrl($url_parts); return $excerpt; } /** * Process an image excerpt * * @param array $excerpt * @return array */ public function processImageExcerpt(array $excerpt): array { $url = htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($excerpt['element']['attributes']['src'])); $url_parts = $this->parseUrl($url); $media = null; $filename = null; if (!empty($url_parts['stream'])) { $filename = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://' . ($url_parts['path'] ?? ''); $media = $this->page->getMedia(); } else { $grav = Grav::instance(); // File is also local if scheme is http(s) and host matches. $local_file = isset($url_parts['path']) && (empty($url_parts['scheme']) || in_array($url_parts['scheme'], ['http', 'https'], true)) && (empty($url_parts['host']) || $url_parts['host'] === $grav['uri']->host()); if ($local_file) { $filename = basename($url_parts['path']); $folder = dirname($url_parts['path']); // Get the local path to page media if possible. if ($this->page && $folder === $this->page->url(false, false, false)) { // Get the media objects for this page. $media = $this->page->getMedia(); } else { // see if this is an external page to this one $base_url = rtrim($grav['base_url_relative'] . $grav['pages']->base(), '/'); $page_route = '/' . ltrim(str_replace($base_url, '', $folder), '/'); /** @var PageInterface $ext_page */ $ext_page = $grav['pages']->dispatch($page_route, true); if ($ext_page) { $media = $ext_page->getMedia(); } else { $grav->fireEvent('onMediaLocate', new Event(['route' => $page_route, 'media' => &$media])); } } } } // If there is a media file that matches the path referenced.. if ($media && $filename && isset($media[$filename])) { // Get the medium object. /** @var Medium $medium */ $medium = $media[$filename]; // Process operations $medium = $this->processMediaActions($medium, $url_parts); $element_excerpt = $excerpt['element']['attributes']; $alt = $element_excerpt['alt'] ?? ''; $title = $element_excerpt['title'] ?? ''; $class = $element_excerpt['class'] ?? ''; $id = $element_excerpt['id'] ?? ''; $excerpt['element'] = $medium->parsedownElement($title, $alt, $class, $id, true); } else { // Not a current page media file, see if it needs converting to relative. $excerpt['element']['attributes']['src'] = Uri::buildUrl($url_parts); } return $excerpt; } /** * Process media actions * * @param Medium $medium * @param string|array $url * @return Medium|Link */ public function processMediaActions($medium, $url) { $url_parts = is_string($url) ? $this->parseUrl($url) : $url; $actions = []; // if there is a query, then parse it and build action calls if (isset($url_parts['query'])) { $actions = array_reduce( explode('&', $url_parts['query']), static function ($carry, $item) { $parts = explode('=', $item, 2); $value = $parts[1] ?? null; $carry[] = ['method' => $parts[0], 'params' => $value]; return $carry; }, [] ); } $config = $this->getConfig(); if (!empty($config['images']['auto_fix_orientation'])) { $actions[] = ['method' => 'fixOrientation', 'params' => '']; } $defaults = $config['images']['defaults'] ?? []; if (count($defaults)) { foreach ($defaults as $method => $params) { $actions[] = [ 'method' => $method, 'params' => $params, ]; } } // loop through actions for the image and call them foreach ($actions as $action) { $matches = []; if (preg_match('/\[(.*)\]/', $action['params'], $matches)) { $args = [explode(',', $matches[1])]; } else { $args = explode(',', $action['params']); } $medium = call_user_func_array([$medium, $action['method']], $args); } if (isset($url_parts['fragment'])) { $medium->urlHash($url_parts['fragment']); } return $medium; } /** * Variation of parse_url() which works also with local streams. * * @param string $url * @return array|bool */ protected function parseUrl(string $url) { $url_parts = Utils::multibyteParseUrl($url); if (isset($url_parts['scheme'])) { /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */ $locator = Grav::instance()['locator']; // Special handling for the streams. if ($locator->schemeExists($url_parts['scheme'])) { if (isset($url_parts['host'])) { // Merge host and path into a path. $url_parts['path'] = $url_parts['host'] . (isset($url_parts['path']) ? '/' . $url_parts['path'] : ''); unset($url_parts['host']); } $url_parts['stream'] = true; } } return $url_parts; } /** * @param string $url * @return bool|string */ protected function resolveStream(string $url) { /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */ $locator = Grav::instance()['locator']; if ($locator->isStream($url)) { return $locator->findResource($url, false) ?: $locator->findResource($url, false, true); } return $url; } }