/** * @module vow-queue * @author Filatov Dmitry * @version 0.3.1 * @license * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function() { function getModule(vow, nextTick) { var extend = function() { var res = {}; for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { var obj = arguments[i]; if(obj) { for(var key in obj) { obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && (res[key] = obj[key]); } } } return res; }, DEFAULT_QUEUE_PARAMS = { weightLimit : 100 }, DEFAULT_TASK_PARAMS = { weight : 1, priority : 1 }; /** * @class Queue * @exports vow-queue */ /** * @constructor * @param {Object} [params] * @param {Number} [params.weightLimit=100] */ function Queue(params) { this._pendingTasks = []; this._params = extend(DEFAULT_QUEUE_PARAMS, params); this._curWeight = 0; this._isRunScheduled = false; this._isStopped = true; this._processedBuffer = []; this._stats = { pendingTasksCount : 0, processingTasksCount : 0, processedTasksCount : 0 }; } Queue.prototype = /** @lends Queue.prototype */ { /** * Adds task to queue * * @param {Function} taskFn * @param {Object} [taskParams] * @param {Number} [taskParams.weight=1] * @param {Number} [taskParams.priority=1] * @returns {vow:promise} */ enqueue : function(taskFn, taskParams) { var task = this._buildTask(taskFn, taskParams); if(task.params.weight > this._params.weightLimit) { throw Error('task with weight of ' + task.params.weight + ' can\'t be performed in queue with limit of ' + this._params.weightLimit); } this._enqueueTask(task); this._isStopped || this._scheduleRun(); task.defer.promise().always( function() { this._stats.processingTasksCount--; this._stats.processedTasksCount++; }, this); return task.defer.promise(); }, /** * Starts processing of queue */ start : function() { if(!this._isStopped) { return; } this._isStopped = false; var processedBuffer = this._processedBuffer; if(processedBuffer.length) { this._processedBuffer = []; nextTick(function() { while(processedBuffer.length) { processedBuffer.shift()(); } }); } this._hasPendingTasks() && this._scheduleRun(); }, /** * Stops processing of queue */ stop : function() { this._isStopped = true; }, /** * Checks whether the queue is started * @returns {Boolean} */ isStarted : function() { return !this._isStopped; }, /** * Sets params of queue * * @param {Object} params * @param {Number} [params.weightLimit] */ params : function(params) { if(typeof params.weightLimit !== 'undefined') { this._params.weightLimit = params.weightLimit; this._scheduleRun(); } }, getStats : function() { return this._stats; }, _buildTask : function(taskFn, taskParams) { return { fn : taskFn, params : extend(DEFAULT_TASK_PARAMS, taskParams), defer : vow.defer() }; }, _enqueueTask : function(task) { var pendingTasks = this._pendingTasks, i = pendingTasks.length; this._stats.pendingTasksCount++; while(i) { if(pendingTasks[i - 1].params.priority >= task.params.priority) { i === pendingTasks.length? pendingTasks.push(task) : pendingTasks.splice(i, 0, task); return; } i--; } pendingTasks.push(task); }, _scheduleRun : function() { if(!this._isRunScheduled) { this._isRunScheduled = true; nextTick(this._run.bind(this)); } }, _run : function() { this._isRunScheduled = false; while(this._hasPendingTasks() && this._allowRunTask(this._pendingTasks[0])) { this._runTask(this._pendingTasks.shift()); } }, _hasPendingTasks : function() { return !!this._pendingTasks.length; }, _allowRunTask : function(task) { return this._curWeight + task.params.weight <= this._params.weightLimit; }, _runTask : function(task) { this._curWeight += task.params.weight; this._stats.pendingTasksCount--; this._stats.processingTasksCount++; var taskRes = vow.invoke(task.fn); taskRes .progress( task.defer.notify, task.defer) .always( function() { this._curWeight -= task.params.weight; if(this._isStopped) { this._processedBuffer.push(function() { task.defer.resolve(taskRes); }); } else { task.defer.resolve(taskRes); this._scheduleRun(); } }, this); } }; return Queue; } var nextTick = typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined'? setImmediate : typeof process === 'object' && process.nextTick? process.nextTick : function(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; if(typeof modules !== 'undefined') { /* global modules */ modules.define('vow-queue', ['vow'], function(provide, vow) { provide(getModule(vow, nextTick)); }); } else if(typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = getModule(require('vow'), nextTick); } })();