Kévin Tessier 5 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 160 deletions
  1. 0 160

+ 0 - 160

@@ -55,163 +55,3 @@ var copy = path.clone();
 copy.fullySelected = true;
 copy.position.x += 500;
-// function Ball(r, p, v) {
-//     this.radius = r;
-//     this.point = p;
-//     this.vector = v;
-//     this.maxVec = 0.1;
-//     this.numSegment = Math.floor(r / 1 + 1);
-//     this.boundOffset = [];
-//     this.boundOffsetBuff = [];
-//     this.sidePoints = [];
-//     this.path = new Path({
-//         fillColor: {
-//             hue: Math.random() * 360,
-//             saturation: 1,
-//             brightness: 1
-//         },
-//         blendMode: 'lighter'
-//     });
-//     for (var i = 0; i < this.numSegment; i ++) {
-//         this.boundOffset.push(this.radius);
-//         this.boundOffsetBuff.push(this.radius);
-//         this.path.add(new Point());
-//         this.sidePoints.push(new Point({
-//             angle: 360 / this.numSegment * i,
-//             length: 1
-//         }));
-//     }
-// }
-// Ball.prototype = {
-//     iterate: function() {
-//         this.checkBorders();
-//         if (this.vector.length > this.maxVec)
-//             this.vector.length = this.maxVec;
-//         this.point += this.vector;
-//         this.updateShape();
-//     },
-//     checkBorders: function() {
-//         var size = view.size;
-//         if (this.point.x < -this.radius)
-//             this.point.x = size.width + this.radius;
-//         if (this.point.x > size.width + this.radius)
-//             this.point.x = -this.radius;
-//         if (this.point.y < -this.radius)
-//             this.point.y = size.height + this.radius;
-//         if (this.point.y > size.height + this.radius)
-//             this.point.y = -this.radius;
-//     },
-//     updateShape: function() {
-//         var segments = this.path.segments;
-//         for (var i = 0; i < this.numSegment; i ++)
-//             segments[i].point = this.getSidePoint(i);
-//         this.path.smooth();
-//         for (var i = 0; i < this.numSegment; i ++) {
-//             if (this.boundOffset[i] < this.radius / 4)
-//                 this.boundOffset[i] = this.radius / 4;
-//             var next = (i + 1) % this.numSegment;
-//             var prev = (i > 0) ? i - 1 : this.numSegment - 1;
-//             var offset = this.boundOffset[i];
-//             offset += (this.radius - offset) / 15;
-//             offset += ((this.boundOffset[next] + this.boundOffset[prev]) / 2 - offset) / 3;
-//             this.boundOffsetBuff[i] = this.boundOffset[i] = offset;
-//         }
-//     },
-//     react: function(b) {
-//         var dist = this.point.getDistance(b.point);
-//         if (dist < this.radius + b.radius && dist != 0) {
-//             var overlap = this.radius + b.radius - dist;
-//             var direc = (this.point - b.point).normalize(overlap * 0.015);
-//             this.vector += direc;
-//             b.vector -= direc;
-//             this.calcBounds(b);
-//             b.calcBounds(this);
-//             this.updateBounds();
-//             b.updateBounds();
-//         }
-//     },
-//     getBoundOffset: function(b) {
-//         var diff = this.point - b;
-//         var angle = (diff.angle + 180) % 360;
-//         return this.boundOffset[Math.floor(angle / 360 * this.boundOffset.length)];
-//     },
-//     calcBounds: function(b) {
-//         for (var i = 0; i < this.numSegment; i ++) {
-//             var tp = this.getSidePoint(i);
-//             var bLen = b.getBoundOffset(tp);
-//             var td = tp.getDistance(b.point);
-//             if (td < bLen) {
-//                 this.boundOffsetBuff[i] -= (bLen  - td) / 2;
-//             }
-//         }
-//     },
-//     getSidePoint: function(index) {
-//         return this.point + this.sidePoints[index] * this.boundOffset[index];
-//     },
-//     updateBounds: function() {
-//         for (var i = 0; i < this.numSegment; i ++)
-//             this.boundOffset[i] = this.boundOffsetBuff[i];
-//     }
-// };
-// //--------------------- main ---------------------
-// var balls = [];
-// var numBalls = 7;
-// for (var i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) {
-//     var position = Point.random() * view.size;
-//     var vector = new Point({
-//         angle: 360 * Math.random(),
-//         length: Math.random() * 10
-//     });
-//     var radius = Math.random() * 100 + 100;
-//     balls.push(new Ball(radius, position, vector));
-//   }
-// function onFrame() {
-//     for (var i = 0; i < balls.length - 1; i++) {
-//         for (var j = i + 1; j < balls.length; j++) {
-//             balls[i].react(balls[j]);
-//         }
-//     }
-//     for (var i = 0, l = balls.length; i < l; i++) {
-//         balls[i].iterate();
-//     }
-// }