var Comb = require('csscomb-core'); var gonzales = require('gonzales-pe'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); /** * Converts CSS string to AST. * * @param {String} text CSS string * @param {String} [syntax] Syntax name (e.g., `scss`) * @param {String} [filename] * @returns {Array} AST */ function cssToAST(text, syntax, filename) { var string = JSON.stringify; var fileInfo = filename ? ' at ' + filename : ''; var tree; try { tree = gonzales.parse(text, { syntax: syntax }); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Parsing error' + fileInfo + ': ' + e.message); } // TODO: When can tree be undefined? if (typeof tree === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Undefined tree' + fileInfo + ': ' + string(text) + ' => ' + string(tree)); } return tree; } /** * Gets option's data needed for detection * * @param {String} optionName * @returns {Object} Object with option's name, link to `detect()` method * and default value for the case when nothing can be detected */ function getHandler(optionName) { var option = require('./options/' + optionName); if (!option.detect) throw new Error('Option does not have `detect()` method.'); return { name:, detect: option.detect, detectDefault: option.detectDefault }; } /** * Processes tree node and detects options. * * @param {Array} node Tree node * @param {Number} level Indent level * @param {Object} handler Object with option's data * @param {Object} detectedOptions */ function detectInNode(node, level, handler, detectedOptions) { { var detected = handler.detect(tree); var variants = detectedOptions[]; if (typeof detected === 'object') { variants.push.apply(variants, detected); } else if (typeof detected !== 'undefined') { variants.push(detected); } //if (nodeType === 'atrulers' || nodeType === 'block') level++; }); } /** * Processes tree and detects options. * * @param {Array} tree * @param {Array} handlers List of options that we should look for * @returns {Object} Map with detected options and all variants of possible * values */ function detectInTree(tree, handlers) { var detectedOptions = {}; // We walk across complete tree for each handler, // because we need strictly maintain order in which handlers work, // despite fact that handlers work on different level of the tree. handlers.forEach(function(handler) { detectedOptions[] = []; // TODO: Pass all parameters as one object? detectInNode(tree, 0, handler, detectedOptions); }); return detectedOptions; } /** * Gets the detected options. * * @param {Object} detected * @param {Array} handlers * @returns {Object} */ function getDetectedOptions(detected, handlers) { var options = {}; Object.keys(detected).forEach(function(option) { // List of all the detected variants from the stylesheet for the given option: var values = detected[option]; var i; if (!values.length) { // If there are no values for the option, check if there is a default one: for (i = handlers.length; i--;) { if (handlers[i].name === option && handlers[i].detectDefault !== undefined) { options[option] = handlers[i].detectDefault; break; } } } else if (values.length === 1) { options[option] = values[0]; } else { // If there are more than one value for the option, find the most popular one; // `variants` would be populated with the popularity for different values. var variants = {}; var bestGuess = null; var maximum = 0; for (i = values.length; i--;) { var currentValue = values[i]; // Count the current value: if (variants[currentValue]) { variants[currentValue]++; } else { variants[currentValue] = 1; } // If the current variant is the most popular one, treat // it as the best guess: if (variants[currentValue] >= maximum) { maximum = variants[currentValue]; bestGuess = currentValue; } } if (bestGuess !== null) { options[option] = bestGuess; } } }); return options; } /** * Starts Code Style processing process. * * @param {String|Object} config * @constructor * @name CSScomb */ var CSScomb = function(config) { var options = fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/options').map(function(option) { return require('./options/' + option); }); var comb = new Comb(options, 'css', 'less', 'scss', 'sass'); // If config was passed, configure: if (typeof config === 'string') { config = CSScomb.getConfig(config); } if (typeof config === 'object') { comb.configure(config); } return comb; }; /** * STATIC METHODS * Methods that can be called without creating an instance: * - getConfig; * - getCustomConfig; * - getCustomConfigPath; * - detectInFile; * - detectInString. * For example: `CSScomb.getConfig('zen')` */ /** * Gets one of configuration files from configs' directory. * * @param {String} name Config's name, e.g. 'yandex' * @returns {Object} Configuration object */ CSScomb.getConfig = function getConfig(name) { var DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = 'csscomb'; name = name || DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME; if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new Error('Config name must be a string.'); } var CONFIG_DIR_PATH = '../config'; var availableConfigsNames = fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/' + CONFIG_DIR_PATH) .map(function(configFileName) { return configFileName.split('.')[0]; // strip file extension(s) }); if (availableConfigsNames.indexOf(name) < 0) { var configsNamesAsString = availableConfigsNames .map(function(configName) { return '\'' + configName + '\''; }) .join(', '); throw new Error('"' + name + '" is not a valid config name. Try one of ' + 'the following: ' + configsNamesAsString + '.'); } return require(CONFIG_DIR_PATH + '/' + name + '.json'); }; /** * Gets configuration from provided config path or looks for it in common * places. * * @param {String} [configPath] * @returns {Object|null} */ CSScomb.getCustomConfig = function getCustomConfig(configPath) { var config; configPath = configPath || CSScomb.getCustomConfigPath(); try { config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8')); } catch (e) { config = null; } return config; }; /** * Looks for a config file: recursively from current (process) directory * up to $HOME dir * If no custom config file is found, return `null`. * * @param {String} [configPath] * @returns {String | null} */ CSScomb.getCustomConfigPath = function getCustomConfigPath(configPath) { var HOME = process.env.HOME || process.env.HOMEPATH || process.env.USERPROFILE; configPath = configPath || path.join(process.cwd(), '.csscomb.json'); // If we've finally found a config, return its path: if (fs.existsSync(configPath)) return fs.realpathSync(configPath); // If we are in HOME dir already and yet no config file, return a default // one from our package. // If project is located not under HOME, compare to root instead. // Since there appears to be no good way to get root path in // Windows, assume that if current dir has no parent dir, we're in // root. var dirname = path.dirname(configPath); var parentDirname = path.dirname(dirname); if (dirname === HOME || dirname === parentDirname) return null; // If there is no config in this directory, go one level up and look for // a config there: configPath = path.join(parentDirname, '.csscomb.json'); return CSScomb.getCustomConfigPath(configPath); }; /** * Detects the options in the given file * * @param {String} path Path to the stylesheet * @param {Array} options List of options to detect * @returns {Object} Detected options */ CSScomb.detectInFile = function detectInFile(path, options) { var stylesheet = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); return CSScomb.detectInString(stylesheet, options); }; /** * Detects the options in the given string * * @param {String} text Stylesheet * @param {Array} options List of options to detect * @returns {Object} Detected options */ CSScomb.detectInString = function detectInString(text, options) { var result; var handlers = []; if (!text) return text; var optionNames = fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/options'); optionNames.forEach(function(option) { option = option.slice(0, -3); if (options && options.indexOf(option) < 0) return; try { handlers.push(getHandler(option)); } catch (e) { console.warn('\nFailed to load "%s" option:\n%s', option, e.message); } }); var tree = cssToAST(text); var detectedOptions = detectInTree(tree, handlers); result = getDetectedOptions(detectedOptions, handlers); // Handle conflicting options with spaces around braces: var blockIndent = result['block-indent']; var spaceAfterOpeningBrace = result['space-after-opening-brace']; if (typeof blockIndent === 'string' && spaceAfterOpeningBrace && spaceAfterOpeningBrace.indexOf('\n') > -1) { result['space-after-opening-brace'] = '\n'; } return result; }; module.exports = CSScomb;