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Gonzales changelog

xx.xx.201x, Version 3.0.0


- Rename `interpolatedVariable` to `interpolation`
- Rename `functionBody` to `arguments`
- New node type `conditionalStatement`
- Remove unused node types

Parsing rules:

- Interpolations are ok as arguments, inside nth selector and within identifiers
- Functions are ok as arguments
- Spaces are optional after declDelim
- Check for unary operator in arguments
- Parse operators inside arguments (#16)
- Remove spaces from the end of includes
- Every argument can be escaped string
- Braces around arguments are ok
- Equality and inequality signs are ok as operators


- srcToAST({src: 'string', syntax: 'css', needInfo: true, rule: 'stylesheet'})
- astToSrc()
- astToString()


- Add more tests
- Place test files inside rule directory
- Use 'min' reporter instead of 'spec'
- Add Travis config
- Divide log and test scripts

29.12.2013, Version 2.0.2

  • Sass includes can have both arguments list and content block, i.e. @include nani() { color: tomato } is valid syntax.

18.11.2013, Version 2.0.1

  • Bring back lost whitespaces and comments

11.11.2013, Version 2.0.0

  • Support preprocessors: Sass (both SCSS and indented syntax), LESS.
  • New node types:
    • arguments (less and sass only)
    • commentML
    • commentSL (less and sass only)
    • condition (sass only)
    • default (sass only)
    • escapedString (less only)
    • include (less and sass only)
    • loop (sass only)
    • mixin (less and sass only)
    • parentselector (less and sass only)
    • placeholder (sass only)
    • propertyDelim
    • variable (less and sass only)
    • varialeList (less and sass only)
  • Rename methods:
    • srcToCSSP -> cssToAST
    • csspToSrc -> astToCSS
    • csspToTree -> astToTree
  • Pass all arguments as one object:
    • gonzales.cssToAST({css: a, syntax: b, rule: c, needInfo: d})
    • gonzales.astToCSS({ast: ast, syntax: syntax})
  • Remove built files from VCS
  • Move test command from make to npm
  • Build files before running tests
  • Divide tests into groups according to syntax
  • Add script to test one specific css string
  • Add token's index number to info object

11.02.2013, Version 1.0.7

25.11.2012, Version 1.0.6

28.10.2012, Version 1.0.5

11.10.2012, Version 1.0.4

10.10.2012, Version 1.0.3

08.10.2012, Version 1.0.2

08.10.2012, Version 1.0.1

03.10.2012, Version 1.0.0

  • First revision.