blueprints.yaml 7.7 KB

  1. name: YouTube
  2. version: 3.0.1
  3. description: "**YouTube** is a simple plugin that converts markdown links or shortcodes into responsive embeds."
  4. icon: youtube
  5. author:
  6. name: Team Grav
  7. email:
  8. url:
  9. homepage:
  10. keywords: youtube, markdown
  11. bugs:
  12. license: MIT
  13. form:
  14. validation: strict
  15. fields:
  16. enabled:
  17. type: toggle
  18. label: Plugin status
  19. highlight: 1
  20. default: 0
  21. options:
  22. 1: Enabled
  23. 0: Disabled
  24. validate:
  25. type: bool
  26. built_in_css:
  27. type: toggle
  28. label: Use built in CSS
  29. highlight: 1
  30. default: 1
  31. options:
  32. 1: Enabled
  33. 0: Disabled
  34. validate:
  35. type: bool
  36. add_editor_button:
  37. type: toggle
  38. label: Add editor button
  39. help: The editor button allows you to easily enter YouTube videos in the page content
  40. highlight: 1
  41. default: 1
  42. options:
  43. 1: Enabled
  44. 0: Disabled
  45. validate:
  46. type: bool
  47. privacy_enhanced_mode:
  48. type: toggle
  49. label: Privacy-enhanced mode
  50. help: If enabled, YouTube won’t store information about visitors on your web page unless they play the video.
  51. highlight: 0
  52. default: 0
  53. options:
  54. 1: Enabled
  55. 0: Disabled
  56. validate:
  57. type: bool
  58. player_parameters:
  59. type: section
  60. title: Player parameters
  61. underline: true
  62. fields:
  63. player_parameters.vq:
  64. type: select
  65. size: medium
  66. label: Preferred video quality
  67. help: Specifies the preferred video quality to display. This may be overridden by YouTube to improve playback quality based on the user's screen resolution, bandwidth etc.
  68. default: 'default'
  69. options:
  70. default: Default
  71. small: Small
  72. medium: Medium
  73. large: Large
  74. highres: High resolution
  75. hd1080: High definition (1080)
  76. hd720: High definition (720)
  77. validate:
  78. type: string
  79. player_parameters.autoplay:
  80. type: toggle
  81. label: Autoplay
  82. help: Specifies whether the initial video will automatically start to play when the player loads.
  83. highlight: 0
  84. default: 0
  85. options:
  86. 1: Enabled
  87. 0: Disabled
  88. validate:
  89. type: int
  90. player_parameters.loop:
  91. type: toggle
  92. label: Loop
  93. help: If enabled, the player will play the initial video again and again.
  94. highlight: 0
  95. default: 0
  96. options:
  97. 1: Enabled
  98. 0: Disabled
  99. validate:
  100. type: int
  101. player_parameters.showinfo:
  102. type: toggle
  103. label: Show information
  104. help: If enabled, the player will display information like the video title and uploader before the video starts playing.
  105. highlight: 1
  106. default: 1
  107. options:
  108. 1: Enabled
  109. 0: Disabled
  110. validate:
  111. type: int
  112. player_parameters.rel:
  113. type: toggle
  114. label: Related videos
  115. help: If enabled, the player will show related videos when playback of the initial video ends.
  116. highlight: 1
  117. default: 1
  118. options:
  119. 1: Enabled
  120. 0: Disabled
  121. validate:
  122. type: int
  123. player_parameters.modestbranding:
  124. type: toggle
  125. label: Modest branding
  126. help: If enabled, the YouTube logo won't be displayed in the control bar. Note that a small YouTube text label will still display in the upper-right corner of a paused video when the user's mouse pointer hovers over the player.
  127. highlight: 0
  128. default: 0
  129. options:
  130. 1: Enabled
  131. 0: Disabled
  132. validate:
  133. type: int
  134. player_parameters.color:
  135. type: select
  136. size: medium
  137. label: Color
  138. help: Specifies the color that will be used in the player's video progress bar to highlight the amount of the video that the viewer has already seen. Setting this to white will disable the modest branding option.
  139. default: red
  140. options:
  141. red: Red
  142. white: White
  143. validate:
  144. type: string
  145. player_parameters.cc_load_policy:
  146. type: toggle
  147. label: Show closed captions by default
  148. help: If enabled, this causes closed captions to be shown by default, even if the user has turned captions off. The default behavior is based on user preference.
  149. highlight: 0
  150. default: 0
  151. options:
  152. 1: Enabled
  153. 0: Disabled
  154. validate:
  155. type: int
  156. player_parameters.iv_load_policy:
  157. type: select
  158. size: medium
  159. label: Video annotations
  160. help: Specifies whether video annotatins should be displayed.
  161. default: 1
  162. options:
  163. 1: Displayed by default
  164. 3: Hidden by default
  165. validate:
  166. type: int
  167. player_parameters.controls:
  168. type: toggle
  169. label: Controls
  170. help: Indicates whether the video player controls are displayed.
  171. highlight: 1
  172. default: 1
  173. options:
  174. 1: Enabled
  175. 0: Disabled
  176. validate:
  177. type: int
  178. player_parameters.disablekb:
  179. type: toggle
  180. label: Keyboard controls
  181. help: If enabled, the player responds to supported keyboard controls.
  182. highlight: 0
  183. default: 0
  184. options:
  185. 1: Enabled
  186. 0: Disabled
  187. validate:
  188. type: int
  189. player_parameters.fs:
  190. type: toggle
  191. label: Fullscreen button
  192. help: If enabled, the player displays the fullscreen button.
  193. highlight: 1
  194. default: 1
  195. options:
  196. 1: Enabled
  197. 0: Disabled
  198. validate:
  199. type: int
  200. player_parameters.hl:
  201. type: text
  202. label: Language
  203. placeholder: 'e.g. en or en-us'
  204. help: Specifies the player's interface language. This has to be an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code or a fully specified locale. The interface language is used for tooltips in the player and also affects the default caption track. Note that YouTube might select a different caption track language for a particular user based on the user's individual language preferences and the availability of caption tracks.
  205. default: ''
  206. validate:
  207. type: string
  208. player_parameters.enablejsapi:
  209. type: toggle
  210. label: JavaScript API
  211. help: If enabled, the player may be controlled via IFrame or JavaScript Player API calls.
  212. highlight: 0
  213. default: 0
  214. options:
  215. 1: Enabled
  216. 0: Disabled
  217. validate:
  218. type: int
  219. player_parameters.origin:
  220. type: text
  221. label: Origin
  222. placeholder: 'e.g.'
  223. help: If using the IFrame API, specify your domain name. This provides an extra security measure for the IFrame API and is only supported for IFrame embeds.
  224. default: ''
  225. validate:
  226. type: string
  227. player_parameters.playsinline:
  228. type: toggle
  229. label: iOS playback behavior
  230. help: Specifies whether videos play inline or fullscreen in an HTML5 player on iOS.
  231. highlight: 0
  232. default: 0
  233. options:
  234. 0: Fullscreen
  235. 1: Inline
  236. validate:
  237. type: int